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Forwards Comments on Nuclear Development Planning & Strategy
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/1982
From: Mcgowan J
To: Brenner
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8205200062
Download: ML20052H205 (24)



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.-- l Den: Judge Brenner,

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,uc3e +.o .yo.. . _- .a,_ e .c , 0 .,..e .s ...e sicr perronal educations. There are" s who res.:ect .vo;r palificaticr.s and While the full re s.rensibilit.y is in the hands of Gcd al.d the diet.ites of Lenccratic . cvernnent I nc e accurate cecis3.cns will preside over unwise or uneEucated claccurT,and insultin a vecbaliti.

J..e as a nation sho 1d not too easily ec .denn car er.ieEvore even if they nich -be better directed in ciner are,s. g personally believe ths .uclear energy can be pencefull,, ap.. lied :cr space : revel cut that e clar developnent is better suited tc e.:se our energy problens e specially in clinatically suitacle o eoc raphic areas. We can nake 9 orenan work but we ..ust realize as a nat.on that r.ucleu pen:r is r

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end ecs .s are ver; sericus deficits. Our national r.andate fron the Constitution of the United States cust sive us envoirnnental safety ar.d rcspectable buildin a enceavors.

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John McGowan

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8205200062 820405 PDR ADOCK 05000322 H PDR

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nuCtr".AR DEvi,Lopp3h? ?L/dihlhG AND STRATigy

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NUCLEAh LiCEhS11.G Ai.L AL:I-LLCLiAR OFILIO;. H hisAhL TO SLFrCLK CCUaIY AIIEh TH;;. THhEE hILE ISLA:.L ACCiLEnT It is my contention that there is a 6cvernmental problem with re6ard to agenda formulation on nuclear licensi 6 in Suffolk County, particularly i' the Leglislature. 'aith the amour.t of negative support in the local area recently a large scale appraisal of le61 1slative work is needed. I am sure most of the teo lislators are aware of this but are reneging on account of the serious implications of ar. energy shorta6ei f tne Shoreham and Jamesport nuclear facilities are not put into operation. The licensing procedings have been stalemeted because of this reason.

Recent leglislative work which would set the Suffolk Leg}islature in the capacity of a policeman ~ of the local utilities in my opinion is d ooned to failure unless a large scale study is done by the Suffolk Le611slatare to educate its members on energy administration and policie The Linton Bill proposed a study be done by L.I.L.C.O. to prove that it is taking the proper steps for the good of the local connunity.

The ascumption L.1.L.C.O. is not doing this is wrong but certainly public debate cisht prove beneficial. If debate is to be carried on, then opposing groups against Shoreham and Jamesport must have the opportunity to speak publicly and present alternatives possibly in debat The proper atmosphere must te set to deal with the problem. In energy areas expert testimony is tne best and only solution.

As a student of some of the problems in licensing of nuclear plants I an aware that the situation is two-fold. Inere is the licensin6 area and the area of popular anti-nuclear public opinion. These two areas are nutually exclasive. Licensing proceedings go by a set standard of princip1,s that are set by government. Present anti-nuclear public opinion deals with the abolution of nuclear energy because of an accident and is overemotional and not well educated. The assumption that nuclear energy can be made safe is the precedent that allows nuclear plants to be built and operated and waste disposal allowed.

Anti-nuclear advocates say that nuclear energy is unsafe and can and wil

=uster data to prove their claims. There are others like .myself who say that nuclear re6ulation has a recent history of failure and needs upgrading. The opportuntity for devastation shoald not happen twice.

1 feel that the A ccident at Three hile Island and the problem of waste dispoeal seriously Inreaten our cons nity and our nation. The side an individual takes in the debate is up to the dict tes of his own conscience. The Leglielature is the final judge in tatters of debate.

Law is not made by interest groups. It is made by Leglislators. The satisfactory culmination of law is that irresardless of side in the debate when the well establisned principles of American government are applied they work and the knerican people can rest easy and sleep at night.

Cur government cust be ever watchful in the regard of the safety of constituancies. This nation is based on principles of truth and gust application of law and proper administration.

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7 5Es5El_S3hd55Eb_5Elb^5h52 Ihe problem the United States is facing at present is related to a long term energy problem of implementaticn and use. Long term neglect to draw up any significant franework to deal with the present problems in the past has led tc the balooning manifestations that can be called an' energy crisis or snortage. Ihere has not been an energy shortage and there never will ce a real shortage of energy. The princip-les of physics disqualify chortages. In physics there are only dispersals and energy transfers. A shortage in one area would mean a blossoning in another.

The United States is dependent on large corporations to fullfill our needs of and demand. Large banks and banking interests or the conglomerations of small banks fullfill our banking needs.

Industrial output necessitates this dependence en large centralized units. America has also relied on big beaurocratic government cperation:

to implement our diversified needs satisfactions. Laefficiency, waste ,

theft, and non-production are canoflaged by beaurocratic ordering practices. To find order in beaurocratic systems, probless are written off and more coney is recognized the practical answer. Individual problems are neglected and rarely dealt with. American individuality suffers and the frustration of hard individual work projects occurs.

The American systems of political, economic, and social application to principles that were written into a constitution over the course of 200 years has faded and clouded. hever-the-less those principles are still valid and sound. The proper governance of native americans, enfranchised Americans, and national guests, of all races, creeds, and colors is established and well ordered, explained and the fracework to deal with problems categorized in the United States Constitution.

Individual ownership, business acumen, and energy needs of Arericans are exploited to create systems of mass production. This mass production needs fuel to feed its energy hungry stomach. In nany cases the fuels are not available in the territory of the United S ta te s . Therefore, a system of import must be maintained. Wi th a system of icport a problem of reliable payment for fuel cust be kept s o that supplies will not be cut off. also if tne supplies for energy are not imported they must be domestically supplied. Fuel supplied d onestically altnough not soverned by fore 13n restrictions is governed bj economic restrictions. Locestic fuel must ccmpete witn foreign sunulies of fuel.

America's energy needs require responsible governance. If energy is needed quickly a well disciplined, planned strategy must be instituted Planning for energy needs must be done by qualified responsible people.

