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Diesel Generator Load & Safeguard Sequence Test.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/1980
Shared Package
ML17250A560 List:
TASK-08-02, TASK-8-2, TASK-RR RSSP-2.2, NUDOCS 8009160568
Download: ML17250A567 (42)









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To provide instructions for alignment of valves and equipment to be operated during performance of the Diesel Generator Load and Safeguard Sequence Test.

1.2 To provide instructions for verification that the Diesel Generator and all associated Safeguazd Equipment will perform their intended functions.


2.1 This test is to be performed during each Reactor Shutdown for refueling.

2.2 Each Diesel Generator must demonstrate its'bility to start automatically and assume its'ssociated Safeguard Equipment sequence loading schedule upon an actual loss of all normal A.C. station service power supplies together with a simulated Safety Injection Signal.

2.3 Each Diesel Generator must start and close into its respective Safeguard buses in approximately 10 seconds from the initial starting signal as evidenced by traces on a suitable recorder.

2.4 The safeguard Train A (Generator A-Safeguard Buses 14 6 18) loading from the initiation of the A Diesel Generator starting

, sequence, signal to the closure of 52/R.H.R. 1A (R.H.R. Pump lA Breaker) shall be 20 seconds or less.

2.4.1 Full loading time of Train A, from the initiation. of the A Diesel Generator starting signal to the closure of 52/MAFPIA (Motor Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Breaker) shall be 40 seconds or less.

2.5 The safeguard, Train B (Generator B-Safeguard Buses 16 R 17) loading sequence, from initiation of the B Diesel Generator starting signal to the closure of 52/R.H.R. 1B (R.H.R. Pump 1B Breaker) shall be 22 seconds or less.

2.5.1 Full loading time of Train B, from the initiation of the B Generator starting signal to the closure of 52/MAFP 1B (Motor Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Breaker) shall be 42 seconds or less.

2.6 Safety injection pump breakers (52/SIP 1C1 6 1C2) will have a differen-tial time of approx. 2 seconds, not less than 1.5, with 52/SIP1C1 being the longest..

2.7 Adjustments to bzeaker closuze timers (with the exception of 52/CSP lA 6 1B and 52/SIP 1A R 1B) may be made to ensure the above time limita=

tions using Proceduze RSSP-2.7.

Ai7OC C ~ C ~ C NOTE: Tndividual timer settings must not be adjustd such that the associated equipment starts mithin less than 3 seconds of the equipment preceeding it.

NOTE: The actual time involved for complete train actuation must be considered in relationship to the Plant's "Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report". Section 6, page 6.2-29 and Section 8, Table 8.2-4.

2.8 To verify that the Containment Spray Pumps are capable of automatically starting during the Safeguard sequence.

2.9 Verification of the following valve operations:

2.9.1 MOV 871A starts to close in 3.5 seconds (+ 1 second) upon failure of 1B SIP to start, after loss of Bus voltage and receipt, of S.I. signal.

2.9.2 MOV 871B starts to close in 3.5 seconds (+ 1 second) upon failure of IA SIP to start, after loss of Bus voltage and receipt of S.I. signal.

a 2.9.3 Spray additive valves HCV-836A and HCV-836B open in 2 minutesq+su seconasy after receipt of their respective trains'ontainment spray sz.gnal.

2.9.4 Service water isolation valve closure upon receipt of coincident loss of normal plant A-C service and Safety Injection Signal.

NOTE: As only one Safeguard train is checked at a time only six valves will close with each train test.


3.1 Plant Technical Specifications, Section 4, Pages 4.5-1 through 4.6-4.

3.2 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1, Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report. Sections 6.2,'.3, 8.2 and Table 8.2-1.

3.3 Westinghouse and RG&E Engineering Flow Prints.

3.3.1 Auxiliary Coolant System 3.3.2 Safety Injection System; Sheets 1 6 2; 33013-425, 432 3.3.3 Reactor Coolant System; 33013-424 3.3.4 Chemical Volume 6 Control System; 33013-427, 428 8 433 3.4 Westinghouse Iogic Diagrams. Print No. 882 D 612, Sheets 4,5,6 and .7.

3.5 Westinghouse Safeguard System Prints, Print No. 110 E 059.

Elementary Wiring Diagrams, (All applicable breaker and valve sheets).

