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the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Revisions
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/2014
From: Brabec R
Southern California Edison Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SO123-VIII-0.202, Rev. 12, SO123-VIII-30.7, Rev. 18, SO123-VIII-40.200, Rev. 8
Download: ML14055A047 (75)




Docket Nos. 50-206, 50-361, 50-362, and 72-41 Emergency Plan Implementing procedures San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), Units 1, 2, and 3, and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V, Attachment 1 of this letter provides copies of the following revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures:

Effective Procedure Rev. Date Date SO123-VIII-40.200 "RADDOSE-V Dose Assessment" 8 01/22/2014 S01 23-VIII-0.202 "Assignment of Emergency Response 12 01/30/2014 Personnel" SO123-VIII-30.7 "Emergency Notifications" 18 02/06/2014 of this letter provides an updated index listing titles, revisions, and editorial corrections (ECs) of the SONGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, as of February 6, 2014. A bar in the right margin indicates items changed since our previous submittal. lists the current Emergency Plan Manuals, Orders, and Training Procedures that are referenced in the Emergency Plan. A bar in the right margin indicates items changed since our previous submittal. provides the reports and analysis summaries of the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures changes.

There are no commitments contained in this letter or its attachments.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Danny R. Cleavenger, Emergency Planning Manager, at (949) 368-6643.

February 19, 2014 Document Control Desk Richard Brabec, Principal Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Attachments: 1. Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures

2. SONGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Index
3. Emergency Plan Manuals, Orders, and Training Procedures that are Referenced in the Emergency Plan
4. Reports and analysis summaries of the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures changes.

cc: Emergency Response Coordinator, NRC Region IV (2 copies of Attachment 1)

M. Dapas, Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV J. E. Whitten, NRC Region IV, Nuclear Material Safety Branch Chief C. Gratton, NRC Project Manager, SONGS Units 2 and 3 J. C. Shepherd, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Unit 1 W. C. Allen, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre ISFSI G. G. Warnick, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, SONGS Units 2 and 3

Attachment 1 Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures S0123-VIII-40.200, Revision 8, RADDOSE-V Dose Assessment S0123-VIII-0.202, Revision 12, Assignment of Emergency Response Personnel SO123-VIII-30.7, Revision 18, Emergency Notifications

Procedure Usage Requirements Sections Information Use a The user may complete the task from memory. However, the Sections 1.0-3.0, 7.0-user is responsible for performing the activity according to the 9.0 and Attachment 4 procedure.

0 Information use documents that contain a specific process order are performed in the given order unless otherwise specified within the document.

Reference Use 0 Review and understand the procedure before performing any Sections 4.0-6.0, steps, including the prerequisite section. Attachments 1-3

  • Have a copy or applicable pages/sections open at the work site.
  • Use Placekeeping method according to S0123-XV-HU-3.

0 If any portion of the document is performed from memory, do so in the sequence specified. Perform each step as written, except when an approved process specifically allows deviation.

  • Refer to the procedure or instruction at least once to ensure completion of the task in accordance with the requirements.
  • Review the document at the completion of the task to verify that all appropriate steps are performed and documented.

Color Usage This Document Does Not Contain Relevant Color QA PROGRAM AFFECTING 50.59 DNA / 72.48 DNA / RX DNA Procedure Type Procedure Owner General Mayra Alvarado

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCO PE ................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 RESPO NSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIO NS .................................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 PRECAUTIO NS AND LIM ITATIO NS .......................................................................................... 5 5.0 PREREQ UISITES .............................................................................................................................. 5 6.0 PRO CEDURE .................................................................................................................................... 6 6.1 SYSTEM START UP .............................................................................................................. 6 6.2 METEO RO LO G ICAL DATA ENTRY ................................................................................ 10 6.3 SO URCE TERM DATA ENTRY ...................................................................................... 11 6.4 PERFO RM ING A CALCULATIO N ................................................................................. 12 6.5 PERFORMING A BACK CALCULATION USING FIELD DATA ..................................... 13 6.6 PERFO RM ING A FO RECAST ........................................................................................ 14 6.7 MULTIPLE UNIT DO SE ASSESSM ENT .......................................................................... 15 6.8 SYSTEM SHUTDOW N .................................................................................................. 16 7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .............................................................................................................. 17 8.0 RETENTIO N O F RECO RDS ........................................................................................................... 17


/ CO MMITM ENTS ............................................................................................ 17 Section Page ATTACHMENT 1 Supplem ental Raddose-V Inform ation ........................................................................................ 19 2 PAR Assessm ents Beyond 10 Miles ........................................................................................... 20 3 Multiple Unit Dose Assessm ent Worksheet ............................................................................... 21 4 Sum m ary of Changes ..................................................................................................................... 22 INFORMATION USE

1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 Provide operating instructions for the Raddose-V Dose Assessment computer code on the Radiation Protection (RP) computers in the TSC and EOF.

2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 This procedure should be used by personnel qualified to ENCODE HPLDAC, to operate Raddose-V on HP Computers located in the TSC and EOF as primary dose assessment tool as directed in S0123-VIII-TSC, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Technical Support Center Position Instructions, and SO123-VIII-EOF, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Emergency Operations Facility Position Checklists. SO123-VIII-40.100, Dose Assessment, describes a manual dose assessment methodology that should only be used when the computer system is not available (due to inoperability or lack of qualified operators) or for backup calculations.

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Cal OES: California Office of Emergency Services 3.2 CAPR: Corrective Action to Prevent Reoccurrence 3.3 CEDE: Committed Effective Dose Equivalent 3.4 CDE: Committed Dose Equivalent 3.5 CFMS Critical Function Monitoring System 3.6 DAC: Derived Airborne Concentration 3.7 DACS Dose Assessment Computer System 3.8 EAL: Emergency Action Level 3.9 EP: Emergency Plan 3.10 EPIP: Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 3.11 ERDS: Emergency Response Data System 3.12 ERF: Emergency Response Facility 3.13 ERO: Emergency Response Organization REFERENCE USE

3.14 ERTD: Emergency Response Telephone Directory 3.15 ISFSI: Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 3.16 KI: Potassium Iodide 3.17 NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3.18 OCA: Owner Controlled Area 3.19 ODAC: Offsite Dose Assessment Center 3.20 OSLD Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeter 3.21 PA: Protected Area 3.22 PAPA: Protected Area Personnel Accountability 3.23 PAR: Protective Action Recommendation 3.24 PASS: Post Accident Sampling System 3.25 PAZ: Protective Action Zone 3.26 RP: Radiation Protection 3.27 SCE: Southern California Edison 3.28 SONGS: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 3.29 TEDE: Total Effective Dose Equivalent 3.30 TLD: Thermoluminescent Device 3.31 TSC: Technical Support Center 3.32 VNF: Verbal Notification Form 3.33 YPS: Yellow Phone System REFERENCE USE

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Precautions 4.1.1 S0123-VIII-10.3, Protective Actions Recommendations, requires decisions based on Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) dose assessments for the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB).

4.1.2 An elevated release (lofted plume) may occur during cold, stable atmospheric conditions, or during an energetic release (e.g., expelled by fans, steam dumps or steam safety valves). If these conditions occur, plume readings close to the plant (within approximately 2 miles) may be lower than expected for a ground level release.

Although quantitative changes to dose estimates are not needed, consideration should be made for the effects of plume loft when directing field teams.