Unsafe ener6y sources or sources of ener6y that are in the short tere economically profitable but in the long term unwise cannot be instituted.

Well ordered and open minded planning is extretely important to satisfy America 's ener6y needs.

Energy conservation policies instituted by the government should be openended and clear. In cany cases they are not. A proper definition of energy conservation which is able tc be understood by individual cititens is necessary. Energy conservation should be socially rewarded


so that individuals'and businesses and ccrporations could feel that that by conserving fdel and energy that shey are doing a social good and not jus't saving energy so that it could be squandered by greedy nanipulators.


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l Shortades in particular areas of energj oc.ur at all tires. So also do shortages in business supply. It cust be uncerstood that these shortager can be dealt witn effectively if a streng effort is taken to deal with them. F.o person or business will will so under just because of shortage. They.6c under when no effective strate 67 is taken to deal with shortage.

In Su ffolk County which is a small area in geograpnic sense chortage can be dealt witn tetter thatn in a larger area because of

'its size. Fuel and pcwer can te brought into the county. Power plants can be built at the discretion of the local Leglislature. An the same sense they can be closed and energy brought from sorrounding communities

.? articular areas of shorta3e can be isolated and studied. Suffolk County Leglislative work is not bound bs Forei 6 n Policy dictates or the world situation unless required by - federal or state law.

A new and imaginative policy of budget sparing policies should b- defined to keep local communities in authority over social projects and core aware of safety . for local communities and workers. Our government must reach for decentralization and new unity of purpose in c.mmunity sharing and control of American destiny, hope and human significance, hew vigour must be instilled for better energy policy and growth of proper economics.

i .

9hu$5d2_95_9952ddE9db_25955505 The problems as detailed in the initiati;n of this study are the culmina:1cn of long term prctlets of social neglect by American society. The case of the individual honecwner and small businesecan has been ne s lected leavins a standart inconsistant with American expectancies and ideals estab1:sned by the principles in the Leclaratio:

of independence and Ine Constitution of tne United States.

Recent failures of ener cy policy earcark _a proble.. of involvcent These failures arise in improper utilit; amoun6 adencies of sovernment.

practices and contractions at the expence of safety re6ulations for workers and surrounding concunities. Goal orientaticns have been misdirected towaro production and profit at the expence of good and wise policy direction. The solation ultimatley see=s to be a redirection of policy and a snakeup of personnel at all levals of managenent, governance, and regulation. The institution of government must take a rare responsible and accountable role in the governance of proper energy development and maintainance.

In resard to resources, a core contemperory and consistant policy must be drawn up, established and maintained. In re6ard to governance there must be a more open establishment between practice and government activities to develop more community involvJ,ent', participation, community enthusiasm and civic duty.

In re6ard to the procotion of safety standards for workers and coccunities similar instances of ne61 ect may be located and outlined in activity formations, connections improper functionino and business integrity. Regulations in some casus have been cisapplied where apathetic and non-productive workers sought profit and safety from work responsibility through government standards. insafe conditions have been ne.1ected

for more productive capacity and the hope of prototion and popularity. Criticism and proper gcvernance have been neglected till the outcome of accidents, crisis shortages and governnent firings.

Comnunication amoung and between agencies has been interupted and in some cases totally neglected, musinesses involved in fuel product-icn have become over-cpapetitive or non-competitive throu6h corporate conslomerations hidden in the junsle of beauracy. Proper criticism has come too late to prevent accidents, shortages, and firings had there been better policy coordination.

The feeling of reg .larity that is prevalent in conjuncti:n witn suitable coordination and logistical stationing must be upgraded. For regulation and the problems of energy development manifestations of order should be present. Codes of discipline and laws for energy should be relatively congruent witn the surrealistic, Sovernance scientific terminology fcr energy governance which in many cases needs definition. To regulate the abstract one nus. draw from a theoretical foundation that one arbitrarily places in the infinite boundaries of science and build a frameowrk on that foundation. A gathering of necessary information and the job of coordinating available regulatory resources into a workable sjntnesis for sovernment and business enterprise is the job of energy regulators and cennunity coordinators bestowed by crisis ~ situation witn a short supply of workable information the job of ordering the arbitrary frameworks f;r l


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l categorical, logistical enunciation of policy an; prograc for developnent cf a new and progressive organicational capacity.

Agencies, programs and business arrangements must be developed and given order.

There must be sets of rules developed and p2t into functional orde:

Goals of outcome and predicti;ns must be coordinated to order haphaszard information and uncordinated sets of rules for positive results. Disfunctionary rules with i= probable cor. text must have rational development and forcations for arbitration.

Problems for government participation with industry need order, theory and constituti:nal developnent. Governmental a cenda formulation and problem solving techniques need order and. positive and practical' priorities for congruent behavior patterns with workalbe soverncental organization.



Luclear problems can be selved. There must be a positive attitude d eveloped to . gain this desired end. American energy needs and workin6 plans have nuclear project involvements. Ine foundatien of this development is in need of structure but is legitimate and has practical four.dati:n. Up-grading a pcwer plant is difficult because an outline of purpose must be instituted with enough justifiable evidence to necessitate a transfer to a more local community oriented scheme of direction and regional control. Io progress to a safe social structure.tecnnological and educational upgrading must fluidly occur. huclear energy must be shown to be safe and imgroved by-lesitimate test and procedural definition. This improvement will be in regard to communities, sorrounding plant locations, safe for plant personnel, have serious pollution safety strategies that can be re6ulated and controlled, be safe to ship form one place to another and be efficient in capacity to fullfill the energy needs that the development of nuclear power plants were intended to fullfill in a just and equitable manner. Legit;cate adjudication of safety must be routinely set and practiced with rigourous routine.

The government must develop the replacement capacity to fullfill the gap left if nuclear installations are to be upgraded immediately or over a time span outlined in a master plan. Investigations ahd 6overnment research projects must be initiated before plans of closing or particular plant fundings are dropped. A government service checklist must be-drafted and standardized to authorized service and repair. To fullfill this need a great amount of research must be done and documented. Kuclear ener6y is best suited for mobile space generation and must be re6ulated tc expansive and exploratory d evelopment. Reports cuet be given proper inquiry and validated by proper aatherity and be given public access for study and open world sharing for technological growth.

