IR 05000483/2015008

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IR 05000483/2015008 and 07201045/2015001; Callaway Plant; Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
Person / Time
Site: Callaway  Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/2015
From: Ray Kellar
To: Diya F
Union Electric Co
ray kellar
IR 2015008
Download: ML15303A348 (100)


ber 30, 2015



Dear Mr. Diya:

A team inspection was conducted of your Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

between May 19, 2015 and September 1, 2015. The purpose of the inspections were to observe your dry fuel storage preoperational testing activities, to independently assess your readiness to load spent fuel into the ISFSI, and to inspect your initial fuel loading operations.

The inspections consisted of six separate inspection trips involving multiple inspectors to observe your dry fuel storage preoperational testing and loading activities. The initial loading of the spent fuel into the first dry fuel storage cask occurred between August 24 - September 1, 2015. The results of the inspections were discussed in an exit with Mr. Mark McLachlan, Senior Director of Engineering and other members of your staff on September 17, 2015.

During the inspections, the NRC staff examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to public health and safety to confirm compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations, and the conditions of your license. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selected examination of procedures, representative records, observations of activities, and interviews with personnel. The enclosed report presents the results of these inspections. The inspection determined that you had completed all required activities identified in the Holtec Certificate of Compliance #1040 for use of the Holtec HI-STORM UMAX storage system at your site. No violations of significance were identified and no response to this letter is required.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response if you choose to provide one, will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC's document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at To the extent possible, your response should not include any personal, privacy or proprietary information so that it can be made available to the public without redaction.

Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact the undersigned at (817) 200-1191 or Mr. Lee Brookhart at (817) 200-1549.



Ray L. Kellar, P.E., Chief Repository & Spent Fuel Safety Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Dockets: 50-483; 72-104550 License: NPF-30 Enclosure:

Inspection Report 0500483/2015008, 07201045/2015001 w/Attachment: Supplemental Information, Inspector Notes

SUNSI Review ADAMS Publicly Available Non-Sensitive By: L.Brookhart Yes No Non-Publicly Available Sensitive OFFICE RIV/DNMS/RSFS RIV/DNMS/RSFS RIV/DNMS/RSFS NMSS/DSFM/RMB NMSS/DSFM/IOB NAME LBrookhart ESimpson GSchlapper CMorell JTapp SIGN /RA/ /RA/E-Brookhart /RA/E-Brookhart /RA/E-Brookhart /RA/E-Brookhart DATE 10/29/15 10/29/15 10/29/15 10/29/15 10/29/15 OFFICE NMSS/DSFM/IOB RIV/DNMS/RSFS NAME JWoodfield RKellar SIGN /RA/E-Brookhart /RA/

DATE 10/29/15 10/30/15


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Dockets: 50-483 and 72-1045 Licenses: NPF-30 Report Nos.: 05000483/2015008 and 07201045/2015001 Licensee: Union Electric Company Facility: Callaway Plant and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

Location: Junction Highway CC and Highway O, Fulton, Missouri Dates: May 19 - 21, 2015, Welding Dry Run June 2 - 4, 2015, MPC Fluid Operations Dry Run June 16 - 18, 2015, MPC Lid to Shell Cutting Dry Run July 13 - 17, 2015, Program Reviews, Fuel Building to ISFSI Dry Run August 3 - 6, 2015, Inside Fuel Building Heavy Loads Dry Run August 24 - September 1, 2015, First Canister Loading Operations Team Leader: Lee Brookhart, Senior Inspector, RIV Repository and Spent Fuel Safety Branch Inspectors: Eric Simpson, ISFSI Inspector, RIV Gerald Schlapper, Decommissioning Inspector, RIV Clyde Morell, Storage & Transport Safety Inspector, NMSS Jeremy Tapp, Storage & Transport Safety Inspector, NMSS Jon Woodfield, Storage & Transport Safety Inspector, NMSS Approved By: Ray L. Kellar, P.E., Chief Repository & Spent Fuel Safety Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Enclosure

