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Comment (53) of Janice Castle Opposing Relicensing of Columbia Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2011
From: Castle J
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
NRC-2010-0029, NRC-2010-0029-0015, 76FR54502 00053
Download: ML11325A309 (1)


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As of: November 16, 2011 Received: November 15, 2011 PUBLIC SUBMISSION 3Status: Pending-Post Tracking No. 80f6ce9d Comments Due: November 16, 2011 Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2010-0029 Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Facility Operating License Comment On: NRC-2010-0029-0015 Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station; Notice of Availability of Draft Supplement 47 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meetings for the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Document: NRC-2010-0029-DRAFT-0065 Comment on FR Doc # 2011-22415 T2 FT Submitter Information 7

Name: Janice Castle Address:

16181 Parelius Circle C.

Lake Oswego, OR, 97034-4673

,iCID General Comment I urge postponement of relicensing of this plant on the following grounds:

1.The EIS does not address the plan to use the same kind of plutonium fuel that was used in Fukishima Reactor

3. All risks should be studied and disclosed, and the relicensing process should not commence until we learn what was damaged and why in Reactor 3.

2.In September 2011 the NRC staff identified 6 major safety problems which remain unresolved. These should be disclosed and considered, and Energy NW must demonstrate how, or if, they will ensure that embedded pipes will not fail.

3.Seismic risks should be disclosed and considered in the EIS. Washington is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, we know that a magnitude 9.0 will happen on the Cascadia subduction zone, and that many other earthquakes could be triggered by it or occur independently. None of the buildings at Hanford are built to withstand the degree of seismic activity we now know we can expect. It is extremely dangerous to relicense a plant with plans to use plutonium fuel without adequately exploring and preparing for those risks. These must be addressed in the EIS.


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