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License Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1980
Shared Package
ML19338G054 List:
NUDOCS 8010280389
Download: ML19338G056 (8)


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1. Classroom Study A planned lecture series will De presented annually covering those subjects wnere annual written examinations indicate a need for additional training. The lecture series will be based on tne following subjects as outlined in 10 CFR 55.
a. Theory and principles
0. General and specific plant operating characteristics
c. Plant instruments and controls
d. Plant protection systems -
e. Engineered safety systems
f. Procedures
g. Radiation control and safety
n. Tecnnical specifications
1. Applicable portions of 10 CFR, chapter 1.

J. Quality Assurance for operations

k. Major upcoming events (necessary personnel only).
1. Heat transfer, fluid flow, and thermodynamics
m. Mitigation of accidents, involving a degraded core The lecture series shall be presented primsrily by Plant Haten personnel with use of otner training aids including films and video tapes. These additional training aids shall not constitute more than 50% of total lectures. The lectures series shall De scheduled for a ml"imum of 80 nours each year, with a normal spread of 20 hou lecture per quarter.
2. On-the-joo Training
a. Reactivity Controls Each licensed operator shall, during the term of nis license, perform a minimum of ten reactivity control manipulations in a combination of reactor startups, reactor snutdowns, or other control manipulations which demonstrate his skill and/or familiarity witn reactivity control systems. Eacn Senior Reactor Operator sna11 direct or evaluate the activities of at least ten of these control manipulations during his license term. Tnese control manipulations may De performed at an NRC approved simulator nowever if they are, use of Plant Haten Technical Specifications should be maximized during the manipulations.


The following control manipulations and plant evolutions are acceptable for meeting the reactivity control manipulations required by Appendix A, Paragrapn 3.a. of 10 CFR Part 55.

The starred items shall be performed on an annual basis; all other items snall be performed on a two-year cycle. Each individual shall perform or participate in a comoination reactivity control manipulations based on the availability of plant equipment and systems.

  • 1. Plant or reactor startups to include a range that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticable and heatup rate is established.
2. Plant shutdown

+3. Manual control of feedwater during startup and shutdown.

+4. Any significant ( 10%) power changes in manual rod control or recirculation flow.

  • 5. Loss of coolant including:
1. inside and outside primary containment
2. large and small, including leak-rate determination
6. Loss of instrument air (if simulated plant specific).
7. Loss of electrical power (and/or degraded power sources).

'8. Loss of core coolant flow / natural circulation.

9. Loss of condenser vacuum.
10. Loss of service water
11. Loss of shutdown cooling
12. Loss of component cooling system or cooling to an individual component.
13. Loss of normal feedwater or normal feedwater system failure.
  • 14 Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency).
15. Loss of protective system channel.
16. Mispositioned control rod or rods (or rod drops).
17. Inacility to drive control rods.
18. Conditions requiring use of standby liquid control systems
19. Fuel cladding failure or high activity in reactor coolant or offgas, n 19171 1

v scA: A

20. Turbine or generator trip.
21. Malfunction of automatic cc~ trol system (s) wnich a f fect reactivity.
22. Malfunction of reactor coolant pressure / volume control system.
23. Reactor trip.
24. Main steam line breax (inside or outside containment).
25. Nuclear lastrumentation failure (s).
b. Knowledge of Systems Each licensed operator or senior operator shall demonstrate, in the daily performance of nis outies, his satisfactory understanding of the operation of systems and apparatus and his knowledge of operating procedures in eacn area for which he is licensed.

Any licensed operator or senior operator who has been inactive for four or more months snall, before resuming licensed activities, demonstrate adequate knowledge of current plant operations. This shall be accomplished oy a review of all p!. ant and procedure changes made during the period the operator was inactive followed oy an evaluation by either tne Superintendent of Operations, Assistant Plant Man 6ger, or Plant Manager. An unsatisfactory result on the evaluation shall require the operator to nave on-the-job training in areas determined as weak until either the Superintendent of Operations, Assistant Plant Manager, or Plant Manager is satisfied that he nas adequate knowledge of L current operations.