4.1.3 This procedure is intended to provide operating instructions for using Raddose-V Computer Code to calculate a dose assessment. SO123-VIII-40.100, Dose Assessment, describes a manual dose assessment methodology that can be used if Raddose-V cannot be executed or if an independent backup assessment is desired.

4.1.4 When operating in slave mode, verify the control station has performed the calculation before printing any reports to prevent the report from containing results from previous calculations.

4.1.5 WHEN performing a Back Calculate Source Term/Dose Assessment, be sure to use field data location where the plume has arrived. OTHERWISE, IF the plume has NOT reached the distance from which you are back calculating RADDOSE V will calculate zero dose at that point.

4.2 Limitations 4.2.1 None 5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 Before using this procedure user should know which operating mode to select. Raddose-V provides a Control/Slave mode to allow one work station to run the model as the control station and other stations to "watch" results (from control station) as slave stations. The model also provides an Independent mode where the station works independently from the Control/Slave functions.

5.2 Emergency Planning is responsible for ensuring the current copy of this Document is in emergency notebooks for use during declared emergencies and drills.


5.3 Personnel are responsible for ensuring they use the current copy of this document when not in a declared emergency or drill by verifying this document is current using one of the methods described in S0123-XV-HU-3 5.4 ERO members must maintain one of the following task qualifications

" 7L1QVVT, TSC RP Leader Qual. Walkthrough (Radiation Protection Leader)

" 7L5QVVT, EOF RP Leader Qual Walkthrough NOTE Section 6.7 should be referred to for dose assessment instructions when there are accidents involving both Units 2 and 3.

6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 SYSTEM START UP 6.1.1 IF computer equipment is not already energized, THEN start up system by turning on power switches for computer, monitor, and printer. WHEN the computer's start up sequence has completed, THEN the Dose Assessment Computer System (DACS) program icons will be on the Windows XP desktop.

6.1.2 SELECT the icon on the XP desktop for the unit for which dose assessments are required (Unit 2 or 3). "DACS: Raddose-V" title screen is displayed indicating work station identity code XXXX, e.g., EOF1 6.1.3 SELECT [Continue] button.

(Raddose-V prompts: "Do you want to use automatic data from the network or manual data entry?)

NOTE In an actual emergency the data is pulled from Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) computer. In event that ERDS is not functioning or communicating to DACS properly, manual entry of data will be required.

6.1.4 SELECT [Automatic] to enable automatic entry of actual data from ERDS database.

OR SELECT [Manual] to enable manual entry of meteorological and radiological data.

(Raddose-V prompts: "Do you want to run in Control/Slave or Independent Mode?")


6.1.5 SELECT [Control/Slave] to take control of system or to receive dose assessments as a slave station.

OR SELECT [Independent] to run Raddose-V independent from control station.

(ff no one is on the system as controller, then computer will prompt: "No one is in control, do you want control? Slave mode cannot be used since there is no control station)".

6.1.6 To assume control SELECT [Yes]. This will permit data you calculate to be viewed by other slave computers on the system. I(LE another work station already has taken control of system, THEN computer will prompt: "XXXX is in control. Do you want to be a slave, or run independently?")

NOTE A slave station cannot perform real-time calculations. A slave station can watch results from control station and perform forecasts after initial calculations have been made at control station.

6.1.6. 1 SELECT [Slave] to be put on system as a slave station. SELECT [Continue Previous Incident] to view data from control station. To perform forecasts REFER to Section 6.6 OR SELECT [Independent] to take over control of system from current control station.

Raddose-V "Main Menu" is displayed CONTACT station that has control of system AND INFORM them you are taking control of system. SELECT [Take Control] from Main Menu. Computer will prompt: "XXXX is in control. Are you sure you want to be in control?"

REFERENCE USE SELECT [Yes] to complete process. (Computer will prompt, "Do you want to run in Drill Mode or Accident Mode?" SELECT [Drill] or [Accident] mode, "Inventory Listing" screen is displayed.)

NOTE Selecting [Drill] will cause program to take radiological and meteorological data from a database developed by drill planner for specific drill. Selecting

[Accident] will cause program to take radiological and meteorological data from ERDS database of actual plant and meteorological data. SELECT [Continue]. "Start-Up Menu" is displayed.

6.1.7 DETERMINE which of the following conditions apply and go to designated procedure step To start a new assessment with system in proper configuration (neither of the following Steps or apply), GO TO Procedure Step 6.1.8. To recover from a computer error that led to an unplanned program termination, GO TO Procedure Step 6.1.9. To recover system after computer was improperly shut down by a previous user NOT in this scenario, GO TO Procedure Step 6.1.10.

6.1.8 SELECT [Begin New Incident] from Start-Up Menu to start a new assessment SELECT [Yes] to erase all previous data. GO TO Procedure Step 6.1.11.

6.1.9 SELECT [Continue Previous Incident] from Start-Up Menu to recover from a computer error that led to an unplanned program termination. ("Continuation Data" screen will be displayed.)

NOTE The Continuation Data screen will display the date and time of the reactor shutdown, the date and time of the release, and the operators initials. VERIFY accuracy of input data on Continuation Data screen. SELECT [Continue] to return to Main Menu. GO TO Procedure Step 6.2.1.


6.1.10 SELECT [Continue Previous Incident] from Start Up Menu to recover system after computer was improperly shut down by a previous user NOT IN THIS SCENARIO. SELECT [Continue] on Continuation Data Screen. SELECT [Go to Start Up Menu]. SELECT [Exit Raddose-V]. To restart Raddose-V program, GO TO Procedure Step 6.1.2. "Accident Scenario Definition" screen should now be displayed.

6.1.11 PERFORM the following:

NOTE DACS must be restarted if a new reactor trip time and/or radiological release time is being inputted. This will require all operators in "Control" or "Slave" mode to logoff until DACS is restarted. ENTER current date and time for reactor trip. ENTER date and time of start of release. ENTER your initials as operator. VERIFY accuracy of input data on Accident Scenario Definition screen. SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu.

NOTE DACS should be updated with a new time step every 15 to 30-minutes, in order to keep time step current. This should be done even ifsource term has not changed.

6.1.12 IF an accident related release of radioactive material begins, THEN CALCULATE an emergency dose projection every 15-30 minutes based on latest source term provided by the TSC Technical Team Mitigator.

6.1.13 POLL AND PRINT meteorological, radiation monitor, and PIC data approximately every 15 minutes. This should occur automatically if [Automatic Rad Report] button is enabled on Main Menu screen. To access meteorological, radiation monitor, and PIC data, GO TO Windows XP desktop. SELECT [Historical Data].



1) The following procedure steps describe how to input meteorological and radiological data to perform a dose assessment. Determination of appropriate Radiological data should be made in direct consultation with TSC Technical Leader.
2) Raddose-V can be used to track or forecast an "empty" plume which can be used to pre-stage field teams in anticipation of an actual accident related release. To simulate an "empty" plume use use a very low plant vent stack Noble Gas release rate such as 2.OE-14 Curies/sec to avoid hypothetical release data being interpreted as an actual release.

6.2 METEOROLOGICAL DATA ENTRY 6.2.1 SELECT [EnterlEdit Meteorological Data] from Main Menu. "Meteorological Data Input" screen will be displayed. (Lf Raddose-V is in automatic mode, then Raddose-V will download appropriate meteorological data.)

