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Forwards Supplemental Info Re SER Outstanding Issue 19,in Response to FSAR Questions 121.14,121.15 & 121.16.Minor Revisions May Be Necessary After Completion of Site Exams
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1981
From: Curtis N
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
PLA-846, NUDOCS 8106180297
Download: ML18026A371 (70)



ACC'KSSI ON NBR ~ 8 1 061 80297 DOC ~ DATE 8 /06/ 16 NOTARIZED NO jc station< Unit ii Penney]va Klggg, 1

FAGIL 50 387 susquehanna steam Electr

, 50"388 Susquehanna Steam Electric Stations Unit BYNAME'UTHOR 2'i Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH A F F IL I'AT I ON CURTISFN ~ W. Pennsylvania. Power 8 Light Co+



For wards suopl cmental info re pER Outstanding issue l9>in response~ to FSAR Questions 121.14ii21.15 L,,121.16'Minor>>

revisions may be necessar y after completion of site adams; DISTRIBUTION CODE: 00010 COPIES RECEIVED:LTR, >>ENCL TITLE'. PSAR/FSAR AMDTS and Related Correspondence L SIZE::+

NOTES:Send ILE 3 copjes FSAR K all amends 1 cy:BWR LRG PM(L",RIB) 05000387.

Sehd IEE 3 copies FSAR 8 all amends", 1 cy:BWR LRG PM(CRIB) 05000388 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL IP CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION A/D LICENSNG 1 0 L'I C BR P2 BC 1 0 LIC BR 02 LA 1 0 STARK,R. 04 1 1 INTERNAL: ACCID EVAL BR26 1 1 AUX SYS" BR 27 1 1 CHEM ENG BR 11 1 CONT'YS BR 09 1 1 PERF BR 10 'ORE 1 1 EFF TR SYS BR12'MRG 1 1 EMERG PREP 1 0 PRP DEV 35 1 1 LIC 22'MRG,PRP 3 3 EQUIP QU/L BR13 3 3 REP DIV 36'EMA 1 GEOSC IENCES 28 2 2' FACT ENG 39'UM 40 1 1 HYD/GEO BR 30' ISC SYS BR 16 1 1 8 E" 3 LIC GUID BR 06'IC 33 1 1 QUAL- BR 1 MATL ENG BR 17 .1 1 MECH ENG BR 18 1 MPA 1 0 NRC PDR 02 1 1-OELD 1 0,. OP LIC.BR 34 1 1 POWER SYS BR 19. 1 1 PROC/TST REV,20 1 QA BR, 21. 1 S BR22 1.

REAC SYS BR 23 1 1 EG LE 01 1 ~

1 SIT" ANAL BR 24 1 1 G BR25 1 1>>

EXTERNAL: ACRS -41 ~ 16 16 LPDR 03 1 1 NSIC 05- 1 1

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NORMAN W. CURTIS Vice President-Engineering 8 Construction-Nuclear 8

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June 16, 1981 V5, f~

Hr. A. Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2

=. R ~Wocket Nos. 50-387 50-388

~ Division of Licensing U. S~ucl ean Regulatory Cosriniestonrr Washington, D.C. 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAN ELECTRIC STATION SER OUTSTANDING ISSUE NO 19 ER100450 FILE 841-2 PLA-846

Dear Hr. Schwencer:

The attached information supplements our responses to FSAR Question 121.14, 121.15, 121.16. This information essentially completes our responses to these questions; however, miner revisions may become necessary following completion of site examinations.

The following information is included:

1) Page revisions to Attachment Pl of our original submittal to incorporate new information/corrections.
2) Summary of the reactor pressure vessel preservice examinations.

3). Relief Requests 0'8 and 89; page revisions to RElief Request 84.

4) Reactor pressure vessel weld identification drawings.

If you have any questions, please call us.

Very truly yours, N.W. Curtis Vice President-Engineering and Construction-Nuclear cc: R.M. Stark gyral gr(


,J ,'ll"


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The following provides additional information and/or revision to our original response to FSAR Question 121.14, 15 and 16. Final revision may be required following com-pletion of the SSES gl preservice examinations; however, the information provided to date is essentially complete.

1 121.14 A. Attachment gl has been revised to make corrections and to include references to reactor pressure ves-sel relief requests 58 and N9.

B. A summary of'he preservice examinations of the reactor pressure vessel has been included along with applicable relief requests, and weld identi-fication drawings.

