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Intervenor Exhibit I-20,consisting of 891025 Memo Forwarding Managing Board Agreement Draft
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1995
OLA-3-I-020, OLA-3-I-20, NUDOCS 9502020261
Download: ML20078F800 (3)



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00CKETED n UStlHC Q) i XEMORANDUM  % JAN 30 P2 :56 )

0FFici enfymay Marvin Hobby DOCKE )ING .' ~ .c ,

To: BRRO '

l FROM: Bob Edwards ,

RE: Nuclear Operating Agreements DATE: October 25, 1989 You have requested my comments on the drafts we are likely to see from OPC. Attached are the key comments. I have not undertaken a line by line editorial, but have striven to provide notice of the key points.

I have also attached copies of the key pages.

Finally, as a separate mano I an enclosing my suggestion on the term of the Managing Board Agreement.


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Docket No 50-N25-ou-30mcciExh fio.

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b O october 25, 1989 I

Manacine Board Acreement Draft Dated 10/18/89

1. Managing Board Agreement should be entered into simultaneously with Nuclear Services Agreement with SONOPCO.

l Strike last sentence of 1.23 and insert a reference to the l either citing it by date or as an Exhibit. l Agreement, l Otherwise, OPC will obtain greater authority to veto obtaining nuclear operating services than it currently has.

2. GPC sMuld preserve its, authority to act in accordance 1** >== * =*111 1 >= ti , 1 1 at di11*r
  • 17-O transfer the License to SON 0PCO without co-owner consent.

Strike last sentence of 1.21, 1.22. A fallback would be 854 approval unless prudent utility practice or legal requirements required such a transfer. OPC would retain rights to oppose ,

transfer at the NRC. Under current situation OPC's agreement is a practical necessity.

3. Consistent with these comments, the last nine lines on page 14 (section 4.0) should be deleted and a period placed i

- after 'Each Plant." subpart (a) should be deleted because Managing Board approval is not needed for the Nuclear Services I Agreement. subpart (b) should be deleted because GPC's authority is governed by existing Participation Agreements. ,

. Subpart (c) should be deleted because GPC's authority is

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i governed by existing ~ Participation Agreements. If we want to provide for the Managing Board to take some action with regard to applying to transfer the license to SONOPCO, a separate sentence describing that requirement could be

3 Nuclear Services Aereement Draft Dated 10/1//89

1. In order to distinguish the Nuclear Services Agreement and to avoid any accusation that SONOPCO is operating the plants without a license, we should insert the following as the second sentence of 2.01(a) at page six: {

"Until SONOPCO is licensed to operate Plant Hatch and Plant Vogtle the scope of these Nuclear Operating Services shall be limited to such nuclear support services as GPC in its capacity as the licensee responsible' for plant"o'perations xequests. Within the scope as established by GPC or an operating license issued by the NRC ...."

2. OPC will probably object to the restrictive definition of " willful misconduct" in Section 7.02(b) (page 29-30). I think 1': can be stricken. This is likely to be controversial with t,he SONOPCO group.

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