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ML17264B0031997-08-19019 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Testing of Three ECCS motor- Operated Valves in Mode 4 Which Currently Requires Entry Into LCO 3.0.3 ML17264A9991997-08-19019 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Correcting Specified Accumulator Borated Water Volume Values in SR to Match Associated Accumulator Percent Level Values ML17264A9791997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCS.3, High Reactor Coolant Activity. ML17264A9781997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 12 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17264A9771997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 11 to AP-RCP.1, RCP Seal Malfunction. ML17264A9751997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 14 to AP-ELEC.1, Loss of 12A & 12B Busses. ML17264A9851997-08-0404 August 1997 Rev 2 to Summary Description of Compliance w/10CFR73 Amend Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants. 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MONTHYEARML17265A6401999-05-12012 May 1999 Rev 11 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station. ML17265A6261999-04-18018 April 1999 Rev 10 to Technical Requirements Manual (Trm), for Ginna Station ML17309A6521999-04-14014 April 1999 Rev 14 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17311A0701999-04-14014 April 1999 Rev 10 to AP-PRZR.1, Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure. ML17309A6531999-04-13013 April 1999 Rev 1 to FIG-2.0, Figure Sdm. with 990413 Ltr ML17265A6111999-03-26026 March 1999 Rev 9 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station. ML17265A5571999-02-25025 February 1999 Rev 4 to Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). ML17265A5481999-02-12012 February 1999 to EOP ATT-22.0, Attachment Restoring Feed Flow. ML17265A5491999-02-12012 February 1999 to EOP FR-H.5, Response to SG Low Level. ML17265A5461999-02-12012 February 1999 0 to EOP AP-TURB.1, Turbine Trip Without Rx Trip Required. ML17309A6481999-01-25025 January 1999 Revised Ginna Station Emergency Operating Procedures. with 990125 Ltr ML17265A5151999-01-14014 January 1999 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 14 to AP-SW.1,rev 3 to ATT-5.2,rev 5 to ATT-8.0,rev 1 to ATT-14.6, Rev 17 to E-1,rev 16 to ECA-1.1,rev 26 to ES-1.3,rev 4 to FR-Z.2 & Index ML17265A5081999-01-0808 January 1999 Rev 7 to Technical Requirements Manual, for Ginna Station ML17265A4961998-12-18018 December 1998 Rev 6 to Technical Requirements Manual. 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W/980716 Ltr ML17265A2861998-05-0606 May 1998 Rev 19 to EOP ECA-3.2, SGTR W/Loss of Reactor Coolant Saturated Recovery Desired & Updated ECA Index.W/980506 Ltr ML17265A1821998-02-20020 February 1998 Rev 1 to EWR 5111, MOV Qualification Program Plan, Calculation Assumption Verification Criteria. ML17265A1491997-12-31031 December 1997 Rev 1 to Inservice Testing Program. ML17264B0731997-10-14014 October 1997 Rev 4 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) for Ginna Station. ML17265A1541997-09-16016 September 1997 Rev 1 to DA EE-92-089-21, Design Analysis Ginna Station Instrument Loop Performance Evaluation & Setpoint Verification. ML17264A9751997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 14 to AP-ELEC.1, Loss of 12A & 12B Busses. ML17264A9771997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 11 to AP-RCP.1, RCP Seal Malfunction. ML17264A9791997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCS.3, High Reactor Coolant Activity. ML17264A9781997-08-0505 August 1997 Rev 12 to AP-RCS.1, Reactor Coolant Leak. ML17264A9851997-08-0404 August 1997 Rev 2 to Summary Description of Compliance w/10CFR73 Amend Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants. ML17264A9391997-07-0707 July 1997 Rev 3 to Technical Requirements Manual for Ginna Station, Inserting New Tabs Accordingly Per Previous Transmittal for Rev ML17264A9341997-07-0101 July 1997 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) & inter-office Correspondence Dtd 970624 ML17264A9461997-06-20020 June 1997 to Inservice Insp (ISI) Program. ML17311A0471997-05-22022 May 1997 Revised Eops,Including Procedures Index,Rev 5 to ATT-15.0, Rev 3 to ATT-15.2,rev 3 to AP-ELEC.3,rev 13 to ECA-0.1 & Rev 9 to ECA-0.2.W/970522 Ltr ML20140B8291997-03-24024 March 1997 Rev 3 to EOP ATT-12.0, Attachment N2 Porvs ML17264A8221997-02-0606 February 1997 Rev 15 to FR-P.1, Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition. ML17264A8201997-02-0606 February 1997 Rev 7 to AP-RCC.2, Rcc/Rpi Malfunction. ML17264A8081997-01-23023 January 1997 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 14 to E-1,Rev 19 to E-3,Rev 14 to ECA-2.1,Rev ECA-3.3,Rev 20 to ES-1.3,Rev 13 to FR-C.1,Rev 12 to FR-C.2 & Rev 14 to FR-P.1 ML20133N3351997-01-10010 January 1997 Rev 7 to FR-C.3, Response to Saturated Core Cooling ML17264A8881996-10-10010 October 1996 Rev 9 to ODCM for Ginna Station. ML20128N0681996-10-0303 October 1996 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 5 to Att-10.0, Attachment Faulted S/G & Rev 6 to Att-16.0, Attachment Ruptured S/G ML17264A5311996-05-31031 May 1996 Revised Emergency Operating Procedures,Including Rev 10 to AP-RCP.1,Rev 12 to ECA-0.1,Rev 12 to ECA-2.1,Rev 3 to FR-H.2,Rev 3 to FR-H.4,Rev 7 to FR-I.1,Rev 12 to FR-P.1,Rev 10 to FR-S-1 & Rev 6 to FR-S.2 ML17264A5161996-05-22022 May 1996 Rev 2 to Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) ML17264A4581996-04-0808 April 1996 Rev 7 to ODCM for Ginna Station. 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[Table view] |
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To provide the steps necessary for the verification of Emergency Start Logic for Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps.