D. Two additional welds have been added to relief request 4<4.



- REACTOR VESSEL-Bl.l B-A Pressure-retaining welds. Longitu'dinal and circumferential Volumetric in reactor vessel shell welds meridional and (7) circumferential head welds vessel-to-flange and head-to- (S)'7) flange circumferential welds B1.4 B-D Full penetration welds of Primary nozzle-to-vessel welds Volumetric (9) nozzle in vessel and nozzle inside radiused section Bl.5 B-E Pressure-retaining partial Vessel penetration, including Visual (IWA-5000) (7).

penetration welds in control rod drive and vessels instrumentation t

penetration B1.6 B-F Pressure-retaining dissimilar Nozzle-to-safe end welds Volumetric (7) metal welds and surface B1.7 B-G-5 Pressure-retaining Nuts Surface (7) bolting greater than 2 inches in diameter B-G-1 Pressure-retaining Pressure-Retaining bolts and Volumetric and (7) bolting greater than studs surface 2 inches in diameter Bl.9 B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting Ligaments between threaded stud Volumetric (7) greater than 2 inches in holes diameter B1.10 B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting, Closure washers, bushings Visual (7) greater than 2 inches in diameter

l. Numbers listed designate applicable relief request.

Page 1 of 8, REVISION l





Bl.ll B-G-2 Pressure-retaining bolting, Pressure-retaining bolting Visual (7) smaller than or equal. to 2 inches in diameter Bl.12 B-H Vessel supports Integrally welded vessel Volumetric 1

Bl.13 B-I-1 Interior clad surface of supports Closure head cladding 1) Visual and (7) reactor vessel surface or

2) Volumetric Bl.14 B-I-1 Interior clad surface of Vessel cladding Visual

,reactor vessel Bl. 15 B-N-1 Interior of reactor vessel Vessel interior Visual B1.16 B-N-2 Integrally welded core support Interior attachments and core Visual structures and interior support structures attachments to reactor vessel Bl.18 B-.O Pressure-retaining welds in Control rod drive housings Volumetric (7) control rod drive housings B1.19 B-P Components exempted from Exempted components Visual (IMA-5000) examination by IMB-1220

-PIPING PRESSURE BOUNDARY-B4.1 B-F Pressure-retaining dissimilar Safe-end to piping welds and Volumetric metal welds safe-end in branch piping welds B4.2 B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting, Volumetric and (2) greater than 2 inches in in place surface diameter Page 2 of 8, REVISION l



ITEM EXAMINATION CATEGORY COMPONENTS AND PARTS METHOD REMARKS NO. TABLE IWB - 2500 TO BE EXAMINED B4.3 B-G-l Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting, Volumetric and (2) greater than 2 inches in when removed surface diameter B4.4 B-G-2 Pressure-retaining bolting, Pressure-Retaining bolting Visual (2) smaller than or equal to 2 inches in diameter B4.5 B-J Pressure-retaining welds Circumferential and longitudinal Volumetric and in piping piping welds in nominal pipes surface size 4 inches and greater B4.6 B-J Pressure-retaining welds Branch pipe connection welds Volumetric in piping exceeding six inches in diameter B4.7 B-J Pressure-retaining welds in Branch pipe connection welds six Surface piping inches diameter and smaller B4.8 B-J Pressure-retaining welds Socket welds Surface piping 9 B-K-1 Support members for piping, Integrally welded supports Volumetric (3)

'f valves and pumps B4. 10 B-K-2 Support components for Support components Visual piping, valves and pumps B4.11 B-P Components exempted from Exempted components Visual (IMA-5000) examination by IWB-1220 Page 3 of 8, REVISION l




- PUMP PRESSURE BOUNDARY-B5.1 B-G-l Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting, Volumetric greater than 2 inches in in place diameter B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting, Volumetric and greater than 2 inches in when removed surface diameter B5.3 B-G-2 Pressure-retaining bolting, Pressure-retaining bolting Visual smaller than or equal to 2 inches in diameter B5.4 B-K-1 Support members for piping, Integrally welded supports Volumetric valves and pumps B5.5 B-K-2 Support components for piping, Support components Visual valves and pumps B5.7 B-L-2 Pump casings Pump casings Visual B-P Components exempted from Exempted components Visual (IWA-5000) examination by IWB-1220

- VALVE PRESSURE BOUNDARY-B6.1 B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolts and Volumetric and greater than 2 inches in studs surface diameter Page 4 of 8, REVISION l



