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Rev 5 to ODCM
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/1992
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ML18058A232 List:
PROC-920227, NUDOCS 9203020281
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{{#Wiki_filter:. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ATTACHMENT 2 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 SEMI ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL February 27, 1992 l l 181 Pages u Okohh55 PDR

Pall 5ADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 5 August 1, 1991 , Aperm i.d b 1l MRN Manager - Radiological Services Date L R-I- 91 D te RMC Tipi r,ator 80  % TM Tech Review Date Gas Qw e o({su PRC g-a-v Date


1. Allowable Concent rat ion 1
2. Monitor Response 2
a. Normal Releases 2
b. Accident Releases 3 B. DOSE RATE CALCULATION 3
1. Appendix I - Calculation Basis 3
a. Equations and Assumptions for Noble Cas 4
b. Equations end Assumptions f or lodines & Particulates 7
c. Design Basis Quantities 18
d. Land Use Census and DBQ Changes 19
                                                         /           e.          Caseous Releases from the Steam Cenerator Blov10wn         70 Vent and Atmosphere Release Valves C.                DESIGN OBJECTIVE QUANTITY (DBQ) LIMITS ON BATCil AND CONTINUOUS              20 RELEASES
1. Batch Releases 20
2. Continuous Releases 21
3. Exceeding DBQ Limits 21
4. Releasing Radionuclides Not Listed in Table 1.9 22 D. OPTIONAL QUARTERLY DOSE cal.CULATIONS 22
1. Hythodology for Optional Quarterly Dose Calculations 22
a. Simplified Conservative Approach 22 b Realistic Calculation 24 E. CASEww. RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM OPERATION 25
1. System Description 25
2. Determinat ion of Sat is f act ory Operat ion 26 F. RELEASE RATE FOR OFFSITE MPC 26 C. PARTICULATE AND IODINE SAMPLIHC 27 H. NOBLE CAS S AMPLINC 28 I. TFITIUM aAMPLINC 23 J. FIGUk E's AND TABLES 29-60 H10689-0090A-HP01 i Rev. $


m - . . . . . = _ _ _ _ . -_ _ . - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ._ __. __

                                                                                                             ?^E2 II. LIQUID EFFLUENTS                                                                                     61 A. CONCENTRATION                                                                                 61
1. Requirements 61
2. Prerelease An a l y s i s 61
3. Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) 62 B. INSTRUMENT SETPOINTS 63
1. Setpoint Determination 63
2. Composi t e Samplers 63
3. Pos t-Release Anal ysis 64 C. DOSE 64
1. Req ui reme nt 64
2. Release Analysis 65
a. Water Ingestion 66
b. Fish Ingestion 67


1. Purpose 11
2. Definitions 72 l

B. FIGURES AND TABLES 73-93 l Appendix A Relocated Technical Specifications - pending NRC apprcval Appendix B Request to Retain Soil in Accordance with 10CFR20.302 l l l HIO689-0090A-HP01 ii i Rev. 5 8/1/91 1 1

i A* CASEOUS EFFLUENTS A. A1. ARM /T1tlP SETPOINT ken 10D specification requires that MPC is not exceeded when averaged over a period not to excced I hour. Based on the definition of MPC, the dose rate in unrestricted areas due to gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited at all times to the following valuest 500 mrem /y to the total body and 3,000 mrem /y to the skin f rom noble gases. 1,500 mtam/y to any organ from radiciodines and part.iculates, due to inhalation. Specification requires gaseous effluent monitors to ha.a alarm / trip setpoints to ensure that cifsite concentrations, when averaged over 1 hour, will not be greater than HPC. This section of the ODCM describes the methodology that will be used to determine these setpoints. The methodology for determining alarm / trip setpoints is divided irto two major parts. The first consists of calcutating an allowable concentration for the nuclide mixture to be released. The second consists of determin-ing monitor response to this mixture in order to establish the physical settings on the monitors.

1. Allowable Concentration The total MPC-fraction (R k) for each release point will be calculated by the relationship defined by Note 1 of Appendix B, 10 CFR 20 Ci R(k) = ( ) (F) MPCi
                                                                  =  5 1.0                                                   (1.1) i MIO389-0046A-HP01                               1

l wheret C1


Actual or measured concentration, at ambient temperature and pressure.of nuclide i (uci/cc)  ! HPCi = The MPC of nuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B R(k) = The total MPC-fraction for release point k


X/Q Most conservatg've sector site boundary dispersion 1.40E-06 sec/m ). l[ F = Release flow rate (83,000 cfm = 39.2 m /sec) for stack monitor 8 considerations t variable f or other monitors. NOTE: If a batch release is made while a continuous release or another batch , release is in progress, the sum of all values of Rk must be less than 1.0.

2. Monitor Response Normal' radioactivityfreleases consist mainly of well-decayed fission gasses. Therefore, monitor response calibrations are performed to fission gas typical of normal releases (mally Xe-133). Response of monitors used to define fission product release rates under accident conditions may vary from that of .Xe-133, however. Monitor response for the two categories of monitor is determined as follows:
a. -Normal Releases l(aged' fission gasses)
             -Total gas concentratios (uci/cc) at the monitor. is calculated. The calibration curve or constant for cpe/(uci/cc) is applied to determine cpm expected. The-setting for monitor alarms is established at some factor-(b)-greater than 1 but less than 1/Rk (fquation 1.1) times the measured concentration (c):

s=bxc (1.2) 2 ICO-1290-0001U-HP05 3 , ,, e 3-1-*.

b. Accident Releases Monitors are preset to alarm at or before precalculated offsite dose rates would be achieved under hypothetical accident con-ditions. These setpoints are established ~in accordance with-Emergency Plan requirements for defining Emergency Action Levels and associated actions. Emergency Implementing Procedures contain monitor-specific curves or calibration constants for conversion between cpm and pCi/cc (or R/hr and pCi/cc), depend-ing on monitor type, for fission product mixtures as a function-et mixture decay time.

When these monitors are utilized for other than accident con-ditions, either an appropriately decayed " accident" conversion curve may be used, or a decayed fission gas calibration factor may be applied. In these cases, setpoints are established as in

1) above.

Setpoints of accident monitors (if set to- monitor normal releases) are reset to the accident alara-settings at the end of normal re). ease. Setpoints of other release monitors are main-toined at the level used at the latest release (well below the level which would allow MPC to be exceeded at the site boundary), or are reset to approximately three times background in order to detect leakage or inadvertent releases of low level



1. Dose rates are calculated for (1)~ noble gases and (2) lodines and particulates. Dose rates as defined in this section are based on 10 Il CFR 50 Appendix I limits of mrem per quarter and millirem per year.

All dose pathways of major importance in the Palisades environs are considered. i. HIO389-0046A-HP01 3

                                                                                         + e


a. Equations and assumptions for calculating doses from noble gases are as follows:
1) Assumptions a) Doses to be calculated are the maximum off site point in air, total body and skin.

b) Exposure pathway is submersion within a cloud of noble gases. c) Noble gas radionuclide mix is based on the histor-ically observed source term given in Table 1.1, plus additional nuclides. d) Basic radionuclide data are given in Table 1.2. e) All releases are treated as ground-level. f) Meteorological data expressed as joint-frequency distribution of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability for the period resulting in X/Q's and D/Q's shown in Table 1.3. g) Raw meteorological _ data consists of wind speed and direction measurements at 10m and temperature measure-ments at 10m and 60s. h) Dose is to be evaluated at the offsite exposure points where maximum concentrations are expected to exist (overland sector site boundaries), and nearest resi-dents. i) Potential maximum population (resident) exposure points are identified in Table 1.4. MIO 389-0046 A-HP01 4  ?


j) A semi-infinite cloud'model is used, k) For person exposures, credit is taken for shielding by residence (factor of.0.7).
1) Radioactive decay is considered for the plume.

p 6 m)- Building wake effects on effluent dl=persion are considered. n)- A sector-average dispersion equation is used. o)- The wind speed classes that are used are as follows: Wind Speed . Class Number Ranae (m/s) Midpoint (m/s) 1 0.0-0.4 0.2 2 0.4-1.5 0.95 3- 1.5-3.0 2.25 4 3.0-5.0 4.0 5 5.0-7.5 6.25 6 7.5-10.0 8.75 7 >10.0' -- p) The stability classes that will be used-are the standard A through C classifications. The-stability classes 1-7 vill correspond to A=1, B=2,- . . . , C=7. q) Terrein effects are not considered.- 2). Eaustions

                                       ,To calculate the dose for any one of the exposure points, the following equations are used.

l HIO389-0046A-HP01 5 .

 --- , ~ - , . - .                   -      ,                             -..,;..-.,-,-,,.           -

For determining the air concentration of any radionuclides 9 7 - N 1 f ik Qi p exp' (Ai x [R/21 /2Izk uj (2ns/nl


Xi \ \ uj/ j=1 k=1 (1/3) where Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, pCi/m . 2 fjk = Joint relative frequency of occurrence of winds in wind speed class j, stability class k, blowing toward this exposure point, expressed as a fraction.

                         =    Average release rate of radionuclide i, Qi pCi/s.

p = Fraction of radionuclide remaining in plume. Izk = Vertical dispersion coef ficient for stability class k (m). uj = Hidpoint value of wind speed class interval j, m/s. x = Downwind distance, m. n = Number of sectors, 16. Ai = Radioactive decay coefficient of radionuclide i, s 1 2nx/n a Sector width ac point of interest, m. For determining the total body dose ratet DTB


Xi DFBi (1.4) I wheret DTB

                       =     Total body dose rate, mrem /y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, pC1/m 8. MIO389-0046A-HP01 6

l DFBi = Total body dose f actor due to gamma radiation, mrem /y per pCi/m 3 (Table 1.5). For determining the skin dose rates D, = Xi (DFSi + 1.11 DFYi) (1.5) i I wheret Ds

                                                =  Skin dose rate, mre /y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide i, pCl/m .8 DFSi= Skin dose f actor due to beta radiation, mrem /y per pCi/m' (Table 1.5). 1.11 = The average ratio of tissue to air energy absorption coefficients, meem/ mrad. DFYi = Camma-to-air dose factor for radionuclide i, mrad /y per pCi/m' (Table 1.5). For determining dose rate to a point in air Da = Xi (DFYi or DFBi) (1.6) 1 wheret Da

                                                =  Air dose rate, mrad /yr DFBI = Air dose factor for beta radiation (Table 1.5).
b. Equations and assumptions for calculating doses from radio-t iodines and particulates are as follows:

I 1 HIO389-0046A-HP01 7 l . - l l


               - 1)1 A s s umpt i ons a)      Dose is to be calculated for the critical _ organ, thyroid, and the critical age groups.(adu't, teen,-

child, infant), infant (mlik) and child (green, leafy j ve ge t a bl es ) . - b) Exposure pathways from lodines and particulates are milk ingestion, ground contamination, green leafy vegetables from home gardens, and inhalation. c) The.radiciodine and particulate mix is based on the historically observed source term given in Table 1.1. d) Basic radionuclide data are given in Table 1.2. e) All releases are treated as ground-level, f) Hean annual average X/Q's for the period January 1, 1978 - December 31,-1982 are given in Table 1.3. g) Raw meteorological data for ground-level releases consist of wind speed and direction measurements at los and temperature measurements at- 10m and 60s, h) Dose is to be evaluated at the potential offsite exposure points where maximum doses to man are expec-

                            -ted to exist.
1) Real cow, goat and' garden locations are considered.

j) _ Potential maximum exposure points (Table 1.4) con-sidered are the nearest cow, goat and home garden locations in each-sector. MIO389-0046A-HP01 8 F-b*.*

k) Terrain effects and open terrain recirculation factors are not considered.

1) Building wake effects on effluent dispersion are considered.

m) Plume depletion and radioactive decay are considered for air-concentration calculations. n) Radioactice decay le considered for ground-concentration calculations. o) Deposition is calculated based on the curses given in Figure 1.2. p) Hilk cows and goats obtain 100% of their food from pasture grass Hay through October of each year. Use default values of 0.58 for co and 0.67 for goats for fraction of year on pasture. q) Credit is taken for shieldini ' residence (factor of 0.7).

2) Eaustinns To calculate the dose for any one of the pctential f maximum-exposure points, the following equations in Section 1

1.2.2 are used. l' I a) Inhalation Equation for calculating air concentration, X{ is the same as in the Noble cas Section (Equation 1.3). HIO389-0046A-HP01 9 ,

   - ..----- _ -                       . - ~ . ~ . - . .              - _.=                __ .-..-.~..-..-._ _. --- - --

i e For determining the organ dose ratet


Di = 1x106 hg.- Xi DFli BR (1.7) wheres , D1

                                                                 =  Organ dose rate due to inhalation, mrem /y.

Xi = Air concentration of radionuclide 1, pCi/m 8

                                                       =DFIt = Inhalation dose factor,. mrem /pci (Table 1.7).

BR = Breathing rate.1400 m /y, int'antt 3700 m /y, 3 8 childt or 8000 m /y teen and adult. 3 lx10e = pcl/pci conversion factor. b) Cround Contamination For determining the ground concentration of any nuclidet 7 7 fk Q1 DR . [1-exp-(At tb)' Ci = 3.15:107 L (Stu/n)At' i k=1 (1.8)

                                                        'here w

Ci = Ground concentration of radionuclide.l.. pCi/ma , k = Stability class.- fk = Joint relative frequency of occirrence of winds in stability classik-blowing toward this exposure point, expressed as a fraction.

                                                                     = Average release rate of radionuclioe i, Qi pCi/s.

DR = Relative deposition rate, m' (Fig 1.2). x = Downwind distance, m. n = Number of sectors,16..

                                                       '2nz/n        = Sector width at point of incerest, m.

MIO389-0046A-HP01 10 3 ., S-;-

                              \i               = Radioactive decay coefficient of radio-nuclide 1, y' .

tb = Time for buildup of radionuclides on the ground, 15 y. 3.15x107 = s/y conversion factor, e O HIO389-0046A-HP01 11 Rev

l l 1 Corrected Figure 1,2 January 1977 10-3 l

                                  $i,                                i ji                       i iii                                    i i
                                                                                                                                            ! i
                           ;      i*i!                              i li                        i           t           ! t                                                          ,
                           }      l      i l !!lll                                              l           II Ii!llI                                      l           l     i i I                        !>'
                            !     I      I ll!i                          l                       l          l     !!!                       l l            !           l!

i I i ) i - i i I i  !! I 10-4 -

                             '          N                                                                                '                                   i                 a O                      '     .

I \i.!  !  !  !  ! i I i! i i

                                                           !N lI                                                                                             e                                        i I           I    *                                                           !
  • I i

[ i iiN i i i i i I i  ! i ii , r  ! i I I !I \ I I i iii  ! c w I I \ l jiill

      &                                                                                             h                                                                                           ll!!l                    I w                                                                                                         \                                                                               .           it.
      $ 10-5 g\      i                                                      ,
      ;;                        1     1
                                                               ;i N    X *                       !

1 1 I Q N !iiiI N lili o 'A Iil'  !

      $                                                                                                                                                                      \ _Il!I                                       l ia                                                                                                                                                                                    %Ji         .
                                                                                                                                                                                                        '            I i

uJ t. E t  : 1 I I 10-8 i i s 1 i I I l i l l I ( l l l l i! ll l!i '

                                                                                                                                                                                                      !j                       '

i! ' I 10-7 O.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 200.0 PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS) Figure 7. Relative Deposition for Ground Level Releases (All Atmosohoric MIO389-0046A-HP01 12

For determining the total body or organ dose rate from ground contamination: DC = (B,760)(1x106)(0.7) Ci DFCi (1.9) i wheret DC = Dose rate due to ground contamination, mrem /y. Ci = Cround concentration of radionuclide i, pCi/m'. DECi = Dose factor for standing on contaminated ground, mram/h per pCi/m 8 (Table 1.8). 8,760 = Occupation time, h/y. lx10e = pCi/pci conversion factor. 0.7 = Shielding factor accounting for a dis-tance of 1.0 meter above ordinary ground, dimensionless. c) Milk and Vegetation Ingestion For determining the concentration of any nuclide (except C-14 and H-3) in and on vegetationt 7 l { fk QI DR r[1-exp I'A Eit e)] + (1.10) l CVi = 3,600 L (2nx/n) Yv AE i k=1 Biy (1-exp (-Aitb)] (exp'(Alth)} P A[ - - wheret


CVi Concentration of radionuclide i in and on vegetation, pCi/gk. k = Stability class HIO389-0046A-HP01 13 n , ., S-

fk = frequency of this stability class and wind direction combic.ation, expressed as a fraction. Qi = Average release rate of radionuclide i, PCi/s. DR = Relative deposition rage, m' (Figure 1.2). x = Downwind distance, m. n = Number of sectors, 16. 2nx/n = Sector width at point of interest, m. r = Fraction of aeposited activity retained on vegetation (1.0 for iodines, 0.2 for particulates). AEi = Ef fective removal rate constant, EA i " Ai

  • Aw, where At is the radioactive decay coefficient, h , and Aw is a measure of physical loss by weathering (Av = .0021 h- ).

te = Period over which deposition occurs, 720 h. Yy = Agricultural yield, 0.7 kg/m*. Biv = Transfer factor from soil to vegetation of radionuclide 1 (Table 1.6). Ai = Radioactive decay coefficient of radionuclide 1, h

  • tb = Time for buildup of radionuclides on the ground, 1.31x105 h (15y).

P = Effective surface density of soil, 240 kg/ma , 3,600 = s/h conversion factor, th = Holdup time between harvest and consumption of food (2,160 hours for stored food) HIO389-0046A-HP01 14 ..

__ _ . -- _. ~_ _ _ _. .. For determining the concentration of C-14 in vegeta-tion: 8 CV14 = lx10 X14 (0.11/0.16) (1.11) wheret CVt4 = Concentration of C-14 in vegetation, pCi/kg. X14 = Air concentration of C-14, pCi/m*. 0.11 '= Fraction of total plant mass that is natural carbon. 0.16 = Concentration of natural carbon in the atmosphere, g/m8 . 1:10 8 = g/kg conveesion factor. For determining the concentration of H-3 in vegeta-tion:

                           =        8 CVT        1x10 XT (0.75)(0.5/H)                      (1.12) where CVT
                             =   Concentration of H-3 in vegetation, pC1/m . 8 XT
                             =   Air concentration of H-3, pCi/m*.

0.75 = Fraction of total plant mass that is water. 0.5 = Ratio of tritium concentration in plant water to tritium concentration in atmospheric water. H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere, g/m3 . 1x10 8 = g/kg conversion f actor. For determining the concentration of any nuclide in cow's or goat's milkt CMI = CVi FMi Qt exp (-Ai tt) (1,13) MIO389-0046A-HP01 15 ,.,

wheret CMI '= Concentration of radionuclide i (including C-14 and H-3) in milk, pCl/1,

      ,-                                 CVi            ' = Concentration of radionuclide i in and'on vegetation, pCi/kb.

FMi = Transfer factor from feed'to milk for radio-nuclide , d/1 (Table 1.6). Qt = Amount of feed consumed by the' milk-animal-per day, kg/d (cow, 50 kg/d or goat 6 kg/d). -l Ai = Radioactive decay coefficient of radionuclide , i, d' . tg = Transport time of activity from feed to milk to receptor, 2 days. t For determining the organ dose rate from ingestion of green leafy vegetables and milks ' D = 1x10s chi DFi UM (1.14)- i where D = Organ dose rate due to ingestion, mrem /y. CM[ = _ Concentration of radionuclide i in vegetables-or milk, pci/kg (or. liters). DFi ' = Ingestion dose factor, mrem /pci.(Table'2.1). UN = Ingestion rate for-milk, 3301/yl for vegetables, no ingestion by infant.


lx10e = pCi/pC1 conversion factor. d) Meat Innastion (Beef) i p_ -To calculate the concentration of a nuclide in animal flesh: MIO389-0046A-HP01 16 l l

a Cr{ =Pi t CVI Qgi exp (A{t,) (1,15) wheret .


Cgt Concentration of nuclide i- in the aninal flesh, pCi/kg.

                                                         *;t      =      Fraction of animal's daily intake which -

appears in each kg of flesh, days /kg (Table 1.6).


CVi Concentration of radionuclide i in.the animal's feed (Equation 1.10). Qg = Amount of f eed consumed by the cow per day, 5 50 kg/d. ts = Average time from slaughter to consumption, 20 days. To determine the organ dose from ingestion of beeft


C(( Dgi Ut Dg = -(1.16) i wherst Dgi = -Ingestion _ dose factor for age group, mrem /pci

                                                                        -(Table 2.1) for nrclide 1.
                                                       - Ug       =      Ingestion rate of meat for. age: group, kg/y (child-41, teen-65, adult-110).

e) Ornan Dose Rates For determining the total . body and organ dose rate from iodines and-particulates D = Dr + DC+DM + Dy + DF (1.17) l !- MIO389-0046A-HP01 17 t ..

      ~-e      .      - - , , ~ ~ - . >             .m     -

w,. a ~< g n --

                   . ~.          m   - - - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _                   ..   ..     -
                                         - wheret D            =

Total organ dose rate, mrem /y.


Dr Dose rate due to inhalation, mrem /y.


DC- Dose rate due to ground contamination, mrem /y.


DH Dose rate due to milk ingestion, mrem /y. Dy = Dose rate dule to vegetable ingestion, mrem /y. Dy = Dose rate due to beef ingestion, mrem /yc


The maximum organ dose rate, maximum total body dose ' rata, and' maximum skin dose rate calculated in the previous section (Sec 1.2.2) are used to calculate design b' asis quantities as described in Section 1.3.

c. Desian Basis Quantitles The design basis quantity of a radionuclide emitted to the atmosphere is the amount of that nuclide, when released in-ona year, which would result in a dose act exceeding any of the following:
1) 15 millires to any organ of an individual from iodines and 4

particulates with half-Ilfe greater than 8 days.

2) 15 millirem to skin of an individual from noble gas.
3) 5 millires to the total body of an individual from noble-gas.

Design. basis quantity (Cl) is the smallest value for each nuclide, calculated by dividing the dose limits (a through c above) by the appropriate dose calculated from the ' amount os radionuclide (Ci) used to conservatively estimate the doses of nection D, as listed in Table 1.1 (or a hypothetical 1 Ci/ year): M10389-0046A-HP01 18 3ev  : R 3-1'. .) I

i h the result is then multiplied by the amount of radionuclide used. D8Q= eat (Ce) (1.18) De t wheret DAI = Appendis 1 dose limit (mrem or mrad). De

                                                                    =  Calculated dose (mrem or mrad).

1 Quantity of nuclide resulting in dose De (Cl).


Cc li DBQ = Ptsign Basis Quantity (Cl). l The limiting values for Design Basis Quantities for radio-nuclides released to the atmosphere are given in Table 1.9. The inverse of the ratio Cc/De in the above equation (ie, Dc/Cc) is a useful value, since it represents the most limiting dose per unit quantity of each nuclide released. Use of the De/Ce ratio in quarterly evaluation of off site dose le fiscussed in section D. Values of Dc/Ce are given in Table 1.9.

d. Land Use Census and DB0 chanatt specifications 4.11.3 and 4.11.4 describe the requirements for an annust land use census and revision of the ODCM for use in ,

the following calendar year. Areas of the ODCH which will be reviewed, and changed if appropriate, are Table 1.4 (Land Use i Census data by Sector), Table 1.4a (Critical Receptors), and Table 1.9 (Caseous Design Basis objective Annual Quantities). Changes will be effective on January 1 of the year following the year _ of the survey. t i M19389-0046A-HP01 19


e. Caseous Releasee From the St eam Cenerat or Blowdown Vent and At mosphere Relea se Valves Releases f rom the steam generator blowdown vent and atmospheric relief valves are difficult to quantify as there are no sampling capabilities on these steam release systems. However, neither system is a normal release path. The steam generator blowdown vent is normally routed to the main condenser and recirculated.

Radioactise releases will be calculated by analysing steam generator blowdown liquid and assuming that 100 percent of Noble Cases, 10 percent of the lodines and 1 percent of the Particu-lates will be released to the environes... ;n the steam phase. Volures will be released to the environment in the steam phase. Volumes will be calculated using water balances or alternate means as available. C. DESICW OBJECTIVE Qt1ANTITY (DBQ) LIMITS OM BAltH AND COWTINUQUS RELEASES

1. Batch Releases Prior to each oatch release (waste decay tank release or containment purge), the quantity of each nuclide identified is summed with the quantity of that nuclide released since the first of the current calendar year. The cumitative total for each nuclide then is divided by the design objective quantity for each nuclide (from Table 1.9),

and the resultant f ractions are summed in order to assure that the sua fraction of all nuclides does not exceed 1.0 Al <1.0 (1.19) (DBQ){ 1 l M10389-0046A-HP01 20 ,

The amount in any calendar quarter should not exceed 0.5. This is checked by subtracting the value obtained at the end of the previous quarter from the value obtained from the cumulative total to date, including the batch to be released.

       -2. Continuous Releases Low level continuous releases from the vent gas collection header and other low level sources are totaled on a weekly basis and summed with any batch releases for the week in order to establish the cumulative DBQ fraction from batch plus continuous released for the year-to-date. Calculations are performed in the same manner as for batch                    ;

releasca described in c.1.0.

3. Esceeding DBQ l.imite As discussed under B.1.3, the DBQ is a very conservative estinate of activity which could give doses at Appendia I limits. Be ca u's e ,

different organs are summed together and doses to different people are summed, the DBQ typically overestimates dose by about a f actor of five. Thus, if calculations of UBQ fraction exceed 1.0 for year-to+g , date or 0.5 for the quarter, technical specifications probably still t would not be exceeded. However, further discretionary releases should be deferred until an accurate'arsessment of dose is made by use of CASPAR computer code or by analysis of appropriate release data via the segmented gaussian dose model used in amergency planning (inhalation dose, total body external dose, and boundary dose in air). See also Section D.1.2. It should be noted that Palisades Plant to date (based on review of semiannual'ef fluent data) has never exceeded the annual or quarterly DBQ fraction, despite its conservatism. Thus, it is not expected l that an alternate to the DBQ method will be requit ad unless the plant is in a significantly off-normal condition. 1 4 MIO389-0046A-HP01 21 y,.. l l t

                     - - - - . _ . -       - .-. _ - - - -- -          a - -. - , . - - - - - , -

4 Releasing Radionuelides Not Listed in Table 1.9 Table 1.9 contains all nuclides ident ified to date as routine consti-tuents of gcseous rcleases at Pal sades Plant, pl u s t ho s e c ommon t o PWRs in general, even if not previously detected at Palisades. From time to time, however, other nuclides may be detected. If the unlisted nuclide constitutes less than 10% of the MPC-fration fva the release, and all unlisted nuclides total less than 25% of the MPC-fraction, the nuclide may be considered not present. If the unlisted nuclide constitutes greater than 10% of the MPC-irection, or all untirted nuclides together constitute greater than 25%, then each nuclide should be assigned a DBQ equal to the most conservative value listed f or the physical form of the nuclide in~ volved (noble gas, halogen or particulate). Should a nuclide not listed in Table 1.9 begin to appear in signifi-cant quantities on a roetine basis, revision to this ODCH should be made in order to include a design basis quantity specific to that nuclide. D. OPTIOVA1. Q11AETOLI.Y DOSE CA14UI.ATIONS

1. Methodoloaf, f or Optional Quart erly Dose calculations This option may bei used in place of, or in addition to, the Design Basis Quantity (DBQ) fraction calculation 4* scribed by Equation 1.19.

This optinnal conservative calculation relates ;he DBQ fraction to the doses from which it was originally derived. Use of this method may assist in identification of the critical dose pathway or charac-teristics of the assumed critical individual (inf ant, child, teen and adult), since Table 1.9 indicates these parameters. M10389-0046A-HP01 22 i - - I

                                                                                            . .....t ..n . .. ...
a. Simplified Conservative Approach This method utilizes a limiting dose concept such that the limiting dose for each nuclide is sunted with the limiting dose for each other nuclide, regardless if such sum is physically possible. It also assumes critical pathways, such as milk and vegetables, are in effect even in winter when the pathway is absent.

As such, the method is highly conservstive and significantly over-estimates dose. If limits appeat to be exceeded by this method, Section D.1.2 (a concise method, but requi- 6mputer support) will be utill ed.

1. A s s umpt i o n s a) All assumptions of Section 1.1 are utilized.

b) Limiting doses for each gaseous nuclide are summed, regardless of limitina decay mode (gamma or beta). c) Limiting doses for each particulate and iodine nuclide are summed, regardless of dose point location, exposure pathway or organ af fected. d) Doses are summed for detected nuelldes such that all nuclides which contribute greater than 10% individually or 25% in aggregate, to the HPC of released radioactivity, are included in the dose calculation.

2. Equations
i. For determining gaseous effluent doset l

M10389-0046A-HP01 23

  - , , , ---v.yy.,.yy__,m-, . - . _ - -__,e.r,,.,--       , , . ,         , . , . , ,,.yy, ,    .n ..-. - --p-.- . - - , - --,--~we- r

1 (1.20) DC* ALC(Dc/Cel i c < $ millirad / quarter, 10 mrad /yr wheret DC = Dose from gaseous effluents (mrad). AlC = Quantity of gaseous nuclide i released (Ci). (Dc/Ce)l0 = Dose per Ci factor for gaseous nuclide i (mrad /Cl). The limit for this mixture is conservatively taken as that

                       ,for gamma exposure ($ mrem / quarter, 10 mrem / year) although as indicated in Table 1.9, a majority of the gaseous effluents are beta-limiting and on an individual basis have the higher limit of 10 millirem / quarter and 20 millirem / year.

For determining tritium, particulate and iodine dose to organst i (1.21) DTPI

  • ATPli (Dc/Ce)TPIt < 7.5 mrem /q, 15 mrem /y wherst DTPI = Dose from patticulates and lodines (mrem).

ATPIl = Quantity of particulate or iodine nuclide i released (Cl). (Dc/Ce)TPIl = Dose per Ci factor for particulate or iodine nuclide i (arad/C1).

b. Realistic Calculation This methodology is to be used if the highly ccnservative calculations described in C.1.1, C.1.2 or D.1.0 yield values that appear to exceed oppilcable limits.

M10389-0046A-HP01 24


Doses for released particulates, iodines and noble gases will be determined by use of the NRC CASPAR computer code. The computer run will utilize the annual average joint frequency meteoro-logical data based on not less than 3 years of meteorological measurement, and will reflect demographic and land use infor-mation from the land use survey generated in the most recent prior year. Where appropriate, seasonal adjustments will be applied to obtain realistic dose estimates since both recrea-tional and agricultural activities can vary great'.y in relatloa to season of the year. An alternative to CASPAR for of f site dose calculation is the use of the Palisades tegmented Caussian Plume Emergency of f site dose calculation program. This dose model allows evaluation of dose under the actual meteorological conditions present at the time of release. It is anticipated that the system may be used in major short term releases such as containment purges are to be made under conditions which depart significantly f rom nean annual conditions. E. CASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTDI OPERATION , The gaseous radwaste treatnant system (CRTS) described below shall be maintained and operated to keep releases ALARA.

1. System Description A flow diagram for the CRTS is given in Figure 1-1. The system ronsists of three waste gas compressor packsges, six gas decay tanks, and the astociated piping, valves, and instrunentation. Caseous wastes are received from the followingt degassing of the reactor coolant and purging of the volune control tank prior to a cold shut-down, displacing of cover gases caus(d by liquid accumulation in the tanks connected to the vent header, and boron recycle process opera-tion.

MIO389-0046A-HP01 25

Design of the system precludes hydrogen explosion by means of ignition source elimination (diaphragm valves, low flow diaphragm compressors and sy6 tem electrical grounding), and minimization of leakage outside the system. Explosive mixt ures of hydrcgen and oxygen have been demonstrated compatible with the system by opera-tional experience over the past 13 years.

2. Determination of S tisfactory Operation Design basis quantity fraction will be calculated for batch and c on t i r4 sous releases as described in Section 1.C. These calculations will 8,e used to ensure that the CRTS is operating as designed.

Beca'se the plant was designed to collect and hold for decay a vast maj,rity of the high level-gasses generated within the primary sy, tem, and because the 13 year operating history (to date of writing

                             'ne initial ODCH) of the plant has demonstrated the system's consis-tent performance well below Appendiz ! limits, no additional oper-ability requirements are specified.

F. REllASE RATE FOR OFF5111 MPC (500 stree/yr) 10 CFR 20.106 requires radioactive effluent releases to unrestricted areas be in concentrations less than the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II when averaged over a period not to exceed one year. (Notel there are no unrestristed areas anywhere within the site boundary as defined by Figure 1-1.) Concentrations at this level if present for one year will i result in a dose of 500 mrem wholebody or 1500 mrem organ or 3000 mrem l skin due to external exposure or inhalation depending on the nuclide(s) released. 10 CFR 50.36a requires that the release of radioactive materials be kept as low as reasonably achievable. However, the section further states that the licensee is permitted the flexibility of operation, to assure a dependable source of power even under unusual operating conditions, to release quantities of material higher than a small percentage of 10 CFR 20.106 limits but still within those limits. Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 provides the numerical guidelines l MI O.189-0046 A-iip 01 26 t

 --- . - - - - - , , -                             ,      ,,              -- --, ,   er. . , , - - , . ,-~u-       . -- .., -

on limiting conditions for operations to meet the as low as reasonably achievable requirement. The CASPAR code has been run to determine the dose due to external radia-tion and inhalation. The source term used is listed in Table 1.1. The meteorology data is given in Table 1.3. Dose using annual average meteorology, to the most limiting organ of the person assume to be residing at the site boundary with highest X/Q, is 2.1$E-02 mrem (for one year). The release rate which would result in a dose rate equivalent to

       $00 mrem / year (using the more conservative total body limit) is the curies / year given in Table 1.1 multiplied by $00/2.lSE-02 or 1.11 Cl/sec.                                                                                   '

O. PARTICULATE AWD 10D1WE SAMPLING Particulate and lodine samples are obtained from the continuous sample stream pulled from the plant stack. Samples typically are obtained to represent an integrated release from a gas batch (waste gas decay tank or containment purge, for example), or a series of samples are obtained to follow the course of a release. In any event, sample intervals are weekly, at minimum. Because HEPA filters are present between most source inputs to the stack and the sample point, releases of particulates normally are significantly less than pre-release calculations indicate. This provides for conserva-tism in establishing setpoints and in estimation of pre-release design basis quantity fraction. However, for the sake of maintaining accurate release totals, monitor results (for gasses) and sample results (f or particulates and iodines) utilized rather than the pre-release estimates, for cumulative records. Canma analytical results for particulate and halogen filters are combir.ed for determination of total activity of particulates and halogens released. Beta and alpha counting also is performed on the particulate filters. Deta yields of the gamma isotopes detected on particulate filters are applied to determine " identified" beta, and the " identified" count rate is M10389-0046A-HP01 27

subtracted f rom the observed count rat e to give " unidentified" beta. The

               " unidentified" beta is assumed to be Sr-90 until results on actual Sr-90 (chemically separated f rom a quarterly composite of filters) are obtained.

H. HOBLE CAS SAXPLING Noble gasses will be sampled f rom Waste Cas Decay Tanks prior to release and the Containment prior to purging. Analysis of these samples will be used for accountability of noble gasses. Off gas will be sampled at least weekly and used to calculate monthly noble gas releases. Nontoutine releases will be quantified from the stack noble gas monitor (RE 2326) which has a LLD of IE-06 pel/cc (if RE 1815 is used because RE 2326 is out of service, the LLD will be 5E-05 pci/cc).

1. TRITIUM SAMPL1WG Tritium has a low dose consequence to the public because of low production rates.

The major contributors to tritium effluents are evaporation from the fuel pool and reactor cavity (when flooded). Because of the low dose impact, gaseous tritium sampling will not be required. Tritium ef fluents

   ,.        will be estimated using conservative evaporation rate calculations f rom the fuel pool and reactor cavity.

1 , MIO389-0046 A-HP01 28 l

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                                                                                                      *RF :1109. 5711 AND 57,7 THfP StJPPLY AND OMF OF T*. O FXHAUSTTRS F LOW IS NOT TERMINATFD PAllSADES EFFLUENT FLOW PATHS C    IEOUS                                                                                                                                                   1
  .. - - . . - . .                         . - - .        . . - _ - - . . ~ . .                                      . _ . _ - - - - . - ~ . . _ . - . . - . . . - . - . _ . .                  .

e i ' TABLE 1.1 , PALIS ADES CASEOUS AND LIQUID SOURCE TERHS. CURIES / YEAR (1) i I t Nuclide -Caseous (2) Liquid (2) H-3 5.5 159 i Kr-85 4.1 NA Kr-85m [ 0.12 NA Kr-87 8.4E-02 NA Kr-88 .! 2.1E-01 NA  ! Ar-41 3.1E-02 NA Xe-131m f 2.2 NA " Xe-133 1493 NA ' Xe-133m 0.43 NA ' Xe-135 1.11 NA Xe-135m 0.3 NA 1-131 0.025 i 3.21 E-03 1-132 2.91E-03 NA 1-133 6.5E-03 4.7E-05 1-134 4 8E-04 NA 1 i 1-135 1.84E-02 NA Na-24. 1.5E-06 NA ' Cr-51, :2.5E-04 3.9E-03

  • Hn-54 4.1E-04 7.8E-03 Co-57 2.1E-06 3.2E-05 Co-58 8.6E-04 2.9E-02 re-59 6.6E-06 4.1E-04 i

Co-60 1.1E-03 1.24E-02 Se-75 3. 7 E*06 NA Nb-95 2.4E-05  ! 4.53E-04  ! Zr 4.7E-06 1.79E-04 Mo-99 1.5E-07 NA Ru-103 .3E-07 .1E-05 S b-12 7 - NA 3.5E-05 Cs-134 Cs-136

                                                                                                                            .4. 5 E                                                                                                                               NA 0.7 1.8E-06 Cs-137                                                              2.6E-04                               1.36E-02 Ba-140                                                              2.8E-07                               NA                              +

La-140 7.5E-07 1.1E-04 Unidentified beta 3.9E-04 3.3E-03 (1) Data derived from taking the effluents released during July-December 1978 - through January-June 1982 and dividing by 4 (2) Nuclide values listed as NA have not been observed at detectable levels in these waste streams. l l-HIO389-0046A-HP01 30 ye. 3.

