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Submits List of Info Previously Requested & Requests Addl Info as Result of Meetings W/Other Consultants
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 09/05/1980
From: Hamm R, Parme A
To: Hayes D
Shared Package
ML19351D859 List:
NUDOCS 8011200261
Download: ML19351D862 (3)



2 A I


        • **"*'" " **"*' **"**"3 CONSULTING EMalNCER$


STRUCTURAL. CIVIL SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92121 (7949 453 7970 September 5,1980 United States Nuclear Regulatory ' Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Attn: Mr. D. W. Hayes j

Technical Support Section Chief a


Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2

Dear Sir:

Following is.a listing of in'fo tion previously requested but not yet received along with our request for additional information as a result of =eetings with Sargent & Lundy, Portland Cement Association, R. A.

j Muenov, Public Service of Indiana, Newberg Marble Hill and other personnel last week:

s l.

Location and pertinent struc'tural data associated with critical structural safety related concrete areas coverJng the follovira items

~ "

a) Five (5) of the most critical concrete etions in the containment vessel b) Five (5) of the most critical concrete sections in the auxiliary building c) Three (3) of the most critical concrete sections in the fuel handling building

" (All of the above a,' b, & c 'to identify ~the moment, thrust and shear acting at each section along with the relative steel percentage) d) Magnitude and type of loading applied to the section e) Load factors employed Cr'itical biological shielding locations 2.

1 3.

Locations of concrete placenents which were encountered and/or vould reasonably be expected to have a higher probability of having the presence of significant internal discontinuities.


The quantities and locations with identifications of all of the different concrete mix designs used in all Category I concrete structures (S&L Specification Y2722 - h67, 67, 57 and heavy vei ht 6

aggregates, etc.) along with the concrete mix design or designs which vere involved in the S&L evaluation of concrete in S&L Report SL-3753 8011200 % /

plf r,',t. n..,. G.- o,

S Huclear Regulaw ry Commission.~

l 5

Complete infor=ation of any investigations performed by S&L during the course of construction in accordance with the provisions of h02.2e2.3 of S&L Specification Y 2722.

'f 6.

Identification of the areas where 5500 psi grout was substitated for concrete including quantities, locations, dates and placement identifications related thereto.

7 Identification of all concrete and the method of consolidation used in each around duct runs and which vere placed prior to and subsequent to the insertion of bl5.lff in S&L Specification Y 2722.


Identifications (previous and present), including locations, dates, etc. of all significant concrete patches and/or repairs which were made using procedure WPU-25 or *prbveddre WPN-35 9

Identification of all concrete repairs which were made in accordance a

with S&L Specification Y 2722, kl6.h, including locations, previous and present identification, dates, etc..

1 10.

Identification of corrections, and/or< modifications and/or amendments to the S&L Report SL-3753 anticipated and significant dates related thereto.



Identification of the information relating to the review of the S&L Report SL-3753, volu=e II, along with the nature and extent of the

' review performed by Sargent & Lundy.

1 1


Identification of the nature and extent of the review of both the Test Method "or Microseismic Evaluation of Concrete (Pulse Echo Method),

TP hh56 h326-1 and Through Transmission Test Method For Pulse Velocity Measurements, TP-hkS6.4326-3 which was perfor=ed by Sargent & Lundy.

n; ' Identification ~of all' " suspect areas" 'and 'the ~teht 'ldicati~o'ns~and areas '

related thereto which were found during the non destructive testing -----

performed, lb.

Identification of the critecia which det' ermined whether a disconti-nuity was acceptable and unacceptable (excessive).

15 What are the quantities of acceptable and questionable categories' of i

discontinuities found and what are the test locations of the questiona-ble discontinuities?


Which test locations had scme form of discontinuity in the 2h of 60 areas investigated?

l 17.

What is the effect on the confidence level and reliability considering the human factor which existed in the determination of explainable discontinuities?

.., b -us.

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Identification and data regarding non destructive tests and any other pertinent data outside of the 60 reported tests related to S&L Report SL-3753.

19 Identification pf witnesses attending each cf the non destructive performed by Muenov, and the nature and extent of their participation.

t - 20.

Copies of all review notes taken by all parties who participated in any discussions relating to explainable discontinuities.


A complete full size set of all the referance drawings shown on all the SKCT-Detail Drawings in Volume II of S&L Report SL-3753.


A copy 'of a full size print of Sheet A-9 (Area 8) of Volume II of S&L Report SL-3753.


A complete set of all photos.taken in the non destructive testing perfcrmed and reasons for omission of photos from the S&L Report SL-3753.-


Copies of all figures showing geometric description of secondary shield valls, containment vessels, reactor refueling pool, reactor cavity, auxiliary building and fuel handling building. (Mi-PSAR) 25 Identification of honeycombing and/or voids fe5.t by Sargent & Lundy to be structurally significant.


Identification of concrete deficiencies, other than honeycombing and/

or voids felt by Sargent & Lundy to have safety significance.

27 Copies of all ECN's relating to safety related Category I concrete work including specification changes.

~ ~ 8. " Copies o'f all FCR's relating to concrete work.

2 29 Identification of the 170 and 513 patched areas in Category I stru'etures nentioned in S&L Report SL-3753.


Copies of CP and RA log identifying concrete patch and repair areas.


Identification of locations of leaching which has occured and an expla-nation of the path of percolation.


Identification of the areas where 3500 psi grr at was substituted for, concrete including quantities, locations, dates and placement identi-fications related thereto.

The above infor=ation is needed to adequately complete our evaluation. We would appreciate your expediting the information requested.

Vbry truly yours, G do. / 0* YLewn Y


[' /


C Rolland C. lia=m P Para:eter, Inc.E. and Alfred L. Parce "C:

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