Projects must be initiated to sive credible evidence to energy advocates claims that offer alternatives to nuclear energy and limit its acceptable earthly limits and humanly acceptable supervision.

Careful work nust be done to see that radicals or unscrupulous people are not allowed to take undue charge of energy projects. Only qualified or experienced people or citizens of high interest in energy affaire should be allowed to take positions of authority.

Committees of unbiased or impartial loyalties must act as referees to analyze claims and seperate fact from fiction. In this situation the best course of action is in the Leglislative capacity.

Goals must be set and plans developed to activate community and intellectual participation. Community involvement shoald be aroused in the positive nature and civic protection mechanisms must be stimulated to protect cride for work already devoted to community projects.

Community standards should be set to direct projmt development towards development rather than destruction.

Work on these before menticned activities should be in conjunction with universities, schools church sroups, business leaders, and community groups.

In the sphere of intellectuel development The most educational i=portant instituti:ns project should be 6 1ven government projects.

bsing the disposal of nuclear waste probably in space irre6ardless of historic developnent either for or against nuclear developme::t.

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All nuclear power plants can be renabilitated within 10 to 15 years at the good discretion of governcent. Careful statenents of this fact must be written into leglislation s;.onsored by leglislating Groups at the local, state an federal levals. Judicial actions may precede this course or take a similar plan of action.

Connection curt be achieved between deconstration capacity and le611slative initiative. Present Present nuclear strategies are organized to nuclear strategies are or6anized to leglielative initiative.

leglislative perrogative and statements of scral indi natien 6 are prevalent that clali ena; present sovernnent franeworks are deficient in energy governance. A particularly clear statecent of this advocatio is the Kemeney Report which has been given conte perory noteriety and leglislative publication, although the princ1;1es and goals set d o not outline a full and comprehensive sj e tecs uporading nanj reccommendations are directed towards that goal.

.Present nuclear plants should be upgraded and ccntained to allow transference to other sources of power and any shortages that occur cust be predicted and plans developed to deal with such shortage or shortages.

Iemperory or other types of power should be acquired either by purchase or temperory building of temperory plants. The 10 to 15 year ticetable might be flexable to allow for possible problems or develop-cents 1n.the availability of other replacecent fuels or fuel sources


or the building of other plants to maintain the present balance of energy.

The problem of fuel oil ratio to nuclear develo, ment cust be dealt with, outlined and explained. Gasoline does not fit into the picture unless public transport breaks down. huclear power supplies mostly electricity for lighting and similar purposes. Oil heating in winter has to compete with electric heating and heating by other fuels such as coal. There are even plans in the planning sta es a to convert many of the present nuclear facilities to coal generted production,.or breeder reactors.

Petroleum supplies are divided by the competition of fuel oil and gasoline for automobile use. This competition of priorities can be regulated at the discretion of government. Other than gasoline fueled locomotion can also be developed in solar energy, ener o d eveloped , or synthetic fcel development at the discretion of government.

Good energy development quires good government ree ulation with a good connunication framework between business and government.

Positive preference nignt also be given to domestic fuels and energy developments.

Sophistication of technologies require system analysis interpretat ions because hasty decisions or decisions that are not processed through channels can cause data 3e to everyday service. There cust be nractical and judicious decisions cade for the sound interpretation of concunity denands and option desires. Time is the variable that norna11zes impertinent and abrasive procedures that need logical interpretation.


Euclear waste can be safely and tn.rcughly disposed. The nethod of disposal is what is problematic. Lirect ap;ointed officers or appropiate volunteers must be located and given the task. Adecuate justification probably a statement of direct consequence of a nuclear accident could initiate such action. The contemperory political example is the Three e.ile island Accident whien sent out a call for hel Difficulties arise in the shipping of actively dangerous caterials and in the storage and disposal areas. Properly designated active materials are unwanted in areas of population. Painstaking plans must be cade to seethat nuclear waste does not seep out and pollute the envoirntent of sorroundin6 cocmunities or contaminate workers in any way. The energy production cost must not be weighed against noral safety standards. To be precise ana clear it is icncral to have ener6y developnents that are harmful in ways that are not governable to a standard of polution safety above the general pollution standard that is nationally or internationali.y understood to be proper.

Facilities far encasenent if that is the nethod used in future nust be built and made safe to deal witn radioactive life spans so that future generaticns may live in a secure envcirnment. Expectancies of danger to amount of precaution are the forces that need to be balanced.

A cethod of decontamination should also be acquired equal in capacity to generation of energy capacity of nuclear designated cateria It is fair to consider an equation of equality to either energy generat.

10n through productive process or decontamination thrcush similar process. An example of tnis is the process of turning water into staam Steam will return to water if the envoirncent is allowed to return to a capacity of water caintainance temperature and pressure. In the same canner radioactive waste should return to safe normality if the pro;.er envoirntent is created for a quick and safe return. Any containcent or burial of waste or dangerously active materials should be planned in advance with a definition for a safe method of reprocessing to a safe standard contingent with the maintainance of hunan life in forthcocing generations. Any plan not contingent with the caintainance of hucan life sustinance envoirntental standards is docned to.:ailure because of ts subsequent immorality and ne6ative preoccupation.

The consequences to waste disposal with the develo;nent of the Three hile Island nuclear Accident are great 1, enhanced. This particale example enumerates the problem. The political implications of such an accident with the possibility of widespread contacination of workers, connunity people sorro;nding the plant and envoirncental ecology problens require a long term appraisal of future developments. The cleanup and possible encasetent of that facility sill set _ a.prece6 ant fa future hassardous material disposal. Careful planning must be dcne to see that workers, connunity, ano envcirnmental norcalcy are reestaclisn-ed. Such a task cannot be done concercially and must be governed bj 6overnmental noral dictates. ihe plans and governmental outlines to precede will probably be the precedent for planned .aste dispcsal technicues of the future. So also will the outccmes of the Three nile, island' Accident affect tne total energy development in the United States because of precedant setting due t; the accident repair. -

M If the full acesstent of tne accident enumer=te socially negative results the total future develop ect of energy and the Lnited States is involved. Irregardlese of the results tne prchlen of waste dispcsal cannot be dismissed ar.d be dealt witn definitely and authcritative ly under set schedules, crcered patterns, =athecatic precision and


pinpoint accuracy of placement and encasement. Present stockpiles of stored waste nust be safely dispose of with present safe ty standards or revised or it;rovea standards. Wori:ers to perform such l work snould be safely screened to see that they are capable to perforc l

the needed' work function. hetter work rules must be implemented and authorization to make critical decisions properly given a_d coded into policy.