Ginna Plant Procedures, PT-12.1 and 12.2, Emergency Diesel Generators.


4.1 The plant is being maintained at cold or refueling shutdown status.

All concerned valves and equipment must be available for use during this test (e.g. No. safeguard valves or pumps can be held for maintenance and/or repair, with the exception of those valves which are required to be main-tained closed for test).

4a3 Only one Safeguard train will be operated at a time, D.C.

control voltage will be removed from the train not being tested.

4.4 The Residual Heat Removal System is aligned to the Reactor Coolant Loop for core decay heat removal.

NOTE: RHR flow will be interrupted briefly with the testing of each Safeguard train.

4.5 If system status require's the operation of.a component cooling water pump, the running pump will be selected opposite to the Safeguard train).

4a6 The Four inch service water cross tie valves in the diesel rooms will be open on each Service Mater loop. A service water pump opposite to the loop being tested will be in operation, and will not be removed from service until after the selected S.V. pump on the Safeguard train being tested has been started.

4.7 A temporary city water supply shall be connected to the "In Service" Instrument and House Service air compressors to ensure no loss of cooling water during test.

4a8 Plant conditions are such that containment ventilation isola-tion can be tolerated during performance of test (approximately 10 minutes with each Safeguard train operation).

4.9 Pro'cedure steps, alignment, data verification and restoration of equipment need not necessaiily be performed in the order listed. Deviation from the listed order of steps will be under the cognizance of the test co-ordinator.

4.10 SPECIAL EQUIPMEVZ 4.10.1 >iulti pen recorder and/or events marker used for monitoring the Safeguard Bus voltages and the operations of the Safe-guard train equipment.



4.11 Undervoltage relays for 480 Volt Buses 14, 16, 17, and 18 have been calibrated and timed by Relay Dept. prior to start of this test.

Lead Test personnel are qualified in accordance with


4.13 Ginna Station Test Tag Control Program, A-48 shall be utilized as required.


5.1 Sufficient quantities 'of diesel fuel is available for one hour operation of Diesel Generator plus that inventory which is necessary to satisfy plant Technical Specifications.

5.2 Residual Heat Removal Pump will be left in service until just prior to the initiation of the Safety injection signal.

5.3 Ensure that a flow path is provided from the Refueling Water Storage tank to the Reactor vessel (HOV 856 and RHR system).

5.4 In the event that a hazardous operating condition should develop the 60 second delay of Safety Injection reset may be defeated by resetting the Safety Injection relays SF-1 and SF-2 in the relay room (timer setting turned to zero). Control board reset 'may then be effected.


6.1 The valve line up listed in the following steps apply to valves associated with the individual major pieces of equipment to be operated during this test. The alignment accomodates equipment for both Safeguard trains, even though each train is tested indi-vidually. All remote operat.ed .valves will be test tagged at the control location. Hanual valves will be test tagged at their field location.

6.2 Safet In'ection S stem Ali nment Close or ensure closed the following HOV valves. Ensure that the breakers for these valves are open, with the D-C control fuses removed.

Refer to attached sheet for valve breaker locations.

Closed for Test Position Prior Breaker Open to Test Fuses Removed HOV 878A SI discharge to Loop B, Hot Leg HOV 878B SI discharge to Loop B, Cold Ieg HOV 878C SI discharge to I,oop A, Hot Leg

Closed for Test Position Prior Breaker Open to Test Fuses Removed 6.2!1.4 MOV 878D SI discharge to Ioop A, Cold Leg 6.2;1.5 MOV 841 1A Accumulator Discharge 6'.2.1.6 MOV 865 1B Accumulator Discharge 6'.2.1.7 MOV 826A Boric Acid Discharg'e (Tank A) 6'.2.1.8 MOV 826B Boric Acid Dicharge (Tank A) MOV 826C Boric Acid Discharge (Tank B)

-6.2'.:1.10 MOV 826D Boric Acid Discharge (Tank B) 6;2'.2 Close or ensure closed the following valves:

Position Prior Closed For to Test Test

-'~"'- AOV 835A 1A Accumulator Fill Line

'-: AOV 835B 1B Accumulator Fill Line

-' AOV 840A Loop A Test Line AOV 840B Loop A Test Line

- ~ 6.-2.2.5 AOV 839A Loop B Test Line I, 6.'2.2.6 AOV 839B Loop B Test Line ff'1r. 1733 Return to RWST from RCDT Pumps t  !

