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Rev 3 to Odcm.
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1989
From: Beckman W, Maria Moore, Neal T
Shared Package
ML18054A952 List:
PROC-890301, NUDOCS 8909110069
Download: ML18054A961 (116)




Date sf?§,

RMC Adaini1trator Date 8909110069 890831 PDR ADOCK 05000255 R PDR HI0389-0046A-HP01


1. Allowable Concentration l
2. Monitor Response 2
a. Normal Releases 2
b. "Accident Releases 3 B. DOSE RATE CALCULATION 3
1. Appendix I - Calculation Basis 3
a. Equations and Assumption* for Noble Ga1 4
b. Equation* and A11umption1 for Iodines & Particulates 7
c. Design Basis Quantitie1 18
d. Land Use Censu1 and DBQ Change* 1§
e. Gaseous Relea1e1 From the Steam Generator Slowdown 20 Vent and Atmosphere Release Valve1
1. Batch Releases 20
2. Continuou1 Release* 21
3. Exceeding DBQ Limits 21
4. Relea1ing Radionuclide* Hot Listed in Table 1.9 22 D. OPTIONAL QUARTERLY DOSE CALCULATIOHS 22
1. Hethodolo1y for Optional Quarterly Dose Calculations 22
a. Si*plified Con1ervative Approach 23
b. Reali1tic Calculation 24 E. GASEOUS IW>WASTI TREA'l'MEYT SYSTEM OPERATIOll 25
1. Syat. . Deacription 25
1. RETS Reguirements 61
2. Prerelease Analisis 61
3. Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) 62 B. INSTRUMENT SETPOINTS 63
1. Setpoint Determination 63
2. Composite Samplers 63
3. Post-Release Anal Isis 64
c. DOSE 64
1. RETS Reguirement 64
2. Release Analisis 65
a. Water Ingestion 66 *
b. Fish Ingestion 67 c* Annual Analysi1 67
  • III.




1. PurpoH 71 2* Definition 72
  • MI0389-0046A-HPOl ii

I* GASEOUS EFFLUEllTS A. ALARM/'IKIP SETPOIHT METHOD Specification 3.24.5.l requires that MPC is not exceeded when averaged over a period not to exceed 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Based on the definition of MPC, the dose rate in unrestricted areas due to gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited at all times to the following values:

500 mrem/y to the total body and 3,000 mrem/y to the skin from noble gases.

1,500 mrem/y to any organ from radioiodines and particulates, due to inhalation.

Specification requires gaseous effluent monitors to have alarm/trip setpoints to en1ure that offsite concentrations, when averaged over 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, will not be greater than HPC. This section of the ODCM describes the methodology that will be used to determine these setpoints.

The methodology for determining alarm/trip setpoints is divided into two major parts. The first con1i1t1 of calculating an allowable concentration for the nuclide mizture to be relea1ed. The second con1ist1 of determin-ing monitor respon1e to thi1 mixture in order to e1tablish the physical settings on the monitor1.

1. Allowable Concentration The total M~-fraction (Rk) for each release point will be calculated by the relation1hip defined by Note l of Appendiz B, 10 CFR 20:

Ci R(k) =- (~ (F) MRI = s i.o (1.1)

Q i

MI0389-0046A-HP01 1

  • where:

Ci = Actual or measured concentration, at ambient temperature and pressure of nuclide i (µCi/cc)

MPCi = The MPC of nuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B R(k) = The total MPC-fraction for release point k X/Q = Most conservative sector site boundary dispersion (l.43E-06 sec/m 3 )

F = Release flow rate (83,000 cfm = 39.2 m3 /sec) for stack monitor considerations; variable for other monitors.

NOTE: If a batch relea1e is made while a continuous release or another batch release is in progre11, the sum of all value* of Rk must be less than 1.0.

2. Monitor Response Normal radioactivity releases consist mainly of well-decayed fission gasses. Therefore, monitor response calibrations are performed to fission gas typical of normal releases (mainly Xe-133). Response of monitors used to define fission product release rates under accident conditions may vary fro* that of Xe-133, however. Monitor response for the two categories of monitor is determined as follows:
a. Normal Relea1es {aged fission gassea)

Total ga-. concentration (µCi/cc) at the monitor is calculated.

The calibration curve or constant for cpm/(µCi/cc) is applied to determine cpm expected. The setting for monitor alarms is eatablished at some factor (b) greater than l but less than l/Rk (Equation l.l) times the mea1ured concentration (c):

s =b x c (1.2)

HI0389-0046A-HP01 2

  • b. Accident- Releases Monitors are preset to alarm at or before precalculated offsite dose rates would be achieved under hypothetical accident con-ditions. These setpoints are established in accordance with Emergency Plan requirements for defining Emergency Action Levels and associated actions. Emergency Implementing Procedures contain monitor-specific curves or calibration constants for conversion between cpm and.µCi/cc (or R/hr and µCi/cc), depend-ing on monitor type, for fission product mixtures as a function of mixture decay time.

When these monitors are utilized for other than accident con-ditions, either an appropriately decayed "accident" conversion*

curve may be used, or a decayed fi11ion gas calibration factor may be applied. In theH cases, setpoints are established as in

  • 1) above.

Setpoints of accident monitors (if set to monitor normal releases) are reset to the accident alarm settings at the end of normal relea1e. Setpoint1 of other release monitors are main-tained at th* level used at the latest relea1e (well below the level which would allow MPC to be ezceeded at the site boundary), or ara re1et to approzimately three times background in order to detect leakage or inadvertent releases of low level gases.


1. Dose rate* are calculated for (1) noble ga1es and (2) iodines and particulate1. Dose rate1 a1 defined in thi1 section are based on 10 CFR 50 Appendiz I limits of mrem per quarter and millirem per year.

All dose pathways of major importance in the Palisades environs are considered.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 3

  • a. Equation*s* and assumptions for calculating doses from noble gases are as follows:
1) Assumptions a) Doses to be calculated are the maximum offsite point in air, total body and skin.

b) Exposure pathway is submersion within a cloud of noble gases.

c) Noble gas radionuclide miz is based on the histor-ically observed source term given in Table 1.1, plus additional nuclides.

d) Basic radionuclide data are given in Table 1.2.

e) All releases are treated as ground-level.

f) Meteorological data ezpressed as joint-frequency distribution of wind apeed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability for the period resulting in X/Q'* and D/Q'* shown in Table 1.3.

a) Raw meteorological data consists of wind speed and direction measurements at 10* and temperature measure-ments at 10. and 60..

b) Dose is to be evaluated at the offsite ezposure points where mazimum concentrations are expected to exist (overland sector site boundaries), and nearest resi-dents.

i) Potential maximum population (resident) exposure points are identified in Table 1.4.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 4

j.) *- - A semi-infinite cloud model is used.

k) For person exposures, credit is taken for shielding by residence (factor of 0.7).

1) Radioactive decay is considered for the plume.

m) Building wake effects on effluent dispersion are considered.

n) A sector-average dispersion equation is used.

o) The wind speed classes that are used are as follows:

Wind Speed Class Number Range (m/s) Mid2oint (m/s) 1 0.0-0.4 0.2 2 0.4-1.5 0.95 3 1.5-3.0 2.25 4 3.0-5.0 4.0 5 5.0-7.5 6.25 6 7.5-10.0 8.75 7 >10.0 p) The stability classes that will be used are the standard A through G cla11ification1. The stability classes 1-7 will correspond to A=l, 8=2, * * * , G=7.

q) Terrain effects are not considered.

2) Equations

.To calculate the dose for any one of the exposure points, the following equations are used.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 5

For- determining the air concentration of any radionuclide:

(~) 1/2 x*1 Izk. u j ( 2nx/n) j=l k=l (1/3) where:

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, µCi/ml.

fjk = Joint relative. frequency of occurrence of winds in wind speed class j, stability class k, blowing toward this exposure point, expressed as a fraction.

Qi = Average release rate of ~adionuclide i,


p = Fraction of radionuclide remaining in plume.

  • Izk u*J

= Vertical dispersion coefficient for stability clau k. (m).

= Midpoint value of wind speed clas1 interval j, m/s.

= Downwind distance, m.

n :a Number of sectors, 16.

Xi = Radioactive decay coefficient of radionuclide i, s-1.

2'1tZ/n a Sector width at point of interest, m.

For determining the total body do1e rate:

(1.4) i where:

DTB = Total body dose rate, mrem/y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, µCi/ml.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 6

  • DFBi* = Total body dose factor due to gamma radiation, mrem/y per µCi/ml (Table 1.5).

For determining the skin dose rate:

Ds = L Xi (DFSi + 1.11 DFYi) ( 1. 5) 1 where:

Ds = Skin dose rate, mrem/y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, µCi/m 3

  • DFSi = Skin dose factor due to beta radiation, mrem/y per µCi/ml (Table 1.5).

1.11 = The average ratio of tis1~e to air energy

  • absorption coefficients, mrem/mrad.

DFYi = Gamma-to-air dose factor for radionuclide i, mrad/y per µCi/ml (Table 1.5).

For determining dose rate to a point in air:

08 = ~- Xi (DFYi or DFBi) ( 1. 6) i where:


  • Air do1e rate, mrad/yr Dfti
  • Air dose factor for beta radiation (Table 1.5).
b. Equation* and a11wnption1 for calculating do1e1 from radio-iodinea and particulates are a1 follows:
  • HI0389-0046A-HP01 7
  • l) Assumptions a) Dose is to be calculated for the critical organ, thyroid, and the critical age groups {adult, teen, child, infant), infant {milk) and child {green, leafy vegetables).

b) Exposure pathways from iodines and particulates are milk ingestion, ground contamination, green leafy vegetables from home gardens, and inhalation.

c) The radioiodine and particulate mix is based on the historically observed source term given in Table l.l

  • d) Basic radionuclide data are given in T~ble 1.2.

e) All relea1e1 are treated a1 ground-level.

f) Mean annual average X/Q's for the period January l, 1978 - December 31, 1982 are given in Table 1.3.

g) Raw meteorological data for ground-level releases con1i1t of wind 1peed and direction measurements at 10* and temperature mea1urements at lOm and 60m.

h) Do1e ia to be evaluated at the potential offsite expo1ure point* where maximum dose1 to man are expec-ted to exiat.

i) Real cow, goat and garden locations are considered.

j) Potential maximum expo1ure points (Table 1.4) con-sidered are the nearest cow, goat and home garden locations in each sector.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 8

  • k)* *Terrain effects and open terrain recirculation factors are not considered.
1) Building wake effects on effluent dispersion are considered.

m) Plume depletion and radioactive decay are considered for air-concentration calculations.

n) Radioactive decay is considered for ground-concentration calculations.

o) Deposition is calculated based on the curves given in Figure 1.2.

p) Milk cows and goats obtain 100% of their food from pasture grass May through October of each year. Use default values of 0.58 for cows and 0.67 for goats for fraction of year on pasture.

q) Credit is taken for shielding by residence (factor of 0.7).

2) Equations To calculate the dose for any one of the potential maxiatua-exposure points, the following equations in Section 1.2.2 are used.

a) Inhalation Equation for calculating air concentration, Xi is the same as in the Noble Gas Section (Equation 1.3) *

  • HI0389-0046A-HP01 9


  • * -
  • For determining the organ dose rate:

Di = lxl08 L Xi DFii BR (1. 7) 1 where:

o*1 = Organ dose rate due to inhalatioh, mrem/y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, µCi/m 3 OF Ii = Inhalation dose factor, mrem/pCi (Table 1.7).

BR = Breathing rate 1400 m3 /y, infant; 3700 m3 /y, child; or 8000 m3 /y teen and adult.

lxl08 = pCi/µCi conversion factor.

b) Ground Contamination For determining the ground concentration of any

  • nuclide:

Gi = 3.15:107 [1-exp-(,\i tb)]

( 1. 8) where:

Gi = Ground concentration of radionuclide i,

µCi/m 2

  • k = Stability cla11.

fk = Joint relative frequency of occurrence of wind1 in stability cla11 k blowing toward this exposure point, expressed as a fraction.

Qi = Average release rate of radionuclide i,


1 DR =Relative deposition rate, m- (Fig 1.2).

= Downwind distance, m.

n = Number of sector1, 16.

2nx/n = Sector width at point of interest, m.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 10

= Radioactive decay coefficient of radio-

. * -1 nuclide i, y

  • tb = Time for buildup of radionuclides on the ground, 15 Y*

3.15xl0 7 = s/y conversion factor.

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 11
  • 10-3 Figure 1.2 Corrected January 1977 l

I I i I I i , I i

~~ .. I i 10-4  !


w I

I l



w cc

-...w ' ....



< ~

' ~""


z 1o-5 ~

0 i=



w 0

w Iii...

... , I


c( "~Iii..


w ~~


1o-8 ~... ......

I  ;

- I I I I,  :

iI '

I I I ' Ii I 10-7 I I 11 i

.0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 200.0 PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS)

Figure 7. Relative Deposition for Ground Ll'let Releases (All Atmospheric MI0389-0046A-HP01 Stability Classes) 12


  • For determining the total body or organ dose rate from ground contamination:

De = (8, 760Hlxl0 6 Ho. 7) L Gi DFei ( 1. 9) l where:

De = Dose rate due to ground contamination, mrem/y.

ei =Ground concentration of radionuclide i,

µCi/m 2

  • DFei = Dose factor for standing on contaminated ground, mrem/h per pCi/m 2 (Table 1.8).

8,760 =Occupation time, h/y.

lz1oe = pCi/µCi conversion factor.

  • 0.1 = Shielding factor accounting for a dis-tance of 1.0 meter above ordinary ground, dimen1 ionl es 1.

c) Hilk and Vegetation Ingestion For determinins the concentration of any nuclide (ezcept C-14 and H-3) in and on vegetation:

7 CVi

  • 3,600. I f1r, g; C21tx n)

DI (r[l-ez2 (-AEite)]

Yv AEi

+ (1.10) k*l Biv [ 1-up (-Ai tb) ])

p Ai

~ ...p-C>.ithll J where:

CVi =i Concentration of radionuclide i in and on vegetation, µCi/gk *

  • HI0389-0046A-HP01 k = Stability clas1 13
  • = Frequency of this stability class and wind direction combination, expressed as a fraction.

= Average release rate of radionuclide 1'

µCi/ s.

-1 DR = Relative deposition rage, m (Figure 1.2).

x = Downwind distance, m.

n = Number of sectors, 16.

2rr.x/n = Sector width at point of interest, m.

r = Fraction of deposited activity retained on vegetation (1.0 for iodines, 0.2 for particulates).

AEi = Effective removal rate constant, AEi = Ai +

>..w, where Ai is the radioactive decay 1

coefficient, h- , and Xw is a measure of physical loss by weathering C>..w- = .0021 h- ).

= Period over which deposition occurs, 720 h.

=Agricultural yield, 0.7 kg/ma.

Biv = Transfer factor from soil to vegetation of radionuclide i (Table 1.6).

Ai = Radioactive decay coefficient of 1

radionuclide i, h-tb = Time for buildup of radionuclides on the ground, l.3lxlos h (15y).

P = Effective surface density of soil, 240 kg/ma*

3,600 a s/h conversion factor.

th = Holdup time between harvest and consumption of food (2,160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> for stored food)

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 14
  • For determining the concentration of C-14 in vegeta-ti on:

CV14 = lxlOl X14 (0.11/0.16) (1.11) where:

CV14 = Concentration of C-14 in vegetation, µCi/kg.

X14 =Air concentration of C-14, µCi/ml.

0.11 ~=Fraction of total plant ma1s that is natural carbon.

0.16 = Concentration of natural carbon in the atmosphere, g/ml.

lzl0 3 = g/kg conversion factor.

For determining the concentration of H-3 in vegeta-ti on:

CVT = lzlOl XT (0.75)(0.5/H) (1.12) where:

CVT x Concentration of H-3 in vegetation, µCi/ml.

XT x Air concentration of H-3, µCi/ml.

0.75 x Fraction of total plant mass that is water.

0.5 = Ratio of tritiua concentration in plant water to tritium concentration in atmospheric water.

H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere, g/ml.

3 lzl0 x g/k1 conversion factor.

For determining the concentration of any nuclide in cow's or goat's milk:


HI0389-0046A-HP01 15


CMi = Concentration of radionuclide i (including C-14 and H-3) in milk, µCi/l.

CVi = Concentration of radionuclide i in and on vegetation, µCi/kg.

FMi = Transfer factor from feed to milk for radio-nuclide i, d/l (Table 1.6).

Qf = Amount of feed consumed by the milk animal per day, kg/d (cow, 50 kg/d or goat 6 kg/d).

Ai = Radioactive decay coefficient of radionuclide

. -1 i, d

  • tf = Transport t~me of activity from feed to milk to receptor, 2 days.

For determining the organ dose rate from ingestion of green leafy vegetable* and milk:

D = lx1oe ~ CMi DFi UM (l.14) i where:

D 3 Organ do1e rate due to ingestion, mrem/y.

ali = Concentration of radionuclide i in vegetables or milk, µCi/kg (or liters).

DPi 3 Inge1tion do1e factor, mrem/pCi (Table 2.1).

UM = Inge1tion rate for milk, 330 l/y; for vegetable* 26 kg/yr (child), no ingestion by inf ant.

lxl08 = pCi/µCi conversion factor.

d) Meat Ingestion (Beef)

  • To calculate the concentration of a nuclide in animal flesh:

HI0389-.0046A-HP01 16

  • where:


Cf i = Concentration of nuclide i in the animal flesh, pCi/kg.

Ffi = Fraction of animal's daily intake which appears in each kg of flesh, days/kg (Table 1.6).

CVi = Concentration of radionuclide i in the animal's feed (Equation 1.10).

Qf = Amount of feed consumed by the cow per day, 50 kg/d.

ts = Average time from slaughter to consumption, 20 day1.

  • To determine the organ dose from ingestion of beef:

Of = L Cfi Ofi Uf (1.16) i where:

Dfi =- Inge1tion do1e factor for age group, mrem/pCi (Table 2.1) for nuclide i.

Uf = Ingestion rate of meat for age group, kg/y (child-41, teen-65, adult-110).

e) Organ Dose Rate1 For detel"lllining the total body and organ dose rate from iodine* and particulates:

D =- Dr + De + Otf + Dy + DF (1.17)

MI0389-0046A-HP01 17

  • .
  • where:

D Dr



Total organ dose rate, mrem/y.

Dose rate due to inhalation, mrem/y.

De = Dose rate due to ground contamination, mrem/y.

DH = Dose rate due to milk ingestion, mrem/y.

Dv = Dose rate du;e to vegetable ingestion, mrem/y.

DF = Dose rate due to beef ingestion, mrem/y.

3) The maximum organ dose rate, maximum total body dose rate, and maximum skin dose rate calculated in the previous section (Sec 1.2.2) are used to calculate design basis quantities as described in Section 1.3.
c. Design Ba1i1 Quantities The design basis quantity of a radionuclide emitted to the atmosphere is the amount of that nuclide, when released in one year, which would result in a dose not exceeding any of the following:
1) 15 millirem to any organ of an individual from iodines and particulates with half-life greater than 8 days.
2) 15 mi.llire11 to skin of an individual from noble gas.
3) 5 millirem to the total body of an individual from noble Design ba1is quantity (Ci) is the smallest value for each nuclide, calculated by dividing the dose limits (a through c above) by the appropriate dose calculated from the amount of radionuclide (Ci) used to conservatively estimate the doses of Section D, as listed in Table l.l (or a hypothetical 1 Ci/year);

HI0389-0046A-HP01 18

the resul"t is then multiplied by the amount of radionuclide used.

DBQ = DAI <cc> ( 1.18)

De where:

DAI = Appendiz I dose limit (mrem or mrad).

De = Calculated dose (mrem or mrad).

Cc = Quantity of nuclide resulting in dose De (Ci).

DBQ = Design Basis Quantity (Ci).

The limiting values for Design Basis Quantities for radio-nuclides released to the atmo1phere are given in Table 1.9.

The inverse of the ratio Cc/De in the above equation (ie, De/Cc) is a useful value, since it represents the most limiting dose per unit quantity of each nuclide released. Use of the De/Cc ratio in quarterly evaluation of off site dose is discussed in section D. Valuea of De/Cc are given in Table 1.9.

d. Land Use Censu1 and DBQ Changes Specification* 4.11.3 and 4.11.4 de1cribe the requirements for an annual land use census and revision of the ODCM for use in the following calendar year. Area* of the ODCM which will be reviewed, and changed if appropriate, are Table 1.4 (Land Use Census data by Sector), Table l.4a (Critical Receptors), and Table l.~ (Ca1eous Design Basis Objective Annual Quantities).

Change* will be effective on January 1 of the year following the year of the survey.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 19

e. Gaseous-Releases From the Steam Generator Slowdown Vent and Atmosphere Release Valves Releases from the steam generator blowdown vent and atmospheric relief valves are difficult to quantify as there are no sampling capabilities on these steam release systems. However, neither system is a normal release path. The steam generator blowdown vent is normally routed to the main condenser and recirculated.

Radioactive releases will be calculated by analyzing steam generator blowdown liquid and assuming that 100 percent of Noble Gases, 10 percent of the Iodines and l percent of the Particu-lates will be released to the environment in the steam phase.

Volumes will be released to the environment in the steam phase.

Volumes will be calculated u1i~g water balances or alternate

  • means as available *
1. Batch Releasea Prior to each batch release (waste decay tank release or containment purge), the quantity of each nuclide identified is SWiiied with the quantit~ of that nuclide relea1ed since the first of the current calendar year. The cumulative total for each nuclide then is divided by th* de1iaa objective quantity for each nuclide (from Table 1.9),

ancl the> re1ultant fraction* are summed in order to assure that the sua fraction of all nuclides does not exceed 1.0:

Ai <1.0 (1.19) i

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 20
  • The amount Tri *any calendar quarter should not exceed 0.5. This is checked by subtracting the value obtained at the end of the previous quarter from the value obtained from the cumulative total to date, including the batch to be released.
2. Continuous Releases Low level continuous releases from the vent gas collection header and other low level sources are totaled on a weekly basis and summed with any batch releases for the week in order to establish the cumulative DBQ fraction from batch plus continuoua released for the year-to-date. Calculations are performed in the same manner as for batch releases described in c.1.0.
3. Exceeding DBQ Limits As discussed under B.1.3, the DBQ is a very conservative* estimate of activity which could give do1e1 at Appendiz I limits. Because different organs are sumned together and doses to different people are summed, the DBQ typically overe1timate1 dose by about a factor of five. Thus, if calculations of DBQ fraction ezceed 1.0 for year-to-date or 0.5 for the quarter, technical specifications probably still would not be ezceeded. However, further discretionary releases should be deferred until an accurate a11e11ment of do1e is made by use of GASPAll computer code or by analysis of appropriate release data via the 1e1111ented gaussian dose model used in emergency planning (inhalation do1e, total body ezternal dose, and boundary dose in

-air). See also Section D.1.2.

It should be noted that Palisade* Plant to date (based on review of semiannual effluent data) ha1 never ezceeded the annual or quarterly DBQ fraction, despite it1 conservatism. Thu1, it is not ezpected

  • that an alternate to the DBQ method will be required unless the plant is in a significantly off-normal condition.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 21

4. Releasing Radionuclides Not Listed in Table 1.9 Table 1.9 contains all nuclides identified to date as routine consti-tuents of gaseous releases at Palisades Plant, plus those common to PWRs in general, even if not previously detected at Palisades. From*

time to time, however, other nuclides may be detected.

If the unlisted nuclide constitutes less than 10% of the MPC-fration for the release, and all unlisted nuclides total less than 25% of the MPC-fraction, the nuclide may be considered not present.

If the unlisted nuclide constitutes greater than 10% of the MPC-fraction, or all unlisted nuclides together constitute greater than 25%, then each nuclide should be assigned a DBQ equal to the most conservative value listed for the physical form of the nuclide in-volved (noble gas, halogen or particulate).

Should a nuclide not listed in Table 1.9 begin to appear in signifi-cant quantities on a routine basis, revision to this ODCM should be made in order to include a design basis quantity specific to that nuclide.


1. Methodology for Optional Quarterly Dose Calculations Thia option may be used in place of, or in addition to, the Design
  • 1!a1i1 Quantity (DBQ) fraction calculation described by Equation 1.19:

Thia optional conservative calculation relates the DBQ fraction to the dose1 fro* which it was originally derived. Use of this method may assist in identification of the critical dose pathway or charac-teristics of the assumed critical individual (infant, child, teen and adult), since Table 1.9 indicates these parameters.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 22

  • a. Simplified Conservative Approach This method utilizes a limiting dose concept such that the limiting dose for each nuclide is sunmed with the limiting dose for each other nuclide, regardless if such sum is physically possible. It also assumes critical pathways, such as milk and vegetables, are in effect even in winter when the pathway is absent.

As such, the method is highly conservative and significantly over-estimates dose. If limits appear to be ezceeded by this method, Section D.1.2 (a concise method, but requiring computer support) will be utilized.

1. Assumptions a) All as1umption1 of Section 1.1 are utilized.

b) Limiting do1es for each ga1eous nuclide are sumned, regardle11 of limiting decay mode (gamma or beta).

c) Limitin1 dose1 for each particulate and iodine nuclide are suamed, regardless of do1e point location, ezpo1ure pathway or organ affected.

d) Do1e1 are sumned for detected nuclide* such that all nuclide* which contribute greater than 10%

individually or 25% in aggregate, to the MPC of relea1ed radioactivity, are included in the dose calculation.

2* Eguation1

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 For determining gaseous effluent dose:


I i -- (1.20)

De = '[ AieCDc/Cc>ie < S millirad/quarter, 10 mrad/yr 0


De = Dose from gaseous effluents (mrad).

Aie = Quantity of gaseous nuclide i released (Ci).

CDc/Cc>ie = Dose per Ci factor for gaseous nuclide 1 (mrad/Ci).

The limit for this mixture is conservatively taken as that

.for gamma exposure (5 mrem/quarter, 10 mrem/year) although as indicated in Table 1.9, a majority of the gaseous effluent* are beta-limiting and on an individual basis have the higher limit of 10 millirem/q~rter and 20

  • millirem/year.

For determining tritium, particulate and iodine dose to organ1:

i (1.21)

°'l'PI = L < 7.5 mrem/q, 15 mrem/y where:


  • Do1e fro* particulate* and iodines (mrem).


  • Quantity of particulate or iodine nuclide i released (Ci).


  • Do1e per Ci factor for particulate or iodine nuclide i (mrad/Ci).

b*. Realistic Calculation This methodology is to be u1ed if the highly conservative calculation* described in c.1.1, c.1.2 or 0.1.0 yield values that appear to exceed applicable limits.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 24

Doses*for released particulates, iodines and noble gases will be determined by use of the NRC GASPAR computer code. The computer run will utilize the annual average joint frequency meteoro-logical data based on not less than 3 years of meteorological measurement, and will reflect demographic and land use infor-mation from the land use survey generated in the most recent prior year. Where appropriate, seasonal adjustments will be applied to obtain realistic dose estimates since both recrea-tional and agricultural activities can vary greatly in relation to season of the year.

An alternative to GASPAR for offsite dose calculation is the use of the Palisades Segmented Gaussian Plume Emergency offsite dos~

calculation program. Thia dose model allow* evaluation of dose under the actual meteorological conditions present at the time of release. It is anticipated that the system may be used in major short-term releases such as containment purges are to be made under conditions which depart significantly from mean annual conditions.

E. GASEOUS RADWASTB TREilMDT SYSTEM OPDATIOM The gaseous radwa1te treatment sy1tem (GRTS) de1cribed below shall be maintained and operated to keep release* AI.AllA.

l. Sy1tea De1cription A....flov diagraa for the GB.TS is given in Figure 1-1. The system con1i1t1 of three waste-gal compressor packages, siz gas decay tanks, and the asaociated piping, valves, and instrumentation. Gaseous wastes are received from the following: degassing of the reactor coolant and purging of the volume control tank prior to a cold shut-down, displacing of cover gases caused by liquid accumulation in the tanks connected to the vent header, and boron recycle process opera-tion.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 25

Design of the system precludes hydrogen explosion by means of ignition source elimination (diaphragm valves, low flow diaphragm compressors and system electrical grounding), and minimization of leakage outside the system. Explosive mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen have been demonstrated compatible with the system by opera-tional experience over the past 13 years.

2. Determination of Satisfactory Operation Design basis quantity fraction will be calculated for batch and continuous releases as described in Section I.e. These calculations will be used to ensure that the GRTS is operating a1 designed.

Because the plant was designed to collect and hold for decay a vast majority of the high level ganses generated within the.primary system, and because the 13-year operating history (to date of writing the initial ODCM) of the plant has demonstrated the system's consis-tent performance well below Appendix I limits, no additional oper-ability requirements are specified.

F. RELEASE RATE FOR ORSITE MPC (500 mr*/yr) 10 CFR 20.106 requires radioactive effluent releases to unrestricted areas be in concentration* le11 than the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II when averaged over a period not to exceed one year. (Note: there are no unrestricted areas anywhere within the site boundary as defined by Figure 1-1.) Concentrations at this level if present for one year will result in a dose of 500 mrem wholebody or 1500 mrem organ or 3000 mrem skin-4ue to external exposure or inhalation depending on the nuclide(s) released. 10 era 50.36a requires that the release of radioactive materials be kept a1 low a1 reasonably achievable. However, the section further states that the licensee is permitted the flexibility of operation, to assure a dependable source of power even under unusual operating conditions, to release quantities of material higher than a small percentage of 10 CFR 20.106 limits but still within those limits.

Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 provides the numerical guidelines MI0389-0046A-HP01 26

on limiting conditions for operations to meet the as low as reasonably achievable requirement.

The GASPAR code has been run to determine the dose due to external radia-tion and inhalation. The source term used is listed in Table 1.1. The meteorology data is given in Table 1.3. Dose using annual average meteorology, to the most limiting organ of the person assume to be residing at the site boundary with highest X/Q, is 2.l5E-02 mrem (for one year). The release rate which would result in a dose rate equivalent to 500 mrem/year (using the more conservative total body limit) is the curies/year given in Table l.l multiplied by 500/2.15E-02 or 1.11 Ci/sec.

G. PAllTICULATB AllD IODillE SAMPLDIG Particulate and iodine samples are obtained from the continuous sample stream pulled from the plant stack. Samples typically are obtained to represent an integrated release from a ga* batch (waste gas decay tank or containment purge, for example), or a series of samples are obtained to follow the course of a release. In any event, sample intervals are weekly, at minimum.

Because HEPA filteri are present between most source inputs to the stack and the sample point, releases of particulate* normally are significantly less than pre-release calculation* indicate. This provides for conserva-tism in e1tabli*hin1 setpoints and in e1timation of pre-release design basis quantity fraction. However, for the sake of maintaining accurate release totals, monitor results (for gasses) and sample results (for parti~late* and iodines) utilized rather than the pre-release estimates, for cuaulative record1.

Ganna analytical results for particulate and halogen filters are combined for determination of total activity of particulates and halogens released.

Beta and alpha counting also is performed on the particulate filters.

Beta yields of the gamma isotopes detected on particulate filters are applied to determine "identified" beta, and the "identified" count rate is HI0389-0046A-HP01 27

subtracted from the observed count rate to give "unidentified" beta. The "unidentified" beta is assumed to be Sr-90 until results on actual Sr-90 (chemically separated from a quarterly composite of filters) are obtained.

H. NOBLE GAS SAMPLIHG Noble gasses will be sampled from Waste Gas Decay Tanks prior to release and the Containment prior to purging. Analysis of these samples will be used for accountability of noble gasses. Off gas will be sampled at least weekly and used to calculate monthly noble gas releases. Nonroutine releases will be quantified from the stack noble ga1 monitor (RE 2326) which has a LLD of lE-06 µCi/cc (if RE 1815 is used because RE 2326 is out of service, the LLD will be SE-05 µCi/cc).


  • TB.ITIUM SAMPLillC Tritium has a low dose consequence to the public because of low production rates. The major contributors to tritium effluents are evaporation from the fuel pool and reactor cavity (when flooded). Because of the low dose impact, gaseous tritium sampling will not be required. Tritium effluents will be estimated using conservative evaporation rate calculations from the fuel pool and reactor cavity *
  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 28


~ T-2QO LOW LEVEL GAS COLLECTION--_...__ _ _.. t----1:_.,.




r-- - - - - - - - - - , ' FUEL Q RAO- ~ * * ~EA l}I



  • RE 5712* AOOITN
  • RE 1809. 5711 ANO 5712 TRIP SUPPL V ANO ONE OF TWO EXHAUST( ..S.



Nuclide Gaseous(2) Liguid(2)

H-3 s.s 159 Kr-85 4.1 NA Kr-85m 0.12 NA Kr-87 8 .4E-02 NA Kr-88 2. lE-01 NA Ar-41 3 .lE-02 NA Xe-13lm 2.2 NA Xe-133 1493 NA Xe-133m 0.43 NA Xe-135 1.11 NA Xe-135m 0.3 NA I-131 0.025 3.21E-03 I-132 2.91E-03 NA I-133 6 .5E-03 4.7E-05 I-134 4.8E-04 NA I-135

  • l.84E-02 NA Na-24 l.5E-06 NA Cr-51 2.5E-04 3.9E-03 Mn-54 4.lE-04 7.SE-03 Co-57 2.lE-06 3.2E-05 Co-58 8.6E-04 2.9E-02 Fe-59 6.6E-06 4. lE-04 Co-60 l.lE-03 l.24E-02 Se-75 3. 71!!-06 NA Nb-95 2.4E-05 4.53E-04 Zr-95 4. 7E-06 l. 79E-04 Mo-99 l.5E-07 NA Ru-103 .JE-07 .lE-05 Sb-127 NA 3.5E-05 Cs-134 4.5!-05 0.1 Ca-136 NA l.8E-06 C*-137 2 .6E-04 l.36E-02 Ba-140 2.8E-07 NA La-140 7 .5E-07 l.lE-04 Unidentified beta 3.9E-04 3.3E-03 (1) DataCierived fro* taking the effluent* relea1ed during July-December 1978 through January-June 1982 and dividing by 4.