The predoninant danger cf improper energy developnents cust be taken into consideration and given qualified analysis. Only then can

- good and safe plans be put int 6 operation. Since a plan of waste

[ disposal is necessary and present plans will probably be updated a:.d l

improved and applied under a strict and stringent set of rules the course of action is to acquire a governecent plan of the best possible L

reputat on in the acadenic conmunity and apply it under the present

! standards of safety and political expediency in regard to crisis situations. In the lon6 run the beet plan of action in regard to waste l disposal is to cualify all waste disposal to3 ether and deal with' the

! cleanup in a standard way. In regard to particular problecatic disposals such as radioactive waste a particular plan must be adopted and applied and the difference isolatec and discontinued. If the isolated situation of the Three hiile Island Accident necessitates the discontinuance of nuclear energy at ground leval then that is the necessary.cource of actson the government should take. The government administration of rules applications must be responsive to the peep]e and their political wishes and choices. Adninistration has its power qualifications but is not the absolute of application towards right j paths and moral decisions. Waste disposal is necessary and should follow envoirnmental demands on its applicaticn and work safety s tandards of rountine application administration and legal definition.

The nati_nal interest is the functioniqualified and quantified motive.

3ounded geographic waste control is a practical application of authoritative r.anagenent qualification. darth oriented decisions I

nuet be set, defined , categoricall,. ~ appliec and fashioned to the will l of the people witn a power seperation in the Anerican tradition to

! keep the peace and scientific resolve of scientific growth and pro 3ress:

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Energy independence is a . security that all nations in the world find thenselves bound to seek cecause of economic priorities and d emands . The United states ene rg y plannere have sought to seek energy independence for the inited St ates because it is worldly d e sirable, and practical to sta .dardized limits of national growth.

that energy independence means is that. the United States sho.1d not be in the position to have car sovernmental policies altered due to foreign pressure because of fuel snortages. It neans that the United States sho;1d be able to adequate 1/ meet .and fill our energy needs safely in an atnosphere of good business practice. It ..eans that we as Atericans should have the ima31nat'icn to supply good clean energy to our nati.n without facins any severe coniequences due to problet areas in development or waste disposal. It means that the American systen has the mechanisc to supply our energy needs and all we have to do is put them to work. It means that dependence on unsafe pcwer sources or foreien supply are due to risnanagement and better managenen can be instituted tc secure our future.

A suided plan of solar and synthetic development can be the answer to this pr;blem. Solar developmenu need proper administrative d evelopnent and practical 60ve:nment stimulus. The same is true' for chemical synthetic develope.ent. Oil resources that are presently i:

low supply cay be altered to fullfill energy denands under the proper mana.ecent 3 and developcent. Energy supply is a job tnat can be pioneered through independent ventures of contunity development s.oncored by sovernment and civic or6anizations. We need planned civic responsibility and duty to attack the' present crisis situation, '

of shortage and mismana3ement and neglectful dumping practices that have plagued our present system of supply and decand.

Power politics is a world pressure put on energy planners and

, strategists. c.onetary and fiscal dynamic chan3e put outside and domestic pressure on the resolve for energy independence and freedom fron foreign blackmail. Practical and definable government administ-ration must be adaptable to world problems and demands. Independence is a privelidge of a secure and dependable national government s tructure that is flexable to the demands of the people on their government to meet their denands and protect them from foreign e xploita tion. American familie s want energy to sup,_1y their reasonable demands and wants for energy. There must be wise and sure definition of policy, laws and respect for the decisions of government policymakers. Energy independe'nce strateists must define

' our national future for our own good and future.


A sure, soand and

- definitive policy must be economically and fiscally flexable and pra ctical for econe.~.ic growth. The United must be able to compete with' fcrei 6n nations and external fridnds to share in the earth's bountiful resources in a peaceful canner.


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'The governmental structure of the United States is sound and >

- resiliant to assault and social earthly stress. The United States j Government nas the capacity and the mechanism to deal with problems l' safely and adequately if tney are properly presented, implemented into

. governmental structure and framed into policy. The methodology .

of constitutional governmer.t is set and adequately patterned to just defintions and orders of business and demands on our system, [

national policy and foreien policy endeavors. Interest groups i have ,the capacity to address their problems to leslislative bodies {

s and to the, proper agencies of government and have their problems dealt l with adequately to their satisfaction. Social phenomena such as the i anti-nuclear movement in the educational, institutionaliand government- -l al systems can seek funding for public fairs of demonstration and the '

advisory capacity to deal with certain prctle=s tnrough the mechanisms of c:nstitutional' democracy. Laws may be written, directed to agency,  ;

and be implemented to shut down facilities of poor enginering and  ;

maintainance if they are proven unsafe and are found to pose a threat {

to-sor:ounding communities, plant staff, and the envoirnment. If a particular part of energy development is found to be' faulty, then 3

furthar developnent must be halted in that particular type -of developme:

and a new program instituted for the good and future developnent of i the United S t ates. The national effort for energy safety must persue

, its course and reach its policy goals of safe and clean energy .

production, administration, fuel supply and moral work-standards. l This nation must seek a definable and justifiable policy for the r future of this country. We must have a lasting and viable mechanism to answer our energy difficulties. .The government of the United  ;


'States is the protection mechanism from misuse of resources and technologi:a1 tools. There must be moral use and definition of true standards for logisitcal planning and government admin;e Micn to particulars of democratic foundations and interest group ,;oasure

- to seek just adjudications and law for safety and national' security.

The clear goal- of ' energy policy success is adequate energy policy.

