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Comment (38) of Linda on Behalf of Self Opposing the Renewal of Columbia Generating Station License
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/2011
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
76FR54502 00038, NRC-2010-0029
Download: ML11291A135 (1)


Page 1 of 1 "ES~~~V5 As of: October 17, 2011 Received: October 16, 2011 SUB MI SIO NStatus:

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/ A 1 8C5Tcomments Due: November 16, 2011 Submission Type: Web Docket: NRC-2010-0029 f

Notice of Receipt and Availability of Appfcat on for Renewal-ofColumbia Generating Station Facility Operating License Comment On: NRC-2010-0029-0015 Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station; Notice of Availability of Draft Supplement 47 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meetings for the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station Document: NRC-2010-0029-DRAFT-0038 Comment on FR Doc # 2011-22415


>&5~ SX~~QZ Submitter Information Name: Linda Submitter's Representative: Representative Jay Inslee General Comment I am alarmed and disappointed with the NRC's current program of relicensing old reactors. It is my understanding that there is not even adequate inspection of the state of these aging reactors, let alone an adequate maintenance program once the reactors have be relicensed. Really? No plan for how to manage an aging reactor? No Safety Program? What a recipe for disaster! In the case of Hanford, large scale leaks are already occurring with little to no mitigation. Truthfully, it is time to consider decommissioning these reactors, not extending their already dangerous existence.

Thank you I