(2) Nuclide values listed as NA have not been ob1erved at detectable levels in these waste stream*.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 30

  • TABLE 1.2 BASIC RADIONUCLIDE DATA NUCLIDE HALF-LIFE LAMBDA BETA 1 GAI1M.A 1 (days) (l/s) (MEV/DIS) (~V/DIS) 1 Tritium 4.49E 03 l.79E-09 5.68E-03 0.0 2 C-14 2.09E 06 3.84E-12 4.95E-02 0.0 3 N-13 6.94E-03 l.16E-03 4.91E-Ol 1. 02E 00 4 0-19 3.36E-04 2.39£-02 1.02£ 00 l.OSE 00 5 F-18 7.62E-02 1. OSE-04 2.SOE-01 1. 02E 00 6 NA-24 6.33E-Ol 1.27E-05 S.55E-Ol 4. 12E 00 7 P-32 1.43E 01 5.61£-07 6.95!-0l 0.0 8 AR-41 7.63E-02 1. OS:E-04 4.64E-Ol 1.28E 00 9 CR-51 2.78E 01 2.89E-07 3.861-03 3.28E-02 10' MN-54 3.03E 02 2.65E-08 3.80!-03 11 12 MN-56
1. 07E-Ol 7.SOE-05 . 8.29E-Ol 8.36E-Ol
1. 69E 00 4.50E 01 l.78E-07 1.181-01 1. 19E 00 13 C0-58 7.13E 01 1.12£-07 3.411-02 9.78E-Ol 14 C0-60 1. 92E 03 4.18E-09 9.68!-02 2.SOE 00 15 ZN-6911 S.75E-Ol 1.39E-05 2.21E-02 4.16E-OI 16 ZN-69 3.96E-02 2.0JE-04 3.191-01 0.0 17 BR-84 2.21E-02 3.63!-04 1.281 00 1. 77E 00 18 BR-85 2.08E-03 3.86E-03 1.04£ 00 6.60E-02 19 KR-85111 1.83E*Ol 4.38E*OS 2.53E-Ol 1. 59E-Ol 20 KR-85 3.931 03 2.041-09 2.51E*Ol 2.21E-03 21 KR-87 5.28E-02 1.52!-04 1. 32! 00 7.93E-Ol 22 KR-88 1. l 7E-Ol 6.861-05 3.61E-Ol 1. 96E 00 23 KR-89 2.21E-03 3.63E-03 1.361 00 1. 83E
  • 00 24 RB-88 1.241-02 6.47E-04 2.06E 00 6.26E-Ol 25 RB-89 1.011-02 7.50E-04 l.OlE 00 2.05E-OO 26 SR-89 s.201 01 1.541-07 S.83!-01 8.4SE-05 27 SR-90 1.03E 04 7.791-10 1. 96E-Ol 0.0 28 SR-91 4.031-01 1.99£-05 6.SOE-01 6.95E-01 29 SR-92 1.131-01 7.lOE-05 1.95E-Oi l.34E 00 30 SR-93 5.S6E-03 1.441-03 9.20E-Ol 2.24E 00 31 Y-90 2.67! 00 3.001-06 9.361-01 0.0 32 l'.=91a 3.47!-02 2.31!-04 2.731-02 5.30E-Ol 33 Y-91 5.88! 01 1.36!-07 6.061-01 3.61E-03 34 Y-92 1.47E*Ol 5.46!-05 1.441 00 2.SOE-01 35 Y-93 4.29E-Ol 1.87!-05 1.17! 00 8.94E-02 36 ZR-95 6.50! 01 I.23!-07 1.16!-0l 7.3SE-Ol 37 NB*95m 3.75E 00 2.14!-06 1.81E-Ol 6.06E-02 38 NB-95 3.50E 01 2.29E-07 4.441-02 7.64E-Ol 39 M0-99 2.79E 00 2.87!-06 3.96E-Ol 1. SOE-01 40 TC-99m 2.SOE-01 3.21!-05 1.561-02 1. 26E-O 1 41 TC-99 7.74E 07 1.04E-13 8.46E-02 0.0 42 TC-104 1.25£-02 6.42£-04 1.60E 00 1. 95E 00 HI0389-0046A-HP01 31


BASIC RADIONUCLIDE DATA NUCLIDE HALF-LIFE LAMBDA BETA 1 GAMMA 1 (days) (1/s) CHEV/DIS) CHEV/DIS) 43 RU-106 3.67E 02 2.l9E-08 1. OlE-02 0.0 44 TE-132 3.24E 00 2.48E-06 1. OOE-01 2.33E-01 45 I-129 6.21E 09 1.29E-15 S.43E-02 2.46E-02 46 I-131 8.0SE 00 9.96E-07 1. 94E-Ol 3.81E-OI 47 I-132 9.58E-02 8.37E-05 4.89E-Ol 2.24E 00 48 I-133 8.7SE-Ol 9.17E-06 4.0SE-01 6.02E-Ol 49 I-134 3.61E-02 2.22E-04 6.16E-Ol 2.59E 00 so I-135 2.79E-Ol 2.87E-OS 3.68E-Ol I.SSE 00 51 XE-131111 l.18E 01 6.80E-07 l.43E-Ol 2.0lE-02 52 XE-133111 2.26E 00 3.SSE-06 l.90E-Ol 4. lSE-02 53 XE-133 5.27E 00 1.52E-06 l.35E-Ol 4.60E-02 54 XE-135111 1.08E*02 7 .4.3E-04 ' 9.58E-02 4.JU-01 SS XE-135 3.83E-Ol 2.09E-05 3 .17E-Ol 2.47E-Ol 56 XE-137 2.71E-03 2.96E-03 1. 77E 00 l.88E-Ol 57 XE-138 9.84E-03 8.15E-04 6.65E-Ol 1. lOE 00 58 CS-134 7.48E 02 1. 07!-08 l.63E-Ol I.SSE 00 S9 CS-135 1.10! 09 7.29!-15 S.63E-02 0.0 60 CS-136 I.JOE 01 6.17!-07 1.37E-Ol 2. lSE 00 61 CS-137 l. lOE 04 7.29!-10 1. 71E-Ol S.97E-Ol 62 CS-138 2.24E-02 3.58E-04 1.20E 00 2.30E 00 63 BA-139 S.76E-02 1.39E-04 8.96E-Ol 3.S3E-02 64 - BA-140 l.28E 01 6.27!-07 3.15E-Ol 1. 71E-Ol 6S LA*l40 1.68! 00 4.77E-06 S.33E-Ol 2.31E 00 66 CE-144 2.84E 02 2.82E-08 9.13E-02 1.93E-02 67 PR-143 1.36! 01 5.90!-07 3.14E-Ol 0.0 68 PR-144 1.20E-02 6.681-04 l.21E 00 J.18E 00 lAverage energy per disintegration values were obtained from ICRP Publica-tion No 38, Radionuclide Transformations: Energy and Intensity of Emissions 1983 and NUR!G/CR-1413 (ORNL/NUREG-70), A Radionuclide Decay Data Base Index and Summary Table, D C Kocher, May 1980.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 32

TABLE 1.3 O'OUHD L!V!L 'EL!AS! - TO, O~ COHTAIH~!HT IUILDINO NO O!CAT, UND!,L!T!D ANNUAL AV!.AG! CNI/O CSEC/~!T!* CUl!DJ S!CTO* O.Z50 0.,00 0.750 l.OOt DlSTANCI ZN Mll!S 1.500 Z.000 2.500 3. 000 l.5U *.ooo *.HO s l.009!-06 1.0031-16 5.514!-17 3.633!-17 Z.1131-07 1.327!-07 9.619!-ll 7.397!-0I 5.927!*01 *.895!*08 4.136!-'!

SSW Z.457!*06 l.Oll!-07 4.376!-17 Z.1901-17 1.6111-17 r.0611-17 7.7741-01 6.00Z!-01 4.&Z6!*01 l.996E*'& J.l85!*:!

SW z.t4Z!-o* t.*9o!-o7 5.0501-11 3.325!-17 2.1511-11 1.2161-11 t.0501-11 1.01*1-01 5.665!*01 4.101!-oa 1.t99!-oa WSW z.&30!-16 9.0051-17 4.735!-17 3.1091-17 1.7311-17 1.1611*17 1.5411-11 6.6511-01 5.ltl!*OI 4.495!*01 J.&lO!-OS w l.706!-06 1.1751-16 6.1611-17 4.1371-17 Z.2451-17 1.5111-07 l.1111-17 1.6631-01 7.024!-0I 5.&59!*08 4.995!-".!

WNW 4.6Zl!-06 1.4631-16 7.674!-17 S.0111-17 2.7141*17 1.1701-17 1.3711-17 1.1751-17 1.717!-0I 7.273!*08 6.ZOZ!-O!

~w 7.10%!-o* Z.Z29l-06 l.ltSl*O* 7.tlSl-17 4.2301*07 Z.1471-07 2.1021-01 1.6421-07 l.lll!-07 l.ll*!-07 9.503!-:!

HHW t-.~45E*Ot 2.971!-16 1.5361-06 1.0011-06 5.5611-17 l.76Sl*t7 2.7951-17 Z.1931-17 1.717!-07 l.4t7!-07 l.Z5Z!*07

~ 1.473!-06 Z.6Z7!-06 1.37,1-06 1.976!-07 4.9191-17 3.3651-07 2.*901-07 1.9411-07 1.58,1*07 l.325!*a7 ,.:32!-~7 NN! . 4.402!-06 1.386!*06 7.3351-07 4.1011-07 Z.6751-07 1.7961-17 1.lZJl-07 1.032!-07 1.162!*01 *.975!*08 5.946!*~&

N! 4.261!-16 1.3tll-t6 7.SS6!*07 4.9511-17 2.7*1!-t7 1.lt61-17 l.lG*l-07 1.0111-01 1.0121-01 *******a8 S.tl7!-08

!H! 1.,121-0* 1.11*1-06 6.1201-11 4.0111-11 z.2*11-11 l.4461-11 1.0451-11 1.01*1-01 6.*091-01 5.za5!-o4 4.4*oe-oa

! l.5901-06 l.ZOOl-06 6.416!-07 *.2211-*1 Z.3161-17 1.5151*17 1.1*21-01 1.3561-01 6.671!-0I 5.491!-08 *.* 211-aa

!SI 3.37,!-06 l.llOl-06 6.01s1-11 3.9411-17 Z.1551-t7 l.**11-11 1.1111-11 1.1s21-01 6.1151-01 ,.088!-01 4.286!-oa S! 4.ZSOl-06 l.4231*16 7.6691-07 4.9761-07 Z.7101-17 1.7661-17 1.2611-17 t.6131*01 7.713!-0I 6.Jl!E*O& 5.332!-0!

SS! 4.3061-06 1.4331-ot 7.7141-17 S.0711-17 Z.7121-17 l.IZOl-07 l.llll-17 1.0041-07 I.Olli-GI i.596!-0I 5.551!*01 ANNUAL AV!.AOI CNI't CSICJ"IT!I CUllD> DISTAICI II "ILIS l!**INO S.011 7.511 11.111 15.111 21.111 ZS.Ill 31.llt 39.111 41.111 * 50.000 s 1.s5*1-11 z.1111-*1 1.1361*** 1.51*1-1t 5.1*91-11 s,1921-11 z.*2*1-11 z.36*1-** 1.91*1-11 2.6151-0* 1.461!-

ssw 2.*1*1-11 1.6s61-01 1.1111-11 6.36*1-lt *.1111-1* s.1111-1t z.*1s1-1t 2.0201-19 1.6*01-0* 1.***!-0* 1.2551-a' sw 3.4s11-11 1.9111-01 l.1*11-11 7.7651-** s.21**-** s.*s*1-11 s.1vz1-*t z.sz51-1* 2.1201-** 1.111e-o* 2.s141-o*

wsw 1.J201-11 1.1211-11 1.1011-11 7.6***-** 5.1s11-1t 3.*1*1-11 3.01*1-1* 2.5s11-1* 2.1J11-o* r.1111-0* 1.600!*0*

w 4,J111-11 2.5141-11 1.7141-01 l.11*1-11 6.lt41-*t s.1611-11 *.1111-** J.l4ll-** 2.1111-0* 2.*211-09 2.11*1-09 www s.3111-11 1.1zs1-01 z.1111-11 1.2511-11 1.stt1-** 6.4Jtl-tt s.1*11-1* *.1111-1* 1.s211-1t 3.0101-09 2.6501-09 NW 1.1541-11 4.1111*11 J.Zltl-11 l.tJJl*ll 1.JJJl-11 t.tt71*1t 7.t141*1t 6.Jlll*tl 5.4151-lt 4.7241-0t 4.1341-0t NNW 1.1151-17 6.5611-11 *.s1s1-11 Z.67tl*ll 1.1561-11 1.J9tl-t* 1.1111-11 t.1531-lt 7.74Sl-Ot 6.ill!*Ot 5.1611-0t N t.1111-11 s.7531-11 J.9441*11 Z.JZll*ll 1.6171*11 1.2111-11 t.5741-tt 1.11s1-1t 6.64tl-** 5.1111-09 ,.ozor-o*

HNI 5.1571-11 2.9931-0I 1.0411-11 1.1991*11 l.Zl61*1t 6.1*11-lt 6.1921-*t J.9791-09 l.l5Zl-o* 2.aal!*O* 2.5Z0!-09 N! 4.1541-11 Z.7411-tl 1.1331-11 1.1461-11 7.IJ61*tt s.2111-11 6.1721*** J.3191-** Z.7661-09 2.363!-0t 2.053!-0t

!NI 3.llSl*OI z.1551-11 1.4371-11 1.1711*19 J.51*1*** ** 1611*** J.1711-19 z.9741*19 l.lSOl*Ot 1.836!-09 1.595!-0t

! 3.9731-01 z.2201-11 l.47*1*11 l.JSll-19 5.5191*19 6.1161*** J.1951*19 a.Siii*** 2.1511-0t l.83*!-09 1.5951-0t

!SI 1.6791-11 z.0511-*1 l.3641-** 1.11*1-19 s.1651-tt s.7961-tt 1.tss1-1* a.3941-lt l.t****** 1.101r-a9 1~-09 SI 4.5731-11 2.5461-11 1.6161*11 t.*lll*lt 6.J471*1t 4.6Jfl-tt J.6Z4l*lt l.tlll*tt 1.4441*19 2.012!-at 1.IOSl*Ot SSI 4.7731-tl Z.6611-11 1.77Jl*ll l.llZl*tl 6.7121*** *.t4ll*** J.1411*19 3.1171*19 2.St*l-19 2.2151-a* 1.9Zll-o*

eH?,I CS!C/~IT!R CUllD> ,01 !ACN SICll'llNT OU!CT?ON

'"o" srn s

.5-1 5.6111-97 1-z 2.Hll-17 Z*J 9.7151*11 SIGltlltT l**

5.H41-ll IOUID&lllJ II "!LIS 6.u11-11 S*ll z.HH*ll ll*H 7.7Ul*H 20-n J.71H-H 30-41 2.371!-ot 40-Sf 1.611!*

SSW 4.53'1*17 t.UH*t7 7.Utl*ll 4.l*U*ll J.3'41*11 l.6Hl*U 6.Jl21*H 1.2111-n

l. ,,,._., 2. 0271-09 1. U7!*

SW 5. 2701-07 l. UU*l7 *.1211-11 J.6171*11 4.llH*** 1.1211-11 7. '1H*H Z.5ll!-09 1.121!*

WSW 4. Hl!-17 1.7141-17 l.6Hl*ll 9.*121-11 3.1311*11 l.HH*ll 7.7111-tt l.UU-lt 2.5311-ot 1.IH!*

w 6. OU-17 Z. 3151*17 1. Utl*17 7.1411*11 5 ........ Z.5Ul*ll 1.UH-H 5.Utl-H 3.l5Z!-ot 2.427!*

WNW *. Olll-07 2.1u1-11 1.3111*17 1.7671*11 6.2191*11 l.llJl*OI 1.2731-11 6.4751-U 4 .1111-ot 3.0351!-

NW 1.2221-u 4.3'11*17 1.1171*17 1.3311*17 t.SISl*ll 6.IHl*ll 1.Hll-11 1. 0051-0I 6.517!-ot *. 731!*

HNW 1.6171-H 5. 7511-17 Z.IUl*t7 1.7'31*17 1.2141*17 6.'7H*ll 1.7111*11 1.4061-0I t.1751-09 *. 693!*

N 1. *411-H 5.1531*17 z . .9171*17 1.Htl*t7 l.U61*17 5.1571*11 Z.3671*11 1.ziu-oa 7 .UZ!-09 5. 74 a!*

HH! 7.UJl-17 Z.7511*17 1.SUl*t7 l.JtH*ll 5.'591-11 l.HU*ll 1.2171*11 6.1761-lt S. tUl-09 Z.IJU!*

HI 7 .1211-11 2.1111-11 l.JZ11*17 t.1011*11 5.UZl*ll z.1111-11 1.HH*ll 5.2671-lt l. 320!-09 Z.3U!*

!HI *.3491-17 Z.2Ul*t7 1.t941-t7 6.6Jtl*ll 4.6711-tl Z.lltl*tl

  • 1.l6*1*1t 4.our-n 2.5131-U 1.140!*

~ I 6.1on-11 ~91-tJ 1.1111*17 6.71Jl*ll 4.'411*11 z.2111-11 1.5JH*H 4.un-n 2.591!-ot l. 8*l!-

~ !51 6.ZHl-17 2.u11-n 1.IUl-11 6.Zl.H*ll 6.ztt**** 2.1n1-11 7 .1u1-n J.IZS!-ot z.~ou-u l. 705!-

51 7 .tZH-17 Z.7Ml*t7 l.2111*17 7.7911*11 9.lUl-11 a.UH*tl 9.7Z4l*H 4.UH-H z.901-at z. 0&1!*

SSI 1.nn-11 Z.1651-17 1.JZ*t-tJ 1.1111-11 J.JUl-11 z.u11-11 1.1211-01 4. '711*H l.lZll-at z.zzae:-


ll!L!ASI HIIOHT <"IT!ISJ 51.ll *IP. ltJQ llHMT CP9f'TOSJ U. I CIA"ITll


C"1TllSJ ***




!LIVATID LISS THAN I.I ILIYATU LISI TNH I.I LUI THU O. a "IX!D llTWllJI I.I &ID I.I .. 1:r11 llTWI.. I.I &Me I.I UTWl!H 0. 0 AllD IL GllOUNI L~I\ &IOWI I.I GIOUll LIVI\ ....,. 1.1 UOYI O. 0 33 HI0389-0046A-HP01

TABLE 1.3 (Contd) c*OUNO '!V!L *!L!AS! - ro~ o~ COHTAIH~!HT IUILDIHO 2.2*0 OAT O!CAT, UHO!~L!T!O

~HUAL AY!*AG! CHI/0 CSEC/~!T!I CUllDJ DISTAHCI IN ~?LIS 5ecro* o.Z.50 0 . .500 o.750 l.500 z. .5Ga l.000 l . .50 0 4.000 *.HO I

5 l.OGS!-06 l.OGZ!-06 5.50*!-07 l.6261*07 Z.0071-07 l.lZZl-07 9.571!-GI 7.l5l!-OI 5.&161-0I 4.356!-oa 4.0,,!*0 1 5!W 2 455!*06 1.074!*07 *.l691*07 Z.lll!*07 1.60*!*07 1.06l!*07 7.7ll!*OI 5.96l!*OI *.711!*01l.96!!*0& 3. BH*o.I SW 2.940!*06 9.4791-07 5.0*Z!-17 l.llll*t7 1,1*71-17 1.2111-01 *.0011-01 6.9711-0I 5.6ZZl-OI *****!-OS l.9U!*Q, W!W z*azae-06 1.9*51-11 *.1211-11 s.1011-11 1.1251-11 l.1s*1-01 1.***e-01 *.6121-01 5.3**1-01 *.*54!-oa l. 7'a!*O!

w 3:704!*06 1.174!*0* 6.151!*07 4.0211*17 2.Zl71*17 1.5011*07 1.10.51*07 1.606!*01 6.9691*01 .5.&07!*0& 4. UH-JI WHW *.*zoe-06 1.*6l!*O* 7.6611*07 s.0011-01 2.11*1-01 1.161!*07 1.3701-01 1.0*11-01 ****11-01 7.20&!-aa 6. lH!*:1:

~w 1.09a!-o6 z.z2&!*06 1.16S!*06 7.5911-01 4.21s1-11 z.ll4!*07 z.o9o!-07 1.6ll!*07 l.lZl!-01 i.1ole-a1 9.407E*-:!

~NW 9.640!*06 z.t67!*06 1 . .5ll!*06 9.919!*07 5.541!*07 J.747!*07 Z.779!*07 Z.171!*07 1.773!*07 l.4&4!*07 t.zua-J:

N S.469!*06 2.624!*06 1.371!*06 1.9571*07 *.9731*07 3.3511*07 Z.*77!*07 1.936!*07 1 . .572!*07 1.lll!*07 1. !Z:!-~;

NH! 4.400!*06 1.l&.51-06 7.l2l!*07 *.7911-07 2.667!-17 1.719!-07 1.l16!-07 l.0251*07 l.lOZ!*OI 6.917E-aa 5.a*!:-i1 N! 4.2.59!*06 1.l96!*o* 7.5461*07 4.941!*17 z.1s21-01 1.7991-07 1.1011-01 1.0011-01 1.0111-01 *.*t6e-aa 5.537e*H

!N! l.*101-06 l.1s11-06 *.1011-01 s.**11-01 z.lt41*17 1.*111-01 l.Dlll*t7 7.9*91-01 *.S49l*OI 5.22&!-~a 4.4~H-:!

! l . .511!*06 1.1991*06 6.4761*17 *.2191*17 Z.3111*17 1.5011*07 1.016!*07 l.lOl!*OI 6.6201*01 5.44lE-O& 4. 5u e-*:!

!SI l.3731-01 1.12*1-o* 6.0651*17 l.9401-01 z.1*11-01 1.*021-01 1.0011-01 1.1001-01 *.1311-01 s.o*l!-oa 4.Z4H-~!

S! 4.2*7!*06 1.*211-0* 7.6551-07 *.96.51*07 2.700!*07 1.757!*07 1.2*0!*07 9.61S!-OI 7.6411*01 6.Z77E-oa 5.Z7*!*H 55! 4.lOll-06 1.*Sl!*O* 7.772!-07 5.0671-17 2.7731-17 l.llll-17 1.3041-07 9.97Sl-OI 7.t5Jl-OI 6 . .5Jt!-aa .5. 504!--l!

&NNUAL ~Y!IACI CH?/O CSIC/"fT!* CUllDl DtSTANCI tM ~?LIS 5!A*1HO .5.011 7.501 11.111 15.111 21.011 ZS.Ill SI.Oii SJ.Oii **.101 *5.000 .50. ooa s l.5241*11 1.9711*11 1.Slll*tl 7.56ll*t9 *.1971*11 S.5671*11 2.7511*11 2.2071*11 l.IZZl-01 1.511!*09 1. l2Q!*a9 SSW 2.1111-01 1.62*1-11 1.0111-01 6.1511-11 4.1111-11 s.01*1-11 2.lZll-0* 1.1111-01 1.54*1-09 l.J05!-a* l.1Z2!*Q9 SW l.*Zll-01 1.9511-tl 1.s1z1-01 7.5141-lt s.1121-11 s.12*1-1t 2.lt6f-lt Z.lltl*lt 1.9421-0t 1.6471*09 1. 4Zl!*H WSW s.2121-01 i.11*1-01 1.2111-11 7.llll*lt .5.0011-11 J.6961-11 Z.1141-Gt Z.llll-lt 1.9***-** 1.65l.-09 1. 424!*09 w *.2151-01 2.4111-11 1.1111-11 t.1111-1* 6.St51-*t *.11z1-1t 1.1151-ot 1.1941-tt 2.5791-0t z.194 -09 1.IU!*H WHW s.3201-11 s.1111-11 2.01s1-11 1.2191-*1 1.2211-1* 1.1111-*t *.7631-11 s.1161-1* 1.2251-1* z.74*1-09 2.l76!*09 HW 1.15*1-01 4.1211-01 J.21*1-11 1.16*1-11 1.z1s1-11 t.**11-11 1.1t11-1t 1.1111-11 s.1111-11 *.z1*1-ot J. 70l!-ot HNW 1.lOll-17 ****11-11 *.* 121-11 2.51tl-11 1.77*1-ll 1.lZZl*tl 1.IStl-11 l.47Sl*ll 7.0141-11 6.061!-09 5. 2611!-o' 9.7341-11 5.*611-11 J.1121-11 z.2511-11 1.5*11-11 1.1*11-11 1.**11-11 1.3zs1-11 6.1zs1-11 5.2211-0* *.5JZ!*H HHI H!

" s.10*1-11 2.**11-11 1.91*1-01 4.1061*01 Z.7011*11 1.7971*01 1.15t1-11 1.0151*11 1.1131-1*

6.7771*tt 5.1111-11

  • .tS*l*lt 4.5601-**

J.ll21*1t s.1011-11 J.llZl*lt s.0161-0*

Z.5501-0t 2.*21!-09 Z.1.57!*09 Z.Z7l!*Q9

i. aHe-n

!HI l.7131-01 z.1121-01*l-01 7.l*Sl*t* 5.Z141*1t S.7t61*tt 2.*2*1-** Z.3461-lt 1.9361-09 1.6l2!*0* i. *ai!-n

! l.9101-01 z.1141-11 1.*~21-01 1.os11-1t 5.J4*1-ot J.11*1-1* 2.*t11-1t z.1***-1* 1.t161-ot l.***1-09 1. 42'!-09

!SI l.6111-11 z.0201-11 1~ls~1 1.**11-11 *.ts11-1t s.5111-11 z.1*s1-1t 2.2141-11 1.1211-*t 1 . .5191-09 l.lZ0!-09 5! 4.5111-01 z.**11-11 l.6**1-11 t.1411*19 6.1461-tt 4.Jlll*lt 3.3721-lt z.***1-lt Z.ZZll-lt 1.1121-0* l.&041-09 SSI 4.1221-11 z.6211-11 1.1151-11 t.1111-11 1.*J11-1t *.*121-11 1.1011-at 2.1tz1-1t 2.sa11-1t z.01,1-0* 1. 7241*4' CHIIO <S!C/"ITI* CUl!DJ


. .s-1


1*2 l!ACM SIOl'tlNT z-s s-* ..,

S!artlNT IOUMDA*llS IN "tLIS s-11 u-u 21*H S0-40 *o*'


w 5.'73!-07

  • . 5321-17 5.2Ul*t7
  • . ,,31.17 6 .U9!*07.

Z.UH*t7 1.6411-17

1. HU*17 1.7711-17 Z.3011*17 t.u11-11 7.7971-111 t.1711-0I l.HU*OI
1. llll-17
  • .Utl*ll 5.SUl*tl
6. H*l-11
  • .1111-11 l.l6U*tl J.7'11*11 4.UH-11 2.ozu-11 1.UH*H 1.H4l*H
1. H7l*OI 2.52H*OI 7.5411-tt
  • .z*.n-ot 7.6711-lt 7.52ll*ot

..... l.;.lt J.HSl*tt J.UZ71!*ot J.750l-lt S.71tl*ot

4. tlZl-tt Z. 2Ul*ot 1.1751!-n Z. l'o7!*09
2. 343!-09 l.1041*09
1. .54 l!




z .1,,e WNW 5. 0251*17 z.un-11 l.JHl*t7 1.67'1*11 t.Ull*ll J.Ull*OI 1.UZl*H 6.1271-ot l.17&!-09 z. 15l!

'jw 1. ZZOl!*H 4. lUl*l7 2. un-11 1 . .SZ71*17 9.6271*11 4.1171-0I 1. HH*OI *.soH-n *. ozn-n r..zaH NNW 1. uu-u 5. 7lZl*l7 Z.7971*17 1. 7711*17 1.2711*17 *. Sill-01 Z.UZl*OI 1.llU*OI 1.HU*at *. 011 e

1. ~lll-06 5.1371-17 Z.041*17 l.5711-17 1.lZll-17 5. 7671-0I 2.ZtH*ll 1.Ull*ll 7. 3461-09 ,,ZlH NH! "


7. 6.5Zl*t7 1 .1111-n
z. 75U*t7 z.11u-11 1.JZU*t7 l.l141*17 l.llH*ll I.UH-II 9.H*l-11 5.UJl*tl 3.0191*11 Z.7Hl*ll 1.1111-11
1. Oltl*ll 5.1671*0
  • .Hu-n
l. 7121!-09
l. at*l-09 Z.6l2!


!HI! 6. ll71!-t7 z.zsu-17 l.1471*17 6.l7tl*ll *.* 111-11 z.uu-11 1.on1-n l.IZU*lt 2. l55!*U 1.*lH nr ss1


! 6.6911*17 6.2111-11 -r.2u1-17 7.9161*17 1.0241-01 V!HT AHD IUILO?HO 'A*a~ITl*S*

Z.3771-17 2.7141*17 z.1561*17 1.HH*t7 1.1111-11 1.27Sl-t7 1.JUl-17 6.Ull-11

  • . 1111-11 7.6171-11 7.HH*ll
  • .zsn-11 S.Ztll*ll 5.5211*11 2.zur-11 2.l7H-11 2.9671*11 Z.IHl*ll .....

l.ZHl*H 1.uu-tt 9.ll71*ot l.tlU*tt s.un-u


4. 7211!-lt z .*ou-n
z. ZZl!*U Z.7101!*09
z. 9041*09 1.'7:!
1. '~ 3!



  • nusr KUOMT C~ITPS>

CI,~!Tl!I C"ITl*S>

51.11 I.I


10.1 51.1

!XIT YILOCITT <~ITllS> I.I ILDO.ft! CSt.~ITllS> Ziii.i HIAT ll'tllllOll *ATI tc.&L,SIC> 0.1 lT THI *IL!ASI KllCllT* AT TMI .... su*n WINI MllCllT ( 11.1 ftlTl!ltS>:

V!HT ~l!L!ASI ~ODI WIND 5'11D <"ITll~llC> VINT *ILIASI "ODI WINO S,llD <~ITllS,SIC> WIND S'!!D C~!T!*S/!!C>



0. 0 ANO :

G*OUMO Ll'llL AIOVI I.I G*DUNI Ll'lll AIOVI I.I 34 HI0389-0046A-HP01


DISTANCI IN ~IL!S 5ECTO* O.ZJO O.JOO 0.750 1.001 1.JOO Z.001 Z.JOI 3. 000 3.JU 4. OU 4.,u s .

2 1 1* 1-0* t.1541-11 4.9121-01 .s.1111-11 1.1011-11 l.0911-01 1.1111-11 5.16*1-01 4.61t1-01 J.7491!*01 l.llf!*H SSW Z.3251*06 7.3791*17 S.1911*17 2.9211*17 1.3661*17 1.1291*01 6.2111*11 4.75tl*OI J.757!*01 3.0601!*0& Z. BZ!*H 5W 2.7141!*11 1.6631*17 4.4tll*07 2.9191*07 l.5721*17 l.0221*17 7.3201*18 5.5651*01*4.4111*01 l.6051!*01 l.OlH*H WSW Z.671!*06 1.221!*17 4.2171*17 2.7ltl*l7 l.46tl*17 9.61*1*11 6.9131*11 9.2711*01 4.1911*01 3.4*2!*01 Z.U7!*a&

w 3.507!*16 1.0731*16 9.4111*17 J.5321*07 l.9191*17 1.2471*17 1.tl61*11 6.1611*11 5.46tl*OI 4.4161!*01 J. 7Ul!-a WHW 4.374!*06 1.335!*06 6.1391*17 4.3tll*07 Z.3621*17 1.5461*17 1.1191*17 1.9211*01 6.7161*01 J.J6tl!*OI *. 67&!*04 NW 6.7201*06 Z.0151*16 l.0371*06 6.6621*07 l.3191*07 2.3541*07 l.7001*17 l.3021*17 1.0311*17 1.526!*01 7.lU!*O&

HNW t.1271!*06 Z.712!*06 1.1611*11 1.7511*07 4.7111*07 J.1131*07 Z.2601*17 l.7111*17 l.Jtll*07 1.1461!*07 9.Ul!*U H 8.0151*06 Z.3tll*06 l.ZZ4!*06 7.1921*07 4.2JJl*17 2.7151*17 2.014!*17 1.5451*17 1.2111*07 1.0llt!*07 &. 5l4E*O&

HH! *.1651*06 1.z*61*06 6.s131-01 4.2011-11 z.2101-11 1.*161-11 1.1101-11 1.1101-01 *.5121-01 5 . .s*zr-oa lt.ltH!*H HI 4.0S21*06 1.2761*06 6.7311*17 4.JJ71*17 Z.JZ51*17 1.4941*17 1.0991*17 7.tl61*11 6.2171*01 5.1011*01 4.2Jl!*U

!Kl J.Zlll*Ot 1.0Jtl*06 9.4511*17 J.5111*17 1.1691*17 1.1961*17 l.*451*11 6.391!*11 4.tlll*OI *.O**l*GI l. l60!*U

! 3.J97l*06 1.1961*16 s.1111-01 J.1**1-11 1.t651*t7 1.25J1-11 1.az11-11 6.6251-*1 s.1**1-11 *.zo51-01 l . .,,!*a&

U! J.1t*l*l6 1.1Sll*06 5.*111*17 S.*941*17 1.1211*17 1.1641*17 l.lttl*ll 6.146l*tl 4.1151*11 J.196!*01 l.Zll!*U S! *.0211*06 l.Z9tl*l6 6.IJO!*l7 *.J5Jl*07 2.Z9tl*17 l.4611*17 l.0251*17 7.6791*11 6.0141*11 *.a9Z!*OI 4. 01 U!*U SH 4.1741*06 l.JOll*l6 6.tJ*l*17 ****Zl*17 Z.Jlll*17 1.5151*17 1.0611*t7 7.99ll*tl 6.2Jtl*ll 5.051!*01 *. uu-oa lHNUAL AVIUGI CM! <SIC/l'tlT .. CUllDJ DISTANCI IN "tLll UUINO 9.011 7.Jll 11.111 15.111 Zl.111 ZS.Ill SI.Ill JS.Ill 41.111 *9.111 s1.oor 9 z.1451-11 1.4161-11 1.*161-1* *.11t1*19 1.***1-19 2.1471*19 1.5111-19 1.1121-1* *.s6sr-11 1.6651-10 6.Jt61-10 SSW z.16*1-11 1.11z1-11 1.*zo1-1t J.9211-1* 2.*191-1* 1.1.s11-1t 1.2111-1* '*'1-11 7.9111-11 1.5511-10 s.*761-10 SW z.5711*11 1.Jt21*11 l.99Sl*lt 4.71*1-19 J.ISll*lt 2.1431*19 1.6111-lt 1.2t71*1t 1.llJl*lt 1.Z9Jl*l0 *.* 211-ia WSW z.*661-01 i.J411-11 1.1291-1* 4.1151-1* J.1191-19 2.1s11-19 1.Jj11-1* 1.2*91-1* 1.0111-19 1.3011'10 6.t101-10 w s.2211-11 1.7641*11 1.1441*11 6.1191*11 S.t7tl*ll 2.1111*19 1.1111-11 1.6511*19 1.JJ21*1t 1.1001-ot t.293!*10 WllW s.**11-11 2.1ts1-11 1.4241-11 1.1121-19 *.*511°19 J.5161-11 1.1s*1-11 1.1611-11 1.1151-11 1.J191-ot l.1511-0*

HW 6.lJll*ll J.J741*11 1.1991*11 1.ltll*ll 7.1111*19 5.4tll*lt t.llJl*lt S.1111*11 Z.Jtll*ll 2.1421*19 l.IOJl*Ot HNW I.Ziii-ti 4.6121*11 J.1131*11 1.14tl*ll 1.1711*11 7.6lll*lt S.7461*1t 4.5171*19 J.6911*11 J.Olll*Ot Z.556l*Ot H 7.Slll*** 4.IJll*ll l.6J41*11 l.4191-tl t.27*1-lt 1.9111-lt *.ttll*lt s.1 ..1-** J.1491-lt Z.6071*** Z.1971-0f HNI J.IJJl*ll 2.1111*11 1.J6Sl*ll 7.3671*11 4.7S71*1t J.S4tl*lt 2.91tl*19 1.ttll*lt 1.5181*11 1.llll*Ot 1.lll!*Ot 111 .s.1011-11 1.*141-11 1.z2*1-11 6.**11-1* *.11*1-11 1.1421-11 2.1111-11 1.6J71**9 1.1111-01 1.0151-01 1.*111-10

!NI Z.1471*11 1.Jlll*OI t.5111*1t S.1211*19 J.164l*lt 1.1111-lt 1.IJll*lt 1.2141*11 1.1101*11 1.2741*11 6.t07!*1Q

! 2.t9Zl*ll 1.9511*11 t.1*11-1* 9.lJll*** S.2111*19 Z.2SSl*lt 1.6541*19 1.1711*11 1.0201-** a.J45!*10 6.9601*11 ISi Z.7S41*11 1.4411*11 t'1.l51*1t 4.7451*11 1.9711*19 l.lt71*1t l.Sltl-lt 1.1111*19 t.4JJl*ll 7.7111*11 6.*lll*ll SI J.Jt71*11 1.7141*11 1.£141*11 9.IJ4l*lt S.6SSl*lt l.SSSl-lt 1.1711-19 1.t4ll*lt l.lSll*lt t.4221*11 7.1941*11 SSI J.5*11-11 1.11s1-11 1.11*1-11 1.11.s1-19 s.1111-1* z.6*11-11 1.tt11-1t 1.s*11-11 1.21*1-1* l.0161-11 1 * .s*11-11 CKI/t <9IC/"IT .. CUllD> '01 IACM SlaftlllT OUICTtON .s-1 1*1 2-s s-* ..,

Sla.tlllT IOUNDAllll II "ILll 5*11 ll*ZI Zl*JI lt-0 *1-51

:ll'! SUI SSW SW WSW 5 9. 1141-17

4. IUl*t7
4. 7171-17
  • .4*Ul*17 1.7Ul*l7 l.4191-17 1.uu-11 1.5211-17 w 9. 71Jl*t7 1.1741*17 t.IHl*ll 7.1671*11 6.3541*11 7.JHl*ll
6. 1771*11 J.7711*11 4.UJl-11 4.Zltl*ll 9.0*l-11 s.un-11 2.su1-11 s.111 -11 Z.IHl*ll J.7171*11 1.*5Jl*ll 1.lHl*ll 1.us1-11 l.JIH*ll 1.1111-11 4.aJZl*H 4.u11-n 4.IHl*tt 6.J7H*tt 2.1741-tt l.7SZl*H 2.u11-n 2.ut1-n 2.1*11-n

, .1111-n

l. 0041-tt l.UH*tt 1.25U*U l.UU*Ot 7 ......