ITEM EXAMINATION CATEGORY COHPONENTS AND PARTS METHOD REMARKS NO. TABLE IWB - 2500 TO BE EXAMINED B6.2 B-G-1 Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting (2) greater than 2 inches in Visual'isual diameter B6.3 B-G-2 Pressure-retaining bolting, Pressure-retaining bolting (2) smaller than or equal to 2 inches in diameter a

B6.4 B-K-1 Support members for piping, Integrally welded. supports Volumetric (3) valves and pumps B6.5 B-K-2 Support components for piping, Support components Visual valves and pumps B6.7 B-M-2 Valve bodies Valve bodies Visual B6.8 B-P Components exempted from Exempted components Visual (IWA-5000) examination by IWB-1220 RP:pd 19-Q Page 5 of 8, REVISION l




- PRESSURE VESSELS-C1.1 C-A Pressure-retaining welds Circumferential butt welds Volumetric in pressure vessels C1.2 C-B Pressure-retaining nozzle Nozzle-to-vessel welds Volumetric welds in vessel C1.3 C-C Integrally'elded support Integrally-welded supports Surface attachments to vessel C1.4 C-D Pressure-.retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting Visual and either exceeding 1 inch diameter surface or Volumetric

- PIPING-C2.1 C-F Pressure-retaining welds in Circumferential butt welds Volumetric (1)(4)(5)(6) piping, pumps and valves in system which circulate reac-tor coolant C-G Pressure-retaining welds in Circumferential butt welds Volumetric (1) (4) (5) (6) piping, pumps and valves in system which circulate other than reactor coolant C2.2 C-F Pressure-retaining welds in I,ongitudinal weld joints in Volumetric (1)(4)(5)(6) piping, pumps and valves in fittings system which circulate reactor coolant C2.2 C-G Pressure-retaining welds in I,ongitudinal weld joints in Volumetric (1) (4) (5) (6) piping, pumps and valves in fittings system which circulate other than reactor coolant Page 6 of 8, REVISION l



ITEM EXAMINATION CATEGORY COMPONENTS AND PARTS METHOD REMARKS NO. TABLE IWC-2520 TO BE EXAMINED C2.3 C-F Pressure-retaining welds in Branch pipe-to-pipe. weld joints Volumetric (1)(4)(5)(6) piping', pumps and valves in system which circulate reactor coolant C-G Pressure-retaining welds Branch pipe-to-pipe weld joints Volumetric (1) (4) (5) (6) in piping, pumps and valves in system which circulate other than reactor coolant C2. 4 C-D Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting Visual and (2) exceeding 1 inch diameter either surface or volumetric C2.5 C-E-1 Support members for piping Integrally-welded supports Surface (3) valves and pumps C2.6 C-E-2 Support components for Support components Visual

.piping valves and pumps


C-D Pressure-retaining bolting 'ressure-retaining bolting Visual and (2) exceeding 1 inch in diameter either surface or volumetric Page 7 of 8, REVISION l



ITEM EXAMINATION CATEGORY COMPONENTS AND PARTS METHOD NO. TABIE IWC-2520 TO BE EXAMINED C3.3 C-E-1 Support members for piping Integrally-welded supports valves and pumps Surface'3.4 C-E-2 Support components for Support components Visual piping valves and pumps

- VALVES-C4.2 C-D Pressure-retaining bolting Pressure-retaining bolting Visual and exceeding 1 inch in diameter either surface volumetric C4.3 C-E-1 Support members for piping Integrally-welded supports Surface valves and pumps C4.4 C-E-2 Support components for Support components Visual piping valves and pumps 19-Q Page 8 of 8, REVISION l



DBB-114-1-9E CF HPCI Pipe to Cap Two (2) 16%

C2.1 Weldolets DBB-13.5-1-7F CF Pipe to Cap One (1) 8%

C2.1 Weldolet

. D'15-1-5D CF RHR Pipe to Tee One (1)

C2.1 Weldolet 16'4%

DBB-115-1-5G CF RHR Pipe to Cap Three (3)

C2.1 Weldolets HBB-110-2-3C CF RHR Elbow to Tee Instrumentation 3%

- C2.1 Nozzle

.DLA-104-1-FW1 BJ Feedwater Pipe to Valve Permanent Hanger 50%

B4.5 D 102-1-FW7 BJ Feedwater Pipe to Valve Permanent Hanger 50%

B4.5 HBB-ill-2-3D CF RHR Pipe to Elbow Hanger Saddle Weld 13%

C2.1 DBB-118-1-1A CF Feedwater Sweepolet, to Pipe Hanger Lug Attachment C2.3 Weld 6%

GBB-106-1-FW6 CF RHR Pipe to Elbow Welded Hanger 20%

C2.1 GBB-109-1-2A CG RHR Pipe to Elebow Hanger Saddle 5%

C2.1 Rev. 1 6/12/81

ASME SECTION III EXAMINATION SAFETY IMPACT RT Leak detection systems detect weld leakage, resulting in either manual or automatic isolation of the leak. These lines are not required for normal safe shutdown, alternate safe shutdown methods are available.