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Callaway Plant and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation NRC Inspection Report 50-483/2015-08 and 72-1045/2015-01 The NRC team conducted an extensive evaluation of Callaways program for the safe handling and storage of spent fuel at their UMAX ISFSI, observed the pre-operational training demonstrations, and observed the loading of the first spent fuel cask system. The Callaway Plant had selected the Holtec Certificate of Compliance #1040, HI-STORM UMAX cask storage system for use at their sites Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). This system consisted of the Multi-Purpose Canisters (MPC-37) that store 37 pressurized water reactor fuel assemblies in a below grade Vertical Ventilated Module (VVM). Callaway had constructed the UMAX ISFSI to hold 48 MPC-37s within the VVMs at the site. The ISFSI location includes space to eventually expand the UMAX to accommodate an additional 96 VVMs, if the site feels that it will be required in the future. The ISFSI was licensed by the NRC under the general license provisions of 10 CFR Part 72, Subpart K. The licensee planned to load six canisters for placement within the UMAX ISFSI during fall of 2015, of which the first canister loading was observed by the NRC.

This inspection report covers six separate inspections conducted between May 19 and September 1, 2015. During the dry run demonstrations and loading activities the inspectors verified compliance with licensing documents: Holtec Certificate of Compliance No. 72-1040 and Technical Specifications, Amendment 0; the UMAX Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR),

Revision 2; the FW FSAR, Revision 3; the NRCs Safety Evaluation Report for 72-1040, Amendment 0. Callaway developed a pre-operational test plan which consisted of five dry run demonstrations encompassing the pre-operational testing and training exercises required by License Condition 8 of the Holtec Certificate of Compliance. The demonstrations were conducted under the observation of the NRC. Twenty- three technical areas were reviewed during the inspections including such topical areas as the overhead crane requirements, loading operations, fuel verification, radiological programs, quality assurance, heavy loads, training, welding, fire protection and others. Subsequent to the site visits, an extensive in-office review was performed of documents provided by the Callaway staff. This effort involved the review of licensee reports, procedures, calculations, training documents, test results, personnel qualification records, safety evaluations, and condition reports to support the conclusion that the licensee had developed and implemented a comprehensive program to support ISFSI activities.

During the inspections, the licensee completed the demonstrations related to the operations of equipment and the implementation of procedures to verify that all operations required by the technical specifications could be performed safely. The programs review conducted by a NRC team of six inspectors, concluded that the licensing requirements related to dry cask storage had been adequately incorporated into the sites programs and procedures. During the various pre-operational demonstrations and first loading, the Callaway workers demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the technical requirements related to the loading and operations of an ISFSI. Callaways first cask was placed within the sites UMAX ISFSI on September 1, 2015.

Details related to the technical areas reviewed during this inspection are provided as Attachment 2 Callaway Inspector Notes to this inspection report. The following provides a summary of the observations of this inspection.

-2- Enclosure

Canister Drying/Inerting

  • Forced helium dehydration dryness limits established in Technical Specification A. and Table 3-1 had been incorporated into the licensees procedures. The licensee planned to use the forced helium dehydration system for drying all canisters loaded at the site. Operation of the forced helium dehydration system was demonstrated during the pre-operational dry run exercises.
  • Helium backfill pressure requirements established in Technical Specification A. and Table 3-2 had been incorporated into the licensees procedures.

Crane Design

  • The licensee had evaluated their fuel building 125-ton crane against the criteria in NUREG 0554, ASME NOG-1, and CMAA Spec #70-2010 and found the crane to meet the criteria for a single failure proof crane.
  • Specific aspects of the crane which included: the bridge and trolley brakes, main hoist safety devices, emergency stop features, crane two-block protection, and dual rope reeving system met the requirements of NUREG 0554 and NUREG 0612.

Crane Inspection

  • The 125-ton fuel building crane was subjected to a daily inspection, performed prior to use, that satisfied the requirements of ASME B30.2, Section 2-2.1.2 Frequent Inspection. On an annual basis the crane was subjected to a more rigorous inspection that met the requirements of ASME B30.2, Section 2-2.1.3 Periodic Inspection.
  • A performance test was completed at Callaway after the new 125-ton trolley and hoist were installed. The site test included hoist raising/lowering at all speeds, trolley travel in both directions at all speeds, bridge travel in both directions at all speeds, and testing of all safety devices.
  • The cranes hook was inspected annually as required by ASME B30.10, Sections 10-1.4.2 through 10-1.4.6.