1.z1u-I . .S:S7!*

l.10*1-WNW 1. uu-11 2.4911*17 1.1151*17 6.1111-11 4.Htl-11 z.zs11-11 J.94*1-tt z. ~741*09 1. JIO!*

HW l.ot4l*H J.7Ul*t7 1.7191*17 1.0431*17 1.1111-11 J.4Ul*ll l.ZIH*ll 9.4Hl-H .s.zzu-n z. uor-HHW 1.**ll*H 4.UH*l7 2.1791*17 1.J'71*17 .... 11-11 4.7Ul*la 1.UH*ll 7.Hll*ot' *.Hll*ot l.041!-

N 1.2'U*H 4.JUl*17 Z.Ull-17 1.zst1-l7 1.5911*11 4.1411*11 1.011-11 6.UH*H :S.tUl*tt z.uu-Hiii HI 6.1611*17

7. 11171*17
2. JJZl-17 2.41Jl*t7 1.aa11-l7 1.111 -17 6.101-11 6.JUl*ll 4.071*11 2.u11-11 1.tl71-tl 7.Hll-tt t.6111-n l.JIH*H Z.1711*H
1. 9791-0t l.31U*
1. OIO!*
  • .H71*11 l.'411-0t IHI 9.6121*17 1.UZl-17 1.1441*11 9.1111-11 J,J7Sl*IJ 1.JHl*ll 5.IHl*H 2.uu-11 1.27Jl*U I. JUI-


!*i-11 9.U11*17

7. tt71*17 Z.IMl-17 r.ftlt-11 .....£..

I.Ht ...

l.J1Jf:17 1.IJI 17' 1.nt1-11

  • -1*51-11 t.HH*ll J.Hll-11 J.2441*11 4.UH*tl l.UJl*tl 1.usa-11 1.1*11-11 5.JHl*H 6 ........

Z.ZUl;.H 2 ........

2.5Hl*H 1.2171-U l .ltU*U

l. USl!*U
1. lU!-



51 SH 7.1Ul*17 a...J t7 1.17J 17 6.1711*11 ** 1111-11 1.tJll*.. t.uu-11 2.1211-n l .5'll*U 1. OU!*


  • ILIUI lllIOllT OU~IT ..

C"ITlllJ 91.11 I.I

  • IP. Wiii NlllllT IUIUINI NIHllT

<""1'USJ CftlTUU 11.1

51. l



G*OUNI LIVll. AllVI I.I HOUlll LIVll. AIOVI I.I UOVI I.I HI0389-0046A-HP01 35



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  • TABLE 1.4 1988 PALISADES LAND USE CENSUS TABLE 10.11-1 Distance to the nearest residence, garden, dairy/beef cattle and goat in each sector.


>S mi >S mi >S mi >S mi NHE NE 1.6 mi 3.8 mi >5 mi >5 mi ..

>5 mi 1.8 mi 1.8 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi ENE 1.3 mi 2.9 mi 2.5 mi 4.0 mi 3.8 mi E 1.0 mi 2.9 mi 3.5 mi >5 mi >5 mi ESE 1.0 mi 2.9 mi 3.1 mi >S mi >5 mi SE .9 mi 1.1 mi 3.8 mi 4.3 mi >5 mi SSE .75 mi 1.8 mi >S mi >S mi >5 mi s .s mi l.S mi >5 mi >S mi >5 mi SSW .75 mi 1.5 mi >5 mi >S mi >5 mi HI0389-0046A-HP01 37

TABLE l .4a 1988 PALISADES LAND USE CENSUS TABLE 10.11-3 Critical Receptor Items Distance Sector (Miles) Location/Description Item *X/Q (sec/m 3 )

SSE 0.48 Site Boundary N/A l.43E-06 s 0.50 Residence, Palisades Park;' Residence/ 1.00.E-Ofr 3/4 mile West of 29th Garden Avenue and Blue Star

  • intersection.

ENE 2.50 Robinson, 18800 M-140 Beef l.05E-07 Covert (West side of road)* Cattle ENE 4.00 Cecil Hodge, 16971 72nd Dairy 5.29E-08 Street, 3/8 mile South of 16th Avenue and 72nd Street intersection (West side of 72nd Street).

ENE 3.80 Barlett, 19487 72nd Street Goat 5.85E-08 t mile South of 72nd Street Cl 380 intersection.


  • Based on Palisades 5~year compo1ite meteorological data, 1978-1982.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 38


DFR 1 DFY 2 DFS 1 DFB 2 Kr-85m 1.17(+3) 3 1.23(+3) 1.46(+3) 1.97(+3)

KR-85 1.61(+1) 1. 72(+1) 1.34(+3) 1.95(+3)

Kr-87 5.92(+3) 6.17(+3) 9.73(+3) 1. 03 ( +4)

Kr-88 1. 47 (+4) 1. 52 ( +4) 2.37(+3) 2.93(+3)

Kr-89 1.66(+4) 1. 73(+4) 1.01 (+4) 1. 06( +4)

Xe-131m 9.15(+1) 1.56(+2) 4.76(+2) 1.11(+3)

Xe-13311 2.51(+2) 3.27(+2) 9.94(+2) 1.48{+3)

Xe-133 2.94(+2) 3.53(+2) 3.06(+2) l. 05 ( +3)

Xe-13511 3.12(+3) 3.36(+3) 7.11(+2) 7.39(+3)

Xe-135 1.81(+3) 1.92(+3) 1. 86(+3) 2.46(+3)

Xe-137 1.42(+3) 1.51(+3) 1. 22(+4) 1.27(+4)

Xe-138 8.83(+3) 9.21(+3) 4.13(+3) 4.75(+3)

Ar-41 8.84(+3) 9.30(+3) 2.69(+3) 3.28(+3)

!. mrem/y per µCi/a3

2. mrad/y per µCi/a3 *
3. 1.17(+3) = l.17z103
  • *Dose factors for exposure to a semi-infinite cloud of noble gases. Values were obtained from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1 (October 1977).

MI0389-0046A-HP01 39



H 1. OE-02 1. 7E-Ol 1. 2E-02 4.8E-OO c l.2E-02 l.OE-01 3. lE-02 S.SE-00 Na 4.0E-02 4.0E-02 3.0E-02 5.2E-02 p 2.SE-02 2.SE-01 4.6E-02 1. lE-00 Cr 2.2E-03 2.2E-03 2.4E-03 2.SE-04 Mn 2.SE-04 2.SE-04 8.0E-04 2.9E-02 Fe l.2E-03 l.JE-04 4.0E-02 6.6E-04 Co l.OE-03 l .OE-03 l.3E-02 9.4E-03 Ni 6.7E*03 6.7E-03 5.3E-02 1. 9E-02 Cu l.4E-02 l.3E-02 8.0E-03 1. 21-01 Zn 3.9E-02 3.9E-02 3.0E-02 4.0E~Ol Rb 3.0E-02 3.0E-02 3. lE-02 1. 3E-Ol Sr 8.0E-04 l.4E-02 6.0E-04 l.7E-02 y l.OE-05 l .OE-05 4.6E-03 2.6E-03 Zr S.OE-06 5.0E-06 3.4E-02 1. 7E-04 Nb 2.SE-03 2.SE-03 2.SE-01 9.4E-03 Mo 7.SE-03 7 .SE-03 8.0E-03 1. 2E-Ol Tc 2.SE-02 2.SE-02 4.0E-01 2.SE-01 Ru l.OE-06 1.0E-06 4.0E-01 S.OE-02 Rh l.OE-02 l.OE-02 l.SE-03 l.3E+Ol Ag 5.0E-02 S.OE-02 l.7E-02 l.SE-01 Te 1.01-03 1.01-03 7.7£-02 1. 3E-OO I 6.01*03 6.01-02 2.9E-03 2.0E-02 Cs l.2E-02 3.0E-01 4.0E-03 1. OE-02 Ba 4.01-04 4.01*04 3.2!-03 S.OE-03 La s.o&-06 S.OE-06 2.0E-04 2.SE-03 Ce 1.0&-04 l.OE-04 1.2!-03 2.SE-03 Pr S.0&*06 S.OE-06 4.7E-03 2.SE-03 Nd 5.01*06 S.OE*06 3.3E-03 2.4E-03 w 5.01*04 5.0E-04 1.31-03 1. 8E*02 Np s.01-06 5.0E-06 2.0E-04 2.SE-03 MI0389-0046A-HP01 40


SOTQPE. LIVER TOTAL AOOY THYROin 111:IDNE'Y LUNG GI*Lr.I l"i)* n* 4.6Z*E-07 4.62£-07 4.EZE-07 4.62E-07 4, 62 E-07 d. 52 E-07

?£ 10 ~.~liE-Ot. l.2~E-nc.  ?..bS'.*0~ o. o. l.'+~E*l)J l.71F*OCi Cl4 l*~"'E*n5 ~.7qE*nb J.7qF.*Ob 3. "NE-no J. 1qe:.oe, J.l~E-n& 1.7qF.o~

N 13 ~.J~E*O~ c.,3q(*O~ c..3qF-nA ,. * :1qE*t'I~ 4e39f *OA 4,J";E*O~ 4.JQF.'-n?

Fl8 :i. cne:-oe> n, 3.JJE-07 o. o. o. ~.lnE-o7 NA22 7.37t::*O~ 1,J1t-os 1.31~-os 7.J7F.*05' 7.37E*C5 1. :He.-ns 1.Jn:-nc; NA2C. 7.5.:.E:*Ob 7.~4E*Ob 7,S4f*Ob 1.~-E.-0~ 7.SttE*Ol! 7.S'+E*Oe>> 7. 5'+~ -n~

PJ2 l.4SE*03 8,0JE*OS 5.SJE-~S o. o. o. l.lSF*0'5 AR39 ~. o. o. o. o. l.OOE*Oft 0.

AR41 o. o. o. o. o. 3el4E*O~ n.

CA41 7.~~E*CIS n. ~. H1E*U6 o. o. 6e'i4E*02  ;:>>.q6F.:-l'l7 SCc.6 J. 7SE*Ot.. S

  • 41 E*Cll*,9E*O* o. J.S~F-04 t).  ?..19F'-05 CRSl n. o. ~.3qE*08 4ellE*08 9.415£*09 i;.17E*l'\6  ?.rssr-01


~N456 ,, .

o. leE'lE*OS Je5f'IE*OO o.

lelOE*09 l.~8F.*10 o.

3.56£-0!t 7.A6E'*l0 7 .1 c.f.-n<<.



5.1?.F.-r.s FESS l e4lt.*O'j .'1e39E*06 2.JBE*06 Cl. *o

  • ei.21E.-n~ ~.B2F*07 FE59  ;.~-1£-06 le68f*05 6. f7E*06 o. o. 1. i!St::*n'+ 1. 77~ -os COS7 ~. *.s-.F-07 o. o. 2.11t.-".:. ~.47F-G6 COSS Cl * ~.71E*07 t.JoF.-oa u. o. s.~~F.-ntt 1.9;;~-06 co-,o o. S.73E*06 e.c.u-n6 o. n. J,22E*l"J  ?.2F'~-r.~

NIS9 t.RlE*OS Se44E*06 J.1nr-o-. o. n. 5,,.8E*n~ ~.J,.~-01

~163 ?14lE*Ot..* le46E*OS Ae29E*O-, o. n. le4qF.*04 t.71F*O~

NI6S le71E*O~ 2e03E*l0 e. 79£-11 o. o. SeHOE-ne, 1,5RF'*nS CU~4 o. le34E*09 5.SJE*lO o. ~.A*E-n9 6.f)ttE*l"6 l,07F.*0'5 Z~6S l13AE:*O~ ** ,. "f!*t'5 2.z2r-os (). 2e32E*OS *.62E.*J4 i.67F-o~

ZN69fi'*O ~.98E*09 t.AttE*Od le67E*09 o. 7.4SE*09 1.~11:.-0~  ?..Q?.E'-n5 ZN69 3.6SE*ll 6e9ll*ll '*llE*ll o. 2.87E*ll leOSE*l)6 9,44E'-06 SE79 9~82 "o.. ~.25!:*06.


"*20E*07 9elt9[*06 o.


?e47E*06 o.


o.*Of, n.

3R8J*U 3R81t o.



,, . 2.12t:-07 o.

?..8f)[*07 o.





n, o.

9~85 l(R83M o.




l e46f *08 o.

o. o.




1.soE-~9 o.

<RBSM o. o. o. o-. n. l.JlE*Ob o.

l(r.t85 1(~87 o.

!'. ".n. o.



o. ".






Jl(R8A*O n. o. o. o. o. 1.J8l*07 o.

ll(r:.t89 n.-* o. o. o. o. A,6"/E*08 n.

o. o. o.

~886 QS87 1:1888 Ct.


l e36£*n* *

7. llt:*05 J.98[*07 fle30[*0S 2e64F.*O!:i o.

2.osi-01 o.






?..99E-nr i='e42E*{l7

~B89*D o. i'e29E*07 i.,.1r.-01 o. o. o. 4e87E-n8 SR89*0 n. s.1sE-06 o. n. l.4~E-nJ 4.57E'*OS SR90*0 2e92E*C2 o. le85E*Ol o. o. A,OJE*Cll ~.J6E'*05 SR91*D ~.8JE*08 o. 2.1t7t:-09 o. o. l.7bE*"5 i;.2,.i:-cis SR92*0 7.51lE*l>9 o. 2e79E*l0 o. o. 1.70£-05 i.ooF.-04

ncludes a SOS increase to account for percutaneous transpiration.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 41

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

Ml0389-0046A-HP01 42

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

  • NF'ANT SOTO._,l 1132 IN~A;_*TJ0'4 eO~E UOSE COMMITMENT F'ACTO~S<~~t.Ml~OY PE~ PCI INHAL[lJ lN LI Vltf 1.21E*06 2.~JE*06 TOTAL BOUY TMYlifO I I) .KION[Y 8,9~E-07 le21E.*04 2,82E*06 01 LUNG F'l~ST GI*LLI l.J6E*06 Y~>

1133*!) ~.4bE*Ob le37E*OS c..ooE-06 2*5*E*OJ 1.60E'*OS 01 1154E*Ob Il:Jt+ ~.s~e.-01 leJltt,*06 c. * .,sE-0/ 31l8E*OS 1.49£'*06 01 9.21E*07 IlJS*l> 2.1~e:-oe:. i:;,c.JE*06 le"iHE*06 t+,lj7E*o .. 6,0SE*06 o. l.JlE-06 XE131M o. o. o. (JI o. 6177t.*O>t:-09 o,



.ll~lJ~ o. n, o, ll

  • 01 le80E*Ol:S o, Xl:.137 o. 01 o. U1 01 ~.JOE*Ott o.

Xt.138*0 o. 01 o. 01 01 91 78E*Ob o.

CSlJ4M*O le32E*07 2elOE*07 lellE*01 01 8150[*019 2.oot.-011 l 1l6E *O 7 CS13* 218Jl*Olt s102e:-o* S,J2f'*O!:I 01 l1l6E*01t S16'lt.*OS 9,SJE*07 CSlJ!t leOOE*Olt ~166l*OS 1t173E*06 01 2158[*05 11.0lt.*OS 2118F*07 CSlJb J1c.~t:-os "'*6l~*OS J, 18E*OS 01 4103[*05 811tot.-06 1102!*06 CSJJ7*U J,<;~E-ntt lt,37!.*0 .. 3.~Sf'*O~ 01 l123E*Olt S109t.-os 9,SJF*07 CS138 316lf*/)' 5'15*5E*07 z,ijltf*OI th .2193E*07 0.167t.*Od tt126E*07 C.:5139*0 2e32E*O/ 31UJE*07 1122[*0., 01 l 165[*07 21SJE.*08 l133E*08 BA139 le06E*09 7,0JE*ll 3107[*11 U1 4123[*13 4t12SE*Ot>> 3161t£-os 8Alit0*0 !t.OUE*OS 4100E*08 Z107E*06 01 91~9E*09 l1l4t~*OJ 2,1c.E-os 8A1Ctl*O l1le?E*lO 1170E*lte 3155£-12 o. *164tf*l" 2112£.*06 3139£-06 EU l C.2*0 Z18Ct[*ll 2136E*l'- lettOE*l2 01 1136!*1" l11lE*06 4e95E'*07 LAlt+O 316lE*07 l11t3E*OI J,68E*Otl U1 01 l120E*Olt 6,06E*05 LAlt+l C.195E*09 l140E*09 ~.ttSE*lO 01 01 l122E*05 5.96£*05 LAlc.2 7136E*l0 216'iE*lO 6146E*ll o. o. S1~7E*06 4125[*05 Cf lt+J 1191:4[*0~ J,19E*OS l11t2E*06 01 317SE*06 3169~*0Ct 1,54E*05 CElc.3*0 ~10"1£*07 l1Jdt.*07 l1!;8E*08 o. 4103[*08 81JOE*OS J.ssr-os*Cl 2.2~E*Ol 816Sf.*04 le26E*Olt 01 3184£*0* 710lt.*OJ le06E*0" P~lC.l l100l*OS J17t.E*06 tt1~9t-o7 o. le,.1E*06 3109E*Olt 2166[*05 P~l'+4 3.ttcE*ll l 132E*ll 1172!-ll 01 4,80E*12 l1l~E*06 3106E*06 NL>lC.7*0 5167£*06 S18ll*06 l1~7f-07 o. 2e25f:*06 21JOl::*Oit 2123[*0!>

?Ml47 l191E*Oit 3107!*05 l 156£-os 01 419JE*O!t 415~f.-o,. 5175£*06 PMlC.f!M*O  :;1oot-os lel4[*05 91'14E*06 o. l e45£*05 l122E*Ol J,J7E'*OS PM148 3, Jc.E *06 4182£*01 2144[*0 7 o. s11&r-01 l120E*Oit 610ltE'*OS

?"4lt+9 3110£*07 410IE*Olt l 1 715f *08 o. 4196[*08 61SOE*OS J,OlE*O!>

?Ml SJ 7,52!.*0I l1IOl*OI 5e5SE*09 o. l130E*08 3e2SE*OS 21S8E*OS SM151 3, 3111-0 .. 6e45l*OS l 163E*05 o. S121tf*OS 2e98E*Olt 311t6F.*06 SM153 l 15Jl*07 lel8E*07 9106E*09 01 21,.TE:-oa 31 *roE-o5 1,9JE*O!)

EU152 718Jt*O* le77E*04 le72E*O'- 01 s194E.*04 l11t8f.*03 9.88£*06 EU154t 2.9lit-03 311t6l*04t 2145[*0* 01 l1l*E*Ol J1ost.-0J 2.84E*OS EUlS~ 5197E*O .. Se7Zl*O!t 3146!*0!>> 01 11sar-o* S120E*O* S119F.*05

£Ul56 l15b£*05 '1159!*06 1154[*06 o. lt148[*06 6112E*Olt 41l4tE*OS HH60 l112E*0Ct o. leltOE*O~ o. 3120[*05 l 1 llf*Ol 21l4E*OS lol016~M l11tSt.*Ol 3107[*0* 01 4t122£*04 210SE*Ol l16SE*OS wl81 c..86E.*08 l11t6[*08 le67E*04' Ch 01 l133t:*OS 2,6JE*01 wl8S l

  • 5 7E.*06 le18JE*07 S1St:t[*08 u. 01 't148E*Ott lel2E*OS
  • 187 ~.26E*09 611t4tE*09 21~3(*09 01 01 21e5JE*OS 2,54E*O!a
  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 43

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

  • INF' ANT 1SOTOµfo T!\4;.jA._.\TIC'I~

~Cl '.JE.


'-1 co~~IT~cNT VF.~ T:)T ~L FACTO~S(~RE~/50V snnv 11-t\'ROlP



IN FI"'~ T t,f*LL!

yi;J) p,..n o*f' ~.~2E*C'?.  ?.02E*O? 1e4tJF.~03 o. "*e~r-02 J.7~l-*Ol 1 0 7QF-1"5 8f211"*r'\ ('l

  • le3Jf'*O~ l
  • Hlf *Of't (J. J.,JF"-04 'il.96E-rJ 1,?7F"-n5


.. ,.*?2? *D


o. ,, .
,f-J~*OJ 7.l?f-n4 n, o.


  • JOf *02 o.

i>e4Uf'*l')l 9.~8~-0b 4,Jbf*liS 0*

JfA2?3*0 l. 5fi:°:*(! 3 ~.?~l-n6 .1.12f-n4 c. 4,Jl,E'-05 2.;>c;t-.01 3.0<.F-n~

~A224*0 1,77E-(11+ 4eCICE*07 J,St.E*GS o. 7,JCIF-Oe, 7. 91 f .r, ~ ~.4?F*Cl4 SU;>?S*" 2,57E*C13 ?,P~r.-ne, 5.JJf-04 o. i;.JlE*n~ 2.~7E-Ol  ?.~7F-04 RA?2b*O ;i,4A~*Ol J ,4f'lt.*O~ 2.o,~*-01 (1 *  ?.194tf*04t 7.83f'.*l'!l ],05~-01+

~A??EhO leflOE*Ol 1.~11:.-0~ l .~OF*Ol o. l.SJE*04t l

  • 0 'i!E:.. 0 0 S,1C1E.-n5 AC:22~ 1.611E-0J "* 72t::*(JJ ;:i. 4~(-04 o. .1.49F.-04t 1.961'.*"l  ?.71F*O'+

AC.'.27*1'.\ 31?'1c*PO !4.7t>E*(JJ 3.~AE*Ol o. J.~6E*Ol l162t*l'IO s.?7E-n=i TH?.27*n J

  • ll~F.-o 3 1.0:\t*CIS 5,24E*05 o. 1.1JE*04 3.2rE-Ol 3.53F*O'-

T"1?2A*r ~.4~E.-~l lelOE*02 ?.~,.,r:-02 a. S.blE*O~ 4.6~1:.*00 3.62E*O'-

Tl122CJ l,Jc.f.*Ol l1A2E*Ol ~. ".?F-n 1 o. 8.Q9E*Ol 1.22l*f'l 1 * ?.CIF *I'\"-

TM231'.' 3146E*OO J,79f.*Ol 'ieflSE°*02 o. ~.82fo:-01 2el8E*OO 3.A7F.*OS T~23?*n 3.86E+OO 1.S~E.-01 1. 2<iF.: *O l o. *7.!t4E*nl 2.oc; Jo. 29F *OS T1"12J4 1.JJe:-c; 1.1n-01 ~.Rc.E-C\1 ('. 2170F.:*Of- le62~*03 7,4oF:-os PA?Jl*O ~.lOE'*CO i.ooE-01 3e62E'*Ol o. J e62F.*OO 3.8~[-01 4.61E-C'C:,

PA233 ~*A 1.tE*O,, l. ~n.-n6 1.lfiE"*Ott o. J.68!.-06 2 .1 Q£-r'"' Q,04F*Ol'.I lJ?Jl*iJ l*iJJ*O


  • 5 7E*1ll
.44E*02 ",, .  ?..13f*Ol 1.a.1E'-nJ IJ.


?.itOF*02 le09E*02 l ."-~E*no Je56E*Ol 4.36F*05 4,0JF-05 U?~4  ;.2;£-0?. n. le75E'*Ol o. 1.07f-02 J,49t:-n1 J.QSF-05 Ui'J!>*D 5.0lE*02 o. 1.S~F.:-1)3 o. lelJlF.*02 J.2E'F.-t'll S.02F*05 UC-36 310ll*Ol n. 1.f,~E-OJ o. leOlf*O~ J.35E'-l}l ~.7tF-ns U237 l125E*07 o. R.65E*08 o. A.08[*07 9el3E*OS le31E*05 U238*U c..7ijf:.*02 o. J,?.qF.*OJ o. 9.c.o£-oJ 3106E-n1 3

  • 54E *O~

NP?J7*F" 3

  • OJE**)O  ?..JlE*Ol l.2"[*01 o. 7.o9F*<H J,4t9t:*Ol s.1nE'-oS NP~J~ ;J. ~ 'E*'Jb l'I
  • 7 JF. *l).A 4.l,,t:*OIJ o. le47E-07 9el9E-ns  ?,CSRF.n~

NP2JQ  ?.,,~t:-01 ~.:HE*OA J .J4F-*Olt o. 4te 73E*CJ8 4.~!>>E'-05 t.7~E'*Cl!>

PU?J,a s.on.* .io "°*lJE*Ol 1 l.27E.*Ol o. 4. f't4F. -o 1 Ci,OJE*Ol 4.~QE*O!t PU:239 :tieSOE*O*l t1t.7lE*Ol l.J1er-01 o. 4,~SE'*Ol 814t7E*l'\l 4,28F'*OS PU21t0  ;.4~[*00 "*71E*Ol J ,J .. f.*Ol o. 4e94f*Ol 8elt7t.*Ol 4.Jttf-05 P.U?.tel*O J.S5E*Ol ~.69F.*Ol 3 .11£-0J o. l115F'*02 7.62E*CICt A.97E:-07 PU24?  :;.o-iE*nn "ie47E'*Ol lee9F'*01 o. 4e77E*Ol A.tSF.*'H 4.20E'-05 PU24'6*OC 7.40E*Oi l,4tlil[*Ol o. S,4tbf'*Ol 9.JJE*l'\l 6.26E:*05 A~2tel 1.~teE*O\> "4144[*01 J,JlE*Ol lh 7.'i .. f:-01 4e06~*Ql 4,78E*CI~

A""?4?M 1.90[*1)0 Aei'ltE*Ol l.Jc;f.nJ o. l'l10JF*Ol le64tt.-n1 ~.OlE'*OC:,

A"124J l.s2£*00 "*lOf.*Ol l.27f*Ol o. 7.7?.!*01 J.HSE*fll c;.flnF-05 CM242 7.* .. E*02 c;, 70E*Ol o.


l .~9F*Oi

'l.91E*n1 2,Q7E*Ol 41i'Ctt."*Ol c;,lOE'*OS S.02F.*OS CM24t3 J.11E*OO 1. 94'~*01 l 10'-'F'*OI CMi'<<.4 l14JE*OO 7,04E*Ol 8e89f'*Ol o. J.i!l!-01 c..osf-n1 4,SftE-os CMi?tt~ ;J,~e,£*00 R.f'OE*Ol l eJ6E*Ol o. S1i!Jf *O 1 J,92E*Ol 4,SJE-os C"'?4ft 2.2c.l*OO R.7'iF.;*Ol 1.36£-01 o. ~.~JF*Ol J,99f*Ol 4,45E-OS C114247*0 ~.l~E*OD ~.Ei .. ::-01 l.JJE'*Ol o. s.1sr-01 J,92E*Ol s.asE-os C1142tt8  !.S~E*OJ 71lt'E*OO lelOF.'*00 o. t.e14tE*OO 3e23E*OO 9.4JE-n4-Cf'25~ 1te26E*OO o. leOlF.*01 o. (\. l137E*OO t.85E*04 MI0389-0046A-HP01 44

TABLE 1. 7 (Contd)


BElO o.

~O~E El. tt~f' *O It LIVE~

3.04£-07 c;.~Jf.*O!i TOTAi. ROlJ'f' 3.04£-07 2el2E*05 TMYROIO o.

3.04E-07 KIONFY 3.04£-07 n.

LUNG 3.04£-07 7.ttfE*l'.lat r;f-LLI 3.04E-07 I. 72~*05 c 1t. 9e70~*0b t.A?F.:*06 1.s;,E-0~ le8.?£*06 leA2F.*0~ le82E*06 1.f'2F *06 Nl3  ?..JJE*OE' 2eJ3E*08 2e31E*O~ ?e33E*l'\8 2e33E*O@ 2. 33£'-1'" 2.1:JE'*O~

Fl~ J .8&E*06 n. t.&sE-07 o. o. o. J.J7E"-07 NA22 i..c.1E-os c..ttlE*OS 1.e.~1F.:-o~ c.,t.eJE*05 1.e.1.eJE*05 "*"l~-ns c..1+1~-0'5 NA?.C. c..JSE*O~ c..3SE*06 tt.JSf.*Oft t.

  • 35E *('16 1..35.;:-06 *1.e, 33E*l'I~ t+,JSE*O-,

?3?. 7,0<.E*Oet J.09E*OS 2.67F.'*05 o. n. o. 1.1c.e--os A~39 A~4l o.



o. ".o. n.




c..R9E*O" n.


  • 6~E-1HS 0.

CAI.el 7.0~E*OS o. 7.70E*06 o. o. 7.21E*02 ?.

  • 94.e *0 7 SCt.6 l
  • 9 7E*n4 2.70E*04 leOc.E-04 o.  ?.39!*04 o.  ? C~51 MNSit


o. ".

l1l~E*OS 4el1'-*ll~

2.S7F.*Olll 2.JlE*l)ts 6157!'-09 tt.S9l*06 ?..93E*l'l7

o. ?171E*Ob 4126E*n4 f.. 1 l.JF' - 0 6 M~56 01 41tt8E*lO 81c.JE*l l 01 41'i2E*10 31SSE*n6 J.JJF.*OS FESS 1128E*OS -,1eo~*06 21lOE*06 01 01 3100f.*0~ 1. 75F'-n 7 F'ES9  :;.s~E-06 ~104(*1')6 41~lE'.*06 o. 01 114lE*O'+ i.cnr-os COS7 01 l1lt4E*07 21C\@E-07 01 n1 le37E-oc. :1. 58fo" *06 C05A o. "*1qe:-01 e.:.sF-o7 I) I . n* i?1q9E*O~ "l129E*M.1 C060 o. 3.c:tSE*06 6112~*06 01 I). l e'HE-nJ )1~,,F'-ns Nl59 l1b6E*llS 4e67E*06 ~1dlE*t16 01 n. 2 I 73£-05 "*29E-n7 Nl6l 2122E*l)C. l12SE*OS 7 I ~hE.-06 I) I ,, I 7.i+JE*OS J171E*ti6 Nl~S 'l10AE*lO 71Q9f*ll 41c.4E*ll (). n1 c?121E.-n6 2.21~-os ClJ61t o. ~.J'iE*lO ?19M*:-10 ,., I l16JE*09 2159t:-n6 Q,Cf2e*06 2Nl!>5 11\5!*05 1.Cl,,E*O'; l19nE-ns o. le CfJf.:*05 21r,lfE.-n'9 '-*'-l~-CI~

ZN69*oo 4.2bE*09 7121!E*09 8159£-10 o. '+e?.2E*09 1.J~f-ne  ?, 71F.-nr; ZN69 l1fU!*ll i?.61E*l 1 ~141!*12 o. l11!'BE*ll 31~4E*07 2.1i;~-n~

SE79 o. 1123E*06 216nE-07 o. l111E*06 l1~9E*04 1.4.JF.-('16 8~82 B~AJ*O 8~A4 n.

01 I) I n1 o.


S166F*Ob l128F.-07 l148E*ll7



. 01 01 a.

01 n1 o.


  • n1 8~85 01 n. 6184[*09 o. "I n1 n*

l<R83,.. o. (). o. o. n1 l122t.*1'9 n.

KRAS..- 01 n. o. o. n. 6158E*n~ 01 K~85 n1 n1 o. o. n. S166E*09 01 1(~87 01 n. o. o. n1 3 1 Jt:IE*Clti o.

1(~88*0 I) I o. 01 o. 01 61'Y9E*Oti o.

KR89 n. o. 01 o. n1 '+1SSt.*OH 01 RB8,.

RB87 n.


5136[*05 lel6E*05 3109E*O!I l137F*05 ".

01 I).

I) I 01 01

?..l~E'-06 Z.96F.*07 R888 o* teS2E*07 9.CJllf *08 o. o. 01 4

  • b_,E *09 R8A9*CJ . n.- 9.Jlt*ne 71AJE*08 o. 01 01 51ll~*lll SR89*0 lefti!*O* 0* 41@1f,[*Ob o. n1 S1'3JE-01+ 4152£-05 5~90*0 ?17J!*OZ o. l17c.E-ol o. n, 3191it:.-"l 9.2~E"-OS 5~91*0 312~E-o8 o. l12t.E*Oli o. n1 l *'-itt.*OS 4* 70f*OS S~92*0 J15t.E*09 o* 1142[*10 o. o. 6.4~E*06 ~.SSE*OS
  • Includes a SOS f ncr11s1 to account for percutan1ous transpf ratfon.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 45

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)


ISOTOPE BO~E L.lVER* TOTAL. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI*L.LI Y90 l1llE*06 o. 2199[*08 o. o. 7107t.*OS 7121tE*05 Y911i1J*O l137E*l0 01 4198[*12 01 o. 7160£.*07 4164E*07 Y9l  ?.tt7E*Oft 01 6159E*06 o. 01 7110E*04 4,97E-05

'f92 s.soE-o9 01 l1S7E*l0 o. o. 6e4t6t.*Ob 6,46E*OS Y93 s.01tE*08 01 1138[*09 01 01 21011:.-os i.ose:-o~

Z~93*0 2107E*O,. 7180E*OS S15SE*05 o. J.OOE*O'- 7110t.*04 l ,47E*OS 2~95*0 S11JE*05 l113E*05 1.ooE-os o. l16lE*OS 610lt.*04 l.65E*OS ZR97*0 s1on:-oe 7134E*09 lt132E*O'i 01 l10SE*08 3106E*OS 9.49E*05 Nti93M l127E*Olt l117E*O!t 1104[*05 01 3.te4E~os l104t.*04 2e4SE*06 Nt:t95 6135E*06 211t8E*06 l177E*06 01 2133[*06 l166t.*04 l.OOE*OS NB97 l1l6E*lO 21oet.-11 9171tE*12 o. 2131E*ll 9123E*07 7152E*Oe M093 01 3176E*06 l13SE*07 o. l106E*06 l170t.*Olt 3178E*06 M099*0 o. 4e66E*08 l1lSE*08 01 l106E*07 l166t.*OS 3142E*OS TC99M 418lE*ll 9141E*ll l 156£-11 o. 1.37[*11 2157E*07 l1JCE*06 TC99 l1Jlt[*07 l 149E*07 SeJSE'*Olt 01 le75E*06 3137E.*Ott 7.75[-06 TC101. l1l'iE*llt 2130E*l4 2191[*13 o. 3192£-13 l158E*07 414lE*OQ RUlOJ*O 7155£*07 01 21'iOE*Of 01 l190E*06 l17~E*Ott l121E*05

  • AUl 05*0 lt1lJE*lU o. l1SOE*lO o*. . 3163[*10 41JOl*06 "2169E*OS RlJl06*0 . 3~68E*OS o. 1t.S7E*06 01 4197[*05 3187f.*Ol l1l6E*Ot.