RT RT RT During normal plant power operation, weld is under approximately 20 feet. of hydrostatic head. During normal system operation weld is under a maximum pressure of 385psig.

Leak detection systems can detect leakage during plant power or normal system operation.

Weld can be isolated and alternate cooldown paths are available using redundant RHR or main condenser. 'oop RT and PT Reactor coolant pressure boundary leak detection system detect weld leakage; plant technical specifications require plant shutdown with unidentified leakage greater than 5 gpm.

. RT and PT During normal plant operation, weld is not pressurized. During normal system operation (maximum 165 psig), leakage is detected by leak detection systems. Alternate shutdown cooling path is unaffected and condenser is also available for cooldown.

RT Leak detection system detects significant leakage; containment isolation valves (2) perform weld isolation function. HPCI performs back-up function for RPV water addition for safe shutdown.

RT During normal plant power operation, wel'ds are not under pressure. During. normal system operation, significant leakage is detectable by leak detection system. Plant can be safely cooled down by unaffected RHR loop or main condenser.

~ ~


Class 1 bottom head meridional weld seams (DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, DF)


Catego'ry B-A of ASME'ection XI, 1974 Edition to Winter 1975 Addenda requires volumetric examination of essentially 100% of the accessible length of each meridional weld in vessel heads.

Appendix I, Article I-5000, requires the examinations be conducted using two beam angles from each direction (nominal angles of 45 degrees and 60 degrees.

These examinations must be performed completely as a preservice examina-tion requirement prior to initial plant start-up, III. BASIS FOR RELIEF:

Relief is required from the ASME Section XI examination requirements on the basis of partial coverage of the weld and required volume due to vessel configuration. Interference from the vessel skirt attachment weld buildup results in the unexamined volumes as follows:

0 Base Metal Exam 12% Mis'sed 0 Weld Metal Exam 12% Missed 45 Exam 4% Missed 0

60 Exam 2% Missed IV. JUSTIFICATION:

The justification for requesting relief from ASME Section XI examination requirements is as follows;

1) A composite of all examination angles show that a yolume equal to two (2) percent of the required examination volumes for weld DA, DB,,

DC, DD, DE and DF are completely unexamined. All other areas haye.

been covered by any or all of the 0 , 45o, and 60. scans,

2) The integrity of the welds have been verified by ultrasonic and magnetic particle testing during fabrication.
3) Welds were visually examined for leakage. during RPV hydrotest, V. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS:

Alternate NDE methods are not feasible for this examination,



Class 1 feedwater inlet nozzles N4A an/ N4D.


Category B-D of ASME Section XI, 1974 Edition to Minter 1975 Addenda requires 100% volumetric examination of the nozzle to vessel weld and adjacent areas of nozzle and vessel. (Figure IMB-3512.1(a)),

These examinations must be performed completely as a preservice examination requirement prior to initial plant start-up.


Relief is required from ASME Section XI "examination requirements on the basis of incomplete coverage of the veld and required volume due to ves'sel configuration. The proximity of nozzles N11A and B to the subject feedwater nozzles precludes complete examination of weld seams N4A and N4D as follows:

N4A 300 completely examined (automatic) 600 not examined due to interference from nozzle NllA, N4D 300 completely examined (automatic) 60o not examined due to interference from nozzle N11B.

Spacing of only 4,5" hetween the nozzles allows only a best effort'anual examination of the. affected areas.

IV. JUSTIFICATION; The justification for requesting relief from ASME Section XI examination requirements is as follows:

1) The excluded area is 16.67 percent of the weld seam; 83.33. percent has been completely examined.
2) Four (4) nozzles of 'the same conf igurat ion and ser'vice (N4B p N4C p N4E, N4F) have been completely examined.
3) 'The integrity of welds have been verified by ultrasonic and magnetic particle examination during fabrication.-
4) All N4 nozzle to vessel welds were liquid penetrant testing following RPV hydrotest and accepted.


Due to extensive, testing already performed during fabrication, no additional NDE is required to establish integrity of the welds.