6.2.2 IF Raddose V is in automatic mode, THEN GO TO Procedure Step 6.2.5. IF Raddose-V is not in automatic mode, THEN CLICK on [OK] to enable manual entry.

6.2.3 Manually ENTER the following data by highlighting blank data field (displayed as ..... )

AND manually INPUTTING desired value.

NOTE Double clicking on an existing value will allow value to be edited. Data is accepted by using enter key. ENTER Wind Speed. ENTER Wind Direction. ENTER Delta T. IF Delta T is not available, THEN Stability class can be estimated and entered directly.


NOTE Unless better information is available use Stability Class D for daytime conditions and Stability Class F for night time conditions. ENTER Air Temperature. ENTER Precipitation.

6.2.4 VERIFY input data.

6.2.5 SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu.

6.3 SOURCE TERM DATA ENTRY 6.3.1 SELECT [EnterlEdit Source Term Data] from Main Menu. "Source Term Data Input" screen will be displayed. Click on [OK] to enable manual entry.


1) Accident type should be a Fuel Handling Building (FHB) accident unless otherwise determined by TSC Technical Team.
2) Raddose-V can evaluate three separate release paths simultaneously.

6.3.2 ENTER accident type by clicking the mouse in the cell for release path of concern in Accident Type Column. A drop down menu will appear.

6.3.3 SELECT accident type from drop down menu by double clicking in first cell of row containing description of accident type.


1) For Wide Range Gas Monitors (WRGMs), the pCi/cc value for "Lo", "Med",

or "Hi" channel should be used as long as those values are in the range of 1E-7 to 1 E-1, 1E-4 to 1E+2, or 1 E-1 to 1 E+6 pCi/CC, respectively.

2) For the Unit 2 and 3 Plant Vent Stacks (PVSs), if a pCi/sec is unavailable, then average the pCi/cc of both PVSs (use the pCi/cc of one monitor if only one PVS is available) and use 164,000 cfm release rate.

6.3.4 SELECT Noble Gas entry method by first clicking in cell in NG Method column.

A drop down menu will appear. SELECT Noble Gas entry method from drop down menu by double clicking in first cell of row containing description of Noble Gas entry method.

REFERENCE USE If Direct (DRECT) is selected as Noble Gas entry method, THEN ENTER Noble Gas release rate in Curies per second in NG Rel Rate (Ci/s) field. ENSURE Noble Gas source term data is entered using units specified in Noble Gas entry method drop down menu.

6.3.5 SELECT Iodine entry method by first clicking in cell in I Method column. A drop down menu will appear. SELECT the Direct (DRECT) Iodine entry method from drop down menu by double clicking in first cell of row containing description of Iodine entry method.

6.3.6 ENTER Iodine release rate as 'O' in Curies per second in I Rel Rate (Ci/s) field.

6.3.7 VERIFY accuracy of inputs on Source Term Data Input Screen. SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu.

6.4 PERFORMING A CALCULATION 6.4.1 From Main Menu, SELECT [Perform Calculations].


1) Computer will calculate dose rates for defined plume segment, and will calculate dose rates and plume segment movement for plume segments already released. Once completed, program displays 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) map.
2) After calculation has been performed, slave computer will be able to view data.

6.4.2 SELECT [Continue] to remove map. ("Output Menu" will be displayed).

6.4.3 From Output Menu, SELECT [Go to Report Menu].


1) Unless other options have been requested, print the following reports from Report Menu.
2) Selecting [Print reports ODAC Forms and Maps] will print a multi-page report of greater than 10 pages.

6.4.4 From Report Menu, SELECT [Print Header Pages].

6.4.5 From Report Menu, SELECT [Print 2-mile Map].


6.4.6 CLICK on [Return to Output Menu].

6.4.7 From Output Menu, SELECT [Return to Main Menu] to return to Main Menu.


[Continue Calculations] also returns to Main Menu.

6.4.8 CONTINUE running dose assessments on 15 minute plume segments approximately every 15 minutes with source term data provided by TSC Technical Team Mitigator or TSC Technical Leader.

6.4.9 ENSURE results of dose assessments are transmitted to appropriate slave stations.


1) To perform a back calculation at least one plume segment must have been entered and calculated., Distance and bearing where field measurement is taken is critical to calculation of proper X/Q value. Bearing is expressed in "degrees to" field location and will be 1800 out of phase with wind direction which is expressed as "degrees from".
2) Back calculation assumes actual field or PIC readings are centerline of plume. If this assumption is not correct, Raddose-V calculated values and field or PIC value comparisons may not match.

CAUTION When performing a back calculation from field data, Raddose-V uses Iodine to Noble Gas ratio from previous plume step. This value must be checked to ensure it is still applicable or significant miscalculations could occur.

6.5.1 From Main Menu, SELECT [Enter/Edit Source Term Data].

6.5.2 At "Source Term Data Input Screen", SELECT (BACK) from drop down menu for Noble Gas method. This will open "Back Calculation of Release Rate" screen.

6.5.3 SELECT Noble Gas method (either PIC or actual field measurements).

6.5.4 SELECT Iodine 1-131 concentration method.

6.5.5 IF field measurement data is being used, THEN ENTER distance and bearing from the plant for field reading. ENTER Closed Window field measurement in mR/hr.

REFERENCE USE ENTER ýiCi/cc 1-131 value of "0".

6.5.6 IF PIC data is being used, THEN ENTER PIC ID# and PIC reading in mR/hr. VERIFY input data. SELECT [OK] to return to Source Term Data Input Screen.

6.5.7 SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu.

6.5.8 PERFORM calculations AND PRINT reports as described in Section 6.4.

6.5.9 CONTINUE to poll meteorological, radiation monitor, and PIC data as time allows.

6.5.10 ENSURE results of dose assessments are transmitted to appropriate slave stations.


1) At least one plume segment must be calculated before forecasts can be performed.
2) Tracking or forecasting an "empty" plume may be used to pre-stage field teams in anticipation of an actual accident related release. To simulate an "empty" plume use a very low plant vent stack Noble Gas release rate such as 2.OE-14 Curies/sec to avoid hypothetical release data being interpreted as an actual release.
3) All printouts of "empty" plume calculations should be clearly identified with phrase "No Release" written on printout(s).
4) All "WHAT IF" plume calculations should be clearly identified with "WHAT IF" written on printout(s).

6.6.1 VERIFY accuracy of meteorological and source term data. From Main Menu, SELECT [Enter/Edit Meteorological Data]. ENTER meteorological data for forecast period in current time step. SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu. From Main Menu, SELECT [Enter/Edit Source Term Data]. ENTER source term data for forecast period in current time step. SELECT [Accept] to return to Main Menu.


NOTE When proceeding with real-time calculations after having performed "WHAT IF",

be certain data in new plume segment is correct (edited) for real time data. A warning pop up box will appear to remind you.

6.6.2 SELECT [Perform Forecast] from Main Menu. A pop up box appears asking operator to verify forecast period. A default time of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> is displayed. ACCEPT default value if 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> is appropriate; OR ENTER a different forecast period in hours. SELECT [OK] to perform forecast calculations. [Upon completion of calculations, 10-mile EPZ map for forecast period is displayed along with PAG (Protective Action Guideline) information].