RHlOS J.91E*09 21lOE*O'i l179E*09 o. 8139£*09 7112E*06 l133E*05 P0107 o. ' 2165E*07 21!tlE*OI o. 1197[*0* l1lbt.*O~ 7.26£-07 P0109 o. l11t8t.*09 414'5[*10 o. 710fJE*09 6elbE*06 tt.S9E-05 AGl 1 Of1hO '-** Se.E*06 310l:9E*Oet 2e47E*06 o. ~174[*06 ie4~t.*OJ 217lE-os AGll 1 l181E*07 S168E*OI l17SE*OI 01 1171£*07. 7173E*OS 2198£-05 C0113M 01 1te93E*Olt 2el2E*OS o. Sel3E*04 6194tE*01t le63E*OS COllSM o. 718IE*O~ 3139[*06 o. 5e93E*OS S186t.*01t 4197[*0'5 SN123 112iE*Ott 21lltE*06 "1l9£*0b 2127E*06 o. 9.!t9t.*04 4. OSE*OS SNllS*O lt195£*06 9194£*08 21i5£*01 1103£*07 o. 2143t.*Olt 1.11£-os SN126*0 ~12JE*Olt l101tE*05 21l6E*OS 2e84t.*06 o. l10C!t.*Ol l163E*OS SiH24 l 1SSE*05 2.001-01 Se41E*06 3141[*08 o. 8176E*Olt lt143E*OS SfJ125*0 216&E*OS 2105[*07 5159£-o* 2146£*08 o. 6127E*04 le09E*OS 58126 le7lf*06 2162!*01 6el6[*01 l100E*Olt o. 2186t.*04t S167E-os 58127 l1letE*07 2109!*09 4e70E*OI 1151£*09 o. 6el7E.*OS J.82E*OS TE125M l18C!E*06 6e29E*01 2147[*01 !1120E*07 o. l129t.*Olt 9.Jlf-06 Tll27M*O ~.7~£-06 2elll*06 leJ6[*07 116*(*06 l172E*05 lt100t.*01t l193E*05 TE127 711t'iE*lO 2.s11-10 l16SE*iO !JeJOE*lO 1191[*09 21 7lt.*06 l1S2E*OS TE129M*U Sel'i[*06 lel5l*06 11.22£-01 le7U.*06 le36[*0~ lt176f.*Olt 1t191E-os TF.129 216*E*ll 9e45E*ll 6e1t4E*l2 l19lE*ll 6.94[*11 7193t.-07 6.89[*06 TElJlM*I) 316lf*Oet 1160£*08 l137E*Olt &'16*E*OI 1.oaE-07 S1S6E*O~ e.J2t-os lt.lll*O 5 ..a.JE*li 2128[*1l l 1'flf *l ~ *159£*1Z l 159£*11 ~1sse:-01 J.60E'*07 Tt.13?*0 le30E*07 7el6l*OI 11JZf*Oi 81SIE*Oll *179£-07 l102t*O" J.72E*OS TE133M*L> 21931*11 1.s11-11 1.soF-11 le32E*ll 1101[*10 l160t.*06 4.77E*06 TEl34*0 11s:u:-11 le8lE*l2 ~11t0£*12 l *2"E*ll 5171£*11 l 1ZlE*06 4.87f.*07 1119 l105E*OS 61*0E*06 51 71E*06 4t1lll*Ol leOIE*O!t o. 21ise.-o1 1130 ?121£*0& 411tJE*O~ 21Z8l*Oet 1t199E*Ott 6161£*06 01 le38f*06 Illl*'> l1JOE*OS l1lOE*OS 7137t*06 4el¥t*O.J 21llE*OS 01 7.68£-07 46 MI0389-0046A-HP01

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T 1n - - - --.J ._.,. - - - - ...., ......, * ., * * * * * " * * * "' * .. - - *- -

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

  • CHILD H 11-1AL AT I ON DOS( CO!lwlMl Tlio!f. "'T FACTO~~(M~EM/Sny PF.~ PCI IMotALEU I~ F'I~ST '!'~)

I SCHOP~ 90"1E' LIV~Q TC'T AL ~OuY T"4Yr.tOlO " 1 ONF"f LUNG GI*LL I PH~H**D ~.03E*02 1.~sc:-n2 J.l~F-03 o. ,,.JlF.-0? 8.74t::-02 1.7'!iE*tl~

?!210*0 ~. 5.11E*<16 '5.b~E-OT o. S.76E*OS 3.70~*03 3.2H'.-n~

PC21Cl t.70E*OJ  ?.7..:ie:-r.3 4.09E-o.:. o. ~.ASE*OJ 1.os~-01 Ct. 32~ .('IC:

~N?22*D o. n. o. (J. n. 4e82E*06 0.

~A?23*0 1.~'ie.-ec. ,q

  • S'7E *O 7 le54f*O'- o. 2.J6F*OS 8.4~!:.-112 1.ooi::-0"

~A?24*D ~.44E*05 1.53E*07 1. 6'1£-05 o. c..o~E'-Ot> 2.92E*l'2 3,JC.E'-0'-

~t.?2"i*O i.2~e:-03 t.l4E*06 2.~t-E-o .. o. 3.02E*05 9.7c.c-n2 2.~c.F-<1'-

~A?2t:-*('I  ?.3<-E.*f'\l 7.~~F'-06 le11i'F*Ol o.  ?.OJE*O'- J.90t.-Ol 1,02f.*0" PA?2fhl> 1.c.~e.-c1 J.941:"*06 i .i;lo!f-01 o. l.Cl4f*04 5.37E*nl 5,lc.E-o:

AC?2S le81E*OJ t.e7E*03 le?lf*U4 o. le99f*Ot. 1.31e.-n2  ?,67r-o" AC2?.7*0 c..96E*OCI ~.Cl~E*Ol l. O7E *fJ 1 o. t.77E'*Ol 8

  • 04t:*C'l s.221=.:-o:

T1-4227*rJ ~.?'+E*l'lct l.?bF.*OS 2e67E'*OS o. 6.67F.*CIS le26E-nl :l .49E'-(14 T~~2A*I' Q.ObE'*C'l J.!JC.(*02 2.7?1:*02 o. S.'+1E*02 3el4E*OO 3.~9F*O'-

T,..229 le2t'E*Ol l. 7~E *O 1 t'!

  • J 1E*tit o. A.~-.f*Ol 1.041:.*lll i.21c-o"I Tl-l230 J.'.:'OE*CIO l. 7Jf.*01 9e20E*02 u. 8.~2F.*Ol le8SE*OO

T"4232*0 3.68E+OO J.47E-Ol l eZF:E*Cl\ c. 7.28E*Ol 1.17E*no 3.21r-o~i T,..234 !i.94E*t\b 1.CIE*Cl7 2. CJ OE*<* 7 o~ l.~2E*06 6.Jll:.*04t

  • 7.32E-l'I:

PA231 *I") ~.~?.E*OO 2eFlfll*Ol :le4.'.\F.'.*Ol o. t.56[*00 l e92E*O 1 te.s1e-o:I Pti?JJ c.. 1C.E *O 6 ~.te~E.-07 1.25E*Cl1 (J. 2.3RE*0*6 9.77E*OS ~.9SE*0':

U?J2*L1 2. l 'IE' - (\ l o. 1.~ct*O~ o. 1. 67!*02 1. c.?.t.-o 1 4.33(*0~1 U233*0 t..6,.E*O~ n. 2.52E*Ol u. 7.62f*OJ 1.77E-n1 4.00E*O~,

l1?34 ,..:.6(*1)2 o. 2.7~E*OJ o. 7.47E*nJ 1. 74[ */) l l.92E*l'.I:

U235*0 c.. 2 7~*02 o.  ?.59£-03 o. 7.0JE*OJ 1.631:.-01 4

  • 9RE' *O~i U~J@! r..21E*02 I). 2.~i;[.OJ o. 1.1ir,E-03 le67E-Ol J.67E'-n~

U?37 le57E*07 n. '*17F*Ob o. c..SJE'*07 J.ttoE-ns 1.2~E'-o:

UC'JB*J ,..~~e:-o~ o. ?e1t2E*Ol o. ~.ssr-ol 1.c;JE*"l 1.SlE*O~

N?237*f') 2e8dE*OO 2.21e:-01 lelQF.*01 o. 7.ltlE*Ol le7'6f*t'l s.06F-o:

N?;:tJ~ l .;:te,E*C~ i'eS~E*O& le97f*OM o. A. l 6E*O,. *J.J9t:*,,~ 2.SOF'*O~I NP?J9 t.2fliE*07 9.0ctE*09 613!:.E: *O'i o. 2e63E*Of4 1.isn::-os l.7JE*O~

PU23£' ,..7TE*"O ~.O';E*Ol l1llE'*Ol o. "*'-1E*Ol fl.08E*'11 c..6SF*O!,

Pll?JQ  ;.2'+E*'l0 ~.te4£*01 leiH[*OJ o. te.78!*01 S.72E*l11 te.2'-F'*O~

PUC'ltO 512.1E*OO 6ett3E*Ol 1 .~7~ *.O I o. "*77E'*Ol Se71E*Ol c..J:lE*O' PU?t.t*n J,ltftE*Ol fllel3£*03  ?.e9'.1f*Ol o. l110F*02 s.o6E*04t s.90E'*o-PU~lt~ r..PSE'*OO ~.lOE*Ol 1.23[*01 o. "*"nE*Ol s.soE-01 '6. l6F.:-oc PLt?  ;.~7£*no 7elOE*Ol t.C.lf*t>l o. S.1.7E*Ol 6.JOE*O! ~*?OF *<'I!

AM?C.t le74[*00 7.8~E*Ol l e1.ltf *O 1 o. 7,6JE*O l i.'102E*Ol 4e 73F'*O~'

AM2t.2M le79E*OO 1.r,SE*Ol J.27E*OJ o. 7.71f'*Ol 8el'-E*02 s.9~E-o:


C~2te2 CM?te~


!>ellE*Ol 1.61E*OO 7.SJE*Ol

'-ef'4tE*02 7.JJE*Ol lolOF'*IJl

'*~OE*Ol 9.~-;F.-01

"'o.o.* 7,c.2£*01 1.J1tE*02 le74E*Ol leQ2E*Ol le31E*Ol 2el0t*Ol 5.SSF'*O~!



C"4?.lt4 1.JJE*C'O 6.te ... !'*01 JtellE*U~ o. J.O,.E*Ol 2.02e-01 c..82E*o:1 CM2lt5  ?.lC.E*OO "* l f)f *(\) l12AE*OI o. s.03E*Ol 1.95£-01 4elt9E-o:

C,..246  ?. t ~£*0l' .-..1~e.-01 le28E*Ol o* S.f'JE*Ol l.'i9t:-C"l 4e41E'*O':

CM?.C.7*0 ?e07E*OO ~.02E*Ol 1~2~E*Ol o. c..9SE*Ol l 195E*O 1 ~.eor-n~

CM~tel' t.7?E*Ol "i.61E*OO J.04£*00 o. "*08!*00 le61E*OO 9.JSF*O" CFZS2 le92E*nG o. 9.3JE*02 o. o. 6.62E*Ol 1. 84'E*C14 48 i1I0389-0046A-HP01



~3* o. 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1. 59£-07 1.59E-07 1. 59E-07

~flO ~.7~E-04 4,33~-os 1.09r..('l6 o. n. J.~~c-Ci. i.11~-oi:;

c1~ i.2sE-o~ ~.oc;e:-111 6.nqE'-o7 ,..,,,~E'-01 ~.0'1E*07 6. o~ ..:-o 7 ~.09E*07

~13 ~.~~E-n~ ~.65E-OQ 8.~~F-~~ ~.f.5~*09 R.6SE*09 ~.E-i;~-"9 ~.651'.-oq Fl@ ~.52E*07 n. 7.tnE-Of o. o. n. ),Aql'!'*l"i:I

~A~2 1.7~E-ns 1.76~-ns 1.1~~-n~ le7hf*o~ l, 7t'IF.*O!> l

  • 7f'll:.*l'\S 1. 7~t'*I"~

~AL4 t.72t*O~ t.72E*06 l.7?f*06 le72E*O~ 1. 7?f:-o6 J.72E*rlo l.7?E'-06 P3c ?e3bE*04 l.37E*05 M,Q~E*Ob o. o. o. 1.1,,~-05 AR39 ri. o. o. o. o. t..,OOE*O~ n.

A~4l n. n. n. o. (I. J.t..ltl:.*OEI n*

CA4l ~.O~E-05 n. 4.J~f-06 n. n. leOlE.*01 :3.01F'-n7 SC4~ 7e24E*OS le4lf*Oa 4el8~*05 Oe t.JSF*O .. o. -'*QAF'-1"1:1 c~c;1 o. O, l.6~f-OA 9e37E*O~ 1.@4F.:*C19 i:'.b2F.-~b 3.7SF-07

,_.Nc;4 C* ~.J~E-06 leOSE*06 o. 1.59F.-06 c?.*~f.-l'lt ~.JS~*0"-

~N56 Ce ?eJZ~*lO 3.l~E*ll o.  ?.24F*10 1

  • C) 0 E.
  • 0 f', 7. \R,..n,..
E~S ~.lUE*06 2,98E*O~ ~.yJ[*07 o. n* 1. r;
it.-ns 7.99!::-n7 FE59 1.9QE*06 4e62E*O~ 1179~-o~ o. n. le91E-llc.  ?.231:-ns coc;1 n. lel&E*07 l.l~F.-07 ~. I). 1. :nE.-ns 1.q3,:-.n~

COSS o.  ?.S9E*O/ J.47£-07 ~. . 0. i.e~E-ut. ol

  • l 9F -n 5 C060 o. l.S~E*Ob  ?*O~ o. o. 1.09E-nJ J,?.4F.-n5 NIS9 S.44E*06 ~.02£*0~ 9.Zt.E-07 ~. o. l,t.lE*llS 6,4-9F'-07

~163 7.2~E-OS Se43E*Clb 2e47E-06 o. n. .3.e4l*OS 1. 77F*O~

  • NI~S CUloi4 7N65 Z~o9M*O Z~~9 SE79

~.1~E*l0 (l.

~.~~E-06 l.4~l*09


~. .


?.S4E*l0 i.~7E-o~



~.4JE*01 n.

t.~qf*ll l.O~f-10 1.~uE-06 JellE*lO o.

Re07E*ll o.


?e2AE*06 o.






".01i::-1C'.I 1.0l'F.*O!t

?.O"F.*O'I 7.53E*l2 Rel3E'*07 o.

lel7E-ne, l.J~t--06 1.ssF.-04 J.92E*06 1.~~t.-r.1 7.7lf-ns o.


7,~8F'*06 c;,SJE*O~


~.S~F-1'\8 j , SJE *"jl, o.

8RA2 "*

HIOl8J*O o. n. 4.JoE-Oij o. o. o. o.

8~A4 n. ~. Se4lF.*OR o. n. o. o.

B~RS Cle n. 2e29F*O~ Oe Cl, o. n.

KR8J,.. (\

  • n. o. o. n. 9.971:.-10 n.

l<"FIS~ Cl. n. n. o. n. S.4ot.*Ci o.

1<R8S n. "* o. n. o. 4.63E*"Y n.

l<U87 l'e o. o. n. o. 2,82E*O~ n.

K~R8*0 l'le o. "* o. n. s.1:ut::-*;i~ o.

o. o. o.

l<iooiMQ f;~86 RB&7 n*

0 *.



1.J8E*05 1.<.oE-05 i.osE-05

  • .58~*06 o.


"*n.n. J.~~E-nd o.



3.0C,F-07 Rt:'88 Oe-* 6.AiE-~8 J.~oE-08 o. o. o. 3.fl'5~-15 RBE19*0 Ue ~.~of-08 2191E-08 Oe o. o. 4.221'.'-17 SRR9*0 5.43E-~5 o. le56f*Ob u. n. J.02E*Ot. 4,64F.'-nS 5~90*0 1.~SE-n2 o. P.JSE*04 J. n. 2.oe:>E-nJ Q,5,,E-05 S~9l*U S~~?*O t.,oE-nA n.*

lel9E*09 n.

4.J9f-lO s.osE-11 o.

o. ,, .
o. 7.S~E*"b J.ltJf*l)b J,24".-ns J,49£-05
  • Includes a SOS increas1 to account for p1rcutaneous transpiration.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 49

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

TEE~ INHALATION OOSE COMMITMENT rACTORSCMRE.M/SOY PEA PCI INMALED I~ FIRST YRJ ISOTOPE BO~E LlV£M TOTAL BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI*LLI Y90 J.7JE*07 o. 1.ooE-01:1 o. o. 3.66E.*OS fle99E*05 Y91114*0 tt.6JE*ll o. le77E*l2 o. o. lteOOE.*07 J.77E.-09 Y91 Be26E*OS o. 2e21E*06. o. o. 3.67E*04 SellE*05 Y92 le8C.E*O~ o. s. 36£-11 o. o*. 3.J!:IE.*06 2,06E*O~

Y93 le6"iE*Ol:J o. 4e65E*10 o. o. i.oc.E.-os 7,24E*OS ZR93*0 6e83E*OS 3e38E*OS le84E*OS o. le 16E*04 J.67t.*04 l.60E.-OS ZR95*0 le82E*OS S.7JE*06 3e94E*06 01 l3142E*06 J.36E*04 l.86E*05 ZR97*U l172E*08 J.40£*09 l157E*09 01 Sel5E*09 1.62E*OS 1.eaE-os N~9JM 4elttE*OS le36E*OS J.41E*06 01 1.S9E*05 S,J6E*OS 2.s2E-oo NS95 2132E*06 le29E*06 7.08E*07 o. l125E*06 91J9E*05 le21E*OS NB97 J192E*ll 9.72E*12 31SSE*l~ 01 l114E*ll 4191E*07 2.71E-07 M093 01 l.66E*06 4e52E*08 o. Se06E*07 818lE*OS J.q9E*Ob M099*0 o. 2.11£*08 4103E*09 01 S1l4E*08 l192t.*OS 3.J6E*OS TC99M l173E*ll 4.83£*13 6124E*l2 o. 7.20E*l2 le44E*07 7.66£-07 TC99 C.14ttE*08 61SdE*Ol:t l179E*08 o. 81351::*07 le7'+t:*04 7.99E'*Ob TClOl 7.40£*15 1,0SE*llt l10JE*lJ o. l190E*lJ 8,34l*OS l109E-le RUlOJ*O 2163£*07 01 l112E*07 01 9129£*07 9,7'lt.*05 l.36E-05 AUlOS*O le40E*l0 o. 5.42E*ll 01 *l.76E*l0 2127E*Ob lelJE*OS

~Ul06*0 l12JE*OS 01 1.ssE-06 o. 2138E*05 210lE.-OJ l120E*Ot.t RMlOS l132E*09 9148E*10 6e24E*l0 o. 4104E*09 4109t.*06 l123E*05 P0107 n1 l117E*07 s.J9t:*O~ u. 9.39E*07 l16JE*OS 7.49E-07 PDl09 o. 6e56E*l0 le66E*l0 o. J,J6E*09 3119t.*06 1. 96E*05 AGllOM*O l17JE*06 l164E.*06 'ie'l9E*07 01 31llE*06 8144E*04 314lE*O!:

AGlll 6.07E*08 ~152E*08 1126£-08 01 8el7E*Ott 4100t.*05 J.OOE-o:

CDlll~ 01 2117E*O'+ 71lOE*06 01 2143[*04 J,S~E-04 l.6BE-oi:

C0115M 01 314ttE*OS lel'+E*06 01 2182E*OS l10lE*01t s.10E-o:

SN12J 1t.JlE*OS 9e44E*07 l140E*06 7e5SE*07 o. 4196E*04 '+1l6F-o:

SN125*0 le66E*06 ltelt2£*08 9199E*08 314SE*Od 01 l126E*04 1.2i;E.o:

5Nll6*0 21 lt:ft:*O'+ 5139£*01, 8124[*06 l11t2E*06 01 l.72E*03 l 168E*O!

58124 S1J8E*06 9.92E*08 2.10E*06 l122E*08 o. tt.81E.*04 4,98F-o:

5~125*0 9e2JE*06 le01E*07 21lSE*06 8180E.*O'i o. J.42E*04 l.24E-o:

StH26 6el'iE*07 l127E*08 2123E*01 l1SOE*OCiJ 0 I . l1Sst.-01t 610lE-o:

58127 416etE*Ott 9,92E*l0 1,75E*08 S12lt.*l0 o. J.3U:.*05 3e9'+F.*OS Tf.125M 6110E*07 2180£.*07 8134E*Od l17~E*07 o. 6170t.*OS 9.JBE*O~

TE127fil!*U 2e25E*06 1102£*06 2.7JE*07 S148f.*07 8117[*06 2107t.-04 l,99E"*OS n.121 21s1e.-10 l1lltE*lO S 1S2E.* ll le77E*l0 'i1lOE*lO l140E.*06 l.OlE*O':

TE 129M*O l171tE*Otr "1123E*07 2.a1E-07 S172E.*07 6149E*06 214/E*Olt S106E-o:

TE129 B187E*l2 1te22E*l2 2120E'*l2 6e48E*l2 3e32E*ll 4112E*07 2102£-07 TElllM*O l1?JE*OS 5,0JE*O~ ~.06E*O'i ~149E*08 2197l*O!:I 7.76E*O:

TElll*O le'ilE*12 l101tf.*12 fi1JOE'*ll le5SE*l2 7.72E*12 2192E*07 l .89E*O~

Tf 132*0 lteSOE*08 3163£.*0M 217'+F*08 Je07E*Ot:I 214t4E*07 S16lt:*O!> S 1 79E*O~

TElJJM*O leOlE*ll 7e33E*l2 S171E*l2 ~118E*12 s.o7E'*ll 817lt.*07 t.2JE-o:

TE134*0 S.31E*12 4,JSE*12 )16*t-12 4e46E*12 2.9a-11 6175~*07 l 1J7E*CIC 1129 3153£*06 2194[*06 1t.fiOE*06 3166t.*OJ 5126£*06 o. 2.29E-o:

1130 7. 80E*O *1 z.Zttf*06 81-9flE*Ol l186E*O,. l144tE*06 o. l

  • l 4[ -o ~

1131*0 c..4JE*06 6el4l*06 3e30E*06 le83E*OJ l10SE*O~ o. AellE-0" 50 HI0389-0046A-HP01

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

SOTOPt. t:S0"4E LIVER TOTAL AOU'Y THY~OIO KIDNEY LUNG G l *LLI 1132 l.91iE*07 s. 4 n-0*1 le97E*07 le8'it:*OS 8.6SE*07 o. le59E*O.,

IlJJ*lJ le52E*Ob 2eSbE*06 7.7BE*OT 3e6!;E*Olt 4e49E*06 o. le29E*06 I 134 l.11E*07 le90E.*OI le05E*07 tt.94£*06 4.58E*07 o. 2.S5E*09 1135*0 c..b2E*07 lel8E*06 4e36E*OT le1bE.*O!; l.86E.*06 o. 8.69E*07 X!.131M o. o. (J

  • c. o. 2.701:!:*09 0.

.XElJJM o. o. o. o. o* J.S~t:.-O'f o.

>.ElJJ o. o. o. (j

  • o. 2e99E*Ot.*09 o.

xt.137 Cl

  • o. o. (1
  • o. 3.JJt.-08 0.

Xt:l3~*0 CS134M*D CSlJ'+





4e3SE*08 l.t.lE*O'+


?. .:l~E-OA 6eH6E*OS o.



. o.

4.6~E-nS 4.38£*01:5 o.

2e54E*Ol:5 4e56t.*09 2.02E*08 le83t:.*OS le22E*06 CS13S 2.0~E*OS le82E*05 ite'+7E*Ob l!

  • 7.30E*06 2e70E*06 2.23E*07 CSlJt. ~.1.t1+E*06 ?e'+ct.*O~ le71E*O~ o. 1.J8E*O~ 2.22£.*06 le36F.*06 CS1J7*U 9.J~E-05 t.06f*04 J.89E-o:, o. J,80E*05 leSlt.*O~ 1.06£-0h CS13EI 3.~c?E.*OS 1.07E-07 ~.58E*Ott u. ~.28E*08 9e84E*09 J.38£-11 CS139*0 J.6~E-08 '5112£*08 l.97E*08 o. '+.J'+E*Ott 4e86E*09 1:66£-23 BA139 le61E*l0 lelBE.*13 1+.1HE*12 o. l.11E*l3 8e08E*07 8
  • 06E*O 'I 8A1C.0*0 !J,8ttE*06 s.J~E*O~ 4*'*0E*07 o. 2
  • 8SE*il'i 2e54l:.*04 2el36E*OS BAlC.l*D 1. 7t:St.* J 1 l.J2E*l4 o;.~Jf-13 u. le23E*14 4,111:.-01 9.JJE*l'+

BAlC.Z*O c..62E*l2 4e63E*l'> 2etj4£*13 \). J,92E*l!> 2e.J9E*07 5,99E*20 LA140 5,99E*08 2,9St.*08 7.H2E*O~ o. o. 2eb8E*OS 6.09E*OS Lll41 7.6JE*l0  ?.e3SE*l0 J.87E*l1 (J. o. 2eJH.*06 LAlt+2 le20E*10 5e31E*ll le32E*11 o. o. le27E*06 1.SOE*06 CE:l41 3.SSE.*06 2.37E.*06 2.71E*07 u. lellE*06 7,67l*O!I l.58E*05 CE143*0 3e32E*08 2e42E*ll8 2e70E*09 o. leOHE*OH le63E*OS 3,\9E*05 Cl:: 144*0 !le l lE*Oi.t 2.SJE.*04 3e28E'*OS o. 1.SlE*Olt le67E*03 l.OBE.*04 P~l43 i .~7E*06 6e64E*OT e.2sE-oe o. 3,86E*07 6e04t.*OS 2e67E*OS PRlC.4 3,J/E*12  ?.2oc.*12 2e72E*ll o. le26E*l2 2el9t:*07 2.94£-14 N01C.7*n =ie8JE*07 le07E*06 6e41E*Olt o. 6,28E*07 tt.6~t.-os 2e28E*OS PMlit7 1.1~E-01t lelOE*O!J 4.~oe.-06 o. 2elOE*05 lel'+c*Olt s.e7E-o6 Pl-11 C.~M*ll le32E*OS J,JSE.*06 2e62E*Ob o. s.o7E*06 3.201:.-04 4el0F.*OS IJMlC.8  ;.1+c.E*07 Me88E*O~ 4e48E*08 o. le60E*07 b.s21:.-os 6,\itE*OS PMlC.9 c..91E*08 be89E*09 2e84E*O~ o. le31E*08 le2Ctt.*05 2.79E*OS PM151 le20E*08 le99E*O'I 1. OH.*O'i o. J,57E*09 6e56E*06 2.27E*05 SMlSl le07E*04 2elOE*OS 4e86E*06 o. 2.21e.-os 7e68f.*OS J.SJE*IJ6 5~153 2e43E*OB 2e01E*08 le47E*O'i o. 6,~6E*09 1.11t.-06 1,77£*05 EU1S2 2.9b.E... Olt 7,lQE.*O~ 6e3tiE*05 o. J,Jt+E*Olt '5e01E*<i.* },JSE*OS EU154 9,4JE*04 le23E*Olt 8e60t.*05 o. ~.4'+E*04 9el2E*04 J,J4E*OS t.UlSS 2.oot.-01t le96E*OS le21E*O~ o. 7,6SE*OS 1.s1t.-0J 5,97E*OS EU156 2.10E*06 2e03E*06 3e30£*07 o. 1.J6E*06 l.37E.-04 4,S6E*OS Ti:H60 3.0<tE*05 o. 3, f9!-0b o. le20E*OS 2,97t.-04t 2.60£*05 t-10166"' fte4UE*Olt le36E*O .. 9,87E-05 o. 2eOOE*Ott 6e24E*04t le68E*OS Wl81 8,90E.*O'I 2.eaE-011 3e01E*l0 o. o.  ?.e9!SE*06 2.69E*07 WlBS 2e7!:!E*07 liel7E*08 9, 7JE*O'i o. o. 9e60E*OS 1.14E*OS l!ll87 1.soE-09 le2ZE*09 4e29E*l0 o. o. 5e92t.*06 2e21E*O~

MI0389-0046A-HP01 51

TABLE 1. 7 (Contd)

  • TEEN INMAl.AllO-..i DOSE COM1<4IT ... El'llT FACTO~S(MM~M/SOY ISOTOP~ 30"4F Ll'JF..Q .TOT AL ~COY T11YJ0010 PE.~ PC? lt-J..,AU:D IN KlONF.:Y LUNG F'I~ST Y~l i,J-LL.J P"?.10*0 3.09E*02 ~.?'°'F.*OJ l .O"IE'*OJ o.  ?.9Sf*02 4.S2E*l'lc

81210*1'.'1 0. 2.26~*06 le89F*07 o.  ?.74r-os le91E.*OJ ~.19c-o:

Pl"'.l?l 0 5.6BE.*Cl4 1*t'?.E'*03 l.J7E-04 o. 4.21F.'*03 S.41E-nc 4,4SF.*CI~

R-..i?2?*1" '.'I. n. o. o. o. 3.94t:-06 n*

RA2?~*ri e>.'37E*C*'- J.9:4F*C7 5el4f'*05 Ci

  • 1.12e.-o!; 4e39E*02 1,Q4E'*(H RA224*0  ?.~~E-OC:, ~.* 77E.*08 5,6!;E-06 o. J.9JE'*Ob 1.511::-02 3,29F.*0' RAlt'~*O !t12HF.-o.:. 5.0c.E-07 a.s~F-OS o. le44F*O~ c;.oc.E-o~  ?.89F*0' RAtl2t-*11 l133E*Ol 3.J~E*Ob 9.EHF-02 o. 9.67E*OS 2.021-:-01 ],llF.*l'l' Si' A?2~*fi  ;.J4E*Cl2 J.74E*n6 c;.~ElF~-02 o. 4,97E*OS 2e7AE.*Oi c:;,JOF'*O~

AC~?~ !fl. 04E*04 H.?SE*04 4101.'!E-05 o. 9e47E*OS J.81E*t12 ~I 70E"-CI*

AC227*1"1  ?.c.9E*OO 3.~~e-01 le4"4E*Ol o. le07f*Ol 4.l6E*Ol 5. 38F-n 1 Tl-4227*0 3,09E*04 5.ScE-06 F' eQ J ( * (I b o. J,18F*O!I E>.soi::-nz '.1,57F.-O*

TM221hr' ,.~nE-01 4.J7E*03 R.7~£-C>J o. t'e4SF.*02 le69E*OO ],70F'*O*

, ... 22c; ~.06E*OO le36E.*Ol 4e4SE*Ol o. 6.67£-tU !1.05~*0(1 3.36E*O*

r.-.230  ?,JC.E*OO 1.3t.E-nl ~.Ct~l-02 o. 6e5'5E*lll ~.Qet.-01 J,9SE-o TM23t'*[) 2.61E+OO 1.11.i:-01 9ei>>lf*CI?. o. s.e-oE-01 R160F.*nJ 3.J,,e:-o TM?.34  ?.Jt'E*O~ le3SE*07 ~.7JE*OH o. . 1. 731'"*07 3.26£-04 1.'+9E'*O FA?3J*O 5e32E*OO ~.ooE-01 2e07E'*Ol o. lel2E*Olt 9.91E*02 '+.7JF.-o PAii?33 l e61:tE*Ub 1e24E'*07 i'e89E'*07 o. 1.22£-06 S.39E*O~ l eOOF-~*0 U232*0 7.JJE*02 o. Se23E'*DJ o. 7.94£*03 J,84E*Ol 4,46E*O U233*0 1.ssE-02 o. 9,42E*04 o. J.63E*OJ 9 .18E*02 4.l2E'*O U231t 1

  • t+RE *02 'l. q.zJE*Olt o. J.SSE-03 8e99E*CZ 4.0'+F*O U23S*C1 l
  • t+2E'*Ot! o. ~.67f-04 o. J.34E*03 8.44E*02 5.13e.-o U236 l
  • c.2e:-oe o. ~.~6E*OC. o. J.41E'-03 8.62E*02 1. 7QE'-n ll237 3elSE-oe o. le40E-08 o. Ltel6E*07 1.76E-os J.29E-o U238*CJ J.~6E.*02 o. AelOE*04 o. .le12E'*03 7 .@9f *02 J.62f-o NP237*n l.77E*OO J.S'+E*Ol 7.21£-02 o. S.JSE*Ol 8.99E*02 s.22e:-o NP2J" t...2JE*07 1el3E*08 6e59E*09 o. J,A8E*OH le75E*OS 2,J8E'*O NP23q Cte?JE*OS ],9qE*C~ ?.e2lf'.*09 o. let'SE'*OH 8ellE*06 l.6SF*O P*J23P.  ?.l'.l~E*CIO 4eDEiE*Ol 7.c2E*02 o. 3.lOE*Ol J,12E*Ol 4,79E*<'

PU?39 '.\131E*OO c..50£*01 e.osE-02 o. J,t+t+E*Ol c?e93E*Ol '+.37E-o PU2Ct0 3e31E*no 4e49E*Ol '3e04f.*02 o. J,4JE*Ol 2e93E.*Ol c.,t.f>E*O PU2Ctl*!1 !ie97F.:*02 1.57E*OJ le40E*03 o. 6e47E*03 2.60E.-n1+ 9.l7E'*O PU?4C' 3.07E*OO 4,JJE*Ol 7.7SF.*02 o. J,31E*Ol 2.A2E*Ol 4e2qE*!'.I PU2C.4 3e59E*OO 4e~6E*Ol AeE:t8E'*02 (I

  • J.79f'-01 3e23t::*Ol 6.Jqi::-o A"421tl lel>bE*OO '-e07E*t>l 7.JOF.*02 o. c;,J2E*Ol leOSE*Ol 4.AAE*C:

AM2<.2M le07E*CO ,,9JE*Ol 1.1sr-02 o. c;.JOE*Ol c..21E*02 6,l4f'*(I AM243 leOtlt~*OO J.e92E*Ol tt.95E*02 o. Se21E'*Ol 9.91£*02 c;.72E*O C"421t?  ?.YE*02 ?.14£-02 le41E*OJ o. b,40E.*OJ 6.76~*0? S.21E*O CM21tl ~.4SE*Ol '.1eCiOE*Ol s.ooE-02 o. 2.34£-01 le09E*Ol s.tJF-o CM21t4 6e46E*f>l leOJE*Ol J,A@E*02 o. 1.a1r-01 i.osE-01 4e96E*O CM2Ct5 leJ2E*OO 4e1lE*Ol 7.SJE*02 o. 3.52£-01 leOlE*Ol 4eb3E*O C11t?tt6 le11E*OO 6tellE*Ol 7.S2E*02 o. J.SlE*Ol l.OJE.*01 4.S'+E*O CM2C.7*0 le2t5E*OO 4.04E*Ol 7.41E*Ol u.  :\,46£-01 l.OlE*Ol 5.97E*O CM21t8 le06E*Ol J.JJE*OO 6el1E*Ol o. 2et'SE*OO 8e32E*Ol 9.63E*O Cf'?Sl le29E*OC n. 3e01E*02 o. o. 3e4Jt'*Ol J.A9E-n MI0389-0046A-HP01 52


[SOTOP~ 50Nf LIV~R TOTAL PODY T~YROlD l<IONF.Y L.U"'4G C'H *LL I HJ* o* 1. SSE-07 l .5.8£-07 1.SSE-07 1.SSE-07 1. SSE-07 1. 58E-07 BElO 1.q~F.-04 ~.06-~5 4.96f*06 o. ti

  • lee'.:lE.*04 1.~7E*Ol5 Cl4 ?e2f~*Ob 4.?~£-n7 4e26E*07 4ei6E*n7 4.2~F-o7 '+
  • i'6f.*0 7 '-*2t:iF-o7 NlJ ~.27E*O~ ~.27E*09 6.c7F.-09 ~.27E*o~ ~.27E*O~ 6.271::*09 ~.21~-ni; FlB ~.7lc*07 O. 5.lQF-08 o. n. o. ~.24E*09 NA?2 1.JDE*OS 1.10~-os t.1nF-oS 1.10~-ns l. 3CIF'-O!; le10E*l'S l .101-* -ns

~A?4 le28E*n6 t.~8E*O~ 1~2~E-06 le28E*Ob 1 * ?AF.*Oft l.?~E-1'.\e, 1.2~r:.n~

PJ? t.65E*04 9e64E*Ob ~.26E*O~ o. o. o. l.OAF'-05 AR3 9 C* n* 0* Ci. o. 2. oae:-01.i1 o. .

A~4l C* n. O. Oe n. He06E*O~ n.