(Behind gate to SFP filter vault)

- . op6:2.2. 8 803 Return to RWST from Spent Fuel Pit D.I.

.".-6."-2.2. 9 1801 Boric Acid Blender to RWST (By. RWST, INT. floor, overhose Sta. Jj26)


3 Open or ensure open the following MOV valves and ensure that the griS breakers for these valves are open, with the D.C. control fuses removed.

Valve Open, Position Prior Breaker Open, to Test Fuses Removed 6i2.3.1 MOV 825A RWST to S.I. pump header

,6'.2.3.2 MOV 825B RWST to S.I. pump header


~ ~ ~ MOV 896A RWST Discharge

Valve Open, Position Prior Breaker Open, to Test Fuses Removed MOV 896B RWST Discharge MOV 1815A S.I.. Pump 1C Suction MOV 1815B S.I. Pump 1C Suction 6.2.4 Open or ensure open the following valves:

Position Prior to Test 0 en for Test MOV 871A 1C S.I. pump crossover MOV 871B 1C S.I. pump crossover AOV 897 S.I. test line'eturn to RWST AOV 898 S.I. test line return to RWST 879 test line valve upstream of FI 929 884 test line valve downstream of FI-929 890A lA S.I. pump suction 888A 1A S.I. pump discharge 890B 1B S.I. pump suction

/ 888B 1B S.I. pump discharge 1820A lA S.I. pump recirculation 1820B 1C S.l. pump recirculation 1820C 1B S.I. pump recirculation 6.3 Containment S ra S stem Ali nment 6.3.1 Close or ensure closed the following valves:

Position Prior Closed for to Test Test HCV 836A Spray additive tank discharge (Controller in auto) HCV 836B Spray additive tank discharge (Controller in auto) 873B Spray additive line valve

, 873A Spray additive line valve

Position Prior Closed For to Test Test 868A "A" Spray header discharge to C.V. 868B "B" Spray header discharge to C.V. Shut offs to pressure gauges monitoring water head above check valve 862A (2856) and 862B (2858) 6.3.2 Open or ensure open the following valves:

Position Prior to Test en for Test 859A 1A C.S. pump recirculation 859B 1B C.S. pump recirculation 858A lA C.S. pump suction 858B 1B C.S. pump suction 859C Test line return to RWST 859D Test line return to RWST 831A 1A C.S. pump discharge to eductor 831B 1B C..S. pump discharge to eductor 881D Eductor discharge to 1A C.S. pump suction 6.3..2.10 881C Eductor discharge to 1B.C.S. pump suction 864A 1A C.S. pump test line 864B 1B C.S. pump test line 6.4 Residual Heat Removal S stem Ali nment:

6.4.1 Close or ensure closed the following MOV valves, ensure that the breakers for these valves are open, with D.C. control fuses removed.

Closed for Test Position Prior Breaker Open, to Test Fuses Removed MOV 852A low head core deluge MOV 852B Low head core deluge

6.5 Motor Driven Auxilia Feedwater Pum S stem Ali ament 6.5.1 Close or ensure closed the following MOV valves. Ensure that breakers for these valves are open, with D.C. Control fuses removed.

Closed for Test Position Prior Breaker Open To Test Fuses Removed MOV 4007 1A Pump'Discharge MOV 4008 1B Pump Discharge 6.5.2 Close or ensure closed the following valves:

Position Prior To Test Closed For Test 4357 Cross tie between pump discharge 4356 Cross tie between pump'discharge 4360 Cross tie between motor driven pumps and turbine driven pump 6.5.3 Open or ensure open the following valves:

Position Prior To Test 0 en For Test 4019 Auxiliary Pump lA suction 4018 Auxiliary Pump 1B suction 6.'5.3.3 4070 Condensate Storage Tank outlet 4071 Condensate Storage Tank outlet 6.5.4 Ensure that cooling water flow is established to the pump motor bearings and gear oil box cooler.

6.5..4.1 Cooling water established for 1A pump. Cooling water established for 1B pump.

6.5.5 Provide a recirculation path for auxiliary F.W. pumps by opening the respective recirculation valves. The valves are to be maintained open by closing supply air to the valve positioner's reducing valve and then bleeding the entrapped air (Open the reducing valve petcock and leave open). 1A pump recirculation valve AOV 4304 open. 1B pump recirculation valve AOV 4310 open.

