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ML17264B0031997-08-19019 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Testing of Three ECCS motor- Operated Valves in Mode 4 Which Currently Requires Entry Into LCO 3.0.3 ML17264A9991997-08-19019 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Correcting Specified Accumulator Borated Water Volume Values in SR to Match Associated Accumulator Percent Level Values ML17264A9791997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCS.3, High Reactor Coolant Activity. ML17264A9781997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 12 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17264A9771997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 11 to AP-RCP.1, RCP Seal Malfunction. ML17264A9751997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 14 to AP-ELEC.1, Loss of 12A & 12B Busses. ML17264A9851997-08-0404 August 1997 Rev 2 to Summary Description of Compliance w/10CFR73 Amend Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants. 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MONTHYEARML17265A6401999-05-12012 May 1999 Rev 11 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station. ML17265A6261999-04-18018 April 1999 Rev 10 to Technical Requirements Manual (Trm), for Ginna Station ML17309A6521999-04-14014 April 1999 Rev 14 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17311A0701999-04-14014 April 1999 Rev 10 to AP-PRZR.1, Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure. ML17309A6531999-04-13013 April 1999 Rev 1 to FIG-2.0, Figure Sdm. with 990413 Ltr ML17265A6111999-03-26026 March 1999 Rev 9 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station. ML17265A5571999-02-25025 February 1999 Rev 4 to Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). ML17265A5481999-02-12012 February 1999 to EOP ATT-22.0, Attachment Restoring Feed Flow. ML17265A5491999-02-12012 February 1999 to EOP FR-H.5, Response to SG Low Level. ML17265A5461999-02-12012 February 1999 0 to EOP AP-TURB.1, Turbine Trip Without Rx Trip Required. ML17309A6481999-01-25025 January 1999 Revised Ginna Station Emergency Operating Procedures. with 990125 Ltr ML17265A5151999-01-14014 January 1999 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 14 to AP-SW.1,rev 3 to ATT-5.2,rev 5 to ATT-8.0,rev 1 to ATT-14.6, Rev 17 to E-1,rev 16 to ECA-1.1,rev 26 to ES-1.3,rev 4 to FR-Z.2 & Index ML17265A5081999-01-0808 January 1999 Rev 7 to Technical Requirements Manual, for Ginna Station ML17265A4961998-12-18018 December 1998 Rev 6 to Technical Requirements Manual. ML20198C0581998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 5 to FR-Z.1, Response to High Containment Pressure ML20198C0361998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 11 to ECA-0.2, Loss of All AC Power Recovery with SI Required ML20198C0521998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 13 to FR-S.1, Response to Reactor Restart/Atws ML20198C0411998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 16 to FR-C.1, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling ML20198C0121998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 10 to AP-RCS.2, Loss of Reactor Coolant Flow ML20155G0301998-10-30030 October 1998 Rev 13 to EOP AP-CCW.1, Leakage Into Component Cooling Loop ML17265A4091998-08-24024 August 1998 Rev 13 to AP-SW.1, Svc Water Leak. W/980824 Ltr ML17265A3721998-07-16016 July 1998 Rev 14 to EOP AP-CW.1, Loss of Circ Water Pump. W/980716 Ltr ML17265A2861998-05-0606 May 1998 Rev 19 to EOP ECA-3.2, SGTR W/Loss of Reactor Coolant Saturated Recovery Desired & Updated ECA Index.W/980506 Ltr ML17265A1821998-02-20020 February 1998 Rev 1 to EWR 5111, MOV Qualification Program Plan, Calculation Assumption Verification Criteria. ML17265A1491997-12-31031 December 1997 Rev 1 to Inservice Testing Program. ML17264B0731997-10-14014 October 1997 Rev 4 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) for Ginna Station. ML17265A1541997-09-16016 September 1997 Rev 1 to DA EE-92-089-21, Design Analysis Ginna Station Instrument Loop Performance Evaluation & Setpoint Verification. ML17264A9751997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 14 to AP-ELEC.1, Loss of 12A & 12B Busses. ML17264A9771997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 11 to AP-RCP.1, RCP Seal Malfunction. ML17264A9791997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCS.3, High Reactor Coolant Activity. ML17264A9781997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 12 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17264A9851997-08-0404 August 1997 Rev 2 to Summary Description of Compliance w/10CFR73 Amend Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants. ML17264A9391997-07-0707 July 1997 Rev 3 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station, Inserting New Tabs Accordingly Per Previous Transmittal for Rev ML17264A9341997-07-0101 July 1997 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) & inter-office Correspondence Dtd 970624 ML17264A9461997-06-20020 June 1997 to Inservice Insp (ISI) Program. ML17311A0471997-05-22022 May 1997 Revised Eops,Including Procedures Index,Rev 5 to ATT-15.0, Rev 3 to ATT-15.2,rev 3 to AP-ELEC.3,rev 13 to ECA-0.1 & Rev 9 to ECA-0.2.W/970522 Ltr ML20140B8291997-03-24024 March 1997 Rev 3 to EOP ATT-12.0, Attachment N2 Porvs ML17264A8221997-02-0606 February 1997 Rev 15 to FR-P.1, Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition. ML17264A8201997-02-0606 February 