6.6.3 SELECT [Continue] to remove map. "Output Menu" is displayed.

6.6.4 From Output Menu SELECT [Go to Report Menu] to obtain dose reports.

6.6.5 SELECT [Return to Output Menu].

6.6.6 From Output Menu SELECT [Return to Main Menu] to continue calculations or perform another forecast.

6.6.7 ENSURE results of dose assessments are transmitted to appropriate slave stations.

6.7 MULTIPLE UNIT DOSE ASSESSMENT 6.7.1 COMPLETE U2 Dose Assessment following sections 6.1.through 6.4. ENTER TEDE value from page 3 of Header Report on Attachment 3. ENTER two hour estimate TEDE value from page 3 of Header Report on Attachment 3.

6.7.2 COMPLETE U3 Dose Assessment following steps in 6.1.through 6.4. ENTER TEDE value from page 3 of Header Report on Attachment 3. ENTER two hour Estimate TEDE value from page 3 of Header Report on Attachment 3.

6.7.3 ADD Unit 2 and Unit 3 Dose Assessment TEDE on Attachment 3: ADD Unit 2 and Unit 3 TEDE values AND ENTER the total on Attachment 3.

REFERENCE USE ADD Unit 2 and Unit 3 two hour Estimate TEDE values AND ENTER the total on Attachment 3.

6.7.4 SIGN AND DATE Performed By on Attachment 3.

6.7.5 ENSURE Attachment 3 is peer checked and the reviewed by line is signed.

6.7.6 ATTACH Header Report and 2 Mile Map for each Unit to Attachment 3.


1) The dose associated with a radiological plume should be completely assessed to the maximum credible distance before the RP Leader determines the Raddose-V program will no longer be needed and system may be shut down.
2) Pressing the "Disabled" or "Enabled" radio button for the "Automatic Rad Report" resets the Control/Slave mode in the software when the system will not relinquish control (spinning circle remains on the display).

6.8.1 IF your station has been in control, THEN SELECT [Relinquish Control] from Main Menu. Model will prompt "Are you sure?" SELECT [Yes]. SELECT [Go to Start Up Menu]. SELECT [Exit Raddose-V].

6.8.2 IF your station has been running in either slave or independent mode, THEN SELECT

[Go to Start Up Menu] from Main Menu. SELECT [Exit Raddose-V].



8.0 RETENTION OF RECORD S 8.1 Deliver all logs and worksheets used during response activities to EOF Emergency Planning Coordinator or TSC Manager at conclusion of emergency.


/ COMMITMENTS 9.1 Implementing Reference 9.1.1 Procedures S01 23-VII1-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations SO 123-VIII-40. 100, Dose Assessment SO123-XV-109, Procedure and Instruction Format and Content SO123-XV-HU-3, Written Instruction Use and Adherence S0123-VIII-TSC, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Technical Support Center Position Checklist S0123-VIII-EOF, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Emergency Operations Facility Position Checklists 9.1.2 Drawings None 9.1.3 Manuals Operator's Manual for DACS/RADDOSE-V, Rev. 3, June 1998 9.1.4 Other None 9.2 Developmental References 9.2.1 Commitments None INFORMATION USE

9.2.2 Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence (CAPR) None 9.2.3 Procedures SO123-VIII-40.3, EOF Radiation Protection (RP) Leader Duties. S0123-VIII-40, TSC Radiation Protection (RP) Leader Duties.

9.2.4 Drawinqs None 9.2.5 Manuals Operator's Manual for DACS/RADDOSE-V, Rev. 3, June 1998 9.2.6 Other. Action Request 060301941, Assignment 3 INFORMATION USE

Supplemental Raddose-V Information i Aftachment 1 InormtionAttchmnt SuppemetalRaddse-

1. All DACS databases "time stamp" data from the beginning of the interval. For the case of the 15-minute average data, intervals begin on the quarter hour. The data represent an average of the following 15 one-minute readings.
2. For the 09:00 record, the one-minute average for 09:00, 09:01, and 09:02.. .09:14 are averaged and reported. The one-minute average is actually the average of fifteen readings taken at 4-second intervals. As such, the actual time period of the 09:00 fifteen-minute average is really 09:00:00 to 09:14:56.
3. Raddose-V can back calculate a source term for dose projections based on field data including PIC readings. To use this feature the location of the field sample or PIC reading must be within the Raddose-V generated plume area. The field data should be entered in the appropriate accident time step coinciding with the field measurement.
4. Back calculation assumes the actual field or PIC readings are the centerline of the plume.

If this assumption is not correct, the Raddose-V calculated values and the field or PIC value comparisons may not match.

5. Raddose-V can be used to track or forecast an "empty" plume which can be used to pre-stage field teams in anticipation of an actual accident related release. To simulate an "empty" plume use a very low plant vent stack Noble Gas release rate such as 2.OE-14 Curies/sec to avoid hypothetical release data being interpreted as an actual release.
6. Occasionally, there will be a puff release during an incident or drill. Make sure that releases which stop are terminated in the Raddose-V program.
7. The accident type can change during an accident. Make sure this change is properly recorded in Raddose-V even if the source term values remain the same.
8. In the [Enter/Edit Source Term Data] screen do not attempt to enter rad data unless an entry method has been selected. Attempting to enter rad data without specifying an entry method will produce an error message "Subscript out of Range". When the error message is acknowledged the program will terminate. The user will need to restart the program from the Raddose-V icon in the DACS Program group.

REFERENCE USE Attachment I Page 1 of 1

PAR Assessments Beyond 10 Miles I Attachment 2 In an extreme radiological release under adverse meteorological conditions there is a potential that Plume exposure PAR's may need to be evaluated at distances beyond 10 miles. Raddose-V can assess dose rates beyond 10 miles by utilizing the Point-of-Interest Doses screen. This screen can be accessed from the Main Menu by selecting (Display Point-of-Interest Doses].

The Point-of-Interest screen allows a user the ability to obtain dose rates and deposition rates at any point within the 50-mile Ingestion Pathway Zone (IPZ). When the screen is first entered, the maximum dose rates and deposition rates at each ring distance (EAB, 1, 2, 5 and 10 miles) are displayed. For any other location, the radial distance in miles and the bearing in degrees can be entered to assess the plume EDE dose rate, TEDE dose rate, as well as a deposition rate.

When protective action guideline doses are exceeded at 10 miles (i.e., >1 rem TEDE) an evaluation should be made to determine the distance to which the Protective Action Recommendations should be extended.

The Point-of-Interest Doses feature of Raddose-V can be utilized together with an estimated release duration to determine the distance where protective action guideline doses will not be exceeded.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1

Multiple Unit Dose Assessment Worksheet I Attachment Multiple Unit Dose Assessment Worksheet Attachment 33 One hour estimate:

U2 TEDE (mrem/hour) from page 3 of header report (mrem/hour)

U3 TEDE (mrem/hour) from page 3 of header report (mrem/hour)

Total (mrem/hour) add unit 2 + unit 3 (mrem/hour)

Two hour estimate:

U2 TEDE (mrem) from page 3 of header report (mrem)

U3 TEDE (mrem) from page 3 of header report (mrem)

Total (mrem) add unit 2 + unit 3 (mrem)

Performed by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

REFERENCE USE Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1

Summary of Changes I Attachment Summary of Changes Attachment 44 Author: S Sewell 202632147 Changed step to correct Trip date/time information. Sewell Carey DNA Step Cleavenger Ahola 202624875 Include clarification of NOTE for either mode ("control" Note at or "slave") and move to step to which it applies. Sewell Step Ahola Add Note 2 to provide clarification for how to reset the Cleavenger Note 2 at control/slave mode in the Raddose-V software. Step 6.8.1 INFORMATION USE Attachment 4 Page 1 of 1

