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Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1982
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1982
From: Lotito E
Shared Package
ML20054C526 List:
NUDOCS 8204210252
Download: ML20054C528 (10)



OP! k A TIN', D A i ' l'iPOR T DOCKET NO. 50 317 DATE h i,1 15 1_982 3 LOMPilll D BY Elaine Lotito TELLPil0NE (301) 7&7_5_363 _ ._

OPf RAIING STAIUS 1.L%: Nam. Calvert_ Cliffs No. I _ l ' d' '  ;

., :.: g ortm; PeriaJ. . _ . _ _ _ . March, 1982


.i. Lia nwd i t.crm.:1 Pour f Mbo. _ _ _ _ . _ . . _..

4. Nameph te Ihring f Gron Mhe r 918
5. Dag. Licitri.a! ELi:n z r' ri Mbe n 845 860
6. Matimu:n DepentWe C pa:ity (Cross Mher 7 Maxirnum Lepea1R!c Oracay iNr: Mh e). h25 [

5 If C.un,;cs Out i ; i s agu -a) lbtmp . ite.ns Ner,Nr i i hr. ., . " i Sr..c Lnt Re ort t.n e inasons 9 Po tr I ciello which Nc.r' tied !f Ans (Set 'tb. i _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _

10 i'e. .om r er R. -tra re. II My : ._. . . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ -

15:,banth Yr en U.t e Cumuttne

11. ifct.ts In Re,oetig I criod 744.0 2 _,1 6 (),,,0 60,469.0
12. Nemt er Of Hours Reutor Critag 744.0 _ _ 2,160,o_ 43,759,7 13 React.: Rescn e *.Sutdaw n Haun 0.0 0,0 j,793 3 ii licurs Generator On i n.c __

744.0 2,'1'60.0 47,761.7 15 U;ut Rew: e Simidr,wn floun 0.0 0,0 'O . lT

15. Gran Thermal Energy Generaird (MWlh _

1,96CI80 5,713,675 115,339,140 17 Gren Liectrical Encrp Gener3ted (Mwitj 66Lo3; 1,929,704 37 973,7g1 gD,'34 1,671-'24]

11 Net Elt( Energy Lencrated (MhH) ~36,1 M ,2/4~

19. trut Senice hctor 100.'i ~ 100,0 g

M Un:t .baebbil;i) I uncr . _ _

100.0 100,0 79.0 ll Unit C2['aeitt Futer IU mg MDC Net: O' / 10 W /2.;

22. Unit Ce;ucity I ut.>r stung p1 g ;egi 101.3 101.4 70.8 23 Urit f orced O'irage 1; :c __

0.0 _

o,0 G

! 24. Sho Jo, t heduiet! Se sr 6 Monti s t i s n. Iem , w L*,.mm e 13 y l

.I!LL l P_lant schedu_1c.d_ f s refue_ ling and td retube condenser from 4/17/82,until 7/25/8'. . .

25 If Shu' fim n t' Es:d it! I;ep..a Peru L ; ei+na:cJ D.4: of L:vt4 _ _ . _ _

26 Us.rb la Icu Status (l'rr : 8o i'o nmer.oi Orcr t or i Ferrea s: A chin ed INITI \! ( R !!( \ f fl 'r _ _ _ _ _ _ _

INITI \ L II LL TR.t 11't _ _ _ _

CO'tMERLl;L Ofl R \ ilON 8204210252 820416 PDR ADOCK 05000317 U ,)


OFLRATLNG DAI A REFORT DOCKET NO. .10-318 DATE A rt1 15 1982 COSirt.El ED 13Y __E.l; Life 1.otito TELEl'ilONE EOR]3hD63 OPE R AlING ST AT US

1. N.irac. Ca1 vert Cliffs No. 2 U d!"

2 i'erortmi: Perio,1: _lfi iT1h.1982 . _ _ _ _ . . _ .

J. Licensed Therttul Pt.w cr O'ht). ._2-p C(,L_ _

4. Ner.ep!nc Rating (Gmn %1b'e r _911
5. Dew n E!cctrkal Rating (Net \1he) 8 'b

___ f t

6. %timum DependaWe Capacity tCron ',iber ._360_ _ - - = -- _!

7 M 2wuem Depend 2.fc Oracity iNet Mb cl.

8 825 _ l _.._.

h. !! Clunges Occt.r in ( aps iry Ling .ite.r.s Numi er 3 Thre P. 7 F 5ir. e Lat P. crus . Gee Rea:vr.s
9. Pou er Let el lo bhich lie.trictcil. lf Any (Nel 4then _____- _ _ _ . . _ . _ _
10. Resora. For Restric tm:n. It Any . -

lhh Manth Ys to Date Ct. mal 2tive

11. !!ours In Reportin; Period I'*4.0 2,160.0 43,824.0
12. Number Ol' Hours Reactor %.n Certia! **U 1'
  • J # ' '* "
  • 1
13. Reactor Rescrse Shutdown lloers ._

0.0 9.4 723.9

14. licen Generator On Line 744.0 T,_841.3 30,685.V


15. Urd Resene Shutdown Hours 0.Ti~ O.0 u.u
15. Crass Therrr.a! Eners) Cenerned (MWit) 1,974,900 4,847,112 _ 90,685,681 .