CA4l J.~~E*OS O. 4el3E*06 o. o. 3.~JE*Ob  ?..~~i:-nr SC4~ 5.SlE*n~ t.07E*04 JellE*OS o. 9.9ca~-o5 o. 3.2JF.'*OS C~51 ~. o. lelSE*O~ 7e44E*b9 2.B5E*09 l.~OE*n~ 4.lSF:-07 "4N54 1'. 4.9!1E*06 7.87c*07 o-. t.?.JE*Oft l.7SE*04 9.67F'*O~

MNS6  !'.'. t.55£*10 2.2~E-tl o. l.6JE*lU l.l!:!E*Ob 2.~:3E'-Of, FESS ~.07E-06 1.12£-06 4.~JE-07 o. o. 9.otE*Ob 7.S<.F-07 FE59 t.47E*06 1.47E*O~ le32f*06 o. o. l.27E.*0'+  ?..JSF'-n'5 C057 o. ~.~5E*O~ A.JqE-08 n. (). 4.62E*O~ 3.J;.1F*06 CO~A ~. t.9~E-07 2.sqF..07 o. o. le l 6f.*tl4t l.J:3r:"-05 co~o o. t.44E*O~ l.H~E-o~ o. n. *1 .4~E-*J't J.i;f,F.-05 Nl59 4.0bE*O~ le46E*06 ~.17E-07 o. n. ~.cOE*Ob f-.1 IE*n1 NI61 NI65 5.40~-o~



~.62E*ll 1.a1£-0b lel4E*ll o.

o. ,, .
o. 2.2JE-ns 7* OC*t:**17 J.~7F'*Ob t.S4t:*<'6 CU64 c. 1.~JE*lO 7.,.,caE*l l u. ~.ree-10 @ * .:.~E-l'l7 ~.12'F'*Ofl ZN65 ~.OSE*06 le29E*OS 5.~2E*C6 o. B.b~E*06 1.o~E-Oct ~.68E*O~

ZN69~*0 le0?E*09 ~.45E*O~  ?.24E*10 o. l.4~~-09 2.JHE*Ob J.71F~n~

ZN69 ~.2JE*l2 ~.l4E*l~ s.osE-13 o. c;.21r.-12 lel~E.*07  ?.04F'-n9 SE79 o. ~.SJE*07 6.09E*O~ o. 5.69F*07 tt *. ,. 7E.-ns :J.JJF*O~

B~e2 o. o. l*~9E*06 o. Cl. I). l.JOF.*0!-

B~R3*0 eRe4 0R85 o.


ve n.




J.91~-oe lebOE*09 o.


n. n.

,,o. o.




?..05F'-l3 n.

KRBJM Oe o. Oe Oe o. S.19E*l0 o.

~~ASM o. o. O. O. o. 2.91E*09 o.

K~es o. o. n. o. n.  ?..41E*09 o.

K~87 Oe O. O. de o. 1.53E.*l'S o.

KRAB*D o. ~. O. o. o. 3.lJE-~8 I)

  • K~A9 ~. n. Oe O. o. 2.lJE*OS o.

P~86 RBA7 RB88




1.~9E*OS 9.A6E*06 4e~'+E*08 7.J7F*06 3.21E*06 2.41E*Od U*





. o.



2.oaF-06 i'.8RE*07 4 .18F.:._ l 9 R889*0 o. 1.20E-08 2.12E-oa o. n. I). 1.l~F.-21 SRR9*0 J.aoE-OS ~. i.o~E-06 o. o. 1. 7SE*04 4.J7F.-ns SR9~*0 le24E*02 o. 7~6~E-04 o. o. 1.2nt:*Ol ~.02F*05 SR~l*O 7e74E*O~ n. 3el3E*l0 o. o. 4.~6£-06 2.J9E*OS 5~9?*0 ~.4JE*l0 o. 3e64E*ll o. "* 2.0bE*06 S. JRF -net Includes a SOS increase to account for percutaneous transpiration.

53 MI0389-0046A-HP01

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)


lSOTOPt. dONE LlVEH TOTAL BOUY THYROID Kl ONEY L.UN.67£-07 o. 2e88f.*0'+ 3.92f*0' SN125*0 lelbE*06 3e liE*Ot; 7.0JE-08 ee59E.*0Et o. 7.J7E*O~ 6.81E*O~

S~l26*0 leS!:tE*O'+ 4el8E*06 6.00E*06 1.2Jt:*06 o. l117t.*03 le59E*O~

SS124 l190E*06 7.36E-oa 1.ssE-06 9e4'+E*O'll o. lelOE.*Olt s.osE-o' Stf 125*1l 6.67£*06 7.4'9£*08 l1SAE*06 6e7SE*09 o. 211St.*04 l e26E*O' 5Sl26  :..soE-o7 9el3E*09 le62E*07 2.75£*0~ o. 9157E*O~ 6,0lE*O~

StH27 3,301::-oa 7e?.2E*l0 1127£-08 3e97E*l0 o. 2.osE-05 J.77E-o~

Tt.125M tte21E*07 le98~*07 5eH4E*08 l131E*07 le55E*06 le92E*05 8.83F.'.*Of TE127M*O l.SdE*06 7.21E*07 le96E*07 4111~*07 5172£*06 le20t.*04 i.en-o:

Tt:l27 le7SE*l0 8.0JE*ll J.87E*ll le32E*l0 6e37E*10 e.11ti::-01 7el7E'*Ot TE1?9M*O le22E*06 Se84l*07 1198£-07 6teJOl*07 4,S7f'*06 le'+St.*04 c..79E*O' TE129 ~.22£.-12 119~E-12 1.ssE-12 4e87E*12 2134£*11 2142E*07 1.96E-O*

U.lJlM*U &,7ttE*09 5e1tSE*OCi Jeb:SE*O~ be8~E*O~ Je86E*08 le8lt*OS 6e9Sf'*O' TE131*0 1.:NE-12 7,44E*1J 4e4Cif*l3 lel7E*l2 5e46E.*12 1I7CtleQ7 2.Jot:.-0*

TE132*0 3eZ5E*08 ?.169E*08 C!e02E*08 2e37E.*O~ 1.e2r-01 3e60E*O~ 6.J7E-o*

TE133M*O 712'+E*l.! S,40E*l2 4el7E*1Z 6e27E*l2 J,74E*ll 5.Slt.*07 s.1t9E'-o TE134*0 J,ac.E-12 3e22E*ll le57E*12 3e44tE*l2 2elBE*ll 4e31tt.*07 2.97E"-1 lll9 211t~E-06 2.11E*Ob 6e9lE*06 Se54E*Ol 41SJE*06 o. 2.22E*O 1130 3e72E*07 le68E:*06 6e60E'*07 11*21::-oc. 2.61E*06 o. 9.61E*O Illl*U lelSE*06 4,47E*Ob 2.s~£-oe>> l149l*U3 7,66E*06 01 7.~SE'*O

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 54

TABLE 1. 7 (Contd)

  • \OUL. T



INHAL.ATIO"'I dONE i.oet.-oe, DUSE: CO~MllMt.~f LlVE~

4.on.-01 le45f"*07 l.S~E*Ob FACTOMStM~EM/~OY TOTAi. ~OOY

s. b5f -o, Tt-iY~OlU le43E*OS 2e69!.*04 Pt.R Pt:I INMALl::O IN FIRST YRl l'(IONEY be48E*07 o.

J.2JE*06 o.

LUNG GI*LLI s.oar-oa l.llE*Ob IlJJ*U 1134 9.0~E*O~ 2.16E.*07 7. 69F.*0tj* J.7JE.*06 Je44E*07 o. l.26E-10 113!>*0 J.J~E.-07 a.131:,-01 3e21E*01 5e60£*0S l.39E*06 o. 6.S6E*07 XE.l3lM o. o. o. (J. o. le401£*09 o.

XE133M o. o. o. o. o. le8'it.*O~ o.

Xf 133 o. o. o. o. o. le~7t.*O~ o.

i<E.!JSl"t o. o. o. o. o. 2.22t
:-09 o.

XElJS o. o. I)

  • o. o. 4e05E*09 o.

xi:: 137 0. o. 0. o. n. le *74t,.Q8 o.

xt.lJb*O o. "*3.20E.*08 o. 01 o. 2e44t.*Oet o.

CS134~*U 1.S~E*OC:S l."72E*Oij o. l183E*08 2.CJ3E*09 7.92E*09 CS134 l+e6bE*O:i 1.06£*04 9.loF-os (). 3.59E*OS l122E*OS le30E*06 CS13~ l146E*(l5 le29E*CI!; s.9~E-Ot> o. s.11E-06 l157t.*06 2.11E*07 CS136 I+. 8ttt. *.06 l

  • 8JE*05 l.38E.*0~ o. 1. 0 7E'*05 l.sot.-06 l.46F*06 CS1J7*D 3.9tsE*OS *7
  • 76E*O!) 5.3SE*O~ o. 2178E*OS 9e40t:*06_ 1.osF-0&

CS1J8 l+alctE*OS 7.76E*08 4e05E'*Ott o. ,6.00E*OS 6.07t.*09 2.JJE.*13 CS1J9*0 2.S6E*08 J.6JE*08 le39E*OtS o. 'J.OSE*08 2e84E*O'i  !,49E*31 BAIJ9 lelfE*lO ,_.32E*l4 3e42E'*l2 o. 7.78E'*l4 4170E*07 l112E*07 E!Alc.O*O c..e~t.-06 ~.1JE*09 312H.*07 o. 2.09[*09 1.S9E*04 2173E*05 BAlC.l*O l.2~E*ll 'Je41E*l5 4.20E*lJ o. s. 75E*l~. 2 ... 2f-07 le4SE*l7 t;AlC.2*0 J,29E*12 J,J8E*l5 2.07E'*lJ o. 2.B6E*15 l .49l*07 l.96E.-26

  • LAl40 ~130£*08 Z.17E*08 517JE*Oli o. o. 1.1ot.-os S.7JE*05 LAlCtl 3.JttE*lO 1.66E.*1CJ 217lE*ll o. o. l.J~E*06 7.JlE*06 LA142 8.54E*ll 3e88l*ll 916SE*lZ o. o. 7.91E*07 2.64E*07 C~l41 2.c.'iE*06 l169E*06 l * 'ilE-*01 o. 7.83£-07 ite52E*05 l.SOE*OS CE14J*O . 2.JJE*08 1.12~-oa l19lf'*09 o. 7e60E*09 9197E*06 2.AJE*OS C.Elc.4*0 4,29E*04 l.79E.*04 2.30~*05 o. 1.06E*04 9,72E*O't l.02E.*04 P~l43 1.1 7E.*06 41~9E*07 s.~OE*Od o. ~170E*07 2.soE-os PQl44 3e76E*12 1.56E*l2 l191f.*1J o. 818lE*ll 1.27E*07 2.69E*18 NOlC.7*0 &.s"'e.-01 7162E*07 1t.!:>>6E*08 o. 4.45£-07 2.76E*OS 2.16E*05 P114l47 9.JTE.*051 71f'7E*06 3el9E*06 (h l149E*OS 6160~*05 S154E*06 PM148M*0 9182E*06 21S4E*06 l194E*06 u. J.8SE'*06 2*1'+E*Olt 4.lBE*OS PM1't8 J,84E*07 6.37E*08 3120£-08 o. l120E*07 J,91£.*0S s.soe-os PMl49 31'+4E*08 4.87E*OCJ l199E*O._ o. 9119E*09 1.21f.-06 2.soE-os PMl 51 8.50E*OCJ l11t2E*09 7*21E*l0 o. 2.S!tE*OCi le94E*06 2.00E*OS SMlSl s.S9E*OS l148E*05 31~SE*Ob o. l166E*OS 4e45E*OS 3.2SE*06 SMlSJ l.70E*OliS 1.42E*O& 1.04E*O~ 01 tt,59E*01j 4el4f.*0~ l.SSE*OS

~Ul52 2.JdE.*04 r;.4lf*O~ tt.7~E*05 o. J,JSE*Olt J,ltJt.*Olt l.S9E*OS

£ul54 1.~*0lt 91lOE*OS 6148E.*0~ o. 1t,J6E*Olt s.sttE-01+ J.40E.*05 EUlSS l10lE*01t l .tt'lE*Ot; 91ilE*Ob o. 6eS9E*05 9146t.*OS S195E*06 EU156 1. 9J£*0& l1ltdE*06 2.40E*07 o. 9.95[*07 8.56E*O!t 4,SOE*OS Tttl60 2.21e:-os o. 2.7SF-*06 o. 9.lOE*Oo l192t.*04 2e6BE*05 H0166M J,J7E*Oit l105E.*04 s.ooE-os o. l 157E*04 J.94E*Ot. 1,59E*OS 11.ia1 !l.2JE*Oli 2e03E*Ol1 2117E*l0 c. o. l*7ll*06 2.SJE*07 1 * 'i!:)f *01 6a47E*OH be81E*09 o. o. S.57f*O~ l.07E*OS 11187 l.Obf*O'I l1lOE*lO o. o. l16lt:*Oe> 1194[*05

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 55

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)


p~11n*n PI21o*n 1N~AL4Tl0~ 1~~E CJ~~1T~E~T FACTO~~(~~~M/~Of "O~E 2.~4~-0~



~.73E-03 i.s~E-o~


~.J7F-04 J.J2F-07 o.


P£~ PCI KJ(INF'Y 2.l~E-Ol J.Q2~*05 l~MALED LIJ"'I(,

2.~z~-02 i.11~-n3 I~ FI~~T GI-LI I i.~SF-n

?.qs~-n yq)

P0210 3.qn*-11-. ~.">C\E-0 1* q.~~E-C'I~ (le 2.9SF-OJ Jol4~-n2 4.)CfF'-n RN?2?*0 1. n. ~. o. n. 2.osE-nb o.

RA2Z3*0 l.~o~-04 z.11~-01 3.~or-0~ o. 7.~SE-Ob 2.55~*02 2.H4F-n RA224*0 I.9~E-05 4.7H~*Oo 1.Cf~E-Ob Oe le35E*Ob. A.77t::-03 3.0lF*0 RA22~*r ~.oo~-04 J.56E-07 S~9~f-n5 o. i.u1r-05 2.q2E-n2  ?.11~-n

~A22~*D le25E-Ol 2.39e*O~ ~.14~*02 o. 6.77F-05 1.17~-0l 2.~4E-o RA?2~*D ~.4lE*02 le?JC*O~* 4.7~~*02 u. J.4~~*05 l.61~*01 ~.OOf-n AC22S ~.?JE*04 c:;.El2e*04 2eh4F-<1S O* 111.~JE*OS 2.c?lt::-nz 2.S?F-n AC2?7*P  ?.JM:*o*J i.os~-C"l 1.3i;F-r11 l'. 9.82F.*O?.  ?..'-lE-n1 c:;.0R~-1J TM~27*f)  :::i.!7E*Q4 l.Q2E-n~ ~.2~F-Ob a. 2.~2E-OS J.77E-"2 1.J4E-r TM2~r**n.  :::i.oClc-01 ~.31.Jf-vJ b.77F-0J o, l.H9r-o~ 1.01E*oo ~.4c;F-o TMl29 ~.P~~*oo l.JJE*ll ~.J~E-01 ~. 6.52f*Ol 3.49E*no 1.11F-n TM2Jr  ?.29E*O~ 1.JlE-ol 6.J~f-Oi o. ~.40F-Ol ~.21~-01 J.7JF-o 1~?32*0 2.56E+OO lel2E-~1 9.n4F-Ol o. S.47F*Ol 5.9bE-n1 J.17F-n TM234 1.bJ~-~~ 9.~6~-0H 4.7oF-08 ~. S.4lf-07 l.89~-04 7.0JF-r pj2Jl*D  !.O~~*OO l.91E*Ol l.9~f-01 o. 1.07E*OO S.7SE-a2 4e44F-0 P4?3~ le2H-o6 ,.42C:-o7 2.o~F.-07 ll* '?.1SE'*07 3.52E*C~ l .. O?F-n U232*~ 5.l4E-n2 ~. J.~6~*03 o. s.~~E-03 2.;2E-n1 4.21F-O U~JJ*U i.o~E-n2 n. ~-~~E-04 o.  ?.S4E-03 s.J2E-02 3.89£-o U234 1.~4!-a2 n. ~.~~F-04 o.  ?,49F*03 s.?1E-n2 J.~lF*o*

U23~*D t.OOE*C2 o. 6,0/E-04 u. 2.34f*03 4eQOf*D2 4e84F-O u236 ~ .ooE-02 r. 6.?oF'-04 o.  ;.3qf-OJ 5*00E:-n2 U?37 3.67~-o~ o. Q.77f-09 o. l.~1E*01 le02E-n~ l.ZOF-o

~238*0 ~.~~t-03 n, ~.~7E*04 o. 2.lAF*OJ 4,58~*02 ~.41E*O

~P237*~ 1.~~!*00 l.47F*Ol ~.~7f*02 o. ~.lOf*Ol 5e22E*C'l2 4e92F*C\

~P2J~  ?.9~E-o7 ~.ooE-oq 4.~1r-o~ o. '..7?.F-os i.02E-ns  ?.lJf-o NP239  ?.Al~-o~  ?.~2E*09 1.~sE-09 o. A.75f*0~ 4.70E-06 1.49E-C PU23~  ?.74E*no 1.A1£-01 6.~nf-Cl o~ z.q6~*0l 1.~2E-01 4.52E-o

µu?~9 3.l9E*OO 4.31C~Ol 7.75E-02 o. 3.Jo~-01 1.12~-61 4.l3E-O

~U240 3.l~E*~O 4eJOE*Ol 7,7JE*02 Q, J.?9f*Ol le72E*Ol 4.21F*O Pl!t't.l*O !i.4JE-<12 J.?.HE-n3 lec9E-03 o. S.QJE-03 1.s?.f-04 A.6SE-o PU24?  ?.9SE*OO 4.lSE*Ol 7.4~~-o? o. J.17F.-Ol l.6Sc*Ol 4.0SE-0

~U244 ~.4~E*OO 4e76E*r.I ~.S4f*02 o. J,64E*Ol l.~9(*01 b.03t*O A~241 leOlE*r.o J.S9E*Ol 6o7lf*02 u. S.04f*Ol 6.06E*02 4.60E*O AM24~M ],OiE*~O i.46f*Ol ~.7JE-02 o. ~.OlE-01 2e44~*02 s.79~-o AM243 leOlE*CO J,47E-Ol b.~7E*02 u. 4.95E-Ol s.7~E-02 S.40F-o C~24?. J.4~E-02 1.51E*02 Qe84E-~4 ~. 4.48~*03 J.92E-~2 4e91f-O

_CM243 7.8bE*Ol 1.97E-Ol 4e61E-~2 c. 2.1sF.-Ol 6.JlE-02 4.84f-o CMl44 5.cnt!*Ol 1e54E*nl J,SJF-02 o. le64E*Ol ~.06E*02 4.6@E-o C~?.4S t.2~E*OO 1.S~i-01 7,l4E*Ol o. 3.JiE-Ol S.ASE*02 4.J~f-~

C~l4h le25E*no 1,S9E*Ol 7el1~*~2 o. J,33F.*Ol Se96E*02 4.29E-o CM247*n le?2£*00 3.S3E*Ol 1.03~-02 o. ~.2AF*Ol s.esE-02 5.61F-o CM24& 1.01c*o1 '-*9lt*OO s.79F.*Ol o,  ?.70F*OO ~.e2E-01 q.o9E-o CF2S2 ~.1~~-nl o. 2e33E*02 Oe o. la99E*Ol J.78E-n MI0389-0046A-HP01 56


i-(mrem/hr per pci/m2)

ELEMENT TOTAL BODY SKIN H-3 a.a a.a C-14 a.a a.a Na-24 2.SaE-a8 2.9aE-a8 P-32 a.a o.a Cr-51 2.20E-la 2.60E-10 Mn-54 5.80E-09 6.SOE-09 Mn-56 1.lOE-08 1.30E-08 Fe-55 0.0 0.0 Fe-59 8.00E-09 9.40E-09 Co-58 7.00E-09 8.20E-09 Co-60 l.70E-08

  • 2.00E-08 Ni-63 0.0 0.0 Ni-65 3.70E-09 4.30E-09 Cu-64 1.50E-09 1. 70E-09 Zn-65 4.00E-09 4.60E-09 Zn-69 0.0 0.0 Br-83 6.40E-11 9.30E-11 Br-84 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Br-85 0.0 0.0 Rb-86 6.30E-10 7.20E-10 Rb-88 3.50E-09 4.00E-09 Rb-89 1.SOE-08 I.BOE-OS Sr-89 S.60E-13 6.SOE-13 Sr-91 7.lOE-09 8.30E-09 Sr-92 9.00E-09 l.OOE-08 Y-90 2.20E-12 2.60E-12 Y-9111 3.80E-09 4.40E-09 Y-91
  • 2. 40E-ll 2. 70E-ll Y-92 l.60E-09 1.90E-09 Y-93 S.70E-10 7.BOE-10 Zr-95 5.00E-09 5.80E-09 Zr-97 5.50E-09 6.40E-09 Nb-95 5. lOE-09 6.00E-09 Mo-99 l.90E-09 2.20E-09 Tc-99m 9.60E-10 l.lOE-09 Tc-101 2.70E-09 3.00E-09 Ru-103 3.60E-09 4.20E-09 Ru-105 4.50E-09 5.lOE-09 Ru-106 l.SOE-09 l.BOE-09 Ag-llOM l.80E-08 2. IOE-08 Te-125m 3.50E-ll 4. BOE-11 Te-127m 1.lOE-12 l.30E-12 Te-127 1.00E-11 1. lOE-11 HI0389-0046A-HP01 57
  • ELEMENT TABLE 1.8 (Contd)

TOTAL BODY SKIN Te-129m 7.70E-10 9.00E-10 Te-129 7.lOE-10 8.40E-10 Te-131m 8.40E-09 9.90E-09 Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06 Te-132 1.70E-09 2.00E-09 I-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-08 I-131 2.BOE-09 3.40E-09 I-132 1.70E-08 2.00E-08 I-133 3.?0E-09 4.SOE-09 I-134 l.60E-08 1.90E-08 I-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-134 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-136 1.SOE-08 1.70E-08 Cs-137 4.20E-09 /+.90E-09

  • Cs-138 2.lOE-08 2.40E-08 Ba-139 2.40E-09 2.70E-09 Ba-140 2.lOE-09 2.40E-09 Ba-141 4.30E-09 4. 90E-09.

Ba-142 7.90E-09 9.00E-09 La-140 1.SOE-08 1.70E-08 La-142 1.SOE-08 1.SOE-08 Ce-141 S.SOE-10 6.20E-10 Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.SOE-09 Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10 Pr-143 0.0 o.o Pr-144 2.00E-10 2.30E-10 Nd-147 1.00E-09 1.20E-09 W-187 3.lOE-09 3.60E-09 Np-239 9.SOE-10 1.lOE-09

  • HI0389-0046A-HP01 58

TABLE 1.9 1989 PALISADES GASEOUS DESIGH OBJECTIVE A!iNUAL QUANTITIES Design Objective Do1e Factor Annual Quantity Nuclide Organ mrea/Ci (Ci)

Ag-110m GI Tract 1.17!+00 1.28E+Ol Ar-41 Total Body 2.81£-04 1. 78E+04 Ba-139 GI Tract 2.581-10 5. 81E+ 10 Ba-140 Bone-C 8.65£-02 1. 73E+02 Br-82 Total Body 2.86£-03 l.75E+03 C-14 Bone-C 1.541-01 9. 74E+Ol Ce-141 GI Tract-T 2.39£-01 6.28E+Ol Ce-144 GI Tract-T 6.34E+OO 2.37E+OO Co-57 GI Tract-T 1.60£-01 9.38E+Ol Co-58 Total Body-C 9.52£-02 5. 25E+Ol Co-60 Total Body-C 5.67!-0l 8.82!+00

  • Cr-51 GI Tract-A,T 4.43£-03 3.39E+03 Cs-134 Liver-C 1.31!+01 l.15E+OO Cs-136 Total Body-I 4.64£-02 l.08E+02 Ca-137 Bone-C 1.28!+01 l.17E+OO Ca-138 Total Body 4.68£-21 l.07E+2l Fe-55 Bone-C 3.89£-01 3.86E+Ol Fe-59 GI Tract-T 4.54£-01 3.30E+Ol H-3 Total Body-C l.76E-04 2.84E+04 I-131 Thyroid-I 4.90E+OO l.06E+OO I-132 Thyroid-C 6.69£-07 2.24E+07 I-133 Thyroid-C 7.10£-02 2.11E+02 I-134 Thyroid-C 5.15£-13 2. 91E+l3 I-135 Thyroid-C 8.69£-04 1. 73!+04 Kr-83m Skin 6.801-07 2.21E+07 Kr-85 Skin 6.131-05 2.45!+05 Kr-85m Total Body 3. 711-05 1. 35£+05 Kr-87 Skin 6.581-04 2.28£+04 Kr-8a* Total Body 4.661-04 l.07E+04 Kr-89 Total Body 5.271-04 9.49E+03 La-140 GI Tract-A 1.28£-02 1.17!+03 Mn
  • GI Tract-T 4.581-01 3.28£+01 Mn-56 CI Tract-C 4.631-07 3.24E+07 Ko-99 Kidney-C 2.90£-03 5.17£+03 N-13 Total Body 1.52£-50 3.29E+50 Na-24 Total Body 2.27£-04 2.20E+04 Nb-95 GI Tract-T 2.04E-Ol 7.35E+Ol Ni-65 GI Tract-C 2.01£-01 7.25E+07 Hp-239 CI Tract 2.73£-03 5.49E+03 Rb-88 Total Body-C 4.151-32 1.20£+32 Ru-103 CI Tract-T 2.60£-01 5. 77E+Ol Sb-124 CI Tract-T 1.461+00 l .03E+Ol Sb-125 GI Tract-T 8.241-01 1.82£+01 SJ HI0389-0046A-HP01

TABLE 1.9 (Contd) 1989 PALISADES GASEOUS DESIGN OBJECTIVE AHHUAL QUAHTITIES De*ign Objective Dose Factor Annual Quantity Nuclide Organ 11rem/Ci (Ci)

Sr-89 Bone-C 1.71!+01 8.-77E-Ol Sr-90 Bone-C 7.04!+02 2.13E-02 Sr-91 GI Tract 1.38£-04 1.09!+05 Sr-92 GI Tract 1.28£-06 1.17!+07 Tc-99m GI Tract-C 9.20!-07 1. 63!+07 Tc-101 Total Body 1.36£-39 3.68!+39 Te-127 GI Tract-A 8.21£-05 1.83!+05 Xe-13lm Skin 2.71£-0.5 5.54!+05 Xe-133 Total Body 9.33£-06 5.36!+05 Xe-133m Skin 5.66E-05 2.65!+05 Xe-135 Total Body 5. 74E-0.5 8. 71!+04 Xe-135m Total Body 9.90!-05 5.05E+04 Xe-137 Skin. 6.06!-04 2.48E+04 Xe-138 Total Body 2.80E-04 1. 79E+04 Zn-65 Total Body-C 8.62E-Ol 5.80E+OO Zr-95 GI Tract-T 6.00E-01 2.50!+01 MI0389-0046A-HP01 60*



1. Rets Requirements Specification of the Radiological Effluent Technical Speci-fications (RETS) requires that the concentration of radioactive material released at any time from the site to unrestricted areas shall be limited to the Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for nuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2E-04
  • µCi/ml total activity. To ensure compliance, the following approach*

will be used for each release.

2. Prerelease Analysis Most tanks will be recirculated through two volume changes prior to sampling for release to the environment to ensure that a represen-tative sample is obtained. The appropriate recirculation time for those tanks too large to provide two volume changes will be the time that the suspended particulate concentration reaches steady state.

Either a one-time test, or prior sampling data, may be used to deter-mine appropriate recirculation time.

Prior to release, a grab sample will be analyzed for each release, arra* the concentration of each radionuclide determined.

n c =

L i=l (2 .1)

MI0389-0046A-HP01 61


C = Total concentration in the liquid effluent at the release point, µCi/ml.

Ci = Concentration of a single radionuclide i, µCi/ml.

3. Maximum Permissible* Concentration (MPC) - Sum of the Ratios The Total MPG-Fraction (Rj) for each release point will be calculated by the relationship defined by Note I of Appendix B, 10 CFR 20:

R*J (2.2) i where: **

Ci = Effluent concentration of radionuclide i, µCi/ml

    • MPCi R*J



The MPC of radionuclide i, as specified in Section 2.1.1,


The Total MPC-Fraction for the release point.

The sum of the ratios at the discharge to the lake must be ~ 1 due to the releases from any or all concurrent releases; The following relationship will assure this criterion is met:

(2.3) where:

= The effluent flow rate (gallons/minute) for the respective releases, determined by plant personnel.

= The Total MPG-Fractions for the respective releases as determined by Equation 2.2.

F = Minimum required dilution flow rate. Normally, a conservatively high dilution flow rate is used, that is, flow rate used = (bi)(F) where bi *is a conservative factor greater than 1.0.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 62


1. Setpoint Determination The setpoint for each liquid effluent monitor will be established using plant instructions. Concentration, flow rate, dilution, principal gamma emitter, geometry and detector efficiency are com-bined to give an equivalent setpoint in counts per minute (cpm). The identification number for each liquid effluent radiation detector is contained in Figure 2-2.

The respective alarm/trip setpoints at each release point will be set such that the sum of the ratios at each point, as calculated by Equation 2.2, will not be exceeded. The value of R is directly related to the total concentration calculated by Equati~n 2.1. An increase in the concentration would indicate an increase in the value of R. A large increase would cause the limits specified in Section 2.1.1 to be exceeded. The minimum alarm/trip setpoint value is equal to the release concentration, but for ease of operation it may be desired that the setpoint (S) be set above the effluent concentration (C) by the sa~ factor (b) utilized in setting dilution flow. That is:

s =b ll: c (2.4)

Liquid effluent flow paths and r.elease points are indicated in Figure 2.1.

2. Composite Samplers Effluent pathways, Turbine Sump and Service Water, are equipped with continuous compositors to meet the requirements of Technical Specif i-cation Table 4.24-3. These compositors are adjustable and normally
  • set in a time mode and collect a 30 mL sample directly from the effluent every 10 minutes, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day.

HI0389-0046A-HP01 63 A representative sample

is collected daily from the 'compositor and saved for the weekly, monthly analysis requirements of Technical Specification Table 4.24-3. In the event that a compositor is not operational, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that grab samples are collected and analyzed for gross radioactivity at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per Technical Specification Table 3.24-1, action 30.

3. Post-Release Analysis A post-release analysis will be done using actual release data to ensure that the limits specified in Section 1 were not exceeded.

A composite list of concentrations (Ci), by isotope, will be used with the actual liquid radwaste (f) and dilution (F) flow rates (or

  • volumes) during the release. The data will be substituted into Equation 2.3 to demonstrate compliance with the limits in Section 1.

This data and setpoints will be recorded .in auditable records by plant personnel.


1. RETS Requirement Specification the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifica-tion (RETS) requires that the quantity of radionuclides released by limited such that the dose.or dose conmitment to an individual from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas from the reactor (see Figure 2-1) will not ezceed:
a. During any calendar quarter, 1.5 mrem to the total body and 5 mrem to any organ, and b* During any calendar year, 3 mrem to the total body and 10 mrem
  • to any organ.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 64

  • To ensure compliance, quantities of activity of each radionuclide released will be sunmed for each release and accumulated for each quarter as follows in Section 2.
2. Release Analysis Calculations shall be performed for each batch release, and weekly for continuous releases according to the formula:

(2.5) i where:

= Cumulative quarterly activity of nuciide i identified in liquid release (Ci)*

Ci = Design objective annual quantity of radionuclide i from Table 2.2.

Radionuclides may be omitted from the summation if they fall under the criteria of allowed omission specified by Note 5 to Appendix B, 10 CFR 20.

The design basis quantities are derived in such a conservative manner that doses may be greatly overestimated by this technique. As a consequence of this conservatism, and in light of historically con-sistent operations with releases well below annual design basis quantities, the Palisades Plant Technical Specifications do not require monthly dose projections. Instead, if at any time, calcula-tions by Equation (2.5) results in values greater than 0.5 for a given quarter or 1.0 for year-to-date, the NRC LADTAP code will be run to ensure that Specification has been met.

Values for the design basis quantities (Ci), and the dose per Curie (Dc/Cc)i for each nuclide i shown in Table 2.2, were calculated as

  • follows in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 65

a. Water Ingestion The dose to an individual from ingestion of radioactivity from any source as described by the following equation:

i (2.6) i=l where:

D*J = Dose for the jth organ from radionuclides releases, mrem.

j = The organ of interest. *

(DCF>ij = Ingestion dose conmitment factor for the jth organ from the ith radionuclide mrem/pCi, see Table 2.i.


Activity ingested of the ith radionuclide, pCi

  • Ii is described by:

(Ai}(V)(365) {1E06) (2. 7)

(looo)(d) where:

365 = Days per year.

Ai = Annual activity released of ith radionuclide, µCi.

V = Average rate of water consumption {2000 ml/d -

adult, 1400 ml/d - teen and child, 900 ml/d -

infant, ICRP 23, p. 358).

d = Dilution water flow for year, ml 1000 = Dispersion factor from discharge to nearest drinking water supply 1E06 = Conversion µCi to pCi MI0389-0046A-HP01 66

l o*J = (3 .65E05 )(V)

) (DCF)ij x Ai mrem (2.8) d .;.......i i=l

b. Fish Ingestion The dose to an individual from the consumption of fish is described by Equation 2.10. In this case the activity ingested of the ith radionuclide {Ii) is described by:

Ii = AiBiF(lE09) = pCi {2.9) 15d where:

Ai = Annual released of ith radionuclide, µCi.

Bi = Fish concentration factor of ith radionuclide~

(see Table 2.0 µCi/ml F = Amount of fish eaten per year (21 kg adult, 16 kg teen, 6.9 kg child, none infant) 15 = Dispersion factor from discharge to fish exposure point.

d = Dilution water flow for year, ml 1£09 = Conversion of µCi and Kgm to pCi/gm Substitution of Equation 2.9 into EqUAtion 2.6 gives:



D*J * (6.7E07)F Ai x Bi z DCFi mrem (2.10) d i=l

c. Annual Analysis A complete. analysis utilizing the NRC computer code LADTAP with the total source release will be done annually in conjunction with the annual environmental report. This analysis will
  • HI0689-0092A-HP01 67
  • provide estimates of dose to the total body and various organs ln addition to the dose limiting organs considered in the method of Section 2. The following approach is utilized on LADTAP.

The dose to the jth organ from m radionuclides, Dj, is described by:

m D*J

=L i=l Dij mrem (2.11) m

=L i=l (DCF}ij x Ij mrem (2.12) where:


lJ = Dose to the jth organ from the ith radionuclide, mrem.

j = The organ of interest (bone, GI tract, thyroid, liver, kidney, lung or total body).

(DCF) i j = Adult ingestion dose conmitment factor for the jth organ from the ith radionuclide, mrem/pCi, see Table 2 .1.

I*1 = Activity ingested of the ith radionuclide, µCi.

Ii for water ingestion is described by:

Ii = Ai V1 µCi ( 2. 13) vd and for fish ingestion Ii ls described by:

Ii = Ai Bi F1 µCi v d MI0389-0046A-HP01 68


Ai = Activity release of jth radionuclide during the year,


v = Average rate of water consumption (2000 ml/d).

t = Number of days during the year (365 d).

v = Dispersion factor from point of discharge to point of exposure.

d = Dilution water volume (ml).

B*l = Fish concentration factor of the ith radionuclide,


µCi/ml F = Amount of fish eaten per day (57.5 gm/d)


  • The Palisades liquid radwaste system is designed to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge (by recycle or ship-ment for disposal) so that radioactivity in liquid effluent releases to unrestricted areas (see Figure 2-1) will not exceed Specification Maintaining the cumulative fraction if allowable release for each batch release and weekly for continuous _releases as.sures compliance with this requirement. In addition, 13 years of operating experience (to the date this ODCM was first adopted) has shown that design basis quanti-ties never have been exceeded.

E. RELEASE RATE FOB. OfPSI'rE MPC (500 s/ilem/yr) 10 CFR.1.Q.106 requires radioactive effluent releases to unrestricted areas be less than the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II when averaged over a period not to exceed one year. Concentrations at this level, if ingested for one year, will result in a dose of 500 millirem to the total body or its equivalent to internal organs. In addition, 10 CFR 50.36a requires that the release of radioactive materials be kept as low_ as is reasonably achievable. Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 provides the numerical MI0389-0046A-HP01 69

guidelines on limiting conditions for operations to meet the as low as is reasonably achievable requirement.

The LADTAP code has been run to determine the dose due to drinking water at plant discharge concentration (1,000 x nearest drinking water intake concentration). The source term used is given in Table 1.1. Dose to the most limiting organ of the person hypothetically drinking this water is 3.88E-03 mrem. The release rate which would result in a dose rate equivalent to 500 mrem/year (using the more conservative total body limit) is the curies/year given in Table 1.1 (162) times 500/3.88E-03 or 2.1E07 Ci/yr = 0.661 Ci/sec.

III. URAHIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE A. SPECIFICATIOH In accordance with Specification, if either liquid or gaseous quarterly releases exceed the quantity which would cause offsite doses more than twice the limit of Specifications, or, then the cumulative dose contributions from combined release plus direct radiation sources (from the reactor unit and radwaste storage tanks) shall be calculated. The dose is to be determined for the member of the public protected to be the most highly exposed to these combined sources.


