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NRC Slides from Public Meeting to Discuss Results of NRC Confirmatory Action Letter Follow-Up Inspections
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/2006
Download: ML063490027 (22)


Perry Nuclear Power Plant Perry CAL Inspections - Human Performance, CAP Effectiveness, and Maintenance Procedure Adequacy Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III Lisle, Illinois 1 December 13, 2006

Meeting Agenda

  • Introductions and Meeting Purpose
  • Overview of Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL)
  • Overview of CAL Inspection Activities
  • Human Performance Action Item Effectiveness Review -

Inspection Scope and Results

  • Supplemental Maintenance Procedure Adequacy Effectiveness Review - Inspection Scope and Results
  • Corrective Action Program Action Item Effectiveness Review - Inspection Scope and Results
  • Licensee Response and Remarks
  • Upcoming NRC Activities
  • Public Comments and Questions of the NRC 2

Purpose of Todays Meeting z Provide a public forum for the discussion of recent Perry Nuclear Power Plant performance z NRC to discuss the results of our review of FENOCs actions to address issues in the Human Performance and Corrective Action Program areas of the Perry CAL z NRC to discuss the result of our review of FENOCs actions to address the Maintenance Procedure Adequacy aspect of the IP 95002 Issues area of the Perry CAL 3

Review of Perry Performance

  • August 2004 - Perry Enters Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column of NRC Action Matrix
  • January-May 2005 - IP 95003 Inspection Conducted
  • May 2005 - Public Exit Meeting for IP 95003 Inspection
  • July 2005 - IP 95003 Inspection Report Issued
  • September 2005 - NRC Issues CAL 4

Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL)

FENOC Committed to Sustained Improvement 3/4 Corrective Action Program Effectiveness 3/4 Human Performance 3/4 Emergency Preparedness 3/4 Inspection Procedure 95002 Issues 5

Perry CAL Inspection Activities Planned NRC Followup Inspection Activities

  • Review Licensees Assessment Activities and Corrective Action Development
  • Review Corrective Action Implementation
  • Review Corrective Action Effectiveness 6

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Completed NRC CAL Inspections Completed CAL Followup Inspections 3/4 PII Phase 2 Review 3/4 IP 95002 Issues - Action Item Implementation 3/4 Corrective Action Program - Action Item Implementation 3/4 Emergency Preparedness - Action Item Implementation and Effectiveness 3/4 Human Performance - Action Item Implementation 3/4 IP 95002 Issues - Action Item Effectiveness 7

Inspection Scope - Human Performance (HU) Action Item Effectiveness HU Action Item Effectiveness - Scope

  • Determine whether HU tools are adequately implemented
  • Determine whether supervisors actively monitor and reinforce use of HU tools
  • Determine whether Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reflect improved human performance
  • Determine whether appropriate corrective actions implemented to address HU issues in KPIs 8

Inspection Results - Human Performance Action Item Effectiveness HU Action Item Effectiveness - Results

  • Use of HU Tools - Adequate
  • Supervisory Reinforcement of HU Tools -


  • KPI Review Results - Adequate
  • Corrective Actions to Address HU Issues -


  • One Green finding identified No additional inspection beyond ROP baseline 9

Background - Maintenance Procedure Adequacy Inspection Maintenance Procedure Adequacy - Background

  • August 15, 2006 - IP 95002 Issues CAL Followup Inspection Completed
  • Maintenance Procedure Adequacy -

Indeterminate 3/4 Insufficient Number of Procedures to Review 3/4 Maintenance Procedure Revision Process Issues Supplemental Review Effort Necessary 10

Inspection Scope - Maintenance Procedure Adequacy Maintenance Procedure Adequacy - Scope

  • Review effectiveness of actions to address Maintenance Procedure Adequacy aspect of IP 95002 Issues area of Perry CAL
  • Determine whether additional inspection beyond ROP Baseline Inspection Program is required 11

Inspection Results - Maintenance Procedure Adequacy Maintenance Procedure Adequacy - Results 3/4 No findings of significance identified 3/4 Maintenance Procedure Adequacy - Adequate 3/4 Resolution of Vulnerabilities - Adequate No additional inspection beyond ROP baseline 12

Inspection Scope - Corrective Action Program (CAP) Action Item Effectiveness CAP Action Item Effectiveness - Scope

  • Determine whether actions to address CAP issues were effective
  • Determine whether CAP Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reflect improved CAP performance
  • Determine whether appropriate corrective actions implemented to address CAP issues in KPIs 13

Inspection Scope - Corrective Action Program (CAP) Action Item Effectiveness CAP Action Item Effectiveness - Scope

  • Problem Evaluation and Resolution
  • Audits and Self-Assessment Effectiveness
  • Staff Willingness to Raise Issues
  • Use of Operating Experience
  • Key Performance Indicator Implementation and Results 14

Inspection Results - Corrective Action Program Action Item Effectiveness CAP Action Item Effectiveness - Results

  • Problem Evaluation and Resolution - Adequate
  • Audits and Self-Assessment Effectiveness - Adequate
  • Staff Willingness to Raise Issues - Adequate
  • Use of Operating Experience - Adequate
  • Key Performance Indicators - Adequate
  • One Green Finding Identified No additional inspection beyond ROP baseline 15

Summary Perry is being operated safely All scheduled CAL Followup inspections complete No additional inspections planned beyond ROP Baseline Inspection Program inspections 16

Licensee Response and Remarks 17

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Upcoming NRC Activities 3/4 December 31, 2006 - Finalize HU and CAP CAL Followup inspection results and issue inspection reports 3/4 January 2, 2007 - Conduct IP 95001 Inspection; White EAC Power System PI in 2nd Quarter 2006 3/4 January 10, 2007 - Conduct public meeting in Region III.

FENOC to discuss assessment of completion of CAL items 18

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Upcoming NRC Activities 3/4 Early February 2007 - NRC to internally discuss Perry performance and assess the sustainability of that performance at the annual internal End-of-Cycle meeting 3/4 Early March 2007 - NRC to issue End-of-Cycle letter to FENOC 3/4 Mid-March 2007 - NRC to conduct public meeting to discuss End-of-Cycle assessment results 19

Contacts for Additional Information Regional Public Affairs Officer

  • Phone: (630) 829-9663 or (630) 829-9662 Perry Resident Inspector Office
  • Mark Wilk, Resident Inspector
  • Phone: (440) 259-3610 20

Reference Sources z Reactor Oversight Process z Public Electronic Reading Room z Public Document Room 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free) 21

Summary Perry is being operated safely All scheduled CAL Followup inspections complete No additional inspections planned beyond ROP Baseline Inspection Program inspections 22