Crane Load Testing

  • Callaways new 125-ton cranes trolley and hoist were dynamically load tested to 100%

of the rated load and statically loaded to 125% after installation within the fuel building in June 2014.

  • The fuel building 125-ton crane utilized a 150-ton hook which was subjected to a 200%

hook load test of 300 tons in February 2014.

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Crane Operation

  • The maximum weight the 125-ton crane would lift during the cask loading campaign was 123.5 tons when lifting the HI-TRAC VW transfer cask containing the MPC-37 canister loaded with spent fuel out of the spent fuel pool.
  • Callaways qualification requirements for crane operators were consistent with the requirements listed in ASME B30.2.
  • The licensee had the ability to manually lower the load and manually move the bridge and trolley if an emergency occurred. These provisions had been incorporated into a licensee procedure.
  • The licensees procedures required brake checks and specified a minimum travel height when lifting the HI-TRAC VW.

Dry Run Demonstration

  • The licensee successfully completed all the required pre-operational tests specified by License Condition #8 of the Certificate of Compliance. This included welding, drying, and backfilling of a mock-up canister and the simulated unloading of a sealed canister.

A weighted canister was used to demonstrate heavy load activities inside the fuel building, transport between the fuel building and the UMAX ISFSI, and movement back into the fuel handling building for unloading purposes. Inside fuel building dry runs included placement of an empty MPC and HI-TRAC VW into the spent fuel pool and movement of a dummy fuel assembly into the MPC. Additionally, Holtec performed a dry run to demonstrate the removal of the canister lid welds, for unloading purposes, at Holtec Manufacturing Division (HMD).

Emergency Planning

  • Emergency planning provisions for the ISFSI had been incorporated into the site-wide emergency plan. This included adding a specific emergency action level for an event damaging a loaded cask. Part 50 emergency action levels applicable to the ISFSI included fires, security threats, and events involving a radiological release from a canister.

Fire Protection

  • A Fire Hazards Analysis had been performed specific to the Callaway UMAX ISFSI.

Administrative controls were established to limit the quantity of combustible and flammable liquids around the ISFSI and near the transport path during movement of the canister.

  • Site specific fire and explosion hazards had been evaluated to determine the effect on the UMAX ISFSI and to confirm that the location of the ISFSI, location of the transport route, and the design of the transportation equipment was adequate. Several nearby facilities were evaluated that included diesel tanks and pipes, lube oil tanks, gasoline tanks, hydrogen tanks, and delivery trucks of flammable liquids.

-4- Enclosure

  • Additional fire analysis was required for the use of the tracked vertical cask transporter (VCT), the low profile transporter (HI-PORT), and ancillary equipment to account for the fire loading due to all vehicles fuel contents and their hydraulic fluids. Holtec provided calculations that showed the postulated fire involving all the equipment would not result in a significant increase in the temperature of the spent fuel inside a loaded canister when being transported.

Fuel Selection/Verification

  • For the initial loading campaign, the licensee planned to load only intact fuel assemblies that met the requirements of Technical Specification Appendix B, Section 2.1, Section 2.3, and the associated tables. The fuel assemblies selected for the first canister met the limits for length, width, weight, irradiation cooling time, average burn-up, cladding, decay heat, and fuel enrichment.
  • The licensee planned to load fuel in the canisters using the regionalized fuel loading concept allowed in Technical Specification Appendix B, Section 2.3 and Figure 2.3-1.

For the initial loading campaign, the licensee selected the option to load cooler spent fuel into the outer canister locations to provide shielding to the hotter fuel assemblies that were placed in the inner locations of the canister.

  • The licensee had established provisions for independent verification of the correct loading of spent fuel assemblies into the canister. This included use of an underwater camera to view the fuel assemblies serial numbers.