Adequate government is government that can satisfy needs of citizens, and denands of those in need. The United States must define a policy of true' and equitable energy policy for the go.d of mankind. We i

! v.ust develop our nati nal resources ar.d fullfill our destiny.  :

Kational freedom of action depends on technological dependence on ,

l accurate and workable energy policy and . structures for adjudication  ;

j and.developnent. There must be equitable distribution set by standards of government and civic responsibility. Constitutionalism i

works and can fullfill ocr naticnal resource needs to an acceptable leval and satisfactory resolution of difficulty and contraversary. ,


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5555_555_555_5^ESISE5555_95_$555Eh^5b_5 5055_5555595h5 5_dhE_h55505E57 Alternate energy research as it has been called is the developne..

of other than detrinental or depleted ener6y scarces. It ci 6 ht include solar, synthetic, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, natural force exploitation, coal or fuel oil developnent. The proper initiation of alternate energy research woald be governcent encouragement plans thr. : would be directed to particular universities to cegin work and submit literature on prograns of st..dy. These universities should be in competition and funds should be issued on tne casis of good information supplied and the reputation of the graduated who take up positions of authority in energy operations . Also in the same way busineares could seek out funds if they possibly coand supply the communit y; with valuable and usable information, resources or fuels.

Free chcice is available even on a larse scale such as energy policy developnent. Such policies are restricted by practicality but have options and different challenges. Some energy policies and choice.

are geographically restricted, restricted by modes of transportation, avenues of supply and availability of adequate work force. Alternate choices specify alternate aggreagation of pcwer and social force canipulation to desired needs and wants. Possib1'e definition'of.

alternate choices cust conpete with traditionally, established firms, companies, legal connections and party preference. New and.icaginative ideas must be engineered with progressive forces of chan3e to alter the status quo and its denadds for static power intransiency.

anerican politicians do follow tradition but can be flexable if the proper methods are used and applied witn respect for long ters prefer-ences and methods of operdtion. Workable forces of buildin e can :.e engineered with resolve for alternate development if need requires or social vote stipulates in the 6ecocratic forum. National schcenes must be logically written into appliable law and its explanation.

Witnout proper explanation to legitimate authority change is radical and may be frustrated and side-tracked. Political preference is the pressure on the system of American government.

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1 595_9$h_5h5591_9SE55E22555h_s5_5EEEli2?

Energy conservation is the proper use of ener6y to SupFly ene 6y needs when energy demand is 6reater than amounts of energy at hand. It is a program instituted on a tecperory basis to deal witn a predocinant problem. Studias on ener6y conservation tight also be put into operati<

the sane way alternate energy research night be done. Plans to deal with ener67 conservation 16ht be drawn up and implemented by 6cverncent. Energy conservation goes hand in hand along witn the laws on the restriction .on the use of and the punish ent of wasteful or greedy practices. The purpose of ener6y conservaticn to the anti-nuclar connunity is that it allows root to oper, ate sufficiently without undue pressure from possible critics. Ener ey conservation sup 11es needed tice to develop capacities to deal with nuclear problems of our nation and the implementation of other more viable sources that tight be safer or =cre efficient. Energy conservation  !

night be expanded to deal with a possible characteristic of ener6y cor.servation mindedness that eartarks many menbers of the anti-nuclear connunity who are in many ways ener6y conservationalists who d;n't use or waste great acounts of energy to their needs.

Energy conservation hcs been adapted to deal with fuel shortages in contemperary tices. in many ways energj conservation has been adapted to policy for energy retallors. This is the likely outcome of any policy of conservat.on that is implecented by sovernment. If the fuel oil shortages sworsens ener6y conservation may take the s tructured form of rationed supplies through government invc1vement t o supply the energy decands of cocmunities with low . supplies of fuel.

Energy c;nservation in nany ways is an abstract definition of terninclogy. It has its own characteristics and priorities of need satisfaction and shortage relief. Conservation is saving of resources but it is a definite and oriented policy because of alternate addition to such depreciated areas. Vacuums of community need set a denand on government and that demand turns to a suitable answer and resolution of conflict. Temperary conservation measures ease governcental policy burdens and stresses. To accurately study this phenenenon of politics there must be an isolation of similar factors and pressures on the system that can be defined to policy and program.

This progran cust fullfill coccunity needs satisfactorily or n-w and innovative structures will take precedence and authority over in use resources. Capability is primary in defining policy and setting up s tructures for ccmmunity study and interpretati n. There cust be a positive initiative and local need for such study and resolve to alter cctmunity patterns, policies, pro 6 rams of educational research, and agencies of application of administrative policy. Conservati;n essures are weak and ineffective if they are not heeded by the community.. They are effective for study if they can be applied to specific policy and improve living conditions and social entities.

Social improvecent and growth are the desired ends in any study ventures or attempts.

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d U9S 9$E 59959s19AL_2695LEb_S9;YlLQ_2303EIgggg_33_;;pggg33733_gg_37,3y7 Ecological problec solving is dealing witn problets of envoirntent al concern in the realm of guideu study and evaluation. Sote of these problem: areas are polluti;ns in our air, water, natural resources, food or our neighborhoods with garbage or sewage difficulties. Eaturally, all of these particulars can be isolated for study and cases of nistanagement can be cerracted in the framawork of int =77ec*"

progressive government. The natural order of science illows"alnan to liv in harteny with nature. Social difficulties arise when social orders e people neglect the fact that can is p art of the natural order and is governed by the same principles of ecolos y that governs all of the sciences. With this neglect arise certair. ecological problems that tus be solved for a proper harmony to exist for man on this earth. A fracework for ecological problem solving techniques cust be developed to deal with these problens. The contemperory mechaniss is the developtent of the agency of government to handle the particulars that are established at the discretion of those agencies. These particulare enumerate perticulars of the developnent of a concerned body of citizenry to deal witn the agravations of envoirnmental, damage on a concerned community. We must learn fron our mistakes and errors of judgement especially in the realm of scientific progress. The earth's envoirnment is a stationary function of its human care and the responsibili,ty of ecologists. The United States must define a program of study to enhance our preeent ventures in earth related science. The earth's envoirnment must be regarded as an area not to be damaged foolhartedly or without guicance. The Acerican public

.ust be responsible to the dictates of coral ecology and science.

