NG-94-0815, Rev 0 to MOV 1.1, MOV Program Plan

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Rev 0 to MOV 1.1, MOV Program Plan
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1994
Shared Package
ML20064N939 List:
MOV-1.1, NG-94-0815, NG-94-815, NUDOCS 9403300184
Download: ML20064N945 (16)



, to NG-94-0815 1




Prepared by:

MM Date:

,['/8 */ I


i S[H [49 1#%


Verified by: - )

U Approved by:





Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance l


Appros ed by:


Plant Superintendent - Nuclear 3!/5 Y

U kh.


Approved by:

t Manager Engineering

!f T'

b Date:

1 Approved by:

Vip President i Nucle!tr March 11, 1994 EITective Date:



940330o184 9403T4 i

PDR APOCK'05000331 G





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' MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Resision 0 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan RECORD OF REVISION Effective Date Reviuon Descnption 03-11-94 0

Original issue as MOV 1.1.

Previous versions of this Program Plan were issued with DAEC-89-0920. NG-92 1368 and NG-93-0906.

' e, MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Vahe Program Plan 1


J l

.1 1.0 PURPOSE.

.I 2.0 SCOPE..





.3 6.1 Design Basis Reviews..

.. 4 6 2 Control Switcli Setting Verification.

i 63 Deficiency Reporting and Operability Assessnient.

.6 1

6.4 Prograni issues.

i "8


'9 x 0 SCllEDULE.

j l

'"9 l



.10 10.0 APPENDICES.


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MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan 1.0 PUltPDjiE This Program Plan establishes the requirements and expectations for the testing, inspection, maintenance and engineering evaluation of motor operated valves (MOVs) to ensure that they will operate when subjected to conditions that are within the design bases of the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC).

Additional detail regarding the D AEC MOV Program is contained within the MOV Program Manual.

4 +

2.0 SCOPE Appendix A idenunes the safety-related (Quahty Level 1) valves with motor operators at the DAEC. This includes all of the safety-related motor operators at the DAEC. Of the valves identined in Appendix A. those with active safety function (s) shall be demonstrated to be capabic of operating when subjected to conditions that are within the design bases of the D AEC (see Section 5 0).

30 RESPOIfSililljIIES 3.1 Viec President - Nuclear has the overall responsibility for clearly establishing the expectations within this Program Plan, assuring that the expectations are met and that the D AEC commitments to NRC Generic Letter 89-10 (and its supplements) are satisfied.

3,2 Manager, Engineering has the overall responsibility for the unplementation of this Program Plan at the D AEC, includmg determination of scope, engmeeting evaluations and project management 3.3 Plant Superintendent - Nuclear has the responsibihty to ensure that adequate resources are allocated and utilized for the maintenance and testmg required to implement this Program Plan at the DAEC.

40 DEONIT]ONS The follow mg denmtions supplement those contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.

Appendis IL 4.1 Actisc Safety Functi<m-the MOV is required to reposition from the standby readiness position to ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, the capability to shutdown the reactor and mamtain it in a safe shutdown condition, and/or the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential offsite cgosurcs comparab!c to the guidelines of 10CFR100.



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MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 hiotor Opciated Valve Program Plan 4.2 Industry Publications-written documents issued to the D AEC which include, but are not limited to, generic letters, information notices, bulletins, service letters. Part 21 notifications and test reports.

4.3 Practicable-the dynamic testing can be performed within system design parameters for normal operation without causing situations which might' damage or impair plant equipment and/or systems, create adverse ufety implications, j

cause violation iaf D AEC Technical Specifications, or challenge safety systems or personnel safety.

4.4 Similar Valve-an MOV that is functionally (parallel train) and/or physically (sibling) sinular to the MOV that was tested, such that the test data could be reasonably expected to

.l apply.

4.5 Prenure Locking-a phenomenon that can occur in gate valves when a difTerential pressure I

is created between the bonnet cavity region and the local line pressure. This may be caused by a temperature increase of the bonnet cavity region and/or a decrease in the local line pressure after pressurized fluid has entered the bonnet cavity region.

