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Comment (1) of John D. Greenhill on Behalf of Himself Regarding Re-Licensing of Columbia Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek, Columbia  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2010
From: Greenhill J
US Dept of Energy (DOE), US Dept of Homeland Security
To: Dan Doyle
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
75FR11572 00001, NUREG-1437
Download: ML100920546 (1)


Mendiola, Doris C-17 Fri (Y)

From: Greenhill, John []

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:23 PM To:; Doyle, Daniel Cc: Eccleston, Charles


Re- licensing of Columbia Generating Station .... C)

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up CD' Flag Status: Flagged


Dear Sirs,

I submitted the following question to the environmental scoping meeting on 11//2009 of the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear relicensing and feel it is also applies Columbia Generating Station.

The TMI Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License (NUREG-1437 Supplement 37) table 5-2 shows the following Table 5-2. TMI-1 Internal Events Core Damage Frequency CDF%

(Pe Y Contribution Initiating Event (Per Year) toD to CDF 7.73 x 10.6 32.6 Loss of Offsite Power Transients 5.80 x 10.6 24.5 Small and Very Small LOCA 4.66 x 10.6 19.7 Loss of Nuclear Service River Water 3.67 x 10.6 15.5 Steam Generator Tube Rupture 9.93 x 10-7 4.2 7

Internal Floods 4.50 x 10- 1.9 7

Large and Medium LOCA 2.06 x 10- <1 7

ISLOCA 1.80 x 10- <1 Total CDF (internal events) 2.37 x 10s 100 The probability of a super solar storm of the 1859 or 1921 size is about 1/100 years or 1 %/year.This size storm could lead to a continental wide, long term (many months) outage of the bulk power grid because of damage to all the U.S.

step-up EHV transformers. This damaged would be similar to the damage that occurred at Salem New Jersey in 1989 during a fairly mild solar storm. With such an outage, the emergency generators (that drive the cooling pumps) fuel supply could run out and may not be replaced because all the commercial fuel suppliers would be out of fuel as well due to the failure of the electrical pumps. Without fuel for the cooling pumps, the core damage frequency (CDF) appears to be several orders larger that the CDF given in the table 5-2. Perh'aps s solar storm initiating event should be included in all the final EIS documents...

Johin D. Greenllff Department of Energy National Communications System Department of Homeland Security E-mail: ,5~4J2x5 A2~

Phone: 703-235-5538


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