There must be adequate preparation taken to save the resources that the Un:tec States has cota to regard as sacroscinct in regard to preservaticn for the future. The responsibility of the informed anst spread to the uninforced and uneducated in regard to scientific preservation. Difficulties must be stidied and interpreted for policy evaluation and implementation. The wise use of natural resources must be safeguarded and maintained for the good of tankind and the human spirit of guarded freedom of. experience. Ecology taintainance is the same as healthful exercise of bodily functions in exercise. Practical sence must be maintained for study evaluation and human better ent and growth. Practical evaluations must proceed in an ordered pattern for earth oriented practical growth and betterner so that earthbound justice can be maintained for earthly morality.

Problem areas must be studied to interpret data and evaluate policies for the future. Educaticnal endeavors must have practical and appliable boundaries. The educaticnal experience nust be adequately expanded to meet the growing demand of the educational cocnunity for scientific application of wise judgement for the good of mankind.

human growth must be incorporated into the educational, ecobogical ractice of inter retation of envoirnnental experience. Solutions to difficulties can #ce found in educational interpretation and i=pletented to personal study for group bettercent. Such values are neither new or progressive but are 6overned by wisdom and practical,ity of ,

earthly competition for resources of the earth's atmospnere anc cenefits.


American character is the character developed by a 6overnment whose prirciples are written into a constitution with a corresponding Bill of Rights and leglislative and judicial process and executive union of different people that can protect thenselves and enumerate growth and family and religious ties. Amerienas have always had the reputation of being people of stren;tn r who can deal with their problens adequately. They are people who can develop and use public transport and travel to their intended locations. if shortage requires they can muster the strength to deal with their problems and the problems of their neighbors.

Goed, sound, athletic ventures and motivation and drive develcjed in sport 6oes hand in hand with energy u5e. The principles develcped in fair competitive sport are the same principles that guide 6ood ener6y use. Sport in tany ways is the competition for energy. If tne American inam e of sportsnan is strong, then his energy use will go along with his physical developnent.

The sovern..ent enould initiate pro 6rans of athletic venture to insure that the people of the United States will become less involved with their autozobie and use less fuel if less fuel is available.

Good cound athletic ventures and enco;ragement.use public transport instead of the automobile will promote energy conservation.

The American must develop and stren othen his image of

There cust be adequate opportunity to share in the earth's resources and uce the physical body that was given to tan to use. nealistic sports ventures must be created and defined for competitive and active human sport. The physical gifts of can cust be given time and effort for the nati.nal good and personal growth. The automobile is a proper instrunent for neceesary use but nan has his natural organs and limbs that need physical expression to be adequately aaintained. Athletics strengthen character and develop spirit for growth and sharin3 of mutual feelings. Realistic ventures must be adapted to civic and social satherin os. Independent character must be developed for connunity bettercent. Athletics improve social nobility and prosressive government. Singular activities cust be developed to meet the need for different competitions to set and coderate conflicts in understandable and wise directi n far the good of all involved. The Anerican spirit of sporting sood hunor cust be protected and appreciated to maintain our precent style of life and prosperity. As a people we must face the challenge of sport and accept the di namic forces of physical exercise and visour.

We cust use our automobie for our growth and not as a tool to be overused or abused. If Americans use their own personal enegies then our practical ener6y supply will not falter or be cisused to our detricent or abuse. We must be competitive with other nations athletically as well as financially. Americans cust prove the selves both in the field and the office to keep present world leadership in other areas.


Public transportion development is a necessity if the over extende: use of fuel is to be returned to its proper perspective and leval. Public transportaticn is not an answer to the fuel shortages that our nation now faces but an e>.pansion of Sood properly defined and enunerated public transportation systems is cert, inly a step in the right direction. Eeither is the autocobile a villian in energy waste.

Good cound cars developed to be energy efficient can and will be developed if the prc y er ancunt of imagination is used in conjunction with economic stimulation. At this time, due to the expensive and was teful ways that the automobile is using fuel it must pay the price through a plan of guided taxation no that only fuel conserving cars are developed in the future. Proper penalties must be established to properly re6ulate the use of fuel in the form of higher taxes for cars designed to use a 6reat deal of fuel. :he add-d government revenue c ould be used to expand public transportation.

Putlic transport, energy developing and other sound policies should be implemented to adequately put this nation in its proper posture.

There cust be a great deal of imagir.aticn and planning to see that transpcrtation planning in re6ard to energ, development is properly implecented.

The advantages of public transportation are cany and varied to personal need and location in resard to municipality and local depots and bus-stops. Public trinsportation relieves the burden on private transport and licosine service. Localities and municipalities direct their public transportation operations and service to meet the needs of the public. The energy burden of the U.S. is relieved the a6gre6ation of public transportation passengers on public transport-aticn. Highways and traffic channels are relieved of over crowdin e.

Fuel reserves saved by a stress on public transport use can be used in other fuel supplj areas. Public transportion development eases the burden of polution breakdown by envoirn.nental factors on contamination by exhaust and fuel incineration by different sorts of privately operated vehicles. Public transporta cion uses mostly sino le vehicle carriers. Private autonobile use uses nur.eroas vehicles and thus cree.tes more pollution to be envoirnnentally broc.en down. Public transport can be adapted to flexable and usable standerds of connunity control. Contunity pressure can shape and develop public transport.

Public opinion for public transportation use must be developed to create a .cre usable public standard for future public transportation use, develcpnent, geo6raphic establishent and route planning. This should be done so that fuel reserves are protected and the burden on their uta is not overextended. Public transp rtation cats fuel waste and eases the stress to tanufacture more cars. Public transportation also cuts down the anount of pressure exerted on the autonobile industry to set more stricter and overly costly envoirnmental additions to the present engineering of fuel powered noters. There is more need for an expansion of public transportation and its operation.

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Lue to the problem of attacking the status quo and tne powers that l

be the United States must adopt and faithfully use scientific, educated and sensible methods. A policy of applying scientific methods to any l

l attempts at regulating ener ys must be used. So alsc there must be a policy of educated planning in the creat_on c: alternate energy sources and energy conservati;n plans. The movement for safety must have feasible and. educated plans to deal sitn the proble.s that be and plans that can'be recognized as sound and viable in regard Ic drawing up leglielation. The difficulties that thc Lnited States face are many and

  • the educated alternatives are ample but only througn strong interest group participation and 6ood sovernment procedures can the hope of adequate and safe energy be realized.