4.6 Thermal llinding-a phenomenon that can occur in gate valves when the valve body and discs mechanically interferc due to different thermal expansion characteristics. This nmy occur when the system cools down after closing the valve with the system hot. Reduced salve internal clearances and excessive closing force may increase the effects of this phenomenon.-

50 !1!iORIIllih1MLS The following sequirements are the basic conunitments to NRC Generic Letter 89-10 and its supplements:

5.1 Each MOV identified in Appendix A shall have documentation defining its active safety functionfs), if any.

5.2 Each MOV with an active safety function shall be demonstrated through design review, calculation, evaluation. inspection and/or performance testing to be capable of performing its acuve safety function (s) wben subjected to conditions that are within the design bases of the DAEC.


M O V 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan 5 3 All actisitics and documentation shall meet the requirements of the applicable criteria in 10CFR50. Appendix 11 5 4 Revision of this Program plan shall be clearly conununicated to the NRC.

60 fiXMC_TATIONS The following expectations will ensure that the requirements are satisfied:

6.1 Design liasis Reviews include those activitics necessary to identify the engineering limits and margins that define the MOV capability to perform its active safety function (s):

6.1 1 Active Safety Functions Design basis documents will be reviewed in o dct to establish the active :,afety function (s) for cach MOV within the scope of this program.

S stem and Environmental Conditions 6.1.2 3

Design basis documents will be reviewed in order to establish the system and emiromnental conditions that may exist when cach MOV is required to perform an active safety function. The s3 stem conditions should include line pressure, maximum expected differentml pressure, flow rate and fluid temperature. The environmental conditions should include those conditions that have a direct irnpact on MOV capabihty (e g.- ambicut icinperature).

6.1 J Weak Lmk Limits i

The stnictural capability of the MOV (both valve and operator) will be established such that no physical damage will occur that could adversely affect the ability to perform a safet3 unction. Loads and load combinations shall appropriately represent the f

conditions (e.g thrust, torque, line pressure, differential pressure, temperature, seismic) j the MOV could be subjected to.

i 3

Duane Arnold Energy Center MOV 1.1 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan Revision 0 6.1 A Control Circuit Logic The control circuit logic for each MOV with an active safety function will be appropriate for the function (s) to be performed. A standard control circuit logic convention should be established for each functional application. These standards should reflect appropriate consideration for torque or limit seating, open torque switch bypass and open torque switchjumper. The control circuit logic for each MOV with an active safety function should be resiewed for consistency with the applicable standard and any discrepancies resolved by evahiation and/or modification.

6.1.5 Degraded Voltage The MOVs shall be capable of performing their active safety function (s) under degraded s oltage conditions, consistent with design basis documents.

6.1.6 Thermal Overload Protection Thermal overloads for an MOV with an active safety function will be sized to proside motor protection, without impairing the MOV capability to perform its active safety function (s) 6 1.7 Control Snilch Scuings The design basis conditions and structural limits shall be appropriately considered u hen detennining the thrust window for the control switch settings. This should l

mclude margins based on progranunatic assumptions (e g. lubrication valve factor) and installed components (e.g motor Inrque, gear ratio spring pack).


.l i

6.2 Control Switch Setting Verification includes those activities necessary to provide assurance of the MOV capability to perform its active safety function (s).

i I

6.2.1 Tesi Acceptance Criteria Limits established for test data acceptance criteria shall appropriately account for uncertaimics (e.g - test equipment inaccuracies. torque switch repeatability) to provide assurance of MOV operability.

622 Static Testing Each MOV that has an active safety function shall be tested in the direction of the active safety function (s) under static conditions to verify'that the control switch settings meet the established acceptance criteria.


t MOV 1.1

)uane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan 6.2.3 Dynamic Testing Each MOV selected for dynamic testing will be tested under the system conditions (c g, line pressure, differential pressure, flow rate, temperaturc) necessary to gather test data suitable for demonstrating capability to perform its active safety function (s) and/or the validation of assumptions or conservatism in the methodology.

6.2.4 Periodic Testing i

Static testing will be performed withm an appropriate frequency, not to exceed five years (without justification), to verify the MOV capability to perform its active safety function (s). Static testing performed as post maintenance testing may be considered as a periodic test.

6 2.5 Post Maintenance Testing Appropriate testing will be performed following maintenance activitics to serify that the MOV capability to perform its active safety function (s) has not been adversely affected.

