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Intervenor Exhibit I-11,consisting of Article Dtd 900406, Vol Ii,Number 7 Re Synopsis Concerning Emergency Plan Activated After Power Failure at Plant
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1995
OLA-3-I-011, OLA-3-I-11, NUDOCS 9502020226
Download: ML20078F712 (4)


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Emergency plan E o

. n. y J J activated after

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power failure at Plant Vogtle Investigations continue into the incidents that led to a e

declaration of a site area emer-c gency at Plant Vogtle on March l

20. The emergency was declared at 9:40 a.m. EST because of a loss of on. and off-site power to


l Unit I for about 36 minutes.

Power was restored to essential 1

equipment in the plant, and the situation was downgraded to an

-j M-


alert status at 10:15 a.m. The l

mergency was canceled at 1:47


i.. according to Ken McCoy.


..a president of the Vogtle 3

3 Project.

1 There was no release of radia-l tion nor any danger to the public.

All non-essential personnel were 1

assembled and accoented for fol-lowing notification of die emer-i gency.

I A site area emergency is j

declared whenever both on-and j

off site power are lost for more j

than 15 minutes. That condition was met after a truck delivering fuel to a portable welding l

j machine backed into a switchyard t pole. breaking an insulator.

i causing a cable short cirrutt.

l which knocked out a transforiner I

supplytr.g electricity to the unit.

McCoy said that Unit I was i

aheady shut down for norma!

refuchng operations, wilich werr


about 50 percent complete.

During such shutdowits. other l

equipment can also be taken out Addison visits Inverness Building 40 j

of service for maintenance. Under M Add 8*on. P'r.ident or The southern company, prepares to

. ~* mal cirrumstances, a Second addren WONO Pnaject rnanagers and supentsors durtng a recent

.sf0Tmer WDuld supp}y needed

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  • I"#h ' * ~

j y,wer, but it was out of service to have its oil replaced.

,page l of _u j

see rowen. p.g. s


! F 9502020226 950106 ADOCK 0500 4 4 gDR

PageJ Nuclear energy's environmental benefits Grow 7ng.r.s c

-- : hat hv 4 P :'

w ridw1de. nuclear now paying major environmental nuclear enerqs.e w o ciect u e n e r gv " ~ -- pn..:.

generates more than 70 percent of

'he~r "nussions by dividends. Nuclear energy now ity w,thout af fc.

.u. '. mmn>

more tha:

phere n pronye

, ':, w! ear power that country's electricity.

w-d mer

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Sc' ! S emis-USCEA reports that France's u m t _- t est in its comr Amenca's en. "



.:^s by 5 milhon nuclear plants have virtually elim-l According to it.

,u ncil..

tora a..c inated utility ernissions of carbon i

Enerqv Awarer

- a ' E A)

. w I" c < "rr-d electricity dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitro-nuclear energ.

. 'd s en-now.i t


w coussions of gen oxide: reduced particulate ronmental bcn.

ru lud-nit rue r.

hs 2 nullion tons emissions of utlhties by almost 98 ein 19W n e neratrd ascar percent and cut overall utility clet incity ollu -

q u o u, r. -

France's success story See COMMITTED. page 4 of i arbon di.

Fr a N.

tollowing the L.r, c:


-t a n a large Hatch outage s o, i..a r. n..c.

i s


.ocam is continues despite job action Outage work on Hatch Unit 1

- begun Feb.17 - continues uninterrupted. despite a job action by contract employees of Applied Radiological Controls

( ARC).

Most of the health physics technu:ians. hired bv ARC to


assist with the outage work. failed

' "[

to report to work on March 26.

f 5

Their job acuon is part of an p,,

attempt by the Internauonal e

i Brotherhood of Electncal Workers


(IBEW) to afilliate health physics technicians across the country.

Bv early this week. some of the I

health physics technicians who i

had partcipated in thejob action had returned to work, according tu Tom Beckham, vice president of the Hatch Project.

Pickets near the plant gate have been limited to four, in accordance with a temporary g

restraining order obtained by


Georgia Power last week. Support for the job action - among plant


contract employees who belong to various craft unions - had all Visitors tour Plant Farley but ended earlier this week after (Frorn left) Ed AJllson. Arnerican Nuclear Energy Council (ANEC) con-Craft unjon bus! ness managers auf tant on high level nuclear waste issues. and Ed Davis, president reportedly indicated support for of ANEC. bear from Charlie Nesbitt, technical manager at Plant the outage work in progress and Farley, about the plant's Raidjosctive Waste Processing Building.

asked their members to return to Allison and Davis toured the ptant in Mareb. Photo by Wes Morgan.