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP SO123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 1 OF 7 ASSIGNMENT OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 O B JECT IVE .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 R EFE R E NC ES ...................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 PREREQUISITES ......................................................................................................... 3 4.0 PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................................... 3 5.0 C HEC KLIS T(S ) ..................................................................................................................... 3 6.0 P R O C E D UR E ....................................................................................................................... 4 6 .1 G e n e ra l...................................................................................................................... 4 6 .2 T ra ining ........................................................................................................ .. . . . 5 6.3 Responsibilities of Cognizant Functional Division Managers, 1410 Supervisors, Position Owners or Points of Contact ................................................................... 5 6.4 Responsibilities of 1410 Supervisors/Training Coordinators ................................ 5 6.5 Responsibilities of the Central Processing Facility (CPF) .................................... 6 6.6 Responsibilities of the Nuclear Training Division (NTD) ....................................... 6 6.7 Responsibilities of Emergency Planning (EP) ....................................................... 6 7.0 R E C O R DS ............................................................................................................................ 6 ATTACHMENT 1 Requirements for Respirator Qualification of Emergency Response Personnel .......... 7 INFORMATION USE QA PROGRAM AFFECTING 50.59 DNA / 72.48 DNA

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP S0123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 2 OF 7 ASSIGNMENT OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To define responsibilities for assigning and maintaining qualifications for Emergency Response Personnel (ERP).


2.1 NRC Commitment 2.1.1 Emergency Plan for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 2.2 Order 2.2.1 S0123-EP-1, SONGS Emergency Plan Implementation 2.3 Procedures 2.3.1 SO123-XV-109, Procedure and Instruction Format and Content 2.3.2 SO123-VIII-0.100, Maintenance and Control of Emergency Planning Documents 2.3.3 SO123-XV-13, 1410 Access Authorization Process for Protected and Vital Area Entry 2.3.4 SO123-XV-41, Respiratory Protection Program 2.3.5 S0123-XXI-1.11.3, Emergency Plan Training Program Description 2.3.6 S023-XXI-TRN, Conduct of Training 2.3.7 S0123-XXIII-4.1, Authorization and Issuance of Security Photo-Identification Badges 2.3.8 SO123-XV-HU-3, Written Instruction Use and Adherence 2.3.9 S0123-XV-ERO-1, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Standards and Expectations 2.4 Other 2.4.1 EPPG-S023-G-2, SONGS Emergency Response Organization Fundamentals and Standards Guideline 2.4.2 Form AD(123) 10, Termination/Change of Status Notification 2.4.3 Form EP(123) 100, Emergency Response Personnel Assignment

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP SO123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 3 OF 7 3.0 PREREQUISITES 3.1 VERIFY this document is current by using one of the methods described in SO123-XV-HU-3.

3.2 VERIFY level of use requirements on page one of the document.

4.0 PRECAUTIONS 4.1 None 5.0 CHECKLIST(S) 5.1 None


1) All Nuclear Organization personnel designated to assist with the mitigation of emergencies shall be identified as Emergency Response Personnel (ERP).
2) The Emergency Response Organization (ERO) is comprised of Emergency Response Personnel who are designated on-shift ERO responders assigned or recalled to the Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC),

Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) or, Joint Information Center (JIC), and are responsible for implementing the SONGS Emergency Plan.

6.1.1 All personnel may be required to perform job-related duties during an emergency.

6.1.2 ERP assignments shall be given to personnel who have been assigned to the ERO, Personnel assigned ERP codes are qualified once they have been trained in accordance with S0123-XXI-1.11.3.

6.1.3 ERP assignments shall be terminated for personnel:

  • who have failed to meet the requirements in Section 6.2, or
  • whose 1410 Supervisor, Manager, Position Owner or Point of Contact has submitted Form EP(1 23) 100 to Emergency Planning (EP) and the termination has been approved by the Emergency Planning Manager.

6.1.4 The on-duty minimum staff ERO responders have response times of 90 minutes to their emergency duty stations.

6.1.5 All ERP responding to an emergency will meet Fitness for Duty requirements and declare alcohol consumption for the pre-duty abstinence period of 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP SO123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 5 OF 7 6.2 Training 6.2.1 All personnel with ERP assignments shall be trained in accordance with S0123-XXI-1.11.3 and shall renew their training in accordance withSO23-XXI-TRN.

6.3 Responsibilities of Cognizant Functional Division Managers, 1410 Supervisors, Position Owners or Points of Contact 6.3.1 Cognizant Functional Division Managers, 1410 Supervisors, Position Owners, or Points of Contact are responsible for:

.1 Ensuring that a sufficient number of personnel are trained and available to satisfy the minimum shift staffing requirements per the SONGS Emergency Plan, Table 5-5.

.2 Ensuring that sufficient personnel are qualified, in accordance with S0123-XV-41, to meet the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) or gas mask levels listed in Attachment 1 of this procedure.

.3 Notifying EP when assigning responders to the ERO and when terminating or changing an ERP assignment using Form EP(123) 100.

.4 Ensuring that personnel have been assigned to the on-shift ERO Roster using the ERO Roster function of the Site Worker Scheduling System (SWS).

.5 Ensuring ERP personnel meet the ERO Standards outlined in EPPG-S023-G-2. (Reference 2.4.1)

.6 Ensuring that a sufficient number of personnel are trained and available to fill all recalled ERO roster positions.

6.4 Responsibilities of 1410 Supervisors 6.4.1 1410 Supervisors are responsible for:

.1 Ensuring personnel are scheduled for Red Badge, Emergency Plan training, Fitness for Duty, and respirator training.

.2 Complying with SO123-XV-13, 1410 Access Authorization Process for Protected and Vital Area Entry, Emergency Response Personnel (ERP)

Assignments Section.

.3 Reviewing ERP assignments to determine if assignments are current.

.4 Submitting Form EP(123) 100 to add, change or terminate an ERP assignment.

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP S0123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 6 OF 7 6.5 Responsibilities of the Central Processing Facility (CPF) 6.5.1 The CPF is responsible for:

.1 Updating badge expiration dates and changing Access Levels in T2000.

.2 Terminating unescorted access and/or site access upon receipt of Form AD(123) 10 or 1410 Supervisor notification.

.3 Notifying EP of terminations or deactivations of unescorted access via Current Changes Report (CCR). (Reference 2.3.3)

.4 Updating SEAS access upon receiving documentation from Emergency Planning.

.5 Terminating Security Badges in accordance with S0123-XXIII-4.1.

6.6 Responsibilities of the Nuclear Training Division (NTD) 6.6.1 NTD is responsible for:

.1 Providing the scheduled training per the assigned encode.

.2 Updating records to reflect completed training provided by NTD.

6.7 Responsibilities of Emergency Planning (EP) 6.7.1 EP is responsible for:

.1 Reviewing CCRs to identify personnel who should no longer be on the emergency recall system.

.2 Tracking training and qualification progress to verify ERP have completed required training.

.3 Maintaining on-shift ERO Roster Control Data via Site Worker Scheduling System (SWS)/EQIS.

.4 Assign personnel ERO qualification code(s) in T2000, Qualification Manager, upon approval of EP(123) 100.

.5 Maintaining Web based required reading for the Emergency Response Organization (ERO).