The different opponents in the debate over energy must have scientif.

acreditation equal to the opposing factions and the recognition of good scholarly achievement and the sound information of wise research nechanisms. The governtent of tne Lnited States must act as an unbiased observor and not take partisan sides for a good and satisfactiry outcone acceptable to all interested in energy develo nen't. With these facts in mind the options are few in regard to the intellectual battle. The rounds for conpetition are the courts and leglislative m

bodies. We in this nation have a national spirit and value system that can incorporate different views and opinions into party platform.

Nuclear developnental problems must be faced with an open mind and heart for a moral and philosopnical struggle. The United States should set an atmosphere of free speech and opinion and information sharing of data and positive results in scientific ventures. Our military establishment must adequately deal with an energy debate and moral questions of nuclear weapons. Such value judgements in question must be processed through the American system of politics and government for the good of the Lnited States and the world. The United S tates Government should bravely face the assault on its integrity brought a on by the opposition of many of its citizens to nuclear development.

Alternate. ener6y policies should be researched. There should be a deemphasizing of so,histicatien and an open atmosphere of free expressior to change and progress, hew policies should be researched and old policies shouldenot be dropped until better answers are found or c1d

! policies are found detrimental to the peace and security of the united States. Kational solutials are the best solutions and overly enctional solutions must ce adequatelj dealt with and absorbed by the system to incorporate imagination andNuclear new insights into sometimes development must be monotonous and unyielding demands.

interpreted into more inaginative planning and development to adequate 13 structure United Ste.tes Energy Felicy. A new resolve must be structured and implanted into a structure that is rampant with criticism and negative char ees. Only with a mcral and clear attitude can the eroblems of souhisticated technology maintainence, especially nuclear development be adequately structured for the future. The future of


sophisticated technology is intrenched in democratic and open-ended debate and argument.




..UCLE R LEVELO?hE!.T7 S.A.L.T. is the abbreviated term used to clarify treaty ratification of the last few decades between the United States and tne Soviet Union since the Second dorld War. Disarcament issues are the cost important issues stressed by the S.'A.L.T. talks. In any treaty arransetents politics and philosophies interrelate into manifestations that men of peaca try to ccrreleate ta brins order to their societies and the world situation.

kilitary use of nuclear energy as a weapon of war and the establish-nent of a Def,nc: posture based on nuclear energy has put the Un _ted States into a posture of difficulty. ' hen of reason witn credentials of peace barc ainine have ar6ued the extent of devatation that nuclear war would create. Treaty franeworks have been contemplated but not in the proper proportion tnat is necessary to fullfill the scism perpetrated on the human psyche by the fear of anihilation. Only nen of nonor whose honor and reputation are at stake and wno are responsible to well established organizations of love and peace such as churches, civic organizations and cottunity groups of reputation and intellectual recognition can hope to cope with s;ch an issue.

The theroy of Cold War as it has been termed is similar to the theory of Ener3y Crisis, which is surrealistic in nature because the principles of physics disqualify a crisis in energy except one of the nanifest proportions such as a nuclear at ack by one society upon another Shortages of energy in isolated situations create abundancies in other a re a s . This is because encrgy only chanses and transforms and never disappears.

Problens do exist but mechanisms and ways and people to handle such problens exist in a corresponding nature. The difficulty is arbitrarily signifing title on a group of negotiaters with something as canifest as the possibility of total destruction han sing in the balance. The. call.

rational but out of the character and social makeup of humanity which d0e not always follow the ideal behavior patterns that the Lord G-od intended.

People of suitable social lifestyle and moral character reference cannot always be brought together and sonetines their .eet ng politically can cause problets. A proper setting and social framework nust be en31neered to satisfy such a need. Lelicacy sust be the educated and scientific nethod of development.

Koh-partisan abstract thinking and non-allaignment phi ~osopa: cal presuppesition attitude fornatians in athletic, academic or religious character analysis would be deened characteristically suitable for The such a teetin6 Prelicinary social en6agemente would be advisable.

abstract point of achievecent for the S.A.L.T. ceetings and treaty negotiations would be the achievement of similarity and communication in the spirit of comnucity. The road to disarmament of weaponry especially nuclear weaponry can only be achieved in the spirit of civilizati:n.

Letente' translated is the delicate answer whereby nen of reli3 ion and honor set out to establish normalcy and connunication that is decent, satisfactory and workable. Such an area of judsement requires sreat

' sacrifice and work and educat_an and alhletic and cultural participatior.

in tne cource of a 1_fetite.

To properly initiate a S.A.L.I. a3 reenent opposing grou.s or pec;1e of different national.ty snc.'_d first se.k out pec,cle of similar feeling and character and initiate connunication in such areas. This is very important because of the difficulties that ci6 ht arise at a t table of peace whereby a c rect deal is at stake ar.d proper education on the personalities of the c.'an nicator; is extrenely inportant.

The structures for peace that are modeled on Christ's exstple are the only preliminary jud denents perroga'tives for the defining of peace talks or arts limitation talks. The wisest policy woc 1d e the arrangecents establishnent for arts reduction planning. With this establishnent realistic peace 'ne otiations s may ensue and take place in a rational An alternate social and plan for the exploration of outer space may be the initial joining point for peaceful neetings on information sharing which is as of now still very guarded and non-responsive. A very positive philosophical approach nay be the only scluti:n to the inpass. ,

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595_$$e_ldi_E.23h3155$_$5_li-5593th_lt_E$55_diEE_ HSE 5555_5ES25505?

Utility improvecent is a problen that tne United States faces in r-gart to energy regulation. Utilities are set up to deal with ener67 regulation. Tney are public and private in different ways. They are required to fund thenselves with the mechanisn of providing a service for pay and are subject to the dictates of pricin e anc competition.

They are also dependent on public sup.. ort for existance. Government regulation of the utilities in the United States is not uncommon.

