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Meeting Handout Material, Emergency Service Water (ESW) Pump Coupling Failure.
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/2003
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML033650376 (27)



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Desired Outcome

  • Ensure a consistent understanding of the issue
  • Present the causes and corrective actions m Discuss further actions
  • Present results from updated safety assessment



  • Repairs completed well within the discretionary period

Cause Analysis Tom Lentz Director of Engineering


Properly Installed Coupling Key - 2 Req'd. Split Ring r Sleeve t///v//X~i I-Oivy, ,

I Lock Screw - 2 req'd. Shaft End - Typ.

As Installed Coupling Coupling Sleeve Split Ring Sleeve Lock Screw Off Set YP

Root Cause Evaluated

  • Evaluated the environment/application
  • Conducted a detailed laboratory analysis
  • Performed a detailed stress analysis
  • Fracture mechanics were evaluated U7Z;T

Root Cause Conclusion

- Improper installation due to inadequate procedure

- Susceptible material

- Environment considered in design/operation

  • Corrective actions address both installation and material

Extent of Condition Examined

  • Safety and non-safety related pumps were included
  • Similarities in configuration, couplings, and maintenance instructions were examined

- ESW Pump "B" - found to be identical

- ESW Pump "C" - similar e~::

CorrectiveActions Kevin Cimorelli Director of Maintenance

Comprehensive Corrective Actions BE Emergency Service Water Pumps F Maintenance Procedures PP Materials

Corrective Actions ESW Pumps

  • Pump operability has been assured
  • Further actions will be taken to assure continued reliability

- ESW Pump "A" rebuild in 2004

- ESW Pump "B" inspect in 2004, rebuild in 2007

- ESW Pump "C" rebuild in 2004 I 11I - II--III-, -, -

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Corrective Actions Procedures and Material

  • Revision of procedures for ESW pumps
  • Material upgrades for all ESW pumps

- New requirements for heat treatment, hardness, and documentation

- 100% NDE of coupling sleeves


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Collective Significance Tim Rausch Plant Manager

Collective Significance Review Process

. Systematic evaluation of a collection of documented events or conditions

  • Multidiscipline Review Team formed November 3, 2003
  • Scope includes four mitigating system equipment failures over last year

Collective Significance Review - Matrix Matrix used - Categories/Facts m Problem category examples:

- Procedure guidance

- Training

- Material deficiencies

- Design deficiencies

  • Problem fact examples:

- Event type

- Organization

- Cause code

Collective Sig nificance Review - Resu Its Areas for Improvement

  • Two collective issues identified during common cause evaluation

- Electrical/Mechanical maintenance instruction deficiencies

- Procedure "use" categories not pre-det l

Content of Procedures


- Procedures were root or contributing causes

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X 75 maintenance instructions will be systematically assessed X Results of assessment will determine need for comprehensive procedure upgrade

  • Interim - Safety related procedures will be reviewed as part of the work planning I


Use of Procedures


  • Procedure use categories not assigned MIW ",

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  • Interim - maintenance instructions will be "In-Field Reference"
  • "Use" category will be identified in maintenance instructions

Collective Significance Review - Summary P Common causes are understood M Comprehensive actions are being taken p Systematic assessment will be used to adjust scope and timeliness

Summary - Cause and Corrective Actions I Root and contributing causes are understood t Corrective actions are comprehensive

, Extent of condition and extent of cause are being addressed

Safety Assessment Tom Lentz Director of Engineering

Initial Safety Assessment Initial characterization of incremental core damage and large early release probabilities (ICCDP and ICLERP)

U ICCDP (including internal events) = 2.03E-6 U ICCDP (seismic, fire, and external flooding) = negligible M ICLERP = 1.56E-7 I

Safety Assessment Basis for Initial Assessment m Level 1 PSA model used

- Includes all failure modes

- Simplified assumptions due to model and computer capabilities (no time dependence between event failures)

- No consideration given to the time dimension relative to the ESW Pump "A" coupling failure Basis for Updated Assessment

  • The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> mission time was partitioned
  • Only the applicable scenarios based on this event were considered
  • Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) was performed 19

Results of Updated Safety Assessment Updated characterization of incremental core damage and large early release probabilities (ICCDP and ICLERP) m ICCDP (including internal events) = 8.5E-7 m ICCDP (seismic, fire, and external flooding) = 1.2E-7

  • ICLERP = <1.OE-7 (qualitatively)

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  • ICCDP (including external events) = 9.7E-7
  • ICLERP <1 .OE-7 (qualitatively) i 0-

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