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Comment (69) of Kris Watkins on Behalf of Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau, Supporting Draft Supplement 47 to Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Operated by Energy Northwest
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/2011
From: Watkins K
Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau
To: Cindy Bladey
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00069
Download: ML11334A068 (1)


V5IITOC & (ON VEN'ION BUI AU FJO IE 2 ~2?I `N 2: 22 P.O. BOX 2241 Tri-Cities, WA 99302-2241 509-735-8486 1-800-254-5824 Fax 509-783-9005 November 16,2011 Ms. Cindy Bladey Rules, Announcement and Directives Branch/ Division of Administrative Services MS TWB-050B01M U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001

Dear Ms. Bladey,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the 704 member businesses of the Tri-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau to express our support of the Columbia Generating Station which is operated by Energy Northwest.

Tourism is vital to the economy here in the Tri-Cities Region and it is vitally important to our destination marketing efforts that our community is seen as an inviting place for visitors to invest in. In my 19 years as the President and CEO of the Tri-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau, I have found Energy Northwest to be an excellent corporate community partner. Energy Northwest operates the Columbia River Generating Station in a safe, efficient and responsible manner.

Tourism generates $349.8 million in visitor spending each year in our region and we are fortunate to have a company like Energy Northwest that understands the importance of public health and safety, operating this important source of low cost, clean energy.


'Kris Watkins President & CEO Cc: Mark Reddemann, Energy Northwest 3A~~ci 2~Je~3