1 ~

CATEGORY BA PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN REACTOR VESSEL CIRCEfFERENTIAL SHELL OLDS MELD SEAM AA AA TOP SIDE Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There were five (5) interferences on weld seam AA top that caused missed areas during the remote automatic examination. These were:

Nozzle NIA 66" Missed Nozzle NIB 66" Missed Nozzle N8A 36" Missed Nozzle N8B 36" Missed Surface Gou e 4" Hissed*

TOTAL 208" Hissed The circumference of weld 'seam AA is 837" ~

The. interferences caused 24.85 percent of weld seam AA top to be missed during the remote automatic examination. *The 4" missed due to the surface gouge will be examined during the first ISI. The surface has been conditioned to allow examination. The missed area will at that time become 24.37 percent.

Manual Examination Covera e The nozzle interferences listed for the automatic examination do not exist for the manual examination. The nozzles Nl's and N8's are far enough from the weld centerline to allow a complete examination in accordance with Paragraph I-5121 of Section XI, Appendix I.

AA BOTTOM SIDE Remote Automatic Examination Not Performed Manual Examination Covera e No interferences. One hundred percent coverage.

1 ~


WELD SEAM AA One hundred percent of weld seam AA was manually examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASHE Section XI. In addition, 75.15 percent of the top side of weld seam AA was examined using remote automatic equipment. Manual data exists for the 12.42 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.

VELD SEAM AB Remote Automatic Examination Covera e Veld seam AB was examined 100 percent by the remote automatic equipment.

WELD SEAM AC Remote Automatic Examination Covera e Weld seam AC was examined 100 percent by the remote automatic equipment.

WELD SEAM AD AD TOP SIDE Remote Automatic Examination Not performed.

Manual Examination Covera e No interferences 100 percent coverage.

AD BOTTOM SIDE Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There were two (2) interferences on weld seam AD bottom that caused missed areas during the remote automatic examination. These were:

Nozzle N11A 47" Missed Nozzle NllB 41" Missed TOTAL 88" Missed

The circumference of weld seam AD is 838". The interferences caused 10.5 percent of weld seam AD bottom to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interferences - 100 percent coverage.

SALARY FOR WELD SLQf AD One hundred percent of weld seam AD was manually examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASHE Section XI. In addition, 89.5 percent of the bottom side of weld seam AD was examined using remote automatic equipment. Manual data exists for the 5.25 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.

WELD SEAM AE Manual Examination Covera e Weld seam AE was examined 100 percent by manual techniques.

WELD SEAM AF Manual Examination Covera e Weld seam AF was examined 100 percent from one side in accordance with Paragraph I-5121 of ASME Section XI, Appendix I. In addition, a 0 only examination of weld AF was performed from the top surface of the vessel flange.

EXCLUSIONS No exclusions are required for the reactor'pressure vessel circumferential welds AA, AB, AC, AD, AE and AF.

~ ~

CATEGORY BA PRESSURE RETAINING MELDS IN REACTOR VESSEL LONGITUDINAL SHELL MELDS MELD SEAM BA BA LEFT SIDE (CW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1} interference on weld seam BA left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

Nozzle N2K 43" Missed The length of weld seam BA is 137".

The interference caused 31.38 percent of weld seam BA left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


WELD SEAM BA Eighty-four and three-tenth percent of weld seam BA was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 15.7 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.

MELD SEAM BB BB LEFT SIDE CM Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BB left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

Nozzle N2C 46" Missed The length of weld seam BB is 137".

The interference caused 33.57 percent of weld seam BB left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

~ I BB RIGHT SIDE (CCW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


WELD SEAM BB Eighty-three and two-tenth percent of weld seam BB was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 16.8 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote 'examination, data provides 100 percent coverage.

WELD SEAM BC BC LEFT SIDE (CW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BC,left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic. examination. This was:

Nozzle N2F 44" Missed The length of weld seam BC is 137".

The interference caused 32.12 percent of weld seam BC to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was (1) interference on weld seam BC right side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

Nozzle NlB 69" Missed The interference caused 50.36 percent of weld seam BC right side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

~ ~

SUKfARY WELD SEAM BC Fifty-eight and eight-tenth percent of weld seam BC was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 41.2 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination, data provides 100 percent coverage.

WELD SEAM BD Remote Automatic Examination Covera e Weld seam BD was examined 100 percent by the remote automatic equipment.

WELD Ski BE Remote Automatic Examination Covera e Weld seam BE was examined 100 percent by the remote automatic equipment.


Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BF left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic exgmination. This was:

Nozzle N16B 18" Missed The length of weld seam BF is 137".

The interference caused 13.14 percent of weld seam BF left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

~ ~

BF RIGHT SIDE CCW Remote Au'tomatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BF right side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

Nozzle N16B Hissed The interference caused 32.12 percent of weld seam BF right side to be missed during the remote automatic, examination.

Manual Examination Covera e N16B interference. One hundred percent coverage*.

  • NOTE: An area 15" long was examined in one direction only for parallel reflectors in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph I-5121 of ASHE Section XI, Appendix I.


WELD SEAM BF Seventy-seven and four-tenth percent of weld seam BF was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASHE Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 22.6 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage; WELD SEAM BG BG LEFT SIDE (CW)

Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BG left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

I RPV Stabilizer Bracket 8" Missed The length of weld seam BG is 137".

The interference caused 5.8 percent of weld seam BG left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred p'ercent coverage.

I I BG RIGHT SIDE (CCW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BG right side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

RPV Stabilizer Bracket 8" Missed The interference caused 5.8 percent of weld seam BG right side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

SENARY WELD SEAM BG Ninety-four and two-tenth'percent of weld seam BG was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 5.8 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner, and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.


Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BH left side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

RPV Stabilizer Bracket 10" Missed The length of weld seam BH is 137".

The interference caused 7.3 percent of weld seam BH left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

BH RIGHT SIDE CCW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BH right side that caused a missed area during the 'remote automatic examination., This was:


, RPV Stabilizer Bracket ll" Missed The interference caused 8.0 percent of weld seam BH right side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


WELD SEAM BH Ninety-two and four-tenth percent of weld seam BH was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 7.6 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when 'combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.


Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1)'nterference on weld seam BJ left side that. caused a-missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

RPV Stabilizer Bracket 9" Mi'ssed The length of weld seam BJ is 137".

The interference caused 6.6 percent of weld seam BJ left side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percentI coverage.

BJ RIGHT SIDE (CCW Remote Automatic Examination Covera e There was one (1) interference on weld seam BJ right side that caused a missed area during the remote automatic examination. This was:

RPV Stabilizer Bracket 8" Missed The interference caused 5.8 percent of weld seam BJ right side to be missed during the remote automatic examination.

Manual Examination Covera e

tp h No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


WELD SEAM BJ Ninety-three: and eight-tenth percent of weld seam BJ was examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using remote automatic techniques. Manual data exists for the 6.2 percent of the weld seam missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data provides 100 percent coverage.

WELD SEAM BK Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

. WELD SEAM BM Manual Examination Covera,e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

WELD SEAM BN Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.

WELD SEAM BP Manual Examination Covera e No interference. One hundred percent coverage.


The following circumferential weld seams were examined manually with 100 percent coverage:

AG (Head to Flange)

AH (Dollar Plate to Side Plates)

The following meridional weld seams were examined manually with 100 percent coverage:

DJ (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DK (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DM (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DN (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DP (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DR (Side Plate to Side Plate)

SUKfARY FOR CLOSURE HEAD WELD SEAMS All weld seams in the RPV closure head were examined in accordance with Appendix I of ASME Section XI using manual examination techniques. There were no interferences to the examination.

BOTTOM HEAD The following circumferential weld seam was examined manually with 100 percent coverage:

AJ (Dollar Plate to Side'lates)

The following longitudinal weld seams were examined manually with 100 percent coverage:

DJ (Dollar Plate Longitudinal Seam)

DH (Dollar Plate Longitudinal Seam)

tg BOTTOM HEAD (Continued)

The following meridional weld seams were examined manually with partial coverage due to interference:

DA (Side Plate 'to Side Plate)

DB (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DC (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DD (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DE (Side Plate to Side Plate)

DF (Side Plate to Side Plate)

The weld buildup for the vessel skirt attachment caused an interference to the manual examination of weld seams DA DF. The interference caused unexamined volumes as follows:

0 Base Metal Exam 12% Missed 0 Weld Metal Exam 12% Missed'%

45 Exam Missed 60 Exam 2% Missed A composite of all examination angles shows that a volume equal to 2 percent of the required examination volume for welds DA DF is completely unexamined.

Per Relief Request i/8, PP&L requests relief from ASME Section XI examination requirements for the unexamined volumes as indicated above.

