IR 05000289/1975022

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IE Insp Rept 50-289/75-22 on 750930.No Noncompliance Noted. Major Area Inspected:New Insp Program Sampling Technique
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/1975
From: Brunner E, Davis A, Sniezek J
NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION I), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19256D567 List:
50-289-75-22, NUDOCS 7910190536
Download: ML19256D568 (4)





IE:I Form 12

n 75) (Rev)











IE Inspection Report No:



Docket No:




Metropolitan Edison Company License No:

DPR-50 P.O. Box 549 Priority:

Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 Category:

C Safeguards Location:

Middletown, Pennsylsania Type of Licensee:

PWR, 2535 MW: (B&W)

. of Inspection:

Management Meeting

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of Inspection:

September 30, 1975


Di s of Previous Inspection:

September 17-19, 1975


/[3/75 Reporting Inspector:

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A.%. Davis, Senior Redctor Inspector DATE

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/b T/78


Accompanying Inspectors:






J. H. Sniezek, Chief, Light Water DATE Reactor Programs Branch DATE




/C T


Other Accompanying Personnel:


~ -- (

e '- i 7 y-i N. L. Brisbin, R._R.

Prairie, NRC DATE Consultants


Reviewed By:

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<-cf.L. /~

/ *' / M.7 I'

E. J. Brunner, Chief, Reacg6t' Operations Branch DATE


1451 295 7910190

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, SUMWP.Y OF FINDINGS Enforcement Action




Other Significant Findings A.

Current Findings Not applicable



Management Meeting The meeting was requested by the Metropolitan Edison Company and




was held at the Corpc, rate Offices of Metropolitan Edison Company, Reading, Pennsylvania on September 30, 1975.

The following per-sonnel attended:


Metropolitan Edison Company

Mr. R. C. Arnold, Vice President - Generation


x Mr. D. N. Grace, Licensing Engineer


Mr. J. G. Herbein, Manager, Generation Operations - Nuclear Mr. J. F. Villaume, Licensing Engineer General Public Utilities Corporation Mr. F. T. Luizer, Statistician - Engineer


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. A. B. Davis, Senior Reactor Inspector Mr. J. H. Sniezek, Chief, Light Water Reactor Programs Branch Sandia Laboratories


Mr. N. L. Brisbin, Project Manager


,Dr. R. R. Prairie, Statistician 1451 296



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Purpose and Scope


The meeting was held to discuss Metropolitan Edison Company manage-ment questions and concerns regarding a new inspection program sampling technique which is to be implemented at TMI-1 on a trial basis for a one year period.


Discussion Items Specific items discussed are summarized below:


Introduction The trial inspection program was briefly described by NRC.

Topics covered included inspection program effectiveness, trial program scope, inspection elements and enforcement.

This trial inspection program is described in NRC, Office of i'

Inspection and Enforcement Inspection Report 50-289/75-19.


Metropolitan Edison Company Concerns Regarding Trial Inspection,



Metropolitan Edison Company expressed three concerns related


to the trial program.

These were:



The possibility that the results of the program may be

misused since it is difficult to understand the objective (confidence level) statement associated with the program.



The fact that the inspection elements were not available for Met Ed review and, therefore, Met Ed had no way of assessing their statistical validity.





The concern that the impact on Metropolitan Edison

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Company due to such things a~s inspection frequency and inspection coverage could not be assessed.


Comments and Resolution of Metropolitan Edison C6mpany Concerns (1) With respect to concern B(1) above, it was stated that


the confidence level statement is related to the effect-


iveness of the NRC inspection program to detect non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

It is not a statement which dire-tly relates to Metropolitan Edison Company performance.



l451 297











,.l It is recognized by NRC that the possibility exists for

,ggg inspection results to be misused in a way which would improperly reflect on Metropolitan Edison Company per-formance.

For this reason, NRC will explore ways to use inspection results to provide a correct measure of com-


pliance or performance by Metropolitan Edison Company.


(2) With respect to concern B(2) above, it was stated that inspection elements would not be provided to Metropolitan Edison Company.

The inspection program would not be ran-dom and independent and the results may not be valid if the licensee is knowledgeable of the items or elements. to be inspected.


It was agreed that NRC would review this matter further.


It may be possible to proiide a limited number of examples of or examples similar to the inspection elements without

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affecting the inspection program.

If this turns out to be the case, such examples will be discussed with Metro-



politan Edison Company.


(3) With respect to concern B(3) above, it was stated that


inspections will be performed by Proj ect and Specialist

...m Inspectors, as has been done in past inspections.

It was


stated that the inspections would be scheduled to ef fic-


iently utilize inspector time.

Although not stated, it


is Office of Inspection and Enforcement policy to also conduct inspections in such a way as to have, if possible, minimum impact on the licensee.


Enforcement It was stated by NRC that enforcement associated with inspdct-ion results would be handled in accordance with existing


policy applicable to all plants.

The delineation of source of items of noncompliance would not' be distinguished between the i;-. -


statistical and routine portions of the trial program.




1451 298



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