1. Ttre"* full time resident determined to be maximally exposed individual (excluding infant) is assumed also to be a fisherman. This individual is assumed to drink water and ingest local fish at the rates specified in Sections II c.2.1 and II c.2.2.

2* Amount of shore line fishing (at accessible shoreline adjacent to

  • site security fence) is conservatively assumed as 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> per quarter (average of approximately MI0389-0046A-HP01 70 t hour per day each day of the

quarter) for the second and third quarters of the year, 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> for the fourth quarter and 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> for the first quarter.

C. OOSE CALCULATIOH Maximum doses to the total body and internal organs of an individual shall be determined by use of LADTAP and GASPAR computer codes, and doses to like organs and total body summed. Added to this sum will be a mean dose rate, calculated or measured for the shoreline due to plant present curing the quarter in question, times the assumed fishing time.

D40 = DG + Dr. + (RT)(T) (2.15) where:

D40 = 40 CFR 190 dose (mrem)

De = Limiting dose to an individual from gaseous source term (mrem)

'?L = Limiting dose to an individual from liquid source term (mrem)

RT = Mean dose rate calculated to be applicable to Lake Michigan shoreline adjacent to plant site (mrem/hr)

T = Assumed shoreline fishing time for the quarter in questions (hours).


1. Purpose The purpose of this definition is to assure that Technical Specif ica-t ion 6.20 will be satisfied under clearly identifiable circumstances, and with the objective that current radwaste system capabilities are not jeopardized.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 71

2. Definition A major radwaste system modification is a modification which would remove (either by bypassing or physical ~emoval) or replace with less efficient equipment, any components of the radwaste syste.m:
a. Letdown filters or demineralizers
b. Vacuum degassifier
c. Miscellaneous or clean waste evaporators
d. The present waste gas compressor/decay tank system
e. Fuel pool filters/demineralizers
f. Radwaste polishing demineralizers
g. Radwaste solidification system Improvements or additions to improve efficiency will not be con-sidered major modifications unless a complete substitution of equip-ment or systems is made with equipment of unrelated design~ Examples would be, l) replacement of mechanical degassifier with steam, jet degassifier, 2) replacement of waste gas system with cryogenic system, 3) replacement of asphalt solidification with cement system, and 4) change from deep bed resins to Powdex, etc.

MI0389-0046A-HP01 72

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I RE 1049 RE 0833 I I







--- RE 6211 DILUTION FLOW SERVICE WATER _ _....,........_ _,__ _ _ _ _ _ _L_A_K_E_l....;N.;;L,;;;,.ET,:.__....u,.


µCi/gm per µCi/ml FRESHWATER ELEMENT FISH H 9.0E-01 c 4.6E 03 NA l.OE 02 p l.OE 05 CR 2.0E 02 MN 4.0E 02 FE l.OE 02 co 5.0E 01 NI l.OE 02 cu 5.0E 01 ZN 2.0E 03 BR 4.2E 02 RB 2.0E 03

  • SR 3.0E 01 y 2.5E 01 ZR 3.3E 00 NB 3.0E 04 MO l.OE 01 TC l.5E 01 RU l.OE 01 RH l.OE 01 TE 4.0E 02 I l.5E 01 cs 2.0E 03 BA 4.0E 00 LA 2.5E 01 CE l.OE 00 PR 2.5E 01 ND 2.5E 01 w l.2E 03 NP l.OE 01 MI0389-0046A-HP01 75

Table 2.1 I~F'ANT rNnE5TI0"4 !:'CSE COMMITM~~T FACTU~~CM~EM/SOY J.JE:~ i:ict INGE~Tf:O IN F'I~ST Y~I I SOTOJ.J~. i;o~E LI VF.i:f TOTAL ROIJY THV~OIO I( trJNf' y LllNG GI*LLI HJ n. 1.08E*C7 1.0dE*l'lf J.08E.*('17 1.0RE'*07 J.1JAt:-n7 1.0A~*01 8El0 t.71E-oc;  ?.4~E*4'"'7 o. 1. '-'41'.:-06 o.  ?..7.QF.'-n5 C14  ?,37E*O~ c;

  • OiolE*C,, S.ObE'*06 s.obt:-06 c;,OfllF*06 5eOM:*06 ~.OtiE'*Ol't N13 5,F.'!iE'.*OA 5
  • A5F.*Ott 5.R5F*Oij ~.ost:-ni:t S.,A"iE*<Ht 5. ASE *11" ~.~c;~.()A F' 1a  ;
  • l lilE*O" n. 4e4t'3F.*O 7 a. ('I. o. l.2eF'*Ob NA?.Z ~.RJE*nc; Q,f'1E*I)~ 9.~Jf.-05 "-. EaJt;*Q!; ~.E'3E*llS -i.~JE-ns q.a1~-os NAZC. 1.r1E*05 t.l)lE*l)S 1.:ne:-os l*OlE*l'.IS 1.01r-os 1.01~.-0!; t.OJ~-oc; P32 I.7"lE*Ol 1.ooE-04 6.~YF-('15 o. :1. o. 2,3n,.-.n5 A~39 ~. n. o. I)
  • n. o. n*
o. o. o. o. n.

A~4l CA4l '*3.7SF.*OEI J,74E*04 ~. 4,0eE-05 o.

(I *

o. o. l.91F'-07 SC46 C~Sl MN54 o.


c;,c.lE*llH t.9.~E-05 l .69f.-08 t .ttlF'-0~

4.~lf *Ob o.

"'* 20E*O"i n.





1. 79E-08 o.

3.5:Jl='-n5 4,ll~-07 7,JlE*!lf't MN56 o. ~.1~e:-01 t.41F.-07 o. 1. 0 3F *O I o. 7,4'.iF*OS FE55 H'S~

C057 1.J~E-05 3.0~E-05 n.

~.9~E-06 c;.18E*OS l.15E*06 2e40F*06 u.

2e l?.F.*05 l ,87F*O~



. ('I.



4.39E-06 1.59E-05 o.'-06*-ns J,9?i:"*O&

C058 [l. 3.~l'lF*C'b ~ *. 9eE*Ob o. n. o. 4,97F'*O~

co~o ('I. 1.oae:.-os 2 *.ssE-ns o. n. o.  ::>,i;;7F-o~

NI59 16.7JE*OS le4SE*05 a .11r.-o~ o. ('J. o. 1.1~f-n7 NI6J ~.Jc.E-n4 '.1.92E*05 ?e2CIE*OS o. u. o. l,95E-r16 Nif,S CU6Ct r..7oE-oe-(I *


"'*09E.*07 2e4?.F.*07"-07 (J.

n. .

"l.OJF'*Ob Cl .*



1.25F-ti5 Z'\16!1 t.@4E*05 ~.JlE*US 4'e'illF'*05 **

  • J,Clt'IE-nS o* 5,JJF-o~

Z~iol9M*!i 1.50E*06 1.o~E*Of>  ?.19E'*01 o. le24F*O~ o. 4,2'-F*05 ZN69 ~. :ue:-oe t.6BE*07 1.~5~*08 o. ~.9Hi='*O~ o. l.37r.-05 SE79 o.  ?.elOE*OS 1.90f *O,, o.  ?.,4JE-n5 o. r;.S~F-07 B~A2 8~~1*LJ B~~Ct I)

  • o.


,,n. .

t.21E'-ns J,bJF*07 J.ct2E-n 7 o.








o. o.


8~85 t<~8JM o.

o. ,, .
o. le94f*08 n.
n. o.




0 *.



"*,, n. o. "... o. o.


  • 1<~85 o. I). l". o. (\ o. n.

~~87 C'

  • o. o. o. n.


t<f:IAB*O n. n. n. o. n. o. c.

Ki;AC) ~. ,., n. o. o. o. n.

~~86 (). le70E'*O<t e,c.nE-os o. ('I. o. 4,JSF'-n6 R887 n. ~.88E*O'!i J.52F.*05 o.

n. o. r;.i;~r.-01


~889*0 l"I.


'+e98E*07 2eA6£*07

?.7JE'-o7 o.

l.li7E'-07 o. ,, . o.




S~A9+1.) ~.SlE*Ol o. 7.2t)F.*OS o. n. ~.l~F-05 Sl:!90*0 leASE*OZ n. 4A,71F.*Ol o. I". n. .:>,Jl~-04 5i;91*0 s.ooE-os o. 1.e1F.-06 o. o. n. s.92F.'-ns 5~92*0 le92E*OS o. 7 .1 lE *O 1 o. I)

  • o.  ?.01r.-n1+
  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 76

t Table 2.1 (Contd) lNF'A~T INGESTIO~ OOSE co~~ITMENT F'ACTO~SC~~~M/SOY PER PCI lNliESTt:U IN F'H~sr .,,~

ISOTOPE BONE Ll\IE~ TOTAL. BOOY fMYROlO Kl ONEY LUNG GI*LLI Y90 9e6'llE*08 o. 2e33E*O" o. o. o. l aZOE*O*

Y91M*O 9.lOE*lO a. 2e76E*ll o. o. o. 2.70E-01 Y91 Y92 Y93 lelJE*Ob 7,6SE*09 2.ttJE*08 o.



3e0lf*Ot:I z.1sE-10 6e6ZE*l0 o.

,,o. o.






e.10E*0 1 l11t&t*O' l .92E*0'

.ZR9J*O l .9lE*07 9.18£*08 S.54E*01j o. 2. 71E*07 o. 2.39E*O~

ZR95*0 ZR97*0 2.06l*07 le4dE*08 Se02E*Ob 3.S6E*08 2,54£*09 lel6E'*09 ".o. Se4lE*O~

Z.56£*09 o.



l .62E*O' Nl:t93M l.l3E*07 3e33E*Ob le04E*O@ o. 3e2SE*OS o. 3.9@F-ot Nl:l95 r..20£-08 1.73£*08 1.ooE-os o. 1.24£-08 o. 1,t+6E*O~

N897 t..S'ilE*lO 9.79£*11 J.SJE*ll o. 7 e65E*ll* o. J,09E*O:

M093 o. S.6SE*OS l e82E*06 o. lelJE*U!) o. le21E*O~

M099*0 o. J,40E*O!I 6e63E*06 o. s.oeE-os o. lel2E-o:

TC99M le92E*09 Je96E*OCJ SelOE*08 (h 4,26E*08 2.07E-09 lelSE*O~

TC99 leO!SE*06 le46E*06 4e55E*07 o. le23E*OS 1. 42E-07 6,JlE*O~

TClOl 2.21£-09 z,a6E.*o"' 2e83E*08 o. J,40E*Ol:t 1.56£-09 4.86E*07 RU103*0 AUlOS*D le4E5E*06 le36E*07 o.


4.9~E-07 4.SBE*Oet .o.


  • le OOE*06 o.


  • 1.eoE-0:

s.c.a:-os RU106*0 2e41E*OS o. 3e01E*06 o. 2.8SE*O~ o. 1.eJE-oc.

RMlOS le09E*06 7el3E*07 4.79[*01 o. le98E*06 o. 1.11E-os P0107 o. le19E*06 8e45E*08 o. 6,79[*06 o. 9.46E*07 P0109 o. leSOE*06 Je62E*07 o. s.s1t-06 o. 3eb8f*O~

'1 Aull o*... u ie96E*OT 7e27E*07 4ettlE*07 o. le04E*06 o* 3.77E*O!:

AGl 11 Se20E*07 2e02f*OI le07E*01 o. 4,22E*07 o. 4e82E*05 COllJM o. le77E*O!il 6.52E*07 o. le34E*OS o. 2.66E*05 COllSM o. le42E*05 4e93E*07 o. 7e4lE*06 o. 8.09!-05 SN123 2e4~E*04 J.89t:*06 6eSOE*06 3e91E*06 o. I). 6eCS8E-o:

SN125*0 T.41[*05 le38t:*06 J,29E*06 le36E*O& o. o. l.llE*O'-

SN126*0 s.SJE*04 7e261:;*06 1.eoE-0!. le91E*06 o. o. 2.s2E-o:

58124 2elC.E*OS lelSE*07 6e63E*06 5e68E*08 o. 1.34E-05 6,60E*O~

S812S*O le2JE*OS lel9t:*07 2e53E*06 le54E*Od o. 7.72E-06 l e64f *O~

58126 9.06E*06 le58£*07 2e9U.*06 6elCJE*08 o. s.o7E:-o6

  • 8e35E*05 58121 2e23f.*06 3e91£*08 6e90E*07 2e84l*08 o. 1.15E-06 Se91E*05 Tt.12SM 2e33E*OS 7e79£*06 lelSE.*06 7e84E*06 o. o. 1.11E-os TE127M*D s.e~E*o~ le94E*05 1.oeE-06 l e69i.*OS le44E*Olt o. 2e36E*05 TE127 leOOE*06 3e35£*07 2el5E*07 8el4f.*07 2,44E*06 o. 2.lOE*O~

TE129M*O 1.00£*0ft le43E*OS le54E*OS 3e84E*O!t 2e50E*04 o. S,97E*O!

T£129 z,a(t£*01 9e79£*01 6e6lE*08 2el8E*07 1,01E*01 o. 2e27E*O!

TElJlM*O l e5ZE*OS 6ellE*06 SeOSE*Oet le24£.*05 4e21E*OS o. 1.oJE-oc.

TElll*O le7etE*07 6e50£*01 4e9*E*09 l e51E.*0"1 4,SOE*O? o. 7.llE*O~

TE132*0 z,nt:*OS leOlE*OS 9e6l[*06 l*52E*05 6,44£*05 o. 318lE*O!

TElllM*O le9U:*07 le79E*07 le71E*01 le4SE*07 le22!*06 o. le 93£*0!

TE134*0 2eft7E*01 lel4E*01 lel8£*07 2el9E*07 9,03!*01 o. J,06E*Ot 1129 2.86[*05 2e12E*OS leSSE*O!t lel6£*02 2e51£*05 o. c.,24E-o~

1130 6eOOE*06 le32£*05 SelOE*06 le48E*Ol l e4S£*05 o. 2e83E*OE 1131*0 leS'iE*OS 4e2lE*OS le16E*OS le39£*02 c.,94£*05 o. leSlE*OE

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 77

Table 2.1 (Contd)

I~FA~T I NGC. 5 TI t1N lJOSE COM~ITMl~T ~ACTO~S(MREM/~OY F-IEN PCI INGESTt.tJ IN F'l~ST Y~J I SOT OF-'~ 80114E LIVE~ TOTAL FIOOY TP'tY~OIU KIDNEY LUNG GI*LLI IlJ2 l.66E*Oft J.37E*06 lecOE*Ob le58E.*Olt J.76[*06 o. 2.73F*06 IlJJ*u 1.2~e:-os le82E.*O~ s.JJE*06 JeJlE.*03 2 e l4E*OS o. J.OSE*Ob 1134 lleb'i[*07 le7BE*06 ().:1JE'*07 4el5t.*05 le99E*06 o. l.84E*Ob IlJS*U J.6teE*06 7.c4E*06 2e64f *Of!t 6e49(*04t El.07F.-06 o.  ?.62E*06 XE.131"" o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

xe.JJJM o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

xe.133 o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

.W e.t XEJ3S JSM o.

o. ,, .


  • o.










1El37 o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

XElJtl*O o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

CSlJ4M*O le7bE*07 2.9JE*07 le48[*07 o. lel3E*07 2ebOE*OEt  ?..J2E*07 CSlJ4 J,77E'*Olt 7e03E*04 7elOE*OS (le leHlE*Olt 7.42E*OS l.9lE*06 CSlJ!I l1JJE*01.t le21E*U4 6eJOE*06 u. J,ltltE*OS l1llE.*OS 4,J7E*07 CS136 4.S~E-05 1.JSE*Olt 5.04£*0~ o. s.JeE-os 1.1ot.-os 2'105E*06 CS1J7*0 s.22E*04 6e l1E*Ott 41JJt"*O!>> o. le64E*Olt 6e64t.*OS 1~"'1E*06 CSlJ~ 4.~1E*07 7.82!*07 3119£*07 o. J~90E*07 610'iE*OS 11~SE*06 C.5139*0 31lOE*07 41l1tE*07 l eb2E*O 1 o. 2'119E*07 J.JOt.*08 2e66E*OEI BAlJ9 ~.1:UE*07 5e81t£*10 2.ssE-ott o. 31!>>lE*lO 3.54E-10 s.sBE*OS 8Al40*0 l1ll!.*Olt le71E*07 8e81E*06 o. 4106E*08 1. 05E*07 4e20E*OS 84141*0 '+.2SE*07 2.91E*l0 le31tE*Ott o. l.7SE*l0 1.77E-10 5,19E*06 F.1Al42*0 l184E*07 leSJE*lO 9e06E*09 u. 8e81E*ll 9.i6E-11 7.S9E'*07 LA14<' 2 ell E*Ott 8e32E*Oli 4:!1 hE*Oll 01 n. o. 9.77E'*OS LA14l 2*8'°'E*Oli 8138E*l0 l146E*l0 o. o. 01 9.61E*OS 1,.A 1C.2 lelUE*Oli 4e04E.*10 "*67E*ll o. o. o. 6186E*OS Cl:.141 7. 8 ft:*08 1te80E*08 S1bSE*O'i o. l1tt8E*O& o. 2e48E*OS*O le4dE*OEI 9e82E*06 1.12r-09 o. 2186F.*09 o. s.7JE-os CEl4'6*0 ('.9ijf.*06 1122!.*06 l 167E**O 1 o. 4e93f *07 o. le71E*Olt

?"'143 9elJE*08 3e04t,*08 1t10JE*09 o. l113E*Otl o. 4.29E*OS j:HHC.4 2e74E*l0 l1CttE*10 l 138E*ll o. 3184f*ll 01 4e93E*06 N0147*0*

PM147 S.5JE*08 J.esE-01 Se68E*08 l127E*08 3elt8E*09 le!:t9E*08 ".


2119E*08 lt188E*08 o.


3.60E*OS 9.27£*06 P"'lt+SM*O le6!;~*07 4el8E*08 le28E*Oll o. 4.SOE*08 o. Se44f*OS P"' l 1t8 6.Jlt.*08 91llE*O'i 4e60E*09 o. 110'iE*08 o. 9.74E*OS PMlit9 l.J~t:-08 le81E*Oll 7e90E*l0 u. 2e20E*O'i o. 4e86E*O!t

?MlSl 6el8E*Oll 9e0lf*l0 41S6E*lO o. 1107£*09 01 1tel7E'*OS SM151 2190E*07 6.67[*08 le41t[*08 o. 1te53E*08 o. s.ssE-06 SMlSl 7.72E*09 5e97E*O'I 4e5AE*10 o. l12SE*09 o. 3.l2E*OS Eu1:,2 6.74£.-47 1.79f.*07 le~lE*07 o. !t.02l*07 o. 1.59£-05 t.Ul54 C'.6teE*06 3167E*t>7 2.2or-01 01 ~.9SE'*07 o. 4e58E*OS t.UlS!>> 5e42E*07 6e25E*08 3e2JE*08 o. l140E*07 o. 8.37E*OS EU156 lel4E*07 7e06E*08 lel2E*Ott o. J.26E*08 o. 6.67E*OS Ttll60 2159E*07 o. 3124E'*Oi o. 7.37E*08 o. J.lt5E*05

"'Ol66M l12~E*06 2169[*07 21 lJE-07 o. J.57E*07 01 o.

  • 181 e.asE-oe 2e72E*08 le01t[*09 o. o. o. l.82£*07
  • 19!>> Je6C'E*06 l1lJE*06 le.!9E*07 o. o. o. le62E*OS
  • 187 9.0JE*07 6128E*07 2117E*07 o. o. o. le69£*0S
  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 78

Table 2.1 (Contd)

INF'A~l J'VG~:HIO!ll DCJSf COMMlTMENT ~ACTO~SC~~fM/SOY ?f.~ PC l l ~JGE STE' fl IN F'U~ST yQJ l ~OT OPE 301\JE LIVE.~ lOTAL ~Q[l '( fl"IYf.inH1 K JONE' y LUNG GJ*LLI PH?.ln*o 3e2AE*O? J.42E*02  ?.J~i::-03 o. 4.JJF:*Oi o. c;. 62E'-f'\C:

~121C*O '-elbE.*06 2.~t\E'-nS J.~1!4r-c1 ll

  • 2.0AE*O'+ o. c;.27F:-Cl5 PO?lC R~222*£'

RAl2:?*Cl J.10E-nJ o.

... 41E*t'lt'

() .


~.42E*OS 7e41F*04 o.

t"ed2f*OJ o.



l.?.flE*02 o.

J.17f*OJ o.





  • J.41F'-1'1'-

~U~24*0 J .c.~E-Ol 3.?.~f!-OS  ?.1.i1n*-03 o. ~.CIOf.*04 o. 3.A~E-0'-

1a?2c. *n 3.71:1E-n2 fll.52~-0'5 l el5f*02 (I

  • l.19E*OJ o. .1.24E'-f'll.

s:tA?2,.,*D ~.20E-CJl "*1~e.-ns 5el4F.*Ol o. A.71F'*04 o. 1 0 44F-n1.

RA22f'*O 1.t.32E*(ll  ?. * !>HE.*05 4e8flf*Ol o. 4. 7JF *O'+ o. s.a6E-o~

AC2~~ ).92F'*C'I~ c;.oJE*OS i'el-'JE-06 o. J.69E-n6 o. 4.36E'-o~

AC227*0 ~.41iE*OJ 7.67£*04 2,7Qf-04 o. l.56E*Oct o. ~.SOE'*O~

T1-4??7*n J .?OE*<>4  ?.OlE:*O,, J.Ct~F.'-(16 o. 7e4lE*Of. o. ~. 7nr-n' TMi>>26*0 2e47E*03 :le3t4E*OS ~.Jflf'-05 o. leSAE*04 o. 5.~4F*0' TM~C:?Q J.4~E-r.? le94E*04 7.2"iF*04 o. 9.29E'-04 o. 5,3\F*OL

'"'2'31'1 ~.enE-oJ 1.QOE*O'+ 1 *OM -o-. o. 9.12E*04 o. ~,24f*Oc T"4i'J2*D 4.24E-03 1.~3f*04 leb&;E*04 o. 7.79E*04 o. s 1 JlF.:*o~

THlJ4 ~.92E*Ol ~.1n-o~  ?.oor-oe o. *1.39F.-07 o. lel9F'*O' PA231*0  ?.57E-n:,  ?.SOE*04 Je02E*04 o. J.34f.'*03 o. 7 e 44F -0~

PA2J3 :ii.11E*O~ -:..o9£*09 ~.4JE*Oq o. J.67E'*08 o. l e46F -Cl~

U232*0 U2,3*D L*234 2.1tl!*Oc 5.0~E-O:l c..F.t.PE.*~3 o.


. 2.l~F.-03 3efa7(-0'6 (I, J.f'nf'-04 o.

o. 2,J7E*03 1.osr-03 le06E*03 o.






Ul351*lJ c..~7E*CJ o. 3.~f.F.-04 CJ. 9.93E*04 o. A.lOF'*O~

lJ2,:\6 c..67E.-nJ n. 3eb4f*OC. o. 1.0JE*CIJ o. 5.98F*CI~

U237 U?J~hlJ c..9SE*07

~.tt7E-03 .

,,n. le32E*07 o.

  • J.JJt:-04 o.

l.?3E*06 9.2FtE*04 o.


2.11r-r. 1

s. 11r.-n 1




  • n 2e5JE*03 l.?c.E-07 l.llE*Oti 1 ,QJE*04 1.oi;F.-0-. o.

1.12E*O'i J.92F.-n9 o.

9.9JE*l0 SeblE*lO o.

6e34F*04t t1i.81E*09 J.98E*09 o.


. ~.23E'*O' 4.l7F-CP 2.a1r-o~

Pll23ta PU23"il PU24CI le31tE*OJ

?.c.~E-03 le45E*OJ t.esr;E-04 3140£-nS o.

J. 77~.-0lt 3.:;c.t-os ,,

1.77E*04 J.S4F*OS o.

. lei'lf.*04 1.~~e-0" 1.2er-04 o.



7. c;1r:.-oc



PlJcC.l*O c..J~E-05 J.90E*Oet lilei'2E*07 o. 3. 17F.-06 o. J e45E *O" PU24? le35E*l>3 J.70E*<l4 J ... ll-05 o. l.2JE' .. 04 o. 6,77~-nc PU244 le51E*Ol JeO'JE*04 J.QJ[*05 o. le41E*04 o. l.OlF*O'

  • M?Ctl 1. SJE*Ol 1.1ei::-o* 1.oqf..04 o. ft* !:>>'SE* Ot. o. 7. 70E*O~

A,,.?.ttlM 1.ssE-01 1.c2i::-o* lellf*04 (). 6,64E*O~ o. 9.69E*O~

AM?43 1eSlE*Ol l-.f.teJE*04 l ell6E'*Olt o. 6e3f>F*04 o" 9. nJE*O' CM?lt2 1

  • 31£--0ft. l.24f*04t 'ilelOE*Oft o. ?e62E*O!S o. e.ZJE*CI~

C"42(t3 J

  • t+SE*Ol il.Mec:-nc. A.~8£*05 o. J.27E*04 o. A.lOf'*O~

c1112'* J .~2£*03 ~.16E*C\4 1.s9E-os o. ~. 71£-0lt o. 7 0 84F*O~

CMi~ leAIJE*OJ 7.4'fE*04 Jel'.lE*04 o. 4,J2E*04 .o. 7. JCIF*O!

C"421t6 J .87E*Ol 7.49E*04 lelll*Olt o. 4,JJE*04 o. 7. PF-0 1 C"42,7*" lel'ZE*Ol 7,J6E*04 JellF.*OCt o. 4,24F*Olt o. 9.43E*O!

C"'2'A leS1E*02 6.07£.-03 "*lbE*04 o. J.SOE*Ol o. 1.!:>>2F.-o*

CF'252 1.24[*03 o. z,95E*U5 I). n. o. 2.q9E*n*

MI0389-0046A-HP01 79

... (

Table 2.1 (Contd)


... :. o

  • 2.0Je.-n1 tt.OJF.'*07 2eOJE*07 2.n]£-07 2.oJ~-01  ?.OJF.-n7

~Elll 1

  • J ~ E* n*:; !e57F.*O~ 3.JCJE-01 o. lellE*Ol'i o.  ?.7fiF.:-n5 c 14 le2lf*O!> 2e42E*06 2.c.;E-Ob i*'+2E*06 ;:>.42E*Ob ?..42F.'*Ob Nll 3.10.-(11' JelOE*OM 3 .1 o~-oe* J*lOE*ne lelOF.*OM lelOt.*Od J.toF.-nEI F18 2\4~E*O~ o.  ?..47E*Of o. n *. o~ ~.74F.*07 NAe2  :;
  • AI! E- 0 :, S.8P.E*OS c;.t!~f-:-o~ :, * ~.;1::-n~ c;.ARF*n~ s.~et:-nr:, ~.R~F-n~

NA21t ~. 80E*t>'* s.~01:..-on S.Mr.F'-IJft s.~OE*Ob s.eC*E*Ol'J 5. c3(1f'. .n~ c;.~OF-116 P32 A~J9

.=1.25E'*04 J.~6E.-05 JelHE*O~ o.


  • o. o. o. ".




~.2 .. F*05*

  • A'141 0. o. I)
  • o. n. o. n.

CAt.l J,4/E*C'+ o. 1.7~F*O~ o. o. o. t.9r*r-n7 SC4trt j,9/E.*Ofl  ?. 70!'.-n~ le04E*O~ o.  ?.J'lf-n~ o. 3.li5E-n5 C"51 MN5~


" . ".1. C\ 7E*OS H.t.;nE-o~


~.<;4E*n9 (J.

l.JSE*O'i l.oof*-o~

9.02E*09 o.

c.. 7?.~ -o 7


"'NS6 o. J.Jc.E*O., 7.~'+E*08 o. c..oc.E-07 o. 4,A4F.*CI~

FE55 FES9 lel5E*l'S l.6~E*05

~.tOE*Ob l.~q£.o6 2.t.7E*OS l .JJE-05 o.

o. ".o. 3 e45fo. *Cl 6 7.74E*Ob 1.1Jc*n~
2. 7~ff-n5 COS7 o. 4. 9.iE*I'~ ~.q~F.-Of o. .o. o. 4,0t+F*O~


  • l e$!lOE*Ob s.s1e:-of.I o. o, o. i .osi; ~os C060 o. 5.c?qE*06 i.~tiE-os o. o. n.  ?,QJF*05 NI59 ~.02E*05 1.07E*O; 6.82£-06 Cl. o. o. 7.lOF-o7

~163 5.J~E-Ot. ~ * .ctHE*O~ le8JE*OS o. o. IJ. l.'14E*n"

~I~S "..2;.E*06  ?.O~E*IJf l.c2F-07 o. (I. o.  ?;

  • CU64t o. 2.4SE*07 1.4~E'-~7 o. s.?2r-01 o. lel5F-n5 ZN63 le37E*05 .J
  • e. c,t,-o r; 2e27E*OS (1 e 2. l!JE'-05 o. ~.41~-n" Zlll~9,.,*D 7.lOE*O'l l.21E'*CI~ le4JE*IJ7 o. f,01E'-07 o. 3.9.:.E-05 z~~9 ~ * .113E*Ol:t fi.JJE:-08 5.65E-Oli o. J,S4F.*08 o. J .Q9F-r1~

SE'79 F!IOl82 8~83*1.>



Cl *

.ct, t.JE*t'H; l

  • 87E*Oll.t ti*



7,SSE*Ob o.

le71E*07 o.

t.37F'-n5 I) *.




tl *

(\ .


  • B?84 (I. n. l ellRF*O 1 o. n. o. 0. o. (1. 9.12£-0*.. n. o. n. n.

K!;8JM Cl

  • n. o. o. (t. n. I".

Klil8!1M o. o. o. o. o. IJ. r, *

~ABS t<s:187 o.


  • o.







o. ,, .
o. n.


KR88*0 llCA89 fl*

o. ,, .
n. o.










~886 o. ~.70E*OS 4el2F.'*OS o. n. o. 4.JlE*"flo kB87 n. 3.9SE*OS l e83E*OS o. o. n. c;. 9.,f:. -o 1 R988 o*.-** 1,9Ql*C't7 t.J2E-n1 o. n. o. 9. J.n:-09

~B89*0 5~89*()


le32E*Ol .

,,l.17E*07 3,le04E*07 nE-os o.

u. Cl.




l.02E*OCJ l:iellF.*OS S?90*0 SR91*D

1. 70E*02 2eitOE*OS ,, .
n. 4eJJE*lll o.

9e06E*07 o.





2,29F-n4 s.JoE:-nc:.

SR92*0 9. 01E*"6 o. .l.6?.E*07 o. I). le71E*OC..

MI0389-0046A-HP01 80

Table 2.1 (Contd)


Y90 1+.11E*08 o. lelOE*Oli o. o. o. l.17E*0' Y9l~*I.) 3.ScE-10 o. l e39E*ll o. o. o. 7.4l1E*07 Y91 ~.o~E-07 o. leblE*Ol:t o. o. o. u.02E-o::

'f "l2 J.60E*09 o. leOJE*lO o. o. o. l.O'+F*Oi..

Y93 i.1c.e.-oe o. J.lJE*lO o. o. o. l.70E*04 ZR9J*CJ l.6TE*07 f.le2SE*08 4e45E*08 o. 2e42E*07 o. 2.37E*OS ZR95*1J lel6E*07 2.SSE*O~ 2e27E*08 o. J.tiSE-08 o. 2.6M.*05 ZR97*0 6.911E*09 le01E*09 5e96E*l0 o. le45E*09 o. l.53E.*04 NS93M l.o:,E-07 ~.62E*08 l:t

  • 6 lE**o~ o.  ?.8JE*08 o. J.9~E-Of:

Nd95 2elSE*08 R.7~E*O"l 6e26E*O~ o. tt,2JE*09 o. lo62F-o::

N897 2,lfE*lO J,92E*ll led3E*ll o. 4,JSE*ll o. l.21E-05 M09J o. 2e41E*OS 8e65E*07 o. 6eJSE*06 o, l .22E*Of'-

M099*0 o. l.33E*OS J.29E*06 o. 2,84E*O~ o. l.lOE*OS TC99M TC99 TClOl RUlOJ*D 9,2JE*l0 5,J~E-07 1.07E*09 7.31E*07 l.&1E*09 5.96£-07 lel2E*O~


J.ooE-ott 2el4E*07 l e42E*Cl!:I 2el:tlf'*07 o.



. 2e63E*08 7,02E*06 le91E*O~

J,84E*06 9,l'fE*lO Se27t*Ol:t 5192E*l0 o.

l.OJE*Oe El.2SE*O~

J.S6F*0'1 1.89E*05 RUlOS*O ~.c.SE*O~ o. z,JitE*Ol:t o. S.67E*07 o. 4e21E*OS RU106*0 lel7E*05 o. le4~E*Ot>> o. leSBE*OS o. 1.a2e.-o'+


RHlOS P0107 P0109 S.14E*07 o.


2,76E*07 4.7lE*07

!S,6"fE*01 2e36E'*07 4eOlE*OIS 11 "/OE'*07

"*o.o. l1lOE*06 Je9SE*06 J.04f*06 o,

01 l.71E-0'5 q.Jn.-01 3.JSE-05 AGllOM*LJ :,,J~E-07 316'+E*07 21~a-01 01 6e71:JE*07 o. 4o33E*OS AGl 11 2148~*07 7,76E*08 S112E-oes o. 2e34E*07 I) I t..,75E-os C0113M o. le02E*OS 4e34f*01 o. 1.ose-os o. 2,6JE*O~

COllSM 01 S,89E*06 21SlE*07 o. ,.138E*06 o. e.01E-os SNl?J leJJE*O'+ le65E*Oo le24E*06 le7SE*06 o. o. 6,52£-o:

5Nl25*0 J,SSE*OS 5.JSE*07 l1S~E*06 ~15SE*07 01 o. 1.1 OE*C'"*

SNl26*0 l1lJE*O'+ 4.lSE*06 9e46E'*Ot>> lel4E*06 o. 01 2.soE-OS 58124 1.11e.-os le44l*07 J11:t9E*06 2e4SE*OIS o. 6,16£-06 6,94E*05 St:tl25*0 71l6E*06 s.s2.E-oe leSOE*06 616JE*09 o. J,991:.*06 1.111:::-os 58126 C.,t+OE*06 6.7JE*08 le58E*06 2e5AE*08 o, 21lOE*06 a.A7E-os 58127 l,06E*06 le64[*08 J,68E*07 l1l8E*08 o. '+e60E*07 S.97F.-OS TE125M lel'+E*OS 3109E*06 le52E*06 l120E*06 01 o. 1,10E-o:

TE127*,..0 2181.iE*OS 7178[*06 J,,.JE*Ofl 6elilE*06 8e24E*OS o.  ?..3'+E*O~

n.121 c., 71E*07 le27E*07 J.01E*07 3e26E*07 le34E*06 o. l 184E*O~

TE129M*O lt187E*OS le36E*05 7156E*06 le57E*05 l143E*04 01 S,94E*O~

TE129 lel'+E*07 J.74[*08 lel8F*OIS 9e56E*08 J,92£-07 01 8,J'+E*Ot TElllM*O 7e20E*06 l11t9E*Oo 2ebSE*06 Sel2l*Oo C?141E*05 o. l,OlE*O' TE131*0 8130E*OS 21SlE*08 211+7[*08 61J~E*08 2151E*07 o. 4,J6E*o*

TE132*0 l e9'1-E*05 4.47E*06 S11tOE*06 be!tlE*06 4el5E*O~ o. '+eSOE*O!