General License Requirements

  • The licensee evaluated the bounding environmental conditions specified in the Holtec FSAR and Certificate of Compliance No. 1040 Technical Specifications against the conditions at the site. This included: tornados, flood, seismic events, hurricanes/high winds, lightning, burial of the ISFSI under debris, snow/ice, normal and abnormal temperatures, and fires/explosions. The site environmental conditions at Callaway were bounded by the Holtec cask design parameters except for fire, explosions, and tornado driven missiles. Separate analyses showed that the sites ISFSI and dry cask storage transportation operations could withstand Callaways site specific tornado driven missile, worst postulated fire event, and pressures due to an explosion.
  • Projected radiation levels at the ISFSI were calculated for an assumed individual located at the owner controlled area boundary to determine the dose to this individual. The analysis assumed that the ISFSI was fully loaded with all 48 canisters in the UMAX ISFSI with fuel characteristics that bounded the UMAX design basis. The calculation concluded that the dose to any individual would be a small fraction of the regulatory limits. The calculated doses were well below the 10 CFR 72.104 limit of 25 mrem/year.
  • The licensee performed an evaluation of the Part 50 reactor programs that could be impacted by the addition of an ISFSI. The evaluation included a review of the radiation protection program, emergency planning program, quality assurance program, training program, reactor technical specifications, and the Part 50 license. Revisions to the programs to incorporate the ISFSI were identified and implemented. None of the-5- Enclosure

changes required an amendment to the plants Part 50 operating license or technical specifications.

  • The Holtec Certificate of Compliance and FSAR had been reviewed by the licensee to verify that the design basis for the Holtec system and the conditions and requirements in the Certificate of Compliance and FSAR were met.
  • Callaway had developed procedures for controlling all work associated with cask handling, loading, movement, surveillance, maintenance, and testing. Procedures had been developed specific to the ISFSI activities. Numerous other procedures developed for the Part 50 reactor programs were being adequately applied to the ISFSI program.

Heavy Loads

  • The licensee had incorporated the special requirements related to the ISFSI project into the site heavy loads programs and procedures. Crane operators interviewed were knowledgeable of the special handling requirements related to the spent fuel casks.
  • Special lifting device height limits and temperature restrictions during movement of the canisters had been incorporated into the licensees procedures consistent with the requirements in the Certificate of Compliance and FSAR.
  • A safe loads path had been identified and analyzed for moving the spent fuel from the spent fuel pool. Provisions were established in procedures to prevent the crane operators from moving the loaded canister outside the boundaries of the safe load path while in the fuel building.
  • The adequacy of the vertical cask transporter (VCT) for the expected weight of a loaded transfer cask and the ability of the transporter to safely perform downloading operations at the UMAX ISFSI was verified by NRC inspectors. The VCT was static load tested to 125% of its rated capacity and was given a 100% performance load test prior to fuel loading operations.

Loading Operations

  • Requirements in the FSAR related to pre-operational inspections and annual maintenance of equipment were being implemented through the licensees procedures.
  • Technical specifications and FSAR requirements related to spent fuel boron concentration, fuel cladding not being exposed to air, handling of damaged fuel containers, and time-to-boil limits were implemented in the licensees procedures.
  • During the loading of the first canister beginning August 24, 2015, the NRC provided 24-hour coverage of the loading operations for all the critical tasks. This included fuel movement, heavy lifts of the loaded canister, radiation surveys of the loaded transfer cask and storage cask, welding of the lid and port cover plates, Forced Helium Dehydration (FHD) drying, helium backfill of the canister, and transportation of the canister into the UMAX ISFSI. The first canister was placed into the UMAX ISFSI on September 1, 2015.

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Non-Destructive Examination

  • The requirements to perform helium leak testing of each canister was incorporated into the licensees procedures. The helium leak testing equipment used during the initial loading operations was verified to meet the minimum sensitivity level specified in ANSI N14.5.
  • A review of the visual and liquid penetrant examination specialists qualifications identified that they were properly qualified as a Level II examiners.

Pressure Testing

  • The requirements for canister hydrostatic testing had been incorporated into the licensees procedure and were consistent with the requirements of ASME Section III Subsection NB, Article NB-6000.
  • The hydrostatic testing sequence and criteria described in the FSAR had been incorporated into the licensees procedures.

Quality Assurance

  • The licensee had implemented their approved reactor facility Part 50 quality assurance program for the activities associated with the ISFSI. Selected Quality Assurance (QA)

activities were reviewed related to calibrations, operating status, receipt inspections, QA surveillances, and QA audits.