To remain on active status, an operator or senior operator snall be required to have a minimum of 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> per quarter active participation in operation of the plant. Active participation defined as actively engaged in the individual's assigned-job at the plant rite. This must include a minimum of 50 percent control room toeration of those licensed 2

personnel normally assir,ned to control room duty (i.e. Shift Supervisor, Shif t foreman,- Plant Operator, and Assistant Plant Operator).

c. Plant Changes Each operator and senior operator shall be kept informed of all plant design changes, procedure changes, and license changes. This will be accomplisned by written notice of tnese changes to each holder of an operator or senior operator license. Changes of a magnitude requiring detailed explanation will be reviewed by special lecture witn 100%

attendance of licensed personnel.


d. Procedures Eacn operator and senior operator shall review all abnormal and emergency procedures at a minimum of once each six months. This may be accomplished by on-the-job training or through the lecture series. Once each six montns is interpreted to be a review of each procedure witnin a six montn cycle as assigned by the Training Dept. Assignment will be made on a calendar quarter basis for beginning tne six month cycle. A delinquency of 30 days on a procedure review will recuire that tne licensee be removed from license duties until such review is completed.
3. Evaluation
a. Observation Each normal startup and shutdown will be observed by a member of supervision to evaluate operator and senior operator performance and knowledge of operating procedures in the area in wnich he is licensed. The performance of operators and senior operators shall be evaluated annually by operating supervision, or by a member of the training staf f or simulator vendor. This shall include evaluation of actions taken or to be.taken during actual or simulated abnormal or

, emergency conditions. Observation reports are required for all personnel (Supervisory and Non-supervisory), who hold a NRC license, with the exception of the Assistant Plant Manager and Plant Manager. Observation reports will oe recorded on Data Sheet 3 or by a Simulator observation report.

D. Lecture Examinations Written examinations shall De given covering material presented in the program lecture series. The examinations will be prepared and evaluated oy Plant Hatch training personnel except in those cases where approved simulator or other contract personnel administer the lectures. A grade of less than 80% on any lecture series exam shall require an operator or senior operator to be rescheduled for additional instruction and testing on that subject within the next tnree months. The three months will be extended by the length of


time of any refueling outage falling witnin that period.

Lectures presented for information of major upcoming events and/or plant modifications may be documented by attendance record only. i 1

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c. Annual Examinations Annual written examinations shall be given to all licensed personnel to determine areas in whien requalification training is needed. These examinations may be prepared and evaluated by either Plant Haten personnel or an outside agency. A minimum grade of 80% correct on any section snall exempt an operator or senior operator from required attendance at requalification lectures pertinent to that section. Any section grade less tnan 80% but greater tnan 70% will require attendance at requalification lectures pertinent to that section within 12 months from tne exam date.

] An overall grade of less than 80% correct on a annual written examination, a section grade of less tnan 70%, or an unsatisfactory performance evaluation shall require an operator or senior operator to be relieved of all licensed duties so that he may participate in an accelerated


requalification program. An operator or senior operator who has been relieved may retur7 to nis licensed duties following completion of accelerated requalification training, in areas where he was weak, a grade of not less than 80%

correct on examinations given over such areas.

4. Records
Adequate records shall De maintained to document participation of j all licensed personnel in the requalificctior, program. The Plant Hatch Supervisor of Nuclear Training will be responsiDie for the maintenance of all records pertaining to the requalification program.

Records to be maintained are as follows:

a. Lecture examinations and answers.
b. Annual examinations and answers.
c. Observation results,
d. Distrioution cover sheets of design, procedure, and license changes,
e. Abnormal and emergency procedure reviews.
f. Reactivity control operations.
g. Additional training for deficiencies.
n. Any activity wnich substantiates training for requalification.

To assist with the compliance for requalification requirements, use of the computer will be made to store records pertaining to the training of all licensed personnel. Printouts will be requested at intervals to ensure the proper status of individual training.

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v scvos DATA SHEET 1 NAME-------------------- i TRAINING



FINAL GRADE----------------


4 FINAL GP.ADE----------------


FINAL GRADE----------------


, FINAL GRADE------------ s-


f 4

i l

l I

i e


l' a




I j Nature _of operation or' training: (Be specific-~ If test involved -

attached copy with answers) l 4

1 i

a Supervisor in charge of operation or training. (Signature)-----------

, Trainaa Signature-------------------

t I

I Forward tnis report to the Training Office for filing.

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JOB OBSERVED: Performed ( )(check one)

Simulated ( )

ITEMS EVALUATED: (check when completed)

(1) System knowledge ( ) (A) Response to Alarms ( )

(2) Kncwledge of p cedures ( ) (5) Interpretation cf infor-mation (recordet rdgs etc.). ( )

' (3) Proper Use of (6) Information properly Procedures ( ) recorded or ( )




( ) NO Forwarc data sheet to Training Office.

v v