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Final Deficiency Rept Re Potential Failure of Rockbestos Solid Dielectric Coaxial Cable,Originally Reported on 810820.All Nonconforming Cable Dispositioned as Scrap
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1982
From: Davidson D
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, RDC-35(81), NUDOCS 8202010231
Download: ML20040D373 (2)



. ~ THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMIN ATING COMPANY P o DOX 5000 m CLEVELAND. OHIO 44101 s TELEPHONE (2161622-9300 m tLLUMINATING BLDG e 55 PUBLIC SOUARE Serving Thr the Nation st % Q oi D11wyn R. Davidson N V;t; VICE PRESIDENT SYSTE M ENGINF E RING AN0 CONSTRUCTION January 20, 1982 f4Gr?tffj g~ C 0

Mr. James G. Keppler,

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%'ce,fg% d**8 Director, Region III O ticy%i g*

Office of Inspection and Enforcement '@sN O 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 N RE: Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket Nos. 50-WO, 50-M l; Final Report on Rockbestos Coaxial Cable, Series R55-6-100 through R55-6-112 (RDC 35(81))

Dear Mr. Keppler:

This letter serves as a final report pursuant to 10CFR50.55(c) concerning potential failure of solid dielectric coaxial cable supplied by 'Ihe Rockbestos Company. Initial notification relative to this report was made to Mr. Leonard McGregor of your office by Mr. William Kacer of Tne Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI) on August 20, 1981.

An interim report was later submitted to you by CEI, in a letter dated September 18, 1981.

DESCRIPTION OF DEFICIENCY The Rockbestos Company is supplying Class IE coaxial cable with both solid and cellular dielectrie construction for use at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. The report addresses a deficiency pertinent only to coaxial cable with solid dielectric construction -

Rockbestos series R55-6-100 through R55-6-112.

The failure of this type coaxial cable was first identified by a Rockbestos customer during a laboratory test. Through subsequent testing cnd evaluation, Rockbestos determined that thermal expansion of the braided shield, solid dielectric and insulated conductor caused intermittent buckling and kinking of the cable at temperatures of 230 F and above.

Further, the high temperature and kinking resulted in themal stress cracking of the conductor insulation potentially allowing the condue tor to make contact with the cable shield creating a short circuit.

ANALYSIS OF SAFETY IMPLICATIONS The Rockbestos solid dielectric cable is intended for use as Class IE instrumentation cable at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. During an accident condition, the cable could be subjected to temperatures equal to or exceeding the temperature at which laboratory failure has been reported. Postulated subsequent failure of this cable could result in loss of essential containment monitoring capability.

8202010231 82012 O PDR ADOCK 05000 25W s


I t:

Mr.. James Keppler - January 20, 1982 a

CORRIETIVE ACTION After receipt of notification that Rockbestos was investigating a reported Laboratory test failure on their RSS-6-104 coaxial cable, initial actions were taken. These ,

actions included verification that none of the type RSS series 100 cable had been

, released for installation, and initiation of Nonconfomance Report P033-0079 to document

the indeteminate qualification status. Following notification by Rockbestos that 1 their series 100 coaxial cable will not meet class IE requirements in a high tempera-ture accident condition, all cable of this type was dispositioned " scrap".

Any replacement coaxial cable intended for Clast, IE application at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant will be qualified in accordance with the requirements of IEEE 323 and 383 i

Very truly yours,

f. L r7s ,

i Dalwyn R. Davidson, j Vice President-System Engineering j and Construction i

i DRD/ap 4-cc: URC Site Office i

i Director,

{ Office of Inspection and Enforcement i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

Washington, D.C. 20555 l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission c/oDocumentMana6cmentBranch Washington, D.C. 20555 t

, ,i i

3 4



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