17 Grun Eiretrical Energy Generated 1\thill __6)9,127 1,614,9'.2 __ _30,030.345

13. Net Liectneal Energy Geneused (\tblh 632,3_50 _

11.543,936 _28.629,747

19. Umt Smice I utor 100.0 85.3 8 /A. ?
20. Unit Av:alathlist F:'cter 100.0 85.3 84.2
21. Unit Capaci:5 facte>r ilhing \tDC Net t 103 0 86 0 79 2
22. Un't Capacity f ator IUung 1)i H *wsI __-

100.6 P 4. t; 77.3

23. Ur'it I orced Ouuge Hare __ _ _ _ _

O0 14 8 59

24. Shu: downs Schedu!cd Ne si n W.,tte t i 3 pe. D2te. seJ Der. er.a et E nh)


25 If Shut inn At End of,ri f ermd. I sannsted Dt.: of Surtup 26 Usat . l i Tut S tatan (l'ri..; to 0,rr. met:i al Oper t en.1 l'orecast Acht.ici INITIAL (1 ITfr a f ITY _

INiil 4L El EL TRIClIY . . _ _ _ _ .

CO\t\tE RCI Al Ol'1 F \ TION -.

( J/M )

. AVER TGE D AILY UNIT POhER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-.317 UNIT C ilvert Cliff s //1 '

DATE April 15, 1982 CO\tPLEILD BY Einine Ineien TEl.LPl!ONE (10.1 ) 787-5363 M O N Til Flarch 1982 DAY AVER TGE D tiLY POWER LE\ EL DAY AVEl;.\GE DAILY POWER LEVEL t ilhe-Net t t \the Net; )

l 864 867 17

867 _

g3 39 L ~l 3 19 E71-4 818 869 20 86' , 753 s _

869 864 6 22 797 869 33 8

859 y 829 848 867 9 ,5 847 86i3 10

826 864 11 27 0 864 12 yg 870 864 13 _ _ .

29 870 866 14 30 b70 867 l' 3l ,__

868 16 INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the aser.we dath una pi'act lesel m \1he. Net for each da) m th reporttue minith.Co:npute to the neuest whole mepwatt .



AVERAGE 04f tY UNIT P0hER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-318 UNIT Ci d vert Cli1Ls #2 DATE April 15, 1932 1:0\fPI 1:TLD BY Elaine Lotito 1 fl.1:PilONE ( 301 ) 787-5363

%!ON1 tl FLirch 1982 D4Y .OTR AGE D 4 fly l'OhlR LEVf I- DA)- A\,L(:4GL DAILY POhER LEVEL g gg g ,.3,, , (SDYe Net)

863 I7 Jo3

, 821

~ lb RL1 862 3 19 36 1 4

862 - - - 20 ,

814 861 844 5 23 -- -._

6 865 864 22

, 867 864

' 23


864 3 3 9

865 857

- 25 833 10 26 II ;7 d61 864 862 I2 73 861 33 076 863 14 g3 1$

5 a) 862 I ts INSTRUCIlONS O, no, n,,mi . im ine m,,;e a,s ,,,m, ,,, , .m .,, ,,, . nu.. s

,, ,'} "' N'" '#I"'"'0 ? 'n"c t h . Com p ut e t .3 the nearest whole crepaart.



DATE A0 ri l 15. 198?

REPORT MONTli March 1982 COMPLETED BY E l a i rm Ietito TELEMiONE ( M11 787-53M ,

I I h .


= e,  % u,5 2 N .. Date E. k_$ 5 ?jde li'""S**


$1 ["L Cause & Corrective C 52 2 52 3.? 'l EL Am m to c

OO  % .2 mc Report a in U Prever.: Recurrence e g 3 ,


k -

l No outages or reductions f.

e 1

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason:

S: Scheduled Method: Exhibit G - Instructions A-Equipment Failure (Explain) I Manual for Preparation of Data B.M.sinterance or Test 244anual Scram.

Entry Sheces for Licensee C Refueling 3-Autornatic Scram.

D-Regulatory Restriction Esent Report (LER) File (NUREG.

4-Other (Explain ) 01611 E. Operator Trammg & License Examination F Adniinistrative 5

Goperaimnal Err.>r iEsp!.iin)

(9/77) liether iE xplain) Exhibit 1 Same Source


' - caivert Li11ts #2 DATE Aprii la, 1%2 REPORT MONI11 FI4 "'h Io p'- COMPLETED BY El ine Latito TELEff!ONE (301) W- 00 3 .

m a g N **

3E 3 Yk Licensee ,E g g No. Date


F 3g 5

( jgy Event E? E-Cause & Corrective Action to

$E ji- Report a rE V

}'? , Prevent Recurrence d

82-On 820314 5 14.0 B ZZ 5 Pump xx Scheduled Maintenance on #21 Steam Generator Feed Pump Control oil system I 2 3 4 F: Torced Reason: Method:

S: Schedu!ed A Equ2pment Failure (Explain) Exhibit G-Instructions 1 -Man u.11 for Preparation of Data B Alaintenance or Test 2-Manual S rain. Entry Sheets for Licensee C Refuehng 3 Autonutic Scrain.

