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Applicant Exhibit A-26,consisting of Hearing Before RM Glennon
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1995
OLA-3-A-026, OLA-3-A-26, NUDOCS 9502020391
Download: ML20078G060 (6)


L , o . . , ,, . ==* e CaPC 26 h'



'95 JM130 P"U! 1 BEFORE THE rFi. r " c: :pF r;, -


VOLUME 1 Complainant, a
Case Nos. 91-ERA _01 vs.  : 91_ ERA-11 '

s GEORGIA POWER COMPANY, a Respondent.  : ,

a h

Hearing Room A, Suite 2400, (

101 Marietta Tower, 101 Marietta Street, N.W.,

Atlanta, Geo.rgia-Tuesdayhrch10, 19h The above-entitled matter came o for hearing, pursuant to Notice, at 9:30 a.m.



On behalf 2.1 Ahn comelainant:

MICHAEL D. KOHN, Attorney, STEPHEN M. KOHN, Attorney, Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, 517 Florida Avenue, N.W.,

Washington, D.C. 20001 SANDRA MICHAELS, Attorney, 142 Mitchell Street, S.W.,

Suite 300, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION j Atlanta, Georgia 30303 m.o t. A -5 Docket No. sI,*_2 '-o'* '1 Of::cial Exh. No. U in the nuter of 64 6 e d'* '

Staft _

!IC 7 f' .o # '

Apphcent intervenor u 8 Contg Ottr Contactor N I 9502020391 950111 DR ADOCK 050004 4 Otner g,

2"3 M # N "Y'  ;

SDT BY:KPC 49/1  ; 1-11-95 ;11:03AM ; 40488539494 3015043725; 3 f

t Page 2 APPEARANCES (Continued):

On behalf si the Respondent:

JAMES E. JOINER, Attorney, JESSE P. SCHAUDIES, Jr., Attorney, 1


Troutman, Sanders, Lockerman & Ashmore, L 1400 Candler Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1810 -

Assisted by C. K. McCoy /

gn behalf c13;hg Nuclear Reculatorv (:ommissions DARYL SHAPIRO, Attorney, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,  ! /

Rockville, Maryland 20555

\  !

l 1


. i s .

T SBT BY:NPC 49/1  ; 1-11-95 ;11:03AM ; 404885394 b 3015043725; 4 3

2 6

  • j.


Page 3 LEDEK l WITNESSES: DIRECT CROSS itEDIRECT RECROSS Franklin Timmons 10 -- -- --

Allen L. Mosbaugh 68 -- -- --


2 - Mosbaugh resume' Premarked 72 ,

3- '84 Performance Review' " 92 4- '85 Performance Review 92  ;

5 '86 Performance Review 93 ,

6- '87 Performance Review 94 I,

" 1 7- '88 Performance Review 94 '

8- ' 89 Performanco ' Review 94


9 - Letter of Appreciation 97 '

10 - "Vogtle voice" 97 i i

11 - Executive Appraisal 99 12 - Organizational Chart 90 13 - Vogtle Technical Specification 106 14 - Memo 9/15/89 126 f


15 - Lotter to NRC 145 16 - NRC OI Rep ~ t Excerpt 18 - Handwritten notes 154/155 d 19 - Handwritten notes 165 ,

i 20 - Portion of Survey "

Rejected i

6 i

SENT BY:WPC 4S/1  ; 1-11-95 ;11:b3AM ; 404885394 5 3015043725;# 5 a

k t

Page 87 ( l ,

1 Q. And who would Mr. McCoy report to? .

,2 A. He reported to George Hairston who was senior vice 1

3 president nuclear if I may use that word in a general sense, Y

P' 4 and Mr. Hairston had three vice presidents reporting to him i

, 5 because there wss a vice president for each of the nuclear s

6 facilities -- okay -- so Hatch would have a vice president,  ;

l 7 Vogtle would have a vice president, and Farley, Plant Farley

- , 8 in Alabama would have a vice president, and all three of

, 9 those people would report to George Hairston.

10 Q. Now, was Hairston, did he work for Georgit Power, 11 or was he working for another organization, or both?

12 A. I guess he worked for Georgia Power with respect to i

13 his vogtle and Match responsibilities.


14 Q. And who else did he work for?

15 A. Well, I guess he would work for Alabama with .

16 respect to his Alabama responsibilities.

17 Q. And just to clarify the record, as I understand it 18 Hairston would have responsibilitie9 not just for the Vogtle 19 or Georgia Power system, but'for other plants that were out ~

) 20 in Alabama? There are I think two units in Alabama?

21 A. There are two Farley units, so under this


,I 22 arrangement Mr. Hairston was responsible for three sites (-

t 23 containing six nuclear power plants, nuclear units.

24 Q. And four of them are owned by Georgia Power, and 25 two are owned by Alabama Power?


SENT.BY:NPC 4S/1  ; 1-11-85 ;11:01AM ; 404885334fb 3015043725;e 6 I


Page 88

.a 1 A. That's correct.

2 Q. And who would Mr. Hairston report to?

. 3 A. Mr. Hairston reported to executive vice president 4 Pat Mcdonald.  !

5 Q. And what were his responsibilities?

6 A. He had complete responsibilities for all those

., 7 nuclear power plants.

I 8 Q. That would be for something known as the Southern 9 System's nuclear power plae:s?

10 A. Yeah, I think general terms, yes.

h 11 Q. Okay. And ju . briefly what is the Southern 12 System?

13 A. The Southern Electric System is a utility holding I "

14 company that owns five or six subcompanies -- the Georgia  !

15 Power Company, the Alabama Power Company, Savannah Electric E 16 Gas, Gulf Power, they have an engineering branch which is 17 callca SCS, and so it's a holding company and it has all i'I 18 these utilities and some services organizations under it.

19 Q. And for Plant Vogtle who would Mr. Mcdonald report 20 to? ,

21 A. For Plant Vogtle I guess and Plant Hatch, for 22 Georgia Power he would report to Mr. Dahlberg, president of 23 Georgia Power Company.

24 Q. And did he have anyone else that he would report / ,

25 to?

l t

l L


1 l l

SDT BY:NPC 49/1 1-11-35 ;11:04AM ; 40488539484 3015043725;'t 7 l 1

, l Page 89 1



Nobody else that he would report to that I know of.-

2 Q. For Georgia Power plants. What about for the other 3 Southern Company operations?

l 4 A. I guess he would report to an executive in Alabama 5 Power for those.

6 Q. And you mentioned Mr. Dahlberg. What's his 7 position?

l 1

8 A. He's the president of Georgia Power Company.  !

l 9 Q. In what city is McCoy, Hairston and Mcdonald -- l 10 what city are they located in? ,

11 A. In Birmingham. I l l 12 Q. Alabama?

l l

13 A. Yes. '

l 14 Q. And where would Mr. Dahlberg be stationed?  ;

i w 15 A. He's in Atlanta, Georgia here.

26 Q. And when did you become the acting general manager 1 i

. 17 plant support?

f, r-18 A. I believe that was made effective in March of 1989.1 19 Q. Okay. I'd now like to call your attention to what 20 has been premarked as Complainant's Exhibit 3, your 1984 l l 21 performance review. }

5 22 For the record I'd lika to move in CL-12, the 23 organizational chart.

24 MR. JOINER: No objection.

Y 25 JUDGE GLENNON: It is received into evidence. h a

s f

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