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Comment (47) of Jacqueline Sorgen on Behalf of Himself Opposed to Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Facility Operating License
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2011
From: Sorgen J
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00047, NRC-2010-0029
Download: ML11325A243 (1)




-2& FP/Z 3ý561-Page 1 of 1 PUBLIC SUBMISSION LjL7 As of: November 16, 2011 Received: November 14, 2011 Status: PendingPost Tracking No. 80f6c420 Comments Due: November 16, 2011 Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2010-0029 Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Facility Operating License Comment On: NRC-2010-0029-0015 Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station; Notice of Availability of Draft Supplement 47 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meetings for the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Document: NRC-2010-0029-DRAFT-0059 Comment on FR Doc # 2011-22415 Submitter Information Name: Jacqueline Sorgen Address:

325 North 79th Street Seattle, WA, 98103-4619 Submitter's Representative: Individual Voter Organization: Human Being Government Agency: http://www.regulati General Comment

?Where is the EIS re: the ACTUAL types of nuclear materials YOU WILL BE USING @


I am aware of the ramifications of a CANCER DIAGNOSIS: I have been living with Cancer since 1976. (Stage IV, since 1987; metastatic disease since 2005).

Do you have any idea what CANCER is REALLY LIKE?

There are people who will live/or/die by your decision.


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I can put a 'HUMAN FACE' on the results of what YOU are planning to do.

Can YOU say the SAME.


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