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Comment (18) of Judy Ginn on Draft Supplement 47 to Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/2011
From: Ginn J
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00018, NRC-2010-0029
Download: ML11279A246 (1)


Page 1 of 1 As of: September 29, 2011 Received: September 29, 2011 Status: Pending Post PUBLIC SUBMISSION Tracking No. 80f435c4 Comments Due: November 16, 2011 Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2010-0029 Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Facility Operating License Comment On: NRC-2010-0029-0015 Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station; Notice of Availability of Draft Supplement 47 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meetings for the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Document: NRC-2010-0029-DRAFT-0031 Comment on FR Doc # 2011-22415 7 -

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Submitter Information G.

Name: Judy Ginn Address:

7815 85th Place SE V-t1

__.1 Mercer Island, WA, 98040 K3) co General Comment

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm extremely concerned about nuclear waste and use of nuclear materials. I do not favor renewal of licenses. It is my opinion that we need to move from nuclear to safer methods of energy. I realize nothing is without risk or harm. It is a matter of scale. Nuclear problems have the potential to do far more harm in a vastly shorter time period than any other type of energy. All it takes is one nuclear accident to create harm that lasts for extremely long periods of time. I urge you to take a firm stand away from nuclear fuels and towards safer methods of energy generation.

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