I 1 TABl.E 1.2 I BASIC RADIONUCL!_DE DATA _ WCLIDE HALT LIFE I LAMBDA (days) BETA 1 GytA l (1/s) (MEV/ DIS) ($EV/D!$) 1- Trittum 4.49E 03 1 79E-09 2 C 14 5.68E 03 0.0 2.09E 06 3.84E 12  ; 3 N 13 4.95E-02 0.0 4 6.94E 03 1.16E 03 4.91E-01 0-19 3.36E 04 2.39E 02 1.02E 00 5 T 18 .1.02E 00 1.05E 00 7.62E 02 1.0$E-04  ; 6 NA-24 2.50E 01 1.02E 00 6.33E 01 1.27E-05 7 P-32 5.55E-01 4.12E 00 1.43E 01 3.61E 07 6.95E 01 8 AR-41 7.63E 02 0.0 1.0$E-04 4.64E 01 9 CR-51 2.78E 01 1.28E 00 { 10- 2.89E 07 3.86E-03 3.28E-02 MN 54 3.03E 02 11 2.65E-08 3.80E 03 MN 56 1.07E-01 8.36E-01 12 7.50E-05 8.29E-01 1.69E 00 TE 59 4.50E 01

                                                                  -13                                                                               1.78E 07                                             1.18E 01               1.19E 00 C0-58 7.13E 01                1.12E 07                                            3.41E-02 14               CO 60                                   1.92E 03                                                                                            9.78E-01
                                                                 -15'                                                                              4.18E 09                                             9.681-02                2.50E 00            '
                                                                                  'ZN-69m                                  5.75E-01 16                                                                              1.39E 05                                             2.21E-02                4.16E-01 ZN 69                                   3.96E 02
                                                                 -17                                                                               2.03E 04                                             3.19E-01                0.0 BR 84                                   2.21E 02 18 3.63E-04                                             1.28E 00                1.77E 00 BR-85                                  2.08E-03                                                                                                                 -i 19                                                                              3.86E 03                                             1.04E 00               6.60E-02 KR-85m                                 1.83E-01 20                                                                              4.38E 05                                            2.53E-01                 1.59E 01 KR-85                                  3.93E 03 1

21 2.04E 09 2.51E 01' 2.21E 03 KR-87 5.28E-02 22 1.52E 04 1.31E 00 7.93E-01 KR 88 1.171-01  : 23 6.86E 05 3.61E 01 1.96E 00 KR-89 2.21E-03 24 R3 84 3.631 03 1.36E 00 1.83E 00 1.24E 02 6.47E-04 2.06E 00 25 RB 89 1.07E-02 6.26E 01

                                                                .26-                                                                              7 50E 04                                            1.01E 00                 2.05E 00 SR 89-                                5.20E 01 27'                                                                              1.54E 07                                           5.83E-01                  8.45E-05 SR-90                                 1.03E 04 28                                                                               7.79E-10                                           1.96E-01                 0.0
  • SR-91 4.03E 01 29 1.99E 05 6.$0E-01 6.95E 01 SR-92 1.13E 01 30 7.10E-05 1.95E-01 1.34E 00 SR-93 5.56F-03 31- 1.44E 03 9.20E-01 2.24E 00 Y-90 2.67E 00 3.00E-06 32 Y-91s 9.36E 01 0.0 3.47E 02 2.31E-04 2.73E 02 33 Y-91 5.88r 01 5.30E-01 34 1.36E 07 6.06E-01 3.61E-03 Y 92 1.47E-01 5.46E-05 35 Y 93 1.44E 00 2.50E-01 4.29E-01 1.87E-05 1.17E 00 36 2R 95 6.50E 01 8.94E 02 37 1.23E-07 1.16E 7,35E 01-NB-95m 3.75E 00 2.14E 06 38- NB 95. 1.81E-01 6.06E-02 3.50E 01 2.29E-07; 4.44E-02
                                                               -39             - MO                              2.79E 00                                                                                                 7.64E-01 40                                                                               2.87E 06-                                      - 3.96E-01                    1.50E-01 TC-99m                           --2.50E 01 41 3.21E-05                                          1.56E-02                  -1.26E-01
                                                                               . TC                               7.74E 07 42                                                                               1.04E 13                                         8.46E 02                   0.0 TC-104                                1.25E-02                   6.42E-04                                          1.60E 00                  1.95E 00               ,

M10389-0046A-HP01 31 9ev i O.l.. 1

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l l i i I t TABLE 1.2 (CONTD) I BASIC RADIONUCL!DE DATA vtCLIDE RALT-l!TE LAMBDA BETA 3 I GAMMA 1 (days) (1/s) (KEV / DIS) (NEV/D!Si 43 RU 106 3.67E 02 2.19E 08 1.01E 02 44 0.0  ! TE-132 3.24E 00 2.48E 06 1.00E 01 ' 45 1-129 2.3)E-01 6.21E 09 1.29E 15 5.43E-02 2.46E 02 46 i 1*131 8.05E 00 9.96E 07 1.94E 01 3.81E-01 ' 47 I 132 9.58E 02 8.37E 05 4.89E-01 48 I 133 2.24E 00 i 8.75E 01 9.17E 06 4.08E-01 6.02E 01 49 I-134 3.61E 02 2.22E 04 6.16E-01 2.59E 00 50 I 135 2.79E 01 2.87E 05 3.68E-01 1.55E 00 51 XE 131a 1.18E 01 6.80E-07 1.43E 01 ' 52 2.01E 02 XE 133a 2.26E 00 3.55E-06 1.9CE 01 4,15E 02 53 XE-133 5.27E 00 1.!2E-06 1.35E-01 4.60E-02 54 XE-135m 1.08E 02 7.43E-04 9.58E 02 4.32E 01  ! 55- XE-135 3.83E-01 2.09E-05 3.17E 01 2.47E 01  ! 56 XE 137 2.71E-03_ 2.96E 03 1.77E 00- -1.88E-01 57 XE 138 9.84E-03 8.15E-04 6.65E 01 1.10E 00 58 CS-134- 7.4AE 02 1.07E-08 1.63E-01 1.55E 00 59 CS-135 1.10E 09 7.29E-15 5.63E 02 0.0 60 CS-136 1.30E 01 6.17E-07 1.37E 01 2.15E 00 61 CS-137 1.10E 04 7.29E-10 1.71E 01 5.97E-01 62 CS-138 2.24E 02 3.58E 04 1.20E 00 2.30E 00 63 BA 139 !i.76E-02 1.39E 04 8.96E 01 3.53E 02 64 - BA-140 1.28E 01 6.27E-07 3.15E-01' ' 1.71E-01 65 LA-140 1.68E 00 4.77E 06 5.33E-01 2.31E 00  ; 66 CE-144 2.84E 02 2.82E-08 9.13E-02 1.93E 02 67 PR-143 1.36E 01 5.90E-07 68 3.14E-01 0.0

                                                 'PR-144       1.20E-02           6.68E-04                             1.21E 00          3.18E 00     I I



1 Average eaersy per disintegration values were obtained from ICRP Pubitca- i tion No 38. Radionuclide Transformations: Eneray and Intensity of Est s sions 1983 and NUREG/CR-1413 (ORNL/NVREG-70), A Radionuclide Decay Data Base -  ! l Index and Summary Tab 1_e, D C Koche'r May - 1980. HIO389-0046A-HP01 32 ,

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( 1 i i ( TABLE 1.4 i 1990 PALISADE ( l.AND USR CENSUS r TABLE 10.ll-j, Distance sector. to the nearest residence, garden, dairy /teef cattle and goat in cach I l SECTOR RESIDENCE CARDEN


BEEF CATTLE DAIRY COW COAT N >5 mi >5 mi >$ ml 75 mi @l , NNE 1.6 mi 3.8 mi >5 mi ! >5 mi >$ ml HE 1.8 mi 1.8 mi >5 mi >$ mi >5 mi ENE 1.3 mi 2.9 mi 2.5 mi 4.0 mi 3.8 mi E 1.0 ml 1.1 ml 3.5 mi >5 mi >5 mi ESE 1.0 mi 1.0 mi ->5 mi >5 mi >5 mi SE .9 mi 1.1 mi 3.8 ml 4.3 mi >5 mi SSE .75 ml 1.5 mi >5 mi >$ mi >5 mi 8 .5 1.5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >$ mi ssW .75 mi 1.5 mi >$ mi >5 mi >5 mi l 37 i i ICO-1290-0001W-ilP05 ^

I TABLE 1.4a l 1990 PALISADES 1.AND USE CENSUS TABt.E 10.11-3 i Critleal Receptor !# ems - Distance Sector (Milesj Location / Description item *X/0 (sec/m') SSE 0.48 Site Boundary N/A 1.40E-06 l ! S 0.$0 Residence, Palisades Parkt Residence / 1.00E-06 3/4 mile West of 29th Carden , Avenue and Blue Star-intersection. t ENE 2.50- Robinson, 18800 M-140 Beef 1.30E-07 l Covert (West side of road) Cattle r ENE 4.00 Cecli Hodge, 16971 72nd Dairy 6.40E-08 Street, 3/8 mile South of 16th Avenue and 72nd Street intersection (West side of 72nd Street). ENE 3.80 Harlett, 19487 72nd Street Coat 6.90E-08 l i mile South of 72nd Street CR 380 intersection. NOTCt

                                    *Ba6 .d on Palisades 5 year composite meteorological data, 1983-1987.

i I-( i r 38 ICO-1290-00010-HP05

  , - + + - ,             y          y    r-,m,-w-r,  ,,       r-r--m--,  , , - -     m     ,.wwe,,,           ,-,,,-,,,,r-         w -    ne-    ,   ,,a ,a.,,. .m=.-m,r         -e.--   ------v-rw-+r,,

I i TABLE 1.5 DOSE TACTORS FOR SUBMERSION IN NOBLE CASES DTR1 __ DFY 2 pygt 3734 Kr 95m 1.17(+3)3 1.23(+3) 1.46(+3) 1.)?(.3) K3+85 l 1.61(+1) 1.72(+1) 1 34(+3) 1,95(+3) Kr 87 5.92(+3) 6.17(+3) 9.73(+3; Kr 88 1.03(+a) 1.47(+4) 1.52(+4) 2.37(+3) 2.93(+3) Kr-89 1.66(+4) 1.73(+4) 1.01(+4) Xe 131m 1.06(+e) 9.1$(+1) 1.56(+2) 4.76(+2) 1.11(+3) Xe 133m 2.51(+2) 3.27(+2) 9.94(+2) Xe 133 1.48(+3) 2.94(+2) 3.$3(+2) 3.06(+2) 1.0$(+3) Xe 135m 3.12(+3) 3.36(+3)  ; 7.11(+2) 7.39(+3) Xe-135 1.81(+3) 1.92(+3) 1.86(+3) 2.46(+3) Xe-137 1.42(+3) 1.51(+3) 1.22(+4) Xe-138 1.27(+4) t 8.83(+3) 9.21(+3) 4,13(+3) 4.75(+3) Ar-41 8.84(+3) 9.30(+3) 2.69(+3) 3.28(+3)

1. mrem /y per pCi/m3 w
2. mrad /y per pCi/m3
3. 1.17(t3) = 1.17x103 i
                   *Do se f actors for erposure to a semi-infinite cloud of noble gases. Values                                                    ,

were obtained from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. Revision 1 (October 11 HIO389-0046A-HP01 39 7 y- pp-w'yy.---pgr -rygv-w- w v w --w..i-w-gp.--m-s iy+=-y -, r y n vn- m,y-r y a' = r-*

TABLE 1,6 STABLE ELEMENT TRANSTER DATA T*- MILK (COW) T* - MILK (GOAT) f - TEAT ELEMENT B (DAYS /L) (DAYS /L) (BAYS /KO) ('.T0 / $5! L1 H 1.0E 02 1.7E 01 1.2E 02 4.hE 00 C 1.2E-02 1.0E 01 Na 4.0E-02 3.lE 02 5.5E 00 4.0E 02 3.0E 02 5.2E 02 P 2.5E-02 2.5E 01 Cr 4.6E 02 1.lE 00 2.2E-03 2.2E 03 2.4E 03 Mn 2.5E 04 2.5E 04 2.5E-04 8.0E 04 2.9E+02 Fe 1.2E 03 1.3E-04 4.0E*02 6.6E 04 Co 1.0E 03 1.0E 03 1.3E 02 9.4E-03 Ni 6.7E 03 6.7E-03 Cu 5.3E 02 1.9E 02 1.4E-02 1.3E-02 8.0E 03 Zn 3.9E 02 1.2E 01 3.9E-02 3.0E-02 4.0E 01 Rb 3 0E 02 3.0E-02 3.lE 02 1.3E 01 Sr 8.0E-04 1.4E-02 Y 6.0E 04 1.7E-02 1.0E 05 1.0E-05 4.6E 03 Zr 5.0E 06 2.6E-03 5.0E-06 3.4E 02 1.7E 04 Kb 2.5E 03 2.5E-03 2.8E 01 9.4E 03 Mo 7.5E 03 7.$E 03 8.0E 03 1.2E 01 Tc 2.5E-02 2.5E-02 Ru 4.0E 01 2.5E 01 1.0E-06 1.0E 06 4.0E 01 Rh 5.0E 02 1.0E 02 1,0E-02 1.5E 03 Ag 1.3E+01 5.0E 02 5.0E 02 1.7E 02 Te 1.5E 01 1.0E 03 1.0E-03 7.7E-02 1.3E-00 I 6.0E-03 6.0E-02 Cs 2.9E 03 2.0E-02 1.2E-02 3.0E-01 4.0E 03 1.0E-02 Ba 4.0E 04 4.0E-04 3.2E 03 5.0E-03 La 5.0E 05 5.0E-06 2.0E-04 2.5E 03 Ce 1.0E 04 1.0E-04 1.2E-03 2.5E 03 Pr 5.0E-06 5.0E 06 Nd 4.7E 03 2.5E 03 5.0E 06 5.0E 06 3.3E 03 2.4E 03 V 5.0E 04 5.0E 04 1.3E-03 1.8E 02 Np 5.0E 06 5.0E-06 2.0E 04 2.5E 0) l Mtijtt 0046A-HP01 40

                                                                                                                              - ~ - - - - - ~ ~

TABl.E 1.7 Nrast IN-a at!0N 305F Co**lf"ENT FACf0051*aE*/50y SEQ DC1 isHaLE) is ris5t to 50topt swE L!vta 70faE Hoot favooln 10 NET t tno 01 U.! h3' n. A.62 E-07 4.62E 07 4.61E 07 4.62 E 07 4.62E 07 AJ2E 07 PE10 d.e4E 06 1.7SE-oh 7.65(-05 n. o. 1.*9t c) 1.71r.6% Cl4 1. nae.n5 1.79E-oe 3 19F-06 3 19E 66 3 19E-Oe 3./vE ne 1.79r-no N13 '.34E 08 4 39E-Oe 6 39F-ou 4.39E-64 4 39F-04

                                                                   .                                                                                                                                        * . 31E    0  ?    4.39r-ne rle                                                           3 12E-06                                            n.                3.33E-07                   0.         6                             O.                 6.InE 67 NA22                                                           7.3tE-0%                                           7.37E-05          7.37E-05                   7 37F-05   F.37E-09                      7.11L 65            7.37r 05 NA24                                                           7.5.E-06                                           7.54E-06          7.56f-06                   7.s*E-06   f.5*E-0e                      7.5.E.06   P32                                                           1 65E-03                                            8.0JE-05          9.53E-05                   0.         O.                            O.                  let5r.05 A439                                                  -6                                                          O.                O.                         O.         D.                            1 00E-oh           0.

AQ41 6. n. O. O. O. 3 14E-an n. C&41 7.4et-05 n. A.16E-06 0. O. 6.94E-02 7.96r-07 SC66 3 75E-06 5.41E-06 1 69E-06 0. 3.5+F.06 0. 2.19r og C051 n. O. 6.39E-08 6.llE-OH 9.65E-09 9.l?E *6 7.55r-n?

    *N44                                                          0.                                                  l. PIE-0S         3 56E-06                   0.         3.56E 06                       7 14F-o*           5.06f o6 6N56                                                         3.                                                   1 10E-09          1 58E-10                   0.         7.86E-10                      8 95F -ob           %.17E-r%

FESS 1 416-05 9.39E-06 2.3AE-06 0. O. 6.21E nb 7.82F 0 7 rE59 9.6*E-06 1 68E-05 6./7E-06 0. O. '.45L-o* 1.778 65 C057 0. 4.A5E-07 4.SAF 07 0. 6. 2 . ', l E - o

  • 1.475-c6 C058 0. 8. 71 E -0 7 1 30F-06 U. O. 5.$bE-oh 7.9EE-06 COA 0 n. 5.73E-06 8 416-06 0. n. 3.22E-oJ 7.2PE 05 N!S9 1. ale-05 5.64E-06 3.10E-06 0. n. 5.4dE-oS 6.34E-o?

N!63 f.42E-04 1 46E-05 8 20E-06 0. n. 1 69E-04 1.71r 06 N!65 1 71E-09 2.03E-10 8.79E-Il 0. O. 5.M0E-ob 1.5ar-ns CU64 0. 1.34E-09 5.53E-10 0. 2.84E-69 6.64E-66 1.nfr-os IN65 1 38E-05 4.47E-05 2 22E-05 0. 2 12E-05 4.62E-06 1.67F-05 IN699 0 9 98E-09 1.84E-Od 1.6TE-09 U. 7.45E-09 1.Vlt-05 /.9?f-nS ZN69 3 65E-!! 6.91E-Il 5 13E-Id 0. 2 87E-Il 1 05E 06 9.44F-n6 SE79 0. 2.25E-06 4 20E-07 0. 7 47E-06 2.99E-o* 3.46F 06 9482 0. n. 9.49E-06 0. 0. O. 6 BR83 0 0. O. 2.72E-07 0. O. O. n. 9284 0. 6 P.86E=0i 0. 0, 0. O. 9085 0. O. 1.66E-08 0. O. O. 6 (#83M 0. O. O. O. 0.- 7.50E 09 0. (R85M 0. O. O. O. n. 1.J1E-06 0. . tk85 0. n. O. n. n. 1 16E-ru 0 4487 0. n. O. O. 0. 6.59E-0B 0. 4088 0 0. O. O. U. O. 1.3HE-07 0 5489 0. 0. O. O. O. 8.6/E-08 n. 0686 6. 1.36E-04 6.3nE-05 0. O. O. 7 17C-06 0687 0. 7.llE-05 2.64E-05 O. O. O. P.99E-61 0688 0, 3.98E-07 2.05E-07 0, n. 0. 7.42E-07 2B89*0 6. 7 29E-07 1 47E-07 0. O. O. 4.87E-68 SR89 0 2 84E-04 6, 8.15E-06 0. n. 1.4bE-03 4.57F-65 SR90 0 2 92E-C2 0. 1 85E-03 0. o. A.0JE-03 o.J6F-05 SR9) .O . 6.83E-08 0. 2 47E-09 0. O. 3.7bE-05 5.24r-05 SR92 0 7.50E-09 0. 2 79E-10 0, 0, 1 70E-05 1 00f-04


H10389-0046 A-HP01 41 , 5 8 :.91

TABI,E 1,7 (Contd} INFANT ISOTOPE INnALAfl0N 90NE OOSE C0*MITMENT FAC70R5tMREM/50Y PER PCI INHALEO IN r!AST v L!vER TOTAL BODY TMYR010 n!0NEY LUNG Ol-tt; Y90 2 35E-06 0. 6 30E-08 0. O. 1 92L*06 7.63E 05 Y91M.0 2 91E-10 0. 9.90E-12 0. O. l.9VE-06 1.68E 06 Y91 6.20E 06 0. 1 120-0b 0. O. 1 75L-03 5.02f-05 Y92 1 1/E-08 0. 3 29C-10 0. O. le?SE 05 9.06E 05 Y93 1 01E-01 0. 2.91E-09 0. O. 5.66L Ob 1.19E 0. ZR93 0 2 26E 06 9.51E-05 6 18E-05 0. 3 19E-06 1 3FE 03 1.6sE-05 2R95 0 8 26E 05 1 99E-05 1 65E-Oh 0. 2 22E-05 1 2bt=03 1.55E-05 2R97 0 1 07E-0T 1.PJE-08 6 36E-09 0. 1 85E-08 7.86E 05 1.00t-06 NB93M t.3WE-06 3.59L-Ob 1 15E-06 0. 3 68E=0b 2.09t-06 2.67E-06 NW95 1 12E-05 6.59E-06 2 70E-06 0. 3 37E-06 3.62E-06 9.05E 06 N897 2 66E-10 5 21L-ll 1 88E=ll 0. 6 07E-Il 2 31L 06 1.92C 05 M093 0. 6 66L 06 2 22E-07 0. 1 56C-06 3.60E 06 3.76E-06 M099.D 0. 1 18E-07 2 31E-08 0. 1.89E-07 9.63E=05 3.68E-05 1C99H 9.98E-13 2.06L-12 2.66E-Il 0. 2.22C-11 5.79t=07 1.65t=06 1C99 2.09E=0F 2 68E-07 8 85E-06 0. 2 69E-06 6.77L 0* 7.82E-06 - 1C101 6 65E-16 5.88E-16 5 80E-13 0. 6.96(-13 4 17L 07 6.03E-07 RU103 0 1.66C-06 0. 4.65L-01 0. 3.03E-06 3.96L 06 1 15E 05 Rul05 0 9.76L-10 0. 2 93E-10 0. 6.62E-10 1 12E 05 3.66L-05 kul06*D 6 20E-05 0. 7.77E-06 0. 7.61E 0b 8 26L 03 1 17E-06 RM105 8.26E-09 5.61E-09 3.63E=09 0. 1.50E-08 2.08E 05 1.37L-05 t 1107 0, 6.92C-0? 6.llE-06 0. 2.75E-06 6.34E 05 7.33E-07 69109 0. 3.92E-09 1 05F 09 0. 1 28E-08 1 68L 05 2.85E-05 Atl10M.D 1 13E=06 5.16E-06 3.57E-06 0. 1.80E-06 2.62L-03 2.36E 05 A0ll! 3.75L-07 1 65E-07 7.75E-08 0. 3.05C-07 2.06E-06 3.02E-05 CD113M 0. 6.67E-06 2.66E-05 O. 5.40E=06 1.60L-03 1.65L-05 CDil5M 0. 1 73E-04 6 19E-06 0. 9.41C-Oh 1 6ft-03 5.02E-05 SN123 2 09E=06 4.21E-06 7 28E-06 6 27E-Ob 0. 2.22E-03 6.08E 05 $N125*D 1.0lL 05 2.51E-07 6.00E-0/ 2 67E-07 0. 6.63L-06 7.260-05 5N126*D  ?.30E-06 1.66E-05 3.52E-0S 3 86E=06 0, 6.93L-03 1 65E-05 58126 2.71E-05 3.97E-01 8eb6E-06 7 18E-06 0. 1.89L-03 6.22E-05 SN125*D 3.69E=05 3.61E-07 7.18t=0b 6.65E 0b 0 1.17E-03 1.05E-05 58126 3.08E-06 6 0lt-08 1.llE-06 2 35E-Oh 0. 6.a4E-06 5.33C-05 58127 2.82E-07 b 06E=09 d.16E-08 3 60L-09 0. 1.54E-06 3.78E-05 TE125M 3.60E-06 1 62E=06 6.70E-07 1 16E-06 0, 3.lVE-06 9.22E-06 TE127M.D 1 19L-05 6.93E-06 1 68E-06 3 68L-06 2.68E-05 9.3FL-06 1 95E-05 TE127 1 59E-09 6.81E-10 3 49E-10 1 32L-09 J.67E-09 7.39E-06 1.76L-05 TL129H.D 1.01E=05 6.35L-06 1 59E-06 3 91E-06 2.27E-0b 1.20L-0J 6.93E-05 TE129 5.63E-ll 2.68E-Il 1 36E-Il 6 82E-Il 1 25E-10 2 16L 06 1.bhE-05 TL131M.0 7.62C-08 3.93E-08 2.59E-os 6 38E-0W l.69E-07 1.62L 06 8.51E-01 TL131 0 1 26E-Il 5.87E-12 3.570-12 1 13E-!! 2.85E-Il 1 67L-06 5.87E-Ot TL132*D 2 66E-07 1 69E-07 1 26E-07 1 99E-07 T.39E-07 2.63t=06 3.15E-0! 1E133M*D b.13E-Il 3.59E=ll 2 76E-11 5 52E=ll 1.72E-10 3.92L-06 1.590-0! TE136 0 3 18E-l! 2.06E-Il 1 68E-Il 2 91E-11 9.59E-Il 2.93L 06 2.53E-0t 1129 2 16E-05 1 59E-0b 1 16f-Ob 1 06E-02 1.88E-05 0. 2 12F-0; 1130 6.56L 06 9.91E-Oh 3 98E-06 1 16E-03 1.09E-0b 0. 1.62E-0t !!31 0 2.71E-05 3.17L-05 1 60F-05 1 06E-02 3.70E-05 0. 7.56E-0


MIO389-0046A-HP01 42 he. S

TABil 1. 7 (Cont d ) Arast INaa.afl01 UUSE C0wulfMENT rActouS(*WLV/$0T PER ACl INNALLO IN F1857 rdi 50fCPt 30NE Livte TOTAL 600Y TNYWO!0 n!ONEY LUNG 01-LLI

                                                                                                                  !!32        1 21(-06 2 33E-06 8.95E-01 1 21L-04 2.62C 06 0.                                                                                                                                         1.16E 06 1133+0      9.66E Ob 1 37E-05 6 00E-06 2 56E-0J 1 60E-05 0.                                                                                                                                        1.56E 06
                                                                                                                  !!36        5.5dt 07 1 3*L-06 6.15E-0/ 3 18E-05 1 49E-06 0.                                                                                                                                        7.".E 07 1135 0      2 78E 06 %.63E-06 1 98E 06 6.97t-0= 6 05E-06 0.                                                                                                                                        1.31f oe mE!Jiu       0.         O.                O.                   O.                                                            O.                                                        6.77L-0V 0.
                                                                                                                 *E133M       0,         n.                O.                   0,                                                           0.                                                         8.dvE 09 0 att33         0.         O.                O.                   O.                                                           O.                                                         7.*ll-09    0.

XL135M 0. O. O. O. U. 8.0bE 09 0, AL135 0. o. O. O. O. 1 80L Od O. Atl37 0. o. O. O. O. 8.30E-04 0. JL138 0 0. O. De 0. O. 9.78E ft 0. C5136M.0 1 32E-01 2 10E-07 1.llE-01 0. H.50E-01 2 00L->W l.16E-07 C5134 2 8JL 04 5.02E-06 5 32f=05 0. 1 36E-04 5.69L-05 9.53E-07 C5135 1 00E-04 8.66L-04 6.73E-06 0. 2 58E-05 1 01L 05 2.18f 07 C5136 3 65L-05 v.61E-0b 3 18E-05 0. 6 03E-05 8.40L 06 1.02E-06 C5137+0 3.92E-06 6.37L-06 3 25F-05 U. 1.23E-04 5.09L 05 9. 5 3F -0 7 C5138 3 61L-0/ 5.5eE-01 2.e4E-0 / 0. 2.93E-07 4.6TL-Oo 6.26E-07 C5139+0 2 32E-0/ 3.0JE-01 1 22L-0/ 0. 1 65E-07 2.53E-08 1 33r-08 bal39 1 06E-09 T.03E 13 J.07E-Il u. 6 23E-13 6 25L-06 3.64E 05 84140+0 4.00E-05 6 00E-08 2 01E 06 0. 9 59E-09 1 14t-03 2.74E-05 84141 0 1 12E-10 1.70E-16 3 55E-12 0. 6.6*E-16 2 12L-06 3.39E 06 bal62*0 2 86E-Il 2 36E-16 1 40E-12 0. 1 36E-14 1 11L-06 6.95E-07 LA140 3.61E-07 1.41E-01 3.h8E-06 U. O. 1 20E-04 6.06E-05 LA161 4.95E-09 1 40E-09 2 45E-10 0. 0. 1.22E-05 5.96C-05 LA162 7.36E-10 2.69E-10 6.66E-Il 0. O. 5.81E-06 4 25f-05 CL141 1.98E-05 1 19E-05 1.62E-06 0. 3.75E-06 3.69L-04 1.54E-05 CE143 0 2 09E-01 1 3dt-07 1.SBE-08 0. 4.03E-08 8 300-05 3.55f-05 CLl46*O 2 25E-03 u.65E-04 1 26E-06 0. 3.84E-06 1.03L 03 1.06E-06 PR163 1.00L-05 3 74E-06 6.99t-07 0. 1.61E-06 3 0VL 04 2.66E-05 02144 3.42E-Il 1.32E-11 1 72E-Id O. 4.80E-12 1.15L-06 3.06E-06 N0167*D 5.676-06 5.AIE-06 3 57E-07 0. 2 25E-06 2.J0L-04 2.23E-05 PM147 3.91E-04 3.07E-05 1 56E-0$ 0. 4.93E-05 4.55L-04 5.75E-06 PM166M.0 9.00L-05 1.24E-05 9.94E-06 0. 1.45E-05 1.22E-03 3.37E-05 04146 3.341-06 6.82E-01 2 44E-01 0. 5.16E-07 3.20E-04 6.04f 05 PH149 3.10E -0 7 4.09E-06 1.TbE-08 0. 4.96E=08 6.50E-05 3.01E-05 Pul51 7.52E-08 1 10E-08 5 55E-09 0. 1 30E-08 3.2SE-05 2 5BE-05 Sul51 3 36E-04 6.45E-0S 1 63E-05 0. 5.24E-05 2.98E-04 3.46E-06 SM153 1.53L-07 1 18E-07 9.06E-09 0. 2 47E-08 3. */ 0 E - 0 5 1.93C-0b EV152 7.8Jt-06 1.77E-04 1 72E-06 0. 5.94E-04 1 68L-03 9.880 06 Eul54 c.96E-03 3 46L-06 2 45E-04 0. 1 16F-03 3.05L-03 2.86E-05 EV15b 5.97E-04 5.72E-05 3 46E-05 U. 1 580 04 5.20E-04 5 19F-05 Eul56 1 56E-05 9.59E-06 1 54E-06 0. 4.4dE-06 6 12E-06 6 16E-05 78160 1 12E-06 0, 1.40E-05 0. 3.20E-05 1 11L-03 2.14E-05 a0166M 1 45L-03 3 0TE-04 2 51E-06 0. 4.22E-06 2 05E-03 1.65E-05 el81 4.86L-08 1.46E-08 1 67E-09 0. O. 1 33L-05 2.63E-07 wl65 1 51E-06 6.83E-0/ 5 5eE-08 U. O. 4.480 04 1.12E-05 ml87 9.26E-09 6.44E-09 2 23E-09 0. O. 2 83E-05 2.54E-05 MIO389-0046A-HP01 43 ney 5 6-1-91

TABLF.1. 7 (Cont d ) L IAF4NT INaa,\fl$N 305F COS*!?*ENT FACTUDS(*REw/b0Y PER DCJ !!. NALED !s risti ni I w tokt doNE  !. l v 5 3 TStal Poor impotD n !!9.E f L W. Faile.D a.AdE.3/ ?.02E-07 1.63f-03 0. s!. t! 8.P%r-02 1. 7mt -01 1.7H -35 0121e.n 6. 1 33E-05 1. l df -06 v. 1.337 06 v.96t.0) 1. p t r . e 5 k0210  ?.9mE-o3 E.t36-03 1 17f-06 4 1.30E-02 /.*vf.01 $.Jer.35 u472?+D 0. 6 6 O. O. 9. et -ce o, ) WAPP3*O 1 56i-I 3 7 76L-66 3 17E-06 c. 6 16E-05 g.pgt nl 3,o6r.ou WA226 0 1.77f 66 6.0CE-07 3 56E-05 0 7.30r-oe 7. 9 t E -fit 3.4pr-0.

       #Ap?     f.57E-03 7.NE-06 5 13F-06 0.                                                    5.31t.-65                  2 470 61 ?.d7t-06            i RA?ye.0       3.6At-01 1.6hr-OS 2.04-01 0                                                     2.96F-06 7. la j t - o l 3.05t.06 DAP28 0       1.60E is! 7.61t-ch 1 465-01 0.                                                   1.53E-06 1 0 wt. . o o 5.19E-oS AC225         1 6 9 E-fl 3 6. 7 ? E -4.1 7.6AE-06 0.                                          3.69F-06 1 96L-ol 7.7]F-66 AC227.n       5.?vf.00 R . 7 eE -fs l                3.dAE-01 0.                               1.860-01 1 626..e0 5.770-65 fH727.h       1. P 2F f,3            1.0'lE-05 5.26E-oS 0.                                    1.13E-06 3 27E-?) 3.% 3F -06 7d??4 0        P.kbf.-01 1.10E-07 7.eAF-CP 3.                                                  5.61E-0/ 4.6St.00 3.62E-ow fa220          1 36f. 01 1.a2E-01 6.67F-01 0.                                                  b . 9 9 f. - 01            1 22E.ol 1.7% -66 fa?3r         3 66E.00 1 79t-01 9. e 5E -02 0.                                                 a.62F-01                  2.lHL.00        3.87F-05 7*237 0       3.86E+00 1.53E-01 7.29F-01 0.                                                    7.b6E-ol                  2  09L.00       3. 2 9F -O S TH236         1 33E-05 7.17(-07 3.N6f-07 c.                                                    2.70E-06 1 62t-03 7.60E 05 PA?31*D         4.10E.C0 1.00l=01 3.6?f-01 0.                                                    l.62E.00 3.85E-01 6. 61 E - e t.                        '

PAP 33 6.86E-0$ 1.3?t-66 1 19E-06 0. 3.66E-06 2 19E-66 0.06r.66 0732+0 P.57E-41 n. 7 137-02 o. 7.*0F-02 1.69E.oo 6. 3 6F -0 5 U233+0 5.66E-02 0. 1.81E-03 0 1 09E-07 3.56E-01 6.03F-05 0736 5.7/E-02 6 1.75E-03 0. 1.07f-02 3 69L-01 3.955-05 U735+0 s.nlE-07 0. 1.5/E-03 0. 1.0lf-02 3.28f-01 0736 5.02F-05 3.0ll-07 6 1 60E-03 0. 1.03F-02 3 35E-01 3.71F-oS U237 3 2SE-07 0. H.65E-08 U. A.08E-07 023R*D 9.13 E -0 5 1 31E-05 6.79E-02 6. 3.29E-03 0. 9.60E-03 3.06E-01 3.56F=ob NP737+D 3.03E*00 7.32E-01 1.2AE-01 0, 7.09F-01 3.69E-01 5.loE=05 ND238 7. 6 7E-96 A.73F-08 4 16C-09 0. 1 47E-07 9 19E=o5 P.5AF-o% N#23G  ?.68E-of 7 37E-0A 1 36E-0H 0. 6.73E-08 6 2bE-05 1 78E-05 PUP 3P 5.0?Leno A.33E-01 1 27E-01 0. 6.66f 01 9.03E-01 6.69E-oS PU239 s.50E.00 6.72L-01 1 367-01 0. 4.950-01 8.67E-01 6.20f-05 PU260 5.6WE*00 6.71E-01 1 36f=01 0. 6.96E-01 8.67L-01 6.36F-05 PUP 61 0 1.55E-01 6.69C-03 3.llE-03 0. 1.lhf-02 7.62E-06 A.97E-07 PU267 3 0iE*no 6.67E-01 1.t9E-01 0. 6.77E-01 A.15F-01 6.20F-05 PUP 66 5.95E.0c 7.60E-01' l.68E-01 0. 5.66E-01 9.33E-ol 6.26F-05 A*241 1.96E*00 d.66E-01 1 31L-01 0. 7.96E-01 6.06L-01 6. 7 BE -O b Au?6PM 1.90C+00 8 26E-01 1 35F-01 0. 8.01F-01 1.66L-ol 6.01E-05 i AMP 63 1.82E*00 a.10E-01 1.27E-01 0. 7.7?E-01 3.95E-01 E.66F Cw24? 9 5HE-02 7.66E-02  % . 70E -01 0. 1.69F-02 2.97E ol 5.10E-05 CH263 1.71E*00 7.965.-01 1 0*F-01 0. 1. 91 f. - 01 4.760-01 5.02F-05 Cu?66 1 63E*00 7.06E-01 6.89E-02 3.21E-01

0. 6.08E-ol 6.86E-05 CM76h 7 26E*00 8.80E-01 1 36E-01 0. 5.73f =01 3.92E-01 6.53E-oS cup 66 2 76E*00 8.79E-01 1 36E-01 0. S./3F-01 3.99E-01 6.65E-05 CH267+0 7.lsE*00 8.66E-01 1 33E-01 0. 5.15E-01 3.92E-ol 5.85E-05 CH268  !.82E*01 7.l?E*00 1 10F*00 0 6 76E*00 3. 7.1E + 0 0 9.63E-06 CF25? 4 26E*00 0. 1 0lf-01 0. 6 1.37E.00 1.85E-66 HIO389-0046A-HP01 44 Rev 5 8-1-91
     . _ . - _ - -                -. - . - _ _ . - _ . _           - -          ._ - .-           .- -       _~ ~ _ -        - - . -             _ - . .

pitLF 1.7 (Contd) CHIL3 INa4Latt39 X5E C0uwl twf 97 F ACf 0Wt t-Rrw/50v WE4 9C1 INeatic 19 riust yo Isof0EE 40sE Lives total 80Dr 7Mv4010 n!Usrv Luso r,1 -L L I w3* 0. 3.04E 07 3.04E 07 3.04t 07 3.04E 07 3.04E 07 12:E.07 OE10 s.41F 04 4.A3F Ob ?.12E-05 v. n. 7.41E.6 C16 3.7nE 06 1 8 ? r. 0 6 led 7E-06 1 82E-06 1.A2r-06 1 820-06 1.dif 06 N 1,1 7.1JE-0P 2 33E-0d 2 33E-04 2 33E-ne 7.33f 0P 2 33t-on 2.11f nm Flu 1 8eE-06 4 1.65E 07 0. O. 4 3..?f 07 . NAPP w.610 05 . ele-05 6. lE-OS 6.61E-05 -.61E 05 6.6tE-nS 4.4.t-oi NA26 6 35E-06 4 35E-06 6 35f 06 4 3st-06 6 3%r-06 6 33C 66 4.35f 06 p37 7.06E-06 3.09E-05 2.67r-05 0, n, O. 1,15r-c5 Ae39 0 n. O. 6 o. 4.49E-0v o. 4041 0, 0, 0. 0. 6 1 69E-nd O. CA61 7.06E 05 0. 7.70E-06 3. O. 7 21E-02 P.96r-aF SC66 1 9FE-n6 2 70E-06 1 06E-06 0. 7 39C-06 0. P.65F.-n5 C851 0. n. 4 17E-ob 2 31E-os 6.57E-09 4 59E-06 7.93E-n? WN56 0, 1.16E-05 2.57E-06 0.  ?.11E-06 6 26E 06 6.19r-06 WN56 3. 4.68E-10 8.=3E-Il 0. 6.92C-10 3 55E 06 3.33F-05 rE55 1 28E-05 6.e0E-06 2 10E-06 0. n. 3 00E-0$ 7.75r-o; rE59 9.59E-06 9.04C-06 6.blE-06 0. O. 1.63E-06 1.91F-05 C057 0. 7 46C-07 2.dAE-07 0. n. 1 3tE n6 1.586 06 COSA 0. 6.79E 01 8.59r-07 4. n. 2 99E406 1.29E-n6 C060 0. 3.55E-06 6.125. 06 0. O. l . 91 E -o j 2.66r-65 N!59 1 66E-05 4.67E-06 7.d3E-06 0, n. 2.73f-65 6.29E o? N!63 2 22E-04 1 25E-05 7.56E-06 0. n. 7.43E-05 1.71E-no N!65 9. ORE-10 7.09E-Il 4.64E-Il 0. o. 2.21E-n6 2.27r-05 Ct 64 0. 4.39E-10 P.90E-10 0. 1.6JE-09 2 59E-66 9.92F.06 ZN65 1 15C-05 1.06E-05 1 90f-OS 0. 1.93E-05 2 69E-64 6.61r 03 2N69N.0 4 26E-09 7.2dE-09 8 59E-10 0. 6.72E-09 7 36f-ob P.71E os ZN69 1. ale =ll 7 61E-11 2 4tE-12 0. 1 5AE-Il 3.A4E-01 7.75E-06 SE79 0. 1.73C-06 2.60E-07 0. l.flt-06 1.49E-06 1.41E-06 8482 6. D. 5.66F-06 0. 6 0. 6. 80A3+0 0. o. 1 2er-01 0. O. 6 n. 6044 n. n. 1.48E-07 0. o. O. n. 8085 0. n.- 6.84E-09 0. O. n. n. KR83M 0. D. O. O. O. 1.?2L-09 6 MRASH 0. O. O. O. O. 6.58E-09 0. MR85 6 a. O. O. 6 5.66E-09 0. KQ87 0. n. O. O. O. 1.360-06 0. W888 0 n. 0. O. O. O. 6.99E-Os 0. KD89 0 c. 0. 0. 6 6.55t-06 0. RB86 0 5.36E-05 3.09E-05 6 O. O. 7.16E-06 R887 0. 3 16E-05 1 37F-05 0. O. O. 2.96F-07 R888 0. 1 52E-07 9.90f-08 0. O. O. 6.66F-69 28A9 0 6. 9 33E-oS 7.83E-08 0. O. O. 5.llE-10 5G89 0 1.62C-04 0. 4.66E-06 0. n. 5 83E-06 4.52E-05 5290*0  !.73E-02 0. 1 74E-03 0. n. 3.99E-03 9.2Pf-05 SR91*0 3 2eE-06 0. 1 24E-09 0. n. 1 46L-05 4.700 05 5u92+0 3.54E-09 0. 1 4&i-10 -0, 0. 6.69E-06 6.55E-05 Includes a 50% increase to account for percutaneous transpiration. M10389-0046A-HP01 45 ' fi e v 5 8-1-91 l 1

TABLE 1. 7 (Cont d ) CHILD INma.Afl0N DOSE COMw!1 MENT FACY045 MNEM/50Y PER PCI INmALE0 IN rios7 yes

           !$070PE                B0NE    L 'vER . TOTAL 8007 TMv4010           M10NEY                    LUNG       GI-LLI Y90                1.llE-06 0.          2 99E-06 0.                 0.                    7.07L 05 7.24E 05 1914 0              1 37E-10 0.          4.90E-12 0.                O.                     7.60L-07 6.66E 07 Y91                 7.47E-06 0,          6.59E=06 0.                O.                     7.10E 0* 6.97C-05 192                 5.50E-09 0.          1 570-10 0.                O.                    6 66L-06 6.66E-05 Y93                 5.06E-08 0.          1 38E 09 0.                O.                    2 0lt 05 1.0bE              ZR93 0              2.07E-06 7.80E-05 5.55E-05 0.                   3.00E-06 7 10L-06 1.67E-05 2R95+D              5.lJE-05 tel3C-05 1 00E-05 0.                   1.61E-05 6 03L-06 1.65E-05 ZR97 0              5 07E-08 7.36E-09 6 32E-09 0.                   1 05E-08 3 06E-05 9.69E-05 NW93M               1 2FE-06 3 17E-05 1 06E-95 0.                   3.66Ed05 1 06L 06 2.65C 06 NW95                6 35E-06 2.68E-06 1 77E-06 0.                   2.33E-06 1 66L-06 1.00E-05 NB97                1 16E-10 2 08L-11 9.76E-12 0.                  2.31E-11 9 23L-07 7.52E-06 N093                0.       3.76E-06 1 35E-07 0.                   1.06E-06 1 70L-06 3.78E-06 M099 0              0.       4.66E-08 1 15E-08 0.                   1.06E-07 3 66L-06 3.42E-05 TC99M               6.81E-13 9.41E-13 1 56E-11 0.                   1.37E-11 2 57E-07 1.30E-06 1C99                1 36L-07 1 69E-07 5.35E-0v 0.                   1.75E-06 3.31L-06 7.75E-06 TC101              2 19E-14 2 30E-16 2.91E-13 4.                   3.92E-l's 1.58L-07 6.61E-06 Rul03 0            7.56E-07 0.          2.90E-07 0.                1.90E-06 1 7vE-06 1.21E-05 RU105 0            6.lJE-10 0.          1.50E-10 0.                3.63E-10 6.30L-06 2.69E-05 Rul06*O            3 68E-05 0.          6.57E-06 0.               6.97E-OS 3 87L-03 1 16E-06 RH105               3.91E-09 2 10E-09 1 79E-09 0.                   8.39E-09 7.82E-06 1.33E-05 P0107               0.        2.65E-07 2 51E-08 0.                  1.9FE-06 3.16L-05 7.26E 0 7 P0109               0.        1.48L-09 4.95E-10 0.                  7.06E-09 6 16L-06 2.59E-05 AG110H.D 6.56E-06 3 08E-06 2 47E-06 0.                             b.76E-06 1 6st-03 2.11E-05 A0111               1 81E-07 5.68C-08 3.75E-08 2.                   1.71E-07 7.73E-05 2.98E-05 C0113M              0.        6.93L-06 2 12E-05 0.                 5 13E-04 6.96E-06 1.63E-05 CD115M              0.        7.88E-05 3 39E-06 0.                 5.93E-05 5.86L-06 6.97E-05
           $N123               1.29E-06 2 16C-06 6.19E-06 2 27E-06 0.                               9.59L-06 6.05E-05
           $N125+0             6.95E-06 9.94E-08 2 95E-01 1 03E-07 0.                               2 63L-06 7 17E-05
           $N126+0             S.2JE-04 1 04E-05 2 36E-05 2 84t-06 0.                               3.02L-03 1.63E-05 58126               1 55E-05 2 00E-07 5 61E-06 3 61E-Os 0.                               8.76E-06 6.43E-05 SW125+0             2 66E-0S 2 05E-07 5.59E-06 2 660-08 0.                               6.27E-06 1.09E-05 58126               1 72C-06 2 62E-08 6 16E-07 1 00E-Os 0.                               2.86L-06 5.6FE-05 58127               1 36E=07 2 09E-09 4.70E-Os 1 51E-09 0.                               6.17E-05 3.82E-05 TE125M              1 82E=06 6.29E-01 2.47E-07 5 20E-07 0.                               1 29L-06 9.13f-06 TL127M*0 6.72E-06 2 31E-06 8 16E-07 1 66E-06 1.72E=05 6.00L-06 1.93E-05 TE127               7.49E-10 2 57E-10 1.65E-10 5 30E-10 1.91E-09 2.71L-06 1.52E-05 TL129M*U 5 19E-0$ 1 85E-06 8 22E-07 1 71E-06 1.36E-05 6.76L-06 6.91E-05 1E129               2 66E-11 9.45E-12 6.*6E-12 1 93E-11 6.96E-11 7.93L-07 6.89E-06 TE131M.0 3 63E=0s 1.60E-06 1 37E-06 2 66E-08 1 0eE-07 5.56L-05 8.32E-05 TL131*0             5.87E-12 2 2BE-12 1.78E-12 6.59C-12 1.59E-11 5.5bE-07 3.60F-07 TL13?+0             1 30E-07 7.36L-08 Fel2F=06 8 58E-08 6.19E-07 1.02L-06 3.72E-05 1E133M*0 2.93E-11 1 51E-11               1.50F-il     2 32E=ll 1.01E-10 1 60L-06 6.770-06 TE136*0             1 53E-Il d.8tC-12 9.40E-12 1 26E-11 5.71E-11 1 23E-06 6.87f-07 1129                1 05E-05 6 60E-06 5.71E-06 6 28E-03 1.08E-05 0.                                    2.15E-07 1130                2.21E-06 6.63E-00 2.28L-06 6.99E=0* 6.61E-06 0.                                    1.38E-06 1131+0              1 30E-05 1.30E-05 7 37L-06 6 3VL-0J 2 13E-05 0.                                    7. 68E -0 7 M10389-0046A-HP01                                                                             Re    5 0-1-?1

TABLE 1,7 (Contd )

 <!L3 INaaLaft)N DCSE COMw!TMLNT raCTOR5(MdEM/50y PER PCI INNALED IN F]QST v4) 30TOPL         SONE       LivfR       TOTAL 8007      TNvR010     K10NEY     LUNG      Gl-((1
 !!32         5.72E-07 1 10E-06       5.07L-07     5 23E-05    1.69E-06  0.          8.65f-07 (133 0       4.aoE-06     5.49E-06       2.08f 06      1 04E-03   9.13E-06  0.          l.e8E-06 (134         3 1/L-01     5.deE-07       2.69E-01     1 37E-05    8.92E-0/  0.         2 5ar..oy (135 0       1 33E-Oe     4 36L-06       1 12E -06    2 14E-0*    3.62E-06  0.          1 20E-06 LL131M       0.           O.             O.           O.          U.        3.30E-09   0.