2.1 Verify motor-driven and turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps start upon lo lo steam generator level.
2.2 Verify motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps start upon loss of both Main Feedwater Pumps.
2.3 Verify that lA 8 lB Steam Generator's steam admission and discharge valves or actuating relays to turbine driven pump open upon undervoltage on busses llA and llB.
3.1 Elementary Wiring Diagrams Miscellaneous Relay Rack Drawing llOE073 3.3 Safeguard Prints llOE053 .
4.1 Plant is in cold shutdown condition.
4.2 Operation of Main Feedwater Pumps is not required to secure proper contact interlocking. The M.F.P. breakers (A 8 B) are in racked out position with auxiliary switch lever arm blocked to simulate breaker closed position.
4.3 Motor driven auxiliary Feedwater Pumps (1A & lB) 480 volt breakers are in the test position with control power on.
4.4 4160 volt busses 11A and 11B are energized.
4.5 Lead Test Personnel are qualified~ in accordance with A-1102.
4.6 Ginna Station Test Tags Control Program, A-1103 shall be utilized as required.
Plant, holding procedure will be observed for affected equipment.
a ~
RSSP-3.0:2 5 ~2 If test is performed while plant maintenance is being performed verify that conductance of test will not conflict with maintenance work or compromise safety of maintenance people.
6.1 Auxiliar Feedwater Pum start u on Lo Lo steam enerator levels 6.1.1. Ensure that the following bistable units, utilized for developing the-trip matrix for automatic auxiliary feedwater pump start, are energized:
NOTE: Steam Generator levels lA and 1B must be above 15$ level.
If not, a simulated D.C. current, input equivalent, to this level must be injected into the input terminals.
LI 461 A/B (RED)
LI 462 A/B (BLUE)
LI 472 A/B (RED)
LI 473 C/D {WHITE)
Place steam generator blowdown key switches into Normal.
6.1.3 Verify the following:
4160 Volt 11A bus is energized 4160 Volt llB bus is energized 6.1.4 Auxiliary contacts on Main Feedwater Pumps, are open (auxiliary switch lever blocked to breaker closed position) 1A M.F.P. breaker aux. "b" contact open lB M.F.P. breaker aux. "b" contact open 6.1.5 Place the following control board switches in the automatic position and place Test tags at switch:
1A MAFP switch in auto 1B MAFP switch in auto lA Steam admission valve switch to opexable TDFP {3505A) in auto if valve lB Steam admission valve switch'.to operable TDFP (3504A) in auto if valve NOTE: MAFP = Motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps TDFP = Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump MFP = Main feedwater pumps 6.1.6 Verify the following:
1A MAFP breaker remains open 1B MAFP breaker remains open
RSSP-3.0:3 (Cont'd) 1A steam admission valve remains closed or actuating relay MFPX lA2 remains de-energized (Rack RA-2) 1B steam admission valve remains closed or actuating relay MFPX 182 remains de-energized (Rack RA-3) 6.1.7 Simulate 2/3 lo lo level logic for lA steam generator by placing following bistables in the trip mode (lo lo level proving switch in protection rack).
LI 462A (BLUE) Tripped Mode LI 463C (YELLOW) Tripped Mode 6.1.8 Verify the following has occurred automatically:
1A MAFP breaker closed 1B MAFP breaker closed Return bistable proving switch for bistable units which were tripped in step 6.1.7 to normal.
LI 462A (BLUE) return to normal LI 463C (YELLOW) return to normal 6.1.10 By use of respective control board switches ensure the following:
lA MAFP breaker tripped 1B MAFP breaker tripped TDFP discharge valve 3996 closed if operable 1.11 Simulate 2/3 lo lo level logic for 1B steam generator by placing the following bistables in the tripped mode (lo lo level proving switch in protection rack),
LI 472A (RED) Tripped Mode LI 473C (WHITE) Tripped Mode 6.1.12 Verify the following has occurred automatically:
1A HAPP breaker closed 1B MAFP breaker closed 6.1.13 Simulate 2/3 lo lo level logic for lA Steam Generator by placing the following bistables in the tripped mode:
LI 461B (RED) Tripped Mode LI 462A (BLUE) Tripped Mode 6.1.14 Verify the following has occurre'd3automatically:
lA steam admission valve to'DFP (3505A) open or HFPX1A2 energized (Rack RA-2) .
