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E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to Various, Regarding IPEC Status Report for April 19
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/2006
From: Mcmullin K
Entergy Corp
To: Boska J, Brian Holian, David Lew, Noggle J, Neil Sheehan
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2006-0195, R1-B36
Download: ML062000156 (3)


nn White - IP['u status repoqr!o r Apr. .. 'age 1I From: "McMullin, Kathleen M" <>

To: fJ .1 Baranski, James" <>,"

Eddy, Paul" <>," Greeley, Dan" <>, "Gross, Steve - Orange PIO" <>, "Meyer, Sue-Rockland Alt. POlO"

<Meyers>, " Sutton, Tony" <awsl>, <AStiebeling>,

"Albanese, Raymond" <rIal>, "Alfredo Vidal" <avidal>,

<awsl>, "B. Gore" <bgore@>, <>,

"Barry, Terrence". <>, "Benjamin, Liz" <>, "Bentley, Robyn M" <>, <>, "Bernie McGarry"

<mcgarry@>, "Blizard, Andrea J" <ablizar@>,

<>, <>, ._

<jpbl>, "Bowman, Greg" <> "Brian Holian" <>,

  • <>, <JBridges@>, "Chief Tubbs"C Ij "Chris Schwarz" <cschwar@>, <ewc>, "Comiotes, Jim" <JComiot>,

"Conroy, Patric W" <>, <>, "Cox, Mark R"

<>, <>, "Curran, Nick"

<Nick.curran>, "Dacimo, Fred R" <FDacimo>, "David Brand"

  • i2] "David Greene" <dgreene>, "David Weinraub"

<>, "DeGasperis, Edward M" <>, "DiRocco, Anthony J" <>, <>, "Dowling, Adele"

<amd2@>, <Barney.Drew@>,_ -. 'Fay, Deborah" <DFayl>, "Feathers" <jdf>,

<>, <>, "Geri Shapiro" T J,.<>, "Giguere, Kathleen M"

<>, <>, 'Gottlieb, Laurence" <>, "Greene, Dominick" <>, <>, "Grosjean, Alain G"

<>, <>, "Harry Giannoulis"

<harry@>, "Hinrichs, Gary H" <>, "Hipschman, Thomas"

<>, "lnzirillo, Frank A" <>, "Ira Promisel"

<>, "Jack Spath" <>, <dejl>,

<>, "Jensen, Chris" <>, "JES"

<JES1>, "Jim Cunningham" <>, "Jim Wright"

<>, "John Cordo" <>, "Jones, T. R.*

<>, "Kansler, Michael R" <>, "Kathleen Wood"

<kathleen.wood>, <Pat.keegan>, "Kerns, Matthew T"

<MKerns>, <>, <>, 0L. Leach"

'C ']"Leach, Don" <DLeach @entergy.corm>, <leibell>, "Leon, Pete" <Pete.Leon>, <DCL@>, 'Longo, Nick" <longon>,

"Mark Serrano" <>, "Martin Brennan"

<MartinBrennan>, "Marvin Randolph" <mrandolph@>, "Mayer, Donald M"<DMayerl>, "McCann, John (ENNE Licensing Director)"

<jmccanl>, "McCannell, Chris" <Chris.mccannell>, "McConaghy, Ryan"

<>, "McGillicuddy, Maura" <MMcGiill@>, "McKay, Mike" <>, "McMahon, Bob - Putman County" <cdrbob3l>,

"McMullin, Kathleen M" <>, <>,

<>, "Mitchell, Frank J" <>, "Nell Sheehan"

<>, <rand>, <>, <Joseph.o'>,

<>, <>, "Pat Brown" <>, 'Paul Steidler" <>, "Paul Tonko" <>, "Paulson, Adam"

<adam.paulson @>, <>

Date: 4/19/06 3:37PM


IPEC status report for April 19 intomaton in w recd was Wee.

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.)flrl vvnhce-i'~prii w.ooc ragei SEnteWgy Indian Point Energy Center Status Report April19, 2006 Operational Status - 2R17 Outage Indian Point Unit 2 entered its seventeenth refueling outage at 00:00:05 this morning.

The reactor is shut down in MODE 3 with Reactor Coolant System temperature <

350 degrees. Plant operators are continuing to cool down the system and begin the reactor disassembly. One of the first evolutions to be conducted in 2R17 is the Integrated Leak Rate Test, which tests containment integrity. The test involves raising containment pressure and monitoring pressure decrease over the course of a couple of days. The test is scheduled to start on Saturday.

The reactor vessel head penetrations will be leaned and inspected this outage as well as the ottom mounted instrument penetrations. These xtensive inspections are part of the industry perating experience that resulted from the vessel ead cracks at Davis-Besse.

Unit 3 is operating at 100% reactor power and has been on-line for 197 days.

Groundwater Investigation Entergy will be continuing the groundwater investigation at Indian Point during the 2R17 outage.-Crews are installing packers in a number of wells on site. A packer assembly allows investigators to isolate a particular section of a well so that multi-level samples can be collected. Entergy may install additional wells on site to help characterize groundwater flow and provide data for tracer tests. The investigation team is considering possible well locations near IP1 and along the waterfront.

Status Report Available on JIC Website The Indian Point status report is now available on the new Joint Information Center web site. The web site is part of the virtual news room concept that is being developed for public emergency information. The web site will also include the latest radiological release information for Indian Point.

To preview the web site follow the link to Indian Point Status Page Educational Outreach

J1 11 VVI1L - t W L -.

=Entergy Entergy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic organizations. The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. If you would like a brochure or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin, manager of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.