CATEGORY BD PRDfARY NOZZLE-TO-VESSEL NELDS AND NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUSED SECTIONS The following nozzle-to-vessel welds ~ere examined 100 percent using remote automatic examination techniques:

NIA and B Recirculation Outlet Nozzles N2 A B E F G and K Recirculation Inlet Nozzles N3 A B C and D Ifain Steam Outlet Nozzles N4 B C E and F Feedwater Inlet Nozzles N5 A and B Core Spray Inlet Nozzles The following nozzle-to-vessel welds were examined partially using remote automatic examination techniques:

Recirculation Inlet (N2) Nozzles N2C 288.8 Completely examined 71.2 Examined with a short scan due to interference from nozzle N8A N2D 'C 313.5 Completely examined 46.5 Examined with a short scan due to interference from nozzle N8A N2H 314.9 Completely examined 45.1 Examined with a short, scan due to interference from nozzle N8B N2J 0

321.5 Completely examined 38.5 Examined with a short scan due to interference from nozzle N8B

~ g SlkkfARY OF N2 PARTIAL EXAMINATIONS The interference from the N8 nozzles caused a short scan of the affected areas. A scan length of 16" from the weld centerline is needed to achieve a complete examination of the required examination volume. The N8 nozzle interference allowed only a 13.75" scan length. This caused a missed volume of 19 percent in the affected areas. (81 percent was examined)

Manual data exists for the 19 percent of the affected areas missed by the remote scanner and when combined with the remote examination data, provides 100 percent coverage.


300 Completely examined 60 0 - Not examined due to interference from nozzle N11A N4D 0

300 Completely examined

'0 60 Not examined due to interference from nozzle N11B.

SEQfARY OF N4 PARTIAL EXAMINATIONS The proximity of nozzles Nll A and B to the affected feedwater nozzles precludes a complete Section XI examination of weld seams N4A and N4D. The spacing of 4.5" between the nozzles allows only a best effort manual examination of the areas. Partial manual data exists for the affected areas but does not provide 100 percent coverage. Per Relief Request $/9, PP&L requests relief from ASME Section XI examination requirements for the unexamined volumes (16.67 percent of the weld seam).

MANUAL NOZZLE EXAMINATIONS The following nozzle-to-vessel welds were examined 100 percent using manual examination techniques:

N6 A&B Head Instrumentation Nozzles N7 Head Vent Nozzle N8 A&B Jet Pump Instrumentation Nozzles N9 'RD Hydraulic Return Nozzle

CATEGORY BE PRESSURE RETAINING'PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS IN VESSELS The following partial penetration welds were examined for evidence of leakage during the system hydrostatic test on Susquehanna Unit f/l.

N10 CoreAP and Liquid Control Nozzle Nll A & B Instrumentation Nozzles Shell Course 83 N12 A & B Instrumentation Nozzles Shell Course f34 N13 Flange Seal Leak Detector Nozzle on Vessel Flange N15 RPV Bottom Head Drain Nozzle N16 A & B Instrumentation Nozzles Shell Course //2 Control Rod Drive Penetrations 185 In-Core Penetrations 55

CATEGORY BF PRESSURE RETAINING DISSIMILAR METAL FIELDS NOZZLE TO SAFE END OLDS Nozzle to safe end welds were examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASME Section XI.

The volumetric examination was manual ultrasonic testing in accordance with Appendix III of ASME Section XI.

The surface examination was liquid penetrant testing in accordance with Article 6 of ASME Section V.

The following safe end welds were completely examined in accordance with ASME Section XI:

Nl A & B Recirculation Outlet N2A-K Recirculation Inlet N3A-D Main Steam Outlet N4A-F Feedwater Inlet N5 A & B (including extention)

Core Spray Inlet N6A&B Head Instrumentation N7 Head Vent N8 A & B Jet Pump Instrumentation

  • N9 -CRD Hydraulic Return
  • The N9 safe end has been removed and the nozzle has been capped. The nozzle-to-cap weld has not yet been examined, but it can be completely examined.

~ 1 q ~ I CATEGORY BG-1 PRESSURE RETAINING BOLTING TWO INCHES AND LARGER IN DIP(METER FLANGE CLOSURE NUTS Nut f/1 N /!76 were completely surface examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASHE Section XI. The examination was a wet magnetic particle examination in acordance with Article 7 of ASHE Section V.

FLANGE CLOSURE STUDS Stud 81 Stud 876 were completely examined by both volumetric and surface techniques. The volumetric examination was ultrasonic in accordance with the requirements of Article 5 of ASHE Section V. The surface examination was a wet magnetic particle examination in accordance with Article 7 of ASHE Section V.