TElJJM*l> l 187E*07 71S6E*08 9137E*08 l e45E*O 1 7el8E*07 o. 5. 77E*Ot TE1J4*0 l129E*07 S180E*08 7.74[*08 l102E*07 s.J7E*07 o. S,89E*o*

1129 l1J~E*OS e,SJE*06 7162E*06 Se58E*Ol le44E*OS o. 4e29E*O*

1130 2e9lE*06 5e90E*06 J.01tE*06 6eSOE*04 s.e2E-06 01 2

  • 76E*Ot 1131*0 le72E*OS l173E*OS 9183[*06 Se12t:*Ol 2184[*05 o. 1.54-E*Ot MI0389-0046A-HP01 81

Table 2.1 (Contd)


lSOTOPt. :iO~f. LIVER TOTAL RODY fHY~OllJ Klu"'4£Y LUNG Gl*LLl 1132 ~.ooE-01 le47E*Oo b. '"E*O I 6eB2E.*O~ 2.2~E-o6 o. l.7JE*06 1133*0 S.92E.*Ofl .,.32c.-o~ ?..77E*06 le36E.*OJ i.22~-os a. 2.95E*06 tlJCt ~el~E-07 7. *11:11::-0' 3e58E*OI 1. r~t.-o:. 1.19£-06 o. S.16E-1)7 1135*D I.7:,E:-06 3.* 1 SE*Ofi l * *+9E*06 2e79E.*0'+ "*1;3£-06 o. 2.40E*06 XE.131"'

XI:. l JJM XE133 o.


. (I

  • n.






Oe o.










o. o. o. o. o. o.

Xl:.135M Xt.135 o. o. 0. o. o. o. "*


XC.137 o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

XE138*D o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

CSlJ4M*U 9e44E*Ol:S 1.cse:-01 del6E*Od u. 6,59E*08 l.O~E-08 1.seE-01 CSlJl.i 2.ic.e::-oc. 3e84E*O'- !:telOE*O:, o. lel9E*04 4e27E*O!; 2.on:-06 CS135 ~.JOE*O~ s.1a£-os SeliJE'*06 (J. 2e04E*OS 6e8ll*Ob 4e33E*07 CS1J6 2.3:;e.-os ~.c.6E*o5 '-* l~F.-o!:t o. Je'+'-E*O~ S.13E*Cl6 2e27E*06 CS137*1l 3e2lE*Uct J.1JE*04 4e62E*OS o. l.02F.*04 J.67C.*0~ 1*96E*06 cs13e 2.2~C.-!Jl J.Jn.-01 2eOlE*07 o. 2*Z3E*07 2e40E*Od 1,r.6E*07 CS139*0 le6lt:'.*07 7,14E*08 o. l.21E*07 le22t:*Od 1.4SE*ll BA139 tt.1'+£*07 2.21E*l0 1.2ot.-os o. l.93E*l0 1.301:.*10 2.39£*05 8Al40*0 ~.31£*05 7.28E*08 4,CISE*Ob I). 2,31e:-02:1 4e34t:*08 4e2lE*05 BAl4l*O 2.ooE.-01 1.12E*l0 6151E*09 o. 9.69E*ll 6,58E*l0 1.14£*07 4et4HE*Oli o*

bA 142~0 - ~.7c.E*Oti ~. 29t:* ll S,09E*ll J.70f.*11 l.14E*09 LAl40 1.01~-os J.SJE*OCJ l el 9t.*O'I o. l'I. o. 9,84£*05 LAl4l l. J~C.-09 3.17l*lfl l'l.88E*l l o. o. o. 1.osE-os LUC.2 :i.241::.*10 l.67E*l0 Se23E*l l o. o. o. 3,JlE*OS C~l'+l 3.97E*08 le98E*08 2e94E-Oli o. tt,6SE*O'i o. 2e47E*OS CE.143*0 b.9.;~-o~ J.7CJE*06 ~.49E*l0 o. l.S~E-09 o. s.ssE.-os Ct::l44*1J e>.Cibf:.*06 b.~2t:-01 lellE*OI o. 3.61E*O., o. l.70E*04 P~l43 J,9JE*08 le18f.*OB le9SE*OCJ o. bel9E*OCJ o. 4,24E*OS P~l44 1.2~E*lO J,99E*ll 6e49E*12 o. 2.llE*ll o. a.S9E*08

~0147*0 2.7~£-08 2e2bE*08 le7SE*09 o *. le24E*08 o. 3.SBE'*OS P'4147 3elt:tE*07 2e27E*08 le22E*OK o. 4,0lE*Ol:t o. r;.19E*06 P'4l 48P*h0 1.oJe.-01 2.osE-OH l.OSE*O~ o. 3,04£*08 o. s.1ee:-os P'4148 3.0cC.*Ot:t :1e63E*OCJ t'eJSE*Oli o. 6,17E*OCJ o. 9.70E*OS PM149  !>.49E.*OCJ ~.90E*l0 J,74E*l0 o. l.22E*09 o. 4,71E*OS PM151 2e9iE*O~ J.sst.-10 2e31E'*10 o. be02E*l0 o. 4,0JE*OS SMl~l 2e56E*C\7 JedlE*Ott le20E'*08 o. J,94E*08 (le 5,SJE*06 SM153 3.bSE*C9 2e27E*09 2el9E*l0 (J. b,91E*10 o. J,02E*05

~UlS2 ~.1se:-01 lel2f.*07 le33E*07 o. 4,7JE*07 o. l.84E*05 EU1~4 2.JoE;-o-6* 2.07E*o*r l e89E*O 7 o. 9,09E*07 o. 4.81~*05 t.u 1S!:> ~.82f.*07 J,47E*08 2.121::-02:1 o. l.3vE*07 o. 8.69E*OS EU15~ 5e6lE*08 3e01E*08 6123E'*O~ u. 1,94E*08 o. 6,SJE-ns Tt:H 60 l.6bE*ll7 o, 2e06E*U8 o. 4,94E*08 0 *. 3.68E*OS HOlbbM le08E*06 2e26E*07 lelilE*OI o. J.22E*07 o. o.

Wl81 ~.2JE*O& 1104[*01:1 le4JE*041 o. o. o. J. 79E*O 1 Wl85 1,7JE*06 tt,32E*07 6,0SE*Ol:I u. o. o. le61E*OS 1'1Cl1 ~.z~E.-01 z.sttE-01 le l4E*O 1 o. o. o. J.S7E*05 82 MI0389-0046A-HP01

Table 2.1 (Contd}

c.-itL.D lNGESTIO'li OOSt C0"'4M} lM~NT ,. AC:TO~S (MkE,../!SOV Pt:~ ?CJ INC",ESTE'D I"' FI~~T yq)

ISOTOPE PHt'} f' *I" Bl2l()*fl

-l O'liE


Ll vEQ

(..75E*O? l.r2E*02 ?.tit.if'~OJ ()


TOTAL P.OD'r l.b~f*-01 o.

TioiY~OW KI ONEY 3.67F*02

l. l SE'*01+



L lJ~u r, I-LI I c;.571'.-1"5 5.lH-ti':r Pr'l? lf' l

  • S?E-n ~i  ?.4'.H*-*OJ 1.~7l'.-(14 lJ
  • 7.5,,F*OJ o. "-.~s~-ns R"4?.??*f.l ('I ** o. fl
  • o. n* I)
  • 0.

~A22~*11  ?.l~E-1'1~  ?.4~~ -or.; 4.,.i1,f-01 o. fl.SoE-04 o. J.J"F.-oc.

rl A 2 ?,4 *I" ~,. ~.YE-113 1.?.:-iE.-n5 l.J~F-Ol lJ * "J.31E'-04 o. 1.78r-n4.

~A2?!;*(')  ?.QnE-n?. "*"ne:-r.5 ~

  • 59F.'-O:l o. 6.~2'*04 o. 1.21~-()4.

~A??,..*f'  ;.7SE*O! t.~.:..e:-oc; 4.7?f-Ol o. 4.e.qf*O~ 0. 3.41F*O'"-

F(A?.2ful) J.~~F.-0\ ~.Q~~-01) 4e3rE*Ol n. ~.~c;E-04 o. s.SlE-oS AC225 lec4~t*0'5 l ;q.:..e:-os 1.2,.,E*Oet o. 2.071::.-0ti o. 4.JlF'*O'-

AC~?.?*D c...l?E-03 ~.e3E'*04  ?.:t~f:.-04 o. l .4'!1F.*04 o. ~.4'3E*OS Tl1?27*D  :-;.Fo5E*O~ 1.ql'lf-07 l ebf*Ob o. 4e22E'*O" o. s.~3E-n"'

Tl-l22fi+C" *  ?.ti7E*03 t.~:>E*OS 7.ClrJF'*OS o. 1 *.18E*04 o. ~.79f-(\4 T""229 l

  • 3~E-'2 t .'IH*1i4 ,...ecF-o4 0. e.@.:.f-04 o. S.27F.*l'~

TH?30 3.r:;:;E-'lJ le7t4E.*04 ~.'ftF-('15 o. 8.67E*04 o. 6. lctE'-o~

TM?Jt'*O 3.96E-03 1

  • 5?F. *04 3.01i:-01t n. 7.41F.'*04 o. 5 .* 27F.'-05 T"4234 '.'.42~*07 l.Slt:.*Cl8 9.h~f-ri"I (J * '!1.0lE*O~ o. 1.J8f-04.

PA231*0 7.0lf*-Cl:l  ?.J4~-n4 ?et-}F-*04 o. le2"4E*03 o. 7.:HF-n1!7 FAi!3:l 1.eiff*O~ i) 0 R2~-ll~ 1.l~E*O~ o. t.04(-08 o. 1

  • 44F *OS U?.32*0  !.7~E-02 n. le21'1f*0:1 ('I. l.34E'*03 o. ~.9AF-ns lJ?.33*0 1.12e.-03 n.  ?
  • 2'5E *04 (I* ~.lOF*04 o. 6.t.SF.-oc; U23Ct 3.~7E*03 n. t>.2H*04 o. 5.qf'f-04 o. ,,.Jec-os UC'. 35 *L1 1
  • 4 t> E* ri :l o. 2.on-uc. o. ~.t-11:-04 o. ~.03F-05 LIC: )f; J.4cE*C:l n. -;. pF*-04 o. ~.7JE'-04 o. S.92E'*O~

lJ?37 ~. 't~E*Cl 7

"*n. t:'te?'fF'*O~ (I

  • 6.l!\H:*07 o.  ?.08t"*OS Ui'38*L> 1.2lE*C\] l e9'-E*04 Cl
  • S.?4E'*OC. o. s.6M:-os

~,.,237*0 =?.Jl'IE*C\3 J.Rll*04 9.7qE-O!; (I

  • ii,.ost::-ott o. R.l6E.*nS

~iJ23,. 5.!-iJc-r*F.i lel8f*Oli 9. o~~-ro o. J.7bE'*OQ o. 4.04F-ns NP?3c.;  ;;.z5t.*1'f :1.11r.:-10 ~. 6C,~ -1 0 o. le09~*09 o.  ?.7qE*O~

PU2JA l.?.~!:-<'3 1.5fl~*04 3.l~E-0!:) ~. l.15f'-('\4 n. 7.SOE-05 FIJ239 le3bc*n3 J .(1,5~*{'4 3e3lf *OS o. l.?2E*04 o. ~.As;f..n5 FU240 1.1ir,E.-0J 1.,.Sl*Oc. JellF*OS c. 1.~?E*04t o. f.i.qAF-ns PU?C.l *r: <..onF.-o5 1. 72£.-(.~ ~.oi.~-01 u.  ?.9~E-Ob o. 1.44.F-Of-PU24? le26E*Ci3 J.~9E*~" ".\ .1 qf-05 o. 1.17E*04 o. f.e7lc*O~

PU2C.4 J.c.IE'*OJ leA2f..-Olt J.tisr-:-o~ o. le35F*04 o. l.OOE'*04 A"'241 AA>124?M


l.t..JE*OJ l.<+lE.*03 le41E*OJ



Eielt+E.*04 i.o~r-oc.

1.oc.E-0 .. o.

<let':1E*05 o.

o. 6.23E*Oct 6.30E'*04





. 7 .64E*<'"


~.95F*05 CM2C.2 9.~oE*n~ ,.

  • 11e:-or; Sel44f *Ob o. i .e*1~-os o. B.l6F*Oc; Cto42<t:l 1 .JJE*OJ .. ~. 0.31::*04 l!'ec4E*O~ (I
  • J.ORE*04 o. 8.0:\E'*OS Cto42C.4 1.11r-0J ~.JbE*04 ,,_. "i3E' *0~ o.  ?..54F.*04 o. 7.77F*<'5 042C.5 t.7bE*nJ l'leb4~-n:. 1.or,F-O.+ o. 4ellE*Cli+ o. 7.?4f*OS C"'4?.tt~ 1.7c.E*C'3 "'*'-'4E*C~ 1. il';f' *04 o. 1..1 nE*04 o. 7.1H*05 Cto4?.4 7*0 1.10~-r,~ -,.53E*04 leC3E'*04 o. 4. CJ4F.*0'6 o. 9.3SE-OS CM24P l.tt1E*02 ~.38E*O.* s.~~E-04 o. 1.33F.*03 o. t.SlF.*03 CF'252 J.OTE*OJ o. 2e54E*05 o. o. o.  ?.li~E-04 83 MI0389-0046A-HP01

Table 2.1 (Contd)

TE'EN IN<:F.STION OOSE COM'4IT"'4Et\IT r~crn~S(MHlM/~~y P~R PC! JNt;f !HEO I~ F'IR5T Y~)

ISOTOPE 30"IE LIVE~ TOT~L f!Ol')Y THY~Oin. ~I ONF. V LUNG GI *l LI 1-13 '). l. Of:>F.*O 1 leOM-07 leC6E*07 l.06E'-07 2.o~c:-01 J.OtiF-07 8El0 C.e4AE*'l"' f'leq4E*07 lellE-07 o. 5.JoF-07 o.  ;>,84F-ns cl tt ~.ObE*Ol'l ~.12E*01 8el2E-07 lifel2E'*07 "*12F'-07 Mel2E-07 A.J2E:-n7 NlJ lel5E*OA 1.1s~-n"4 l*l~F-o~ lelSE*OA lel5F*O~ 1.1sE-ns l.l~E'*OR F" 1A q.ti4E*07 o. ~. c. 7E'" *OEI o. n, n. 7.7~:-l)H NA?.2  :?e:14f*05 ?e34E*05 ".J4f -os ~.Jt.E*n5 ~.J4F'-05 2.Jc.F.-n5  ?,J4F*O~

NA24 2*3C'E*O(J i>. ~UE'*Ot) 2. Jf1-06 '1e:10E.*Ob .?eJOE*Ofi 2e30t.*l"f:>  ?..Jn~-o_,

P32  ?.76E.*04 o. o. o.


t.71E*05 1. HE-05 2.Jn-os AR39 I)

  • n. o. o. o. o.

A~41 CA4l o.

].97E'-04 n.


?1 lJE*O~




() . o.



J ,9SF'*l'l7 SC46 C~Sl 7.24E'*O-i

i. ,., .

le4lE*O*~ 4. l~F.-09 3,60E*09 o.

?.OOt.*09 le35E*OH 7,89£-10 o.



6,0r,F-07 MN"54 MN56 n.


c;.9'1£-ni; 1.sar.-01 1.11r-o~

21Blf*Ol3 o.


l.7~E*Ofi C'eOOF*07 ".



t.04~-n5 F"ESS J.7~E.-06 2,68E*06 6. 25£-1)7 o. o. 1. 701:.*('\fi 1.I6E'*n~

FESCJ 5,87E*O'!) },J7E*O'i S,2QF.*06 o. n. 4e32E*Ob J~ 24F'-OS C057 ti. i'e38t*07 J,'119~-07 o. o, (I

  • 4 ,.44F.*l'.lfl C058 o. Q,72E*07 2.;4F.*0~ o. o. o. l,34F*1'.'15
o. o.

C060 NI59 NI63 1.J2E*O~

'. 7 7F.*04

~.81~-06 4,M1E*06

1. ?.:SE*nc;

~.JJf-n6 z,j4E*06 6.0oE-06




n, o.


o, i,66E-n5 7,.11F-o7 I.99f*O~

Nlf,5 7,49F.*07 Q,57E*OH 4.JClF.-09 o. o, o. 5.11.JE-116 CU64 7~'-5 "S.76E*06 lel5E*07 ft,OOE*OS 5e4lf'*08 Q,JJE"*O~








8,47F*l'6 ZN69..,*L>  ?.40E*07 5.66E*07 s.1qF..oa o. 1,44E*07 o. .J.llf-05 ZJl.j69 J.47£-08 ;t,~OE:*OA l.9~E-o9 u. l e83F*08 o. 5,16E'*n~

Sf.79 o. '.'.7JE*Ob ~ .2 7E*O 7 n. ~.~OE*06 o. c;,70F'-07 8~82 o. n. J,C4E*06 u. n. o. n, BR8J*O 8~84 BR85


Cl *

  • n.



5,74£-08 o.

7 * .??£-08 3eC5E*U9 o.





. o.






l<UHJ"" ,., , o. o. o. 0. o. n.

l<R85M o. o. o. C'. o. o. o.

t<R85 n. n. o. o. n, o. ('I

  • K~87 o. n. n. o. n. o.


l<R8B*ll n. o. o. o. o. o.

1(~89 il

  • n. o. o. n, I). n*

R~A6 o. 2.9~E-oS 1,40£-05 o. n. o. 4,41F.*Ofl

~d87 o. l.7.,~-05 6.llF-06 o. o. l) * ~.lJE-07 R888 o. Ae52E*08 4e~4E-08 o. o. o. 7,JnE-15

o. o. o.

R8~9*0 5.C\OE*O& J.S~E*O~ "l.4JE*l7 S;(89*1J ~.40E*04 n. le26E*OS o. o. S.24F-0C,

o. o. o.

S~90*D SR9!*0 SR92*0

!leJOE*vl 9.07E*06 J.osE-06 o.


?..O~E-03 J,21E*07 lelOE'-07 o.



o. o.


2,JJE-04 1,66F*05 7, 77E*05 MI0389-0046A-HP01 84

Table 2.1 (Contd)


ISOTOPE. BO~E LIVER TOTAL BODY Tr1YMOID i<IONEY L.UNu Gl*LLI Y90 1,JIE*08 o. J.6Q£-10 o. o. o. l.lJE-04" Y~lM*O 1.2-.E*lO o. 4,9JE*l~. o. o. o. ei.octt:-o9 Y91  ?.,Olf.*07 o. 5.J9E*IJ~ o. o. o. R.24E*O';

Y"i2 l.21E*09 o. 3e!:>OE*U o. o. o. 3.32E-o:,

Y'i3 J,8Jt*09 o. 1.osE-10 o. o. o. l.17E*04 ZM93*1J 5,SJE*08 2.7JE*08 le49E*IJ8 o. 9,6SE*OM o. 2e58E*OS ZR95*L> c..1~t::-08 le30E*08 Re94E*O~ o. J,91E*08 o. J.OOF.*OS ZR97*0 2,J1E*09 1+.6fiE*lO 2el6E*l0 o. 7,llE*lO o. lo27E*04 Ntt9JM J,t+c.E*08 t.lJE*Od 2e83E*O<i o. le32E*OH o. 4.01E*Ob N~9S '3,22E.*O~ 1+.56E*09 2eSlE*O~ o. 4,42E*09 o. t.9SE-ncs

"'4897 7.37E*ll l

  • 83E*ll b,6c3E*l2 o. 2, 14E* ll o. 4,37E-07 "4093 o. 1.06E*OS 2e<iOE*O"f o. ),04f*06 o. l.29E*O~

fl!099*0 o. fJe03E*06 lelSE*06 u. 1,38E*OS o, i.oee--ocs TC99M 3.32E*l0 9e26E*l0 1.20E-oa o. 1.Jae:-os S.l'+E*lO 6.0SE-07 TC99 1. 7~E*07 2e63E*07 7el7E'*06 o. J,J4E*06 2e72E*n~ 6,4'+-oei TClOl 3.6UE*l0 S.!2E*l0 S,OJF.*O"I o. ~.26£*0~ J.12t.-10 8,7SE*lf RU103*D 2.55E*07 o. le09E*07 o. #),99£-07 o. 2:13E*05 RUlOS*O 2el8E*08 o. 8146(*09 o. 2,7SE*07 o. l,76E*O~

RUlOb*O . 3e92E.*06 o. 4.~tti::-07 u. 7,56E*06 o. le88E*04 Rl'HOS 1.73£*07 le25t.*07 ~*lOE*Ot:t o. ~.31E*07 o. 1.59E*05 P0107 o. 2.oaE-07 1.J1tf'*Otl o. 1,88E*06 o. 9.l'.>6E*07 POlO~ o. 2e5lE*07 s.1oe:-oe o. l ,4SE*06 o. 2.sJE.-ns AGllOM*O 2e05E*07 le91tE*07 1.1ec-u 1 o. J,70F.*07 o. S,45F'.*05 AG1U e.2~l-oe 3e4tttE*Ob le73f*Oll o. lel2E*07 o. c..aoE-os C011JM o. ... 51£*06 le4Sf .. 07 o. 4,99£*06 o. 2,7lE*OS COllSM o. 2e60E*06 e.J9Jo:-oes o. 2.oaE-06 o. 8,23E*OS SN123 ~.1t1tE*OS 7.29£*07 1.osE-oea ~.8t.E*07 o. o. 6,71E*OS SN125*0 lel~E*OS 2e37E*07 5e37E*07 let;oE*07 o. o. lel2E*04 SN126*0 l.te,E*Ott 21l6E*06

  • 3.JOE*06 ~.69£.*07 o. o.£-os Stt124 J.87E*06 7elll*08 1 e51E*06 8e78E*O"' o. J,38E*06 1.snE-os 58125*0 2e48l*06 z, 71E*08 s.aoe.-01 le37E*09 o. 2.18t.*06 le93E*05 58126 l.S9f.*06 3.25£*08 s. 71!*07 8e99E*09 o. lelltf*06 9,41£*05 St;127 3.63E.*07 7,76E*09 le37f*07 4te08E*09 o. 2.1t 74:.*07 6.16E*OS TE12SM J,8JE*Of> lel8E*06 s.12E-o.1 1.07E*06 o. o. l,lJE*OS TE127M*O 9,67f.*06 leltlt:*06 le15E*06 2elOE*06 J,92E*05 o. 2.1+1E-os TE127 le58E*07 Se60E*08 l14tOE*08 1.09£*07 6.40E*07 o. l.22E*05 Tt.129M*O J,6JE*OS 6e05£*06 2.sar.-06 !a.26E*06 6,82E*OS o. 6,12E*05 Tf.129 c.,1tttE*08 le67E*08 l109E*08 3e20E*Ol:i l,88E*07 o. 2,1tSE*07 TE131M*O 2.1t1tE*06 le17E*06 9, 76E*O 7 le76£*06 l.2~E*OS o. 9,J9E*05 TElll*D l* 79E-0.8* lelSE*08 e. '2E*09 2*1St.*08 l.22E*07 o. 2,29E*09 TE132*0 J,t.9£*06 2e21E*G6 &>>.oaE-06 2e33E*06 2e12E*OS o. 7,00E*OS TE133M*O 6,tt,.E*08 3e66E*08 le56E*Oll Se l U.*08 3.62[*07 o. leit8E'*07 TE134*0 ,. ... 7£*08 2.87£*08 leOOE*OI 3e67E*08 2,74E*07 o. l e66E*09 1129 c.,66£*06 J,92E*06 6e54E*06 4t177E*Ol 7,0JE*06 o. 4,S7E'*07 1130 le03E*06 2e98E*06 1e19E*06 1*,.lt.*Olt 4,.59£*06 o. 2. 29E*06 Jl~U*O s.asE*06 e,19E*06 1t,1tQE*06 2e39E*Ol ),41E*O!t o. l.62E*06 85 MI0389-0046A-HP01

Table 2.1 (Contd)




?f~ ?Ci INuf.STEO 1114 i<IONEY LUNG F'I~ST YR)

GI *LLl 1132  ?.7~E-07 7~301::-07 2.62~*07 2*46E*05 lelSE*06 o. 3el8E*07 Il33*0 2.01E*06 3et+lE.*06 1.04£.-0b ~.7bE*O'+ S.9~E-Ob o. 2.saE-06 113'+ l.46E*07 3e87E*07 1.J9E*07 "'*45t.*Ob belOE-07 o. S.lOE*09 llJ:,*U e,.ioc.-01 1.571:.-0b r,

  • l'12E*O I leOlt.*0'+ 2e4SE*06 o. le74E-06 Xt:.131"'1 o. o. o. o. o. o. o.


  • o. o. o. o. o. o.

.tE133 o. o. o. o* o. o. 0.

XE. l J!:IM o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

.lE.13~ o. o. o* o. o. o. o.

XC.131 o. n. Oci o. o. o. o.

XElJS*D o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

CSlJ4M*O ~.9'+E*08 l'.!e09E*Ol':t Je lJE-os o. 3e39E-08 5e95t:-O<; 4,0SE'*Oil CS13'+ 9,J/E*OS le97t.*04 liel'+~-o~ Cl. 6e26E'*OS 2.J9E*O!:>> 2.c.SE*06 CSlJ!; 2. *r~~-os z.SSE*O!; 5e'il6E*O& o. "ie73E*06 3.52f:.*06 '+.46E*07 C.Sl3b 9.S"iE*06 J.J~E-05 2e27f-OS o. le84E*O~ 2.90E*06 2.72E*Oe>

CS1J7*0 lel2E.*Ott J.'+9E*Cl4 5el9E"*O!:t o. s.01r-os le97E*05 *2. 12!'*0 6 CSlJ~ 7,7bE*08 le'+9E.*n7 7e4!:1E.*OS o. lelOE*07 l.2~E*O~ 6*,76E*ll CS1J9*0 c. .1HE*08 7,17E*Ot:! 2eb3!.*0l:t (J. S.79E*08 6.341:.*09 J.JJE-23 8Al39. leJ-71:.*07 rh 78E*l l c..osE-o9 o. 9e22E*ll 6e74E*ll le24E*Ob SAle+O*D 2e8'+E*OS 3e1+8E*Ob lel:!3E*Ob o. l,18E*Ot6 2,J4f*Ott 4,313E*05 BAlttl*O 5.71E*Ol:S SeOlE.*11 2e2'+E*Oll o. 4.65E*ll J.4Jf.*ll l .43E*lJ

~All+2*0 2e91iE*08 2,91it::*l l l.8~E-09 o. z,SJE*ll f.991:.*ll ~.18E*20 LAl'+O J,C+dE*09 l.71E*09 '+e5SE*l0 o. o, o. 9.82E*05 LAlC.l c..55E*l0 1.c.0£-10 2.JlE*ll o. o. o. 2e48E*OS LAlC+2 l.7~E*l0 7,9SE*ll l e9AE'*ll o. o. o. 2.42E*06 ce.1c.1 l.JJE*08 ~.8"4l*09 le02E*09 u. 4, lSE-09 o. 2,54E*05 CE1'9J*O 2e35E.*O'i l*71E*Ob le91E*l0 o. 7.67E*l0 o. Sell+E'*OS C~ l 41.t*O 6.96E*07 2e88E*07 J,74E*08 (le l.72E'*07 o. 1.75£*04 Pl-ll43 le31E*08 S,2JE:*O~ 6e52f*l0 u. J,04E*O~ o. c.,JlE*051 P~llt4 4.JOf*ll l.76E*ll 2.1eE-lZ u. l.OlE*ll o. 4.7'+E*l1.t N0l<t7*0 9.Jl:IE*09 l102t:*OIS 6.UE*lO (I. S,99E*09 o. J.6BE-ns PM1C+7 1.ost-01 9,96E*09 4e06F:*O~ o. l.90E*08 o. 9,t+7E*06 P"ll48M*O c..1c.E-08 1.ost.-os 8eclE*09 o. l.S9E*08 o. 6,61E*OS p 114 l C.8 i.o~c:-os l.66E*O'i' 8e36E*l0 o. J.OOE-09 o. 9,90E*OS PMlC.9 2.l1E*C9 J.OSE*lO l12SE*l0 o. 5,81E*l0 o. 4,49E*u5 PM151  !),ts7E*l0 lebJE*lO Se25E*ll o. 2193E*10 o. 3e66E*OS SM151 9.7JE*08 J,68E*08 J,9t+E*09 o. le84E*08 o. S.70F.*06 SMlSJ 1.22E*09 l eOU.*O'i 7.t+JE.*11 o. J,JOE*lO o. 2e85E*OS s.9ot:-os S.20E*08 o.

EU1S2 EUl 54 EUlSS

?.4~*07 7,91E.*07 le7'+E*07 lt02E*07 l168E*Ol9 7el9F.*08 1.01+E*08 o.



'+156E*07 6,57E*Oei o.


2el1E*OS S,J9E*OS 9.63E*OS Eul:,b le92E*08 le'+4tE*08 2.JSE*O'i o. 9,6?E*09 o. 7.36E*05 Tl:H60 b * '+ 7E*Ol:t o. 8e07E*O'i o. 2.56E*08 o. 4el9E*OS HO l 66M 3e51E*07 1*10E*07 7e'i6E*08 o. 1.61E*07 o. o.

Wl81 1.t..~E-Of:I 4e58E*Oli 4.79E*10 o. o. o. Je90E*07

  • 185 5.7'it.*07 le91S*07 2e02E*O!t o. o. o. le65E*05
  • 187 le'+bE*07 lel9E*07 4el7E*Ol:t o. o. o. 3e22E*OS MI0389-0046A-HP01 86

Table 2.1 (Contd)

Table 2.1 (Contd)


I SOTl.)PE. ~ ()*~E LIVE~ TOTAL RODY THYROID i<JDNE'f LUNG GI*LLI HJ n* t. nc;e:-1) 1 l.OSF.*O/ leOSE*Of t.OSE-07 1.osE-1}7 l.OSE-07 SElO 3.\tiE*06 4.91E-1ll 7.94F-n8 o. ~.71E*07 o.  ?.6~r-ns cl 4  ?,Sc.E*Of\ S * ~!:H:.*O I SocAE*07 5e68E*07 S.68£*07 s.6aF.-l'l7 S,bAF.*07

"'1.1 ~.36£*0~ ~.361:.*(19 a.J,,E-09 8.36E*09 s.J'iF.*09 8e36l*O<; ~.3~£-n9 F' l A ~.24E*07 o. 6.Q2E'-08 o. o. o. l,A5F.*OA NA22 i.74E-os t.74E*05 1

  • f4E*OS le74E*OS le74E*OS le74E-ns le74F.-oS NA24 l.70E*r.6 1.1oe:-06 le70f*06 1*70E*06 l.70E'*06 le701::*06 1. 7oE.-o6 P32 1*9.3f:*O '* le20E*OS 7,4~F.-Ob o. o. o.  ?, l 7F-05 .

ARJ9 AR41 CA41 0.


\.CIJc*C\5 n.





?..OOE*OS o.









() .

l,A4F-07 SC46 5e51E*O"i le07E*08 :lollF.*09 o. 9.Q9F.*09 o. S.21F'*n~

C~Sl (I

  • n. 2.~l'IE*09 l.S9E*O'i i;.86£*10 J.SJE*OIJ ~.69E'-07

~NSlt o. 4.57E*Ob 8. 12e-o 1 o. 1. 36E*06 o. 1.40F'*05 MNS!t o. lel5E*07 2. 04*08 o. l e46E*O 1 o. J.67F-n6 F'E5S  ?.7SE*Or, le90E*06 4e4JE-07 o. o. 1.06E-net l~OQF-06 F'E59 ~.34(*0~ 1.02e:-os J.9JE*06 .o. o~ 2.BSE*Ob *

l.40E'*OS C057 o. t.7SE*07 2e91E*07 o. o. o. 4e44f*06 COSS o. 7.45E*07 1. 67E*n6 o. o. I}.*-os C060 o.  ?.14£*06 4. 72E*06 o. o. o. 4.r:J2F:-n5

~159  ;.76E*O~ l.35E*O!I lett3E*06 o. o. o. ~.90E-n7 NI63 leJOE*ll4 9e01E*06 4.J~E-n6 o. o. o. t.ASF.:*06 Nl6S 5.28E*07 tt.E16E*08 3.13E*08 o. o. o. 1. 74F.-06 CU64 o. A.33E*08 3e'ilf*08 o.  ?.elOE*0"1 o. 1.1oe:-n6 z~~s e..A4E*06 leS"E*OS 6e96E*06 o. leOJE*O§ o. 9.70E"-06 Z"469r.!*O le70E*07 4.0BE*07 3. 73£-(18 o. t'

  • 4 7E*O T o. ~.49F.-05 ZN69 1.0JE*08 t.97E*Ott l .37F-09 o. 1.28E'*Of.t o.  ?.
  • 9M:-o9 SE79 o. 2.~JE*06 4,JQE*07 o. 4e55E*06 o. '5.J~F-07 9~82 o. n. 2.Z6F.*06 o. o. o.  ?.59~-o~

BRAJ*C n, o. 4.0ZE*OA o. o. o. c;.7QE-nR BRA4 o. o. 5.21E*08 o. o. o. 4.09~*\3 BR85 l<R~3~

l<R8SM o.






2.l4E*09 o.






,, o.






KR8S KR87 o.












l<RR8*0 KRA9 "o.. "*n. n.





  • n.





RB86 IJ. 2. llE*OS 9.8JE'-06 o. o. o. 4,l6F.-06 RB87 o. le23E*OS 4e28E*06 o. o. o. c;.7,.,~-1')7 RE488 o. tt.OSE-08 J.21F.-08 o. o. o. e.J~F-19 R8F.19*0 n. 4.01e:-oa  ?..82E*Ol' o. n. o. 2.JJF.:-21 SR~9*1)

SR90*0 J.OBE*O~

7.S8E*03 ,,n,. a.ij4fe06 o.

le8ft£*03 o.





4.94E-05 2.\9F.-04 SR91*0 S.67E*06 o. 2.29F:-07 o. o. o. 2.70F.*OS SR92*0 2el5E*06 n* 9e30E*08 o.

"* o. 4e26F.*OS

  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 88

Table 2.1 (Contd)

  • AOULT INGESTION OOSE CO~MITM~NT ~ACTORSCM~~M/SOY µfR PCI INGESTE::L> lN Fl~ST Y~l I50TOPt. 80"'4E LIVER TOTAL SOOY T11Y~OID Kl ONEY L.U~G GI*LLI Y90 9.6~£-09 o. 2e5AE*10 o. o. o. l .02f*O'-

Y91M*0 9.0iE*ll o. 3e52E*l2 o. o. 01 2.67E*l0 Y~l leltlf.*07 o. 3

  • 77E*O"f o. o. o. 7.71'.>F'-05 Y92 Se4:)E*l0 01 2e47E*ll o. o. o. l.48f*OS Y"J 2.6~E*09 o. 'f e40E*ll o. o. o. a.soE-o:t Z~93*0 c. el l:iE*08 2.Jt..£*0~ le09E*O'i o. 8.l:57E*Oli o. 2.43'-116 Z~9S*CJ J.Oe+E.*CIB 9,75£*09 f>160E*09 o. l.SJE*O~ o. 3.09E*OS ZR97*0 le6e!E*09 J,J7E*l0 1.ssE-10 o. .s.12~-10 o. 2.ose.-0~

N89JM 2.S!:>E*OH s.J~E-09 2.osE-09 o. 9.57E'*09 o. J.A4E*06 Nt;9S 6.22E*09 ),46t:*09 l .~6E*IJ'll o. J,42E*U'i I'). C'.lOE-05 NliS97 S.2~E*ll 1.JZE* 11 4182E*l2 o. l 1~4f.*ll o. 4,87E-08 M09J o. 7,SlE*Ob 2eOJE*07 01 2.13E*06 o. l.22E*06 M099*0 01 4,JJE*06 8e20E*07 01 9.76E*Ob 01 9.99f-06 TC99M 2147E*l0 6e98E*l0 8189E*09 01 l106E*08 J142E*l0 4, 13~-07 TC99 l12~t:-07 l186E*O/ s.02E-o~ 01  ?.,J4E*06 1.s~~-oa 6.08E-06 TClOl 2154E*10 3.66£*10 J,~9E*09 o. 6,59E*09 l187f.*l0 l.lOE*?l RUlOJ*ll l18:>>E*07 01 7.97E*Ot! 01 7106E*Of o. 'l.16E.*05

~UlO!l*O l154t.*08 01 be08E*09 o. l199E*07 01 9.42E*06 RU106*0 2175E*06 01 Je48E.*07 01 51llE*Ob 01 l.7BE.*04 RMlO~ l121E*07 818SE*08 s.aJE-oe 01 3176E*07 01 l.41E*OS P0107 01 le4/E*07 914('1[*09 01 1.32£*06 01 9,llE-07 PU109 01 1.77E*07 3199E*O~ 01 l101E*U6 01 l,96E*05 ACH lOM*O l160E*07 l148E*07 8179£*01:1 U1 21'ilf*07 01 6.04£*05 AGl 11 S.81E*08 214JE.*08 l 12U::-oa 01 7,A4E*08 01 4.46E-o:

COllJM 01 3el8E*06 1102£-07 01 31SOE*06 01 21S6E*O~

COllSM 01 l184E*06 S187f *OIS o. 1146£*06 01 7,74E.*0~

5N123 31l1E*O!t !>115E*07 7.S9f.*07 4138E*07 01 01 6.JJE*O~

SN125*0 8,JJE*06 l 168E*07 Je7AE*07 l139E*07 01 o. l.04E'*0' 5"'4126*0 914SE*OS 1167[*06 2140E*Ob 4192E*07 01 01 2,43E*O~

58124 2180E*06 S129E*08 l 1 l1E*06 6179E*OCJ 01 2118E*06 7,95£*0~

58125*0 1179£*06 2eOOE*08 4e26E*07 l182E*09 o. l1J8E*06 1. 97E*O!

