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Comment (66) of Michelle Caird on Behalf of Inland Power and Light Co., Supporting License Renewal of the Columbia Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/2011
From: Caird M
Inland Power & Light Co
To: Lesar M
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00066
Download: ML11325A190 (1)



3I1VES Ilnland SPower and Light Company 10110 W. Hallett Rd Spokane, WA 99224 (509)747-7151 2: 12 November 10, 2011 Michael T. Lesar, Chief Rulemaking & Directives Branch Office of Administration Mailstop TWB 05-BalM U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-001 9,'/ 1.261, 604


Support for License Renewal of the Columbia Generating Station Operated by Energy Northwest

Dear Mr. Lesar:

Inland Power and Light Company, a cooperatively owned utility serving 38,000 members in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, supports Energy Northwest's request to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to renew the operating license of the Columbia Generating Station for an additional 20 years.

For over 25 years, Columbia Generating Station has been a source of safe, reliable, clean, low cost and non carbon emitting electricity generation for the consumers of the Pacific Northwest. As a source of base load power, Columbia Generating Station is able to compliment the other electricity resources of the region including hydropower, wind and solar generation.

Relicensing and continued operation of Columbia Generating Station through 2043 would capture and extend the benefits of the region's investment in this important facility.

It is our understanding that Energy Northwest has completed a review of plant systems and equipment and no technical issues were identified that would prevent Columbia Generating station from obtaining consideration for a license renewal.

We trust your review will find that Columbia Generating Station can continue to operate safely in the 20 year renewal period.

Michelle Caird Board of Trustees President Inland Power and Light Company SL1ANI /4oý&)


/5-/QO(J2 F19p~L6 W Hallett Rd

  • Spokane
  • 99224
  • 509.747.7151