LIGAMENTS BETWEEN FLANGE STUD HOLES The ligaments between stud holes 1 76 were volumetrically examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASME Section XI. The volumetric examination was ultrasonic in accordance with General Electric Company specifications.

FLANGE CLOSURE WASIIERS Washer 81 Washer //76 were visually examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASHE Section XI. The visual examination was in accordance with Article 9 of ASHE Section V.



VESSEL SUPPORTS Weld *CG, the support skirt to skirt knuckle attachment weld, was completely examined volumetrically in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASHE Section XI.

The volumetric examination was ultrasonic in accordance with Appendix I of ASHE Section XI.

  • NOTE:

The skirt knuckle was machined from a weld buildup designated as weld FR.

Weld FR was examined to the maximum extent possible as an addition to weld CG. Approximately 59 percent of weld seam FR was ultrasonically examined. Weld FR is an ASHE Section III NF integral attachment to the pressure boundary and as such is not within the examination scope of Section XI.

CATEGORY BI-1 INTERIOR CLAD SURFACES OF'EACTOR VESSELS VESSEL CLADDING Six (6) cladding examination patches were visually examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASHE Section XI. The visual examination was in accordance with Article 9 of ASHE Section V.

CATEGORY BN-1 INTERIOR OF REACTOR VESSELS VESSEL'NTERIOR All items and surfaces above and below the core support plate were visually examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASHE Section XI. The visual examination was in accordance with Article 9 of ASME Section V. Items and surfaces normally accessible for ISI were also photographed to provide a comparison for ISI purposes.

CATEGORY BO PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN CONTROL ROD HOUSINGS CRD HOUSING WELDS The welds in CRD housings were exempted from volumetric examination based upon plant makeup capacity. They were examined for leakage during the system hydro.

CATEGORY BP COMPONENTS EXEMPTED FROM EXAMINATION BY IWB-1220 EXITED COHPONENTS All components exempted from examination were examined for leakage during the system hydro.


CATEGORY BN-2 INTEGRALLY WELDED CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURES AND INTERIOR ATTACHMENTS TO REACTOR VESSELS All core support and attachment welds were visually examined in accordance with Table IWB-2600 of ASME Section XI. The visual examination was in accordance with Article 9 of ASME Section V.

I oo ~ 6 I) oo oc coo<

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O'4 42 $9 0 IS 22 II CERTIFIEO eonnfef foR, SUSQUEHANNA

>> ~ s 3/o 6 I/2 4 STEAM ELECTRIC STATION 42 46 $$ 0 2 tt 26 UNIT h~I~


0. Oo 0 0--0-0 0 '0>>.0 N28 N2A NIA N2J N2H 0 0 CDNTRACT 8856-tl-l66 0' NOO 'Soo 4'f 60 $0

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l. SEE SHEE'I 2 fOR AZIMUTH ra ELEVATFON TASLES eaaotttl Via>> f etta r~ "CEII.IL I., t. I <foot<<I eh z /pig / Sf E ISE-OAI-32$ FOR WELD LOCATION DETAILS ~ e<<

ll 0<AC<At Z8(/3 "K 0

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NSO Coco<>>o ooal oo I60-76S-OIOO o>>c<2 ve oa I ~fbE,-IX W

2 law CUI Iaoa<<U Ill QQLQ-S9L-091 CEIIERAL Q<E ILECTRIC (6Q-76B-QtQQ VNIISS OIIIIRWISE SrlCIIIEO O'.C 1HE SOCEOWIIIC: >>E Caaf Oa t<<ll 3 la H<<2 af ~ Iaff'I aa fa I ~ t tf I<<af RI+>>JEO TRACIICIS SURFACES

~ If NOel <<I a<<l I<<fill WELD lDENTlFICATlQN (RPV)

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'I-Q VEIIDDA'6DAAT)IIIGAEVIEtlt I $0 At<<affl a<<l,fat l H<<ffa DISTAIDUTION 5 At<<a<<a-5PH<<1 Iaaf OW.-Illa I<<fl NOZZLE LOCATIOII <<af ffl VER. IClf'. Ifrl I. '.OFATIPH 5 0 Attfl Il ~ Ilail lf a<<fa <<II~ Caf<<HI l

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'nl I OC O 2

CIVIL NZA 30" Rectrc. IOIet atvfcafc c L \, U I A )Oa>>IO BD 255O 2 CLCCT NZB coo P.E 105o C

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2520 120O no 3 3



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840 210o 4]'-6>" AC 33'-41, .

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