D Regulatory Restri tion Event Report (LER) Fife (NUREG-E-Operator Tsaining & License Examination 4-Offi4F.tMON Cont inoa t ion 0161i 5-Load Reduction F Administrative 6-Other 5 G-Operattonal Esse.r (E srf ain)

PJ/77) 11 O! tier (Explain) Exhibit I-Sarne Source


1. Name of Facility: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1
2. Scheduled date for next llefueling Shutdown: April 16,1982
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: June 30,1982
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Resumption of operation af ter refueling will require changes to Technical Specifications. The changes will be such as to allow operation of the plant with a fresh reload batch and reshuffled core.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

February 15,1982

6. Important licensing considerations associated with the refueling.

Reload fuel will be similar to that reload fuel inserted into the previous eyele.

7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.

(a) 217 (b) 584 Spent Fuel Pools are common to Units 1 and 2

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

1760 Licensed 1358 Currently Installed 70 Licensed Addition is Planned

9. The projected date of the last refueling that'enn be discharged to the Spent Fuel Pool assimiing the present licensed capacity and maintaining space for one full core off load.



1. Name of Facility: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 2.
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: October 15,1982.
3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling: January 5,1982
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereaf ter require a technical specification change or other licensed amendment?

Resumption of operation af ter refueling will require changes to Technical Specifications. The changes will be such as to allow operation of the plant with a fresh reload batch and reshuffled core.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information.

October 4,1982

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling.

Reload fuel will be similar to that reload fuelinserted in the previous cycle.

7. The number of fuel nasemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the Spent Fuel Storage Pool.

(a) 217 (b) 584 Spent Fuel Poolis common to Units 1 and 2.

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been required or is planned,in number of fuel assemblics.

1760 Licensed 1358 Currently Installed 70 Licensed Addition is Planned

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the Spent Fuel Pool asswning the present licensed capacity and maintaining space for one full core off load.



OF UNIT I OPERATING EXPERIENCE - MARCH 1982 3/1 At the beginning of this reporting period Unit I was operating at 865 MWe with the reactor at 96% power, returning to full load af ter plugging I condenser tube.

Load was increased to capacity (900 MWe) at 0230.

3/4 At 0200 load was reduced to 800 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Af ter plugging I condenser tube resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at 1500.

3/7 Decreased load to 805 MWe at 0800 for repair of 16B Traveling Screen. Load was increased to 850 MWe at 1600 when indications of saltwater leakage into the main condenser became evident. Load was reduced to 795 MWe at 1800 to investigate.

3/S Increased load to capacity (900 MWe) at 0430 af ter plugging 2 condenser tube (s).

3/9 At 1900 load was reduced to S20 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser.

3/10 Af ter plugging I condenser tube resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at C630 3/l! At 1000 load was reduced to S05 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Increased load to capacity (900 MWe) at 2040 af ter plugging I condenser tube. >

3/21 At 0431 Control Element Assembly (CEA) 21 drepped into the core. Reactor power was immediately reduced to less than 70% in accordance with the Technical Specifications. CEA 21 was re-aligned with its group at 0600. Load was increased to 625 MWe at 0900 when a malfunctioning reactor coolant 1

degasifier pressure switch necessitated halting the load increase. Load was increased to capacity (900 MWe) at 1730.

3/24 Load was reduced to 770 MWe at 1330 to obtain full flow condensate deminerali7.ation due to steam generator chemistry requirements. Resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at 2130.

3/31 At the end of this reporting period Unit I was operating at 900 MWe with the reactor at 100% power.


OF UNIT 2 OPER ATING EXPERIENCE - MARCH 1982 3/1 At the beginning of this reporting period Unit 2 was operating at 900 MWe with the reactor at 100% power.

3/2 At 0500 load was reduced to 795 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Af ter plugging I condenser tube resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at 1500 3/11 At 0300 load was reduced to 805 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Load was increased to 900 MWe at 1500 when indications of saltwater leakage disappeared.

3/14 Decreased load to 620 MWe at 0600 for scheduled maintenance on 21 Steam Generator Feed Pump control oil system. Load was increased to 770 MWe at 2130 when indications of Saltwater leakage into the main condenser became evident. Held load at this level to investigate.

3/15 Increased load to capacity (900 MWe) at 1400 af ter plugging 2 condenser tubes.

3/20 Decreased load to 900 MWe at 0100 for Main Turbine Control Valve testing.

Resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at 0520. At 1245 load was reduced to 800 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser.

3/21 Load was increased to 900 MWe at 0600 when indications of saltwater leakage disappeared.

3/25 At 2335 load was reduced to 790 MWe to investigate saltwater leakage into the main condenser. Af ter plugging I condenser tube resumed full load operation (900 MWe) at 0730.

3/31 At the end of this reporting period Unit 2'was operating at 900 MWe with the reactor at 100% power.