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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Nondestructive Testing Supplementing 800905 Request
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 09/10/1980
From: Hamm R, Parme A
To: Hayes D
Shared Package
ML19351D859 List:
NUDOCS 8011200264
Download: ML19351D863 (3)



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CONSULTING ENGINEERS SAN DIEGO. CA' TORNIA 92121 STRUC' URAL e CIVIL (7149 483.7970 September 10, 1980 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commissit.

Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Attn:

Mr. D. W. Hayes Technical Support Section Chief RE: Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2

Dear Sir:

Following is an additional listing information supplementing the information requested :',n our letter of Septmeber 5,1980:


Copies of complete written field data (i.e. notes, sketches, etc.)

relating to all the nondestructive testing performed on the in-situ concrete and ery other nondestructive testing perfor=ed which was related to the evaluation of in-situ concrete. Data to include all velocity reading information taken on all concrete.


Explanation of the specific interpretation for each vave re flector indication observed in the nondestructive testing performed on the in-situ concrete.

3 Copies of the overlays used by R. A. Muenov in the discussions which we e relative to explain the explainable discontinuiites.


Copies of tect records showing the calibration of all condestructive testing perfcr:ed on May 7 & 8, June 28 & 28, July 6 & 7, July 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, \\ugust 12, 13 & 24, Septe=ber 26 & 27 and October 8, 9, 10 & 11, 1979 5

Identification of the nature and extent of the nondestructive testing performed on June 29, August 12, 13 & 24, Septe=ber 26 & 27 and October 8, 9, 10 & 11, 1979 along with copies of the field test records and the related information of the testing performed.


Identification of the specified concrete strength for the portion of the 60 areas involved in the nondestructive testing which are not reported on the A-sheets in the S & L Report S1-3753 T.

Identification of all of the areas involved in the nondestructive testing which had concrete place =ents prior to the modifice. tion of paragraph 413.6h of WPN-9, And 6, dated 5/10/78 and which would not meet the require-ments of paragraph kl3.6h of the specifications after the insertion and i=plementation of A=d 6.


Identification of all of the areas involved in the nondestructive testing which had concrete placements in accordance with paragraph 4.2.5 of WPN-9, Amd 7, dated 6/28/78.


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9 Identification of all of the areas involved in the condestructive testing which had concrete placed in accordance with paragraph h15.lff of WPN-9



Identification of the areas of inacessible concrete which was not included in the nondestructive testing and the volumes of concrete related to each.


Identification of all of the areas involved in nondestructive testing where coated stainless steel sump lines are located.


Copies of Nonconformance Reports 370, 371, 380,.38h, 386, 387, 389, 391 h07 and h08.

13 Copies of the comment sheets and drawings compiled during the SPP-5 inspection.



Identification of the members involved in the concrete repair program which are planned or anticipated to have additional support during the concrete removal, repair and curing processes.

15 Copy of Description of Licensee Activities Addressing Order Confirming Suspension of Construction, dated February 28, 1980.

16. Copy of Construction Verification Program Final Report.

We vould appreciate your expr.diting the above infor=ation so that we can complete our evaluation as soon as possible.

Very truly yours,

@m dyL. tT. /*0 Rolland C. Hamm Alfred L' Par =6 RCH-ALP /sih CC: Parameter, Inc.


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GENERATING STATION, UNITS;1 AND 2 Septec:ber :26,.1980 Providad below is a series of questions.that~ have been formulated as of this date as a result of review by IE H2adquarters personnel associated with the evaluation of the Farble Hill concrete.probicos currently being reviewed by two iadtpendent NRC consultants.

HQ-1: 4s a msult of discussions withiPSI' personnel and PSI consultants during the week of August 25,1980 several problem areas were defined in the Sargent & Lundy report, SL-3753; dated November 20, 1979, It is ur.derstood that PSI intends to rev.ise. that document.

Indicate the fom of the revisions such as whether certain pages will be revised, a new report submitted or some other form 2 Also indicate the schedule for submission of the reviisions:

HQ-2: Fomed Areas - Categorize all formed areas where concrete has been placed, cured and is capable of perfoming structurally after fom removal into two categories. These two categories would be as follows:

A - accessible areas for form removal where scaffolding being used for continued work,: equipment etc. do not preclude form removal B - inaccessible areas for' form removal due to scaffolding being ured for continued work,. equipment etc.

For each area listed describe when fonE removal will occur (Category A) or why form removal is not possibile (Category B).

It was noted during the site visit:en August 28'and 29,1980 that certain areas should be made aveilable for SPP-5 type myiew such as the interacdiate level (me::anine) at Elev., 391' in the Aux. Bldg.

Su:h areas.(Catogcry A) should be made: visible in order to assess turface conditions and determine visually if any critical problem traas exist.

HQ-3: Frovide infomation regarding what actions are currently undentay by PSI to prepare for concrete work needed in Category I concrete structures. Cofine and describe the different types of repairs that Era expectcd to be necost,ary.

Provide infcrmation regarding PSI's intentions regarding the phasing of any needed repairs with other work such as installation of pipe, ct ble trays.and equipment.

HQ.4: Provide infomation regarding those areas in Category I concrete structures where grour.d uat.r appears to be passing through tha concrete.

Provide cata to indicate concrete thic}.rcss,. availabic water head, water flme rates (per:r21bility), descr.~ption of defect if possible and other p2rtint:nt in.irt.nlion for each location.

Indicate ubether any of the te. ting far vo' dr.,

.:$neyconS etc. can be related to ther.e areas.
