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Comment (43) of Henry T. Bernstein on Behalf of Himself, Opposing the Relicensing of the Columbia Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/2011
From: Bernstein H
- No Known Affiliation
To: Cindy Bladey
Division of Administrative Services
76FR54502 00043, NRC-2010-0029
Download: ML11305A013 (1)


Cindy Bladey (RADB)

Office of Administration Mail Stop TVVB-05-B01M U..S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C 20555-0001

.1 October, 2011

Dear Ms. Bladey,

docket NRC-2010-0029 D v--.- -. -

I oppose the relicensing until 2_043 of the commercial nuclear reactor at Hanford Washington because it seems to me to involve the same type of dangerous procedure as at Chernobyl. There too the plant operators A6eiOd to increase the amount of electricity generated, so they turned off the safety measures and accelerated the generators to see if they could squeeze some extra energy out of the existing plant. Relicensing, extending the period of use of the Hanford plant, is ie. same sort of thing. Using plutonium fuel increases the danger.from unforeseen events like Three Mile Island (leak) and Fukushima (tsunami flooding shutting down coolant systems) Despite anti-terrorist measures, it cannot be guaranteed that some suicide bomber or drone will never succeed in sabotaging a nuclear power plant What should be done is to follow the example.of another advanced *ndustrial country, Germany, and phase out all nuclear generating stations over a period. In the U.S., energy could be conserved, requiring less, and made up. by natual gas, solar, wind, ocean wave, and geothermal sources, as well as residual oil supplies (not pipelined Canadian shale).

As a resident of the State of Washington, I am' opposed to further developing Hanford as a national dump for radioacrive waste. Hanford needs to be cleaned up even more vigorously than at present, especially leaking' coniainers and polluted underground water supplies, particularly aquifers headed towards the-Columbia River. Now that the people of Nevada have refused to allow Yucca Mountain to be filled with glassed radioactive waste, Which would have created hazards due to the thousands of rail and truck journeys requiredto bring radioactive waste from all parts of the country. Waste needs to he held at the site at which it is produced. Eventually these sites will be full, so no more waste should. be -produced as the nuclear plants are decommissioned and closed, no more built, and thewaste sealed there and guarded.

Sincerely, Henry T, Bernstein.

3439 NW 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107 N