Likewise, government assistance is not uncomnon. Utilities li.<e any other cusiness have to provide adequate service. The personnel have to be members of the community of good standing and character and are subject to be fired for impropriety, 6 raft or theft.

Improvement of utilities might take shape in =any ways. If there is a problem of funds, a new director cisht be in order for fundin3, if work capability is the problem, then new canagerial staff might be acquired or new information cish; be so;gnt on inprovement techniques and be applied.

If there are severe difficulties, 3overncent personnel cay be called in to handle the problets. Cottissions cay be formed which work as ciddlenen between c overncent and utility and can act to re' order priorities There is a gooc liklihood that af ter the Ihree hile Island Accident that the concission code of operation will be facilitated. With unstable perfornance numerous investigations will be expected. This is true not just for the Ihree c.ile Island Accident but all nuclear facilities with operating licenses can expect investigations with the h pe of.

an establishr.ent of reccocendations for improvecent and renovaticn.

In studyin6 energy develepnent, especially utilities, there are problenatic difficulties that are not easily resolved with a simple inves tida t ion . A new national resolve cust be forced and socially icplanted in the American psycne for the development of the spirit of adventure and scientific curiousity for hucan developcental growth throught the sciences and humanities. There sust be a foundation forned to give nuclear scientific technology and imaginati;n an operable base.

Utilities have to deal with two a*eas: one is licensir.g and the other is anti-nuclear sentinent. Licensing is the problem that is faced by utilities to provide a service. To perform their function they have to have a license. To operate nuclear facilities have to get a license from the Euclear Regulatory Com sission. Io get such a license they have to show cause why they should exist and operate. If plant facilities adequately fullfill these qualifications by cet hearings, thej can open.

The liuclear Regulatory Com .ission is required to use certain standards to se:. that a particular plant is safe and stake their reputation on that.

Local ordinances can also be called in to play to see that a facility is safe aside from the liuclear Regulatory hearin6s and may even be in conjunction withese hes.ings. All these before nentioned hearings are overseen by the Atomic Energy Cocasission wnich oversees all nuclear  ;

d evelop .ent in the United States.

Local conaunities that 3cvern the location of power plant sites have the ri6 ht to appoint tneir own investigative staff who also can say yes or no on a pcwer plant site. Io improve this operating techanism and utility performance in re3ard to anti-nuclear activity is a difficult

'orobles but one that must be faced.

A potentially probler.atic area arises for the anti-nuclear movenen in that a particular nuclear facility may be deemed unsafe but operable

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! by investigations of experts. Here tne only mode of at ac.< is the argumen: that all nuclear energy is unsafe and a general principle nust


be resolved to turn puclic policy tswards condennation or rebuilding.

Such a breakdown in discussion is not advisable and a checklist of necessary repairs is best for comparison in disputes. It cust be

! remenbered that connunities that face such a difficult and argunent nave other hlternative such as power purchase, solar devel.prent, alternative

oil or coal burning facilities. An adequate and acceptalbe plan must

! be defined witnout the fears of nucl ar waste problens and fears of r cottunity contamination.

l Anti-nuclear advocates who are against the energy fully on different r

grounds want political part in licensing hearings. 'In many ways they are educated on the problem but cannot 6 1 ve the best testimony on whether a afparticular plant is safe innass particular building information is 'ade .

public. Anti-nuclear advocates wee not -usually on regulatorj boards l or investigations prior to the Three i.ile Island Accident ;nblicity because of poscible interest conflict. It is difficult ts regulate when one is against the embodienent of what one is regulating. Therefore, a prcblem of information arises and nust be dealt with by the intellectual connunity and a greater opening of study between government and utilities

aust be initiated. Laws may have to written to allow inforcation accese j so that counter argunents maj be developed for debate. The techanism cay have to be developed for governnent to take over utility hearings and create new energy develo, ins agencies and utilities. With the present public problems such action may be in order.

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particulars of inventicn and patent art restricted and regulated by governtent for the protection of individual inventors and are restricted by businese for the protection and s&fe 6rowth of certain isolated planning.

Some of the lar6er bustncenes hold certain patented items for business d evelo p.ent which the,. bcught or acquired through research and developtert funded by them. The anti-nuclear movement and the nation as a whole might greatly benefit if the better planned and researched plans were released for development. This is particularly true for energy conservat-ion devices, new formulas for sjnthetic, and solar developnent, new codels for h;me buildin6, and transportation devices and new planning for energy development.

A government sponsored fair or group of fairs might allow for tne wisdon of such unshelving of pateneted ideas whereby business practice might not have allowed unshelving for the s&fety of developed products, whereby business practice cight be in jeopardy. Cocpetition in business b :

rea: son of conpetition to develop.:.ent of present in use practices and codels. This fact of i.novation c1 ht6 be cade more true i.f such a. fair a tr.osphere were to be sponsored by universities and well established businesses.

Property rights arc long respected foundations in the United S+ates.

The 6svernment has protected inventors and writers from unfair practice and exploitation. Bushes ses have the right to privacy and the rieht to restrict patented products that they hold because of business conpetition to a certain legal extent of good sence. The usual definable point of deter =inaticn is the point of 6avernmental stipulated need.

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Ph^._, ggt.g,cAA n k.lTII.G_ CAL.?Alu!:3 hth :-US 10 SU?? chi FCn SA';r -5 7 ;sv-jct C:t. ,.a?

The ' capacity of letter writin6 t. win public support in leglislative acticr. has' been deconstrated succesrful'y in the American system since its beginning with the successful adoption of the initial Constituti.n o f the United States. The problem of safe energy a:.d energy developte:.ts c could develop certcin sailin6 lists that night becoce semi-political.

The capacity f;r letter writing ca..paigns to sovernnent is a very inportant part of the le611slative process in the shaping of public opinion especially in regard to safe enerdy.

h'oted. personalities on sports figures might be asked to add their names and reputation to safe energy sponsorship and seek out lette:

writing capacity from friends and admirers.

To close down present in use nuclear facilities an immence acount of popular political support is needed and the functional tethod is ucually the letter writing campaign or the calling list of support.

4 Le tt r writting is the sefest way of political connunication b-cause there is tine to analyze and interpret written caterial.

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