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCC.2, Rcc/Rpi Malfunction. ML17264A8081997-01-23023 January 1997 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 14 to E-1,Rev 19 to E-3,Rev 14 to ECA-2.1,Rev ECA-3.3,Rev 20 to ES-1.3,Rev 13 to FR-C.1,Rev 12 to FR-C.2 & Rev 14 to FR-P.1 ML20133N3351997-01-10010 January 1997 Rev 7 to FR-C.3, Response to Saturated Core Cooling ML17264A8881996-10-10010 October 1996 Rev 9 to ODCM for Ginna Station. ML20128N0681996-10-0303 October 1996 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 5 to Att-10.0, Attachment Faulted S/G & Rev 6 to Att-16.0, Attachment Ruptured S/G ML17264A5311996-05-31031 May 1996 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 10 to AP-RCP.1,Rev 12 to ECA-0.1,Rev 12 to ECA-2.1,Rev 3 to FR-H.2,Rev 3 to FR-H.4,Rev 7 to FR-I.1,Rev 12 to FR-P.1,Rev 10 to FR-S-1 & Rev 6 to FR-S.2 ML17264A5161996-05-22022 May 1996 Rev 2 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) ML17264A4581996-04-0808 April 1996 Rev 7 to ODCM for Ginna Station. ML17264A4371996-04-0101 April 1996 Rev 1 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) ML17264A4391996-04-0101 April 1996 Rev 1 to Updated Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) ML17264A4191996-02-24024 February 1996 Rev 0 to Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). ML17264A6901996-02-23023 February 1996 Rev 0 to Inservice Testing Program. 1999-05-12
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COiVtVOL W 002v 'SM&c tiME PROCZ47:- NO. PT-26 Zm. '.ro.
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PT-26: 1
To provide steps for Dioctyl Pthalate (DOP) testing of the Containment Fan Recirculation Hepa Filter Banks.
2.0 2.1 That each Hepa Filter Bank tested will exhibit, a minimum efficiency of 99/ based on the actual number of particles that penetrate the filter when the mixture of injected aerosol conforms in quantity and particle size as per reference 3.1 of this procedure.
3.1 ANSI H-101-197 "Efficiency testing of air cleaning systems containing devices for removal of particles".
'8 3.3 Plant Technical Specifications C and F; Section, Item Final Facility Description D.
Sections, Items and Safety Analysis Report; Seciton 6.3.
3.4 Nuclear Consulting Services, Procedure NUCON 040.
4.1 Plant may be at the Hot or Cold Shutdown status.
4.2 The Recirculation Fan Units may be operated as desired by testing personnel.
4.3 The exterior air inlet surface and roughing filters are free of dust accumulation.
4.4 Vendor certification required by purchase order prior to start of work has been submitted and found to be accept-able. P.O. 8 QC Supervision 4.5 A sufficiently charged nitrogen bottle and/or pressurized air supply, with suitable pressure regulator is available.
.e 4.6 A Health Physics Work Permit has been issued for the job.
Plant radiation protection practices will be observed at all times.
5.2 Normal company work safety practices will be observed at all times.
NOTE: These instructions are common for all four Hepa banks and will be repeated when testing each indi-vidual unit.
UNIT UNDERGOING TEST 6.1 Request operations to remove the desired'an from service and place control board operating selector switch in the "Pull-Stop" position.
6.2 Ensure that properly filled out test tags are placed at the following locations.
6.2.1 Control board operating selector switch.
6.2. 2 Remote start station.
6.3 Completely inspect Hepa filter bank installation, paying particular attention to the following:
6.3.1 Defective filter cells (i.e., indication of flow through holes and separator condition.
6.3.2 Improperly installed gaskets and clamps.
6.3.3 Air communication paths be-tween upstream and downstream plenum. (i.e., filter frame cracks, separation of mount-ing frame from plenum housing conduit and/or pipe passage-.
NOTE 1: Defective filter cells may be repaired if small poten-tial leakage paths are ob-served and filter separa-tors are not e~cessively damaged. (Replace filter units as required.) The repair (patching) of Hepa cells shall be made only with flame resistant sili-con sealer.
NOTE 2: Other mechanical defects are to be weld patched and/or c'aulked.
6.4 Start desired recircula-tion fan. Position (DOP) generator exterior to the air inlet plenum and pro-vide sufficient distance to assure a good mix of aerosol with air stream.
Insert upstream and down-stream sampling hoses (Refer to attached sketch for sampling port location) into sampling ports.
6.6 Verify that from each samp-ling point 1.0 + .1 CFM air stream can be drawn by ana-lyzer to assure represen't-ative sampling.
6.7 Start DOP generator to introduce DOP concentration into testing air stream.
6.8 Adjust the Photometer to one hundred percent on a smoke sample pulled upstream of the Hepa filter bank.
6.9 Zero the photometer, for stray light effects Re-peat step 6.8 if necessary.
PT-26:4 UNIT UNDERGOING TEST B C Pull a sample from downstream of the Hepa filter bank and determine penetration of DOP aerosol.
If the system shows the cor-rect efficiency, the Hepa bank tested is ready for service.
If not, make necessary repairs and/or cell replacement and re test. a/
c ~ Corrective 'Actions Record the and Comments.
following and any other relevant observations for each unit tested.
r (l) Areas where leakage paths were repaired to assure satisfactory tests.
(2) Quantity and location of Hepa filter cells which were replaced to assure satisfactory test.
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