LE133M 0. O. O. O. 0. 4 36E-09 0. ill33 0. O. O. S. O. 3.66L-09 0. (L 135 M 0. O. O. O. O. 4.48E-09 0. tt!35 0. O. O. O. O. 9.09E-09 0. (LI51 0. O. O. O. O. 4.0TL-Os 0. LE136 0 3. O. O. O. O. 5.17L-06 0.

5134M.0 6 33E-08 8.92E-Os 6 12E-08 0. 6.94E-08 8.35E-09 7.92E-08
5134 1 7bE-04 2.74E-04 6.07E-05 0. 8.93E-05 3.27L-05 1.04E-06
5135 6.?JE-05 6 13L-05 4.45E-06 0. 1.53E-05 5.22L-06 2.1TE-07
5136 1 76E -05 4.62E-05 3 14E-05 0. 2.58E-05 3.93t=0e 1 13E-06
5137 0 2 45E-04 2 23E-0* 3.*7E-05 0. 7.63E-05 2.81E-05 9.78E-07
5138 1.71E-07 2.2iE-0/ 1.SOE-0/ 0. 1.68E-07 1 84L-06 7.29E-08
5139 0 1 09E-07 1 15E-07 5.80E-08 0. 9.08E-08 9.36L-09 7.23E-12
 'A139        4.99E-10     2 66E-13       1.*5E-Il     0.          2.33E-13  1 56L-06 1.56E-05 1A140 0      2 00E-05     1 75E-08       1 17E-06     0.          5.7LE-09  4.71L-04 2.75E-05
 $A141 0      S.29E-11     2 95E-14       1.12E-12     0.          2.56E-14  7.89E-07 7.44E-08 iA142 0      1 33E-11     9.73E-15       7.$4E-13     0.          7.87E-15  4.44L-07 7.41E 10 A140        1 74E-01     6.08E-06       2. uke-Od    O.          O.        4.94La05 6.10E-05 A141        2 2eE-09     5.31E-10       1 15E-10     0.          O.        4.4BE-06 4.37E-05 4142        3 50E-10     1 11E-10       3 49E-11     0           O.        2 35L-06 2 05E-05 E141        1.06E-05     5 28L-06       7.83E-07     0.          2.31E-06  1 47E-04 1.53E-05 E143 0      9.89E-06     S.376-ob       7.77E-09     0.          2.26E-08  3 12t-05 3.44E-05 E144 0      1 83E-O'     S.72d-04 9.77E-05           0.          3 17Ee04  3 23E-03 1 05E-04 R143        4.99E-06     1 50E-06       2 67E-0/     0.          8.11E-07  1 1/E-04 2.63E-05 R144        1 61E-11     4.99E-12       8 10E-13     0.          2.64E-12  4 23E-07 5.32E-08 0147*0      2 92E-^6     2 36E-06       1 84E-0/     0.          1.30E-06  8.87E-05 2.22E-05
  *147        3 52Ec04     2 52E-05       1 36E-05     0.          4.45E-05  2 20L-04 5.70E-06 M148M+0     3 3tE-05     6.55E-06       6.55E-06     0.          9.74E-06  5.72L-04 3.58E-05 4148        1.61E-06     1 94E-07       1.25E-07      0.         3.30E-07  1.24E-04 6.01E-05 4149       1 4IE-07     1 56F-08       8.45E-09      0.         2.75E-08  2 40L-0S 2.92E-05
   *151       3.57E-08     4 u k ro       2 92E-09      0.         7.35E-09  1.24E-05 2.50E-05
   *151       3.!*E-04     . 7 ? b .:5    1 49f-05      O.         4.89E-05  1 48L-04 3 43E-06 4153       7 24E-08     4.dal 04       6 35E-09      0.          1.37E-08 1 37t-05 1 87E-05 U152       7.42E-04     1 37E-04       1.61E-04      0.         5.73E-04  9.00E-04 1.14E-05 U154       2.74E-03     2.49E-04       2 27E-04      0.          1.09E-03 1 66t-03 2.98E-05 VISS       5.60E-06     6.05E-05       3.laE-05      0.          1.51E-04 2 79t-06 5.39E-05 U156       7.89E-06     4 23E-06       8.75E-07      c.         2.72C-06  2.54E-06 6 26E-05 3160       7.79E-05     0.             9.67E-06      0.         2.32E-05  5.34E-04 2.28E-05 0166M       1 34E-03    2 81E-04       2 37E-04      0.         4.01E-04  1 13E-03 1 63E-05 181        2.66E-08     6.52E-09       8.99E-10      0.         0,        5.71E-06 2.61E-07 185        S.31E-07     2 08E-07        2 91E-08     0.          O.        1 8bE-04 1 11E-05 187        4.41E-09     2 61E-09       1 17E-09      0.          O.        1 11L-05 2.46E-05 1

HIO389-0046A-HP01 Rev 5 B-1-?1

TABLE 1.7 (Contd) CHILD INMALat!ON DOSE C06u!Twf NT FACT 045twwEM/50Y PET PCI IN"ALER 1* F19st vai ISOf0PL 3ONE L!vt G Totat A ct, y TMYE010 kl0NFv LUNG GI-LLI PH210+0 *. 0 3E -0 2 1.tSE-0? 3.leF-03 0. 6. 31 F -0 7 8.76E-02 7. 7bE -N P!210 0 t. 5.llE-06 5.65E-0 / 0. 5.76E-05 3.70t-03 3.21r-ni 90210 1.7d -63 7.7eE-03 6.09E-06 0. H.ASE-03 1 05t-01 6.32f n' QN???.0 0, n. . u. n. 6.82E-ob 0, Da?23*O 7.64E-06 A.69E-07 1.56F-06 0. 2.36F-05 8.6et-02 3.00r-c, Da726.? 1 64E-05 1 53E-07 1.64E-05 0 6.06F-Oe 2.92E-02 3. 34E -n. WAP2s.O 1 29E-03 1.16E-06 2.56E-0* 0. 3.n2E-05 9.746 62 P.84r-0 PA72e+0 P.36E-01 7.66F-06 1 9/F-01 0. P.03E-04 3 90t n1 3,02r-c. Pa?29 0 1.69E-01 3.94E-06 1 6PF-01 0. 1.06F-06 5.37E-01 5.14 E - C ' aCP2A 1.blE-03 1.P7C-03 1.Plf-06 c. 1.99f-06 7.37E-02 7.67F-0 AC227+D 6.96E.00 A.0%E-01 1 07E-ul 0. 1.77E-01 6.06L-01 5 2 ? E - 0 '. Td227+0 4.?6E-04 1.?6E-05 2.67E-05 0. 6.67F-05 1 26E-01 3.49F-0 T*728.p a.0$E-01 1 060-02 2 7PE -02 0. 5.61E-02 3 36E.00 3.59F-0 Tm??9 1 2eE*01 1. 7 d E -01 6. 3] E 01 0. A.6AF-01 1.06t*nl 1.27E-0 7*230 3.10E*00 1 73E-01 9 20E-0? 0. 0.S?f-01 1 85E.00 3. 8 6 F -O ' THP3?+0 3.68E+00 1.470-01 1 2FE-01 c. 7.2eE-01 1 77E+oo 3 27F-0' Te236 6.96E-06 1.0/E-07 ?.00E-07 0. 1.62C-06 6.31L-06 7. 32E -n' Pa231.n 4.6FE*00 2.P6L-01 3.*3F-01 0. 1.56E.00 1 92E-01 6.57E-o FAP33 6.16E-06 6.46E-07 7.?$f-07 0. P.38E-06 9.77E-05 A.95F-0 UPJ2*0 2 19F-01 0. 1.boE-02 0. 1.67E-02 7.62L-01 6. 3 3C - 0 '

     ,233+0        6.66E-Og     n.            P.B2E-03 U.          7.62F-03 1.77E-01 4. 0 0 E -0'
7. 6.46E-02 0. 2.76E-03 0. 7.67E-03 1 76E -01 1.92E 0:
         ' .0      6.275-02 0.                7.59E-03 0.          7.01E-03 1.63L-01 6.9dE-o-f:        6 27E-02 0.                2 66E-03 0.          7 16F-03 1 67E-01 3 67E-ni ot37          1 57E=07 n.                4 17F-06 0.          6.53E-07 3 60E-05 1 29F-0' b? h >3       6.09E-0? 0.                7.4?E-03 0.          A.55F-03 1.93E n1 3.51E-0'
     '# 3 2 +0     2 8dE*0r 2 21E-01 1.loE-01 0.                   7.6tE-01 1 76E-01 5.06F 0!

N"v36 1.76E-0/ ?.56E-06 1.97F 0H 0. 3.16E-08 '3.39E-OS 2.50F-0! A-/39 1 2hE 91 9.04E-09 6.35E-09 0. 2 63E-OH 1 57E-05 1.73E-0! PU230 6. 71E * .10 6.05E-01 1 21E-01 0. 6.67E-01 6.06E-01 4.65F-n! PUP 34 f.24E*00 6.4*E-Ol 1.2HE-0] 0. 6.78E-01 5.72E-01 6.26F-0! PUP 60 5.?.1E*00 6.43E-01 1 27E-01 0. 4.77E-01 5.71E-01 6.33E-0$ PUP 41*O ).66E-01 6.33E-03 2 91E-03 0. 1 10F-02 5 06E-04 8.90F-0' PU267 6.P5E+00 A.?UE-01 1 23E-01 0. 4.60E-01 5.50E-01 6.16E-0' PUP 46 5 7 10E-01 1 61F-01 0. 5.27E-01 6.30E-01 6. ? O F -0

  • A*?bt 1 76E.00 7.8SE-01 1 24E-01 0. 7.63E-01 P.02E-01 6.73F-o' AM26?H 1.79E*00 7.65E-01 1.27E-01 0. 7.71F 01 8.14E-02 5.96E-05 Aw?63 1 72E*00 7.53E-01 1 20F-01 0. 7.uPE-01 1 92E 01 5.55F-05 Cu?62 6.33E-02 6.P6E-02 4.20E-03 0. 1.36E-02 1.31E-01 5.06E-0!

CMP 43 1 61E*00 7.J3E-C1 9.9%F-02 0. 3.76E-01 2 10t-01 6.9AE-0? CM764 1 33E+00 6.a8E-01 H.31E-02 0. 3.06E-01 2 02E-01 4.82E-0! CW245 7 16E+00 8.lbE-01 1 28E-01 0. 5.03E-01 1 95E-ol 6.49E-0! CH246 P.13E+00 9.lbE-01 1 2BE-01 0. 5.03E-01 1 99E-01 6.61E-0' C8267+0 2.07E+00 8.02E-01 1 26E-01 0. 4.95E-01 1 95E-01 9.80E-0! Cw?46 1.7?E+01 6.61E.00 1.06E*00 0. 6.0dE+00 1 61E*00 9.35F-04 CFZ52 3.92E*00 0. 9.33E-02 0. O. 6.62E-01 1.84E-0( HIO389-0046A-HP01 g 5 S-1-91

i l TABLE !.7 (Contd) TEEN INwALAT10N 035E Cowul1*f4f FAC70R5(wwtu/50Y PLJ PC! INHA(ED IN FIDS 7 YQ) (50TOPF 90sE LivCR fo7AL f00Y fnv4010 M10Nfy LONG Gl*LLI H3' O. 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 EE10 2.7mE 04 4.33E-05 7.09F-06 0. 6 3. A *t -0 1.77r-ng C14- 1 26E-Ot A.09E-47 6.09f-07 A.09F-07 A.09E-07 6.04 -07 A.09E-07 N13 w.A5E-04 8.65E-09 e.eEF-04 8 65t-09 A.65E-09 e.65t *9 2.6sr-Og Fle A.52E-07 6 7. s oE-Of 0. O. o. 3.aar-na att t.76C-65 1.76L-05 1.7AE-05 1 7f.E-ob 1.7dE-05 1 7 6 t. o S 1 75f-ns h, A 2 4 1.72i-06 1.72E-06 1 7?f-06 1 72E-06 1.7?E-06 1.72E-36 1.7?E-06 P3?  ?.36E-04 1.37E-05 M.95E-06 n. O. O. 1.16g-05 AR39 n. O. O. O. O. 4.00E-09 6 A441 S. O. O. O. 6 1.44L-06 4 CA41 '.0SE-05 0 4. 3F F -06 0. n. 1.01E-01 3.01F-07 SC46 7 24E-05 1 41E-06 4 166-05 0. 1.35f-06 0. 7.9ar-nu CR51 0. O. 1 64f-0A 9 37E-09 1.86E-09 P.62E-ob 3.75r-07 MN54 0. 4.39E-06 1 05E-06 v. 1.59E-06 2 48t-04 M.35r-nA kN56 c.  ?.12L-10 3 15E-Il 0. P.24F-10 1 90E-ot 7.lar-n$ FESS 4.10E-06 2.98E-06 6.93F-07 0. O. 1.55L-n5 7.99r-n7 FE59 1 99E-06 4.6?E-06 1 79E-06 0 O. 1 91E-n* 7.23E-65 C057 n. 1.lhE-07 1 18#-07 0. O. 7.33E-65 1.Q3F-oe C058 0. P.59E-07 1 47f-07 0. O. l.e9E-04 1.19F-05 C060 0. 1 89E-06 7 4cE-06 0. O. 1 09E-63 3.24F-65 N!59 5.3 4E-06 7.02E-Oh 9.24E-07 0. O. 1.41E-05 6.4er-07 N163 7.25E-05 S .4 3E -06 2 470-06 0. n. 3.d4E-05 1.77F N!65  ?.7,'E-10 3 66E=ll 1.S9E-Il 0. n. 1 17E-00 4.59E-06 CU64 0. 7.54E-10 1.06F-In p. et . 01 E - 10 1 39f-06 7.68F-06 7N65 a.stE-06 1 67E-05 7.80E-06 0. 1.0PF-05 1 55E-04 %.83E-06 2N69M+0 1 44L-09 3.39E=0') 3.llE-10 U.  ?.0eE-09 3.92E-06  ?.14E-05 ZN69 6.04E-12' 1 15E-Il R.07E-13 0. 7.53E-12 1 98t-r7 3.56r-ne SE79 s. 5.43E-01 e./1F-08 0. A.13E-07 7.71f-05 3.53f-06 BR82 0. O. P.2AE-06 0. O. 0. O. HRB3+0 0. n. 4.30E-Ou D. O. O. O. OEA4 0. n. 5 41E-OH 0 n. O. O. O. 6 8985 0, n. 2 29f-09 0. 6 nR83P 0. n. O. O. O. 9.97t-10 6 KAR5P 0. O. S. O. D. 5. 4 et -0 9 0. KR85 6 O. 0. O. O. 4.63E-09 0. K487 e. O. O. n. O. 2 92E-06 n. noRa.0 n. O. n. O. n. 5.81E-te 0. KWh9 0 A. O. O. o. 3.6SE-06 0. I 9886 0. P.38E-05 1 0SE -05 0. n. O. 2.21E-66 l RAB7 0. 1 40E-05 4.5eE-06 0 O. n. 3.05F-07 9988 p. 6.P2E-08 3 40E-08 0. o. O. 3.65E-15 A889*0 p. 4.406-08 2 9)E-08 0. O. O. 4.22r-17 l 5D89 0 3 43E-05 0. 1 566-06 0. O. 3.02E-04 4.64E-n5 S490 0 1.35E-n2 0. P.35E-04 0. n. 2.06E-03 9.5AE-05 l Sw91+D 1.10E=og n. 4.39E-10 0. O. 7.59E-06 3.24C-65 549?.O 1 19E-09 0. 5 0PE-Il 0. 9. 3 4JE-06 1.49E-05 Includes a 50% increase to account for percutaneous transpiration. HIO389-0046A-HP01 49 R e 't 5 S-1-91

TABLE 1. 7 (Contd ) TEEN INHALAt!ON DOSE COMelTMENT F ACTOR 5(HEEM/50Y PER PCI INMALEO IN FIRST 70) ISOTOPE BONE ElVEW TOTAL BODY TMYR0!D M10NEY LUNG 01-Lt1 Y90 3 73E-07 0. 1 00E-Os 0. O. 3.66E-05 6.99E-0 Y91M+0 4.63E-11 0. 1 77E-12 0. 0. 4.00E-07 3.77E-e Y91 B.26C-05 0. 2.21E-06 0. O. 3.6?E-04 5.11E-0 y92 1 64E-09 0. 5.36E-11 0. O. 3.3SE-06 2.06E-0 Y93 1 69E-06 0. 4.65E-10 0. O. 1.0*E-05 7.2-E-c 2R93 0 6.83E-05 3 38E-05 1.84E-05 0. 1 16Ea04 3.67t-04 1.60E-0 2R95+0 1 82E-05 5.73E-06 3.94E-06 c. 8.42E-06 3e36E-04 1.86E-0 ZR97+0 1 72E-08 3.40E-09 1 57E-09 0. 5.15E-09 1.62E-05 7.eBE-0 Nd93M 4 14E-05 1 36E-Ob 3.41E-06 0. 1 59E-05 5.36E-05 2.52E-0 NB95 2 32E-06 1 29E-06 7.08E-07 0. 1 25E-06 9.39E-05 1.01E-0 NB97 3.92E-11 9.72E-12 3.55E-12 0. 1.14E-11 4.91E-07 2.1.E-; M093 0. 1 66E-06 4.52E-08 0. 5.06E-07 8.81E-05 3.99E-0 M099 0 0. 2 11E-08 4.03E-09 0. 5.14E-08 1.92L-05 3.36E-0 TC99M 1.73E-13 4.83E-13 6.24E-12 0. 7.20E-12 1.44E-07 7.66C-0 TC99 4.4dE-08 6 5dE-os 1.79E-08 0. 8.35E-07 1.74L-04 7.99E-0 TC101 7.40E-15 1 05E-14 1.03E-13 c. 1.90E-13 8.34L-08 1.09E-1 RU103*0 2 63E-07 0. 1.12E-07 0. 9.29E-07 9.79E-05 1.36E-C RO105 0 1 40E-10 0. 5.42E-11 0. 1.76E-10 2.27E-Oe 1.13E-0 RU106+0 1 2JE-05 0. 1.55E-06 0. 2.38E-05 2.01E-03 1 20E-0 RM10* 1.32E-09 9.48E-10 6.24E-10 0. 4.04E-09 4.09t-06 1.23E-0 P0107 0. 1.17E-07 8.39E-0V 0. 9.39E-07 1.63E-05 7.49E-0 P0109 0. 6. sE-10 1 66E-10 0. 3.36E-09 3.19t-06 1.96E-0 AG110H+0 1 73E-06 1 64E-06 9.99E-07 0. 3.13E-06 8.44E-04 3.41E-0 (4111 6.0TE-0B 2.52E-08 1 26E-08 0. 8 17E-08 4.00L-05 3.00E-0 00113M 0. 2 17E-04 7 10E-06 0. 2.43Ea04 3.59E-04 1.68E-0 C0115H 0. 3.4BE-05 1 1*E-06 0. 2.82E-05 3.03E-04 5.10E-0 SN123 4 31E-05 9.44E-07 1.40E-06 7 55E-07 0. 4.96E-04 4.16F-0 SN125+0 1 66E-06 4.42E-08 9.99E-08 3 4bE-00 0. 1.26E-04 7.29E-0 SN126+0 2 18E-04 5.39E-06 8 24E-06 1 42E-06 0. 1 72E-03 1.68E-0

           $8124                                       5 3BE-06                                                                                           9.92E-08                2.10E-06 1 22E-06          0.           4.81E-04      4.98F-0 58125+0                                      9 23E-06                                                                                            1.01E-07              2 15E-06 8.80E-09          0.           3.420-04      1.24E-0 58126                                       6 19E-07                                                                                             1 27E-08              2 23E-O'I 3 50E-09         0.           1 55t-06      6.01E-0 58127                                       4.64E-0B                                                                                           9.92E-10                1.75E-08 b.21E-10          0.           3.31E-05      3.94F             TE125M                                       6 10E-07                                                                                          2.80E-07                8.34E-08 1 7bE-07           0.          6.70L-OS      9.38E-0 TE127M.0                                     2.2SE-06                                                                                            1.02E-06              2 13E-07 5.48E-07           8.17E-06    2.07t-06      1.990-0 TE127                                        2.51E-10                                                                                             1.14E-10             5.52E 11 1 77E-10          9.10E-10     1.40E-06      1.01E-0 TE129M+0                                      1 74E-06                                                                                          8 23E-07               2.MIE-07 5 72E-07           6.49E-06    2 4/E-04      5.06E-0 TE129                                         8.8FE-12                                                                                          4 22E-12               2 20E-12 6 48E-12           3.32E-11    4 12E-07      2.02E-O' TE131M+0                                       1 73E-08                                                                                          7.51E-09              5.03E-09 9 06E-09           S.49E-08    2.97E-05      7.76E-O' TE131+0                                        1 91E-12                                                                                           1.04E-12             6.30E-13 1 55E-12            7.72E-12   2.92E-07      1 89E-0 TE132+0                                       4.50E-06                                                                                           3.63E-OH              2.74F-08 3 07E-08           2.44E-07    5.61E-05      5.79E              TE133M*0                                       1 01E-11                                                                                         7.33E-12              5.71E-12 8 18E-12           5.07E-11    8.71E-07      1.23E-0 7E134+0                                       5.31E-12                                                                                          4 35E-12              3.64E-12 4.46E-12            2.91E-11   6.75L-07      1.37E-0' 1129                                          3.53E-06                                                                                          2.94E-06              4.90E-06 3 66L-03            5.26E-06    0.           2.29E-0~

1130 7. 8 0 E- 0 ~/ 2.24E-06 8.96E-0/ 1 86E-04 3.44E-06 0. 1 14f 1131+0 4.43E-06 6 14L-06 3.30E-06 1 83E-03 1.05E-Ob 0. A.11E-0 HIO389-0046A-HP01 r< e y 5 8-1-91

TABLE 1. 7 (Contd ) i l

 *EEN INwALaf!ON DOSE CO*M11 MENT FA(TOR $(wwtw/50Y Pta DCI INaaLED IN Fla57 va)
 .5070PL        s0NE     LIVER     TOTAL Rout     1MYR010      K!ONEY            LUNO      01-LLI
  !!32         1.9Cc-o?  5.47L-0/    1.97E 01     1 89L-Ob     8.65E-07         0.         1.59E-01
   !!33+0      1 52E-00  2 56E-06    7.78E-01     3 6bE-06     4.49E-06         0.         1.29E-06 1134        1.llE-01  2 90L-01    1 05E-07     4.94E-06     4.58E-07         0.         2.55E-09
  !!35 0       4.62L-07  1 18E-06    4.36E-01     /.76L-05     1.86E-06         0.         8.69E-07 KL131M       0.        O.          O.           C.           0.               2.70E-09   0.

KE133M 0. O. O. O. O. 3 59L-09 0. AE133 0. O. O. O. O. 2 99E.09 0. Atl3bH 0. O. O. O. O. 3 88L-09 0. XE135 0. O. O. 6. n. 7.55L-09 0. XL137 0. O. O. O. O. 3 33L-Ve 0. Atl3P.0 0. 0. O. O. O. 4.JeE-06 0 C5134M 0 2.20E-06 4 35E-06  ?.15E-OR 0. 2. 5*E -0 8 4 56L-09 .2.02E-06 C5134 6.2eE-05 1 41E-04 e.46E-05 0. 4.69E-05 1 83L-05 1.22E-06 C5135 2 09E-05 1 62E-05 4.*7E-Oo e. 7.30E-06 2 70E-06 2 23E-07 CS136 6.44E-06 7 62L-05 1. TIE =0S 0. l.J8E-05 2 22L-06 1 36F-06 C5137 0 9.38E-05 1.06t-04 J.e9E-Os 0. 3.80E-05 1 51L-05 1 06E-06 CS138 5.92L-08 1 07E-07 5.5eE-06 v. 8.28E-08 9.84E-09 3.38E-11 C5139 0 3 65E-08 5 12E-08 1 97E-08 0. 4 34E-On 4.86E-09 1.66E-23 8A139 1 6/E-10 1 18E-13 4.87E-12 0. 1.llE-13 8.08E-0) 8.06E-01 SA140+0 5.84E-06 8 3eE-09 4.40E-07 0. 2.65E-09 2 54L-04 2.86E-05 BA141 0 1.?eE-il 1 32E-14 i.93E-13 u. 1.23E-14 4 11t-07 9 33E-14 B A142+ 0 4.62E-12 4 63L-15 2 84E-13 0. 3.92E-15 2 39E-07 5.99E-20 LA140 5.99E-08 2.95L-08 7.n2E-09 0. O. 2.e8E-05 6.09E-05 LA141 7.63E-10 2 35E-10 3 87E-11 0. O. 2 31L-06 1.54E-05 LA142 1 20E-10 5 31E-11 1 32E-Il 0 O. 1 27E-06 1.50E-06 CE141 3.5bE-06 2 37E-06 2.71E-07 0. 1.11E-06 7.67L-05 1.58E-05 CE143 0 3.32E-08 2 42E-08 2 70E-09 0. 1 0BE-08 1 63E-05 3.19E-05 CE144 0 6.11E=04 2 53E-04 3.28E-05 0. 1.51E-04 1 67L-03 1.08E-04 PW143 1 6?E-06 5 64E-0/ 8.28E-08 0. 3.86E-07 6.04L-05 2.67E-05 PR144 5.3/E-12  ?.20L-12 2.72E-13 C. 1.26E-12 2 19L-07 2.94E-l' N0147+0 9.83E-07 1 07E-06 6.41E-Os 0. 6.28E-07 4 65L 05 2 28E-05 PM147 1 1sE-04 1 10E-05 4.50E-06 0. 2 10E-05 1 14t-04 5.87E-06 PMikeM.0 1 32E-05 3 35E-06 2.62E 0h 0. 5.07E-06 3 20L-04 4 10E-05 PM148 5 44E-07 H.88E-0e 4.48E-08 0. 1 60E-07 6 52L-05 6 14E-05 PM149 4.?!E-08 6.89E-09 2.84E-09 0. 1.31E 1.24L-05 2.79E-05 PM151 1 20E-08 1 99E-09 1 01L-09 0. 3.57E-09 6.56E-06 2.27E-05 SM151 1 0?E-04 2 10E-05 4.86E-06 0. 2 27E-05 7.68L-Ob 3.53E-06 SM153 2.43E-00 2 01E-08 1 47E-09 0. 6.56E-09 7 11L-06 1.77E-05 Eul52 2.96E-04 7 19E-05 6 30E-05 0. 3.34E-04 5 01E-04 1.35E-05 EU154 9.43E-04 1 23E-04 8.60L-05 0. 5.44E-04 9.12E-04 3.34E-05 LV155 2 00E-04 1 96E-0$ 1 21E-OS 0. 7.65E-05 1 51t-03 5.97E-05 EU156 2.70E=06 2 03E-06 3 30E-07 0. l.J6E-06 1 37E-04 4.56E-05 T8160 3.04E-05 0. 3 19E-06 0. 1 20E-05 2.97t-04 2.60E-05 N0166M 4.40E-04 1 36E-04 9.87E-05 0. 2.00E-04 6 24E-04 1 68E-05 W181 8.90E-09 2.88E-09 3 01E-10 0. O. 2 95E-06 2.69E-07 wl85 2 7dE-0 7 9 17E-08 9.73E-09 0. O. 9.60E-05 1 14E-05 W187 1.50E-09 1 22E-09 4 29E-10 0. O. 5 92L-06 2.21E-05 HIO389-0046A-HP01 Rev 5 8-1-91

TABLE 1.7 (Contd)

  • 7EEN INwALA110N 305E Cowv11*ENT FAC10RSIMWES/504 PER PC] INN alt 0 IN FIRST yo)

L I V F.o INYE010 KlDNE) LUNG r,1 - L t 1 ism 700E SONE T OT AL f 0DY

        '10 0     3.09E-0?  A.?4E-03       1 07E-03        0.      P.95f.0?  4.52E-02    3.671-05 a.:10*O      D.        2.?6E-06       1 89F-07        0.      7 74f-05  1 91E-03    3.19E-05 PDP10        5. bee-04 1.??E-03       1.37E-06        0.      6.21F-03  5.41E 62   6.65E-05 QNP27.n      3.        n.             0,              o.      p,        3,95t-06    n.

RA2?3+B  ?.57!-(4 3 93F-07 5 16f-05 6. 1.12E-05 4.39E-02 1.06E-06 0422k 'O  ?.R3E-05 A.77E-06 S.6SE-06 0. 1.93E-06 1.51E-02 3.29F-04 RAPP5+0 4 2HF-06 5.06E-07 8 56E-Os 0 1 46E-0S 5.04E-02 P.89F-06 OA?26+D 1 33E-01 3 3eE-Oe 9.67E-02 c. 9.67E-05 2 02C 01 3.11E 06 EAP28+D 5.36E-02 1.76E-ob 5.UPA-02 c. 4.97E-05  ?.7HE-01  %.30F-05 AC275 6.06E-04 H.?5E-06 4.06E-05 0. 9.67E-05 3 81E-02 2.70E-06 AC?27+D  ?.69E+00 3 69E-nl 1 6HE-01 0. 1 07E-01 6 16E-01 R.3BF-05 7HP27+D 3.09E-04 5.56E-06 8.43E-06 0. 3.18F-05 6 50E-02 1.57E-06 7H2?P*D 7.60E-01 6 37E-03 8.78E-03 c. 7.65F-02 1 69E*00 3.70f-06 le229 v.06E*00 1.36L-01 6.65E-01 0. 6.67E-01 5 05E 00 3. 3 6E -0 6 7H230  ?.34E.00 1 36 E -nl 6.69E-0? 0. 6.55E-01 B.08E-01 3.95E-05 1H23?+D 2.61E+00 1 166-01 9.?)E-0? 0. 5.60E-01 8.60E-01 3.36E-05 Tm236  ?.3?E-06 1.35E-07 6.71E-06 0. 7.73F-07 3.26E-04 7.69F-05 FA?31*D 5 32E*00 2 00E-01 2 07E-01 0. 1.l?E+00 9.91E-02 6.71r-05 PA233 1 6eE-06 3.P6f-07 7.89E-07 0. 1 22E-06 5 39E -05 1.00F-05 U232 0 7 31E-02 0. 5.?3E-03 0. 7.94E-03 3.84E-01 4.66E-05 UP33 0 1.55E-02 0. 9.62E-06 0. 3.63E-03 9.18E-02 4.12E-05 U234 1 4BE-02 6. 9.23E-04 0. 3.5SE-03 8.99E-02 6.06F-05 U P 3 5

  • E' l.42E-02 0. P.67E-06 c. 3.34E-03 8.44E-02 5.13E -05 U236 1 6?E-0? 0. e.8eE-Ou 0. 3.61E-03 0.62E-02 3.7 E-n5 U237 5.?51-08 0. 1 60E-08 0. P.16E-07 1 76E-05 1.29E-05 U238+b 1 36E-02 0. P.10f-04 0. 1 12E-03 7.89E-02 3.62F-05 NP237+D 1.77E+00 1.54E-01 7.21E-02 0, 6.35E-01 8.99E-02 5.22E-05 NP238 4 23E-07 1 13E-08 6 59E-09 0. 3.8BE-0H 1.75E-05 2.38E-05 NP239 4.?3E-06 3 90E-09 7 21F-09 0 1.?SE-OH 8 11E-06 1 65f-05 DUF3P  ?.86E+00 4.06E-01 7.22E-02 0. 3.10E-01 3.12E-01 6.79E-05 PUP 39 3 31E*00 6.50E-01 8.05E-02 0. 3.64E-01 2.93C-01 6.37E-05 PUP 40 3 31E*00 4.49E-01 8 06E-02 0. 3.63E-01 2.93E-01 6.46E-05 PU241*D 6.97E-02 1.57E-03 1 40E-03 0. 6.47E-03 2 60E-06 9.17E-07 PUP 4? 3.07E+00 6.33E-01 7.75E-02 0. 3.31E-01 2.82E-01 6.29E-05 PU246 3.59E.00 6.96E-01 A.BBE-02 0 3.79E-01 3.23E-01 6.39E-05 AMP 61 1 06E*00 6 07E-01 7 .10 F. - 0 2 0. 9.32E-01 1 05E-01 4.88E-05 AM26?M 1 07E+00 1.93E-01 7.15E-02 0. 5.30E-01 4.21E-02 6.14F-05 AM243 1 06E*00 3.92E-01 6.95E-02 0 S.?!E-01 9.91E-0? 5.72E-05 CM24? 2 12E-02  ?.14E-02 1 41E-03 0. 6.40E-03 6.76E-0? 5.21E-05 CH243 9 4SE-01 3 50E-01 5 00E-02 0. 2.34E-01 1 09E-01 5.13F-05 CM244 6 66E-01 3.03E-01 3. hee-02 0. 1 81E-01 1.05E-01 4.96E-05 CM245 1.32E*00 6.11E-01 7.53E-02 0. 3.5PE-01 1 01E-01 6.63E-05 CMP 46 1 11E+00 4.llE-01 7.52E-02 0. 3.51E-01 1.03E-01 6.54E-05 CM247+D 1.2BE*00 4.04E-01 .4tE-0? 0. 3.66E-01 1.01E-01 5.97E-05 CM24B 1 06E*01 3 33E+00 6 11E-01 0. 2.PSE+00 8.32E-01 9.63E-04 CFPSP 1 29E*00 0. 3 07E-02 0. O. 3 43E -01 1 89E-04 HIO389-0046A-HP01 g e ,, 5 l 52 g_,_g l l


TABLE 1. 7 (Cont d )

Outt f*-Atar!ON 305E Couw!TwENT FACTOWS(MdFH/50Y PEW PCI IN= Alf D ' ]N FIDST ya)
   !$0f0Pt            sONf        LIVER    107AL PODY        THvR0!D m3*            n.             1.52E-07 KIDNEY       LUNG             GI-tt [

1.5U .07 1.5SE.07 1.5SE 07 1.5SE.07 1,55E-07 6Elo 1.3*E-04 1.36E-05 4.96f-06 0. n. 2 22E-04 Cl4  ?.t /E-06 4.75E-67 1.%7(-Os 6 26F-07 4.F6E-n7 4 26F-07 4.?bt-07 4.267-07 N13 f.27C-04 A.27E-09 $.27E-09 6 27E-09 e.27E-09 6.27E-09 A.27E-no F18 4.7tE-07 0. s.14F-08 0. n. O. 4.2et-n9 Nap 2 1 30E-05 1.10E-05 1 10F-05 1 1nc ns 1 30r-OS 1.?0E-65 1.10$-ns Naps 1 28E-66 1.PSE 06 1 2wE-06 1 28E-06 1.ppE-06 1.?sE-nb 1.2ar-nS R3? 1.65E-04 4.64E-06 6.26E-06 0. o. AD39 0. 6 O. O. O. 1.0AF.05 2.08E-ov O. 0. A941 0. O. O. O. n. 8.06E-04 6 CA41 3.S3E-05 0. 4.13E-06 0. O. 3.83E-oe  ?.8Ar-07 SC66 5 51E-05 1 07E-n4 3.llE-05 0. 9.99F-05 0. 3.?3E-05 C251 0. O. 1 25E-08 7.*4E-69 2.65E-09 1 80E-no 4 15r-n1 MN54 0. 4.95E-06 7.87E-07 0. 1.?3Ec06 1 75E-04 9.67r.06 MN56 0. 1.55E-10 2.20E-Il 0. 1.6JE-lo 1.ldE-00 P.53E-06 FESS 7 07E-06 P.12E-06 4.93E-07 0. O. 9.01E-06 7.54F-07 FE59 1 47E-06 1.47E-06 1.3?F-06 0. O. 1 27E-04 2.35F-ns C057 0. 8.65E-06 A.39E-08 n. O. 4.6?E-05 3. 91F -6 6 C058 *. 1.9ME-07 2.54E-07 0. O. 1. l e r. - 0

  • 1.33r-os C060 6 1 44E-06 1.H%E-06 9. n. 7.46E-0* 3.sAr-05 N!59 4.06E co 1 46E-Oh 6.77E-07 0. n. 4.20E-06 NI63 6.llE-n7 5 40E-0S 1.93E-06 1.81E-06 0 O. 2.23E-n5 1.67r-06 N!65 1.92E-10 2.62E-11 1.14E-Il 0. O. 7.00E-37
c. 1.54E-06 Cub 4 1.83C-10 7.64E Il u. 5.7BF-10 8.46E-07 6.12r-06 ZN65 4.05E-06 1.29E-05 5.82E-06 0. 8.6PE-06 1 0ME-04 6.68E-06 ZN69p*0 1 0?E-09 7.45E-09 P.24E-10 0. 1.4aF-09 2.3HE-06 1.71r-65 2N69 4 23E-12 8.14E=ld 5.65E-13 U. 9 27F-12 1.lSE-07 P.04r-ng SE79 0. 3.83E-07 6.09E-08 0. 5.69F-07 4.47E-n5 3.33F-06 BWP2 0. O. 1.69E-06 0. O. O. 1.30E-Oe BR63*O 0. n. 3.01E-08 0. O. O. P.90E-0A BR84 0 O. 3.91L-08 0. S.
0. n.

O. 7.05r-13 BR85 1 60E-09 n. n. O. 6 KR83N O. o. O. O. O. 5.19E-10 0. l mR85H 0, n. O. O. O. 2.91E-09 0. kR65 0. O. O. n. n. 2 41E-09 0. KR87 0. O. O. O. O. 1 53E-08 0 KRAR.D 0. O. O. O. O. 3.13E-08 0 KD89 9 6. O. O. 2 13E-06 O. n. Re86 0 1 69E-05 7.37F-06 R8A7

0. O. O. 2.08F-06 9 9.A6E-06 1 21E-06 0. n. O. P.8AE-07 RB88 n. 4.86E-09 2.41E-Od 0. n. O. 4.18E-19 l RB89+0 0. 1.20E-08 7.12E-08 0. n. O. 1.16F-21 l SRA9 0 3.80E-05 0. 1 09E-06 0. O. 1.75E-0* 4.37E-65 5R90+0 1.24E-02 0. 7.62E-04 0. 0, 1 2nE-03 4.0?F-05 SR91+0 7.74E-04 n. 3.13E-10 0. O. 4.S6E-06 2.39E-05 524?+0 9.43E-10 0 3.64E.ll 0. n. 2.06E-06 5.34F-06 l ' Includes a 5C 4 7c. vase to account for percutaneous transpiration.

