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Interim Deficiency Rept Originally Reported on 801010 Re Qualification Testing of Hilti-Kwik Bolts.Nonconformance Rept Cqa 164,Revision 1,documents Problem & Ensures Proper Tracking & Closeout.Evaluation Planned Upon Test Completion
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1980
From: Davidson D
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8011140043
Download: ML19340C145 (3)


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P O Box 5000 e CLEVELAND. CHao 44101 e TELEPHONE (216) 622-HC0 e _ lLLUMINATINo SLoo. e SS PUBLIC$oVAAE Dalwyn R. Davidson vice nts; cent SVCTEM ENGIN(EptNG ANo CoNSTAuctioN November 6,1980 1

, ~ '.1:E3 Mr. James G. Keppler Director of Region III Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 RE:

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket Nos. 50-440; 50-441 Interim Report on Qualification 4

Testing of Hilti-Kwik Bolts

Dear Mr. Keppler:

This letter serves as an Interim Report as required by 10CFR50.55(e) concerning results of site qualification testing of Hilti-Kwik Bolts. This item was ini-i cially reported by Mr. W. J. Kacer of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 4

and Mr. K. R. Pech of Gilbert Associates, Inc., to Mr. C. C. Williams of your 1

office on October 10, 1980.

j This report includes a description of the condition, planned corrective action, and the planned date for the final report.



i Test results for various sizes of safety-related Hilti-Kwik Bolts, manufactured by Hilti Fastening Systems, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, may not meet specification requirements for "1.5 times the working load" or " pullout load".

Qualification testing conducted in accordance with Specification SP-208-4549-00, dated June 28, 1978, does not provide assurance that Hilti Kwik Bolts, as currently i'nstalled, meet the specification requirements.

As required by specification, a qualification test was performed on November 3 and 9, 1978, at the PNPP Site. Nonconformance Report Number CQC 1008, dated November j

14, 1978, identified qualification test deficiencies and was closed on March 14, 1979.

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If 8011140043 j

w Mr. Jamso G. Kcppler Novembsr 6, 1980 In March,1980, revisions to Contract Specification SP-20-4549-00, Revision IV, initiated further review of the November, 1978, qualification testing. Th.

specific revision was Engineering Change Notice Number 4008-20-591 which, in part, transferred the responsibility for qualification testing from the indi-vidual contractor to the PNPP Project Organization, Subsequently, meetings were held in April,1980, to identify possible discrepancies in qualification testing and to determine appropriate methods for resolution.

The April,1980 review eventually resulted in additional qual.ification testing in July, 1980 at the PNPP Site. This testing was intended to substantiate instal-lation torque values which were based on the November, 1973 results in addition to the pullout load values established by the specification.

The July,1980, testing revealed that some pullout load values were less than specification requirements and installation. torques for some sizes of bolts were inadequate.

This test program was not carried to comrletion due to the scatter of test results, Upon receipt of the Hilti Fastening Systems, Inc, report dated July 31,1980, which detailed these results, the Project Organization re. quested that additional qualification testing be scheduled in September,1980.

Additionally, af ter review of the July 31, 1980 test report, Nonconformance Report Number CQA 164 was generated to assurs proper tracking, Subsequently, more quali-fication testing was performed in September,1980, The September, 1980 tests were completed with indications supportLve of earlier test results, but again showing a large range of scatter. The intention was to evaluate the test results when com-piled and issued. However, on October 8,1980, a Hilti Fastening Systems, Inc.

representative contacted the PNPP Site and indicated that Hilti was unable to reach a conclusion based on the September, 1980 testing, The Hilti representative also requested that further testing be conducted at the PNPP Site, On October 10, 1980, the subject problem was reported by phone to NRC Region III, Planned Corrective Action:

Nonconformance Report No. CQA l'64, Revision 1, documents the problem and will assure proper tracking and closeout, Continued testing began at ths PNPP Site on November 4, 1980, to expand the data base for qualification, Upon completion of testing, an engineering evaluation of all PNPP qualification test reports will be made, O

Mr. James G. Kappler Novsmber 6,1980 Planned Date for Final Report:

The ff.nal report will be submitted to the NRC by December 19, 1980.

This time is to permit completion of qualification testing, engineering evaluation and identification of any action to be taken for installed safety-related Hilti-Kwik Bo'.ts.

Very truly yours,



t-D. R. Davidson Vice President System Engineering and Construction ks:


Mr. Jack Hughes Resident NRC Inspector Mr. Victor Stello, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.

20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission c/o Document Management Branch Washington, D. C.

20555 m