6.5.6 Simulate Main Feed Pumps in operation with breakers in test position by blocking auxiliary switches.

NOTE: Blowdown key switches must be in NORMAL position to close MFWP breakers.

6.5. 7 Simulate satisfied S/6 levels to prevent Auto start of Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump.

"A" SAFEGUARD TRAIN TEST 6.6 Connect the multi pen recorder and/or events marker to monitor the Safeguard Bus Voltage (14) and the operation of the "A" Safeguard train equipment. These traces will indicate the time for voltage restoration as well as the timed sequence of the equipment.

If only the "B" train is to be tested, mark steps 6.6 thru 6.23.11 N.A.

6.6.1 Recorder connected for voltage trace.

6.6.2 Recorder connected for breaker 52/CSP lA operation.

6.6.3 Recorder connected for breaker 52/SIP lA operation.

6.6.4 Recorder connected for breaker 52/SIP 1C2 operation.

6.6.5 Recorder connected for breaker 52/RHRP 1A operation.

6.6.6 Recorder connected for breaker 52/SWP lA operation or 52/SWP 1C operation 6.6.7 . Recorder connected for breaker 52/CF lA operation.

6.6.8 Recorder connected for breaker 52/CF 1D operation.

6.6.9 Recorder connected for breaker 52/MAFP 1A operation.

6.6.1O Recorder connected for valve MOV 871A operation.

6.6.11 Connect Visicorder or equivalent to Bus 18 voltmeter for voltage trace.

6.7 Place the 1B Diesel start/stop control switch in the pull stop position.

6.8 Open D.C. circuit breaker for "B" Safeguard logic train (located in 1B D.C. distribution~box at MCB)

CAUTION: When opening or closing D'.C. circuit breakers for either A or B Safeguard logic train, depress the Safety Injection and Containment Isolation reset push buttons.

r ~

6.9 To avoid loss of power at the 1B inst. bus close the maintenance

'feed breaker in instrument bus cabinet 1B.

6.10 Perform the following operations:

Monitor the Containment Spray NaOH additive valve HCV-836A to time the delay time for the valve to open after receipt of the containment spray signal. (Record time on attached data sheet).

6.10.2 Place the RHR system bypass controller HCV 626 in the manual mode and adjust system flow for 1500 gpm.

6.10:3 Align temporary city water supply to air compressors.

6.10.4 ~

-Remove the operating RHR pump from service.

6.10.5 Ensure that all train "A" Safeguard equipment control switches (pumps and fans to be started) are in the off after trip position.

6. 10.6 Verify both neon lites for "C" Safety Injection pump are illuminated.

6.10.7 Start chart drive motors.

6.11 Simultaneously trip the high'side 480 volt breakers 52/14SS and 52/18SS. Immediately after this initiate the Safety Injection and containment spray signals by firmly pushing the manual initiation buttons.

NOTE: The SI is 1/2 logic and containment spray is 2/2 logic.

6.12 After the Safeguard train sequence has been completed (approxi-mately 40 seconds after initiation of loss of normal 480 voIt feed), visually verify by control board indicating lights that all concerned equipment has started.

6.13 Permit chart drive for recorder to run for a few seconds after verification that the 1A HAFP has started. Inspect recorder traces and verify that all events occurred within the time tolerance as listed in Test Requirements of this procedure.

6.14 Verify that the following service water isolation valves have closed:

6.14.1 MOV 4670 Turbine Building Isolation. "

6.14.2 MOV 4614 Turbine Building Isolation.

6.14.3 MOV 4663 Chiller Service Isolation.,

6.14.4 MOV 4615 C.C. Heat Exchanger Isolation.


~ ~ MOV '4616 C.C. Heat Exchanger Isolation.;

/ ~ I 6.14.6 MOV 4609 Screen Wash Isolation.

0 RSSP-2.2:11

6. 15 Dispatch a test personnel. or operator to the "A" Diesel Room to monitor the lube oil cooler and jacket water temperatures.

NOTE: In the event temperature difficulties arise the operator is to notify control room and another S.W. pump will be

( placed in service immediately.

Verify that the containment fan service water discharge valve AOV 4561 has tripped to full open position.