53 MIO389-0046A-HP01 g e, 5 0-1-91

IABLE l 7_icontd) l ADULT INHALafl0N DOSL COMM11 MEN 1 FAC10HS(MwEM/50Y PER PCI INHALE 0 IN FIRST YG) 150TOPt dONE L1vLk TOTAL 300Y TNYR010 K10NEY LUNG G1-LL1 l Y90 2 61E-07 0. 7.01E-09 0. O. 2 12E-05 6.32E-05 Y91M*0 3.2bE-11 0. 1 27E-12 c. O. 2 40L 07 1.66E-10 191 5.7pE 05 0. 1 55E-06 0. O. 2 13L-04 6.81E-05 192 1 29L-09 0. 3. 7 7E - 11 0. O. 1 96L-Ob 9.19E-06 v93 1 18E-06 c. 3.26E-10 0. O. 6.06E-06 5.27E-05 2W93 0 5 22E 05 2.92E-06 1 37E-06 0. 1 11E-05 2 13L-05 1.51E-06 2R95 0 1 34E-05 4.30L-06 2 91E-06 0. 6.77E-06 2 21L-04 1.88E-05 2497+0 1 21E-08 2.4SE-09 1 13E-09 0. 3.71E-09 9.84L-06 6.54L-05 Nd93M 3.10E-05 1 01E-05 2 49E-06 0. 1 16E-05 3 11L-05 2.38L-06 N895 1.76E-06 9.77L-07 5.26E-07 0. 9.67E-07 6.31L-05 1.300-05 NB97 2.7eE-11 7.03E-12 2 66E-12 0. 8.18E-12 3 00L-07 3.02E-06 M093 0. 1 17E-06 3.17E-06 0. 3.55E-07 5 11E-05 3.79f-06 M099+0 0. 1.51E-06 2 87E-09 0. 3.64E-08 1 14L-05 3.10E-05 TC99M 1.29E-13 3.64E-13 4.63E-12 0. 5.52E-12 9.55E-08 5.20E-07 TC99 3 13E-08 4.64C-06 1 25E-06 0. 5.85E-07 1 01E-04 7.56E-Oe 7C101 5.22E-15 7.52E-15 7.3RE-14 0. 1 35E-13 4.99E-06 1 36E-21 0U103+0 1.91E-07 0. 8.23E-08 0. 7.29E-07 6.31E-05 1.38E-05 0U105 0 9.8HE-11 0. 3 89E-11 0. 1 27E-10 1 37E-06 6.02E-06 RU106+0 8.64E-06 0. 1.09E-06 0. 1 67E-Ob 1 17E-03 1.14E-06 OH105 9.24E-10 6.73E-10 4.43E-10 0. 2 86E-09 2 41E-06 1.09E-05 P0107 0. 8.27E-06 5 87E-09 0. 6.57E-07 9.47L-06 7.060-07 D0109 0. 4.63L-10 1 16E-10 0. 2.35E-09 1 85E-06 1.52E-05 AG110P.*0 1 35E-06 1 2SE-06 7.43E-07 0. 2 46E-06 5.79L-04 3.78E-05 A6111 4 25E-08 1.76E-08 9.87E-09 0. 5.74E-08 2 33t-Ob 2.79E-05 CD113M 0. 1 54E-04 4.97E-06 0. 1 71E-04 2 0BE-06 1 59F -05 CD115M 0. 2 46E-05 7.95E-07 0. 1 98E-05 1 76L-04 4.50E-05 SN123 3 02E-05 6.67E-07 9.82E-0T b.67E-07 0. 2.88E-04 3.92f-05 SN125+0 1 1bE-06 3 12E-On 7.03E-06 2 59E-ob 0. 7.31E-05 6.81E-05 SN126+0 1.5BE-04 4 18E-06 6.00E-06 1 23E-06 0. 1 17L-03 1 59E-05 50124 3.90E-06 7.36E-08 1 55E-06 9 44E-09 0. 3.10E-04 5.08E-05 SB125+n 6.6TE-06 7.44E-0B 1 58E-06 6.75E-09 0. 2.18L-04 1 26E-05 59126 4.50E-07 9 13E-09 1 62E-07 2 75E-09 0. 9.57E-05 6.01E-05 56127 3 30L-08 7.22E-10 1 27E-08 3 97E-10 0. 2 0$E-05 3.77f-05 TL125H 4 2TE-07 1 98E=07 5 84E-08 1 31E-07 1 55E-06 3.92E-05 8.83E-06 TE127N+0 1 5dE-06 7.21E-07 1 96E-07 4 11L-07 5.72E-06 1.20L-04 1.87E-05 TE127 1 75E-10 8.03E-11 J.87E-11 1 32E-10 6.37E-10 8 14E-07 7.17E-06 TE129H 0 1 22E-06 5 84E-07 1.9BE-01 4 30L-07 4.57F-06 1 45L-04 4.79E-05 TE129 6 22E-12 2.99E-12 1 55E-12 4.87E-12 2.34E-11 2.42f-07 1.960-06 TL131M*0 6.74E-09 5.45E-09 3 63E-09 b.BsE-09 3.86t-08 1 82t-05 6.95F-05 TE131+0 1 39E-12 7.44E-13 4.44E-13 1 17E-12 5.46E -12 1 74L-07 2.30L-09 TE132*O 3 25E-08 2 69E 2 02E-08 2 3?E-08 1.82E-07 3.60E-05 6.37E-05 TE133M+0 7.24E-12 5.40E-12 4 17E-12 6 27E-12 3.74E-11 5 51E-07 5.49E-0E TE134+0 3.84E-12 3.22E-12 1.57E-12 3 44E-12 2.18E-11 4.34L-07 2.97E-11 1129 2.4UE-06 2.11E-06 6.91E-06 5 54E-03 4.53E-06 0. 2.22E-07 1130 5.72E-07 1 66E-06 6.60E-07 1 42E-04 2 61E-06 0. 9.61E-07 7.66E-06 0. 7,e5E-07 1131+0 3 15E-06 4.47E-Ob 2.56E-06 1 49L-03 MIO389-0046A-HP01 E C' 5 54 8-1-91

TABLE 1.7 (contd) 10VLT 1507 0P f. Iv4Lai!ON

                         $0NE OOSE   COMullMLNT LlyE4             FACf0d5(MwEM/501 TOTAL 000Y     TMYP010 PLR PCI INNAtto IN Flus K!0NEY            LUNG              GI-tLI 1134            1.eSE-07 4 07E-07 1 650-07 1 63E-05 6.68E-07 0.

1133 0 1.0$t-03 1 85E-06 5.bSf-0/ 2 69t-04 3.23E-06 0. 5.061-05

       !!34            9.0sE-04 2 16E-07 7 69F-06 3.?]L-06 3.66E 07 0.                                   1.11r-03 1135 0          3.3sE-07 8.73L-Of 3 210-0/- b.60E-05 1.396-06 0.                                  1.26E-10 AL131M         0.          O.         O.           O.                                            6 56E-07           '

xE1334 0. c. O. O. 1 40t-0V 0. O. O. 1.89t-09 0. xt133 0. O. O. O. AE135" 0. O. O. O. 1.57E-09 0 O. O. 2.22E-09 JE135 0. O. 0. O. 0 x0137 0. O. D. O. 4.05E-09 0, O. O. 1. 74t-0 8 Atl36 0 0. O. O. O. 0 C51368 0 1.5vE-06 3.20E-08 1./2E-08 O. 2.44L-0b 0.

0. 1.83E-08 2.93E-09 C5134 4.66E-Os .l.06E-04 9 10F-05 7.92E-09 CS135 1 46E-05
0. 3.59E-05 1.22L-05 1.30E-06 1.29E-05 S.99E-06 0. 5 11E-06 1 57L-06 C5136 4.8et-06 1.83E-05 1.38E-05 2.llE-07 C5137 0
9. 1.0TE-05 1.50L-06 1. 4 6F -0 6 5 9eE-05 7.76E-05 S.35E-05 O. 2.78E-05 C5138 4.l*E-08 7.76E-08 9.40E-06 1.05F-06 6 05E-06 0, 6.00E-06 6 07t-09 C5139+0 2 56E-08 3.63E-08 1 39E-Oe 2.33E-13'
0. 3.05E-08 2 84E-09 5.69E-31 BA139 1 1/E-10 P.32E-14 3.42E-12 0. 7.7BE-14 4.70L-07 6A!40 0 4 86L-06 A.13E-09 3 21L-0T 1 12E-07 BA141 0 1.25E-11 9.41E-15
0. 2 09E-09 -1.59E-04 2.73E-05 4 20E-13 0. 8.75E-15 2.*2E-01 1.45E-17 WA142 0 3 29E-12 3.38E-15 2.07E-13 0.

LA140 4 30E-08 2 17E-06 2.86E-15 1.49E-07 1.96E-26

  .Lal41 5 73F-09    0.         O.               1 70t-05 5.73E-05 5 34E-10 1 66E-10      2 71E-11    0.         O.

LA142 8 56E-11 3.88E-11 1.3bE-06 7.31E-06 9.65E-12 0. 0 7.91E-07 2.64E-07 CL141 2.49E-06 1.69E-06 1 91E-07 0. 7.83E-07 .4 52E-05 CE143 0 2 33E-08 1 72L-08 1 91f-09 1.50E-05

 .CLl46 0           4 29E-04 1.79E-04
0. 7 60E-09 9.97E-06 2.83E-05 2.30E-05 0. 1.06E-04 9.72L-04 1.02E P4143 1.lfE-06 4.69E-07 5.80E-06 0.

Pel46 . 2.70E-07 3 51L-05 2 50E-05 3.76E-12 1.56E-12 1.91F-13 0. 8.81E-13 1 27E-07 2.69E-18 N0147.D 6 59E-07 _7.62E-07 4.b6E-08 Pw147 8.3(E-05 7.B TE-06

0. 4.45E-07 2.76E-05 2.16E 3 19E-06 0. 1.49E-05 6.60L-05 5.54E-06 PW148M.0 9.82E-06 '2.54E-06 1.96E u. 3.85E-06 Pw148 3 84E-01 6 3fE-OH 2 14E-04 4.ldE-05 3 20E-08 0. 1.20E-07 3.91L-05 5.8 0E -05 Pw149 3.44E-08 4.87E-09 1.99E-09 0. 9.19E-09 P4151 8.50E-09 1.42E-09 7 21E-06 2 50E-05 7 21E-10 0. 2.55E-09 3.94E-06 2.00E-05 5H151 B.59E-05 1.48E-05 3.55E-06 0. 1.66E-05 5*153 1 70E-Ou 1 42E-Ob 1 04E-09 0. 4.45E-05 3 25E-06 tu152 2.3dE-04 6.59E-09 4.14L-06 1.58E-05 5 41E-05 4.?eE-05 u. 3.35E-04 3.43t-04 Eu156 7.40E-04 9 10E-05 6.48E-05 0. 1.59E-05 6.36E-04 5.84E-04 3.60E-05 EV155 .l.01E-04 1 43E-05 9 21E-06 0. 6.59E-05 9.46L-05 EU156 1.93E-06 1 4dE-06 2.40E-01 0. 5.95E-06 TW160 2 21E-05 9.95E-07 '8.56E-05 4.50E-05
0. 2.75E-06 0. 9.10E-06 1.92t-04 2.68E-05 N0166M 3 37E-04 1 05E-04 S.00E-05 0. 1.57E-04 3.94E-04 1 59E-05 m181 6 23E-09 2 03E-09 2 17E-10 C. O. 1 71E-06 mis 5 1.9mE-01 6.47E-0M e.01E-09 0. 2 53E-07 elB7. 1 06E-09 O. 5.5?L 05 1.07E-05 8 85E-10 3 10E-10 0. O. 3.63t-06 1 94E-05 MIO389-0046A-HP01 hy r; C-1-91

TABLE 1.7 (Contd) pputy INHAL 6 710N 09$E C0Mul TMENT F ACT045 t MkEM/bo f 150f09, 90NE I.lvER TOTAL 40DY PE4 PCI thMA4E0 IN Flogt yo pg/j o.f> 2.A4E-0? invR010 kl0NFY 6.73E-03 P.37F-06 UJNG P!210*n S. 1.59E-06 1.32F-07 0. 0. 2.l?E-02 2. 62t -02 Gl-g } 1.65F-0% P0210 3.97E-n- 4.60E-04 9.b6E-05 1 92E-05 1.!!E-n3 R422?.0 1. O. 0. 2 95E-03 2.95E-05 O. O. 3 16E-0 2 4 19F-05 RA223+0 1 90E-04 2.77E-07 n. 2 05E-06* 0 R A 226 +0 3.60E-05 0. 7.RSE-06 1 94E-0S 4.78E-06 3 96E-06 0. 2.55E-02 2.86F 04 RA225+D 3 00E-04 3.56E-07 5.99E-n5 1.35E-06 8.77E-03 3.0lf-04 RA226*D O. 1.01E-05 i.25E-01 2 39E-06 RA22P+D b.41E-02 1.P3E-06 9 16E-02 4.78E-02 0. 6.77F-05 2 92E 2.71E-06 1 17E-01 2.96E-06 AC225 . 73E-04

                      '                                      c.            3.48E-05 1 61E-01 9.00E-05 5.82E-06     2 66F-05      0, AC227+D         2 30E*00    1 05E-01     1 3AE-01 6.63E-05 2 21E-92 2.52F-06 TH227+D                                                0.

7.17E-06 3.92E-n6 6.25F-06 9.82E-02 2 41E-01 7H226.D  ?.00f=01 3.39E-03 6.77E-03 0. 4 2.22C-05 3.77E-62 5.0RF-05 3.34E-04 TM/29 9.MNE+00 1 33E-ci 1.89F-02 1.01E*00 3.49F-06 TH23r  ?.29E+00 6.36E-01 0. 6.52f-01 3.49E+00 3.17F-04 1 31E-01 6.36E-02 0. 7MP32+0 2.56E+00 1 12E-01 6.40Ea01 6.21E-01 3.73F-05 TH234 1.63E-06 9.i6E-nN 9.n4E-02 0. 5.47E-01 5.96E-ol 3.17F-05 PA231 0 4.70E-08 c. - 5.41E-07 1.89F-04 7.03E-05 5.08E*00 1.91E-01 1.98E-01 0 PAP 33 1 21E-06 P.42E-07 1.07E+00 5.75E-02 U232+U 5.14E-n2 0 2 09F-07 3.66E-03

0. 9.15E-07 3 52E-05 4.64f-05 1.0?F-05 U233 0 1.04E-02 n. 0. 5.56E-03 2.22E-41 4.21E-05 U234 6.6nE-04 n. P.54E-03 5.32E-02 3.89E-05 1 06E-02 6. 6.46F-04 0.

U235 0 1.00E-02 0. P.49E-03 5 22E-02 3.81F-05 U236 6.07E-04 0. 2.34F-03 4.90E-02 4.84F-05 1 00E-02 0. 6 70F-04 0. U237 3.67t-Ob 0. 2 39E-03 5 00E-02 3.57E-05 0238 0 9.5bE-03 n. 9.77f-09 0 1. 51 E - O 'I 5.67E-n4 0. 1 02E-05 1.20F-05 NP237+D 1.69E*00 1 47F-01 2.18F-03 4.58E-02 3.41E-05 hP23P 2.96E-07 9.00E-09 6 87f-02 0. 5 10E-01 5 22E-02 4.92E-05 wp239 7.816-08 P.82E-09 4 61F-04 0. 2.72F=0B 1 02E-05 2 PU23e 1.55E-09 c. H.75F-09 4.70E-06 1.49E-05 13E-05 P.76E*00 3.A7E-01 6.90F-C2 0. PUP 39 3 19E*00 4.31E-01 2.96E-01 1 62E-01 4.52E-05 PU240 3 16E*00 4 30E-01 7.75E-02 0. 3.30E-01 1.72E-01 4 13E-05 D0241 0 6.41E-02 3.RHE-63 7.73E-02 C. 3.29E-01 1 72E-01 4.21F-05 0U242 P.95E+00 4 15E-01 1.'29E-03 0. 5.93E-03 1 52E-04 8.65E-07 PU244 3.45E*00 4.76E-01 7.46E-0? 0. 3.17E-01 1.65E-61 4.05E-05 A M241 ' 8.54E-02 0. 3.64E-01 1.89E-01 6 03E-03 AM24?M l.01E*00' 3 59E-01 6 7)E-02 0. 1.02E*00 1.66E-01 6.73E-02 5.04E-01 6.06E-02 4.60E-05 At243 1 01E*00 3.47E-01 0. 9. ole-01 2.44E-02 5.79F-05 C4242 1.48E-02 1 51E 6.57E-02 0. 4.95E-01 5.7bE-02 5.40E-05 CH243 7.86E 61 7.97E-01 9.84E-04 9. 4.48E-03 3.92E-02 4.91E-05 CMP 44 5.90E-01 2 54E-01 4 61E-02 0. 2 15E-01 6.31E-02 4.84E-05 CMP 45 1.26E+00 1.59E-01 3.51E-02 0. 1.64E-01 6 06E-0F 4.68E-05 l CH246 1 25E*no 1 59E-01 7.14E-02 0. 3.33E-01 5.85E-02 4.36F-05 CH247+0 1 72E*00 3 53E-01 7 13E-02 0. 3 33E-01 5.96E=02 4 29E-05 1 ' CM246 1 01E*01 2.91E*00 7 03E-02 0. 3 28F-01 5 85E-02 5.63F-05 CF252- 9.79E-01 c. 5.79F-01 0. 2.70F+00 4.82E-01 9.09E-04 2 33E-02 0. O. 1 99E-01 1.78E-04 l 56 Rev 5 MIO389-0046A-HP01


IABLE 1.8 EXTERNAL DOSE FACTORS FOR STANDING ON j _ CONTAMIN Imrem/hr per pet /m2 ) E LEMEN.1 TOTAL BODY SKIN H-3 0.0 ' 0,0 C-14 0.0 Na-24 0.0 2.50E-08 2.90E-08 P-32 0.0 Cr-51 0.0 2.20E-10 2.60E-10 Hn-54 5.bOE-09 Ma-56 6.80E-09 1.10E-08 1.30E-08 Fe-55 0.0 Fe-59 0.0 8.00E-09 9.40E-09 Co-58 7.00E-09 Co-60 8.20E-09 1.70E-08 2.00E-08 Ni-63 0.0 Ni-65 0.0 3.70E-09 4.30E-09 Cu-64 1.50E-09 In-65 1.70E-09 4.00E-09 4.60E-09 ' Zn-69 0.0 Br-83 0.0 6.40E-11 9.30E-11 Br-84 1.20E-08 Br-85 1.40E-08 0.0 0.0 Rb-86 6.30E-10 Rb-88 7.20E-10 3.50E-09 4.00E-09 Rb-89 1.50E-08 Sr-89 1.80E-08 5.60E-13 6.50E-13 Sr-91 7.10E-09 Sr-92 8.30E-09 9.00E-09 1.00E-08 Y-90 2.20E-12 Y-91m 2.60E-12 3.80E-09 4.40E-09 Y-91 2.40E-11 Y-92 2.70E-11 1.60E-09 1.90E-09 Y-93 5.70E-10 Zr-95 7.80E-10 5.00E-09 5.80E-09 Zr-97 5.50E-09 Nb 6.40E-09 5.10E-09 6.00E-09 Mo-99 1.90E-09 Tc-99e 2.20E-09 9.60E-10 1.10E-09 Tc-101 2.70E-09 Ru-103 3.00E-09 3.60E-09 4.20.-09 Ru-105 4.50E-09 Ru-106 5.10E-09 1.50E-09 1.80E-09 Ag-110M 1.80E-08 2.10E-08 Te-125m 3.50E-11 Te-127m 4.80E-11 1.10E-12 1.30E-12 Te-127 1.00E-11 1.10E-11 l HIO389-0046A-HP01 57 Fev 5 B-1-91 l

TABLE 1.8 (Contd) ELEMENT TOTAL BODY _ SKIN Te-129m 7.70E-10 9.00E-10 Te-129 7.10E-10 8.40E-10 Te-131m 8.40E-09 9.90E-09 Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06 Te-132 1.70E-09 2.00E-09 I-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-08 I-131 2.80E 3.40E-09 I-132 1.70E-08 7.00E-08 1-133 3.70E-09 4.50E-09 I-134 1.60E-08 1.90E-08 I-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-134 -1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-136 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 Cs-137 4.20E-09 4.90E-09 Cs-138 2.10E-08 2.40E-08 Ba-139 2.40E-09 2.70E-09 Ba-140 2.10E-09 2.40E-09 Ba-141 4.30E-09 4.90E-09 Ba-142 7.90E-09 9.00E-09 La-140 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 La-142 1.50E-08 1.80E-08 Ce-141 5.50E-10 6.205-10 Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.50E-09 Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10 Pr-143 0.0 0.0 Pr-144 2.00E-10 2.30E-10 Nd-147 1.00E-09 1.20E-09 W-187 3.10E-09 3.60E-09 Np-239 9.50E-10 1.10E-09 MIO389-0046A-HP01 58 gey 5 6-1-91


TABLE 1.9 1991_ PALISADES CASEOUS DESIGN OL JECTIVE ANNUAL QUANTITIES Design Objective Nuclide Dose Factor Annual Quantity Organ mrem /Ci Ag-110m CI Tract-T (Cl) 1.05E+00 1.43E*01 Ar-4 A Total Body 2.75E-04 1.82E+04 Ba-139 CI Tract-C 2. 38 E-03 Ba-140 Lung-C 6.30E+03 7.18E-0? 2.09E 02 Br-82 Total Body-I 1.16E-03 C-14 Bone-C 4.31E+03 1.07E-01 1.40E+02 Ce-141 CI Trcet-T 1.15E-01 Ce-144 1.30E+02 CI Tract-T 3.06E+00 4.90E+00-Co-57 CI Tract-T 7. 74 E-02 Co-58 1.94E+02 CI Tract-T 1.37E-01 1.09E+02 Co-60 CI Tract-T 7.83E-01 Cr 1.92E*01 CI Tract-A.T 2.14 E-03 7.01E+03 Cs-134 Liver-C 6.29E+00 Cs-136- 2.38E+00 Total Body-I 4.68E-02 1.07E+02 Cs-137 Bone-C 6.15E+00 Cs-138 2.44E+00 Total Body-I 1.64E-05 3.05E*05 Fe-55 Bone-C 1.88E-01 7.98E+01 Fe-59 CI Tract-T 2.19E-01 H-3 6.85E+01 Total Body-C 1.23E-04 4.07E+04-I-131 Thyroid-I 4.68E+00 1-132 3.21E+00 Thyroid-C 8.28E-03 1.81E+03 I-133 Thyroi d-C 1.65E-01

  -I-134                                                        9.09E+01 Thyroid-C                2.17E-03           6.91E+03 I-135-           Thyroid-C              ~3.39E-02 Kr-83m                                                       4.42E+02.            j, Skin                    6.66E-07 Kr                                                       2.25E+07 Skin-                   6.01E-05 Kr-85m                                                     -2.50E+05-
                   -Total Body              1.09E-04            4.59E+04 K r-87           Skin-                   6.45E-04 Kr-88                                                        2.aJE+04 Total Body             4.57E-04             1.09E+04
 'Kr-89             Total Body             5.16E-04 La-140                                                       9.69E+03 CI Tract-T             2.01E-02            7.46E+02 Mn-54             CI Tract-T             2.21E-01 Mn-56                                                        6.79E+01 CI Tract-C             5.08E-03            2.95E+03.

Mo-99 CI Tract-T 1.11E-02 N-13 1.35E+03 Total. Body-C 2.67E-50 -1.87E+50 Na-24 Total Body-C 6.63E-04 Nb 7.54E*03 CI Tract-A 1.01E-01 1.49E+02 Ni-65 CI Tract-C 3.46E-03 Np-239 4.34E+03 CI Tract-T '.44E-03 2.76E+03 1 Rb-88 -Total Body-C 1.51E-05 Ru-103 3.31E+05 CI Tract-A 1.61E-01 9.32E+01 Sb-124 CI Tract-T 7. 04 E-01 Sb-125 2.13F+01 CI Tract-T 3.97E-01 3.78E+01 59 ICO-1290-0001W-HP05-p,y 5 8-1-91

TABLE 1.9 (Cont 'd ) 1991 PALISADES CtSEOUS DESIGN OBJECTIVE ANNUAL QUANTITIES (Contd) Design Objective Dose Factor Annual Quantity Nuclide- Organ Hrem/Ci (Cl) Sr-89 . Bone-C 8.26E+00 1.82E+00 Sr-90 Bone-C 3.40E+02 4.41E-02 Sr-91 Bone-I 1.68E+00 8.93E+00 Sr-92 CI Tract-C 9.99E-03 1.50E+03 Tc-99m CI Tract-T 2.53E-04 5.93E+04 Tc-101- CI Tract-I 3.48E-05 4.31E+05 Te-127 C1 Tract-T -3.33E-03 4.50E+03 Xe-131m Skin 2.65E-05 5.66E+05 Xe-133- Total Body 9.13E-06 5.48E+05 Xe-133m Skin 5.54E-05 2.71E+05 Xe-135- Total Body 5.62E-05 8.90E+04 Xe-135m Total Body 9.69E-05 5.16E+04

             -Xe-137              Skin                   5.94E-04           2.53E+04 Xe-138             Total Body              2.74E-04           1.82E+04 Zn-65             Total Body-C            4.16E-01           1.20E+01 Zr-95            .CI Tract-T              2.89E-01           5.19E+01 60 I CO-1290-000lW-HP05 P, e v 5 6-1-91


1. Rets Requirements Specification of the Radiological Ef fluent Technical Speci-fications (RETS) requires that the concentration of radioactive ,

material released at any time from the site to unrestricted areas shall be limited to the Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for nuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gares. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration suall be limited to 2E-04 pCi/ml total activity. To ensure compliance, the following approach will be used for each release.

2. Prerelease Analysis Most tanks will be recirculated through two volume changes prior to sampling for release to the environment to ensure that a represen-tative sample is obtained. The appropriate recirculation time for those tanks too large to provide two volume changes will be the time that the suspended particulate concentration reaches steady state.

Either a one-time test, or prior sampling data, may be used to deter-mine appropriate recirculation time. Prior to release, a grab sample uill be analyzed for each reistse, and the concentration of each radionuclide determined. n C= Ci (2.1) i=1 MIO389-0046A-HP01 61 Rev 5 8-1-91

wheret C = Total concentration in the liquid effluent at the release point, Ci/ml. Ci a Concentration of a single radionuclide i, UCi/ml.

3. Maximum Permissible Concent ration (MPC) - Sum of the Ratios 8*

The Total MPC-Fraction (Rj) f or each release point will be calculated by the relationship defined by Note I of Appendix B, 10 CFR 20:


Rj Ci MPCI' (2.2) i wheret Ci = Effluent concentration of radionuclide i, pCi/ml HPCi = The HPC of radionuclide i, as specified in Section 2.1.1, pCi/ml. RJ


The Total HPC-Fraction for the release point. The sum of the estics at the discharge to the lake must be $ 1 due to the releases from any or all concurrent releases. The following relationship will assure this criterion is mets f 1(R1-1) + f2(R2 1) + f (R 3 3-1) $ F (2.3) where: f t,f2 ,f3 = The ef fluent flow rate (gallons / minute) for the respective releases, determined by plant personnel. R1,R2,R3 = The Total HPC-Fractions for the respective releases as determined by Equation 2.2. F = Hinimum required dilution flow rate. Normally, a conservatively high dilution flow rate is used, that is, flow rate used = (bi)(F) where bi is a conservative factor greater than 1.0. M10389-0046A-HP01 62 _

t e v _>



1. Setpoint Determination
  • The setpoint for each liquid ef fluent monitor will be established using plant instructions. Concentration, flow rate, dilution, principal gamma emitter, geometry and detector ef ficiency are com-bined to give an equivalent setpoint in counts per minute (cpm). The identification number for each liquid effluent radiation detector is-contained in Figure 2-2.

The respective alarm / trip setpoints at each release point will be set such that-the sum of the ration at each point, as calculated by Equation 2.2, will not be exceeded. The value of' R is directly related to the total concentration calculated by Equation 3.1. An increase in the concentration would indicate an increase in the value of R. A large increase would r.ause the limits specified in Section 2.1.1 to bo~ exceeded. - The minimum alarm / trip setpoint value is equal to the release concentration, but for ease of operation it may be desired that the setpoint (S) be set above the effluent concentration (C) by the same f actor (b) utilized in setting dilution flow. That iss' S=bxC -(2.4) Liquid ef fluent flow paths and release points are indicated in Figure 2.1. 2 .' Composite Samplers Effluent pathways, Turbine Sump and Service Water,- are equipped with continuous compositors to meet the requirements of Technical Specifi-cation Table 4.24-3. These compositors are adjustable and-normally set in a time mode and collect a 30 mL sample directly from the effluent every 10 minutes, 24 hours a day. A representative sample MIO389-0046A-HP01 63 Rev 5 l 8-1-91 L L, - _. . . . - -- -


i is collected daily from the compositor and saved f or the weekly, monthly analysis requirements cf Technical Specification Table 4.24-3. In the event that a compositor is not operational, effluent  ! releases via this pathway may continue provided that grab samples are collected and analyzed for gross radioactivity at least once per 24 I l hours per Technical Specification Table 3.24-1, action 30. 3 Post-Release Analysis A post-release analysis will be done using actual release data to ensure that the limits specified in Section I were not exceeded. A composite list of concentrations (Ci), by isotope, will be used with the actual liquid radwaste (f) and dilution (F) flow rates (or volumes) during the release. The data will be substituted into Equation 2.3 to demonstrate compliance with the limits in Section 1. This data and setpoints will be recorded in auditable records by plant personnel. C. DOSE

1. RETS Requirement Specification the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifica-tion (RETS) requires that the quantity of radionuclides released by limited such that the dose or dose commitment to an individual from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas from the reactor (see Figure 2-1) will not exceed
a. During any calendar quarter, 1.5 mrem to the total body and 5 mrem to any organ, and l

l b. During any calendar year, 3 mrem to the total body and 10 mrem to any organ, MIO389-0046A-HP01 64 Fev $ 8-1-91

To ensure compliance, quantities of activity of each radionuclide released will be summed for each release and accumulated for each quarter as foll..e in Section 2.

2. Release Analysis Calculations shall be performed for each batch release, and weekly for continuous releases according to the formulat Ai/Ci 5 0.5 (2.5) i where Ai
  • Cumulative quarterly activity of nuclide i identified in liquid release (Ci).

Ci = Design objective annual quantity of radionuclide i from Table 2.2. Radionuclides may be omitted f rom the summation if they f all under the criteria of allowed omission specified by Note 5 to Appendix 2, 10 CFR 20. The desigr. basis quantities are; derived in such a conservative manner that doses may be greatly overestimated by this technique. As a consequence of this conservatism, and in light of historically con-sistent operations with releases well below annual design basis quantitier, the Palisades Plant Technical Specifications do not require monthly dose projections. Instead, if at any time, calcula-tions by Equation (2.5) results in values greater than 0.5 for a given quarter or 1.0 for year-to-date, the NRC LADTAP code will be run to ensure that Specification has been met. Values for the design basis quantities (Ci), and the dose per Curie (Dc/Cc)i for each nuclide i shown in Taple 2.2, were calculated as

ollrus in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

HIO389-0046A-HP01 65 Rev 5 S-1-91

a. Water Ingestion The dose to an individual from ingsstion of radioactivity from any source as described by the f ollowing equations i

Dj (DCF)ij x 11 (2.6) i=1 where: Dj = Dose for the jth organ from radionuclides releases, , mrem. j = The organ of interest. (DCF)ij = Ingestion dose commitment factor for the jth organ from the ith radionuclide mrem /pci, see Table 2.1. 11 = Activity ingested of the ith radionuclide, pCi. Ii is described by: I


Il (Ai)(V)(365) (IE06) (2.7) (1000)(d) wheret 365 = Days per year. Ai = Annual activity released of ith radionuclide, pCi. V = Average rate of water-consumption (2000 ml/d - ' adult, 1400 ml/d - teen and child. 900 ml/d - it.f ant, ICP P 23, p. 358). 1 d = Dilution water flow for year, ml 1000 = Dispersion factor from discharge to nearest drinking water supply 1E06 = Conversion pCi to pCi MIO389-0046A-HP01 66 Rev 3 I 8-1-91 i l-

 . . . . - .          ~    ..   -            --            - - - . - - . - - - _ -                       . - - .           -                   - - - . - . .    - - - . - -

The dose equation then becomest i Dj = (3.65E05)(V) (DCF)ij x Ai mrem (2,8) i=1

b. Fish Ingestion The dose to an individual from the consumption of fish is described by Equation 2.10. In this case the activity ingested of the i th radionuclide (Ii) is described by:

li =,_Ai,i B F(lE09) = pCi (2.9) 15J where


Ai Annual released of i lh radionuclide, pCl. Bi = Fish concentration factor of i th radionuclide pCi/gm (see Table 2.0 pCi/ml F = Amount of fish eaten per year (21 kg adult, 16 kg teen,- 6.9 kg child, none infant) 15 = Dispersion factor from discharge to fish exposure point. d = Dilution water flow for year, al IE09 = Conversion of pCi and Kgm to gross Substitution of-Equation 2.9 into Equation 2.6 givest i Dj = (6.7E07)F At x Bi x DCF1 mrem (2.10) i=1

c. Annual Analysis A complete analysis utilizing the NRC computer code LADTAP with the total soure relcase will be done annually in conjunction with the annual environmental report. This analysis will i MIO389-0046A-ilP01 67
Rev 5 6-1-91

provide estimates of dose to the total body and various organs in addition to the dose limiting organs considered in the method of Section 2. The f ollowing approach is utilized on LADTAP. The dose to the jlh organ from m radionuclides, Dj, is described by1 m


Dj Di j mrem (2.11) i=1 m


(DCF)ij x Ij mrem (2.12) i=1 where Dij = Dose to the jlh organ from the ith radionuclide, mrem. j = The organ of interest (bone, CI tract, thyroid, liver, kidney, lung or total body). (DCF){j = Adult ingestion dose Jommitment factor for the jth organ from the ith radionuclide, mrem /pci, see Table 2.1. 11 = Activity ingested of the ich radionuclide, pCi. Il for water ingestion is described by: Il = Al V t, pCi (2.13) vd and for fish ingestion It is described by: It = At Bt Fr pCi vd MIO389-0046A-HP01 68 R a '/ 5 .-

wheret Al = Activity release of jth radionuclide during the year, pCl. V = Average rate of water consumption (2000 ml/d). T

                                                   =       Number of days during the year (So5 d).

v = Dispersion f actor from point of discharge to point of exposure. ' d = Dilution water volume (ml). Si = Fish concentration factor of the ith radionuclide, pcl/am. pCi/ml F = Amount of fish eaten per day (57.5 gm/d) D. OPERABILITY OF LIQUID RADWASTE EQUIPMElfr The Palisades tiraid radweste system is designed to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge (by recycle or ship-ment for disposal) so that radioactivity in liquid effluent releases to unrestricted areas (see Figure 2-1) will :.ot exceed Specification

                -,            Maintaining the cumulative fraction if allowable release for each batch release and weekly _for continuous releases assures compliance with this requirement. In addition,_13 years of operating experience (to the date this ODCM was first adopted) has shown that design basis quanti-ties never have been exceeded.

I-1 E. REIX.ASE RATE FCE OFFSITE MFC (500 atem/yr) L 10 CFR 20.106 requires radioactive effluent releases to unrestricted areas g be less than the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II when averaged

                -over a; period not to exceed one year.- Concentrations at this level, if ingested year, will result in a dose of 500 millires to the total

, body v. its equivalent to internal organs. In addition, 10 CFR 50.36a requires that the release of radioactive. materials be kept as low as is reasonably achievable. Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 provides the numerical I MIO389-0046A-HP01 69 v  :- -

guidelines on limiting conditions for operations to meet reasonably achievable requirement. the as low as is i The LADTAP code has been run to determine the dose due to drinking wate at plant discharge concentration (1,000 x nearest drinking water intake concentration). The source term used is given in Table 1.1. most Dose to the l limiting organ of the person hypothetically drinking this water is 3.88E-03 mrem. The release rate which would result in a dose rate equivalent to 500 mrem / year (using the more conservative total body limit) is the curies / year given in Table 1.1 (162) times 500/3.88E-03 or 2 lE07 Ci/yr = 0.661 Ci/sec. . III . URANIUM FUKL CYCIE DOSE A. SPECIFICAT10W In accordance with Specification, if either liquid or gaseous quarterly releases exceed the quantity which would cause offsite doses nere than twice the limit of Specifications, or, then the cumulative dose contributions from combined release 1 plus direct radiation sources (f rom the reactor unit and radwante etorage tanks) shall be calculated. The dose is to be determined for the member of the public protected to be the most highly exposed to these combined sources. B. ASSUNPTIONS 1. The full time resident determined to be maximally exposed individual (excluding infant) is assumed also to be a fisherman. This individual is assumed to drink water and ingest local fish at the rates specified in Sections II C.2.1 and II C.2.2. 2. Amount of shore line fishing (at accessible shoreline adjacent to site security fence) is conservatively assumed as 48 hours per quarter (average of approximately } hour per day a zch day of the MIO389-0046A-HP01 70



quarter) for the second and third quarters of the year, 36 hours for the fourth quarter and 16 hours f or the first quarter. C. DOSE CALCULATION Maximum doses to the total body and internal organs of an individual shall be determined by use of LADTAP and CASPAR computer codes, and doses to like organs and total body summed. Added to this sum will be a mean dose rate, calculated or measured for the shoreline due to plant present curing the quarter in question, times the assumed fishirg time. D40 = DC'DL + (RT )(T) (2.15) wheret D40 = 40 CFR 190 dose (mrem) Da

                   =  Limiting dose to an individual from gaseous source term (mrem)

DL = Limiting dose to an individual from liquid source term (mrem) RT

                   =  Mean dose rate calculated to be applicable to Lake Michigan shoreline adjacent to plant site (mrem /hr)

T = Assumed shoreline fishing time for the quarter in questions (hours). IV. RADWASTE SYSTEM HODIFICATIONS A. DEFINITIOII OF MAJOR RADWASTE SYSTEM HODIFICATIOel l

1. Pur po se The purpose of this definition is to assure that Technical Specifica-tion 6.20 will be satisfied under clearly identifiable circumstances, j and with the objective that current radwaste system capabilities are not jeopardized.

I MIO389-0046A-HP01 71 l i I

i l


f I i

2. Definition A major radwaste system modification is a modification which would remove (either by bypassing or physical removal) or replace with less efficient equipment, any components of the radwaste systemi
a. Letdown filters or demineralizers i


b. Vacuum degassifier
c. Miscellaneous or clean waste evaporators d.

The present waste gas compressor / decay tank system

e. Fuel pool filters /demineralizers i
f. Radwaste polishing demineralizers g.

Radwaste solidification system Improvements or additions to improve efficiency will not be con-sidered major modifications unless a complete substitution of equip-ment or systems is made with equipment of unrelated design. Ex ampl e s would be,1) replacement of mechanical desassifier with steam, jet degassifier, 2) replacement of waste gas system with cryogenic system, 3) replacement of asphalt solidification with cement system, and 4) change f rom deep bed resins to Powder, etc. MIO389-0046A-HP01 72 Fe; 9-

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l l l l TABLE 2.0 810 ACCUMULATION FACTORS ECi/gm per pCi/ml FRESHWATER ELEMENT FISH H 9.0E-01 i C 4.6E 03 j NA 1.0E 02 P 1.0E 05 CR 2.0E 02 MN 4.0E 02 FE 1.0E 02 CO 5.0E 01 NI 1.0E 02 CU 5.0E 01 ZN 2.0E 03 BR 4.2E 02 RB 2.0E 03 SR 3.0E 01 Y 2.5E 01 ZR 3.3E 00 NB 3.0E 04 H0 1.0E 01 TC 1.5E 01 RU 1.0E 01 RH 1.0E 01 TE 4.0E 02 I 1.5E 01 CS 2.0E 03 BA 4.0E 00 LA 2 . 51' 0 1 CE 1.0t 10 PR 2.5E J1 ND 2.5E 01 W 1.2E 03 NP 1.0E 01 I l i I l l l MIO389-0046A-HP01 15 mm.$s.-e.

  • g w w .y-- ww, vg c e-r w y ,r w-g- y we yv+ey g-*-+eg--g N -~,--v->s,3-w-.

Li bl e 2.1 INFANT INGEnfl09 OCSE COMw!TMLNT lh0 TOPE TOTAL8AC?ukstwwEM/507 Andy WEo DCI INGES7ED IN Fl457 foi 80NE Livfo TNvdo!O KIONry 1.0HE-C7 1.0dE=0/ 3.08E-07 1.08r-07 J.0HF of GI-LLI LUNG H3 n. 1.0MF-07 Bil0 1. 71 E - 0 4  ?.64E 06 5.ltr-07 0. 1.66r,=06 0. P.7ar-05 cle 7.37E=0s %.0AE-06 5 06f=06 5 06E-06 5.06F-06 4.06t 06 N13 5.45E-0A 4.8%f-08 5.85F=0e b.H5E-os 4.n%E-06 5.4Sf=o9 S.06E-06 5.65r-na FIS 5 19E=06 n. 6.63E-07 0. 6 NA72 f 83E-04 4.61E-05 9.a3F-oS 9.P3L-05 4.P3E-05 v.A3E ^S 9.81t-05 O. 1 2/r-o6 NA26 1. ele-05 1 01E-05 1 0lf-OS 1. ole-oS 1.0lf-05 1 016 05 1.016-05 P32 1.71E-03 1 00E-06 6.b9F-ob 0. 3 O. AR39 3 6. 2.Jof as O. O. n. O. o. A041 3. O. O. U. O. 6. 6 CA61 3.74E 04 1. 6.0PC-05 0. O. O. 1.9tr-07 SC66 3.75E-06 4.41E-Od 1 69t-06 0. 1.566-08 0. 3.5 IF an5 C451 0. A. l.61F 06 v.20E-0Y 7.01E-ov 1.79E-08 6.ttr-07 MN56 0. 1 91E-05 6.51r-06 0 6.6tE-Oc 0. MN96 0. 8 14E-01 1.61F=0F 0. 7.31E 06 1.03f-01 0. 7.

  • IF -05 FEE 5 1 39E-05 a.99E-06 2 60F-06 0. O. 4.39E 06 1.16r-06 Ff59 3 0SE-05 5 19E-05 2.!?E-05 0.

C057 n. 1 15E-06 1.87F-06 0. 6 1.59E 05 2.57F-05 C058 n. 3.60F-Ob 9.95E-Ob 0. O. O. 3.9Pr-06

n. O. 9.9tr 06 C060 0. 1 08L-05 2 55E-05 0. 6 o.

NI59 k.71E-05 1 45E-05 4.lFE-06 0. 7.47Foob

n. O. 7.16r-67 N!63 6 36E-06 1.92E-05 7.20E-05 0 O. 6.

N!65 6.70E-06 5 3dE-07 2.6?F-07 0. 1.96E-06

o. O. 6.058-oh CU64 0. 6.09E-01 7.67F-07 0 1.03r-06 0. 1.2Er os 2N6b 1.P6E-05 A.31E-05 7 91r-05 o. 3.0AE-05 6 5.33F-04 2NA9M*D 1.50E-06 '. 0$E-06 7 79F-07 de 1 26r-n6 0. 6 266-os 2N69 4.1JE-08 1.6eE-01 1.agr-08 0. 8.9sr-Oe 0. l.3rr-og SE79 0. P.10E-05 1.900-06 0. p.6.10-65 0. s.Sar-n7 BL82 c. n. 1.27f=05 0. n. 6. O.

