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Proposed Tech Spec 5.3.2 Re Control Rod Assemblies
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1990
Shared Package
ML19298E388 List:
NUDOCS 9008130148
Download: ML20058M979 (7)


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L 11  : DESIGN FEATURES' centw/ red anc thes.

The reudve virall cen/uns /95 crue.C_loba wd 4 Cy a ,, dedc g (,a ;n ,e n ,/,e,e ,

5.3 REACTOR CORE The yggw,control anafersal ek tl be boren, cari e p,,q,e ry 6 S h en th.


The ,,,,vu contro/ ng,g redg, , e,,eq,,ml1alf a.sreenbiths s he (hjf jengf/;,

U f_UJLASSEMBLIES 5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain 764 fuel assemblies which are limited to thost fuel assemblies that have been analyzed with NRC approved codes and methods and I, ave been shown to comply with all:of"the criteria in the latest approved r vers (on of GESTAR-II.


C0KTROL ROD ASSEMBLIES 5,.3.2 e:;1, x :n.:. a n' g',:x :2..'n.;x x':..x',x m'<-x:_: r', xxx-

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DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 5.4.1 - The reactor coc' Tnt system is designed and shall be maintained:


L a. In accordance with the code requirements specified in Section 5.2 of the FSAR', with allowance for normal degradation pursuant to the applicable Surveillance Requirements,

b. For a pressure of: ,
2. 1250 psig on the suction side of the recirculation pump. ,
2. 1500 psig from the recirculation pump discharge to the outlet side of the discharge shutoff valve.
3. 1500 psig from the discharge shutoff valve to the jet pumps:

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c. For a temperature of.575'F.

VOLUME' 5.4.2 The total water and steam volume of the reactor vessel and recirculation system is approximately 22,034 cubic feet at a nominal steam dome saturation temperature of 540'F.

5-5 Amendment No.42


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. General Electric Cotapany AFFIDAVIT 1, Janloe S. Charnley, being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:

9 1. I am Manager, Fur.1 Licensing, General Electric Company, and have bete delegated the function of reviewing the information described in paragraph 2 which is sought to be with .

M beld from public disclosure and have been authorized to apply for its withholdmg. -

2. 'Ihe information sought to be withheld are the attached GE Duratife 140 &ntrol Rod Enfety '

Evaluntlan and GE Duralife 215 Control Dad Rafetv Evaluatiqn.

3. In designating material as proprietary, General Electric utilizes the definition of proprietaiy information and trade secrets set forth in the American Institute's Restatement of Torts, Section 757. This definition provides:


% trade secret may consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of infor-mstion which is used in one's business and which gives him an opportunity to obtain an r.dvantage over competitors who do not kww or use it.... A substantial element of secr must exist, so that, except by the use of improper means, there would be difficul in acquiring information.... Some factors to be considered in determining whet er given information is one's trade secret are: (1) the extent to which the information is known outside of his business; (2) the extent to which it is known by employees and others involved in his business; (3) the extent of mea-sures taken by him to guard the secrecy of the information; (4) the value of the in-formation to him anc to his competitors; (5) the amount of effort or money ex-the ease or difficulty with which-pended by him in developing the information could be properly acquired or dup the information; (6)licated by others?

4. Some examples of categories of information which fit into the definition of proprietary infor-mation are:
a. Information that disclosed a process, method or apparatus where prevention of its use by General Electric's competitors without license from General Electric constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies;
b. Information consisting of supporting data and analyses, including test data, relative to a process, method or apparatus, the application of which provide a competitive economie advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability;
c. Information which, if used by a competitor, wo'dd reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality or licensmg of a simhagoduct;
d. Information which reveals cost or price infeanation, production ca meities, budget levels or commercial strategies of General Elect sc,its customers or supp iers; 7


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Affidavit . .


e. Information which reveals aspects of past, present or future General Electric cus.

temer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to ,

Genera 1 Electric; .

Information whi7 tim patentable subject mat'.or for which it may be desirable to f.

  1. obtain patent protec- - _
g. Information which General Electric must treat as y oprietary according to agreements t with other parties.

a .


5. Initid approval of* ry treatment of a document is typically made by the Subsection .

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manaree of Ut component, who is most likely to be acquainted with the value  ;

and suaaltivi,ty of he i rmation'in relation to industry know(edge.- Access to such doeurnemts wtmin the Company is limited on a "need to know" basis and such documents are '

clearly identified as proprietary. ,

,. l

6. De procedere for approval of external release of such a document ty >ically requires review 1

. by the Subst.: tion Manager, Project manager, Principal Scientist or otier equivalent author-ity, by the Subsection Manager of the cognizant Marketing function (or delegate) and by the L Legal Operation for technbal content, competitive effect and determination of the accuracy of the prcyietary designation in accordance with the standards enumerated above. Disclo-  !

y sures outsade General Electric are generally limited to regulatory bodies, customers and po-L tential customers and their agents, suppliers and licensees, and then only with appropriate protection by applicable regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements.

" De document mentioned in paragraph 2 above has been evaluated in accordance with the 1 '

7. .

4 above criteria and procedures and has been found to contain information which is propri-

- etary and which is customarily held in confidetece by General Electric. -[

8. The' document mentioned in paragraph 2 above is classified as proprietary because it _

contains details concerning current General Electric fuel designs which were developed at q

. considerable expense to General Electric, which are not available to other parties. ,


9. -

De information to the best of my knowledge and belief has consistently been held in confi-dence by the General Electric Company, no public disclosure has been made, and it is not

available in public sources. All disclosures to third parties have been made pursuant to <

regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements which provide for maintenance of the infor. l mation in confidence.


10. : Public disclosure of the inforn:ation sought to be withheld is likely to cause substantial harm '

b l to the competitive position of the General Electric Company and deprive or reduce the availability of profit making opportunities because it would provide other parties, including

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Affidavit :

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. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA )as. 1 Janice S. Qiarnley, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

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l That she ham read the % asidavit and the matters stated therein are true and correct to th best of his knowledge,information, and beHef.

Executed at San Jose, California, this - yo 1990.

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e4W Enice 5. Charnley . .

eneralElectric Company .

Subscribed and sworn before me this 6 day of I'f -1990.- .

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