6.17 Perform the following operations:

6.17.1 Ensure at least one "B" loop Service Water Pump in operation.

6.17.2 Open the following Service Water Isolation valves: MOV 4670 Open MOV 4614 Open MOV 4663 Open MOV 4615 Open MOV 4616 Open MOV 4609 Open 6.18 After all other data has been verified for A Safeguard train actuation, reset the following signals:

( 6.18.1 Safety Injection 6.18.2 Containment Spray 6.'18.3 Containment Ventilation Isolation 6.19 Secure the desired data (as per attached data sheet) for the 1A Diesel Generator.

6.20 Remove the following A Safeguard equipment from service (utilize procedure PT-12.1 for "A" Diesel Generator unloading rate).

6.20.1 Containment Spray Pump 6.20.2 lA Safety Injection Pump 6.20.3 1C Safety Injection Pump, 6.20.4 1A RHR Pump 6.20.5 1A or 1C Service Water Pump 6.20.6 1A Containment Fan

0, 6.20.7 1D Containment Fan 6 '0.8 1A Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 6.21 Return containment fan service water discharge valve (MOV 4561) to normal throttling position by relatching the solenoid trip mechanism.

I 6.22 Disconnect the A Diesel Generator from Safeguard Buses 14 and 18 (utilize procedure PT-1 for correct step sequence).

6.23 Perform the following steps to establish normal A.C. feed for Buses 14 and 18 and to return other equipment to conditions desired.

6.23.1 Close Bus 14, High Side Breaker 52/14SS.

6.23.2 Close Bus 14, Low Side Breaker 52/14.

6.23.3 Close Bus 18, High Side Breaker 52/18SS.

6.23.4 Close Bus 18, Tow Side Breaker 52/18.

6.23.5 Return to service Service Mater Pump 1A or 1C.

6.23.6 Return Residual Heat Removal Pump. 1A to service.

6.23.7 Open MOV 871A.

Verify that NaOH additive valve HCV-836A has returned to its closed position.

6.23.9 Re-establish D.C. control voltage for B Safeguard logic train.

NOTE: Observe caution of step 6.8.

6.23.10 Return Instrument Bus 1B to normal feed by opening maintenance breaker in bus cabinet,.

6.23.11 Verify MCC 1G is being fed by 1G1 breaker (Bus 18).


'I, 6.24 If only the "A" train is to'.be tested, mark steps 6.24.1 thru N.A.

6.24.1 Connect the Multi Pen recorder and/or events marker to monitor the Safeguard Bus voltage (16) and the operation of Safeguard Train B equipment'. Recorder connected for voltage: trace.. Recorder connected for breaker 52/CSP 1B operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/SIP 1B operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/SIP 1Cl operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/RHRP 1B operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/SVP 1B operation'r 52/SUP 1D operation Recorder connected for breaker 52/CF 1B operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/CF 1C operation. Recorder connected for breaker 52/MAFP 1B operation. Recorder connected for valve MOV 871B operation. Connect Visicorder to Bus 17 voltmeter for voltage trace.

6.24.2 Place the 1A Diesel start stop control switch in the pull stop position.

6.24 ' Place "B" Diesel in Automatic Start "Stand By Status" and ensure that starting circuits have been reset.

6.24.4 Open D.C. ciicuit breaker for "A" Safeguard logic train (locat'ed in 1B D.C. distribution box at MCB).

CAUTION: >lhen opening or closing DC Circuit breakers for either

,A or B Safeguard logic train, depress the Safety Injection and Containment Isolation Reset push buttons.

( 6.24.5 Place the RHR system by-pass controller HCV-626 in manual mode and adjust system flow .for 1500 .gpm.

6.24.6 Align temporary city water supply to air compressors.

6.24.7 Monitor the containment spray NaOH additive valve HCV-836B to time the delay time for the valve to open after receipt of the containment Spray signal (record time on attached data sheet).

Y 6.24.8 Remove the operating RHR pump from service.

rt 6.24.9 Transfer Auxiliary Building'Iighting Transformer to MCC 1C supply.

6.24.10 Verify both neon lites for "C" Safety Injection pump are illuminated.

6.24.11 Start chart drive motors.


g weaes 6.25 Simultaneously trip the High Side breakers 52/16SS and 52/17SS. Immediately after this, initiate the Safety Injection and Containment Spray Signals by firmly pushing the manual initiation buttons.

