ML20069L548 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Three Mile Island |
Issue date: | 03/31/1983 |
References | |
RO-83-008, RO-83-8, NUDOCS 8304280235 | |
Download: ML20069L548 (1) | |
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MONTHYEARML20202F2341986-07-0303 July 1986
[Table view]Ro:On 860621,canister Seal Installation Tool Removed from Reactor Vessel Following Seal Installation on Defueling Canister D200.Radiological Survey Not Performed Prior to Storage.Caused by Task Supervisor Failure to Require Survey ML20133C4691985-09-16016 September 1985 Ro:On 850821,make-up Auto Power Failure Resulted in Partial Loss of Instrumentation & Control sys/non-nuclear Instrumentation Power.Caused by Shortage Due to Worn Insulation on Coiled Connector Cable.Cable Replaced ML20083F1451983-12-14014 December 1983 RO 83-046:on 831213,review of Cable Separation for Makeup Pump Low Lube Oil Pressure Trip Circuit Revealed That Cables for Makeup Pumps a & C Improperly Separated & Circuits Improperly Classified ML20082H1041983-11-15015 November 1983 RO 83-044:on 831114,AE Site Walkdown Revealed Redundant Circuits in Emergency Feedwater Auto Initiation Circuitry Found Installed/Routed in Same Cable Bundle.Cables Will Be Separated in Jan 1984 ML20082A8721983-11-0808 November 1983 RO 83-043:on 831106,motor Driven Emergency Feedwater Pump EF-P-2A Found Inoperable for Greater than 48 H W/Rcs at Greater than 250 F.Cause Under Investigation ML20081M7731983-10-25025 October 1983 RO 83-040:on 831014,radiation Monitor RM-L-12 Not Installed on Industrial Waste Filter Sys Common Discharge Per Tech Specs,Due to Failure to Receive Amend 88 to License DPR-50, Changing Tech Specs.Public Safety Maintained ML20082K9621983-10-19019 October 1983 RO 83-039:on 831018,after Hays Gas Analyzer Removed from Svc to Perform Calibr,Waste Gas Sys Vent Header Not Sampled for 6.5 H.Cause & Corrective Action Will Be Described in Followup Rept ML20078N4031983-10-0303 October 1983 RO 83-032:both Thermal & Seismic Stress on Instrument Tubes Reevaluated as Followup to Internal Matl Nonconformance Rept.Operability Stresses Below ASME III Criteria Revealed ML20080P6041983-10-0303 October 1983 RO 83-032:on 830930,thermal & Seismic Stress Criteria on Instrument Tubes Not Met.Fatigue Characteristics Revealed Allowable Number of Cycles Exceeds Actual Number of Heatup & Cooldown Cycles Experienced ML20080J2651983-09-21021 September 1983 RO 83-028:on 830920,manual Inside Containment Isolation Valve (IA-V20) in Instrument Air Penetration to Reactor Bldg Found Open.Caused by Stem Bushing in Valve Yoke Backed Out of yoke.IA-V20 Valve Bonnet Replaced ML20078A6011983-09-19019 September 1983 Ro:On 830916,containment Isolation Valve Found Open While Containment Integrity Required.Cause of Incident & Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence to Be Described in 14-day Followup Rept ML20080T0361983-09-19019 September 1983 RO 83-26:on 830917-18,all Main Steam Safety Valves Tested. All But One Valve Lifted Above Allowed Lift Point Tolerance of +1% of Setpoint.Caused by Using Incorrect Main Steam Header ML20080T0331983-09-19019 September 1983 RO 83-25:on 830916,containment Isolation Valve Found Open While Containment Integrity Required.No Threat to Health & Safety Since Second Boundary Remained Closed.Cause & Corrective Actions Expected in 14-day Followup Rept ML20085H6031983-08-29029 August 1983 Ro:On 830827,high Deuterium Alarm in Waste Gas Hold Up Sys Received.Caused by Leakage from Makeup Tank Gas Space Into Vent Header Due to Incorrect Valve Lineup ML20069L3761983-04-18018 April 1983 RO 83-11:on 830326,decay Heat Pump 1A Shaft Bearings Failed,Rendering Pump Inoperable.Caused by Incorrect Design Change to Pump Bearing Lube Oil Sys.Lubrication Sys for Pumps 1A & 1B Returned to Original Configuration ML20073R0881983-04-18018 April 1983 RO 83-11:on 830326,DHR 1A Shaft Bearings Failed,Making Pump Inoperable.Caused by Design Change to Pump Bearing Lube Oil Sys.Sys Returned to Original Configuration.Review of Existing Sys in Progress ML20069L5481983-03-31031 March 1983 RO 83-008:on 830329,oxygen Concentration in Miscellaneous Waste Storage Tank Gas Space Exceeded Tech Specs.Nitrogen Used to Purge Oxygen from Sys & Oxygen Concentration Reduced within Limits ML20072Q5861983-03-22022 March 1983 Telecopy RO 83-005:on 830321,high Oxygen Content Found in Waste Gas Sys.Caused by Recent Maint Activities.Addl Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitor Scheduled for Installation Prior to Restart ML20065B5651983-02-11011 February 1983 Telecopy RO 83-003:on 830210,during Insp of PORV RC-RV2, Corrosion Identified in Inconel & Austenitic Steel Parts. Pilot Valve Piston & Spring Also Found Corroded.Cause Under Analysis ML20070W0821983-02-11011 February 1983 Telecopy of RO 83-003:on 830210,initial Disassembly & Insp of PORV RC-RV2 Revealed Pilot Valve Piston & Spring Corroded in Full Open Position.Failure Analysis Initiated to Determine Cause & Corrective Actions ML20064N9211982-09-0303 September 1982 RO 82-012:on 820902,Tech Spec Re Limiting Condition for Operation Was Not Met for Station Effluent Line Monitor Setpoints RML-7.Caused by Setpoints Not Being Set Per Offsite Dose Calculation manual.RML-7 Setpoints Reset ML20054G5881982-06-0404 June 1982 RO 82-20:on 820603,determined That Recent Overflow of Auxiliary Bldg Sump Occurred Due to Influx of Rainwater from Borated Water Storage Tank Recirculation Pump Encl Sump. Caused by Deficient Administrative & Design Controls ML20079F8491982-05-11011 May 1982 RO 82-008:on 820408 & 0509,oxygen Concentration Exceeded Tech Spec Limit After C Reactor Coolant Bleed Tank Returned to Svc Following Maint.Tech Spec Will Be Revised to Take Maint Effects Into Account ML20053C9711982-05-11011 May 1982 RO 82-007:on 820509,oxygen Concentration Exceeded Tech Specs Limit of 2% After Reactor Coolant Bleed Tank Was Returned to Svc After Maint.Nitrogen Purge Initiated on Tank to Reduce Oxygen.Erroneously Numbered ML20126L5161981-05-11011 May 1981 RO 81-13/1P:on 810508,incore Thermocouple L-11 Failed. Thirty-two Thermocouples Remain Operable ML20126J8521981-04-21021 April 1981 RO 81-10/1P:on 810420,discovered Failure to Meet Requirements of Shift & Daily Checks Surveillance Procedures for post-accident Instrumentation & Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation.Addl Info Will Be Provided ML20062K0701980-11-17017 November 1980 RO 80-53/1P:on 801108,incore Thermocouples N-3 & N-9 Determined to Be Failed ML20062K0691980-11-17017 November 1980 RO 80-52/1P:on 801113 Following Leak Test of Personnel Airlock 2,inner Door Leak Rate Test Failed to Meet Required Tech Spec Limit.Door Could Not Be Returned to Svc within 24-h Required Limit ML20062K0531980-10-28028 October 1980 RO 80-48/1P:on 801027,four Relief Valves W/Unauthorized ASME UV Code Symbol Stamp Discovered.Followup Action Being Initiated ML20062J4281980-10-20020 October 1980 RO 80-410:determined That Replacement Coils Being Installed in Response to IE Bulletin 79-01A Have a Range Lower than Station Battery Voltage Range.Coils Could Potentially Fail If Maintained at Voltages Above Normal Operating Range ML20126B4771980-02-11011 February 1980 RO 80-03/1P:makeup Pump Discharge Check Valves MU-V-734A/C Found W/Damages Locking Devices on Valve Seat Holddown Bolts.Cause Unstated.Matls Analysis on Failed safety-related Crane Tilting Disc Check Valves Being Conducted ML20062E6271978-12-0505 December 1978 RO 78-31/4P:river Water Temp Change Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Low Inlet Temp & High Ambient Temp & Relative Humidity,Resulting in Inability of Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers to Cool Discharge Water Properly ML20085A5011975-06-27027 June 1975 Ro:On 750613,power Relief Valve Actuated at 2,257 Psig & Failed to Close,Resulting in Rupture of Quench Tank Rupture Disc & Violation of Fuel Compression Curve & Cooldown Rates. Caused by Incorrectly Positioned Pilot Valve Lever ML20244A8031975-04-0909 April 1975 Nonroutine 30-Day Rept 75-04:deficiency Found in Scope of Analysis Utilized in Deriving Power Vs Rod Withdrawal Limits Per Tech Spec Figures-3.5-2a,2b & 2c.Mgt Review Underway 1986-07-03 Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT MONTHYEARML20217G1001999-10-14014 October 1999
[Table view]Errata to Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 215 to FOL DPR-50.Credit Given for Delay in ECCS Leakage ML20217K4701999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20216F9231999-09-22022 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 216 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-010, :on 990830,discovery of Condition Outside UFSAR Design Basis for Flood Protection Was Noted.Caused Because Original Problem Was Not Corrected by Design Change.Flood Procedure Was Immediately Revised.With1999-09-21021 September 1999
1999-09-30 |
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