BEA3 0 n. 6 3.63r-07 0, n. O, n. BRR4 n. O. 3.82f-01 0. n. O, 6 BGPS 0. o. 1.96F=06 0. n. O. 6 MR83M 0. o. n. O. O. O. O. WDASM 0. 4 O. O. n. O. O. no85 0. 4. 6 O. O. O. 6 MWM7 0. n. O. O. o. O. A. M&88 0 n. n. O. O. 6 O. O. MDR9 0. S. o. O. O. o. 6 9886 0, 1.70E=04 8.60E-05 0 O. O. 6.35r-06 4887 n. A.88E-05 3.52E-0$ 0. DBas O. 0. 4.9aE-07

n. 6.98E-07 7.73E-07 0. 6 O. 6.85E-07 R889*0 0, 2.A6f-07 1.Y7E-07 0 n.

SWR 9*0

o. W.74F-oA 2 51E-03 0. 7.20E-05 0. O. O. 4.ler-05 SD96 0 1.ASE-02 n. 6.71E-03 0.

5891 0

c. S. 5.31r-06 5.00E-05 n. 1.81E-06 0. O. n. 5.92F-OS
                                               $492+0               1 9?E-05 0.                                                         7. 3E-01 0.-                                                  6.             O.                        7.070-04 HIO389-0046A-IIP 01                                                                                    76                                                                    le y S 6-1-93

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . - . _ __ . - ~ _ _ . _ , ,_ _ _ _ . _ - . _ _ , _ . _ _ .

l TAlde 2.1 (COntd) l Ihr ANT 15010PE INGC5fl04 SONE 005E COMMITNENT LIVER TOTAL BODY FACf n10NEY THYR 010 0d5(NWLH/50Y LUNG PER PCI IN  ; Y90 6.6VE 08 0. 2 33E 09 0. O. Gl-LLI Y91M*0 O. 1.20E-06 9 10E-10 0. 2.76E-il u. O. Y91 1 1JE-06 O. 2.70E 06

0. 3 01E-OH 0. O.

Y92 7.6SE-09 O. 9 10E 05

0. 2 15E-10 0. O. '

Y93 2.4JE=06 0. O. 1.66t-06 6.62E-10 0. O. O. 2R93*U l.93E-07 9 18E-08 5 56E-06 0. 1.92E-06 2R95 0 2.06E-07 S.02E-0b 3 56E-06 0.

2. 71 E-0 7 0. 2.39E-05 2R97 0 1 6dt-06 2.56E-09 1 16E-09 0. 5.41C-08 0. 2.50E-05 Nu93M 1 23E-07 2.56C-09 0. 1.62E 06 3.33E-Ob 1 06E-0P 0. 3 25E-06 0.

NW95 6 20E-08 1.73C-08 1.000-08 0. 3.99f-06 N897 6 59E-10 1.24E-06 0. 1.66E-05 9.79E-11 3.53E-!! 0. 7.65E-11 0. M093 0, 5.65E-05 1 82E-06 0. 3.09E-05 M099 0 0. 1.13E-Ob 0. 1.21E-06 3.60E-05 6 63E-06 0. 5.08E-05 TC99M 1.92E-09 3.96E-09 5 10E-08 9. Oe 1.12E-05 1C99 1.0eE-06 4.26E-06 2.07E 09 1.iSE-Oe 1.66E-06 4 55E-07 0. 1 23E-05 TC101 2.2TE=09 2.86E-09 2 83E-OH 0. 1.42E 07 6.31E-06 Rul03 0 1 6eE-06 0. 3.40E-08 1.56E 09 6.86E-07 6.95E-07 0. 3.08E-06 0. NU105 0 1.36E-07 0 4.58E-Ou 0. 1.80E-05 RV106*D 2.41E-05 1 00E-06 0. 5.41E-05

0. 3 01E-06 0. 2.85E-0b RH10b 1 09E-06 7 13E-07 4.79E-07 0. 0. 1.83E-06 PD107 0. 1 98E-06 0. 1.77E-05 1 19E-06 d.45E-08 0. 6.79E-06 0 PD109 0. 1 50E-06 3.62E-07 0. 9.66E-07 A0110M.0 9.96E-07 5.51E-06 0. 3.66F-05 7.2?E-07 4. ele-07 0. 1.06E-06 0.

A0ill 5.20E-07 2.02E-0/ 1 07F.-07 0. 3. 7 7E-05 CDil3M 0. 4.22E-07 0. 6.82C-05 1.77E-05 6 52E-07 0. 1.36E-0b 0. C0115M 0. 1 62E-Ob 4.93E-07 0. 2.66C-05 SN123 2.6VE-06 7.61E-06 0. 8.09f-05 3.89E-06 6.50E-06 3 91E-06 0. 0. 5N125+D 7.61E 05 1.38E-06 3 29E-06 1 360-06 6 58E-05 5N126*D 0. 0. 1.llE-06 5 53C-04 7 26E-06 1 80E-06 1 91E-06 0. O. 58124 2 16E-05 3 15E-07 6.63E-06 be68E-0# 2.52C-01

0. 1.34E 05 6.60E-05 SW125+D 1 23E-05 1 19E-07 2.53E-06 1 54E-08 0.

58126 9.06E-06 1.58E-07 2 91E-06 6 19E-08 7.72E 06 1 68J 05 58127 0. 5.07E-06

  • 8. SL405 2 23E-06 3.98E=08 6.90E-07 2 84E-06 0.

7E125M 2 33E-05 7.79E-06 3 15E-06 7.84E-06 1.15E 06 5.9tE-05

0. 0. 1.llE-05 TE127M*D 5 8tE-06 1 94E-05 7.08E-06 1 69E=05 1.44E-06 0.

1E127 1 00E 06 3 35E-07 2 15E-07 8 14E-07 2.36E-of TE129M.D 1 00E-04 2.44E-06 0. 2.10E-05 3 43E-05 1 54C-05 3 84E-06 2.50E-C4 0. 5.97E-05 TE129 2 84E-07 9 79E-08 6.63E-08 2 36E-07 TE131H.D 1 52E-05 7.07t=0F 0. 2.27E-05 6 12C-06 5 05E-06 1 24E-05 4.21E-05 0. 1.03E-06 TE131*D 1.76E-07 6 50E-08 4.960-06 1 57E-01 TE132*D 2 08E=05 4.50E-07 0. 7.ttE-Ot 1 03E-05 9.6lE-06 1 52E-05 6.44E-05 0, 3 81E-0! TE133M.D 3 91E-07 1 79E-07 1 71E-07 3 45E-07 TE134*D 1 22E-06 0, 1 93E-05 2.67E-07 1 34E-07 1 38E-07 2.39E-07 9.03E-07 0.

 !!29                2.86E-05       2 12E-05 1 55E-06 1 36E-02                                                              3 06E-Ot 1130               6 00E-06                                                            2.510-05            0.              4 26E-0*

1 32E-05 5 30E-06 1 48E*03 1.45E-05 0. 2 83E-Of 1131 0 3.59E-05 4 23E-05 1.86E-05 1 39E-02 6.94E-05 l 0. 1 51 E-Of M10389-0046 A-IIP 01  ?? hev 5 6-2-91 {

l i Ta bl e 2.1 (Contd) INFANT IN0t$fl19 15010kE 90NE 005L C04NITML97 FAC10W5(NREM/50Y PER PCI INSE57EU IN FIRST YR) liver TOTAL 800Y TmVWO10 K!ONEY 1132 1 66E Oh 3 37E-06 1.20E-06 1 58E-06 3.76E-06 0. LUNG GI-LLI 1133 0 1 2sE 05 1 82E-0S 5.33[-06 2.73F=06 3 31E-03 2 14E-05 0. 3.080-06 1134 P.69E-07 1 78E-06 6.33E-07 4 15E-05 1.99E-06 0. 1135 0 3 66E-06 7.26E-06 1.84E-06 2.66f-06 6.490-04 8. 0 7 F. - 0 6 0. 2.62E-06 2E131* 0. 0. O. O. O. O. O. mE133N 0. 0, O. O. O. O. All33 O.

0. O. 0. C. O. O. 0,
     *E135M        0.            O.                            O.                 O.       O.              O.            O.

xE135 0. O. O. C. O. O. 7E137 O.

0. O. o. O. O. O.

xE136 0 O.

0. 0. 0. O. O. O.

C51364 0 O. 1 76E-07 2.93E-07 1.4BL-07 0. 1 13E-07 2 60E-Ob C5134 3.7IE-06 7.03E-04 7.10E-05 2.32E-07

9. 1.81E-04 7.42E-05 1.91E-06 G5135 1 33E-0* 1 21E-04 6 30E-06 U. 3.44E-05 1.31E-05 4.37Euo?

C5136 6.59E-0S 1 3bE-04 5.04E-05 0. b.38E-05 C5137 0 1 10E-05 2.05E-06 5 22E-06 6.llt-04 4 33t-0$ 0. 1.66E-04 C5136 4.elt-07 7.82E-07 3.19E-Of 6.6*L-05 1.91E-06

0. 3.90E-07 6.09E-08 .,?5E-06 C5139.D 3 10E-07 4 24E-07 1.b2E 0F 0. 2 19E=07 BA139 9.81E-07 5.84E-10 2 55E-06 3.30L-08 2.66E-08
0. 3.51E-10 3.54E-10 5.58E-05 bal60 0 1./IE-04 1.71E-07 8.81E-06 0. 4.04E-06 84161 0 6.25E-01 2.91E-10 1.34E-Os 1.05E-07 4 20E-05 bal62 0
0. 1.75E-10 1.77E-10 5 19E-06 1 86E-07 1.53E-10 9.06E-09 U. 8.81E-Il Lal40 2 11E-06 v.32E-09 2 14E-09 9.26E 11 7.59E-07
0. 6 0. 9.77E 05 LA161 2 8vE-09 6.380-10 1.46E-10 0. O.

Lal62 1 10E-09 O. 9.61E-05 4.04E-10 9.67E-Il 0. O. O. 6.86E-05 CE161 7.8/E-08 4.80E-08 5.65E-09 0. 1 48E-06 0. CE163 0 1 68E-08 9.82E-06 1 12E-09 2.482 05

0. 2 86E-09 0. 5.73E-05 CE166 0 2.94E-06 1 22E-06 1 67E-07 0. 4.93f-07 0. 1.71E-04 Pdl43 9.lJE-08 3.06E-08 6 03E-09 0. 1 13E-06 0. 4.29E-05 PR166 2 74E-10 1 06E-10 1 38E-ll 0. 3.84E-Il 0. 4.93E-06 N 01 4 7 0- 5.53E-08 5.68E-08 3 48E-09 0. 2 19E-0B 0.

PM147 3.88E-07 3 27E-08 3.60E-05

1. b 9 E = 0 'A 0. 4.88E-0B 0. 9.27E-06 Pdl6BM.0 1.6bE-07 4 18E-08 3 2BE-0.8 0. 4.80E-08 0.

Pul*8 6 3/E-08 9 13E-09 4.60E-0Y 5.44E-05 U. 1.09E-08 0. 9.74~-05 PM1*9 1 3WE-0b 1 81E-09 7.90E-10 0. 2 20E-09 0. 4.86E-05 PM151 6. lee-09 9.01E-10 4.56E-10 0. 1 07E-09 0. 4 17E-05 SM151 2.90E-07 6.67E-08 1 44E-08 0. 4.53E-08 0. 5.58C-06 SM153 7.72E-09 5.97E-09 4 5AE-10 c. 1 25C-09 0. Eul52 6.76E-07 1 79E-07 3.12E-05 1 51E-07 U. 5.02E-07 0. 1.59E-05 tu154 2.66L-06 3.67E-07 2.20E-01 9.95E-07 tV155

0. 0. 4.5BE-05 5.42E 07 6.25E-08 3 23E-Ob 0. 1 60E-07 0. 8.37E-05 EU156 1 14E-07 7.06E-08 1 12E-08 0.

18160 3 26E-08 0. 6.67E-05 2.59E-07 0. 3.24E-08 0. 7.3?E-08 0. 3.45E-05 90166M 1 2bE-06 2.69E-07 2 13E-07 0181

0. 3.57E-07 0. O.

6.85E-06 2 72E-08 3 04E-09 0. O. O. 3.82E-07 sl55 3.6PE-Ob 1 13E-06 1.49E-07 0. O. alB7 9.03E-07 O. 1.62E-05 6.2BE-01 2 17E-07 0. O. O. 3.69E-05 M10389-0046 A-llP01 78 '

                                                                                                                     "L ";-91

Ta bl e 2.1 (corud) l INFAN1 INGESTION DOSt 00 Mal? MEN 7 *ACf045tMwEu/50r PER pel INbESTEn IN FloST YR) ISOTOP! 90NE LIVLD 10TAL H0DY 7 m y kol Li Kl0NEy LUNG of-(t) PH?ln*D i.2HE-07 1.6?E-02 7 3 M E - 0.1 0. 6.33r-02 0. j P!210 0 4 16E-06 2. fee-05 3.bHC-07 C. E.62E-ot l 7.08t-0* 0.  %.27r-et i P0710 3 10E-03 5.93t-03 7.61f-06 0 1 76C-07 0. RN272 0 0. O. O. 6.61r-nt O. D. 0. c. Ra272*0 *.61E-0? 6.62E-05 e.d?F-03 0. 1 17E-0J 0. i 44226 0 1.66E-0/ 3.?wt-05 ?.910 03 0. 3.43r-e6 6.00(-06 0. 3.AFE-66 RAP 24 0 5.7et-02 6.52E-05 1 157-02 0. 1 19E-03 0. 1.76E-06 ka726 0 f.20E-01 6.766-05 5 16E-01 0. M.71r-06 0. R A 22F *0 h.32E-01 7.5ME-Oh 6.86E-01 0. 1.66r 06 6.73F=06 0. 5.86E-0' AC225 3 92f=0b 5.03E-05 7.f1E-06 0. 3.69E-06 0. AC227 0 6.69E-c3 7.67E-04 2 79f *06 0. 6.36E-0 1HPP7 0 1.?ct-06 7.01E-06 3 6FF-06 0. 1.56E-0* 0. P.50E-0! 7M726 0 1.61E-06 0. 5. 7 6r -n a 2 6fE-03 3.3eE-05 8.36F-05 0. 1 5HE-06 0. 5. 8 6F -06 TH220 1 4et-07 1 96E-06 7.24F-06 0. 9 24E-06 0. 5.31f 04 7a?30 3.80E-03 1.90E-06 1.067-0* c. 9.l?E-06 0. 6.26r.0 TMP3P.D 4.24E 03 1.63t.04 1.e%E-06 0. 7.79E-06 0. 5.31E-01 7HP36 6.92E 0/ 3. 7 7E -06 P.00E-08 0. 1. 3 9 F. - 0 7 0. 1.19 r - n a PA231 0 7.57E-63 7.50E-06 3 02E-06 0. 1 36f 03 0. PA733 3.llE-06 6.09E-09 %.630-00 0. 7. 6 4 F - 01 UF32 0 1 67E-08 0. 1.66f-0! 2.62t-02 0. 2 16f-03 0. 2 37E-03 0. 7. 06E -0! OJ33 0 0.0aE-03 6 3.P7E-06 0. 1.06E-03 0. U234 6.bPL-03 n. 6. 51 r - 0 t 3.F0f-06 0. 1.06E-03 0. 6.370 0! UP35*D L.6PE-03 0 3.56f.06 0. U236 9.93C-06 0. A. l or-0! 6 61f 03 n. 3.66F-06 0. 1 01E-03 0. U237 6.9hE-07 n. 5. 98F -0! 1.3?E-07 0. 1.73E-06 0. 2. l l F -n' UP38 0 6.4FE-03 6 3.33t*-06 0. 9 26E-06 0. NP737 0 2 5jE-03 1 93E-04 5. 71 F -0' 1 0%E-0* 0. 6.36f-0* 0. P.23E-O' NP236 1.?4E-07 1.12E-09 1.9?F-09 0. 6. Hit-09 0 6.17F 0' NPF39 1.llE-Oe 9.9JE-10 5.blE-10 0. 1.98E-09 0. P . 8 7 r - 01 P023P 1 36E-03 1 69E-06 3.60E-05 0. 1.?)E-06 0. PU239 7. s 7r -0

  • 1 4sE-03 1.776.-06 3.56E-05 0. 1.79E-06 0. 6.91E-05 PU260 1.45E-03 1.77Es0' 3.h6F =05 0.

D0261 0 1.78E-06 0. 7.04E-01 6.3bE-05 1 90E-06 A . B PE -01 n. 3 17E-06 0. 1 451-De PU267 1.35E-03 1.70E-06 3.*ll-05 0. DU266 1.P3E-06 0. e.77E-n' 1 51E-03 1.05E-04 3.41E-05 0. 1 61E-06 0. 1. 01 F -0 AMP 61 1.5JE-03 7.16t-04 1.09E-06 0. 6.b5E-06 0. 7.70E-0! AM762M 1 59E-03 7. cpi-06 1.13F-06 4. 6.64E-0* 0. 9.69E-0! AMP 63 1.51E-03 6.6dE-06 1.06E-06 0. 6 36F-06 0. 9.03C-0' CM?k? 1. 3 7E -0 4 1.24E-06 9.10E-06 D. P.62E-Ob 0. 8.23E-0! CMP 63 1 45E-03 6.H8E-06 A.9eE-05 0. 3.27E-06 0. 8.10f-0! CH266 1 72E-03 6 16E-06 7.99E-05 0. 2.71E-06 0. 7. 8 4F - 0' CMP 65 1.89E-03 7.64E-04 1.11E-06 0. 4.32E-06 0. 7. 3 0 F -0! CMP 66 1.87E-03 7.49C-04 1.13E-06 0. 4.310 04 0. 7.17 F - 0 ' l CH767.D 1.B2E-03 7.36E-04 1 11E-06 0. 6.26F-06 0. 9. 4 3 E -0! CM268 1.51E-02 6.07L-03 4.16E-06 0. 3.50E-03 0. 1.52f-0 CF252 1.26E-03 0. 2.95E-05 0. O. O. P.99E-0' l l H10389-0046A-IIP 01 79  !< e v 5 6-2-93 i

_. _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_ - - _ ... . _ _ ._ m . . . _ _ - _ . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ If - Tabic 7.1 (Cont d) CHILO INGEST!0N 005E C0wMlfdLNT FACTOW5(MdtM/90v ptR p .! INGE STED IN F lW57 yRi 150fCrL 90NE L I V E.W TOTAL BODY THvw010 <!OhEY

                                                                      ?,03E-n? 7.03r-01 2 03E-o? 2.01E-07 2.03t-01 GI-LLI LUNG H3               0.

HElo 1.3sE 0) 1 57E-06 L 39E-01 0. 7.03r-67 1.!!E-06 0. 7. 7 s r. . n s C16 1 21f=0$ 2 62E-06 2 6.'r- 0 6 te*2E-06 p.6?r 06 7.6/t-06 P.6?E 06 N13 3 10(=04 3 10E=0H 3 10E-0C J.10E-nB 1 10E-0M 3 10L-08 3.10r-op r18 !g69E-06 6 7 67E-01 0. n. 0. 6. 7 6 r..o 7 Na22 4. ACE-05 5.8PE-05 9. ewe-05 s.8R-nb s.84f-nS $.886-65 6.phr-n5 i NA26 5.80E-06 5. ant-on 5.8cr-06 5.80E-06 5.8(E-06 5.80f-ob %.A05-n6 P32 6 25E 06 3 96L-0S 3. lee-0$ 0. O. o. 7.2pr-Os-A419 0. O. O. 3. 6 O. P. . AR61 0. 6 6 O. n. 3.6/E-Oh 0. O. n. CA61 1.79F=0h 0. D. O. 1.96r.n7 SC66 1.9/E 0P P . 7 0 f. - o * , $6E ne 0. P.39f-08 0 3 95C-n5 CW51 0. c. **. ~ 't

                                                                                                                              .96E-09 1.35E-09 9.02E-09 6.F?F-01 MN56               6            1. 01 f. - 0            d.9m";
  • 1.006--06 0. a.9Ar-n6 wN56 D. 3.36E-Os 7 %Es # v 6.06E-07 0.

FESS 1 15C-05 6 10E-06 > M! 4 c. 6.86r-0% rE59 6 3.6SF-06 1.13E-no 1.65E-0S 2.67E-05 05 0. h. 7.16E-00 2.7BF oS C057 C. 6.96E-07 9.94E-01 9. C058 0. 1 90E-06 5. S I E4 H 0. O. O. 6.06r-06

o. O. 1.05F-05 C060 0. 5.29t-06 1. bee =0S 0. O. n. 7.43F-0S N!59 4.02E 0% 1.07E-0% 6.82E-06 0.

N!63 5.3kE-nk 8.anE-0S 1 83E-05 0. O. O. f.10F-07

n. o. 1.96F-66 NI55 5.2dE-06 7.09E-0/ 1.22F-07 0. O. O. 7.56r-0g CU66 0. 2.65E-01 1 4Af-07 0. 5.?/E-07 0. 1.lsr-n5 2N65 1 31E-05 3.oSt-05 2 27F-05 0. 2.30E-05 0. 6.61C ^6 2N69P+D 7 10E-07 1.21E-06 1.63E-07 0. I.01E-07 0 3.96C-05 2N69 6 3dE-Ob 6 33f-08 5.65E-09 0. 3.84f 08 0. 1.99F 66 SE79 n. 9.63E-06 1 87E-06 0. 1 3FF-05 0. 5.93f-01 8482 0. 6 7.55E-06 0. O. d. 6 BE83 0 0. O. 1 71E-07 U. O. O. f.

OpB6 0. 6 1.YkF-01 0. n. 0. n. 8685 0. D. 9.!?E 0* o. n. 6 n. Mo83M 0, n. O. O. O. o, c. MkB5M 0 O. O. O. 4 O. 6 nD85 0. O. O. O. O. O. n. MP87 C. O. O. O. O. 0. n. MRA8*0 n. o. O. O. n. n. n. MDB9 0 4. O. O. RB86 O. 0 o.

0. 6.70E-05 6.12E-05 0. n. O. 4.3tt 06 kB87. D. 3.95E-05 1 83E-05 0. O. 6 A.97E-07 R888 0. 1 90E-07 1 32E-n7 0. o.

RB89*D O. 9.3?E-09

0. 1,}FL-07 1.04E-07 0. O. O. 1.02E-09 5D89*D 1 32E-03 0, 3.??F-05 0.

5990 0 O. O.  %.11r-65 1.70E-02 6 6.31E-03 0. O. O. 2.29F-06 SR91*D 2.60E-05 0. 9.06E-07 0. O, 0, 5 30E-05 5R92*D 9.01E-06 0. .1. 6 / E -0 7 0. u. O. 1.71E-06 H10h19-0046 A-HP01 80 33 .,, 5

                                                                                                                                                                       .B 1-91
            -- -- . - - _ - - , . - - - - - .                                        - _ ,                    . . _ . _ _ - . - . ~ -        _

Ta bl e 2.1 (cont d) l l CHILD ISOTOPE INGE$fl0N 005L COWHITMLNT F ACTOR 5(HWLN/50Y PtW PCI IN6LSTEU IN 6tn5T vu) dONE liver TOTAL BODY TmvR010 K10NEY Y90 4.llE-08 0, 1 10E-0V 0. LUND Ol LLI O. O. 1 17E-04 Y914 0 3.82E-10 0. 1 39E-11 U. O. O. l 6.02E-07 0. 7.48E-07 I Y91 1 61E-06 0. O. O. 0. 0 2E - 0 5 Yv2 3.60L-09 0. 1 03E-10 0. 0. O. i Y93 1 16L-08 0. 1.06F-04 3 13E-10 0. O. O. 1.70E-06 2R93 0 1 6/E 07 6 25E-08 4.450-08 0. 2.62E-07 0. 2 37E 05 2R95*0 1 16E 07 2.55E-08 2 27E-08 0. 3.65E-08 0. 2R97 0 6 99E-0V 1 01E-09 2.6hL-05 5.96E-10 0. 1.45E-09 0. 1.53L-04 N893M 1 05E-07 2.62E-00 8.616-09 0. 2.83E-06 0. 3.95E 06 N895 2 2SE 06 8.76E-09 6 26E-09 0. 6.23E-09 0. 1.62F 05 NB97 2 1/E 10 3 92E-11 1 83E-11 0. 4.350-11 0. 1.21E-05 M093 0. 2 41E-05 8 65E-07 0. 6.35E 06 0. 1.22E-06 N099 0 0. 1 33E-05 3.29E-06 0. 2.84E-05 0. 9 23E-10 1 10E-05 TC99M 1.blE-09 3 00E-08 0. 2.63E-08 9 19E-10 1.030-06 TC99 5.36L-07 5 96E-07 2 14E-01 0. 7.0?E-06 S.27t-08 6 25E-06 TC101 1 07E 09 1 12E-09 1 42E-08 0. 1.91E-08 5.92E-10 3.56f=09 RU103.D  ?.31E-07 0. 2 8tf-01 0. 1.84E-06 0. 1.89E-05 Rul05.D 6 45E-09 0. 2 34E-08 Oc 5.67E-07 0. 4.2tE-05 RU106*D 1 17E-05 0. 1 46E-06 0. 1 58E-05 0. 1 82L-04 RH105 5 16E-07 2 76E-07 2.36f-07 0. 1 10E-06 0. 1.710-05 P0107 0. 4.72E-07 4.01F.-Ob 0. 3.95E-06 0. 9.37E-07 P0109 0. b 6/L-07 1 10E-07 0. 3.04F-06 0. 3.35f-05 AG110M*0 S.3vE-01 3 66E-07 2. V I E -01 0. 6. 7 6 L- 0 'I 0. 6 33f-05 AG111 2.4et=07 7.76E-08 5 12E*08 0. 2.34E-01 0. 6.75E-05 CD113M 0, 1 02E-05 4 34L-01 0. 1 05E-05 0. 2.63E-05 C0115M 0. 5 89E-06 2.blE-01 0. 4.38E-06 0. 8.01E-05 5N123 1 33E-04 1 65E-06 3 24E-06 1 7bE-06 0. O. 6 52E-05 SN125*0 3.5sE-05 5 35E-01 1 59E-06 5.55E-07 0 O. 1 10E-06 SN126*D 3.3JE-04 4 15E-06 9.46E-06 1 14E-06 0. O. 2.50E-05 . 58124 1.llE-05 1 44L-07 3 89E-06 2 45E-08 c. 6 16E-06 6.96E-05 58125+0 7 16E-06 5 52E-08 1.bOE-06 6.63E-09 0. 3.99L-06 1 71t-05 58126 4.40E-06 6.73E-08 1 58E-06 2 54E-08 0 2.10E-06 8.87E-05 58127 1 06E-06 1 66E-08 3.68E-07 1 18E-08 0 4 60E-01 5.97E-05 TE125M 1 14E-05 3 09E-06 1 52E-06 3 20E-06 0. o. 1 100-05 TE127M*0 2 89E 05 7.78E-06 3 43E-06 6. vie-06 8.24E-0$ 0. 2.34E-0! TL127 4.71E-07 1 27E-07 1 01E-07 3 26E-07 1 34E-06 0. 1.84E-01 7E129M*0 4 81E-05 1 36E-05 7.56E-06 1 57L-05 1.43E-04 0. 5.94E-01 TE129 1 34E-07 3.74E-08 3 180-08 9 56E-08 3.92E-07 0. 8.34E-01 TL131M*0 7 20E-06 2 49E-06 2 65E-06 5 12L-06 2 41E-05 0. 1 01E-Os TE131*0 8 30E-0B 2.53E-08 2 47E-08 6 3bE-08 2,51E-07 0. 4 36E-0* TE132*0 1 01E-05 4.47E-06 5.40E-06 6 51E-06 4 15E-05 0. 4.50E-0! TE133M*0 1.81E 07 7.56E-08 9 37E-06 1 45E-0/ 7.18E-07 0. 5.77E-01 TE134*0 1.29E-07 5.80E-08 7.74E-08 1 02L-07 5 37E-07 0. 5. 89E =0' 1129 1.39E-05 8.53E-06 7.62E-06 5 58E-03 1 44E-05 0. 6.29E-0'

 !!30          2.92E-06         5.90E-06       3.04E-06         6 50E-04                  8.82E-06       0.             2.76E-0t 1131*0        1.72E-05          1 73E-05      9.83E-06         5 12L-03                  2.84E-05       0.             1.54E-0 M10 389-0046 A-llP01                                   81                                                  g,  5 8-1-91

Ta bi c 2.1 (Cont o ) CHILO 15010PL INGLbfl0N 10NL 03SL CDMMIIMLNI FACTOW5(kktN/ boy PLw Pt! INGLSTEg IN r!R$t yR liver f0fAL RODY IHv40lb 11J2 4.00L 07 1.41L-00 6./AL-0/ 6 64L-05 KlbNEY LUNO Gl-LLI 1133.D 5.42L 06 1.32L-06 7.77[ 06 1 36E-0J 2 2bE-06 0. 1.73E-06 4 19L-07 7. let -0 / 3 38E-0/ 1.IVt-04 1 22L-05 0 1134 2.9ht-06 1135.D 1 75E-06 3.15E-06 1. 9E-06 2 19L-0* 1 19C-06 0. 5.16E-07 AL131* 0. O. O. 6 43E-06 0. 2.400-06 O. O. Att33M 0. n. O. O. O. 0. IE133 0. D. O. O. O. O. O. Atl35M 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. Atl35 0. O. D. 6 D. O. U. Atl31 0 O. O. O. O. O. O. AE136.D 0. O. O.

0. O. O.

O. C5134M.0 9.46E-Ou 1.d5C-01 6 16E-06 O. 0. 0. C5136 U. 6.59E-08 1 0VL-08 2.14E-04 3 84E-04 U.10E-On 0, 1 5BE-07 C5135 P.JUE-ob 5.78E-05 $.93E-06 1.19E-04 4. 2 7E -Ob 2 07E 06 05136 2 3st-05 6.46E-05 *.lPE-ud

0. 2.04E-05 6.81L-06 4 33E-07 C5137 11 U. 3.4*E-Oh 5 13L-06 3 2/E-0* 3 13E-04 4.62E-05 O. 2 27E*06 C513e 2 2eL-01 3 17L-07 d.olt-01 1.02E-04 3.6TL-Ob 1.96E-06 C5139 0 1 45E-07 1.61E-01 1.14L-08
0. 2 23E-07 2.40L=0e 1 46E-07 BA139 0. 1.21E-07 1.22L-Od 6.14E-07 2.21E-10 1 20L-06 0. 1.93E-10 1 45E-Il BA140.D B.31E-05 7 28E-08 4 65E-06 0.

1.30L-10 2.39E-05 Bal41 0 2.00E-07 1 12L-10 6.SIE-09 2.37E-Ob 4 34L-08 4 21E-05 bel 62 0 9.79E-00 6 29L-il 4 8HE-09

0. 9.69E-Il 6.58L-10 1.14E-07 LA160 0. 5.09E-11 3.70L-11 1 14E-09 1 0lt-08 3 53E-09 1 19L-ov 0.

LA141 1 3dE-09 3 17L-10 6.86E-Il n. O. 9.84E-05 LA142 0. O. O. 6.26L-10 1.6?C-10 5.23E-11 0. 7.05E-05 CLl41 3 9?E-08 1 98L-06 2.94E-0V O. O. 3 31E-05 CLl63 0 6.99L-09 3.79E-06 5.49E-10

0. 8.66E-09 0. 2 47E-05 LLl46 0 0. 1.59E-09 0.

P bbt-06 6.b2L-0/ 1 11E-of 0, 5.55E-05 PR143 3,9JE-08 1 18L-08 3.61E-01 0, 1.70E-04 PW144 1.95E-09 0. 6.39E=0V 0. 1.29E-j0 3.99E=ll 6.49E-12 0. 4 26E-05 ND147 0  ?.79E-08 2.26E-08 1 75E-09 2.11E-ll 0. 8.59E-08 PM147

0. 1 24E-08 0 3 18E-07 2 27L-08 1 22E-on 0. 3.58E-05 P4148H.D 1.03E-07 2.05E-08 4.01E-os 0 9 19E-06 P4148 d.05E-Oh 0. 3.04E-08 0.

3.0tL-06 3 63E-09 2 3bE-09 0. 5.76E-05 PM149 6 49L-09 6.90E-10 6.17E-09 0. 9.70E-05 3.74E-10 C. 1.22E-09 0. PM151 2.9dE-09 3.55L-10 2 31E-10 9. 4.71L-05 SMlb) 2.56E=0? 3 61L-08 6.02E-10 0, 4.03E-05 1 20E-06 0. 3.94E-08 0. SM153 3.65E 09 2.27E-09 2 19E-10 0. 5.53E-06 Lul52 5.lsE-07 1 12L-07 ' csE-10

0. 3.02C-05 Eulb4 1 33E-07 0. 4. 7 3E -0 7 0.

2.30E-06 2 07E-0/ 1.89E-07 1 84E-05 LV15b 4.82L-07 3.47E-08

0. 9.09E-07 0. 6. 81 E -0 5 LVl56 2.72L-06 0. 1.30E-07 0.

5.6dE-08 3 01E-08 6 23E-0V U. 8.69E-05 18160 1.66E-Or n. l.94E-08 0, 6 83E-05 2 06E-06 0. 4.94E-06 0. N0166H 1.00E-06 2 26E-07 1. VIE-0/ 0. 3 68E-05 W181 4 23E-Ob 1 04E-08 3 22E-07 0. O. c185 1 43E O. O. 1.73E-06 4 32E-07 6.05E-08 U. O. 3.79E-01 bid? O. O. 1.61E-05 4 29E-01 2 54E-07 1 14E-07 0. O. O. 3.57E-05 MIO389-0046A-IIP 01 82

_ - - ~ . - _ - . . - _ - - - . - _ - _ - Tabl e 2. ! (Contd ) CHILD IN0f3fl0N 00hl C0""ItetNT 150f0Pi dosi LIVED TOTAL 8 4C7nRSIMhEH/50Y PODt PtR PCI th0E57(D IN F1o57 ve pHP10 0 1*VWulD MIDNEY LhNb e.750-0P 1.//E-02 7 04f-03 0. 3.677-Ot 61-u ! Bl?ln.D ' 9/f-0$ 1.0lt-05 1.h4F-o? O. 4.57r-05 Ph?lo 1.5?E hN P.43t-03 1.616-66

0. 1.15f-0* 0. 5.17f-nb
v. 7 5AF-03 PNPPP.D e .. n. O. 0. A.558 -nB RAPP3 0 O. B.

J.1tE-n? 7.666-0% 6./s.f 03 0. O. 6 kA?76 0 'i.a9E 03 1.?kt nh 1.34r-01 A. bat-06 0. 3. 3dF -06

9. 1,3]r-05 WAPPS.D P.*nt-n? 7.%oE-c5 4 490-03 C.

0, 3,78t-06 WAPPA.D  ;.75E-01 1.M*f=05 6.626-04 0. 1.215 66 WA?76 0 4. 7 7E -01 0. 6 tAF-06 0, 3.H3L 01 4.495.-04 6 3/E-01 0 7.6%E-04 n. 3.6]r-06 ACPPE 1 85t.05 1.4*f=0% 1.?tf-Ob 0. 5.81f-05 ACPP7 0 6 1/E -0 4 6.63f=06 7.55L-04 7.0/t-06 0. 4. 31 r -06 TMPP7 0 0. 1.4AF 06 0 5.ASE-Ob 7.9eE-07 1. 6'#f -0 0 C. A.63r-05 1*PPP.D  ?.07E /.6dE-05 7.00r-05 4.??r-0h 0, 5.636-n6 1*??9 0. 1.38E-04 1 3dE -0? 1. 41 t -06 6.btf-04 0

0. 5.79F-06 1NP30 3.%5E 03 1 7et-ne A.Paf-04 0. 5.??F-06 1MP37 0 9.9tF-05 0. A,67E-06 0.

1"236 3.96E 03 1.5?F-06 3*0lf-O' O. 7.61F-06 6 19f-05

                       ?.6?E-07                  1.5tt-00       4.eef-09                                                                     0.             5.77r-05 PA?31.D                                                                                   0.                              v.nlE-08 7.01F-03                  P.340-n6       P. e ll -04                  0.                              1.?ME-03 0

1.ldf-04 Pa?33 1. P ) F. 0 H P.kii-69 3.16E-09 0. 7.37F-05 u?37 0 0. 1.04E-08

                       !.7AE 07                  6 1.?AE-03                     0.

0 1.66F 05 U733 0 3.7?t-03 o. 1 360 03 0. 6.9AF-05 UP36 P.?SE-06 0. 6 10f=04 0. 3.RFE-03 n. /.?lf-04 6.65E 05 Uk35.D ).67t 63 0

0. 5.9Af-04 0. 6.3?r-05 PP36 P.076 04 9. b.61E-06 3.4?E 03 6 /.l?f-06 0 P.037-05 0737  ?.16E 07
0. h.73f=04 0.

UP36 0 0 6.?IF.0u 0. 6.P!L-07 0. 5.9?f-ns

1. 2 /E -0 3 n. 1.4 E-04 0. S.74f-06 P.0df-05 AMP 37+D 8 36E , l.A!L-04 9.79E-05 0. F.66E-05 APP 3h 5.h3E-06 1 18f-09
0. 6.0S0 04 0. R.16E-05 Np?3b 9.08t-10 C. 3.76f-09 0.

5.?$L-09 3.77L-10 P.6SL-10 0. 4 06F -05 0U23> 1.?;E-03 1.56L-04 1 09E-09 0. P.79E-05 PU234 1.1bE-n3 3.lAt-0d c. 1.15f-04 0 1.65t =06 3 31f-05 7.50E-05 PUP 6n 1 36E-03 1 65L-04

0. 1.??f=04 0. 6.A5f-05 3 3tF-05 c. 1./?E-04 0.

PUP 61.C 4 00E-05 1.77L-06 a,ogt-07 U. 6.4df nb PUP 47 1 26E-03 1.%9E-04 P.9AE-00 0 1.46F-06 3 14t-0$ 0. 1 17E-Oh 0. PUP 44 1 6tf-03 1.RPE-04 3 05F-05 0. 1 398-04 0. 6.71f. Aw?hl 1 43E-03 6.40E-0* 1.020-06 1.00f n6 A"?6?M 1. 4 /L-0 3 6 75E-04

0. 6.?)E-06 0. 7.660-05
1. 0 4 E -0
  • 0. 6.30f-0* 0.

Au?63 1 41E-03 6 1<.L-04 0.610-n5 9.e3f-05 0. 6.06E-06 0. CMP 4? 9.H0E-05 A.F3E-05 $.N4F=06 A.95r-05 Cu?43 1 33E-0J 6.nJE-04

0. 1.r*E-05 0.
  • 8.16F 09 CMP 46 1 110-03
0. .0HE-06 0. 8.03f-05 A.93f-05 CMP 45 CMP 66 1 7bE A.66L-04 9.J6E-n4 1.05f-0* - e.46f=0S 0,

0. r.54E-06 0. 6 11E-0* 0. 7.77F 05 7.76f-05 1 74E-03 A.64E-04 1. n5f -0* 0 CMP 47*D 1 70L-03 6 53E-04 6 10E-06 0. 7.11f-05 1.03E-04 0. 6.06F,-04 0. CMP 48 1.41E-0? 9.3bE-03 R.57E-06 0. 9.35f-05 CFPS? 1 01E-03 6 3.33E-03 0. 1.51E-03 P.565-05 0. 0.- 0.  ?.96E-o' E MIO389-0046A-HP01 83 hev 5 8-1-91

Tabl e 2.1 (Cont dj 7ffN IS070&E IN0f.Sil0N 00%E CowulfwEN7 r g70wstuwtr/ bay pee 9C1 INGF5fE0 IN Flost yo 90NE liver 10TAL 8001 IHYdoth 1 H3 =IONft LONG G l .i t ! S. 1 06E.07 1 061 07 1 06E.07 1.06r.07 1.06L.07 BElo 4.6AE.0% 6.966 01 1 11E-0 7 0. 1.06f.07 Cl* 6 06E.06 8 12E 01 8 12f-01 4 120 07 5 30r-07 0. a,12r-07 7.84f-nB N13 1 15E.Or, 1 15E.08 1.lbr.08 1 15t.06 1 1;F.0m H.12E-07 A.12(-n? rlA 4.66E.07 0. 9.67f.06 0. 1 15E-08 1.lsf.0a NA72 7 36E-09 ?.36E-05 7 34f-05 7 34E-05 n. 6 7.7Af-nN i NA24 2 30E.00 7 3VI'06 ?.3hl.06 A.34r-05 2.3*E.0L p.36r.05 p32 7.76E 04 1.7)(-0% 1.)?E.0% ?e30E-06 0. 7.3nr-06 2 30E-M 2. joe-06 n. AR39 9. O. 2.3M .0F O. n. O. O. O. A041 0. n. o. O. 6 C461 1.97E-06 6

n. O. 6 7 13E-05 0. 9 D. 1.95r.67 SC66 7 26r.09 1 41L-09 6.idF-09 0. 1 35E 0M 0.

CW51 S. 6 3.60E-09 6.ent.oS kNS4 n. 7.00L-09 7.eef.10 5.14f.n? 6.0$f.07 4.00E.06 1 17f-06 0. 1.76E 06 4 MN56 0. 1 5er. 0 7 2.61E.09 0. 2.000 07 0, 1 21f.05 FE55 3.74E 06 7.68E-06 6.25E.07 0

1. c 4 -n5 FE59 5.97E-06 1 37L-05 5.?QE-06 O. 1 10t.oh 1.16f.oh
0. n. 6 32t.0h ).26r.0g C 0 f. 't n. 7.38E-07 3. YW-0 7 C058 0.

U. n. O. 4.44r.nh 9.72E-07 2 ?4F-06 4. O. C. C060 0. 2.61t-06 6.J3E-06 0 1 34F.n5 N!S9 O. O. 1.66).65 1 3?E.05 4.66E-06 2./4E.06 0. o. 6 N163 1.77E.04 1.7$E-n5 6 00E.06 7. 'll t.0 7 N165 7.49E-07 9. 8' 7E.nd

0. 0, o. 1.99E-0A 4.J6E 09 0. n. O.