NOTE: The S.I. is l/2 logic and containment spray is 2/2 logic.

6.26 After the Safeguard train sequence has been completed (approximately 40 seconds after initiation of loss of normal 480 voltage feed) visually verify by control board indicating lights that all concerned equipment has started.

6.27 Permit chart drive for recorder to run for a few seconds after verification that the 1B MAFP has started. Inspect recorder traces and verify that all timed events occurred within the time tolerance as listed in test requirements of this procedure.

NOTE: Repeat test if traces or times (after corrective.

settings of time delay relays) are not satisfactory.

6.28 Verify the following Service water isolation valves have closed.

6.28.1 MOV 4664 Turbine Building Isolation 6.28.2 MOV 4613 Turbine Building Isolation 6.28.3 MOV 4733 Chiller Service Isolation 6.28.4 MOV 4734 C.C. Heat Exchanger Isolation 6.28.5 MOV 4735 C.C. Heat Exchanger Isolation 6.28.6 'OV 4780 Screen Wash Isolation 6.29 Dispatch a test'ersonnel or operator to the "B" Diesel Room to monitor the lube oil cooler and jacket water temperature.

NOTE: In the event temperatuer difficulties arise the operator is to notify Control Room and another S.W. Pump will be placed in service immediately.

6.30 Verify that the containment fan service water discharge valve AOV 4562 has tri'pped'-,to full open position.

6.31 Perform the following operations:

6.31.1 Ensure at least one "A" loop Service Water Pump in operation.

6.31.2 Open Service Water Isolation Valve MOU 4664.

6.31.3 Open Service Water Isolation 'Valve MOV 4613.

6.31.4 Open Service Water Isolation Valve MOV'733.

6.31.5 Open Service Water Isolation Valve 'MOV 4734.

6.31.6 Open Service Water Isolation Valve MOV 4735.

6.31.7 Open Service Water Isolation valve MOV 4780.

6.32 After all other data has been verified for the "B" Safeguard train, perform the following:

6.32.1 Reset Safety Injection Signal.

6.32.2 . Reset Containment Spray Signal.

6.32.3 Reset Containment Ventilation Isolation Signal.

6.32.4 Close Containment Pan Service Water Discharge Valve MOV 4562 by relatching the solenoid trip mechanism.

6.32.5 - Secure the desired data (as per attached data sheet) for the 1B Diesel Generator.

6.32.6 Remove the following running equipment from service (utilize procedure PT-12.2 for unloading rate). 1B Containment Spray Pump. 1B Safety injection Pump. 1C Safety Injection Pump. 1B Residual Heat Removal Pump.

( 1B or. 1D 1B Service Water Containment Fan.

Pump. 1C Containment Fan. 1B Auxiliary Peedwater Pump. Disconnect the Diesel Generator from Safeguard Buses 16 and 17 (utilize Procedure PT-12.2 for correct step sequence). Return Bus 16 High Side Breaker 52/16SS to service. Return Bus 16 Low Side, Breaker 52/16 to service. Return Bus 17 High Side Breaker 52/17SS to service. Return Bus 17 Low Side Breaker 52/17 to service. Return Service Water Pump 1B or 1D to service. Return RHR pump to service (set flow,as desired).

lChbl 4. L. LO Verify that NaOH additive valve HCV-836B has returned to its closed position. Re-establish D.C. control voltage for "A" Safeguard logic

~ ~ ~


CAUTION: When opening or closing DC circuit breakers for either A or B Safeguard logic train, depress the Safety Injection and Containment Isolation reset push buttons. Return Aux. Bldg. lighting transformer to normal supply MCC-1D. Ensure that all Starting circuits for both A 8 B diesel have been reset (refer to procedure PT-12.2) and that diesels are in automatic start "Stand By Status". Submit work order to remove temporary cooling water connec-tions from the Station air compressor and to return to normal Service water cooling. Close lA & 1B Motor Driven Aux. F.W. Pump Recirculation Valves by closing bleed at reducing valve of positioner and then turning on positioner supply air. Remove blocking from Main Feed Pump breakers. Notify Shift Foreman that test is complete.

Upon completion of test, all test tags are to be removed.

The system may, upon instruction from'he Shift Foreman, be returned to "as found" alignment or returned to operations for subsequent alignment consistant with plant conditions.