  • The FSAR identified structures, systems, and components that were important to safety and categorized each item into one of three levels (A, B, or C) based on safety significance. The licensee incorporated Holtecs safety designations into their classification procedure used to determine the level of quality control to place on the items.
  • A corrective action program that documented issues and classified problems according to their impact on quality and safety was being effectively used by the licensee.

Selected condition reports were reviewed to verify adequate resolution of the issues.

Radiation Protection

  • The licensee had incorporated As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) planning into the dry cask loading program. This included developing reasonable dose goals, utilizing lessons learned from other sites, and conducting radiation pre-job briefings that identified expected radiological conditions for the different work evolutions.
  • Requirements for radiological and contamination surveys described in the FSAR and technical specifications had been incorporated into the licensees health physics-7- Enclosure

program for the loading of the canisters. This included decontamination of the transfer cask and canister lid, and performing required surveys of the transfer cask and loaded VVM.

  • The licensee incorporated proper neutron dose consideration into the health physics monitoring program for neutrons that would be present around the canister when empty of water. This consideration included the use of appropriate personnel dosimetry that could measure neutron doses and applying a correction factor based on survey readings obtained during the loading campaign.


  • The licensee was maintaining the ISFSI records in their quality related records system.

Records required for retention by 10 CFR 72.174, 10 CFR 72.212, 10 CFR 72.234, and the FSAR had been identified in the licensees program as required records for retention.

The records were required to be maintained for five years after the transfer of the fuel from the ISFSI.

Safety Reviews

  • Changes to the site related to the construction and operation of the ISFSI were being evaluated in accordance with 10 CFR 72.48 and 10 CFR 50.59 requirements. No issues were identified during the review of selected safety screenings and full safety evaluations.


  • The slings used for downloading the MPC and other slings utilized throughout the campaign met the requirements of NUREG 0612. Operations required dual/redundant slings that had a rated capacity of twice the sum of the static and dynamic loads. All slings proof loading tests were found to meet the requirements of ASME B30.9.
  • The sling inspection program complied with ASME B30.9 in regards to daily sling inspections, annual sling inspections, and proof loading.

Special Lifting Devices

  • The licensees special lifting device program complied with ANSI N14.6 in regards to stress design, prior to use inspections, and 300% proof loadings for the lift yoke, lift yoke extensions, HI-TRAC VW Lift Lugs, MPC lift cleats, and the VCT lift links.

Storage Operations

  • The inspection of the VVM outlet and inlet air ducts to be free from blockage was placed in the licensees procedures to be performed daily as required by Technical Specification A.3.1.2.

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  • The licensee procured the equipment and developed procedures to perform gas sampling if a canister was required to be unloaded. The licensee demonstrated the gas sampling process to the NRC during the dry run demonstrations.
  • Canister re-flooding for unloading was demonstrated to the NRC during the dry run demonstrations. The procedure controlling canister re-flooding contained all of the applicable requirements from the FSAR and the technical specifications.


  • Requirements for hydrogen monitoring during welding of the canister lid had been incorporated into the licensees procedures.
  • All welding procedures contained the required essential, non-essential, and supplemental variables specified in ASME Section IX for gas tungsten arc welding.
  • The welding procedures qualification test coupons all satisfactorily passed the required bend and tension tests to qualify the welding procedures and thus the lid to shell weld.
  • The welders performance qualification test records were reviewed and documented that the welders had met the qualification testing requirements for manual and machine welding of the canister lid. The testing requirements complied with the requirements of ASME Section IX.

-9- Enclosure

SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION INFORMATION PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee Personnel R. Brumnet, Consultant, QC Inspector C. Emerson, Consultant, Radiation Protection D. Daugherty, QC Inspector S. Ewens, ISFSI Project Manager R. Lutz, Lead Project Engineer M. McLachlan, Senior Director Engineering J. Mcinvale, Consultant, Project Engineer T. Pettus, Project Engineer L. Ptasznik, Regulatory Affairs G. Roesner, Consultant, Project Engineer D. Shafer, Consultant, Regulatory Affairs E. Stewart, Senior Reactor Operator Holtec International B. Bates, Field Supervisor A. Brown, Project Engineer D. Burns, Welder/Machine Operator T. Card, Project Manager T. Ciesielski, Welder/Machine Operator N. DeDominicis, HMD Manager of Projects L. Johnson, Field Supervisor L. Kinney, Site Manager S. Roland, Operations Manager J. Sloane, Field Supervisor S. Soler, Director Site Services Manager R. Tindal, Project Manager T. Witt, Regulatory Affairs PCI Group R. Campbell, Welder D. OConner, NDE Inspector L. Hobson, Welder J. Meyers, Welding Supervisor L. Vice, NDE Inspector J. York, Welder Attachment 1

INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 60854.1 Preoperational Testing of ISFSIs at Operating Plants IP 60855.1 Operations of an ISFSI at Operating Plants IP 60856 Review of 10 CFR 72.212(b) Evaluations IP 60857 Review of 10 CFR 72.48 Evaluations LIST OF ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Discussed None Closed None LIST OF ACRONYMS abs absolute ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable ANSI American National Standards Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials atm atmosphere AWS automatic welding system BP Burnable Poison Rod Assembly CAL Calculation CAR Corrective Action Request CARS Corrective Action Request System CEC Cavity Enclosure Container cc/sec cubic centimeters per sec CFR Code of Federal Regulations CLP Cask Loading Pit cm centimeter CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America CMTR certified materials test report CoC Certificate of Compliance CWP Cask Washing Pit DBE Design Basis Earthquake DFC damaged fuel container DNMS Division of Nuclear Material Safety dpm disintegrations per minute EAL emergency action level EPD electronic pocket dosimeter-2- Attachment 1

EPP emergency plan procedure EPRI Electrical Power Research Institute F Fahrenheit FHD forced helium dehydration fps feet per second FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report g acceleration due to gravity gpm gallons per minute GQP General Quality Procedure GTAW gas tungsten arc welding GWD/MTU Giga Watt Day per Metric Ton Uranium GWS General Welding Standard HI Holtec International HI-PORT Low Profile Transporter HI-TRAC VW Holtec Transfer Cask HMD Holtec Manufacturing Division HMSLD helium mass spectrometer leak detector HSP Holtec Standard Procedure HPP Holtec Project Procedure HVAC heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning ICRP International Commission Radiation Protection ICA item control area IP Inspection Procedure IPTE Infrequently Performed Test Evolution ISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ISG Interim Staff Guidance ITS important to safety IWRC independent wire rope core kW killo-watt lbs pounds LCO limiting condition for operation m/sec meters per second MPC multi-purpose canister mrem MilliRoentgen Equivalent Man MSLD mass spectrometer leak detector MWD/MTU Mega Watt Day per Metric Ton Uranium NDE non-destructive examination NOG Nuclear Overhead and Gantry (Cranes)

NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NIST National Institute of Science and Technology NITS not important to safety NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSA Neutron Source Assembly NUREG US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation OCA owner controlled area OSL optically stimulated luminescence OQAM Operating Quality Assurance Manual PCI Westinghouse Electric Company Welding Service PII personally identifiable information PM preventative maintenance PQR procedure qualification record-3- Attachment 1

PS Purchase Specification psig pounds per square inch gauge PT liquid penetrant exam PWR pressurized water reactor QA quality assurance QC quality control RCCA Rod Cluster Control Assemblies RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RIV Region 4 RVOA removable valve operator assembly RWP radiation work permit S/N serial number SER Safety Evaluation Report SFP spent fuel pool SNM special nuclear material SNT-TC Society for Non-Destructive Testing-Technical Committee Spec Specification SSC structures, systems, and components SSE safe shutdown earthquake TAL threaded anchor location TEPC Tissue Equivalent Proportional Chamber TLD thermo-luminescent dosimetry TP Thimble Plug TS technical specification U-235 Uranium 235 UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report UFSAR-SA Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Site Addendum UFSAR-SP Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Standard Plant VCT vertical cask transporter VVM Vertical Ventilated Module VT Visual Testing WOPQ welder operator performance qualification WPQ welder performance qualification WPS welding procedure specification ZPA Zero Period Accelerations Zr zirconium based fuel cladding-4- Attachment 1