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Comment (40) of the Board of Commissioners for Mason County Public Utility District, Supporting the Renewal of Columbia Generating Stations Operating License for an Additional 20 Years
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/2011
From: Gold R, Janda J, Denison K
Mason County, WA, Public Utility District
To: Cindy Bladey
Division of Administrative Services
76FR54502 00040
Download: ML11293A042 (1)


PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY N. 21971 Hwy. 101 Shelton, Washington 98584 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS KARL DENISON, Commissioner JACK JANDA, Commissioner RON GOLD, Commissioner October 11,2011 179 Cindy Bladey Chief, Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch Office of Administration Mailstop: TWB-05-BO1M U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001

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Dear Ms. Bladey:

The Board of Commissioners for Mason County PUD No. 1 strongly supports the renewal of Columbia Generating Station's operating license for an additional 20 years, through 2043. For more than 25 years, Columbia has provided valuable electricity to the region and assisted in bringing economic stability to the state by providing clean, affordable energy to more than one million Washington homes. Washington's economy is dependent upon the low cost federal hydroelectric system and the Columbia nuclear energy facility. Sustained strong economic recovery will require continued support of these reliable and cost-effective baseload power sources.

Energy Northwest has operated Columbia as a responsible steward of the environment, and in a manner that protects the public's health and safety. The draft supplement to the generic environmental impact statement (GELS) reaffirmed Columbia's low environmental impact. The power produced by Columbia emits zero greenhouse gases, it has a small facility footprint, and it contains secure on-site storage of used fuel.

As energy demand increases, a mix of clean energy resources will be critical to meet increasing electricity needs.

More costly intermittent resources such as wind and solar are not a replacement for dependable baseload generation. For these reasons, it is imperative to maintain the vast quantity of carbon-free and baseload power Columbia Generating Station provides. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's preliminary recommendation is that Columbia does not have any environmental impacts that would preclude the option of granting a license extension for an additional 20 years.

Again, we fully support Columbia receiving the 20-year license renewal from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, enabling the region and Mason County PUD No.1's customers to continue benefiting from this safe, clean, and affordable electricity.

Sincerely, Ron Gold Board President Board Vice President Board Secretary (360) 877-5249 0 1-800-544-4223 GFAX (360) 877-9274 o