,g Exhibit h Z

of M

,page L_._

._ Page 3 Power loss causes alert at Plant Vogtle

- continued from page 1 responsibility for umely noufica-uons occur. Al ChafTee. NRC One of two diesel generators tions in the future. he added.

deputy director told reporters.

that are normally available to Unit 2. which was operating at Georgia Power is cooperating supply back-up electricity to the normal power, was automaucally fully with the investigation, while unit was out of service for mainte-shut down because of power fluc-also conducting its own probe, nance. Die second one started tuauons in the switchyard. It did The company has agreed not to bnefly and then automaucally not. however. experience a loss of restalt Unit I without the NRC's shut down. Plant operators were power. Unit 2 was restarted approval.

unable to restan it from the within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> following the trip.

As to when the investigauon can'.rol room and had to start it Unit l's refueling outage, would conclude. Chaffee said. *1 locally.

onginally scheduled to be hope that the outside criteria will McCoy explamed that the completed on Apnl 9. will proba-be completed by the end of this concern when power is lost is bly be delayed several days by week but that might change.-

heat build-up in the reactor. With this event and the subsequent The NRC upgraded its investi-Unit 1 out of semce the tempera-mvesuganons.

gauon into the incident on March ture of the cooling water in the NRC upgrades investigation.

25 to a high level inquiry into reactor was about 100 degrees F holds news conference basic operauonal procedures-at the beginning of the emergency An NRC inspection team on that could afTect plants nadon-and had increased to only 118 site at Plant Vogtle is lookmg into wide. The team reportedly will degrees F by the ome the site three areas in regard to the emer-invesugate the incident and emergency ended He said that it gency-the loss of on-and off-site review NRC regulauons that allow ould have taken seseral hours pow er. the potential loss of one of two emergency generators

.or the water in the reactor vessel oohne and the Emercency and one of two transforTners at to reach the boiling point. Had

' otification Network each nuclear reactor to be out of boihng begun in the reactor.

The extent of the invesugauon semce dunng refueling. The regu-steam rou!d have been sented we announced at a news confer lations apply to all 113 operaung mio cont.unment ru e at the plant on March 26.

nuilear units in the United There was sufficient make up Our mission is simply to States water in a gravity feed tank determine the facts and make The IO-person team is com-nearby to keep the reactor cooled them available to the industry so posed of seven NRC employees to a safe level for an indefinite the NRC can use them to deter-and three industry representa-penod of ume. That tank has mine what changes might be tives.

manual valves that can be oper-necessary when shut-down opera-ated to start the water flow to the

'""na"eI"$' "

"a" oie Vogtle construction program length of ume it took to complete pggglygg }gdgg(py gggyd the noufications required by emergency operaung procedures.

The Business Roundtable, an designed to improve construction cou t o icfals ee ot nctified rg nizati n fle ders from top industry safety performance.

of the problem for up to an Four S. c rporauons, has recognized The Vogtle construction because the automatic pho Georgia Power s construcuon program was also recognized by systems didn't work and er pr gram at Plant Vogtle for the Occupational Safety and excellence in c nstrucu n Health Administrauon (OSHA) for agency had to be notified one at a industry safety.

safety excellence. The plant was time The delay was caused in part Georgia Power received the chosen for OSHA's STAR by a loss of electrical power to the award for its entry in the program, which exempted the roundtable s annual Construction project from routine OSHA F.mergency Noufication Network.

Coy said. We will thoroughly industry Safety Excellence inspecuons.

wiew our equipment and proce-Awards Program, which is dures for emergency notificauon Exhibit U

,page 3 of L/

to ensure we can meet our l

m Page 4 Committed to environmental principles

-continued from page 2 mental principles. which will be uphold. said Southern Company emissions to between one sixth ofilcially approved at the April President Ed Addison. -We've

- and one-tenth of their 1980 meeting of The Southern adopted a set of environmental levels.

Company's board of directors.

principles to reinforce that long-Southern Company's

-Throughout The Southern standing ecmmitment.-

environmental principles Company. we view environmental A copy of the statement has The Southern Company responsibility as a commitment been distributed to all Southem Management Council has adopted that each of us has a duty to Company employees.

a formal statement of environ-GVWMiGECDB" ocaem a To erwrm ttm ts enn,>e een eas,.

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i Cm l Synopsis is pubbshed tw,cc monthly by the Pubhc AITairs Department of the SONOPCO Project. Jare Henry. editor Address correspondence to Din B-032. OtrTntng, ham.

Exhibit II

,page 4 of 4