58126 l11SE*06 21l4tE*Od 411SE*07 7104E*09 o. 1.osE-01 9 1 40E*O~

StH27 2.seE-01 5e6SE*09 9,'iOE*08 l110E*09 01 l1Slt.-01 S,90E*O~

TE125M 2.,,8E*06 91 71E*07 Je59E*07 8106f.*07 l109E*OS 01 i .o7E-o:

TE127M*O 6. 77E*06 2142!*06 8125[*07 l17lE*06 2e7SE*OS o. 2

TE.127 l110E*07 3e9SE.*Of:t 2138E*Ol:S 81lSE*Oat '-'148E*07 01 a. e.BE*Ot TE129M*O l115E*05 **29E*06 l182E*06 319SE*06 4180E*OS 01 S,79E*O~

TE129 l1lttE*08 lel8E*OS 7165E*09 21*1E*08 l132E*07 01 2,J7E*Oi TE131"h0 l 1 7K-ft6 8146E*07 7.0SE*07 l134E*06 8157E*06 o. 8.40E*O!

TE131*0 l 197E*OI 812lE*09 6e22E*O'i l162E*08 8163E*Ol:t 01  ?.79£*0' TE132*0 2152E*06 l16lE*06 l153E*06 l180E*06 l157E*OS 01 7.71E*O' TElJJM*D ft162E*OI 2e70E*08 2160E*08 3191[*08 2,67E*07 01 6,64£*0.

TElJ**D 3124[*08 2112E*08

  • 1130[*08 l18lE*08 21osE-01 . 01 3.59£-1 1129 3127E*06 2181£*06 9121E*06 7123E*03 6104£*06 01 4,44E*O 1130 7.56[*07 2123£*06 8180[*07 l189E*O'-' 3148[*06 01 t.92£*1'.1 1131 *0 ft1l6E*06 5195£*06 l11tlE*06 l19SE*Ol le02E*05 01 l,S7E*O
  • MI0389-0046A-HP01 89

Table 2.1 (Contd)



1132 ao~E 2.0JE*07 COMMITMt:~T LIVER


LUNG GI*L.LI l.02E*07 1133*0 l.'+~E-06 2.'+7E*O& 7.SJF.-07. J.63E*04 '+e31E*06 o. 2.22E*06 I 134 leObE*07 ~.8~E*07 le OJE.*l' l '+*~9E*06 '+e58E*07 o. 2.51E'*l0 1135*1.J i.

  • 4JE*O I lelbC.*Oh '+e28E*07 7.e5E*O~ le86E*06 o. 1.31E*O~

.XElJl~ o. o. o. o* o. u. o.

.Xf.lJJM o. o* o. o. o. o. o.

XElJJ o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

XflJSM o. o. o. (i. o. o. o.

H. l J!; o. o. o. o. o. o. o.

.xt:lJ7 o. o. o* o. o. o. o.

.XI:. l JE!*O 0. 0. o* o. o. o. o.

CS134M*D 2elJE*Ol:t 4e4ijE*Ol:t 2e29E*OH o. 2e4JE*08 J.8JE*09 leSl:tE*08 CSlJ4 ~.C'iE*OS le48E*O,. le21E*04 o. '+e79E*O~ le Sliilt.*O!:>> ~.S9E*06 CS135 le9=>E*O~ 1.eue:-os 7.~9F.*Cl6 o. 6e81E*06 2.0 .. t.*06 4e21E*07 CS136  !>.51E*06 le8Sf*O:t u. le43E*OS le96l*06 2.9cE*06 CS1J7*0 7.9fE*OS J.09E*04 ., .1~E*CI~ o. J.70E*OS le23E*OS -2ellE*06 CS1J8  :,.s2~-os le09C.*07 5e40E*08 o. BeOlE*O& 7e91E*09 4._6SE*lJ CS139*0 3e4lE*08 s.o&e:-oa l.~St:*Ott o. '+e07E*08 J,70E*09 lelOE*JO

~AlJ9 Ye70E*OH 6e91C.*ll 2.~4E*O'J u. 6e46E*J.1 3e92E*ll l,7cE*07 8Al4Ci*O 2e03E*OS 2,SSE*O~ le33E*Ob o. 8,67E*09 le46E*Ol:t 41l8E*OS 8Al41*0  !+.71E*Ott J,56C:*U 1.59£-0'I o. J,JlE*ll z.02t::-11 2.22E*l7 tu 142*0 ?elJE*Of:I  ?.119E*ll 1134£-09 o. l.tsSE*ll 11.?'tt:*ll 3.00E*?6 LA140  ?.e5CE*09 l*26E*09 J.JJE*lU I). o. o. 9,25E*O~

LA1'tl 3.19E*l0 ~.90E*l1 l.62E'*ll o. 01 o. l.18E-OS LAllt2 l.2t:IE*lU S.82E*ll 1 * .+SE* 11 o. o. a. 4,2SE*07 CE14l  ;.J6E*09 6e33E*09 7el8E'*l0 a. 2194£-f.9* * *e. 2e42E*OS t:t.1 C.3*0 l16:1E*Oli 1.22E*06 leJSE'*lO o. ~.Jrr-10... a .. 4e56E*OS ce. l41t.*o  !+eAtsC:*07 2,ott~-01 2.62£-0lii o. l121E*07 o. l.6SE*O't PRlC.3  ;.2uE*09 3. 69E*O<i' 4156E-10 o. 2el3E*O'iJ a. '+103E*OS PRl44 J.OlE*ll le25E*ll leSJE*li o. 7,0SE*12 o. '+133E*l8 N0147*0 6.2~E*09 7.27E*09 4135£-10 o. 4,2SE*09 o. J.49E-os PM147 7.St+E*08 7,09t.*09 2.&7E*O'iJ o. le34E*Of:I o. 8,9JE*06

?Ml48M*0 J.07E.*08 7.9SE*O~ 6,08E*09 o. 1.20£-08 o. 6.74E*05 PM148 7.17E*09 lel9E*O" S.~9E*lU o. 2e2SE*09 o. 9,JSE*OS PMh9 le52E*09 2elSE*lO 8, 78E*l l o. t+e06E*10 o. 4.0JE*OS PM151 6.97E*l0 lel7E*l0 S,91E*ll o. 2.09E*l0 o. 3.22E*OS s~u s 1 6.90E*08 lel9E*08 2.asE-09 o. leJJE*Of:I o. S.2SE*06 SMlSJ e,S7E*10 1,1se:-10 s.22£-11 o. 2e31E*10 o. 2.SSE*OS EU 1:,z le9SE*07 4ett4E*O& 3e90E*08 o. 2,75E*07 o. 2.56E*OS EU154 6el5'E907 7.56E*08 Se38E*08 o. J.6aE*07 o. S.48E.*05 E.UlSS e,60E*08 le2ZE*08 7.&7C*U" o. S,6JE*Of:I o. 9.60E*06 e:u1s~ 1.37(*08 le06E*08 le 71 E*O'i Ch 1.osE-09 o. 7.26E'*OS TtH60 4,70E*08 o. S,86E*O'i o. 1.94(*08 o. 4.JJE-05 110 l 66M 2.70E*07 8,4JE.*08 6e40E*Otl o. le26E*07 o. o.

  • 181 ~.91E*09 J.23E*09 J,46E*l0 o. o. o. J.68E*07 w185 c..OSE*07 J,JSE*07 le42E'*08 o. o. o. le56E*OS wl87 l10JE*07 8e61E*08 3,01£-08 o. o. o. 2.82E*O!:;
  • Ml0389-0046A-HP01 90

Table 2.1 (Contd)

  • ADULT INGESfl0"4 DOSE r.o~MI T~cf',;T ~-ACTORS (l"'~~'"'ISOV ISOTOF'l'.


~~'JE LIVf.R 1.5:.lE-O?. . 4.J7E.-03 TnTAL ~nov ll'IV~OlO r;.44F-04 lJ *

?E~ PCt INGE.STELl I l'v F' Jr::IST ...

~IDNE'Y l.l"3F-02 o.



~.4?E'-C'I' BI?.lO*P c..f.1E*07 .1.1~1:-0~ 3.~~t::-no o. 3.81f-05 o. 4.?liF-0' PO~lO 1.Sf.E*O'+ 7.56E*C4 s.s9r-o:i o.  ;?,52E*03 o. F-.3f-E*C

RN???.*C! ('I. n. o. o. n. o. 0.

IOIA?.23*1:'  :+.'HE'*01 7.~SF.*Of:I 9.94f.-04 o. 2.17E-04 o. l,?lf-l'h IOIA?24 *Ii 1 * ~ 1E*ll:l i.~ot::-n~ :1.c3E*04 o. 1.l('lf'-04 o. i.4tif:'.n*

RA2ti~*I) ~.SbE.*03 7.78E-on le31E*03 u. i'.21E'-04 o. 3.0M*O*

~A22l-*I) 3.0?E*C'll c:;. 741:-on 2.20f-*Ol o. 1.~JE-04 o. 3.32F-0*

IOIA22A*O lelc?E*Ol 1el2E"*Ob l e21E-01 c. ~.A3F*05 o. s,64F'-o*

AC?.25 c.. c.oE-oii, ~.cM:-o,.,  ?.9f.E-o7 o. 6.90E*07 o. 4,07E*O*

AC?.27*ri l.A7E*OJ  ?.4R.t*O't lellF'*04 u. ~.oo~-os o. @,19~-('I' Tt-1227*0 1.11E-os ?e4Hc*"7 1.c;~F'-07 o. l.4JE-06 o. c:;,40f-(I.

TH?.?@* (I c..911JE*O'* H

  • 40E*C'*Ei 1,bHe-0~ o. 4.67E:-OS o. S.6JF.:*O*

TH22q t.9!:tE*03 lel9E*U4 J. ~ lf.-04 o. 5,7SE-04 o. S.12E-O*

TM230  ?.ObE*('lJ J.J7E.*U4 ~.1or:-o~ o. s.6SE-04 o. 6.02E*O' TM23?*n 2.30E-03 l.OOE*04 1.SoE-04 o. "*~2E*04 o. -S.12F'*O' TM?)4 ~.OlE*OS 4e71E.*O~. 2e:JlF-09 o. *L'.b1E*OB o. i.. DF.-o PA2Jl *[~ C.el OE.*03 t .~'+c-~* .. le59F-04 o. A,t'i4E*04 *o

  • 7.l?F.-o PA23J U232*0 5.?~e.-n~

4.lJE*OJ ,,1..nor:-1;9 q,12E*l0

?..~c;E-04 o.


J,99F.-09 4e47f'*04 o.


1.(,4£-0 6.78E'-o ll23J*O ~.71E'*04 o. s.2l:!r-o!t o. 2.oJF.-04 o. li.?7E-n

,,0 .*. o. o-.

U234 1

a.JoE*04 '5,J?f'-05 l.99F.'-04 6.141'.:'-o U?JS*D '-*OlE*04 4e1'4bE-o5 o. l.87E-04 o. 7.81F'-O U2Jfl e.oa.-<'4 n. 4.96E-0'5 n. l. 91£'*04 o.  !;,7of-o U237 U239*0 s.s2E-o&

7.E'7E*Ot. ".o. l e47F'*Otil

... S4f'*OS o.


z.21F.-01 le75E*04 o.


l .94F-O

!:i.50E-o NP?37*1J l.37E*OJ 1.19E*04 S.54F.*OS o. ... 12~-04 o* 7.94F*O NP23EI J.31E*O~ J e1'>9f *l 0  ?.el3E:*l(I o. l.2SE-09 o. 3.43E-n NP239 J.l~E-09 lel7E*l0 ,, .4C:,E'-l l O* 3e6SE*l0 o. ~.40F'-o PU238 !i.EIOE*04 9.58~-*QS le71E*OS o. 7.Ji'E*OS o. 7.JOE"-0 PU?39 7.~7E*Cl4 l.O~E-04 1.111e.-os o. MellE*OS o. 6.6bF:*Cl PU2C.0 1. E':;E-r,4 le06E*04 l e9U::-os o. 8.lOE*O~ o. 6.78F.-o PU2C.l*n PU242 PU244

1. ~SE*OS 1.2q~*Olt 9.52E*04 Se44£*(.17 1102£*04 le l 7f *(\ ..
l 1 32E*O 7 i.@4E-os 2.11r-os o.

() .

le53F*06 7,81E*OS A.9SE'*OS o.




~.53E-o q.1JE.-o AM(l<t l S.19E*04*4 5e41F*CIS n. 4.07E*04 o. 7,42E*l'I j lo!24?.M S.?.4E*Olt  ?.7AE*04 5143E'-OS o. 4.0SE-04 o. 11.J4E"-o AM243!E*04  ?..7ME*O .. 5 * .Jc1E'-OS o. J.9~£-04 o. s.7oE-n CM2te?  ?.O~E-05 ~.IOE*05 J .37E-Ob c. 6122~*1)6 o. 7.92E.'-o CM?43 ~. l*;.;Olt i'e4H,*n4 J.7SE-OS o. 1.75E*Oet o. 7,Hlr:==-o C"tC'44 r..~JE*Olt ~.C'7E.-011 21A7F.-OS o. 1.l4E*04 01 7.SSE-n CM245 t.02E*OJ ~.~7E*f)lt '5.7"f*05 o. 2efl9E*04 o. 1.0c.E'-0 CM246 1.on:-03 2.~n-0 .. 5

  • 7.SE*OS o.  ?.6HF.:*04 01 f,,91E.-o C.,.247*0 9eA4E*Ott  ?..BJE*O'- 5167E'-O!> o. 2.64F.*04 o. Q.09~-o CM2t.Fl fl .1 ee* -nJ 2.~Jf*OJ c..b7f-1)4 01  ?.
  • 1BE.*03 o. J.47E-o CF'251  ?.b<<tE*04 o* tt.29E*O"' 01 o. o. 2.BBE*O
  • HI0389-0046A-HP01 91
  • ,.,., ~- 4*

TABLE 2.2 PALISADES Liquid Effluent Design Objective Annual Quantity Design Objective Dose Conversion Annual Quantity Nuclide Half-Life Factors (mrem/Ci) Individual/Organ (Curies)

H-3 12.3 yr 1. 75E-06 Adult/TB 1.71E+06 Na-24 15 b. 5.44E-03 Teen/TB 551.5 Sc-46 83.9 d 2.02E-02 Teen/TB 148.5.

Cr-51 27.8 d 1.56E-03 Adult/GI (LLI) 6,410.0 Mn-54 303 d 3.50E-02 Teen/TB 85.7 Fe-55 2.6 yr 4.48E-03 Child/Boneo 2,232.0

  • Mn-56 2.576 h l.86E-03 Teen/TB 1,612.0 Co-57 270 d 4.39E-03 Teen/TB 683.4 Co-58 71.3 d 1.03E-02 Teen/TB 291.3 Fe-59 45.6 d 4.0SE-02 Adult/GI (LLI) 245 .1 Co-60 5.26 yr 4.71E-Ol Teen/TB 6.37 Cu-64 12.8 h 1.32E-03 Teen/GI (LLI) 7,575.0 Ni-65 2.56 h 5.82E-04 Teen/TB 5, 154. 0 Zn-65 245 d 1.83E-Ol Teen/TB 16.4 Br-84 31.8 mo 2.02E-03 Teen/TB 1,485.2 Rb-86 1.02 mo 3.06E-Ol Child/TB 9.80 Rb-as* 17.8 mo 6.92E-04 Teen/TB 4,335.3 Sr-89 52.7 d l.56E-Ol Child/Bone 64.1 Sr-90 ~ 27.7 yr 2. 71EOO Adult/Bone J.69 Sr-91 9.67 h 1.16E-03 Teen/TB 2,586.0 Sr-92 2. 71 h l.51E-03 Teen/TB 1,986.8 Y-92 3.53 h 2.69E-04 Teen/TB 11,150.0 Nb-95 35 d 7.24E+OO .Adult/GI (LLI) 1.38

..Qi.* 5. d Teen/TB 486.2 Zr-95 Nb-97 72 mo 6.17E-03 6.95E-04 Teen/TB 4,316.6 .

Zr-97 17 h 9.28E*04 Teen/TB 3,232.8 Mo-99 66.7 h l.llE-03 Teen/Kidney 9,009.0 Tc-99m 6.05 h 1.42E-04 Teen/TB 21,126.8 Ru-103 39.5 d 2.74E~03 Teen/TB 1,094.9 Ag-llOm 255 d 7.75E-02 Teen/TB 38.7 HI0389-0046A-HP01 92

. * ....... , .... "'"' *. ' ..... 9. .*~ :'"' & ...... ~

Table 2.2 (Contd)

Design Objective Dose Conversion Annual Quantity Nuclide Half-Life Factors (mrem/Ci) Individual/Organ (Curies)

Cd-113m 13.6 yr 6.02E-02 Adult/GI (LLI) 166.1 Sb-124 60 d 1. 5 lE-02 Teen/TB 198.7 Sb-125 2.7 yr 5.llE-02 Teen/TB 58.7 Te-127 9.4 h 7.38E-03 Teen/GI (LLI) 1,355.0 Te-127m 109 d l.39E-Ol Teen/Kidney 71. 9 Te-129m 34.1 d 2.66E-Ol Adult/GI (LI.I) 37.6 I-130 12.3 h l.17E-02 Child/Thyroid 854.7 I-131 8.05 d 3.27E-Ol Child/Thyroid 30.6 Te-13lm 30 h 2.27E-Ol Adult/GI (I.LI) 44.0

  • I-132 2.26 h 3.18E-05 Teen/TB 94,339:0 Te-132 77. 7 h 2.93E-Ol Adult/GI (I.LI) 34.1 I-133 20.3 h 3.94E-02 Child/Thyroid 253.8 Cs-134 2 yr 2.86E+OO Adult/TB 1.04 I-134 52 mo 2.43E-03 Teen/TB 1,234.0 I-135 6.68 h 1.64E-03 child/Thyroid 6,097.0 Cs-136 13.7 d 4.13E-Ol Adult/TB 7.26 Cs-137 30 yr 1. 71E+OO Adult/TB 1. 75 Cs-138 32.2 mo 2.31E-03 Teen/TB 1,298.0 Ba-139 82.9 mo 4.66E-05 Teen/TB 64,377.0 Ba-140 12.8 d 7.96E-04 Teen/TB 3,768.0 La-140 40.22 h 1.85E-02 Adult/GI (I.LI) 540.5 Ce-141 32.5 d 3.70E-04 Teen/TB 8,108.0 Ce-144 284 d 1.56E-03 Teen/TB 1,923.0 Eu-152 12.7 yr 3.24&-0l Teen/TB 9.25 W-187 23.9 h 1.98E-Ol Adult/GI (LLI) 50.5 Np-239 --2-.346 d 2.26E-03 Adult/GI (I.LI) 4,424.0 HI0389-0046A-HP01 93


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Rev. 3 3/1/89 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant .- Docket 50-255 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP)

July 1 1985 Approved

~ ** * *



3/z..i-fft Technical Review Date tt/b/t:9 Date

~iJi Periodi~

Jilic Date IC0389-0047A-HP01

PALISADES PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 1.0 ASPHALT VOLUME REDUCTIOll SYSTEM The Palisades Plant utilizes a Waste Chem volume reduction and solidifi-

cation system (VRS) to process various radioactive liquid waste streams.

The process utilizes thermal energy (heat) to evaporate water from the radioactive waste thus reducing waste volume to anhydrous waste residue.

This residue is then encapsulated in a thermoplastic matrix (asphalt).

The end product is a monolithic, freestanding solid with no free liquid.

Fifty-five gallon drums are used to contain the encapsulated waste for temporary storage, transport and burial.

The asphalt volume reduction system is detailed in Appendix 8. B-1 shows inplace shielding and equipment locations, and 8-2 is a flow system diagram for resins and concentrates.

To maintain operator exposure AI.ARA the entire processing area is

  • enclosed within 1-2 foot thick concrete walls with access through lead
  • doors. The system process is directed from a remote control room equipped with TV cameras, radiation level readouts and drum level indi-cators. Each drum is filled, indezed and capped remotely. Drums are
  • removed by use of a shielded forktruck and are stored in a shielded area of the East Radwaste Building until shipped offsite. After each tank is processed the system is flushed with asphalt to reduce buildup and allow preventative maintenance or system repair with minimum exposure.

1.1 VARIABLES IHFLIJEllCIHG SOLIDIFICATIOll The purpose of this section is to identify and define those process variables which have a direct effect on the ability of the final product to form a freestanding monolith with no free liquid.

The following variables influence the properties and consistency of the final product:

a. Asphalt type
b. ~aste chemical species used as feed
c. Ratio of waste-to-asphalt
d. Process temperature
e. pH IC0389-0047A-HP01 1

1.2 ASPHALT TYPE Asphalt utilized in the system shall conform to ASTM-0-312-71, Type III.

This is an oxidized petroleum-based asphalt, such as Witco Chemical Company's Pioneer 221. The specifications for this asphalt are provided in Appendix A.

This grade of asphalt has a low residual volatile content and a high molecular weight. At room temperature, and at all normal ambient temper-ature conditions, this material is a freestanding, monolithic, solid.

Utilization of an asphalt complying with ASTM-D-312-71, Type III, is the means by which process control of this variable is achieved.

1.3 WASTE CHEMICAL SPECIES The type and relative quantity (waste-to-asphalt ratio) of waste chemicals being incorporated into the asphalt matrix has a direct influence on the properties of the final product. Encapsulation of inorganic salts and solids typically "stiffen" a'nd harden the end product, whereas organic liquids have the opposite tendency. When the specified ratio of waste-to-asphalt is maintained, final product proper-ties for typical power plant wastes are independent of the waste type.

However, certain chemical specifications are required as an outer bounds to limit end product tendencies to soften at lower temperatures.

A maximum limit of 1% oil by weight will be applied to the waste feed streams. Most oils found in power plants are low viscosity fluids, which are liquid at room temperature. Based on calculations for a typical waste stream with 20% solids by weight and 1% oil by weight, Waste Chem has found the total concentration of oil in the end product would be approximately 2.5%. This would then lower the end product softening point by approximately 5°F lower per percent of oil. This is within an acceptable range and, therefore, is the basis for the limit of 1% oil in the feed stream. pH should be in the range of 7.5 to 8.5 for the best product.

Other chemical specifications on feed streams are specified below. These are required primarily for calculating waste-to-asphalt ratio which is impo~nt to end product, and equipment protection (which will have no discernable effect on the end product).

REQUIRED ANALYSIS Concentrates Resin/Powdex pH (equip limit) pH (equip limit)

% Solids  % Slurry Sp Gravity Oil %

IC0389-0047A-HP01 2

1.4 WASTE-TO-ASPHALT RAno The ratio of waste-to-asphalt contained in the end product has the most significant effect on the viscosity and physical consistency of that product. Process control is achieved by placing limitations on the range of waste-to-asphalt ratios allowable for each waste type.

Waste-to-asphalt ratios (mass) and evaporative rates should not exceed the verification test values specified for the waste feeds as follows:

Ratio of Waste to Asphalt Feed in the End Product

1. Boric Acid Concentrates at 120 L/hr Evaporative Rate < 1.0/1.0
2. Spent Resins at 80 L/hr Evaporative Rate ~ .67/1.0
3. Powdex at 80 L/hr Evaporative Rate < .67/1.0 Should the ratio of waste-to-asphalt be increased above the range speci-fied in the foregoing table, the end product viscosity will increase and.

may exhibit a grainy texture. This could lead to "pyramiding" in the

  • steam domes. In all cases, the product will cool to form a freestanding monolith. If lower than specified waste loadings are realized, the end product properties will approach that of pure asphalt. Again, solidifi-cation is assured; however, toward this end of the spectrum, economical volume reduction may not be realized.

,, Maximum concentrate feed rate can be determined by the following formula:

Cone. Feed Rate = 0.528 GPM (1.0 - Solids Fraction) (Sp Gravity)

NOTE: 0.528 gpm = 120 L/hr evaporative rate.

The corresponding asphal:t feed is calculated by:

Asphalt Feed (GPM) = (Cone Feed Rate GPM) (Solids Fraction) (Sp Gravity)

(Waste-to-Asphalt Ratio) where the recommended waste-to-asphalt ratio is 1.0.

NOTE: T. The density of Type III asphalt is 1.0 so a density correction is not needed.

NOTE: 2. The minimum asphalt flow is 0.065 gpm.because of lubrication requirements of the twin screws.

NOTE: 3. If either the concentrate or asphalt flows cannot be met, the calculated flows can be ratioed to new values to maintain the 1.0/1.0 waste-to-asphalt ratio as long as the maximum concen-trate flow or the minimum asphalt flows is not exceeded.

IC0389-0047A-HP01 3

Maximum bead or Powdex can be determined by the following formula:

Resin Feed = 0.35 GPM (1.0 - Solid Fraction)

NOTE: 1. Solid fraction = slurry fraction 2. Example is a 50%

slurry = 25 weight %.

NOTE: 2. 0.35 gpm = 80 L/hr evaporative rate.

The corresponding asphalt feed is calculated by:

Asphalt Feed (GPM) = (Resin Feed) (Solid Fraction (Waste-to-Asphalt Ratio)

Where the recommended waste-to-asphalt ratio is 0.67, the notes on the proceeding asphalt calculation apply.

The operator can also visually confirm that the quality of the end product is approximately being maintained. A CCTV camera "views" the

  • discharge from the extruder-evaporator, and a TC monitor located in 'the
  • solid Radwaste Building Control Room allows the operator to observe the physical consistency of the product as it is discharge into the con-tainer. At evaporative rates higher than specified, there will be excessive steaming at discharge nozzle. At higher waste-to-asphalt loading the discharge will appear grainy and stringy.

1.5 PROCESS TEMPERATURES A proper temperature profile along the length of the extruder-evaporator is required to provide adequate evaporat1ve (process) capacity, and to assure that free water is not discharged from the machine.

Process temperature profiles for waste feeds should be maintained as recommended below:

Waste Type Process Temperature (oF)

Zones: 1 2 3 4 5/6 _7_

Boric...Acid Concentrates LWS Concentrates 300° 280° 280° 300° 300°

  • Chemical/Laundry waste Spent Resins/Powdex 300° ** ** ** **
  • Note: No zone shall be maintained below 240°F.
  • Cooling Zone - no specified temperature
    • Steam supply control valves are fully open IC0389-0047A-HP01 4
  • 1 Low temperature alarms are provided to alert the operator to a low temperature out-of-specification condition which could potentially lead to the discharge of free water. If the out-of-specification conditions persist for two (2) minutes, the extruder-evaporator is automatically tripped to prevent free water from being discharged into the container.

Free water cannot be discharged in the interim, since the residual heat of the extruder-evaporator itself is sufficient to effect evaporation.

Verification of the absence of free water and product solidification will be made on every drum produced. Container shall be examined through a removable lid bung or equivalent means for solidification by checking penetration with a solid tool and inverted for a minimum of eight hours to check for free water. Evidence of free water other than a few drops of condensation shall be cause for rejection and evaluation system product.

2 .O DEWATERIHC SOLIDS HI HIGH HITEGRITY COllTAIHERS (HIC) 2.1 Solids such as bead resin, filter cartridges and powdered resin (Powdex) may be dewatered and shipped in HICs per approved vendor procedures and

  • the HIC certificate of compliance.
  • 2.2 High integrity containers are approved by the individual burial ground agreement States as meeting 10CFR61 waste form stability requirements *
  • 2.3
3. 0 Free water determination shall be verified by the successful completion and documentation of the vendors approved dewatering procedure.

DELAWARE CUSTOM MATERIEL (DaO - SILICATE CEMlllT Liquid wastes can be solidified by the DCM method. The silicate solidi-fies and the cement gives structural strength.

3.1 For solidification, acquire a representative sample of waste. Before following the guidelines outlined below, determine the type of waste to be solidified, example, lab waste, laundry waste, decon solutions, boric acid, oil, etc. Sample for£!!, boric acid, visible organics and radio-activity.

Use analysis to determine the proper laboratory procedure to test.

All batches shall be lab tested prior to solidification in a larger container unless sample analysis (pH +/- 0.2 and Boron +/- 20%) matches the analysis of a waste type which has previously passed lab test criteria.

For all oil waste, do not exceed 50% by volume. Oil must be emulsified to less than 50% by volume with a detergent or boric acid in some type of neutral aqueous waste or tap water.

NOTE: Oil cannot be shipped to Barnwell, South Carolina

  • IC0389-0047A-HP01 5
  • .4 For spent resins,. liquid absorbent, or other earthen-like material, dilute with an equal volume of concentrate or tap water to solidify.

All results must be recorded initially, at approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and approximately 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after testing. Grade observations to evaluate sample mixes. The 48-hour test cart be omitted if the 24-hour test is good.

3 *2 SOLIDIFICATIOll AllD FR.EE WATER DETERMI_llAnOll Solidification shall be considered successful if, 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after com-pletion of Appendix A solidification, there is not standing water on the waste surface and the surface is not penetrated more than 2" with a l" diameter rod. If deeper penetration is possible, then the drum can still be considered solid if the penetration hole remains open after the rod is withdrawn.

Silicate *cement shall cure for a minimum of 28 days prior to shipment for disposal. For silicate cement drums, the following shall be done:

liquid after curing at least 28 days. With the drum lid installed,

  • invert each drum for presence of liquid. Drums which failed the 48-hour solidification evaluation should be capable of passing at this point. If no detectable freestanding liquid is present, the drum can be prepared for shipment. RMC Supervisor and QC Inspector shall document when no detectable freestanding liquid is present.

In the event liquid is observed, those drums with liquid shall be drained of all liquid. When no further liquid can be drained from the drum in a 24-hour*period, the drum shall be core-bored or overpacked with two bags of approved absorbent and inspected by QC and RMC to verify that the drum is dry. After this verification (and documentation) the drum may be prepared for shipment * .

Inspect the drum lid and gasket for defects prior to lid installation.

Instlal lid. Use a different lid if defects are found which prevent a tight seal between drum and lid.

4.0 10 CPR 61 RF.QUIUMlllTS 4.1 10 CFR 61 classification requirements will 'be met using Wastetrak computer software program using the scaling factor methodology of AIF/NESP-027, Methodologies for Classification of Low-Level Radioactive waste from Nuclear Power Plants, 1983.

The scaling factors will be updated by an ongoing analysis program of actual waste streams. The program will initiate with semi-annual samples of available waste streams and may be modified to longer intervals if the data base warrants. Waste streams should include, if available; bead resin, concentrates, reactor coolant, clean waste, filter crud and compacted trash.

IC0389-0047A-HP01 6

  • 4.2 10 CFR 61 waste form stability requirements will be met by generic testing of the asphalt/waste stream product. The generic waste streams will be boric acid, bead resin and chemical regenerative wastes.

4.3 Documentation of the waste stream analysis, waste form stability and computer software scaling factor security shall be maintained by the Radiological Services Department.

5.0 RADWASTE SYSTEM 5.1 A radwaste system flow diagram is included in Appendix B, B-3.

    • IC0389-0047A-HP01 7

APPENDIX A Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP)

Asphalt Technical Data Sunmary IC0389-0047A-HP01


1. Basic Constituent Pioneer 221 is an oxidized petroleum base asphalt. Oxidation is accom-plished by air blowing at temperatures ranging from 200°C (392°F) to 300°C (572°F). Air blowing results in a product with minimum volatile content (0.1%), greater inertness and higher molecular weight.
2. Flash Point The Flash Point of Pioneer 221 is in excess of 288°C (549°F). The Flash Point is determined by the Cleveland Open Cup (ASTM 092-71) method. It is the lowest temperature at which surface vapors will momentarily ignite when a test flame is passed over the surface.
3. Fire Point The Fire Point of Pioneer 221 is in excess of 300°C (572°F). The Fire Point, like the Flash Point, .is determined by th,e Cleveland Open Cup (ASTM 092-72)-method. It is the lowest temperature at which the surface vapors will bur~ for at least 5 seconds before going out, the vapors being ignited as in the test for Flash Point.
4. Ignition Point The Ignition Point of Pioneer 221 is approximately 400°C (752°F).

The Ignition Point is the lowest temperature at which the heat loss from the combustible mixture is exceeded by the heat produced in the chemical reaction. It is thus the lowest temperature at which combustion begins and continues in an air environment.

5. Softening Point The Softening Point of Pioneer 221 is in the temperature range of 88-94°C (190-201°F).

The Softening Point is determined by the Ring and*Ball method (ASTM 0-36-70).

6. Viscosity The Viscosity of Pioneer 221 in the temperature range from 250°F to 400°F is presented in attached graph.

The graph is based on the following*data from Witco Chemical:

IC0389-0047A-HP01 A-1

r Saybolt Furol Viscosity at 205°C 54 sec at 177°C 161.sec

7. Penetration The Penetration of Pioneer 221 by ASTH Method D-5-73 for various temper-atures is given below:

25°C (77°F) 22-30 dmm 46°C (115°F) 40-60 dmm 0°C (32°F) 13-18 dmm The abbreviation "dnm" means one-tenth of a millimeter. The number of dnm's represents needle penetration under standard conditions loading and time for a given temperature.

8. Specific Gravity The Specific Gravity of Pioneer 221 is approximately 1.0 gram per. cc.*

Specific Gravity is determined by ASTH Method D-70-72, which employs a pyenometer. A pyenometer is a container of known volume which is weighed empty and filled with sample.

9. Solubility Pioneer 221 may be considered to be entirely waterproof and insoluble in water. Pioneer 221 is soluble in petroleum solvents such as naphtha, mineral spirits and kerosene, in addition to carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide and trichlorethylene.

IC0389-0047A-HP01 A-2

r PIOBEEll 221 LAMIHATIHG & IHDUS'l'RIAL ASPHALT PIONEER E-7465 FOR SALT CAR'l'OH MAHUFAcrtJR!llS Pioneer 221 is an all-purpose, tough, medium softening point asphalt for use in laminating paper, foil-to-paper, as a base pigment for paints and varnishes, or in the manufacture of sealers and adhesives.

Pioneer 221 complies with Federal specifications set forth by the Food & Drug Administration for use in packaging and sealing food products and will not stain, or impart an odor or taste when used properly in connection with packaging products.

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Softening Point 190-210°F Penetration @ 77°F 20-30 dmm Doctility @ 77°F 2.5 ems +

Solubility CCL 99.0% +

Flash Point (C.O.C.) 550°F +

Weight Per Gallon 8.3 lbs_

Use Temperature 400°F +/- 25° Viscosity @ 400°F .94 secs Viscosity @ 375°F .174 secs Viscosity @ 350°F .360 secs Packaging: Bulk - Tankw~gon (5000 gal), tank car (10,000 gal).

Packages - 100 lb cartons IC0389-0047A-HP01 A-3




c 85.8 92.2 86.0 92.8 H 9.7 5.2 9.9 5.1 N 0.6 1.5 0.5 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 0.1 s 2.8 0.6 2.9 1.53 C/H atomic ratio 0.74 1.49 o. 73 1.53

  • MOLECULAR WEIGHTz (Numbers Avg) 1030 420 1160 497 CARBON ATOM DISTRIBUTION:

(percent of total carbon)

AROMATIC CARBON 34 80 37 79 NAPHTHENE CARBON 23 15 23 18 PARAFrIN CARBON 43 5 40 3 IC0389-0047A-HP01 A-4


APPENDIX B Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP)

System Diagrams MI0785-0095A-HP01 A-5



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