CV66 6 1.?5E.n1 5.41f.04 n. 5.191 06 2N65 5.76E-06 7.00Esot 2.91E-07 0. 8.97f no 4 330 06 0. 1.28E.05 0 2N699*0 2 40E-07 5. toe-07 5 19E-08 U. 8.47F.06 2N69 1.47E-08 7.80E-0A 1.64C.07 0. 3.llf-n5 SE79 1 96E 09 9. 1.83F.0A 6 5.16E.nb

0. 1.73E-Oh A.??E.07 n.

Bk82 0. n. 6.50E 06 U. 5.70F.o? 3.0&E-06 v. n. O. 6 e483+0 h. O. S.7&f.00 0 BH86 0.- 0. O. 0. n. 7 27E 08 0. O. O. n. BRB5 0. n. 3 05E.U9 U. t.NH3M 0

o. O. n.

O. O. O. 6 MR85M 0. O. n. O. O. O. O. MD85 0, 6 O. 6 O. O. o. O. KR87 0. n. D. m. O. n. O. MRSB+0 0 n. O. O. D. O. O. MR89 3 6 O. O. O. n. 4 0086 0. P.49E-05 O. 4687 1.600 05 0 n. O. 4.41E-06

0. 1.75L-05 6.llF.06 0.

R3&B 0. A.52E-08 6 54E-09 0. O. O. A.!!E-n? RBh9*0 O. 6 7.3nE-15

0. 9.40E-06 J.49E-08 5E89+D '.40E-04 6
0. 6 o. 4.63f=17 1.26E-05 0. n. 0 5.24F.05 5490+0 8.30E-03 0. P.05E-03 0. 6 D. 7.33E-66 SG91+D- 9.07E-06 0. 3.21E-07 0. o.

SR92 0 3.05E.06 O. 1.66r-0% 0 1 30E.07 0. o. O. 7.77E-05 M10389-0046A-HP01 84 I: e v 5 6-2-93

Table 2.1 (Cont d ) TEEN INGEST!DN ISDTOPL 005C COMMITMENT LivCR raCTORSt*RL*/50Y i fMY4010 WER PCI IN0E5fLD IN r!AST ras SONE TDfAL BDDY Y90 l 1 31E =08 0. <!ONEY LUNG Y91M+0 3 64C-10 0. O. 0. D! LLI 1.29E-10 0. 4.93E-14 1 13E-06 Y91 2.0lf. 07 d. Oe 0. O. YV2 5.39C-09 9. O. 6.09E-09 1.21C-09 0. 3.bOE-11 0. O. 8 26E-05 i YV3 3.83L-09 0. O. O. ZW93*D 1.05E-10 0. 0. 3 32E-05 4 53E-08 2.73E-08 1.49E-08 0. O. 1.l?f-06 2R95 0 4 12C 08 1 30E-08 M.9*E-0V 0. 9.65E-0M 0. 2497 0 l.91E-08 0. 2 58E-05 2 3ft=09 4.6VE-10 Je16E-10 0. 3 00r.-05 Nb93> 3.46E-06 1.lJC-0d 2 03E-0V 0. 7.llE-10 0. 1. 2 7E - 06 NB95 9 22E 09 6.56E-09 2 51E-09 0. 1 32E-OH 0. 4 07E-06 h897 7.37C-!! 1.83E 11 6.6dE-12 0. 4.62E-09 0. HD93 2.14E-11 0. 1.95E-n5

0. 1.06E-05 2 90E-01 De 4 3fE-07 kD99 0 0 6.03E-06 1.15E-06 0. 3.04E-06 0, 1 29E-06 TC99M 3 3RE-10 9 26E-10 1 20E-08 0. l.38E-05 0. 1.0EE-05 TC99 1. 79E 0 7 2 63E-07 7.!FE-08 0. 1.3dE-06 5 14E-10 6 0PE-07 TC101 3.60E-10 5 12E-10 5.03E-09 0. 3 34E-06 2.72L-06 6.6*E-06 RU103*D 2 55E-07 0. - 9.26E-0V 3 12L-10 8.75E-11 RU105*D 2 18E=0B 0.

1 09C-07 0. 8.99E-07 0.

    #U106*D                                   8.46E-0V 0.                                         2.75E-07 0.                 2 13E-05 3.92f=06 0.                  6.94E-07 0.                                                                     1.76E-05 RM105         1.73E-07 1.25L-07 B.40E-08 0.                                                     7.56E-06 0.                1.88C.06 PD107         0.                2.08E-07 1 36E-08 0.                                           b.31E-07 0.                 1 59E-05 PD109 -       0.               2 51E-07 5 70E-08 0.                                            1.88E-06 0.                9 66E-07 AD110M*D      E.0SE-07 1 94E-07 1 160-07 0.                                                    1.45E-06 0.                2 53f-oS AD111         8 29L-08 3.44E-06 1 73E-06 0.                                                    3. 7 0F -0 7  0.           5.45E-05 CD113M        0.              4 51E-06 1 4SE-07 0.                                             1 12E-01 0.                4 80E-05 CDllSM       0.               2.60E-06 8 39E-08 0.                                             4.99E-06      0.           2.71E-05 5N123         k.44E-05 7 29E-07 1 0HE-06                                                      2.08E-06 0.                 6 23C-05
   $N125+D      1 19E-05 2 37E-07 5 37E-01 1.abE-07 0.          S.64E-07                                        O.

5N126+0 0. 6.71E-05 1 16E-04 2 16E-06 3.30E-06 O. 1 12E -06 58124 3 8FE-06 7 13L-08 1.blE=06 8 5 69E-07 0 O. 58125*D 78E-09 0. 2 5BE-05 2 48L 06 2.71E-0A 5 80L-07 2 37E-09 3 3aL=06 7.86E-05

  $9126         1 59L-06 3 25E-08 5.71E-07 8.99E-09 0.                                                         2 18L-06 1.93E-05 5W127         3.63L-07 7.76E-09 1 37E-07 6 08L-09 0.-                                                        1 14E-06 9.41E-05 TE125M        3.83E-06 1.3AC-06 5.12E-07                                                      0.             2 47t-07 6 16E-05 TE127M*D      9.6FL-06 3.43E-06 1 15E-06 21 30E-06                0TE-Oo 0                                   O.           1 1,3E-05 TE127         1 58E-07 5.60E-08 3 40E-08 1 09E-07                                            3.92E-05        0, 2.41E-05 TL129M.D     1.63E-05 6.05E-06 2.58E-06                                                      6.60E-07 0,                  1 22E-05 TL129        4.4WE-08 1.67E-08 1.09E=08 5 26E-06 6.82E-05 0.                                                              6 12E-05 TE131M*D      2.44E-06 1 17C-06 9.76E=0i 3 20E-0W l.88E-07 0.                                                             2.45E-07 j

TE131*D 2.79E-08 1 15E-08 8.12E-0V 2115L-08 76E-06 1.22E-05 0 9 39E-05 TE132*0 3 49E-06 2 21E-06 2.08E-06 2 33E-06 1 22E-07 0. 2 29E-09 TE133M*0 6.46E-08 3.66E-08 3.56E-08 5 11L-08 2 12E-05 0. 7.00E-05 TE134*0 4.41E-08 2.87E-04 3.00E-08 3.67E-08 3.62E-07 0. 1.48E-07 1129 4 66F-06 3 92E-06 6.54E-06 4 77E-03 2.76E-07 0. 1.66E-09 1130 1.0Ji=06 2.98E=06 1 19E-06 2 43L 06 7 01E-06 0. 4.57E-07

 !!31*0        5.85E-06 M 19E-06 4.40E-06 2 39E-03 4 59E-06 0.                                                             2 29E-06 1.41E-Ob 0.                  1 62E-06 MIO389-0046A-itP01                                    85 hev 5 g_1 9)
     - -        . - . _ _ . - - -                              - . _ _ - _ . - . - - -                 . _ - _ _ -                     _ ~ _ _ _ _    - _ - _ - .             __     -.

Table 2.1 1 Cont O VELN INGE5t!3N 005E C0HulfMENT (ACf0ks WWLM/50Y Pfw PCI INbfSTED IN fikS7 vo)

         !$0f0PL                    90NE           L!vCR              TOTAL BODY               IMYH0lb        K!DNEY                                LUNG                 GI-LLI
          !!32                    2.74E 07 1 30t-07 2 62t-01 F.66E 05 1.15E-06 0.                                                                                        3 18E-07 1133 0                  2 0lE-06 3 61L-06 1 04f-06 *.76L-04 5.98E-06 0.                                                                                        2.58E-06 1136                    1 66E-07 3 67E-07 1.39E-01 h.65L-06 6.10E-07 0.                                                                                        5.10E-09 1135 0                  6 10L-01 1 57t-06 See2E-0/ 1 01L 0* 2 6eE-06 0,                                                                                        1.76E-06 Atl31H                  0.               C.                          0.              O.             O.                                   O.                    O.

XL133W 0. O. O. C. O. O. O. AE133 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. All3bM 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. All3b 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. Atl31 0. n. O. O. O. O. O. AE130 0 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. C5136M.0 2 96E-0B 6 09E-Ob 3 13I-0B 0. 3.396-0H 5.95L-09 4.05I-oe C5134 9.3/E-05 1 97L-04 v.16E-05 0. 6.26E-05 2.39E-05 2.65E-06 C513b 2. 't e L - 0 5 2.55C-05 5 96E-06 0. 9.73L-06 3 52L 06 6.46E-07 05136 9.59E-06 3 3eE-05 2 27f-05 0. 1 64E-05 2 90E-06 2.7PE-06 C5137 0 1 12L-06 1 69E-06 S.19E-Oh 0. 5.07E 05 1.97E-05 2.l?E-06 C513P 7.76E-08 1.49E-01 7.45E-Oe 9. 1.10E-07 1 28E-06 6.76E=ll CS139 0 4. die-06 7 17E-06 2 63L-Ob 0. 5.79E-08 6 34L-09 3.33E-23 BA139 1.J9t-01 9.76E-Il 4 05E-09 0. 9.22E-Il 6.74E-11 1.26E-06 BA160 0 2 84E 05 3.68E-Ob 1.W3E-06 0. 1.18E-06 2 34E-06 4.39E-05 84141 0 5 71E-0H 5 016.-11 2 26E-09 0. 6.65E-11 3 43L-!! 1.43E-13 ba142 0 2 99E-OH 2.99E-Il 1 86E-09 0. 2 53E-11 1 99L-ll 9.18E-20 LA140 3.4eE-09 1.71E-09 4.5SC-10 0. O. O. 9.82E-05 LA141 4.5bE-10 1.60E-10 2.J1E-!! 0. O. 0. 2.48E-05 LA142 1 79E-10 1.95E-Il 1 9PE-11 0. O. O. 2.42E-06 CList 1.33C-08 9.84L-09 1.02E-09 9. 6.1PE-09 0. 2.54E-05 CE163 0 2 3SL-09 1 71E-06 1 91E-10 0. 7.61E-10 0, 5.14E-05 CLl66+D 6.96t-07 2 8dE-07 3 76E-08 D. 1.72E-07 0. 1.75E-04 PW143 1 31E-08 5.23L-09 6.52E-10 U. 3.04E-09 0. 6.31E-05 PW146 4 30E-11 1.76E-11 2 18E-12 v. 1 01E-ll 0. 4.74E-16 N0167 0 9 3eE-09 1.02t=0p 6.llE-10 0. 5.99E-09 0. 3.6BE-05 Pul47 1.0$E-07 9.96E-09 4 06E-09 0. 1.90E-08 0. 9,47E-06 Pml4PM.0 6 16E-08 1.05L-08 8.dlE-09 0. 1.59E-08 0. 6.61E-05 PM14U l.0dE-CB 1 66E-09 8.36E-10 0. 3.00E-09 0. 9.90E-05 PM149 2.1/E-09 3.05E-10 1.25E-10 0. 5.BIE-10 0. 4.49E-05 Pal 51 0.b7E-10 1.6JE-10 B.2SE-l! 0. 2.93E-10 0. 3.66E-05 SMIS1 9.73L-08 1.6BE-08 3.94E-09 0, 1.84E-08 0. 5.70E-06 SM153 1 22E-09 1 0lL-09 7.63L-11 0. 3.30E-10 0. 2 85E-05 Eul52 2 65E-07 5 90E-08 5.20E-06 0. 2.74E-07 0. 2.17E-05 tul56 7.91L-07 1 02E-07 7 19E-06 0. 4.56E-07 0. 5.39E-05 EU155 1 74E-07 1.68E-06 1 06E-08 0. 6.57E-08 0. 9.63E-05 Eulb6 1 92E-08 1 44E-08 2 35E-09 0. 9. 6'J E - 0 9 0. 7 36E-05 76160 6.41E-08 0. 8 01E-09 0. 2.56E-08 0. 4 19E-05

M0166M 3 51E-07 1 10E=07 7.965-08 0. 1 61E-07 0. O.

wlB1 1.62E-08 4.58E=09 4.79E-10 0. O. O. 3.90E-07 wl65 5.79L-07 1 91E-07 2 02E-Ou 0. O. 0. 1.65E-05

          =187                    1 46E-07         1 19E-07                    4 17E-08        U.             O.                                   O.                    3.22E-05 l

l l HIO389-0046A-HP01 86

                                                                                                                                                                     @UV 6-1-91

0 Tjible 2.1 (Contd_] TELN IN6E S 'i 3N 00SE Covul tut NT FA(10G%lW6(M/50Y pfR p([ [hyg Sig Q jy fjpsy yp) ISU'OPL snNE Livtd TOTAL Huny TNvw010 ntONfy Luy0 61-Ltl PF710 0 1.dif-of k.6*L-03 7.Olt-06 0. 1 72E-0P 0. 5.760-05 W1/10 0 s.59f-07 4.51f-06 5. bee-r8 0. 5.6er-05 0, 5.lsr-05 P0/lo A.vaE-ow 1.21f-06 0. 3.e0E-03 0. 6.7%C-05

a. n. O. O. O. O.

0%//2 0 O. WA2/3.h 7.llE-01 1.066-05 1.*Pf-03 0. 3.10E-06 0. 3.63f-66 OA22..h P.318-03  %.5?!-no 6.611-04 0. 1.sef-04 0, 3.715-ou WA77%.') 1.316-03 1.loE-ob 1 67t'-03 0. 3.15f-06 n. 1.P7E-04 PA726 0 1.PPE-01 8.lJE-06 7 39f-01 0. 7.32E-06 0. 3.51f-66 Pa?26 0 1 31E-01 4.61E-ob 1 510-01 0. 1 26f-04 0, 5.4Br-65 AC225 4.PdE-06 R.59E 06 6 7Pt 01 H. 4.85F-07 0, 6.34F-06 AC?27 0 P.05E-03 3 03E-06 1./?F-04 0. 8.81E-05 0. 8.6Ar-es 1*227 0 1 96E-05 3.52E-07 5 6%f=07 0. P.01E-06 0. .S.750 06 1+1729 0 6.poE-06 1 1.E r.5 P.30f-05 c. 6.61f-05 0. 6.97t-66 TH224 c.34E 63 1.PoE-04 6.llr-06 0. 6.10E-06 0. 5.43E-06 TH230 P.16E-03 1 73E 06 e.001-05 0 5.49f-06 0. 6.18f-05 7d?37.n 2.42E 03 1. 0 M - 0 6 1.e1E-06 o. 5.11E-06 0. 5.63f-ns TH736 1 16L-07 6.A8E-09 3 31f-09 0. 3.81E-04 0. 1.21E-06 PL?31.n s.11E-03 1 62E-06 1.bHF-f6 0. 9.100-06 0. 7.6er-05 PA233 7 33E-09 1 61E-09 1 26f-09 0. 5.32E-09 0. 1.61E-05 U232 0 5.avC-03 0. 6 21f-06 0. 6.38E-06 0. 7 19E-05 U233 0 1.?6E-03 0. 7.560-05 0. 2.90E-06 0. 6.650 05 U236 1.luf. 01 0. 7 34E-05 0. P.85E-06 0. 6.%)f-05 UP35 0 1 16E-03 0. 6.96F-05 0 P.670-06 0. 5.28E-05 U236 1 14E-03 0. 7.09f-05 9. 2.73f 06 0. 6.11r-05 U237 7.89E -08 0. 7.100-0M 0. 3.26f-07 0. 7.09E-05 U23B.O 1 04E-03 0. 6.6 9f -0 S 0. P.50E-06 0. 9.81f-05 NP237.P 1.*6E-03 1 2%F.-06 5.dSE-05 0. 6.33f-06 0. 8.41E-65 NPP3P 1 95E-09 5.72E-10 3 0&E-10 n. 1 79E-09 0. 3.91E-05 NP239 1 76E-09 1.66E-10 9.22E-11 U. 5.71r-10 0. 7.67f-05 PU236 7.?)E-16 1 02E-06 1.e2E-05 0. 7.POE-05 0. 7.73f-05 4 27E-04 1 12E-06 2 0lE-05 0. 4.57E-05 0. 7.06E-05 PU239 7.19E-05 PU260 4.76E-0* 1 12E-06 P.0lf 05 0. P.56E-05 0. PU261 0 1.86E-05 4.62E-07 3.69f-01 0. 1.71E-06 0. 1.48E-06 1.66E-04 1 0BC-06 1 96f-05 0 6 25E-05 0. b.92E-05 PU26? 1 03f-04 PUP 66 9.95E-O'. 1.?3E-06 2 2?f-05 0. 9.6%E-05 0. 4.62E-04 1.?9E-04 5.76f.05 U. 6.31E-06 0. 7.870-05 A v.? 41 AW2628 S.70E-0* 1 19E-0* 5.bol-05 0. 6.30f-04 0. 9.90f-05 AM243 4.60E-06 1.llE-04 5.e7F-05 C. 6.22C-06 0. 9.230-05 2.94E-05 7 97E-05 1 9SE-Ob 0 8.R9E-06 0. 8.40F-05 CH242 8.28E-05 CM243 5.9iE-04 2 86E-04 6.09f-05 0. 1.91E-0* 0. 2 49E-04 3 19F 05 0. 1 49E-04 0. 8.00E-05 CMP 46 4 3PE-06 7.46r-05 CH245 1 07E-03 3 33E-06 6 10t-05 0. 2.85E-04 p. 3.32E-06 6.09f-05 0. 2.86E-04 0. 7.33r-05 CMP 46 1.0bE-03 p. 9.63E-05 CMP 47 0 1 03E-03 3.?7E-06 6.00f.-05 0 7.80E-04 CMP 48 B.60E-03 P.69E-03 4.95f-04 0. 2.31F-03 0. 1.55f-03

n. H.37E-Ob 0. O. O. 3.05F-04 Cf?52 3.51E-06

. HIO389-0046A-HP01 87 Rev 5 8-1-91 9 e , , n - v--- - - --w n,--r g-w --_,

Tcbic 2 d (conLal 60VLt 150f0PE INGE5fl0N $0NE 005E LIVED CO*WifwENT 707AL RODY TNYR0!OFACf005(MWEW/50Y n!DNEY PEW PCI ING H3 n. LUNG GI-LLI 1.nsr-of 1.0SE-01 1 05E -01 1.0SE-07 1.06E-07 PE10 3.lME-06 6. 91 E -4 / 7.96F-08 1. 05E-0 7 C16

0. 3.7tE-07 0.
                              ?.06E-06            5.bdE-01              5. e8E -01                           5 68E-07             5.66E-07                     2.6AF OS NIT              5.36E-Ou             8.36t-09              8.JhE-09                                                               5.68E-07 FlP              6.26E-07                                                                        e.360-09             M.36E-09     8.36E-09       A.36E 69
0. 6.92f=08 0. O.

NA22 1 76E-05 1.74E-05 O. l.SSF-08 NA24 1./4E-05 1 74E-05 1.74E-05 1 74E ^5 1.70E-06 1 70E-06 1 700 06 1 70E 06 1.74E-05 P32 1. 9 3 E . 0 '. 1.20E-09 1.70f=06 1.70t-06 1.70f-06 AD39 7.66E-06 0. O, n.

0. n. O. O. P.17f-05 AQ41 0, n. n. O. n.

O. O. CA41 1 83E-05 0. O. 6. n. SC66 7 00E-05 0. O. O. 5 51E-09 1 07E-08 3 11r 09 0. 1.84F-07 CESI 0. 6 9.99r-09 0. 5.21F-nB F.6AE-09 1.59E-09  %.A6E-10 3.53E-09 WN54 0. 4.57E-Oh 4.72E-07 0. A.69f 07 NN56 0. 1 15E-07 1.36E-06 0. 1.40F.05 2 06E-08 0. 1.46E-01 0. FESS 2 75E-06 1 90E-06 6.63E-07 0. 3 67F 66 FE59 O. 1 06E-06 1.09F-06

                           '. 34E-06             1.0tE-05            3.91E-06 0.

C057 0. 1.15E-07 2 91E-01 0. O. 2.85L-06 3.40F-05 C058 0. O. O. 6.66F-06 7.45E-07 1.67E-06 0. O. o. C060 0. 7.14E-06 4.?EE-06 0. 1.51F-05 N159 7.76E-06 3.35E-06 D. O. 4.02F-05 N!63 1.e3E-06 0. O. O. 1 30E-04 9.01E-06 4 36E-06 0. A.90E-67 N!65 O. O. l.A8E-06 5.26E-07 6.P6E-08 3 13r-08 0. o. C uf,4 0. A.33E-08 1.91E-08 0. 1.74F=06

0. 7 10E-0/ 0.

ZNAS 6.A4E-06 1.54E-05 6.96E-06 0. 7.10E-06 2N69M.0 1.70E-07 4.08E-07 3.730-68 1.03E-05 0. 9.70F-06 ZN69 0. 2.6fE-07 0. 1.03E-09 1.97E-06 1.37F-09 0. 7.49F-05 5E79 0. 2.63E-06 4.39E-07 1 28F-08 0. P.96E-09

0. 4 5SF-06 0.

PR82 c. n. 2.26E-06 0. 5.3aF-07 ' 8EA3*C n. O. O. P.595-06

0. 4 02E-08 0. O.

BR84 0. O. O.  %.79E-nN 5 21E-08 0. O. O. 8R85 0. n. 7 14E-09 0. 6.09r-13 MA93M 0. n. o. O. 6 O. O. A. nO65M 0, n. O. O. O. O. n. nR85 0. 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. KR87 6. n. O. D. O. n. nEA8 0 0. n. 6 O. O. n. NRA9 0. 9. 0. 0.

n. n. O. n. O. n.

RBB6 9 2.llE-05 9.63E-06 RB87 0. O. O. 4.16F-06

0. 1.23E-05 4.2BE-06 0. O.

0688 0. 6.05E-08 3.21F-08 c. O. 9.76f-07 RBA9 0 9 O. O. 8.36F-19 4.01E-08 2.82E-08 0. n. O. SRe9+0 3.08E-04 n. 2.33E-21 S490*D 8.e4E-06 0. n. O. 4.96E-05 7, Set-03 0. l.86F-03 0. O. 5091*0 5.67E-06 0. 2.29F-07 0. D. 2.19F-06 5R92+0 O. O. P.70E-05 2 15E-06 0 9 30E-08 0, n. O. 4.76E-05 HIO389-0046 A-IIP 01 88 Rev S 8-3-91

Table 2.1 g td) ADULT INGEST!ON 005L COMM11MLNT FACf0W5(MRLM/50Y PER PCI INGC51LO IN f1957 val

 !$0f0Pt        BONE         LIVER       f0fal PODY fnVR0!D          K!DNEY      LUNG      Gl-LL)

Y90 9.6tE-09 0. 2 5AE-10 0. O. O. 1.0?r 04 Y91**0 9.09Eull 0. 3.52E-12 0. O. O. 2.67E-10 YV) 1 41E-07 0. 3.17C-09 0. O. O. 7.76f-05 Y92 9.4SE-10 0. 2 47E-11 0. O. O. 1.58r-05 Y93 2 6dE-09 0. I.40E-!! 0. O. O. B.50L-05 ZR93.D 6 18E-08 2 34E-09 1 09E-09 0. 8.87E-09 0. 2.u3E-06 ZW95 0 3 06E-08 9.75E-09 6 60E-09 0. 1 53E=0e 0. 3.09E-05 ZR97+D 1.6dE-09 3.39E-10 1 55E-10 0. 5 12t-10 0. 1.05t-06 N893N 2 55E=0B H.3'E-09 t 2 05E-09 0. 9.570-09 0. 3.A4E-06 Nb95 6.22E-09 .t.46E-09 1 86E-09 0. 3.42E-09 0. 2.10E-05 Nd97 5.2tE-11 1.32E-11 4.8?E-It O. 1.b40-11 0. 4.67E-08 M093 0. 7.51E-06 2 03E-07 0, 2 13E-06 0. 1 2?E-06 M099 0 0. 4.3]E-06 H.20E-07 0. 9.76E-06 0. 9.99F-06 1C99M 2 41E-10 6.98E-10 6.89E-09 0. 1 06E-08 3.42L-10 4.13L 07 TC99 1 2bE-01 1 86E-0/ 5.0?E-06 0. 2.36E-06 1.5HL-08 6 0BE-06 TC)01 2.560-10 3 66E-10 3 59E-09 0. 6.59E-09 1 6?E-10 1 10E-21 RV103*0 1 8sE-07 0. 7.97E-06 0. 1.06E-01 0. 2.ltl-05 0010b*0 1 54L-06 0, 6.00E-09 0. 1.99E-07 0. 9.62E-06 RU106*0 2 75E-06 0. 3 48E-07 0. 5.31E-06 0. 1.78E-04 RMIOb 1 21E-07 8.85C-08 5 83E-08 0. 3.76E-07 0. 1 41E-05 P0107 0. 1 6 /E-07 9.40E-09 0. 1.32E-06 0. 9 11E-07 P0109 0. 1 77E-07 3 99E-06 0. 1 01E-06 0. 1 96E-05 Ab110M*0 1.60E-07 1 48E-07 6.79E-06 0. 2.91E-07 0. 6.06E-05 AG111 5.81E-08 2.43E-06 1 2]E-Ou 0. 7.84E-08 0. 4.66E-05 C0113M 0. 3 18E-06 1 02E-0T 0. 3.SOE-06 0. 2.56E-05 C0115M 0. 1 84E-06 5 67E-06 0. 1 46E-06 0. 7.76E-05

  $N123        3 11E-05      5 15E-07       T.59t-0T 6 38E-07        0.         O.          6.33E-05 SN125+D      9.33E-06      1 68E-07       3.70E-01  1 39E-07       0.         O.          1.040-04 SN126 0      S.45E-05      1 67E-06       2 40E-06 6.92E-07        0.         O.          2 43E-05 58124        2 80E-06      5.29E-08       1 11E-06 6 79E-09        0.         2 18E-06    7.95E-05 58125*0      1 79C-06      2.00E-08       4.260-07  1 82E-09       0.         1.3BE-06    1.97C-05 58126        1 15E-06      2 36E-0d       4 15E-01 7 04E-09        0.         7.05E-07    9.40E-05 58127        2 58E-07      5.65E-09       9.90E-08 3 10E-09        0.         1.53E-07    5.90E-05 TE125M       2 680-06      9.71E-07       3.59E-07 8 06E-07         1.09E-Ob  0.          1.07E-05 TE127M*0     6.77E-06      2.42E-06       8.25E-07   1 73E-06      2.75E-05   0.          2.27E-05 TE127        1 10E-07      3.95E-08       2 38E-08 8 15E-08        4.48E-07   0.          8.68E-06 TE129M.0    1 15E-05      6 29E-06       1 82E-06 3 95E-06        4.80E-05   0,          5.79E-05 TE129       3 14E=08       1 18E-08      7.65E-09 2 41E=08         1 32E-07  0.          2.37E-08 TE131M.0    1 73E-06       8.46E-07      7.05E-07   1 34E-06       8.57E-06  0.          8.40E-05 7E131*0     1 9?E-08      8 23E=09       6.22E-09   1 62E-08       8.63E-08  0.          2.79E-09 TE13240     2 52E-06       1 63E-06      1 53E-06   1 80E-06       1 57E-05  0.          7.71E-05 TE133H+0    4.62E-08      2.70E-08       2 60E-08  3 91E-08        2.67E-07  0.          6.64E-06 TE134+0     3 24E-08      2 12E-08       1 30E-08  d.83E-08        2.05E-07  0.          3.59E-11 1129        3 27E-06      2 81E-06       9 21E-06  7 23E-03        6.04E-06  0.          4.44E-07       t 1130        7 56E=07      2.23E-06       8.80E-07   1 89E-04       3.48E-06  0.          1.92E-06 1131+0      4 16E-06      5.95E-06       3 41E-06   1.,95E-03      1 02E-05  0.          1 57E-06 M10389-0046 A-IIP 01                               g9                          g 5 8-1-91 m

7dle 2.1 (Contdj DULT 50f0PL INUEbfl0N SONE 005E LIvtR COMHlf70faL MLh1 f ACTORS (Mwtw/ SOY PLH PCI th0ESTED IN flRS BODY THYWOIO M10NEY '

                    !!32            2.03E-07 5.43E 07 1 90F-0/ 1 90E-05 8 65E 07 0.LUNG                                                                                                                                                                          01 LLI 1133 0          1 42E.06 2 470-06 7 53E-07 3 63E-04 4.31E 06 0,                                                                                                                                                                              1.02E 07 1134            1 06E-07 P.8dE-07 1 03L-0/ 4.99L-06 4.58E-01 0.                                                                                                                                                                              2 22E-06 1135 0          4.6JE-01 1 16t-Ch 4 2bl.01 7.65E-05 1 86E-06 Oe                                                                                                                                                                              2 51E-10 AE! JIM          0.                                                                                                  O.                                                               O.            O.

1.31E 06 O. O. O. All33M 0. O. O. O. O. O. AE133 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. Atl35M 0. 0. D. O. 0. O. O. At!35 0. O. D. O. O. O. O. Atl37 0. O. O. O. O. O. O. Atl36 0 0. O. D. O. O. O. O. C5134M.D 2.lJL-Os O. 6.46E-Oe 2 29E-0H 0. 2.43E-08 3.dJE-09 C5134 6.P2E-05 1.48E-04 1 21E-04 1.58E-08

0. 4.79E-05 1.5vL-03 2.59E 06 C513b 1 93E-Ob 1 8vE-05 7.99F-06 C5136 6.51E-06
0. 6.81E-06 2 0=t-06 4 21E-07 2.STE-05 1.bbF-OS 0. 1.43C-05 1 96L 06 C5137 0 f.9/E-05 1 09E-04 7.l*E-05 0. 2.92E-06 C5138 be52L-06 1.09L-07 5.40E-08 3.70E 1 23E-05 P.11E-06
0. 8.01E-06 7.91E-09 4.65E-13 C5139 0 3.41E-06 5.06E-08 1.oSL-Oo 0.

BA139 V.70E-0h 4.07E-08 3.70E-09 1 10E-30 6.91L-il 2 84E-09 0. 6.46E-11 3.92E-11 1 72E-07 8Alk0 0 2.03E-05 2.55E-06 1 33E-06 0. 6.67E-09 1.46E-08 4.lbt-ob bAlkl.0 4.71E-Ou 3.56E-!! 1.59E-09 0. 3.31E-11 2 02t-il 2.22C-17 Hal42 0 2 13E-Os P.19E-Il 1 34E-09 0. LA140 2.50E-09 1 26L-09 1.65E-Il 1.2*L-il 3 00E-76 J.J3E-10 0. O. O. 9 25E-Ob LA161 3.19E-10 9.90E-Il 1.62E-Il 0. Lal42 O. O. 1.lBE-05 1.28L-10 5.82L il 1.*5E-11 0. O. O. CE141 9 36E-09 6.33E-09 7 18E-10 0. 4 25E-07 LLl43 0 1.6sE-09 2.96E-49 9. 2.42E-05 1.22E-06 1 350-10 0. S.370-10 0. CLl44 0 . 8dE-07 2.04L-07 2.62E-Oh 0. 4.56E-05 1.21E-07 0. 1.65E-04 PR143 9 20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 0. 2 13E-09 0. PR144 3 01E-Il 1.25E-Il 4.03E-05 1 53E-12 0. 7.05E-12 0. 4.33f-18 N0147 0 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 0. 4.25L-09 Pul47 7.54E-08 0. 3.49E-05 7.09t=09 2.67E-09 0. 1.34E-06 0. 8.93E-06 PM148M.D 3.01E-08 7.95E-09 6.08E-09 0. 1.20E-06 0. PH148 7.lTE-09 1 19E-09 6.74E-05 5.99E-10 0. 2.25E-09 0. 9.35E-05 PM149 1.52C-09 2 15E-10 8.78E-!! 0. 4.06E-10 0. PM151 6.91E-10 1 17E-10 4.03E-05 5.91E-Il 0. 2.09E-10 0. 3.22E-05 SM151 6 90E-08 1 19E-08 2 85E-09 0. 1 33E-08 0. SM153 S.51E-10 7 15E-10 5.25E-06

                .Eul52 5 22E-Il     0.          2.31E-10        0.            2.55E-05 1 9hE-07 4.44E-06                                                                                                                                                      3.90E-08     0.          2.75E-07        0.

Eul56 6 15E-07 7.56E-0P 2.56E-05 5.38E-Ob 0. 3.62E-07 0. 5. 4 8E -0 5 LU155 S.60E-op 1 22E-08 7.67C-09 0. Eul56 5.63C-06 0. 9.60E-06 1 3?E-08 1 06E-0a 1 71E-09 0. 7.08E-09 0. 78160 4.70E-06 0. 7.26E-05 5.86E-09 0. 1.94E-06 0. 4.33E-05 i M0166M 2.70E-07 8.43E-08 6.40E-06 0. a181 1.26E-07 0. O. 9.91E 09 3.23E-09 3.46E-10 0. O. O. v165 4 05E-07 1.35E-07 3.68E-07 1.42E-08 0. O. O. 1.56E-05 a187 1 03E-01 8.61E-08 3 01E-06 0. O. O. 2.82E-05 l MIO389-0046A-HP01 90 luw 5 B 9 ;, i

Jable 2.! (Contd) . ADubt INdESfl0N 00%E C0pMituthf r4C10W5(MWLM/50Y PEW PCI INGESTED IN r! DST YRl ISOTOPt SONE LIVED 101/L 40DY 1HYWOl0 KIDNfY LUNG GI-LLI PH210*D 1 53E-07 4.37E-03 %.441 04 9. 1.?3f-02 0 5.4PE-05 81210.h a.61E-01 3.1HL-05 3 960-06 0. 3.81E-05 0. 4.75E-05 P0210 ,3 56E-04 7.56E-(4 A.59r-OS 0. 2.5PE-03 0 6.36E-0% RNPPP.0 0. o. O. O. O. O. O. 94223 0 k.9tF-01 F.ASE-06 9.94E-04 0. 2.170-04 0. 3.21E-06 RAP 24+0 1 6tE-03 1.90E-06 3.23C-04 0. 1 10E-04 0. 3.40F-04 OAPP5+0 5 56L-03 7.78E-Oh 1 3]E-03 0. P.21F-04 0. 3.06(=04 OA226*D 3.0PE-01 %.74E-06 P.20f-01 0. 1.63E-04 0. 3.32f-04 RA228*0 1.ltE 0) 3 12f-06 1.tif-01 C. B.83F-05 0. 5.64r-05 AC225 4.40E-0A 6 06E-06 P.96E-07 0. 6.90E-07 0. 4.07E-04 AC227+0 1 6/E-0J ? . 4 Ht -0* 1.llf=06 0. b.00E-05 0. 8.19E-05 1H227+0 1 1FE 05 7.4HE-01 3.9%r-07 0, 1 41F-06 0. 9.400-04 1HPPP*D 4.96E-04 H.40E-06 1.bHE-05 0. 4.67f-Ob 0. 5.63E-04 1H229 /.9st-03 1 190-04 3 916-04 0. S.75f-06 0. 5.1?E-04 TH230 P.06E-03 1 17E-04 5.70E-Ob 0. 5.65E-04 0. 6.02E-05 TH237.h 2.30E-03 1.00E-04 1.50E-06 0. 4.82E-04 0 5.12f-05 THP34 P.01E-08 4.71f-09 2 31F-09 0. P.67E-08 0. 1 13E-04 P A 231 + 11 4 10E 1.54E 64 1 59F-06 0. R.64E-04 -0. 7.17E-05 PA233 5.76E-Ou j . 0 6 E - r,9 9.lpt-10 o. 3.99r-09 0, 1.64E-05 U232*D 4 13E-03 n. 7.95E-04 v. 4.47f-04 0. 6.78F-05 ' U233*D P.71E-04 0. 5.2ar-05 0. 2.03F-04 0 6.?7E-05 U234 P.36E-04 0. 4.17f-05 0. 1.99r-04 0. 6.14E-05 UP35 0 R.01E-04 n. 6.86E-05 0. 1.87E-04 0. 7.81F-05 U236 B.0lt-04 0 4.96E-05 0 1.9]E-04 0. 5.76f-05 U237 5.52E-Ob 0. 1 47F-08 0. P.P7F-07 0 1 94F-05 U239 0 7 67C-04 0. 4 5=f-05 0. 1.75F-04 0.  %.50E-09 NP237 0 1 31E-03 1.19E-04 5.54E-05 0. 4.l?E-04 0 7.94f-05 NP230 1 3/E-09 3.69f-10 2 13E-10 0. 1 25E-09 0. 3.43E-05 NP239 1 19E-09 1 11E-10 6.4$f-11 0 3.65E-10 0. 2 40f=05 PU238 5.80E-04 9.58E-05 1. ~/1 E -0 5 O. 7.3PE-05 0. 7.30f-05 PUP 39 7,PTE-04 1.06E-04 1.vlt-05 0. H.llE-05 0, 6.66E-05 PUP 40 7.P5E-06 1.06E-04 1.91E-05 O. 8.10E-05 0. 6.78E-05 PU241*n 1 65E-05 H.44E-07 3.3PE-07 0. 1 53E-06 0. 1.40f-06 PUP 42 P.29E-0k 1.02E-04 1.e4E-05 0. 7.BlE-05 0, 6.53E-05 PUP 44 4 5dE-04 1 17E-04 2 11E-0% 0. A.95E-05 0. 9.73E-05 AMP 41 B.19E-04 2.P4E-04 5.41r-05 O. 4.07E-04 0. 7.42E-05 AMP 4PM 9.P4E-04 P.7AE-04 %.43f-05 0. 4.05E-04 0. 9.34f-05 AMP 43 9 18E-04 P.78E-04 5.300-05 0. 3.99E-04 0. 8.70E-05 CMPe? P.06E-05 7 10E-0% 1 37E-06 0. 6.22E-06 0. 7.92E-05 CMP 63 $.34E-04 7.41E-n6 3.7FE-05 0. 1.79E-04 0. 7. HIE-05 CMP 64 4.P3E-04 7.07E-06 2.H7E-05 O. 1 34E-04 0. 7.55E-05 CH245 1 02L-03 7.47E-04 %.7AF-05 0. P.69E-04 0. 7.04f=05 CM246 1.01E-03 2. Wit-04 S.75E-05 0. P.6HE-04 0. 6.91E-05 CH247*0 9.04E-04 P.83E-04 %.67F-05 O.  ?.64F-04 0. 9.09E-05 CMP 48 P.185 03 7 33E-03 6.676-nu D. p.lgE-03 0, 1.47E-03 Cr257 P.64E-04 0 6.P9E-06 0. O. O. 2.88E-04 HI O 389-0046 A-HP01 hev 5 9) 8-1-91

I i 1 TABLE 2.2 j l' PALISADES Liqutd Effluent , l Design Objective Annual Quantity Design Objective Dose Conver ton Annual Quantity

           .       Nuclide       Half Life                   Factors (mrem /Cil                                     Individual / Organ                          (curies)

H-3 T2.3 yr 1.75E-06 Adult /TB 1.11E+06 , Na-24 15 h 5.44E-03 Teen /TB 551.$ Sc-46 83.9 d 2.02E 02 Teen /TB 148.5 Cr-51 27.8 d 1.56E 03 Adult /01 (LLI) 6,410.0 Mn 54 303 d 3.50E 02 Teen /TB 85.7 l Fe-55. 2.6 yr 4.48E-03 Child / Bone- -2,232.0- , Mn-56 2.576 L 1.86E 03 Teen /TB 1,612.0 Co-57 270 4 4.39E 03 Teen /TB 683.4 Co-58 71.3 d 1.03E-02 Teen /TB 291.3 Fe 59 45.6 d 4.08E-02 Adult /01 (LLI) 245.1 Co-60 5.26 yr 4.71E-01 Teen /TB 6.37 i Cu 64 12.8 h 1.32E-03 Teen /01 (LLI) 7.575.0 - Ni-65 2.56 h 5.821-04 Teen /TB 5,154.0 Zn 65- 245 d 1.83E 01 Teen /TB 16.4 Br-84 31.8 no 2.01E-03 Teen /TB 1,485.2 , Rb-86 1.02 no 3.06E-01 . Child /TB 9.80 Rb-84 17.8 no 6.921-04 Teen /TB 4,335.3 . Sr-89 52.7 d 1.56E-01 Child / Bone 64.1 Sr-90 27.7 yr 2.71E00 Adult / Bone 3.69 l St-91 9.67 h 1.16E-03 Teen /TB 2,586.0 Sr-92 2.71 h 1.51E-03 Teen /TB 1,986.8 Y-92 3.53 h 2.69E-04 Teen /TB 11,150.0 Nb-95 35 d 7.24E+00 Adult /0! (LLI) 1.38 l Zr-95 65.5 d 6.17E-03 Teen /TB 486.2 Nb-97 72 no 6.95E-04 Teen /TB 4,316.6 . i Zr-97 17 h 9.28E 04 Teen /TB 3,232.8

Mo-99 66.7 h 1.11E-03 Teen / Kidney 9,009.0 l

Tc-99m 6.05 h 1.42E 04 Teen /TB 21,126.8 Ru 103 39.5 d 2.74E-03 Teen /TB 1,094.9 As-110e 255 d 7.75E-02 Teen /TB 38.7 l-MIO389-0046A-HP01 . 92 3 d ,- l'

             ...<.._,._v..,%,m_,                          , - , , . , _ , . . . , . -.                 . , , .  .,,,..,,,..,__,..,...,~.,..,,......,v...
w. _ ._ m.,.m ,,._ ,_..,,,, ~ , m -

Table 2.2 (Cont d) I I Design Objective Dose Conversion Annual Quantity Nuclide Half-Life Factors (mrem /CL) Individual / Organ (Curtes) Cd 113m 13.6 yr 6.02E 02 Adult /0! (LLI) 166.1 Sb 124 60 d 1.51E 02 Teen /TB 198.7 Sb-125 2.7 yr 5.11E-02 Teen /TB $8.7 Te 127 9.4 h 7.38E-03 Teen /0! (LLI) 1.355.0 Te-127m 109 d 1.39E-01 Teen / Kidney 71.9 Te 129s 34.1 d 2.66E 01 Adult /01 (LLI) 37.6 - I-130 12.3 h 1.17E-02 Child / Thyroid 854.7 I-131 8.05 d 3.27E 01 Child / Thyroid 30.6 Te 131m 30 h 2.27E 01 Adult /0! (LLI) 44.0 1 132 2.26 h 3.18E 05 Teen /TB 94,339.0 Te-132 77.7 h 2.93E-01 Adult /01 (LLI) 34.1 1-133 20.3 h 3.94E-02 Child / Thyroid 253.8 Cs-134 2 yr 2.86E+00 Adult /TB 1.04 I-134 52 mo 2.43E-03 Teen /TB 1,234.0 I-135 6.68 h 1.64E-03 Child / Thyroid 6,097.0 Cs 136 13.7 d 4.13E-01 Adult /TB 7.26 Cs 137 30 yr 1.71E+00 Adult /TB 1.75 Cs-138 32.2 no 2.31E 03 Teen /TB 1,298.0 Bs-139 82.9 mo 4.66E-05 Teen /TB 64,377.0 Ba-140 12.8 d 7.96E-04 Teen /TB 3,768.0 La-140 40.22 h 1.85E-02 Adult /0! (LLI) 540.5 Ce 141 32.5 d 3.70E-04 Teen /TB 8,108.0 Ce-144 284 d 1.56E-03 Teen /TB 1,923.0 Eu-152 12.7 yr 3.24E-01 Teen /TB 9.25 W-187 23.9 h 1.98E-01 Adult /0I (LLI) 50.5 Np-239 2.346 d 2.26E-03 Adult /0! (LL1) 4,424.0 l l l [ HIO389-0046A-HP01 93 Fev - 7 S-:-. . l

1 00CM + Appendix B  ! DOCKET $0 255 LICENSE DPR 20 - Pall 5ADES PLANT , REQUEST TO RETAIN $0!L IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10CFR 20.302 3 t Revision 0 August 1, 1991 , P f

  • I / MRN Manager Radiological Services Date W WC i i t ator 1-)-9/
                                                          ' {0at h -                 ;

(U c) J i m , t \~\ Q( Tech Review. Date { . 0autX x - 9 t - 0 9 2d 6 it ql PRC Date h l o l l

ODCM Appendix B Page 1 Pequest to Petain 5011 . Atturdance Vith 10CfR 20.302 Consumers Pover Company correspondente dated flovember 12, 1987 and January 25 1988 requested authorization to dispose of contaminated soil in place as specified by 10CTR 20.302. The area known as the South Radvaste Area has been contaminated by numerous cooling tover overflovs and contamination was redistributed by heavy rain shovers. Although the majority of the radioactive material has been packed for vaste shiprnent, a large volwne of very lov activity radioactive material remains. This volume of material vould be very expensive to ship as vaste. The specific area contaminated is noted as Area B on the attached survey grid map in reference 1. The entire area is fenced and is about 12,000 sq ft of soil exposed with the remainder buildings and asphalt. The inhalation pathvay is f or breathing suspended soil from this area. The radvorker could receive 8.03E-04 mRern/50-year maximum organ (liver ) dose and the infant could receive 3.16E-05 mrem /50-year maximum organ (liver) dose, both of which are insignificant. Direct dose to a radvorker is less than 2E-03 mrem /hr. Occupancy in this area should not average more than 2 hours /veek or 100 hours / year, which would result in a dose of <1 mrem / year. The radvaste activities which caused the contarnination of the soil vere completely relocated to a new east radvaste area. The South Building has been deconned and is being used for non-radvaste activities. Some fixed contamination is present in floor cracks and vaults. This has been documented f or plant decommissioning. No further contamination vill be added to the south area f rom the South Radvaste Building. In spite of this comrnitment, revocation of Michigan shipping prifileges in November 1990 require the use of this area to store packaged lov level radioactive vaste (LLV). Use of this building is addressed in CPCo's letter to NRC Document Control Desk April 24, 1991 which is entered as reference 6. This LLV, in the form of dry active vaste (DAV) vill be packaged in metal boxes and labeled, ready for future shipment to burial sites. The DAV metal shipping boxes vill be stored off the floor to prevent vater damage. The metal shipping boxes are strong, tight containers designed to prevent any leakage of radioactive mater.ial during transportation. Incidental vater contact vill not result in the spread of contamination. Radioactive vaste vill not be processed in the South Radvaste Building and the building vill be maintained as a normally clean (radiologically) area. k .