1 4

6.2.6 Multi-Stage Approach

'l l

A combination of analytical (MOV performance prediction) and testing (static and/or i

dynamic at reduced system conditions) techniques will be utilized to demonstrate MOV l

capability to perform its actise safety function (s) for MOVs that can't practicably be j

tested at full system conditions.

1 1

6.3 Deficiency Repnrting and Operability Assessment sha!! utilize appropriate process (es) to document and correct deficiencies within the following guidelines:

6.3.1 A reasodable period of time, typically not more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, will be utilized to thoroughly evaluate any potential dc0ciency in order to properly assess MOV operability. Following this evaluation, any deficiency that exists will be documented.

632 Control switch setting adjustments necessary to restore desired margins may be performed via the routine maintenance process and schedule, provided the existing in-plant control switch settings are adequate for MOV operability.

6 3.3 liardware and control switch setting deficiencies that do affect MOV capability, bat do not affect system operability, will be reported to plant management in a timely manner to allow the system operability assessment to be concurred with. The operability assessment and concurrence shall be documented.



M O V l.1

_ Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0

' Motor Operated Vahe Program Plan t.


l 6.3.4 Hardware and control switch setting deficiencies that could prevent the performance of an active safety function under design basis conditions will be reported to plant management and the OSS in a timely manner to allow the required actions to be taken (e g - cater LCO, remove MOV from service). At least one of the corrective action documents shall provide for the assessment of reportability.

6.4 Program issues include general topics to be considered throughout the implementation of this Program Plan. These and other specific topics will be addressed in the MOV Program Manual.

64.1 Similar Valves When evaluating or appl ing new information (c g.- from test data or industry 3

publications) for generic implications, similar valve; will be considered.

i i

6 4.2 Dynamic Testing Scope Dy namic tests (at or near the system conditions established for the MOV) will be performed as necessary to establish or substantiate assumptions used to determinc control switch settings provided the dynamic testing is practicable.

6.4.3 Test Eympment inaccuracies inaccuracies applicable to the test equipment used will be appropriately combined and accounted for in the acceptance criteria to provide assurance of MOV capability under design basis conditions.

6 4.4 MOV Performance Prediction Analytical techniques and methodologies utilized to proside assurance of MOV capability will have adequate bases documented (e.g.- empirical data, independent s alidation).

645 liioritization Based on Safety Significance Each MOV uilt be evaluated utilizing both probabilistic (e.g.- PRA) and deterministic (c g.- available thrust margin, expert panel) methods to allow the prioritization of activitics to scficct the relative importance of cach MOV to overall plant safety.


-f MOV 1.1 j

-Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 -

Motor Operated Valve Program Plan 6.4.6 Valve Mispositioning in Supplement 4 to NRC Generic Letter 89-10 (reference 9.1.5), the NRC removed the recommendation that BWRs address inadvertent MOV operation. Therefore, recovery from mispositioning will not be considered when detennining the system conditions for the MOVs.

6.4.7 Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding l

i Each gate valve within the scope of this program will be evaluated for susceptibility to pressurc locking and/or thermal binding. If the potential exists, then appropriate action


will be taken to reasonably assure that these phenomena do not adversely affect the capability of the MOVs to perfonn their active safety functions. The completion of these activities will be scheduled based on specific NRC guidance.

6.4.8 Processing ofIndustry Publications Infonnation from external sources will be reviewed for applicability to the DAEC. Prior to utilizing the results ofindustry testing or studies, a technical review for acceptability will be performed.

6 4.9 Feedback of New Information The assumptions, methodologies, margins and test equipment utilized in the determination and verification of control switch settings for MOVs have the potential to be influenced by new information (e.g.- test data or industry publications). Therefore, existing calculations and previous test results will be resiewed in a timely manner if there is a generic concern that operability issues may exist based on new information.

6 4.10 Trending of MOV Performance MOV failures and test results will be examined within an appropriate frequency, typically not more than two years, as part of a monitoring and feedback effort to establish trends of MOV performance.

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MOV l.1

. Duanc' Arnold Energy Center


I Motor Opcrated Vahe Program Plan llevision 0 7.0 0,QCJQNjENTATlGN 7.1 MOV Program Manual MOV Program Manual will consist of documents providmg guidance in the following areas:

Program implementation (c.g.- Program Plan. References) d.