.6 Send all newly assigned augmented ERO members a "Welcome" email notifying them of their assignment, addition to the Recall System, Team Assignment, and a copy of S0123-XV-ERO-1 and EPPG-S023-G-2.

7.0 RECORDS 7.1 None

NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION EPIP SO123-VIII-0.202 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 12 PAGE 7 OF 7 ATTACHMENT 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR RESPIRATOR QUALIFICATION OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL Percent Number of Onshift Emergency Response Personnel SCBA or I N r of Mash Gas Mask SOBA or Gas Mask Licensed Operators SRO 60(1) 2(1)

Certified Operator Plant Ops 40(1) 3(1)

Radiation Protection 25(1) 2(1)

Technicians 25(1) (Technician or First-Line)

First-Line Supervision Chemistry Technicians 25(1) N/A Maintenance Electrical Technician 25(1) 1(1)

Mechanical Technician 25(1) (Mechanical or Mechanical First Line)

Instrument Technician 25(1) AND First-Line Supervision 15(1) 1(1)

(Electrical OR Instrument Technician or Electrical/Instrument First Line)

Security Officers 5(2) 2(2)

First-Line Supervision 5(2) (Officer or First-Line)

Fire Brigade Member 100(1) All"1)

(1) Positions are required to maintain SCBA qualification level.

(2) Security First-Line Supervision and Officers are only gas mask qualified.


Page 1 of I


OF CHANGES S 123-VIII-0.202 Rev. 12 Author: Alvarado Update responsibility of 1410 Supervisor Step 6.4, Step 6.4.1 202645301 Update responsibility of EP Step, Step Alvarado Add Reference to S0123-XV-ERO-1 Sischo Step 2.3.9 Update reference from S0123-XXI-TPD-GET to Seward Step 2.3.6, 202662213 S023-XXI-TRN Step 6.2.1 DNA Remove reference to ERP Report which is no Step 6.4.1 202431538 longer generated.

202606788 Update Respirator Qualification requirements. Sischo Attachment 1 ReIsstprgrig"ceuefotrii" Alvarado Revise step regarding "scheduled for training" Sischo Step lAW S0123-XV-13. Alvarado Comments Make "Complying with" S0123-XV-13 a substep. Step

Procedure Usage Requirements Sections Information Use

  • The user may complete the task from memory. However, the TOC and Summary of user is responsible for performing the activity according to the Changes procedure.

0 Information use documents that contain a specific process order are performed in the given order unless otherwise specified within the document.

Reference Use a Review and understand the procedure before performing any All except for TOC steps, including the prerequisite section. and Summary of

  • Have a copy or applicable pages/sections open at the work site. Changes
  • Use Placekeeping method according to S0123-XV-HU-3.

0 If any portion of the document is performed from memory, do so in the sequence specified. Perform each step as written, except when an approved process specifically allows deviation.

  • Refer to the procedure or instruction at least once to ensure completion of the task in accordance with the requirements.
  • Review the document at the completion of the task to verify that all appropriate steps are performed and documented.

Color Usage Location "This Document Contains Relevant Color" Page 17 QA PROGRAM AFFECTING 50.59 DNA / 72.48 DNA / 50.54(q) APPLIES Procedure Type IProcedure Owner General Dan Cleavenger

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paae 1.0 PURPO SE A ND SCO PE ................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 RESPO NSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIO NS .................................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 PRECAUTIO NS AND LIM ITATIO NS .......................................................................................... 4 5.0 PREREQ UISITES .............................................................................................................................. 5 6.0 PRO CEDURE .................................................................................................................................... 6 6.1 Em ergency Recall Activation [NN 201507385] ................................................................ 6 6.2 15-M inute Verbal Notification ............................................................................................ 7 6.3 30-M inute Printed Message ............................................................................................ 11 6.4 Follow-Up Notifications .................................................................................................... 12 6.5 Close-O ut Notifications ................................................................................................... 14 7.0 A CCEPTA NCE CRITERIA .............................................................................................................. 15 8.0 RETENTIO N O F RECO RDS ........................................................................................................... 15


/ CO MMITM ENTS ............................................................................................ 15 ATTACHMENT 1 Verbal Notification Form and Key Points [Form EP(123) 11] ..................................................... 17 2 Em ergency Recall Activation ..................................................................................................... 21 3 Event Notification Form & Key Points .......................................................................................... 28 4 Sum m ary of Changes ..................................................................................................................... 33 INFORMATION USE

1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This procedure provides direction to Shift Communicators, Yellow Phone Communicators, and Emergency Advisors for Notifications (EAN) for performing emergency notifications from Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC) or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

1.2 This procedure should be used by those responsible for preparing and transmitting Verbal Notification Form(s) (VNF) and Event Notification Form(s) (ENF) during an emergency event at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Each ERO member shall follow their position specific checklist after arriving at their Emergency Response Facility (ERF) WHEN an emergency has been declared and ERF staffing is required.

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Cal OES: California Office of Emergency Services 3.2 CED: Corporate Emergency Director 3.3 CR: Control Room 3.4 EAN: Emergency Advisor, Notifications 3.5 EC: Emergency Coordinator 3.6 EDT: Event Declaration Time 3.7 ENF: Event Notification Form 3.8 EOC: Emergency Operations Center 3.9 EOF: Emergency Operations Facility 3.10 EP: Emergency Plan 3.11 EPC: Emergency Planning Coordinator 3.12 EPIP: Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure REFERENCE USE

3.13 ERF: Emergency Response Facility 3.14 ERO: Emergency Response Organization 3.15 ERTD: Emergency Response Telephone Directory 3.16 ERP: Emergency Response Personnel 3.17 ODAC: Offsite Dose Assessment Center 3.18 PAPA: Protected Area Personnel Accountability 3.19 PAR: Protective Action Recommendation 3.20 PAZ: Protective Action Zone 3.21 SC: Shift Communicator 3.22 SED: Station Emergency Director 3.23 TSC: Technical Support Center 3.24 VNF: Verbal Notification Form 3.25 YPDS: Yellow Phone Data System 3.26 YPS: Yellow Phone System 3.27 Normal Work Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 None REFERENCE USE

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1.1 Emergency Planning (EP) is responsible for ensuring current copy of this document is in emergency notebook(s) for use during declared emergencies and drills.

5.1.2 Personnel are responsible for ensuring current copy of this document, when not in a declared emergency or drill, by using one of the methods described in S0123-XV-HU-3.

5.1.3 VERIFY level of use requirements on the first page of the document.

5.2 ERO members must maintain the following task qualifications:

  • 7E1QWT, Emergency Notifications (Shift Communicator)
  • 712QWT, TSC EAN Qual. Walkthrough (Emergency Advisor, Notifications)
  • 7H5QW-IT, EOF EAN Qual. Walkthrough (Emergency Advisor, Notifications)
  • 7E1QW'IV, Emergency Notifications Qual. Walkthrough (Yellow Phone Communicator)


6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Emergency Recall Activation rNN 2015073851 6.1.1 IFthis is the initial event declaration from the Control Room, THEN PERFORM emergency recall activation per Attachment 2 within 10 minutes of event declaration.

6.1.2 WHEN upgrading from a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE) to an Alert or higher classification and the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) has NOT been recalled, THEN: USE recall system to stop current scenario. START a new scenario using new Scenario IDper Attachment 2 within 10 minutes of event upgrade.