   .                                                                                                                                          af

ODCtf I Appendix D P.ElttenLES Page 2 (1) CPCo's letters. 1987 and January T.C. Bordine to f4RC Docwnent C

25. 1988.

ontrol Desk. flovember 12 (2) tiemorandum for Additional fInf rom L.J. Cunningharn.. DREP . Quay to T R January 12, 1990. ormation (RAI)", T.V. Vambach. "Peques t ifarch l$. 1988, April 7, 1989, and (3) CPCo's supplement to Reference (1), Desk, June 27, 1988. (4) J.L. Lemin to liRC Document Control Desk. AugustCPCo's 31, 1990. sup; dement to Ref erences (1, 2), G B (5)

                                                        . . Slade to liRC Docwnent Control CPCo'c letter, T.P. liea in original reference).l to B. Holian, October 23, 1990. (Typo of 10/13/9 (6)

CPCo's "Use of Southletter, G.B. Slade to 11RC Document Storage o Contr l D Building". esk. April 24, 1991. Duilding as an Interim Radioactive Vaste o age St r (7) . Conditions to Retain Soil in Place".C , June 7,1991, Letter, Brian llolian to

                                                                                 " Approval and I



c. n. . . e .. . .. : a. n.n e.m.a a..( s.a.r w moi . te m ne ono November 12, 1987 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk washington, DC 20555 DOCKET $0 LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT -

REQUEST T(. RETAIN SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10CTR20.302 N The Code of Federal Regulations. Title 10, section 20.302 allows for approval of proposed procedures to dispose of licensed material in a manner not other- ?A vise authorized in the regulations. Flooding of the South Radwaste Building N has caused contamination of 4.173 cubic feet of soil with 2.992.6 901 of Cs-137 and 79.3 9C1 of co-60. The area is approximately 30 meters from Lake r- Michigan. Site hydrology (Attachment 2. FSAR 2.2) indicates most of the activity will migrate to take Michigan in a few years. In July, 1986 a two-fold evaluation began to identify and map the extent of the ground contamination in the flood plain. The initial findings and evaluation were provided to NRC and the Michigan Department of Public Health by internal letter dated September 26, 1986, to LHueter NRC, Region III. in Con nmers Power Company requests authorization to dispose of this soil inplace as the costs of disposal at a burial ground is estimated at $270,000 ', nile v radiological consequences to the general public and site employees is very low. The activities in the contaminated soil were input as a single radio-N active liquid release to take Michigan into the NRC LADTAP Code. The output y indicated an estis.ated wholabody dose to the general public (50 mile radius population 1.05E06) of 1.69E-02 manRem or 1.6E-05 millites per person. The maximum estimated wholebody dose to an individual would be 5.13E-03 millirem and maaimum organ dose (teenage liver) would be 8.67E-03 millirem. The maximum whole hedy dose rate was assumed to be at 18 inches from contaminated soil. The maximum whole body dose rate calculated using the Microshield Code was 1.02E-02 mR/hr. Occupancy of this area is controlled by the Radiological Safety Department and secured by a locked fence. Average yearly occupancy is approximately 8 hours per week per individual for 4 to 5 individuals. A radiation worker should not exceed an additional wholabody dose of 4.08 millirem / year. Flooding of the South Radwaste Building as a result of the cooling tower overflows is being addressed in two stages. For the short term the cooling tower bypass valve is now electrically isolated during cooling tower opera-tion. Most previous flooding has been due to instrument failures that cause the valve to open during normal operation. In addition the South Radwaste Building has been decontaminated to eliminate or minimize contamination that TPN-HP01-NL01

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    ':uc le a r Re gul a t or v Cetnissien                                             2 valtsades Plant 10CTR20.302 Feauest Nove-ber 12       1467 cou1J   'e traneperted to the enviterrent. A ! cry tern snlution to ter,ve radwaste activities frcm this area is being included in the five-Year Plan.

The activity released to the environment from a flecding release prior to !"t6 vas estimated and added to the liquid section of the Semi-Annual Radielegical Effluent Release Report dated February 29 1986. Folicwing approval of this appitcation, it is proposed to account for current activity as an abnormal liquid release included in the semi-annual effluent report. A background. evaluation and survey results discussion follovs in Attachment A. Attact. ment 1 is the Microshieli Code output and Attachment 2 is TSAR section 2.2 (including references tables and figures) on site hydrology. Pursuant to 10CPR170.12(c) a check in the amount of $150 is attached. Thomas C Bordine (Signed)

'O Thomas C Bordine IO     Administrator. Nuclear Licensing N

rs CC Administrator. Region III. NRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades Attachment LO KT Bs M TPN-HP01-NL01

I I i l ATTACHMENT A Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-2$5 7 In N EVALUATION AND SURVEY RESULTS r r~ November 12, 1987 'n

  • T N

9 10 Pages TPN-HP01-NL01 .;

Backer-und I i l In 1986, a seil survey was conducted south of the Turbine Butiding which included the South Radvaste area. The survey was conducted due to the South Radvaste Building being in the main flovpath of ' A' Cooling Tower, which has overfirved on three separate occasions in 8 years. The survey found that radioactive material was deposited in the soil due to the flooding of contami-nation and radioactive material areso inside the South Radvaste Building. Other areas sampled that were not in the flood plain were liquid radvaste storage tanks. T-90. T-91, storm drains, the beach and the sand dunes. The

  • n survey included a survey grid, surface sample results and core sample results.

?J g3 All contaminated areas found in Area A (Figure 1) were packaged as radvaste. In addition, the highest activity areas adjoining the South Radvaste Suilding were also packaged. A total of 16-98 cubic foot boxes were packaged containing over 85 petcent of the estimated activity. LO r Evaluation Ps 1 M In August of 1987, the survey was conducted again to prepare this report and to verify the location of the ground contamination and if any contamination migrated further into the ground since the 1986 survey. The survey was a two phase evaluation with the first phase being a mapped area consisting of 25' x 25' squares south of the Turbine Building. Once mapped out, surface samples were taken in this area. The intent of this phase was to accurately map the location and determine the activity in uci/ gram of all ground surface contant-nation. Each surface sample consisted of approximately 20 grams of soil taken MIO987-0066A-NLO2

from the :p 1/:" of ground and placed in a petti dish for analysis en tre Multi-Channel Analyrer (MCA). Over 275 samples were cellected and analyzed with two surface samples being taken in each sector. All samples were counted en MCA. Intrinsic Detector J1. Figure 2 shows the sector where activity was detected and their highest levels in uCi/ gram. Thase 11 was initiated after completion of the " surface" sample analysis. This consisted of taking core samples in 6" increments where activity was detected. l Core samples were taken until two consecutive core samples reflected no activ-49 ity. Core samples were also taken below the activity levels found in the 1986 soil survey until two consecutive core samples revealed no activity.

    ?J e-Figure 3 indicates the depth level wnere activity was no longer detectable.

I For example, 6 inches is indicated in H-10 on Figure 3. This indicates that l activity was only detected on the surface. H-9 and I-10 indicate 18" which LO means activity was dete'cted only at 12". Table 1 shove the results summary in I 'I uCi/ gram of the highest activity at all sample locations. The sector numbers Ps respond to grid coordinates shown on Figures 1, 2 and 3. 9 In addition to the sample sectors shown on Figure 1. 25 samples were collected at various locations on site. These include surface and core samples around T-90, and T-91 on the Northwest side of the Turbine Building (location not shown on figures). Surface samples were taken under the asphalt around the i South Radvaste Building. These are indicated by a hexagon on Figure 1 in F-11. I-12 and K-10 sectors. Core samples taken under the South Radwaste Building are indicated by circles on Figure 1. Of the areas sampled above activity v u j M10987-0066A-NLO2 1

                                                                                                                     - - - - ~ . ,

i t found only under the East side of the South Radwaste Building in sector I-9 (Table 1). - i In the 1986 soil survey other areas were sampled that were not in the fleed plain of the South Radwaste Building. Those included Feedwater Purity Build-i ing, North Storage Building, beach areas North and South of Plant. North and . t Northeast *and dunes and various storm drains. In all of these areas no > activity was detected. Therefore, they were not sampled in the 1987 soil survey as they were not in the flood plain.  ! sg IJ1 . Since the 1986 soil survey, asphalt has been placed over _various locations in q) the protected area. Asphalt was placed around all storm drains and approxi-mately $0% of the South end of the Turbine Building. Before asphalt was laid. down, about 3-6" of the top soil was removed and taken offsite. The soil before leaving site was sampled and counted with no activity detected.

      'n                                                                                                                             .

Mr Results 55 wg s To quantify activity and determine impact, the areas of ground contamination were separated into two areas. Area A which contains-all the sectors (A-L. 1-8) North'of the " black top" to the Turbine Building. Area B contains all sectors (C-L,. 9-14) South of " black top" in the vicinity of the South Radvaste Building. In Area A no activity was detected, therefore it was not used in determining activity or impact.  ;



 ~ . . . . , . . .   ..    .    - . - - . . - . . -                       - . . - . . - - . ~ . - . -             . - . . _ - . . . - - . . - - .             .

t in Area B activity was detected in almost all sectors to the East of the South , Padwaste Building (Figure-2). . activitioA ranged from 2.07E-6 uCi/ gram (E-ll) to 3.75E-5 LCi/ gram (H-ll). Os-137 was the primary radionuclide present in all samples with two other samples cou;>.ining Co-60 1.12E-5 pC1/ gram at 6" and 5.80E-6 VCi/gran at-12" (I-9 East FiCure 2). The greatest depth where activity 4 was detected was in sector H-ll at 18" and when compared to the 1986 soil

                   -survey the activity has migrated down into the soil 6" inches further.

Activity was detect 6d at the surface in sectors E-II, E-13, J-12 and L-9 and at 6 in L-9. This was a result of moving the sand deposited on the asphalt il during the flood to these sectors and the movement of soil during the grading O and dumping during the asphalting of the South Radvaste area. 74 e-Activity in uCi was calculated for each. sector (Table 2) by the following formula sector ft x depth of activity ft x *48144 grams /fts x activity (uci/ gram) =-uCi.

  • Average liter of soil weighed 1700 grams x 28.32 L/ft 3 =
      ';0           48144 grams /fts.- The first level at which no activity was detected vas used to
      *I            determine depth of activity.                           In a few sectors, activity was only detected on A'             the first 1/2"'of".f. oil, but for determining cubic feet and activity a ' depth of i      ?O 6" was.used.           For example -acti0ity for H-10 was calculated as follows: -625 f                    ft x .5 ft. depth x 48144 grams /ft* x 2.6E-6 pCi/ gram activity of surface sample equals 39.12 uci, p

Total volume in cubic feet and total activity in uCi were calculated for each sector of Area B. For sectors with' activity. the highest activity detected per I sector was used in the pCi calculation. Total cant.aminated-area in Area B is

                                                                                                                                                       ~31 MIO987-0066A-KLO2'

i 4173 ft8, total-activity is 3071.9 9C1. Sector H-Il contains 73.3% of the total activity which comprises 14.5% of the total contaminated area of Area B. To quantify the dose to the population projections, 2992.6 pC; t is-137 and 79.3 uct of co-60 was entered into.the LADTAP computer program. Assuming that the total 3071.9 uCi was eventually released to Lake Michigan thru the water table, and the uptake pathways which_ included fish, drinking, swimming, boating and shoreline the 50 mile population estimated at 1.05E6 would receive a total body dose of - 1,69E-2 manRem, or 1.61E-5 millirem per person. The maximum  ? 7' wholebody dose to an individual would be 5.13E-3 millirem and maximum organ

   *n dose (teenage-liver) would be 8.67E-03 millirem.

N c% Direct dose to an individual working in the affected areas was calculated using the MICROSHIELD code. The activities from sectors H-11 and I-9 vere used for a dose 18 inches above the surface. The dose rates from H-11 and I-9 are UI 8.75E-06 R/hr and 1.02E-05 R/hr respectively.(Attachment 1). Therefore, a 50 Mr hour occupancy in one week could result in a maximum exposure of 0.51 millirem. A

                   . Normal occupancy of this  ,a area is on an as needed bases and averages less than 8 y                                         .

hours / week per individual in contact with contaminated soil. 4 ,



Table 1 Soil Semple Core Result s (uci/ gram) Sector

                                      #                                       Surface                    6"       12"         18"         24       30"                36"  42" ' 4n" E-Il-                                         .2.07E-6                 <MDA     (MDA       <MDA E-13                                           4.39E-6                 (MDA     <MDA      <MDA H-9                                            4.19E-6                 <MDA    4.79E-6    <MDA           (MDA    (MDA H-10                                           2.60E-6                 <MDA     <MDA 11-11                                          3.75E-5                 <MDA.   -<MDA       8.45E-6      <MDA     <MDA    <MDA I-9                                            1.24E-5                 <MDA     <MDA 1-10                                           <MDA                    <MDA   >5.39E-6     <MDA          <MDA    <MDA    <MDA             <MDA J-9                                            5.39E-6                 <MDA     (MDA J-12                                           6.39E-6                 <MDA     <MDA 1-9                                            <MDA                   b.77E-6   <MDA       <MDA 1-90                                           <MDA                    <MDA O        T-91                                           <MDA                    <MDA
                                **l-9 #1                                       (MDA                    <MDA     <MDA       (MDA         <MDA     (MDA    (MDA 4        **I-9 #2                                       <MDA                  ;1.40E-5* 5.80E-b+   <MDA          <MDA     (MDA    <MDA j
                                **1-10 #3                                      <MDA                    (MDA
                                **l-11 $4                                      (MDA                    <MDA
                                ***K-10                                        <MDA O        ***I-12                                        <MDA
                                ***F-il                                        4MDA
  • Activity is all Co-60
  • Includes 1.12E-5 pCi/ gram of Co-60. All other activities listed were identified as Cs-137.
                                 ** Core samples under foundation of the. South Radwaste Building.


                                 --* Surlace samples under asphalt in South ksdwaste area.

9 t

7. " ,

M109eo-ouo?A-IIPol 1., . . . . - - - - - _ - . - _ _ _ - . .

Table 2 Activity Calculations per Sector Area B Sector d Sq.ft. X Depth = ft 3 X g/ft' X uCi/g = Total uCi E-11 375 0.5 187.5 48144 2.07E-6 18.7 E-13 375 0.5 187.5 48144 4.39E-6 39.6 H-9 625 1.5 937.5 48144 4.79E-6 216.2 H-10 625 0.5 312.5 48144 2.60E-6 39.1 H-11 625 2.0 1250.0* 48144 3.75E-5 2256.8* __ I-9 527 0.5 263.5 48144 1.24E-5 157.3 I-10 275 1.5 412.5 48144 5.39E-6 107.0 J-9 450 0.5 225 48144 5.39E-6 58.4 J-12 200 0.5 100 48144 6.39E-6 30.8


L-9 150 1.0 150 48144 6.77E-6 48.9 I-9 east 98 1.5 147 48144 1.40E-5 99.1 O 4325 4173 3071.9 N

                                                    *1250           =                                        *2256.8 =

C3 73.5% of total activity W '

  "T N

M MIO986-0062A-HP01

a e FIGURE 1 ' "' j / 7::::



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ATTACHMENT 1 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255. IA ~4 N MICROSHIELD CODE OUTPUT r November 12, 1987 LO V- -N M-8 Pages TPN-HP01-NL01 Rev 0 8-1-91

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    ?O Rev 0 8-1-91 Attachment 1

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ATTACIO!ENT 2 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 V N N FSAR SECTION 2.2 - SITE HYDROLOGY November 12, 1987 U1 7 N 7 l t l l 10 Pages l TPN-HP01-NLO1

                                                                                      ,2, 2.2 MYERCLOGY The Paltsades Plant site is surrounded en ne n:: n, east by sasd Junes,                                                     2n: 5:.t       s.:es As a result        The '.es t s tje o f the s tte is the Lake Mtent gan sa:re.. .e
e 3rsadyvine Creek dratnage basts whica trains .

M. 14r-

e ntat also discharges to the lake (see Reference 3). face water ru .

to vertfy the amount of surface runoff frtm the itte; howeverThere are no data ava tne flo.' from of the Brandywine comparison. Creek dratnage basin should be useful for the p Data obtained to establish base flow indicate that the Brand >vtne Creek drainage basin is 17 aboutfigures square mt.'es for Va (see Reference 4). During the perted September 1962 to October 1963, the b maximum of 11.4 f3 t /s,ments varied from a minimum of 0.903cubic feet per seco 3 This resulted in a uan annual 7-day statmum fir-3

'O    of 1.6 f t /s or 0.094 f t /s/sq mi (cubic feet per second per square stie).

The period of stream measurements was representative of drought conctitan N . y' The deposits of Brandywine Creek drainage basin are of low permeabiltty which results in a nearly total runoff to Lake Michigan. This runof f prob-ably occurs soon after precipitation. a beach and reworked older sandy lake deposits observed on the surf east of the site area probably maintain Brandywine Creek during periods of low rainfall. 2.2.1 GROUNDWATER y Almost all the water used in. Van Buren County is obtatned from wells, Exceptions are the City of South Haven _that obtains its municipal supply 7 from Lake Michigan and some irrigation supplies that are obtained from streams, Lakes and local ditches (see Reference 4). N The glacial drift is the only known source of fresh groundwater in ene 7 county. All the glacial deposits are capable of yielding some water ta uells, but the sand and gravel outwash depostts yteld the largest quantities (see Reference 4). The area of sand dunes along Lake Michigan is not generally favorable f: obtatains large supplies of groundwater. Probably most of the dune sans

                                                                                              .s above the water table and most wells must be drilled tato the underly'. t lake deposits (see Reference 4).
1. General Groundwater levels were estacltshed by the 1966 Geology and Groundwate r Investigation conducted by Bechtel Company for Consumers Power Company $.e Reference 3). The results of the investigation are shown on Figure ; 4 It is readily apparent that subsurface dratnage is generally westwars fs1281-12914-09-72 2.;-! '-
                                                                      ~. !' - : < 2:           .
                                                                                                   -l l

tr-ard the lake (see Profile A-A). Minor vartattons; te, fi:* t:-ar: surface streams, may extst but are not : nsidered significant. An average hydraulte gradient toward the take of about 13 feet per st'e .es . obtr.ned alon4 Profile A-A as shown on figure 2-9. This gradtent repre-seats only tue upper surf ace of unconfined groundwater. Water release: n the surface would move toward the lake at an esttmated cate of 650 feet per year (see Reference 3). The nearest domestic wells to the site are located one half mile to the east and south. The data indicates that groundwater ta tha.vietntty of tne eastern wells is flowing west toward the site. Local groundwater'in the area of the southern wells ts also flowing west toward the lake. perpenet:- ular to the shoreline. There are no major sources of groundwater withdrawal, es, large-scale industetal or agricultural pumping, chat might reverse the direction of groundwater flow and cause groundwater to flow from the Plant area towatt gg any extsting domestic wells. Without such pumping, it is difficult to envision a condition which would cause sufficient groundwater lowering at 3% any of the domestic walls such that the direction of flow might be reversed. ?J

2. Plant Site C3 Groundwater levels in the vicinity of the site are shown on figure 2-9.

The water table generally slopes toward the lake. During the site tavestt-gations, groundwater. elevations averaged 580 feet MSL beneath the butidtng site. This elevation corresponds to the approximate mean level of Lake Michigan. As shown by water levels.nessured during drilling, groundwater levels rise to the east to approximately 604 feet MSL beneath. the swit:n-LO yard and 601 feet MSL near the eastern site boundary (see Reference 3). 'I Field permeability tests performed during the 1965 exploratory det11tas 3, yielded values ranging from 30 to 1,720 feet per year in the site area. Table 2-11. In Drill Hole 5, located approximately 500 feet northwest of wy the containment building,- the permeability values ranged f rom 30.4 f eet ;e r year to 143 feet per-year. In Drill Hole 7. located approximate 1, c50 f eet south of the containment building, the permeability values ranged f ros 156 feet per year to 1,720 feet per year.

3. Groundwater Movement An unconfined aquifer is present in the dune area with groundwater leve Ls controlled by the level of Lake Michigan. The rate of movement of grouss-water downward into material underlying the ounes appears to be very i;:=

Nine samples free Drill Hole 22 in the site area were tested for sodt a so-sorption ratio (SAR). Table 2-12. A high SAA indicates poor downwars ;er-colation of water due to sodium deposition on and between At the Plant site, the SAR ts considered to be high between elevatt:ns e and 566 feet MSL and low between 566 and 555 feet MSL (see Reference . fs1281-1291a-09-72 2.2-2 *

- .m1.

Groundwater levels and permeabtitty data f r:m the sandy '. axe :ep: sits anderlying tne dunes tadt:ste a slow rate o f itscha rge tato " axe *. : .;

                                                                     .             2.-
     .. Canelastens
2. Groundwater in the unconfined aquifer moves -esterly fr:m ne Brandyvine Creek basta to Lake Mtchtgan,
b. The hydraulic gradient is approximately 13 feet per mt.e an: f '. : -

ts essenttally perpendicular to the shoreltne.

c. 'w'ater discharged on the ground surface at the Plant stte wtil percolate downward at a slow rate and atx with groundwater r:'.t 4 toward Lake Michigan.
d. Infiltration of surface water from the site to domestte wells offsite does not appear to be possible under present ground-ater conditions.

N 2.2.2 GENERAL LAXI HYDROLOGY B% 1. Lake Levels

 ?4  The level of Lake Michigan is cyclic and is expected to fluctuate with time
 ,. and is dependent on long-term above-normal or below-normal amounts of pre-cipitation. The highest monthly mean stage of Lake Michigan was 583.68 feet MSL in 1886. Subsequent modifications in the St Clate Rtver and the opening of the diversion out of the basin at Chicago have tecded to reduce the maximum level attainable. During the recent period of record l     (1900 to present), the highest recorded monthly mean stage was 582.6 feet MSL in July 1974, and the lowest monthly mean stage was 576.91 feet MSL :n

' March and April 1964 (see Reference 5). Great Lakes levels are reported LU using International Great Lakes Datum which is converted to MSL at tne 37 Palisades site by adding 1.558 feet. The 1.558-foot correction f actor s . taken from the reference point at St Joseph, Michigan. Fs Short-time variations in Lake levels (seiches), caused by meteorologt:2L

  *) f actors and measured in hours rather than days, occur occasionally. *he l

greatest level change of this type on record over a 105-year perted tn-volved a sudden rise of 6 feet at Michigan City, Indiana (8:10 AM. .'ane 26, l 1954) and a rise of 8 feet at Montrose Harbor, Chicago (9:30 AM on :ne same ! date) (see Reference 6). These seiches were reported in the "Sctence' ! article by Ewing, Press and Donn (Vol 120, Page 684). On passtas tato ste l shallow water at Michigan City, the wave was reflected and ref racted ts reach the Chicago shore of the lake. The US Lake Survey gauge at dol' 4ss.. Michigan, which is 30 miles north of the Palisades site and has stat;4r lake geometry to the site, indicated no surge on June 26, 1954. As part of the Systematic Evaluation Progras (SEP Topic II-3.8), t .e 4 a t-l mua probable surge elevation was reevaluated. The offshore surge es..e as reevalasted to produce an onshore- surge neight of 10.9 feet. The -sa. .m monthly mean level was also reduced f rom 583.6 feet MSL to 582.6 f eet i. fs1281-1291a-09-72 2.2-3 - l l

                                                                                                                                                                                                     .uL~   .
  • hts resulted in a probable taxtmum flood protecttan 'evel f:r tne .
                                   ?il;sajes Plant of 593.5 feet MSL.

The servt:e water pump motors at 19*.7 feet MSL provide the basit ::t

eterstatng ::e isntmum flood proteciton requirements for tne ?' .ant Theref ore, ine resultant . ave surges f rom Lage Mtchtgan do not p resent a problem at Paltsades.
2. 'a'ater Movements Conclusions from a study of lake hydrology to the Paltsades Parl., Mtcatsan area by Dr J L Hough (see Reference 6) tadtcate that surface currents gen-ersted by wind conditions and modified by the earth's rotation and lane configuration will provide adequate stxtag of Plant liquid effluents into the lake, The study included actual measurements of Lake water movement ta the area near the Plant site, and water mixing where the Black River enters Lake Michigan at South Haven.

A summary of the study is as follows:

            'O Lake water is almost constantly moving past the Palisades stte, .stn an es                            apprectable velocity e t flow, under the influence of winds,                                                                                                it is es-timated, on the basis of wind records, that an alongshore ct reent flows
            ?4                            northward about 33% of the time and an alongshore current flows south-ward about 23% of the time, Of f shore drif t of surface water should occur about 38% of the time, according to frequency of offshoce -tnds, but these would have a minimal effect close to shore, which ts bordered by a high dune ridge.                                                               It is likely, therefore, that the alongsaore currents would tend to persist, once set up, while offshore winds .ere blowing. Thus, the frequency of alongshore current flow ts prob 4bly greater than the 33% and 23% based on wind directions.

00 Under the procedure of taking water f rom a depth of about 20 feet. 3,500 feet offshore, raising its temperature as it is used for servtce I water and dilution of cooling towse blowdown,- and returning the ef fla-ss ent to the lake near shore, the effluent water will almost always ce warmer than the lake water into which it is discharged. This ts

             'O                            because- a single Lake Michigan water mass is involved ductag most :f the year',                                When the effluent is warmer, it will tend to float at the surface, to drift with the surface current, and to be mixed by surface turbulence due to wave action. On rare occasions, during the spetng warning period when the upper layer of lake water is less than 20 feet deep, and during the summer when strong of fshore winds cause a tatnatng of the normally deep surface mass to less than 20 feet, the tntana water coming from a colder layer say not be warned in the Plant suf f s:-

iently to have a tesperature higher than that of the surface lane water. At such times, the ef fluent water will tend to sink to ine thermocline and it will not be subject to vigorous turbulence :aased ov surface wave action. It will tend to six more slowly. Surveys of the performance of Black River water, entering Lake

  • t 44a at South Haven under various weather conditions, have indicated inat is1281-1291a-09-72 2 2-4 -

l l t I t l l the river water is diluted raptily, reacntng a concentrat.:. : .: .:

nly 1* in the like -ttata a mile of ::e rtver moetn.

The jtscharge of the Blaen Rtver was evaiaated because tne rate .is ;e .e r-eined to te nearly the same as the itscnarge rate f t:m tne ?titaa:es : 4

                                                                                                                                   .ttn :nce-tarough cooling. Stace the Plant is n:w operatei                                         tta ::o'..4 t:wers, the discharge to the lake has been recuced to approxttatel;.

60,000 gpa or about 1/7 the ortgtnal rate. !he mixtag and 4tiutt:n fa:*::s are considered to be as great as during the htgner discharge pert:$s in: the discharge concentrations should be diluted at least t,000 tires :v : .e ttme the discharge could reacn the puolte v2ter tatane at Scuta H.ven. Michigan.

3. Conclustens
a. The level of Lake Michigan is cyclic; however, the recorded n.;n :

1886 is unitkely to be exceeded. High lake levels are not expe:te: to present a problem at the Plant site. 3% b. There is no recorded evidence of short-time variations in late levels (seiches) along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan ont:n n% would be expected to affect the Plant stte. 04 c. Surface currents generated by wind conditions and rodified by tne I' earth's rotation and take configuratton wtll provtde adequate mixing of Plant liquid effluents into the take.

                                                                          *n  .

MT Ns 9 fs1281-1291a-09-72 2.2-5

TABLI : 11 FIE!0 PEP.EASILITY TEST :.15U:.75 Ort 11 Hole Elevatton Flow "Q" Head "H" P e r:e n t t '. '. : -


N eder of Test (3pm) (Feet) (ft/Yr>  :,' s 5 576 0.0029 12.3 30.; a34 :I* 570 0.0101 12.3 106.0 t . , < '. I

  • 565 0.0088 12.3 92.0 0.31 x 'I' .

560 0.0035 12,3 36.3 0.36 < '.I' 555 0.0136 12.3 143.0 1,4 .I' 550 0.0064 12.3 67.0 0.65 < ti' 545 0.0033 12.3 34.6 0. 3; < if' Average 72.8 0.72 x '.[

  • 3 7 580 0.0303 25 156 1.5 x 10 '

575 0.0477 25 246 2.e 4 to ,. m 570 0.0588 25 303 2.9 x 10 565 0.0588 25 303 2.9 x if 7 N $60 0.0834 25 430 a.2 x 10 7

c. 550 0.3333 25 1,720 16.7 x 10 ,*

545 0.0677 25 350 3.4 x 10 540 0.2500 25 1,290 12.5 x 10 535 0.2000 25 1,035_ 10.1 < ti ' Average 648 6. 3 < ;i' m , . T N 7 4. fs1281-12?in-09-72


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TABLE 2-12 ANALYSES M 50!* SA?.PLE5 Satura t ton Ext ract '41ues Sample N'o Milltequivalents eee Ltter 54 pit 1 ECe C a l e t uin Maanesta S:ots S A.R 2eser.:t. n 1 3,25 1.2 0.5 Trace 11.7 23.5 2H 2.'. E .* iH 2 8.4 1.4 0.5 Trace 13.0 26 "H 22 E.' 59'. 3 8.3 1.3 0.5 Trace 12.3 24.5 OH 22 E' 53e 4 S.45 1.4 0.5 Trace 14.4 29 2H 22 E' !!! 5 8.5 1.5 0.5 0.1 14.8 27 CH 22 E.' 5'i


6 S.3 1.5 0.5 Trace 14.8 29.5 ;H 22 El 571 00 7 8.5 1.3 0.5 0.05 12.7 N 24 2H 22 El 566 m 8 8.2 0.5 3.0 0.4 1.1 1 CH 22 El 561 9 8.1 0.6 3.4 0.7 2.4 1.5 DH 22 El 555 ECe a Millinhos per centimeter SAR = Sodium adsorption ratto on saturation extract in - '9" N 9 f 1281-1291o-09-72

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                                 ?Mr powentNe MICHIGAN'S PROGMt%E c.,... em            on a.n ...... a.. . s.n    m w om . i m ,s e ce s o
       .fanuary 25, 1988 Nuclear Regulatory Comission Document Ccatrol Desk Washington, DC 20'M5 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT -

St'PPLEMENT - REQUEST TO RETAIN SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10CTR20.302 s Consumers Power Company letter dated November 12, 1987, requested authori-

 '     ration to dispose of soil in place as specified by 10CTR20.302. The letter 9     included the results of a survey and evaluation performed in August, 1987 Following submittal of that letter, a cooling tower overflow on 1     N m mber 13, 1987 again f coded the South Radwaste Building. The flooding caused additional activity 9 at necessitated Consumers Power Company to request placing our November 12, 1987 request on hold until further evaluation and s"rveys could be completed. This letter includes the results of our eval        'on and survey of the November 13, 1987 flooding incident and is into                  to supplement our original November 12, 1987 request.
 '1    Followug f:he cooling tower overflow, a survey indicated additional activity had been released from the building. The building was being maintained in a 7     non-contaminated condition to prevent this type of occurrences however, during this period a destructive testing program on vasta package was being con-ducted in a small area of the building. The survey clearly showed the release 3    of activity from the building adjoining the testing area. The top six inches of soil from the sectors adjoining the building were removed and packaged (588 cubic feet) to prevent additional dispersion of radionctivity. The area vae then completely resurveyed.                                                 ,

An evaluatiour of the August 1987 and November 1987 (post packaging) activittee is attached. The survey indicates a drop of 49% in activities between the August and November surveys. We propose the activities specified in the November 12, 1987 submittal be used as justification for the request because they are conservative. In addition since the November 13, 1987 flooding and following the most recent survey the area was subject to heavy rains which could have diluted some activities to below minimum detectable activity M A is nominally 1E-06 9C1/g). OC0188-0018-N1.02 l

Nuclear Retulatory Commission Palisades Nuclear Plant  : Retain Soil in Accord, with 10CTR20.302 January 25, 1988 The s e nen-censervative "alue f tom our August survey and evaluation is the maximum dose rate at 18 inches above the surface. fr*m M CP0 SHIELD is 1.17 mR/hr as opposed to 1.02 mR/hr.The November survey valu This small fr. crease only slightly changes 4.08 mR/ year to 4.7 mR/ year. the radiation workers' conservative dose estimate f rom Follewing approval of this application, it is proposed to account for the rest conservative values of activity, which was stated in the November 12, 1987 submittal, as an abnetual release in the semi-annual report. In order to prevent recurrence of these releases to the environment. Consumers Power Company is also committing to transfer radvaste activities from this area, except for problem. high level vault use which is not a potential flooding release Relocation scheduled toofbethese completed activities to a new radvaste facilicy is currently in 1988 3 A check inpursuant submittal the amount of $1$0.00 was attached to our November12, 1987 to 10CFR170.12(c).


3 Thomas C Bordine (Signed) Thomas C Bot dine Administrator Nuclest Licensing 1* CC Administrator, Region III, NRC

        ,                 NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades
        ,             Attachment i

1 , OC0188-0018-FLO2 i _ _ - _ . - .. _ _ . ~ . _ _ ... _ _.. ____ _ .__ , _ . _ . - _ . -._ __._- ___ _ . ..

e Attachment A Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant 7 Docket 50-255 Evaluation and Survey Results Comparison Post November 3 Plood and Packaging Versus the November 12, 1987 Submittal 7 7 M10188-0001A-HP01 L



                                                                             'A'                                  Cooling Toter - South Radvaste Flood                                                                                                               i i

In August o - a resurvey was conducted of the soil at the South Radvante Building an adjacent areas. The resurvey was conducted to verify the - location of gseund contamination and if any contamination migrated further into the ground since the 1986 survey. After submittal of the 1987 soil results and request to retain, in accordance with 10CTR20.302, 'A' Cooling Tover Bas!n overflowed again flooding the South RadwaWte Building and outlying areas. Immediately following the occurrence, one liter sample was taken with no activity detected on the Multi-Channel , Analyrer (MCA). Then, another complete survey was conducted which included at least two surface samples and core samples in every sector (Figures 1 and 2). Surface sample results showed that activities have increased as well as new sectors contaminated. The most heavily affected sectors vere 1-10. I-II, J-9 "3 and K-9 (Figure 1A). To keep these areas from spreading, the top 6" of each of '

                             ,,  these sectors was removed and placed in 6 LSA boxes (approx. 388 cueit) and stored for disposition at a later date.

7 ' Af ter removal of soil, the sectors were resurveyed (Figure 1B) and core samples 97 were taken in each sector in 6-inch increments. Core samples were taken as far down as in the 1986 and August 1987 surveys, and in some instances even further in this survey. Results showed that no activity was detected below 6 inches as shown in Figure 2. Table 1 and Table 2 show comparisons between the August and November 1987 soil surveys . Table 1 compares the depths, the activities, the total cu.ft, and T' total uCi per sector. Af ter the removal of soil, the November.1987 soil survey results showed approximately a 49.3% drop in total contaminated soil ( )

                            ~3   and a 51.1% drop in total uCi in comparison to the August 1987 survey results.

In Table 2 the comparisor. is between sectors af fected in each survey and the depth at which each of these sectors were sampled. No activity was detected

s past 6 inches in the November 1987 soil survey, in comparison to that of 18 inches detected in August 1987, Direct dose to an individual working in the affected areas was calculated ustes the MICROSHIELD code. The activities from sectors H-9 and J-9 vere used for a dose at 18" inches above the surface. The dose rates from H-9 and J-9 are 9.97E-6 R/hr and 1.17E-5 R/hr, respectively. Therefore, a 50-hour occupancy in one week could result in a maximum exposure of .59 millires. Normal occupance of this area is on an "as needed basis" and averages less than 8 hours / week rer individual in contact with the contaminated soil.

In reviewing the soil results between August and November 1987, the August M' l soil survey remains more conservative based on the information shown on Tab'.e e i 1 and 2. Therefore, the August 1987 soil survey is still valid in support f our request to retain the soil in accordance with 10CTR20.302. i MIO188-0001A-HP01

                  , - - _ -            - -.    - ~ . .- - - - - - - - . - - _ - _ _                                                                                                                                              .  .- - - . . -        - - .