1B steam admission valve to TDFP (3504A) open or MFPX1B2 energized (Rack RA-3)
TDAFP discharge valve (3996) open or HFPXlA2 and HFPX1B2 energized (Racks RA-2 and RA-3)
RSSP"3.0:4 6.1.15 Return the proving switches for the following bistable units to normal:
I,I 472A (RED) returned to normal LI 473C (WHITE) returned to normal LI 461B (RED) returned to normal LI 462A (BLUE) returned to normal 6.1.16 Trip the following breakers from control board switch and place switch in pull stop position:
Breaker Tri ed Switch in Pull Sto lA MAFP lB MAFP 6.1.17 By use of respective control board switches ensure the following if valves are operable:
lA SG Steam admission valve to TDFP (3505A) closed 1B SG Steam admission valve to TDFP (3504A) closed TDFP discharge valve (3996) closed 6.1.18 Ensure that lA and lB Steam Generator blowdown valves (CV-70 6 CV-71) are open.
NOTE: Control switches for these valves are located on panel by sample room in controlled intermediate building.
Other interlocks exist for these valves and must all be satisfied before valves can be opened.
i MCB Master Blowdown Switch in Remote CV-70 and CV-71 Key Switches in Normal lA S/G blowdown valve CV-70 open lB S/G blowdown valve CV-71 open 0 eration of steam admission valves to TDFP (from undervolta e llA 6 11B Busses) 6.2.1 Ensure that the 1A R 1B S.G. Steam admission switches for TDFP are in the "auto" position or actuating relays MFPX1A2 and MFPXlB2 are de-energized:
1A steam admission switch in auto (3505A) 1B steam admission switch
in auto (3504A) 6.2.2 Simulate undervoltage condition on bus llA by actuating undervoltage device 27-1/llA. (Open knife switch number 8).
6.2.3 Simulate undervoltage condition 'on bus llB by actuating undervoltage device 27-1/llB. "(Open knife switch number 8).
6.2.4 Verify that the following has occurred automatically:
l4 MFPXlA2 energized or 1A S.G. steam admission valve to TDFP (3505A) open MFPX1B2 energized or 1B, S.G. steam admission 'valve to TDFP (3504A) open
~ 6.2.4 (Cont'd)
MFPKlA2 and MFPX1B2 energized or TDFP discharge valve (3996) open Blowdown valves CV-70 and CV-71 closed Perform the following:
Restore UV device 27-1/llA (bus 11A) to normal Restore UV device 27-1/llB (bus 11B) to normal 6.2.6 By use of respective control board switches ensure the following if valves operable:
lA S.G. steam admission valve to TDFP (3505A) closed 1B S.G. steam admission valve to TDFP (3504A) closed TDFP discharge valve (3996) closed 6.2. 7 Simulate undervoltage condition on bus llA by actuating under-voltage device 27-2/11A. (Open knife switch number 8).
6.2.8 Simulate undervoltage condition on bus llB by actuating under" voltage device 27-2/llB. (Open knife switch number 8) ~
6.2.9 Verify the following has occurred automatically:
HFPX1A2 energized or 1A S.G. steam admission- valve to TDFP (3505A) open HFPXlB2 energized or 1B S.G. steam admission valve to TDFP (3504A) open HFPXlA2 and MFPXlB2 energized or TDFP discharge valve (3996) open Blowdown valves CV70 6 CV?1 closed 6.2,.10 Restore system to before test condition by performing the following:
Restore UV device. 27-2/llA (bus llA) to normal Restore UV device 27-2/llB (bus llB) to normal Place lA MAFP CB switch in Pull Stop Place lB MAFP CB switch in Pull Stop Close 1A steam admission valve to TDFP (3505A) if operable Close 1B steam admission valve to TDFP (3504A) if operable Close TDFP discharge valve (3996) if operable Blowdown valves CV70 6 CV71 open 6.3 Motor Driven Auxiliar FW Pum Start on Loss of Both HFP 6.3.1 Place control board switch for HAFP's in auto position 1A HAFP switch in auto ~
1B MAFP switch in auto r 6.3.2 Unblock the mechanical linkage on HFP breakers, or install Jumper wire, so that auxiliary "B",'contac'ts are closed.
(This will simulate a breaker open position for HAPP start).
lA MFP breaker "b" contact closed 1B MFP breaker "b" contact closed
RSSP"3.0:6 6.3.3 Verify'that following have closed automatically:
lA MAFP breaker closed lB MAFP breaker closed lA 6 1B SG blowdown valves CV-70 6 CV-71 closed 6.3.4 Place both A 6 B Auxiliary Feed Pump control switches to pull stop.
II AlI tlBtl 6.3.5 Block the mechanical linkage on the MFP breaker to simulate a closed position.
6.3.6 Verify CV-70 and CV-71 open.
6.4 Remove simulators and unblock main feedwater pumps.
6.5 Additional system alignment to be performed as subsequent operation requires.
6.6 Reopen states clips if needed to block Auto start.