6.1.3 WHEN ERO has already been recalled and needs to be redirected to another facility (Alternate EOF/Staging Area), or be provided with additional information, THEN: INITIATE ERO Recall System using a verbal modified message per Attachment 2, Section C.

OR INITIATE internet method per Attachment 2, Section D.

6.1.4 IF ERO has already been recalled, THEN ENTER N/A in time blank on the VNF, EP(1 23) 11, OTHERWISE RECORD time of activation.


6.2 15-Minute Verbal Notification NOTES

1. The PAR for an event declaration should be made within 15 minutes of the declaration and should be included in the verbal notification.
2. A PAR upgrade should be made within 15 minutes after recognizing the need for a PAR upgrade. The verbal notification shall be made within 15 minutes after the PAR upgrade time has been determined.

(i 6.2.1 PERFORM the following steps within15 minutes of an Initial Event Declaration: PREPARE VNF, during declaration announcement or immediately afterwards (REFER to Attachment 1 for VNF Key Points). INITIAL Prepared by block. ENSURE Independently Verified By block is initialed. OBTAIN EC "Approved By" initials on VNF authorizing transmission of verbal notifications.



1. The Blue Phone is the primary circuit to contact CAL OES. If the Blue phone is inoperable, then CAL OES' alternate number, located on VNF, can be used.
2. The YPS all-call (91) and Yellow Phone Data System (YPDS) are used to signal local offsite agencies for every notification. If the YPS all call (91) and YPDS are inoperable, then the alternate numbers in ERTD and other communication methods can be used.
3. Normal working hours are defined as 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
4. Corrected or updated information should be supplied to the Offsite Agencies through verbal or written notifications as soon as possible.
5. Notifications must be complete within 15 minutes of Event Declaration Time (EDT).

6.2.2 CONTACT CAL OES in accordance with VNF, Step 1.2a AND DOCUMENT time Blue Phone notification was initiated on VNF, Section 1. IF CAL OES does NOT respond to Blue Phone as expected, THEN CONTACT them using CAL OES's alternate number.

6.2.3 USE the YPS all-call (91) to signal the offsite agencies in accordance with VNF, Step 1.2b AND DOCUMENT time YPS notification message was given on VNF, Section 4.0. IF the YPS all call (91 are inoperable, THEN USE the alternate numbers in ERTD. ENSURE verbal contact with the following four YPS Stations in accordance with VNF at all times 24/7:

  • (23) USMC Dispatch
  • (27) Orange County
  • (29) State Parks
  • (46) San Diego County REFERENCE USE IF the notification is given during normal working hours OR offsite EOCs are activated, THEN also ENSURE contact with the following five YPS Station EOCs:

  • (24) State Parks
  • (25) San Clemente
  • (26) San Juan Capistrano (EOC)
  • (28) Orange County (COMM EOC)
  • (34) Dana Point WHEN performing the roll call in Section 4, if the person from each staffed station states their name, THEN CHECK YES as contact verification, OTHERWISE, CHECK NO contact, for no contact.

NOTE SCE's (42) Generation Operation Center is staffed 24/7 and is expected to acknowledge SONGS verbal notifications for information only. They are not required to be contacted within 15 minutes.

6,2.4 IF the expected agencies do NOT answer the (91) all-call, THEN MAKE one attempt to contact them using an individual YPS call followed by an alternate number call, using the Emergency Response Telephone Directory, prior to performing the 30 minute printed message YPDS transmission.

6.2.5 IF EOC(s) are not activated or primary and alternate notification methods are not successful, THEN REQUEST (27/28) Orange County to notify the non-responding stations. FOLLOWUP with (27/28) Orange County to confirm non-responding stations were contacted after performing the 30 minute printed message transmission.

6.2.6 IF the notification is given during nonworking hours or the station does not respond; THEN REQUEST the counties notify their cities EOC.


6.2.7 IF the Communicator has NOT started to read the verbal message and any of the following occurs:

  • Change in classification
  • Start of radiological release
  • Stop of radiological release AND IF reading of updated verbal message can start within 15 minutes of initial event declaration, THEN the notifications may be combined into one. OTHERWISE, INFORM Communicator to complete notification skipping the roll call portion of the verbal notification form, AND STANDBY for a new set of notifications.

6.2.8 Event Reclassification/PAR Upgrade/Radiological Release NOTES

1. A change in Classification, a start or stop of radiological release, or upgrading a PAR, which includes addition of affected PAZ(s), requires notification within 15 minutes of change.
2. When an event is reclassified, notifications for the prior event are superseded, even ifthe affected unit(s) are NOT the same for the prior and the current classification.

0 IF EC reclassifies the event, upgrades PAR, a start or stop of radiological release occurs, THEN START a new notification process (15-minute verbal notification and 30-minute written notification) per Step 6.2 and Step 6.3. IF reclassification of event, a change in radiological release status, or PAR upgrade affects response of ERO, THEN START a new ERO Recall per Steps 6.1.2 and/or 6.1.3. MARK printed messages NOT transmitted as Superseded in a clear manner AND FILE them for documentation purposes.


6.3 30-Minute Printed Message 6.3.1 EAN/EC COMPLETE ENF. (See Attachment 3 for ENF Key Points). INCLUDE previous classification, PARs or time when radiological release started/stopped on the 30-minute ENF. INCLUDE time when radiological release started/stopped on the 30-minute ENF. EAN/EC VERIFY message information matches VNF information in Sections 2 and 3. VERIFY any information has changed; Upgrading the PAR, addition of affected PAZ(s) or release information.

NOTE EC approval is required on any additional changes made to the VNF or ENF after initial approval has been made. VERIFY EC has approved ENF form. FAX the ENF message to all YPS stations and to Cal OES. RECORD FAX start time on VNF, Section 6. IF NO ENF is transmitted, THEN ENTER N/A in fax time blank.

6.3.2 ENSURE ENF Message has been received by Off-Site Agencies (fax confirmation received). RECORD status of 30-minute printed message notification on Notifications Board.


6.4 Follow-UD Notifications 6.4.1 FAX an ENF within 90 minutes of initial Classification AND CONTINUE faxing a new ENF approximately 60 minutes OR as directed by the EC from the time the last ENF was faxed.

0 IF significant changes in radiological release conditions or plant status occur but do NOT result in a new classification or an upgraded PAR, THEN EC should CONSIDER issuing a follow-up notification within approximately 15 minutes.


1. A Radiological Release has occurred when there is a measurable increase in radioactive material related to the event that is in a pathway to the environment OR In the environment as measured by field monitoring
2. A Radiological Release has stopped when there is no longer a pathway to the environment AND There are no longer indications of an active radiological release. CONTINUE follow-up notifications until event is reclassified, PAR is upgraded, start or stop of radiological release occurs, EC reduces the followup frequency, or event is closed out.

NOTE No EC approval or roll call is required for a followup verbal notification.

6.4.2 PREPARE VNF ENTER Message number COMPLETE Sections 2 and 5 only. (See Attachment 1 for VNF key points) 6.4.3 PREPARE ENF: COMPLETE ENF followup notification (see Attachment 2 for ENF key points). CHECK box "is in progress" AND ENSURE event classification and EDT are the same as previous ENF.


NOTE EC approval is required on any additional changes made to the ENF after initial approval has been made. PROVIDE updated plant status information, AND OBTAIN EC approval on ENF.

6.4,4 TRANSMIT ENF message to offsite agencies.