Table ! Comparison Table Petween Total Cu. Ft. and Total 901 August 1997 Sector # Sq.ft. X Depth = fta X q/ft8 X LC1/q = Total ;Ci E-il 375 0.5 187.5 48144 2.07E-6 18.7 E-13 375 0.5 187.5 48144 4.39E-6 39.6 II-9 625 1.5 937.5 48144 4.79E-6 H-10 216.2 625 0.5 312.5 48144 2.60E-6 39.1 H-il 625 2.0 1250* 48144 3.75E-5 2256.8 I-9 527 0.5 263.5 48144 1.24E-5 1 10 157.3 275 1.5 412.5 48144 5.39E-6 107.0 J-9 450 0.5 225 48144 5.39E-6 58.4 J-12 200 0.5 100 48144 6.39E-6 30.8 t-9 150 1.0 150 48144 6.77E-6 48.9 I-9 East 98 1.5 _147_ 48144 1.40E-5 _ 99.1 mi W.1 2h2 7 *1250 =

                                                                                                               *2256.8 -

01 73.5% of total activity November 1987 E-Il 375 0.5 187.5 48144 1.80E-6 16.15 H-9 625 0.5 312.5 48144 4.35E-5 (54.46 H-10 625 0.5 312.5 48144 3.20E-6 48.14 "r H-11 625 0.5 312.5 48144 3.22E-5 484.45 H-12 250 0.5 125 48144 2.20E-6 13.24 "7 I-9 527 0.5 263.5 48144 6.79E-6 86.14 ~~ I-12 220 0.5  !!O 48144 3.0E-6 15.89 J-9 450 0.5 225 48144 2.0$E-5 222.06 2 J-12 200 0.5 100 48144 2.60E-6 12.52 K-9 216 0.5 108 48144 3.39E-6 17.63 LLL1 2056.5 1570.79 MIOl88-0001A-HP01

T 4

i i i Table 2 i 3

Survey Comparison Retween August and Novemberurveys 1987 Soil S i August 1987 November 1987 l Sector surface 3 E-11 6" 12" 18" 2.07E-6 439A 24" 30" t 1.80E-6 <MDA <MDA 36" 42"

                                                                >         E-13
                                                                                                                      <3SA          <MDA 4.39E-6                   6                         <MDA 7                              <MDA                                    <384         <MDA H-9                                           5/A         <3SA 4.19E-6                                              <MDA
                                                                                                                     <ISA          4.79E-6                                                                          ,

4.35E-5 <3mA

                                                                                                                                                <MDA       <MDA          <MDA                                      i B-10              2.60E-6                                 <MDA        <MDA
                                                                                                                     <sma                                 <MDA          <MDA 3.20E-6                                 <MDA H-11                                        <lGA          <MDA                                                                            i 3.75E-5                   <3mA         <MDA                                                                            :

3.22E-5 <MDA 8.45E-6 <MDA (MDA H-12 <MDA (MDA <MDA (MDA 5/4 <MDA <MDA <MDA 2.20E-6

  • I-9 WTA -

O 1.24E-3

                                                                                                                    <3m4          <MDA 6.79E-6                   <MDA 1-10               <MDA                                   <MDA
                                                                                                                    <3mA         5.39E-6
                                                                                          <MDA                                              <MDA         <MDA 1-11                                         <MDA'        <MDA                                  <MDA     <MDA                               i


                                                                                         <MDA W/t                                 <MDA          <MDA     <MDA      <MDA c1                                                                  <MDA 1-12              <MDA                                    <MDA       <MDA

N/A i j 3.00E-6 N/A J-9 5.39E-6 {

                                                                                                                   <MDA         <MDA                                                                             [

2.05E-5 <MDA i i i J-12 6.39E-6 <MDA - 4

                                                                                                                   <3mA         <MDA 2.60E-6 K-9               <MDA 5/4'        <MDA                                 ",     g

{ N/A & 4 6 t 3.39E-6 <MDA t ! L-9 <MDA <MDA <MDA <MDA



                                                                                        <MDA 6.77E-6      <MDA        <MDA
                                                                                                                                                                     <MDA      <MDA                              !


                                                                                                                                           <MDA                                                                  ,

a I I i M i u t tb -ODUl A-li POI  ! i

t MicrOAhleid 3.J2 f (Consumer's ECwer CC*pany - 8037)

  • Eege 1 I File  ! $0lLI.MSH $

Run ::s t e t January 10, 1990 I Run timet 4.17 p.m. CASE: CONTAMINATED 50ll 4 H+9 LOCATION t 6 JNCHES DEEP) f GE0 METRY 11: Aectangular solid sour:e - slac shields l


Osstance to cetector......................... A 60.960 cm. s Source width.................................. W 762. *  ! Source length................................ L 760.

  • Rectangular solid,- thickness toward dose pt . . Il 16.240 "

Thackness of second shield................... 12 4S.720 " J. Source Volumet 0.0490te+6 cubic centimetern MATERIAL DENSITIES ta/cc): 1 Material Source Shield 2

         ?                                        Air                                                                 .001220      .001220                                                                                                                                                                                                                            '

Aluminum Carbon 1.70 i Concrete ' Hydrogen 3 Iron Lead - t Lithium ' Nickel Tin  ! fitansum Tungsten

        .o'                                         Uranta Urenaun                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             '

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  • 1 .664 1.282e+0' 4 . 0 0 0 e + t'0 9.969e-03
  .                                  2 3

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.c                            11 12 9                              13 14 Id.

3 16 17 19 19 20 TOTALS: 1.292e+0' 4.808e+00 9.960e-03 Rev 0 0-1-91

1 Nacronnield 3.J2  ! (C:nsumer's F:wer Ccmpany - rJ37) Face  : 1 File  : 50!L2.MiH Run date: Janvery 19. 1966 ' Run time: 4: 26 p.m. l CASE 00NisMIN6tE0 50Il 9 J-9 LOCATION 16 INCHES DEEP) l GEOMEtiy 11: Aectangular solid source - 31sb shields 01sience to detect 0r... ..................... A 60.960 cm. i Source width................................. W 762. " Source length................................ L $48.640 ' Rettencular solid, thickness toward dose pt.. T1 15.240 " Thackness of second shield................... T2 45.700 " i Source Volumet 6.37129e+6 cubic centimeters MATERI AL DENSITIES (g/cc ): Meterial Source Shield 2 7 Air .001220 .001220 Aluntnum Carben 1.70 Concrete j Hydrogen ' 5- Iron Lead Lithium ' Nickel i Tan Titanium ' Tungsten et Urania Uranium "3 Water 1.0 Zircontum F Pev 0 i 8 1 91

l i Face 2 Elle: 30!L2.PiH CA!E: CONTAMINmTE0 10!L ) 1-9 L0CATICN 56 INCHES CEEF, BUILOUP FACTOR: based on TArLOR *ethoc. Using the cheracteristacs of the materials in shield 1 INTE>iR8iION PAA APETERs: Number o f lat eral ancle segment s ( Nt he t s J. . . . . 5 Number of azimuthal angle segments (Nost)..... 5 j Number o f radial segment s (Nre diue ). . . . . . . . . . . 5 i i SOURCE NUCL10ES: Co-60: 0.9190e-05 euries RESULTSt Group Energy Activity Dese point flu. Dose rate O I (MeV) (photons /sec) MeV/( sq cm)/see (mr/hr) 1 1.336 3.300e+06 3.411e+00 6.155e-03

   ..'                  2                        1.180       3.300e+06             2.950e+00            5.497e-03 3                         .695       5.303e+02             2.880e-04            5.950e-07 3                     4 5

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                                       " 4<,4,
                                          ,,                                          UNITED s1 ATts NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION NggyI)

W A sHINotoN. o. c. 2060s

tarch 15, 1938 qg
                          ....'                                                                                                 NUceAt UCEN$ LNG Docket No.                50 255 Mr. Kenneth W. Berry Director. Nuclear Licensing Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 1

Dear Mr. Berry:


PALISADES PLANT REQUEST TO RETAIN CONTAMINATED SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 20.302 (TAC NO. 67408) ThesubjectrequestsubmittedbyConsumersPowerCompanybyletterdated November 12, 1987 and supplemented by information forwarded by letter dated January 25, 1988 contains detailed information evaluating the radiation doses 1 via the liquid pathways for very low levels of contamination presently in areas of soil near the Palisades Plant South Radweste Building. Detailed s evaluations are also presented of potential occupational doses from this-contaminated soil. One additional dose pathway should, however, be evaluated to complete the analysis of the impact viz., the inhalation pathway.- In your submittals, you , have presented diagrams Showing areas in which contamination has been detected. It appears that for some of these areas 6" of soil has-been removed, others are now co'<ered by black top, and still others have not been disturbed. In order for the staff to complete the evaluation under 10 CFR 20.302, we ask that you submit a diagram indicating all contaminated soil surface areas included in this request, the condition of this soil' surface. . T evaluation of the radiation doses via the inhalation pathway

        '                    associated with these soil surfaces. The request in this letter affects fewer than ten respondents; therefore, OMO clearance is not required under PL 96-511.


                                                                                        ') Wh $                          "'

Thomas V. Wambach, Project Manager i_ Project Directorate !!!-1 ! Div1 sion of Reactor Projects - III, IV. V 1

                                                                                                & Special Projects cc         See Next Page Y

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Mr. Xenneth W. Berry Consumers Power Cocpany Palisades Plant j cc: \ M. I. Miller Esquire 1 sham, Lincoln &Beale Sist Floor Nuclear Facilities and Three First National Plaza Environmental Monitoring Chicago, Illinois 60602 Section Office Division of Radiological Mr. Thomas A. McNish, Secretary Health Consumers Power Company P.O. Box 30035 212 West Michigan Avenue Lansing, Michigan 48909 ' Jackson, Michigan 49201 Judd L. Bacon, Esquire Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackscn, Michigan 49201 d Regional Administrator, Region !!! U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, 1111nof 60137 Jerry Sarno Township Supervisor covert Township 36197 M 140 Mtghway Covert, Michigan 49043 Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Building 7 Lansing, Michigan 48913 7

Mr. Dayid P. Hoffman

  • Plant General Manager Palisades Plant 3

27780 Blue Star Memorial Hwy. Covert, Michtgan 49043 Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Palisades Planer 27782 Blue $ tar Menortal Hwy. Covert, Michigan 49043 l e w 94lm Ws

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     's January 12, 1990                                       E'* I N#

1 Occket flo. 50 255 Serial fio. PAL 90 002 Fr. Kenreth W. Berry Director, Nuclear Licensing Censumers Power Ccrpany 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201 ' 1 Cear Mr. Berry: i


Dy letters dated November 12, 1987 and January 25 1988. Consumers Power Company requestedauthorizationundertheprovisionsof16CFR20.302todispose  ; contaminated soil in place. The NRC staff replied with a request for additional information which was forwarded to you on March 15, 1988. By letter dated June 27, 1988, Consumers Power Company provided additional information in response to our request. However, in that response, CPCo expanded the original request to include the entire South Radweste area as a contingency against future spread of contamination and to obviate the need for additional requests under 10 CFR 20.302. For the staff to complate its review of this request, additional specific information is required. This is because NRC approval under 10 CFR 20.302 is for the disposal of specifically identified and characterized slightly contaminated material by the applicant. We request that you provide a revised submittal describing the licensed material for disposal and the analysis and evaluation called for under 10 CFR 20.302. The attached request for additionai-information provides additional e-tail fer the content of the revised submittal. The reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements of this letter affect fewer than ten respondents therefore, OMB clearance under PL 96-511 is not reavired. Sincerely, dV - Albert ProjectW. De Agazio,!!!-1. Project Panager Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - !!!. IV, V & Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page Qgg pg 24G2

Mr. Kenneth B. Berry Palisades Plant Consumers Power Company cc M. I. Miller, Esquire

  $1dley & Austin 54th Floor                            Nuclear Facilities and Environmental Monitoring One First National Plaza                   section Office Chicago, Illinois 60603               Division of Radiological Health Mr. Thomas A. McNish, Secretary        P.O. Box 30035 Consumers Power Company                Lansing, Michigan 48909 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Judd L. Bacon Esquire Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avence Jackson, Michigan 49201 Regional Administrator, Region !!!

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Jerry Sarno Township Supervisor Covert Township 36197 M-140 Highway Covert, Michigan 49043 Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 Mr. Gerald B. Slade Plant General Manager Palisades Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial %. Covert, Michigae 49043 Resident Inspotter c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Palisades Plant-27782 Blue Star Memorial iky. Covert, Michigan 49043

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t SECONO REQUEST FOR A00!?!ONAL INFORMA?!ON (RAI) ON THE CON $UMERS POWER COMPANY PALISADES PLANT REQUEST TO RETAIN SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 CFR 20.302 The subject request submitted by Consumers Power Company (licensee) by letter i dated November 12, 1987 and supplemented by information forwarded by letter dated January 25, 1988 contained detailed information evaluating the radiation doses via the liquid pathways for very low levels of contamination presently in areas of soil near the Palisades Plant South Radwaste Building. Detailed evaluations were also presented of potential occupational doses from this contaminated soil. Three significant questions arose during the staff evaluation of this request:

1. The inhalation pathway for doses from the contaminated soil was not addressed.
2. The proposals contain no delineation of the specific contaminated areas covered by the disposal req'mst.

l l 3. The licensee's Technical Specifications for radioi;;ical environmental monitoring require an LLO of 2 x 10 pCi/gm for m Cs determinations a sediment yet all of the measurements reported in the request were saae with equipment 5 to 10 times less sensitive for these gamma radiations I

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By letter dated June 27, 1988 the licensee submitted additional information in response to the staff's RA! of March 15, 1988. This submittal was unacceptable in that it addressed potentially contaminated areas and hypothetical maximum l contamination parameters rather than measured licensed material to be disposed ) of under the regulations, i it is reouested that the licer.see submit a complete, revised 20.302 request incorporating the dose evaluation information of the measured contamination considered in the November 12, 1987 and January 25, 1988 submissioreand updated if appropriate with dose evaluations of the inhalation pathway based on the same measured contamination. As part of the proposal the licensee should record exactly what areas of measured contamination are covered by the request for which disposal under 10 CFR 20.302 is proposed. i l i l { t l I e l 2 l l l h



(~ power POWEMING MICHIGAN'$ PROGRES$ a . . . . o . . e .. m i .., e...., ae .a . .n . w moi . im vis esso June 27 1988 Nuclear Pegulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLA!rt - SUPPLEMENT - REQUEST TO RETAIN SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10CTR20.302 7 Consumers Power Company correspondence dated November 12. 1987 and January 25. T 1988 requested authorization to dispose contaminated soil inplace as speciffed by 10 CTR 20.302. The area, known as the South Radwaste Area, has been _ contaminated by numerous cooling tower overflows and redistributed by heavy rain showers. Although the majority of the radioactive material has been packaged for waste shipment, a large volume of very low activity radioactive material remains. This volume of material would be very expensive to ship as waste. The NRC by letter of March 15. 1988 to Consumers Power Company, requested additional inhalation dose infor1 nation and clarification of the contaminated area. A generic inhalation dose evaluation is described in Attachment A. Conse rv a-tive assumptions have been made to get the maximum organ dose possible f rom inhalation of contaminated soil. The inhalation doses are not significant. 2 Consumers Power Company requests to expand this 10 CFR 20.302 request to include the entire South Radweste Area. Periodic cooling tower overflows and occasional heavy rains have caused redistribution of radioactive material to areas which were below Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) during previous evalua-tions. Expanding the area would eliminate the need for a nov 10 CPR 20.302 submittal if radioactive material is redistributed within the South Radweste Area. The South Radwasta Area is completely fenced and located directly South of the Plant South Security fence. Area fence is shown in dark outline on Figure 1. As described in our January 25, 1988, letter we intent. to transfer the radwaste activities which caused the contamination of soil from the South Radvaste Area, except for the high level vault use which is not a potential flooding release problem. OC0688-0049-NLO2

tNelect Regulatory Commission  : Palisades Suelear Plant Retain Soil in Accordance v/10CTR20.302 June 27, 1988 Consumers Power Cempany requests approval to dispose of inplace icv level radicactive materials which meet the folleving conditions without further 10 CFR 20.302 submittals. -

1. Material contained in the fenced area described as South Radvaste Area.
2. Direct dose to a radiation worker veuld not exceed 5E-02 mrem / hour frem contaminated sofi.
3. Average gross beta / gamma concentration not to exceed SE-05 pCi/gm so inhalation doser to a radiation worker or at the site boundary would not exceed the values contained in Attachment 1.

4 Additional radioactive material releases shall be identtfied in liquid semi-Annu Ef fluenWs Reports as an ' Abnormal Release'. 7 Sampling, analyses and Sealannual Effluent Report inclusions of ' Abnormal 9 Release' vill be performed only when further flooding of the area occurs. James L Kuomin (Signed) James L Kuemin Staff Licensing Engineer -= CC Administrator, Region III. NRC KRC Resident Inspector - Palisades

;3 Attachment' s


A t t A C I.m e n t 1 The inhalacien doses have been calculated en a generic worst case basis. A generic basis has been selected to compensate for the elevated Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) in analysis and also to address movement of radioactivity within the South Radwaste Area. The assumptions made are the worst case Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) used (see Table 3), a total average activity concentra-tion of 5E-05 uci/ gram and the entire area (500 m8 ) used instead of the indi-cated contaminated area (117 m3 ). Increasing the area is self-explanatory. The total average activity concentra-tion is being used instead of actual to account for dose important isotopes which may be present near the analysis LLD of 1E-06 9C1/ge, but not detected. The worst case DCT is used to demonstrate a maximum organ dose. A varfation in isotope mixes could shif t the maximum dose to a dif f erent organ but could not o exceed the dose indicated. O Radworker ar.d site boundary inhalation dose calculations are attached.

             *T 7
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l l OC0688-0049-NLO2 1 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Table ! Inhalation Dose Frem contaminated Soil - Adult Radiation Werker DW = C 'f gg f g4 f g3

  • E 3 g DCF g klere: C 3 = concentration of vaste 5.0E04 pCi/Kg.

E f = occupancy f actors 2080 worker hours + 8760 hrs /yr = 0.237 f areal3 mass available for resuspension (top I cm of soil): l8 = Kg/m 16 s fg4 = resuspension factor: 8.5E-9/m 9 f15 = adult annual inhalation rate: 7300 m3 (RG 1.109) DCF g = 7.46E-04 mrem /(50 yr pci): adult lung (RG 1.109) Substituting: Dy = 8.78E-03 mrem /50 yrt maximum organ dose 7 7 L


AIT/NESP-035 Evaluation of the Potential for De-Regulated Dispeia; of Very 1.ow Level Wastes From Nuclear Power Plants OC0688-0049-NLO2

Table 2 Ichalation Dese At Site Boundary - [nptt t Most limiting DSB = C3 f gg f g4 f X/Q u A l6 DCF g Where Terms are identified in Table 1 and 8 F16 = 2045 m : infant annual breathing rate (RG 1.109) s X/Q = 1.4 E-6 sec/m t actual 5 year site average u = 3.8 m/sec average wind speeds actual 1986 S A = 500 m8 contaminated area 1 DCFg = 3.22E-03 mR/(50 yr . pC1): infant lung (RG 1.109) T

                                ,,   Substituting DSB = 1.19E-04 mrem /50 yr          maximum organ dose

[ l l 4 OC0688-0049-NLO2

i i Table 3 l

                                                                      .                                 -l; Dose Conversion Tactors for Inhalation: Committed dose (tRem) over 50 years per cCi inhaled. per Regulatory Guide 1.109.

E Onsite - Radiatien orker Bone Liver Kidnev [ung GI Cs-134- 4.66E-05 1.06E-04 3.59E-05 1.22E-05 1.30E-06 i Cs-137 5.98E-05 7.76E-05 2.78E-05 9.40E-06 1.0$E-06 Ba-140+D 4.88E-06 6.13E-09 2.09E-09 1.59E-04 2.73E-05 St-90* 1.24E-02 0.0 0.0 1.20E-03 9.02E-05 , Co-60** 0.0 1.44E-06 0.0 7.46E-04 3.56E-05 7s

  • Sr-90 is a factor of 5E-03 lover than Cs-137 based upon 10 CFR 61 sampling '

analysis and cannot be limiting. Cs-137 was present in all samples where i 9 activity was identified.

  'I    ** Given the concentration restriction on St-90 noted above, Co-60 lung dose is

_, most limiting. Offsite-- Infant Most Limiting for Inhalation ,

  .,     Cs-134         - 2.83E-04     5.02E-04       1.36E-04    5.69E-05     9.53E-07                   ;
     ,-  Cs-137          3.92E-04      4.37E-04       1.23E-04    5.09E-05     9.53E-07 Ba-140          4.00E-05      4.00E-08       9.59E-09    1.14E-03     2.74E-05 Sr-90*          2.92E-02        0.0           - 0.0      8.03E-03     9.36E-05                   t Co-60**-           0.0        5.73E         0.0      3.22E-03     2.28E
  • St-90 is a factor of 5E-03 lover than Cs-137 based upon 10 Crt 61 samplins analysis and cannot be limiting. Cs-137 was present in all samples where activity was identified.
        ** Given the concentration restriction on Sr-90 noted above, co-60 lung p

dose is_most limiting. 9 l . OC0688-0049-NLO2 l. l - . _ . . , , ,

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CDCM - AFFE:iLIX B FEFERI:CE L C2 *.IJiU 3IS 30WII o a si.e. c~..< v~,,. MKNIGAN'S PN00ME55 a.<....w..,*... 2 neo es. sie v.... .a... co..n ui em August 31. 1990 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D C 20$$$ DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT SUPPLEMENT - REQUEST TO RETAIN SOIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10CFR 20.302 Consumers Power Company correspondence dated November 12, 1987 and January 25. 1988 requested authorization to dispose of contaminated soil in place as specified by 10CFR 20.302. The area known aJ the South Radwaste Area has been contaminated by numerous cooling tower overflows and contamination was redistributed by heavy rain showers. Although the majority of the radioactive meterial has been packed for vaste shipment, a large volume of very low activity radioactive material remains. This volume of material would be very expensive to ship as vaste. The NRC. by letter of March 15. 1988 to Consumers Power Company, requested additional inhalation dose information and clarificattoo of the contaminated area. After discussions with the NRC reviewer, a supplement was submitted on June 27, 1988 which was based on generic approval. It proposed that further submittals would not be required if flooding moved activity from an identified to an unidentified sector. Subsequently, on January 12. 1990, the NRC Staf f requested additional information. The information request required the licensee to submit a revised proposal incorporating the dose evaluation information of the measured contamination considered in the November 12. 1987 and January 25. 1988 submittals and updated. if appropriate, with dose evaluations of the inhalation pathway based on the same measured contamination. As part of the proposal, the licenses was asked to record exactly what areas of measured contamination are covered by the request for which disposal under 10CFR 20.: is proposed. The attached material supplies the requested information. The specific area contaminated is noted as Area B on the attached survey grid map. The entire area is fenced and is about 12.000 sq ft of soil exposed with the remainder buildings and asphalt. The inhalation pathway is for breathing suspended oct' . from this area. Table 2 addresses a radvorker in Area B. and Table 3 L addresses an inf ant on the site boundary. The radvorker could receive 8.03E-04 mrem /50-year maximum organ (liver) dose and the infant could rec. t -. 3.16E-05 mrem /50-year maximum organ (liver) dose, both of which are inst 4e:- icant. OC0890-0074A-NLO3 l A C4tS' FJVE7?GY COA 1PANY

                             *ihen the f1 ceding problem was discovered and planning for a formal survey vas done. the environmental sediment LLD vss not considered. as this was a nuclear plant site. We attempted to get the best LLD ve could using cur equipren:

and the umber of samples ve were going to have to run. With the hundreds of samples run. we felt lE-06 uCi/gm was adequate. To be conservative, we expanded the August and November 1987 surveys to use 1.0E-06 uct/rm Cs-137 in any sector which showed LLD. This vill increase the radioactivity to 5.006 uCi from 4.643 uC1. an increase of S!. The activities are on Table 1 and 1A. If this submittal is approved, we vill add the released activity to the Liquid Semi-annual Effluent Report as an abnormal release. and the approval to retain the soil in place vill be documented in the FSAR. In su=mation. Consumers Power Company requests approval to dispose of in place the low-level radioactive caterials which are contaminated soil centained in the fenced area described as South Radvaste Area (Area B). Direct dese to a radiation worker would not exceed 1.7E-02 mrem / hour from this contaminated soil. Inhalation doses to a radiation worker or at the site boundary would not exceed 8.03E-04 mrem /50-year. Tables 1 and 1A radioactive material release shall be identified in liquid Semi-annual Effluent Reports as an

                             ' abnormal release' . The disposal in place would be documented in the FSAR.

The radvaate activities which caused the contamination of the soil have been completely relocated to a new east radvaste area. The South Building has been deconned and is being used for non-radvaste activities. Some fixed contamination is present in floor cracks and vaults. This has been documented for plant decommissioning. No further Jontamination vill be added to the south area from the South Radvaste Building. Gerald B Slade (Signed) 4 Cerald B Slade General Manager pc Administrator Region III. USNRC NRC Resident inspector. Palisades l OC0890-0074 A-NLO3

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l I t' l Attachment A Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant Docket 50-255 Tables 1 and LA, Survey Results Micrashield Direct Dose Calculation

  .                    Table 2 - Radworker Inhalation Dose T.ble 3 - Site Buundary inhalation Dose Figure 1 - Survey Crid Figure 2 - Survey Results M10890-0074A-HP01
                                         ,_ -_ - .             , - -        - _ .      ~ . . - .   -      .       - - . . . - . _

l 1 1 Table 1 August 1997 3arvey Sector d Sq tt. ( De pt h

  • ft' X- 4/tt 3

X uCi/a a Total aCi E-11 375 0.) 187.5 48144 2.07E-6 18.7 E-13 375 0.5 187.5 48144 4.39E-6 39.6 625 1.5 937.5 48144 4.79E-6 216.2 H-9 H-10 625 0.5 312.5 48144 2.60E-6 39.1 625 2.0 1250* 48144 3.75E-5 2256.8 H-11 527 0.5 263.5 48144 1.24E-5 157.3 1-9 1.5 412.5 48144 5.39E-6 107.0 1-10 275 450 0.5 225 48144 5.39E-6 58.4 J-9 30.8 J-12 200 0.5 100 48144 6.39E-6 L-9 150 1.0 150 48144 6.77E-6 48.9 1.5 147 48144 1.40E-5 99.1 {-9 East 98 3071.9 Subtotals 4325 4173 Remais. der 7613 0.5 3807 48144 1.0E-06 183 C 3ection TOTAL 11.938 3.255. M[0890-0074A-HP01 _ ~ . - _ ---

Table !A November 1937 Sur/ej Sector # X De pt h a ft 3 X .t / f t ' X pCi/ R

  • Total oct B-9 125 0.5 62.5 48144 lE-06
  • 3 C-9 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1E-06 15 C-10 $00 0.5 250 48144 1E-06 4 12 0-9 500 0.5 250 48144 1E-06 12 D-10 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1E-06 15 D-11 550 0.5 275 4814A 1E-06 13 0-12 75 0.5 37.5 48144 1E-06 , 2 E-10 125 0.5 62.5 48144 1E-06 3 E-11 375 0.5 187.5 48144 1.8E-06 16 E-12 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1.E-06  ? 15 E-13 550 0.5 275 48144 1E-06 13 F-12 300 0.5 150 48144 1E-06 + 7 F-13 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1E-06 15 C-12 750 0.5 125 48144 1E-06 6 C-13 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1E-06 15 H-9 625 0.5 312.5 48144 4.4E-05 662 625 0.5 312.5 48144 3.2E-06 48 H-10 600 0.5 300 48144 3.2E-05 462 H-11 H-12 250 0.5 125 48144 2.2E-06 13 H-13 625 0.5 312.5 48144 1.0E-06 15 I-9 527 0.5 263.5 48144 6.8E-06 86 I-10 275 0.5 137.5 48144 1.0E-06 7 I-11 250 0.5 125 48144 1.0E-06 6 1-12 220 0.5 110 48144 3.0E-06 16 0.5 225 48144 2.1E 227 J-9 450 J-12 200 0.5 100 48144 2.6E-06 13 K 216 0.5_ 108 48144 3.4E-06 18 L-9 150 0.5 75 48144 1.0E-06 4 L-10 150 0 . 5- . 75 48144 1.0E-06 4 48144 1.0E-06 4 L-11 150 0.5 -.- 75 L-12 150 0.5 75 48144 1.0E-06 4 3

Maximum 4.4 E-05 1751 Subtotals 11,93& ft* 5,969 ft Average 6.1E-06 l l l l f Mt0890-0074A-HP01 i l

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_ . .. . , _ _ m l l l i Table 2 [;p314ti:n Oose From Contaminated Sail - Adult Radtation Worner Dw = Cs fg i (14 f 15 Ef OCri Wheret Cs a concentration ot waste - 4.4E04 pCi/Kg Cs-137 (actual max r.sncentration) E( = occupancy f actor - 2080 worker hours + 8760 hrs /yr = 0.237 f 13 = a reat/ mass available f or resuspension (top 1 cm of solL) - 16 Kg/m' f ic = resuspension factor - 8.5E-9/m 3 f l5 = adult annual inhalation rate - 7300 m (RC 1.109) .' OCFi = 7.76E-05 mrem /50 yr

  • pCi - Cs-137 adult liver (RC 1.109) substitutingt Dw = 8.03E-04 mrem /50 yr - maximum organ dose aferencet AIF/NESP-035 Evaluation of the Potential for 'De-regulated Disposal of Very Low Level Wastes from Nuclear Power Plants H10890-0074A-HP01 ,

7 t Tible 3 irhatstir,n 005e At Site Boundary - li f ant Most Limiting Dsg = CS ' (13 f4 1 t16 XQ ' a A DCFi Wheret Terrs are identified in Table 1 and F16 = 2045 m - infant annual breathing rate (RC 1.109) 3 X/Q = 1.4 E-6 sec/m* - actual 5 year site average u = 3.8 m/sec average wind speed - actual 1986 A - 1110 mi - contaminated area DCri - 4.37E-04 mR/50 yr

  • pCl - Cs-137 infant liver (RC 1.109) ascitatingt DSB = 3.16E-05 mrem /50 yr - maximum organ dose l


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CDCM - APPE:C)IX B PETIEE:!CE 5 To BHolian From TPNea1MM# CONSUMERS POWER Date October 23, i,990 COMPANY Subject PALISADES PLANT-10CTR20.302 SOIL SUBMITTAL CC RLSmedley TPN90 028 KMHaas The following samples were obtained from sectors H-9 and J-9 on October 23, 1990. Sample Location uCi/gm H9-1 3.92E-6 H9-2 3.70E-6 H9-3 1.'6E-6 e H9-4 <MDA H9-5 <MDA J9-1 1.90E-6 J9-2 <MDA J9-3 <MDA J9-4 2.28E-6 J9-5 5.86E-6 Sector H-9 was the highest reading in 1988 at 4.4E-05 uCi/gm and J-9, 2.lE-05. Both areas are now showing a factor of 10 drop in activity. Sector H-11 could not be resampled because of equipment stored in this location. The data indicates direct dose would be less than 2E-03 mR/hr. Occupancy in this area should not exceed 2 hours / week or 100 weeks / year, which is less than 1 mR/ year. Sample and analysis by HAWillers and GStama, review by TPNeal.



 . . . ..o. . u .., e e m m eo es. sie, v.~.,.i  - e n , :ov.n w .rso a sw Cevass wawere April . , 1991 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Occument Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 00CKET 50 255 - LICENSE OPR 20 - PALISADES PLANT -

USE OF SOUTH STORAGE BUILDING AS AN INTERIM RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE STORAGE BUILDING On November 10, 1990, radioactive waste generators in the State of Michigan were banned from the three currently active burial sites. As a result of this ban action must be taken to ensure that Palisades maintains the capability to store radioactive waste until such time as we are again able to gain access to the burial sites. We believe our actions are consistent with NRC guidance received in Generic Letter 90 09. Therefore, the South Storage Building will be utilized as an interim storage f acility for low level radioactive waste (LLW). The South Storage Building (then referred to as the South Radwaste Building) had been previously used for all processing and storing of radioactive waste produced at Palisades from 1976 to 1989. During that period several cooling tower overflows occurred which resulted in flooding this building and spreading contamination from the processing area to the surrounding soil. This spread in contamination resulted in NRC Open Items (85019 01 and 89025-

01) which required implementation of actions to prevent future flooding. In 1988 it was decided to relocate the radwaste processing functions performed in the South Radwaste Building to a new addition at the East Radwaste Building to prevent the spread of contamination in the event of future cooling tower overflows. All radwaste processing equipment was relocated to the East Radwaste Building and the South Radwaste Building was decontaminated. The

! South Radwaste Building (then re-named the South Storage Building).has since been used for non-radiological material storage. l As a result of increases in radioactive waste, the South Storage Building is now needed to store low level radioactive waste (LLW). This LLW, in the form l of dry active v=ste (OAW) will be packaged in metal boxes and labelled, ready for future shipment to burial sites. The DAW metal shipping boxes will te stored off the floor to prevent water damage. The metal shipping boxes are l strong, tight containers designed to prevent any leakage of radioactive l material during transportation. Incidental water contact will not result n l the spread of contamination. Radioactive waste will not be processed in e A CMS EWE 7?GY COMPANY


5 _ -.- ~ MR MWB5ii ng '. _ __ ------- clean (radiologically) ---and the building will be maintained as a normally area. The-current Palisades Radwaste Storage Plan requires low dose rate DAW-boxes to be placed adjacent to the walls of the South Radwaste Building to linit dose rates outside the building. All DAW boxes and the storage building will be inspected SP 5.27. quarterly in accordance with Dalisades Health Physics Procedure This procedure incorporates the storage and inventory guidelines contained in NRC Information Notice No. 90 09 " Extended Interim Storage of Low t.evel Radioactive-Waste by Fuel Cycle and Material Licensee". The same radiological and security controls currently in force at the East-Radwaste Building will apply at the South Radwaste Building. The South Radwaste Building is surrounded by a locked fence and all butiding access doors Department. will normally be locked, with keys controiled by Radiation-Safety All access to- the building will be controlled through the Radiation Safety Office and the Palisades RWP/ Dosimetry System. Building status sheets will be updated on a monthly conditions change. Any areas outside the building reachinbasis or whenever radiological shall be posted in accordance with current HP Procedures. g Smr/hr or greater Since the South Radwaste Building will be used for the storage of low level radioactive waste and not for ra_dioactive waste processing, it is believed that the public health and safety will not be adversely affected. It is Palisades' intent to continue to us0 the South Radwaste Building to store low level radioactive waste (LLW) unt;! such time when radwaste generators in Michigan are again allowed to ship iadioactive waste to the burial sites. Upon resumption of shipping to the burial' sites the South Radwaste Building will be emptied, surveyed and returned to the plant for non-radiological material storage. b -- Gerald B Slade General Manager-CC Administrator, Region III, USNRC Resident-Inspector, Palisades l' i

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                         !                                                      TPNeal, Pal l     '%,              '                              wasamorou. o.c. mes l                 *....#                                     June 7, 1991 Docket No. 50-255 4UN 12 3 Mr. Gerald B. Slade Plant General Manager Palisades Plant Consumers Power Company 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, Michigan 49043

Dear Mr. Slade:


REQUEST PALISADES Pl. ANT UNDER(TAC NO.1067408) CFR 20.302 TO RETAlH CONTAMINATE By letters dated November 12 1987, and January 25 1988 enclosed Safety Evaluation f 5E)), Consumers Power dompany, ubmitted as(Reference request 1 of the pursuant the Palisades to 10 CFR 20.302(a) for the disposal of contaminated soil onsite at Plant. procedures This approva(with l .1s, grantad.. coumitments as documented in Reference 1) t Evaluation, amperusnan ,'idad. thatRefqjr,encas,,1.-L of the enclosed Safety' Manual (0Dat) as an Apundix Also rpsIratM.TnWyour,tiptttW OdiaFtiTdThtfon 8 shall be protocol. reported to tie NRC in acco,rdance with the applicable ODCM proposed enclosed Safetyaction Evaluation.meets the staff criteria as reflected in Reference Sincerely, 1m Brian Holian, Project Manager Project Directorate III-l Division of Reactor Projects III/IV/V Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated Rev o 8-1-91

l Mr, Gerald B. Slade Corsumers Power Company Palisades Plant cc: M. 1. Miller, Escuire Sidley & Austin Nuclear Facilities and 54th Floor Environmental Monitoring One First National Plaza Section Office Chicago, Illinois 60603 Division of Radiological Health Mr. Thomas A. McNish, Sec etary P.O. Box 30035 Consumers Power Company Lansing, Michigan 48909 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Gerald Charnoff, P.C. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Judd L. Bacon, Esquire 2300 N. Street, N.W. Consumers Power Company Washington. 0.C. 20037 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Mr. David L. Brannen Vice President Regional Administrator, Region III Palisades Generating Company U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission c/o Bechtel Power Corporation 799 Roosevelt Road 15740 Shady Grove Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877 Jerry Sarno Roy W. Jor,es Township Supervisor Manager, Strategic Program Covert Township Development 36197 M-140 Highway Westinghouse Electric Corporation Covert, Michigan 49043 4350 Northern Pike Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146 Office of the Governor Room 1 - Capitol Building - Lansing, Michigan 48913 Mr. Patrick M. Donnelly Director, Safety and Licensing Palisades Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial Hwy. Covert, Michigan 49043 Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Palisades Plant 27782 Blue Star Memorial Hwy. Covert, Michigan 49043


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SAFETY EVALUATION RELATED TO THE PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT _ RETENTION OF CONTAMINATED S0IL ONSITE INTRODUCTION Section 20.302 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Reg disposal of licensed material not previously considered by the-NRC in the Palisades Final Environmental Statement (FES), dated June 1972. The petition submitted contains a detailed description of the licensed material (i.e., contaminated soil) subject to this 10 CFR U.302 request. of onsite contaminated soil contains a total radionuclide inventory of 5.1 based on radioactive material that was deposited in the soil due to the flo of the South Radwaste Building. The contaminated area is located inside the security fences, and is on company controlled land. Area) is fenced in, within the plant's south security fences.This area (South Radwast inaccessible to the public (see Figures 1 and 2). Thus it is In the submittals (References 1-5), the licensee addressed specific information of the licensed material, thoroughly analyzed and evaluated effects relative to retention of the contaminated soil onsite, and comitted to follow specific procedures to minimize the risk of unexpected exposures. Although the environmental impact of the proposed action is well within the dose criteria contained in the Commission's Below Regulatory Concern (BRC) Policy Statement, dated July _3,1990, the licensee has not requested, and the staff has not considered, the a4&bns describede herein to be exempt from NRC regulation. CPCo plans to dispose of the 6,000 ceM c feet of contaminated soil onsite pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302. The area, known as the South Radwaste Area, has been contaminated by styral cooling tower overflows (three times in an eight-year period), and has s'ub}equently been redistributed by heavy rain showers. The cooling tower overfftfws were caused by instrument failures that opened the cooling tower bypassi velve during normal operation. This valve is now electri-cally isolated during cooling tower operation. The licensee conducted a soil survey because the South Radwaste Building was in the main path of the water overflows from the cooling tower. Survey results indicated that radioactive material was deposited in'the soil. Although the majority of the radioactive material has been packaged as radwaste and will be subsequently shipped off stte (16 boxes each having a volume of 98 cubic feet, containing 85% of the esti.Tated activity), a large volume of low level contaminated soil is contained in the fenced area described as the South Radwaste Area.

The specific area contaminated is nuted as Area B on the survey grid map (see Figure 2). The total activity of this area (5.1 mci) is based on 6,0C0 cubic feet of soil contaminated with the spoils frem the South Radwaste Building, Table 1 lists the principal nuclides identified in the contaminated soil. "e activity in this table is based on measurements in 1987; see data from a recent submittal (Reference 5) shows that activity concentrations in the centaminated area have decreased by approximately 10 percent. The radionuclide half-lives, wnich are dominated by 30-year Cs-137, meet the staff's 10 CFR 20.302 guidelines (Reference 6, which applies to radionuclides with half-lives less than 35 years). Table 1 Average Nuclide Concentration (pCi/g) lotal Activity (mCil Co-60 0.05 0.079 Cs-137 30 5.0 Total 5~077 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACTS The licensee has evaluated the following potential exposure pathways to :rembers of the general public from the radionuclides in the contaminated soil: (1) external exposure caused by direct radiation from radionuclides in the soil; and (2) internal exposure from inhalation of resuspended radionuclides. The staff has reviewed the licensee's calculational methods and assumptions and finds that they are consistent with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 13M. The staff finds the assessment methodology acceptable. The dose assessments are based on the following:

1. 5.1 mci of contaminated soil distributed over 12,000 square foot planar source having a thickness of 0.5 feet (6000 cubic feet source volume).
2. Direct radiation exposure of 2000 hours per year.
3. Inhalation exposure based on 2000 hours per year is minimized due to six-inch layer of gravel (which inhibits wind erosion.)

4 Groundwater not considered because there are no domestic wells in the area down-gradient from the plant. Doses calculated from these-pathways are shown in Table 2. The total dose .' O.85 mrem per year is within the staff's guideline of 1 mrem per year ::e'ea-:e 6). l l

Table 2 Whole Body Dose Received by Maximally Exposed Incividual Pathway (mrem / year) Groundshine 0.85 Inhalation 0.00081 Groundwater Ingestion 0.0 TOTAL 0.85 The above doses are a small fraction of the 300 mrem received annually by members of the general public in the United States and Canada from sources of natural background radiation (Reference 7). Based on our review of the proposed disposal.of contaminated soil onsite, we conclude that: (1) The radioactive material will be disposed in a manner such that it is unlikely that the material will be recycled; (2) Doses to the total whole body and any bc(y organ of a maximally exposedindividual(amemberofthegeneralpublicora non-occupationally exposed member) from the probable pathways of exposure to the disposed material will be less than 1 mrom per year; (3) Ooses to the total whole body and any body organ of an inadvertent intruder from the probable pathways of exposure will be less than 5 mres per year since the burial location is on company-controlled land; (4) The radiation exposures to the nuclear station workers are small compared to the routine occupational exposures at the Palisades Plant; (5) The possible radiation risks to members of the general public as-a result of such disposal are well below regulatory limits and small in

            . comparison to the doses they receive each year from natural background radiation.

The licensee's procedures and cossaitaents as documented in the submittal are acceptable, provided that they are permanently incorporated into the licensee Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (00CM) as an Appendix, and that future modifications be reported to NRC in accordance with the applicable 00CM change protocol.

a .1 4 REFERENCES (1) CPCo's 1987 andletters, January T.25, C. Bordir.e

                                                                   '988.      to NRC Document Control Desk, November 12,                    !

(2) M4Lorandum from L. J. Cunningham, DREP to T. R. Quay, T. V. Wambach,

                        " Request for Additional Information-(RAI)," March 15, 1988, April 7, 1989, and January 12, 1990.
             -(3) CPCo's -supplement to ' *trence (1), J. L. Kuemin to NRC Document Control Desk, June-27, 1988.

(4). CPCo's supplement to References (1, 2), G. B. Slade to NRC Document Control Desk, August 31, 1990. (5) CPCo's letter T. P. Neal to B. Holian, October 13, 1990. (6) E. F. Branagan, Jr. and F.- J. Congel, " Disposal of Slightly Contaminated Radioactive Wastes from Nuclear Power Plants," presented at CONF-860203, Health TN, February, Physics1986. Considerations Decontamination Decommissioning, Knoxville, (7) National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, " Exposure

                    -of the Population in the-United States and Canada from Natural


1987. Radiation," NCRP Report No. 94, Bethesda, MD. December 30, Principal Contributor: 'J. L. Minns a w w -- n--,,---,-- -

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