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Final Deficiency Rept Re Safety Relief Valve Control Sys Supplied by Ge,Initially Reported 771006.Low-low Set Relief Logic Will Be Implemented Prior to Plant Operation.Mods to Be Completed by 830501
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1981
From: Davidson D
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8104140337
Download: ML19347D856 (2)



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P.O. Box 5000 e CLEVELAND. OHIO 44101 e TELEPHONE (216) 622-9000 e ILLUMINATING BLDG.


  1. ##I Datwyn R. Davidson VICE PRESIDENT sysTru ENoinstalNG AND CONSTRUCTION April 3, 1981 l

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Mr. James G. Keppler



Director of Region III p

Office of Inspection and Enforcement gN U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


%p 799 Rocsevelt Road P

b Glen Ellyn, Illinois,60137






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Dear Mr. Keppler:

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Final.P.eport on Safety Relief Valve Control System This letter serves as the final report as required by 10CFR50.55(e) con-cerning the safety relief valve control system supplied by General Elec-tric. This item was first reported by Mr. R. G. Schuerger of the Cleve-land Electric Illuminating Company to Mr. D. Hayes of your office on October 6, 1977. The Interim Report was written on November 2, 1977 as a follow up to this notification.

Description of Deficiency The safety relief valve control system deficiency along with its impact is described in the G.E. report attached to the Interim Report transmitted to you. 'Ihis report identifies that more than one safety relief valve may reopen after the initial pressure trans-ient isolation event instead of the single valve predicted.

Corrective Action In order to correct the system deficiency, we will implement the low-low set relief lo;,ic on Perry as described and submitted by G.E. to the NRC in the January 31, 1978 letter from G. Sherwood to E. Case. The Perry design is exactly the same as the generic design which has been extensively discussed with the NRC through G.E. 's standard plant submittals. This modification is described in the Perry FSAR Section which incorporates the 30/f G.E. generic design.



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j Mr. James G. Keppler April 3, 1981 Analysis of Safety Implications We have determined that the resulting modifications will have no effect on plant, safety. The implementation of the low-low set relief logic will be completed prior to plant operation.

Sununary The Perry modification work has presently involved only drawing and specification changes. The field work on this modification will be completed by May 1, 1983.

Very truly yours,7


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)h (@hvC Dalwyn R. Davidsen Vice President System Engineering and Construction DRD: bas cc: Mr. J. Hughes U.S. NRC - Perry Plant Site Mr. Victor Stello Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission c/o Document Management Branch Washington, D.C.

20555 i

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