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Comment (42) of Diana Thompson on Behalf of Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County in Support of Energy Northwests Application to Renew Columbia Generating Stations License for an Additional 25 Years
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/2011
From: Thompson D
Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County
To: Cindy Bladey
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00042
Download: ML11305A012 (2)



, - ýft PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF PACIFIC COUNTY 4 TH and Duryea Street P.O. Box 472 Raymond., Washington 98577 (360) 942-2411 FAX (360) 875-9388 October 18, 2011 9610 Sandridge Road P.O. Box 619 Long Beach, Washington 98631 (360) 642-3191 FAX (360) 642-9389_,


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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Administrative Services Office of Administration Mail Stop: TWB-05-BO IM, U.S.

Washington D.C. 20555-0001 Attn:

Cindy Bladey, Chief Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch

Dear Ms. Bladey:

This correspondence is sent by Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County in support.of Energy Northwest's application to renew Columbia Generating Station's license for an additional twenty years.

The District is a member of Energy Northwest and purchases a portion of the output from the facility through our majority wholesale power supplier, the Bonneville Power Administration.

Columbia Generating Station has served the region, including our Utility, with safe, affordable, environmentally responsible Wholesale power for nearly twenty-nine years, less down time for maintenance and capital replacements. Output from the Plant, along with the federal hydroelectric system on the Columbia and Snake Rivers, have provided a reliable, low cost resource for Northwest ratepayers.

Columbia has provided a stable supply during swings in hydroelectric generation due to water and fish constraints. During these tough economic times, a resource such as the Columbia Generating Station can provide the assurance of an at cost supply to help sustain a strong recovery.

Having Columbia as a baseload power source for an additional twenty years is important in meeting the region's future power requirements. The Plant generates enough power to serve the electrical needs of one million homes. All electricity produced by Columbia Generating Station is sold at cost through the Bonneville Power Administration to help cover utility loads in the Northwest. One goal of Energy Northwest is to keep output costs as low as possible without compromising the safety of the Plant.

Columbia Generating Station is an environmentally responsible facility in that the power produced emits zero greenhouse emissions, has a small facility footprint, and secure on-site storage of used fuel.

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Due to its importance in providing a resource for future electricity needs of residents and businesses in the Pacific Northwest as described above, our P.U.D. hopes that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will take a good hard look at this needed license renewal for the Columbia Generating Station. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Diana Thompson Board President