Program Scope (c g.- Prioritization, Dynamic Testing Scope)

Program Engineering (e.g - Electrical Design Guide)

Program Valve Operator Maintenance (e g.- MOV Overhaul Planning)

Program Valve Operator Testing (e.g - MOV Testing Planning)

Program Position Papers (e.g - Extrapolation Methodology Rate of Loading Effects) 7,2 Design I)ocuments Design documents (c g

  • calculations, drawings) shall be issued, controlled and utilized in accordance with Engineering Department procedurcs.

7.3 Plant Procedures Plant procedures (e.g maintenance, test. operation) shall be issued, controlled and utilved in accordance with DAEC procedures 7.4 Test Itesults 7 1.1.

MOV test results and enginecting evaluations that support operability shall be treated as lifetime Quality Assurance (QA) records 1

1 7.4 2.

MOV diagnostic test data in hard copy form and immediate test evaluations necessary to document the acceptability of the specific MOV test will be retained as part of the maintenance work package. Diagnostic test data stored on magnetic media (e.g.-

computer disk) is not considered a QA record however the data will be indexed and retained for future reference, trending and maintenance actions.

i 8

1 i

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MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Opc' rated Valve Program Plan 7.4.3.

Other records which furnish documentary evidence of the quality of MOVs (such as supplemental engineering evaluations) will be maintained as part of a Special Project File (SPF-152). The MOV specific records of SPF-152 will be compiled as " Working Records" until the DAEC commitment to Generic Letter 89-10 is closed. At the close of the commitment, the MOV specific records will be transferred to permanent storage facilitics.



8.0 SflIEDULE Unless noted otherwise, all required design basis reviews, analyses, verifications and tests will be f

completed by June 28,1994 (five years from the date of NRC Generic Letter 89-10), unicss a schedule extension is granted by the NRC.

The schedule for completion of activitics associated with the pressure locking and thermal

'j bindmg issues will be based on specific NRC guidance.

9.0 BfSiR[iMCliS 9,1 NRC Generic Letter 89-10 ar.d Supplements 9.1.1 NRC Generic Letter 89-10 (6-28-89); " Safety-Related Motor-Opcrated Valve Testing and Surveillance" 9,1.7 Supplement I to NRC Generic Letter 8910 (6-13-90); "Results of the Public Workshops" 9.1.3 Supplement 2 to NRC Generic Letter 8910 (8-3-90); " Availability of Program Descriptions" 9.1,4 Supplement 3 to NRC Gencric Letter 89-10 (10-25-90); " Consideration of the Results of NRC Sponsored Tests of Motor-Operated Valves" 9.15 Supplement 4 to NRC Generic Letter 89-10 (2-12-92); " Consideration of Valve Mispositioning in lloiling Water Reactors" 9.1 6 Supplement 5 to NRC Generic Letter 89-10 (6-28-93), " inaccuracy of Motor-Operated Valve Diagnostic Equipment" 9

MOV l.1 Duane Arnnld Energy Center Revision 0 Metor Opc' rated Vahe Program Plan 9.2 Other NRC Documents 9.2.1 NRC IE Bulletin 85-03 (11-15-85), " Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to improper Switch Settings" 9.2 2 Supplement I to NRC IE Unlletin 85413 (4-27-88); " Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to improper Switch Settings" 9.2.1 NRC Generic Letter 89-04 (4-3-89), " Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" 924 NRC Generic Letter 91-18 (11-7-91); "Information to Licensees Regarding Two NRC Inspection Manual Sections on Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions and on Operability" In 0 APPISDICES 10 i Ap;'endis A: Generic I etter 89-10 Program Plan Population 10



MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Wlve Program Plan 1

APPENDIX A: Generic Letter 89-10 Program Plan Population j



i l



14.00 RBCCW Drywell Supply MO-484 IB Drywell Return MO-4841 A 16.00 RilRSW RiiR lix Tube Side Outlet MO-2046, MO-1947 Crosstic to RHR, Outboard MO-1943 A, MO-1943B Crosstic to R}{R Inboard MO-1942 Return to Cooling Towers MO-1998 A, MO-19988 45 01 FW Inlet Stop Check MO-4441, MO-4442 49.00 RilR Suction, Inboard. SDC MO-1908 Suction, Outboard, SDC M D-1909 Suction, Pump, SDC MO-2011, MO-20 l6. MO-1912. MO-1920 Suction, Inimard. Torus MO-2069 MO 1989 Suction. Pump, Torus MO-2012, MO-2015 MO-1913, MO-1921 Minimum Flow MO-2009, MO-1935 Ils Shell Side Inlet MO-2029, MO-1939 lix Shell Side Bypass MO-2030, MO-1940 lix Shell Side Outlet MO 2031, MO 1941 lix Shell S;de Vent. Outtoard MO-2044 A, MO-1949 A lix Shell Side Vent, Inboard MO-2044B, MO-1949B lix Drain to RCIC Pmp Suction MO-2036, MO-1967 lix Drain to Torus MO-2038, MO-1970 inject, Outtmard MO 2004, MO-1904 f

inject, Inboard MO-2003 MO-1905 '

Spray, Drywell, Outtmard MO 2001, MO-1903 Spray. Drywell, inboard MO-2000, MO-1902

.I Spray, Torus, Outboard MO-2005, MO 1932 Spray, Torus, inboard MO-2006, MO-1933 Test / Torus Coohng MO-2007, MO 1934 Crosstic MO 2010 Drain to Radwaste. Outboard MO-1916 Drain to Radwate, Intmard MO 1937 licad Spray, Outboard M O-1901 i1


MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 Motor Operated Valve Program Plan APPENDIX A: Generic Letter 8910 Program Plan Population SUS SYSTliM FUNCTIONAL, DESCRil' TION MOV ID(s) 50.00 RCIC Sicam Supply. Inboard MO-2400 Steam Supply, Outtmard MO-2401 Steam Supply. Turbine MO-2404 Tnp/rhrottle. Turbine MO 2405 Lube Oil Cooling MO-2426 Suction. CST MO-2500 Suction. Inboard. Torus MO-2516 Suction. Outboard. Torus MO-2517 Minimum Flow MO-2510 Discharge. Pump MO-25 I I Inject MO-2512 Test M O 2515 51 00 CS Suction. Inboard MO-2147, MO 2146 Suction. Outboard MO 2100. MO-2120 Minirnum Flow MO-2104 MO-2124 Inject, Outboard MO-2115. MO-2135 inject, inboard MO-2117, MO-2137 Test MO 2112. MO-2132 52 00 llPCI Steam Supply. Inboard M O-2238 Steam Supply, Outixiard MO-2239 Steam Supply. Turbine MO-2202 1,ube Oil Cooling MO-2247 Turb Esh Vac Breaker. Outbrd MO-2290A Turb Exh Vac Urcaker. Inbrd MO-2290B Suction. CST MO-2300 Suction. Inboard. Torus MO-2321 Suction. Outboard. Torus MO-2322 Minimum Flow MO 2318 Discharge Pump MO-2311 Inject MO-2312 Test MO 2116 12


MOV 1.1 Duane Arnold Energy Center Revision 0 -

Motor Operated Valve Program Plan APPENDIX A: Generic Letter 89-10 Program Plan Population SUS SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION MOV ID(s) 54.00 ESW CB Chiller Well Water Supply MO-2039A. MO-2039B CB Chiller Well Water Return MO-2077, MO-2078 61.00 RWCU Suction, Intmard MO-2700 Suction. Outtmard MO-2701 Return MO-2740 62310 13 oiler RilR licad Spray, Inboard M O-1900


Main Steam Drain. Inboard MO-4423 64 01 RECIRC Suction, Pump MO-4601, MO-4602


Discharge. Pump MO-4627, MO-4628 1

Discharge Ikpass. Pump MO-4629. MO-4630 70.00 Sl!GT Inboard Torus Vent Bypass MO-4309A Inboard Drywell Vent Ihpass MO-4310A 73,03 CAD Regulator Inlet MO-4323 A, MO-4323B Regulator Outlet MO-4320A. MO-4320B '

H3.01 Mn Stm Main Steam Drain. Outboard MO-4424 83 03 MSIV-131ced, Inboard MO-8401 A MO-8401B, LCS MO-8401C. MO-8401D Bleed Outboard MO-8402 A, MO-8402B, MO 8402C, MO-8402D Bypass MO-8403 A, MO-8403D, MO-8403C. MO-8403D 13

- -.