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Intervenor Exhibit I-5,consisting of Tape 236 Side a Re Bockhold Staff Meeting on 900806
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1995
OLA-3-I-005, OLA-3-I-5, NUDOCS 9502020164
Download: ML20078F582 (4)


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L l@424(25~-DLA-3 TAPE # 236 side A,50%


Bockhold Staff Meeting (Ken McCoy also present) i 2nd Fbor Admin Bid., Plant Vogtle, Large Conference Room 8-6 90, Approximately 11:30 A.M. "95 JAN 30 P3 :02 Beasley: Next week we intend to issue Rev,0 of the outage schedule (inaudible -

McCoy: Let me make a comment again and be sure that everybody understandOF#tieUUse E ptRV'CE i uh, there's been some riWealan in some of the other cients in SONOPCO that we're'not! .

adhearino to this and uh. so we had some zarts at the hiahest levels incan,eana

. . Mr. Fariev. Mcdonald. Hairston and uh. the three VP's about our schedgag philosophy for outanes. There was some discussion about what was meant by " optimum"  !

you know, we say that we schedule everything to an optimum schedule and there was I not a common understanding of what " optimum" means uh, and that was, that was the I thrust of the discussion. And we all have to have confidence in each other that that's not going to be used against us or whatever and everybody understands what that means and so the conclusion of that discussion was that " optimum" means the basically the shortest schedule that you are able to do something in. Everything goes right. Everything falls into place right. That you do not put any contingency or extra time in there and uh, after lots of discussion everybody agreed that that was the right way to do the scheduling. So uh any comments or thoughts on that.

McCoy: Uh, and that's consistent with our philosophy uh here of trying to operate uh to excellence that is always 00ing the thing the best way we can, uh if we are able to uh to do something well one time, then our goal should be to always do it at least that good ,

again in the future and uh improve on that so thats the way we are building these i schedules your reviewing them and that sort of thing. Bamey is that is that your  !

O understanding? Is that consistent with what you all look for with these schedules? l Beasley; Yeah. I think the other side of the coin is also we have to leam (inaudible).  !

Jim's time for surveillance (inaudible) I think we're at the point now where our

  • experiences (inaudible) and we feel like that's the optimum manpower (inaudible) i we've been (inaudible)

As a result our schedule that we are dealing with now is 43 days for the outage. We ,

had been talking about a 40 day outage but when you get all the time related in thers I Just want everybody to be aware of that. That's optimun we believe that if you loM M the manpower that we actually expect that more than we really would want to but are willing to say (inaudible) , I guess that's what our current philosophy has been. .

MrCoy : Does everybody ~else have uh that same feeling? Are you comftorable with that

  • approach? What that means is,you know,that we realize that we will never make a . ,

schedule outage on time. If we do, we obviously everything had to go just perfect if we finish it on time. And that that may happen once in a blue moon but it's going to be very unusualif you finish ahead of time.

Voice: If you do all the work.

McCoy That's right, assuming that you do the same scope of work. That's right So,uh, r .

Qoice?We have been adding slot.  !

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I L McCoy; (Laughter) But anyway But we think it's the right way to do business and we just have to be sure that everybody understands because slot of times our approach is is that we set O targets for ourselves and really want to meet targets and that soft of thing and that's not what we're trying to do here. We have an outage schedule that is arn optimum schedule and we want to stay as close to that schedule and that plan as possible but we don't want to have one that we can best, if we do uh we have miss estimated somewhere.

And that's not to say that we wouldn't best R if we had the opportunity, but if we did we didn't plan to.

Bockhold: Bamey, uh when are you going to have all the managers signed up to that schedule?

Beasley: We're going to start (inaudible)

Bockhold: Ok so kind of by the middle of the week next week you'd have that complete.

Beasley : Target to have (inaudible)


Bockhold: So you would have the schedule to me on Thursday and so at that point I would ship the schedule to you so you could ask questions and comment between now and the start of the outage and we could respond to those questions and if appropriate adjust some optimum things Beasley : That's the rev O (inaudible) your in on that rev 1 Bockhold; The goal would be to ship it up and have everybody when we start the outage be in concurrence with the optimum duration.

Beasley: (inaudible) >

O McCoy: The natural tendency is as responsible manager when you review the critical path and you look at it and you see hey that they got 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> down for this thing but I think l can do it in 6 or i know it can be done it in 6 or whatever. The natural human tendency is say well yea l'Il leave that slack in there (laughter) there's no sence in taking it out and all.I'm asking is don't take that approach, be agressive put it in there, nobody is going to fuss about that What I am going to fuss about is if l'm out here or somebody else is out here or you'r out here for that matter and we find out that we finish something in 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> we had it scheduled for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and that the next r 'Jp of people is not ready to go because uh you know you didn't Schedule it agressively.

That's the problem in an outage like this where time is so valuable in terms of money it's the worst thing you can do is have something that you finish early on the critical path.

Beasley: We leamed slot in the last two outages (inaudible) -

Get ahead (inaudible) It comes back to haunt you (inaudible) I think we got slot better imput from all the departments this outage than we did last (inaudible)

Mccoy: Bamey, I need to, are you still going up to Westinghouse next week. I need to get with you something either today or tomorow to talk .I may have Ili a fire up there that you need to know about (inaudible).

5 Beasley: l*ll take a fire extinguisher.

McCoy: (Laughter)

Bockhold Anybody anything else. Meeting sjoumed.

TAPE #236 side A, 50% DOCKETED USNRC Bockhold Staff meeting (Ken McCoy also present) 2nd Floor Admin Bld., Plant Vogtle, Large conference goog 8-6-90, Approximately 11:30 A.M. 'SS JM av n2 W

- 5 1-(T E i/W Y Beasley: Next week we intend to issue Rev. O of hr-'eage r E viCE schedule (inaudible) ggif McCoy: Let me make a comment again and be sure that everybody understand this because uh, there's been some

, d_jscussion in some of the other olants in SONOPCO that we're not adherino to this and uh, so we had some discussions at the hiahest levels includino Mr. Farlev.

Mcdonald, Hairston and uh, the three VP's about our schedulino chiloscohv for outaces. There was some discussion about what was meant by " optimum" you know, we say that we schedule everything to an optimum schedule and there was not a common understanding of what " optimum" means uh, and that was, that was the i thrust of the discussion. And we all have to have  !

confidence in each other that that's not going to be used against us or whatever and everybody understand what that means and so the conclusion of that discussion was that " optimum" means the basically the shortest schedule that you are able to .o something in.

Everything goes right. Everything falls into place right. That you do not put any contingency or extra time in there and uh, after lots of discussion everybody agreed that that was he right way to do the schedu';ng. So uh any comments or thoughts on that?


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