.Returned to Returned to "as found" Operation's'ontrol

~Ali nmeat 6.33.1 MOV 878A 6.33.2 MOV 878B 6.33.3 MOV 878C 6.33.4 MOV 878D 6.33.5 MOV 841 6.33.6 MOV 865 II v

6.33.7 MOV 826A 6.33.8 MOV 826B 6.33.9

~ ~ MOV 826C 6.33.10 MOV 826D

ABBE 4 'exl 1

Returned to Returned to "as found" Operation's A~li nment Control 6.33.11 AOV 835A 6.33.12 AOV 835B 6.33.13 AOV 840A 6.33e14 AOV 840B 6.33.15 AOV 839A 6.33.16 AOV 839B 6.33.17 1733 6.33.18 803 6.33.19 1801 6.33.20 MOV 825A 6.33.21 MOV 825B 6.33.22 MOV 896A 6.33.23 MOU 896B 6.33.24 MOV 1815A l

6.33.25 MOV 1815B 6.33'.26 AOV 897 6.33.27 AOV 898 6.33.28 879 6.33.29 884 6.33.30 890A 6.33.31 890B 6.33.32 888A 6.33.33 888B 6.33.34 1820A 6.33.35 1820B e 6.33.36

~ ~ 1820C e


l(baal'-2 ~ l.: Lo Returned to Returned to "as found" Operation's

~All ament Control I

6.33.37 873B 6.33.38 873A 6.33.39 868A 6.33.40 868B 6.33.41 Gauge Shut off for check valves 862A {2856) & 862B {2858) 6.33.42 859A 6.33.43 859B 6.33.44 858A 6.33.45 858B 6.33.46 859C 6.33.47 859D 6.33.48 831A 6.33.49 831B 6.33.50 881D 6.33.51 881C 6.33.52 864A .

6.33.53 864B 6.33.54 MOV 852A 6.33.55 MOV 8523 6.33.56 MOV 4007 6.33.57 MOV 4008 6.33.58 4357 6.33.59 4356 6.33.60 4360 6.33.61

~ ~ 4019

RSSP-2.2:19 Returned to Returned to "as found" Operation's

~Ali ament Control 6 .33.62 4018 6.33.63 4070 6.33.64 4071 COtiPLETED BY:




0 amer-x.c:cv SAFEGUARD TRAIN A DATA SHEET Breaker Closure Time (seconds)

( After Voltage is restored to Safe uard Bus 52/CSP 1A seconds Diesel Start Time sec.

52/SIP 1A seconds Generator Voltage volts 52/SIP 1C2 seconds Phase Current A amps 52/RHRP 1A seconds Phase Current B amps 52/SWP 1A or 52/SWP 1C seconds Pha'se Current C amps 52/CF 1A seconds Generator Power 52/CF 1D seconds Generator Power Factor 52/MAFP 1A seconds Generator'requency cps Closure time delay for MOV 871A ,seconds Opening time delay for NaOH additive valve HCV-836A seconds DATE COMPLETED:


SAFEGUARD TRAIN B DATA SHEET Breaker Closure Time (seconds)

After Voltage is restored to Safe uard Bus 52/CSP 1B seconds Diesel Start Time sec.

52/SIP 1B seconds Generator Voltage volts 52/SIP 1C1 seconds Phase Current A amps 52/RHRP 1B seconds Phase Current B amps 52/SWP 1B or 52/SUP 1D seconds Phase Current C amp s 52/CF 1B seconds Generator Power 52/CF 1C seconds Generator Power Factor 52/MAFP 1B seconds Generator Frequency cps Closure time delay for. MOV 871B seconds Opening time delay for NaOH additive valve HCV-836B seconds




RSSP-2.2:22 VALVE POWER SUPPLY AND BREAKER POSITION STEP MOV MCC POSITION 878A C 8-C 878B D 8-C 878C C 8-F 878D D 8-F 841 C 12-F 865 D 12-C 826A C 9-C 826B C 9-F 826C D 9-C 826D D 9-F 825A C 9-J 825B D 9-J 896A C 8-M 896B D , 8-M 1815A C 15-M 1815B D .. 16-J 871A C 11"C 6 '.4.2 871B D 11"C 852A C 7-J 852B D 7-J 4007 C 6-M 4008 D 6-M