6.4.5 PERFORM Follow-up Notification READ VNF Sections 2 and 5 as a Blue Phone verbal notification to CAL OES.

DOCUMENT time Blue Phone notification was initiated on VNF Section 1. DIAL 91 on the Yellow Phone AND READ VNF Sections 2 and 5 to the YPS stations. DOCUMENT time YPS notification message was given on VNF, Section 4.

6.4.6 FAX ENF to all YPS stations and to CAL OES.

6.4.7 RECORD completion time on VNF, Section 6.

6.4.8 RECORD status of follow-up notification to on Notification Status Board.

6.4.9 CONSIDER use of ERO recall system, using Attachment 2, Section C, to keep ERO informed of current status.


6.5 Close-Out Notifications NOTES

1. SM should ensure plant status is included for close-outs performed from the Control Room to provide updated information to offsite agencies.

Duty EPC may complete close-out ENF for SM approval and transmission.

2. All Emergency Response and support organizations shall be promptly notified of the termination of the emergency and/or the initiation of recovery operations in the same manner as was used for the initial notification.

6.5.1 PREPARE VNF ENTER Message number. COMPLETE Sections 2.0 and 5.0 only.

6.5.2 PREPARE ENF EAN/EC COMPLETE ENF close-out notification (See Attachment 2 for ENF key points). CHECK box "has been closed out" AND ENTER time event was closed out. Provide status of current conditions on ENF for close-out, AND OBTAIN EC approval on ENF.

6.5.3 PERFORM Close Out Notification READ VNF Sections 2 and 5 on the Blue Phone AND RECORD initiation time in Section 1.0. READ VNF Sections 2 and 5 on YPS Phone AND RECORD time in Section 4.0. FAX ENF to all YPS stations and to Cal OES. RECORD completion time on VNF, Section 6.0.

6.5.4 RECORD status of close-out notification on Notification Status Board.

6.5.5 INITIATE ERO recall system using Attachment 2, Section C to inform ERO the event has been close-out.


7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 7.1 None 8.0 RETENTION OF RECORDS 8.1 FORWARD all completed procedures, logs, and forms to the TSC Manager or EOF EPC upon event close out.


/ COMMITMENTS 9.1 Implementing Reference 9.1.1 Procedures SO123-VIII-CR, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Control Room Position Checklists SO123-VIII-EOF, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Emergency Operations Facility Position Checklists SDO123-VIII-TSC, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Technical Support Center Position Checklists S0123-VII1-10, Emergency Coordinator Duties SO 123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) S0123-XV-1 09, Procedure and Instruction Format and Content S0123-XV-HU-3, Written Instruction Use and Adherence 9.1.2 Other Form EP(123) 10, Event Notification Form (ENF) Form EP(123) 11, Verbal Notification Form (VNF) Emergency Response Telephone Directory (ERTD)


9.2 Developmental References 9.2.1 Commitments NN 201507385, NRC Safety Evaluation Report, dated July 26, 2007 [Section 6.1]

9.2.2 Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence (CAPR) NN 201809145-CA0008, INPO IER 11-39, Establish Criteria of 10 minutes or Less for Initiation of ERO Augmentation 9.2.3 Procedures SO123-VIII-10, Emergency Coordinator Duties SO123-VIII-10.1, Station Emergency Director Duties S0123-VIII-10.2, Corporate Emergency Director Duties. S0123-VIII-30, Units 2/3 Operations Leader Duties SO123-VIII-50, Shift Technical Advisor Duties SO123-VIII-CR, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Control Room Position Checklists SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) S0123-XV-1 09, Procedure and Instruction Format and Content S0123-XV-HU-3, Written Instruction Use and Adherence 9.2.4 Other Form EP(123) 10, Event Notification Form (ENF) Form EP(123) 11, Verbal Notification Form (VNF) Emergency Response Telephone Directory (ERTD)


Verbal Notification Form and Key Points [Form EP(1 23) 11] Attachment I SAMPLE o,3-VU-*,.7 1: VERBAL NOTIFICATION FORM

.dt~~l 7A-=ME F- W. fl-

.1E (Er~~~~ter~~~~liItlm orouut.f~calCai~l Rea z CRitt tltcog t1ww2437 alllte AA(760) 725,-5M6I

a. Con30d CALOES byBkie P115 or ANHumtw (31C)045-831 KA(760)725-5894 b- DtHYPS911alcall [ES30VNFS1IarTIE)r I- rtactect [ IYes [ INO 2701Cc

-i -------

2-0 Road or ALL ftaawwae At (714) 62*-700M

,nis i [ Ia BrimII E~~ntw rx FAX(714) 621-7198 U6 Is San OIcre Nuc60aenr 0011311 Stabon. Contatedt I IYes [ )No A~rm) 11 NWIT~fltrCIke IAlert OFUnWE8E'j11 fl 16 been cecumd at 316hme doWe OITat 25 slaW PIfa D*i*ah At (951) 943-1582 Fax (951) 443-1059 Cortactedt [ 1Ye6 [ (No PWte TIhN Dedarer 3.0 Road vx C8awrcaboflLARJaomw stain cR36 Aft (O5) 5S6-U490 FAX (358) %5-3499 Muy(558 688-9970 Cortacted [ IYre [ )No

  • Cort Eent cce (Enter EALt Anyouj Mantial 0r Enemugercy Eveate,"

contact fibone 2407

-TM %Mdi Is annjrr Degrees (Use 10rn15301 avweraget Ciaif w atI~le]UPWI Slbm for aD OIto MOUmatilmle (not a 15ism

-M Piaye AdtIomRmaion (PR ime reqzaferml)

I I 1b 39 raows: I Iws a to: 42 EDISON GEN OPS C~nler PAR Thme) At (625) 307.405 (EAWIt.reviw =023AWI-it for PARa. Muliple cnoice an; oued.m) FAX (825) 3M2-40 Conlactect: ( I Yes [Ho

= RNoe= Beleath MPZ m ec ~? PZ1bndt 8v06061a~~~~ "tl aqaoen! to SONGS St~efer PAZ(s) HI [4 11 115 Conllect teim On EOC 1 IEV-nntLePAZ(&) [11 112 [J3 [14 (15 Stoto only fIIM- F 11 hige&IKIPAZ(r) 111 112 p]3 (14 [(IS 80=- SA*pm gE C8 8e activotOd (ROL6 S0122-VuI-M7.

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'SONGS I saati r ]EOF. AA(949) 36"-852

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Al (949) 234-4565 FAX (949) 234-*466 Prepare to recreie pKrnted mnessage V uIna fe1wnfllljes. t I[cIYes I )No I I 'Prtrted message6 11 _ t rot U4trarolltel 21 =0 EOC AS (714) 625-7061 FAX (714) 628-7182


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-A SCMEP(123)11 REV.21 01114 PAGE 1 OF I REFERENCE USE Attachment 1 Page 1 of 4

Verbal Notification Form and Key Points [Form EP(l 23) 11 ] i Attachment 1 Verbl ad Ky Ntifiatin Pints[Fom Frm EP123 11 Attchmnt VERBAL NOTIFICATION AUTHORIZATION:

(1) Initial verbal notification for a given event is Message No. 1. Each subsequent notification is sequentially numbered until event close out. Sequence numbers on VNF and associated ENF (Attachment 3) SHALL be the same.

(2) Preparer SHALL initial "Prepared by" box to document who entered message content.

(3) VNF SHALL be given an independent verification by an individual who is trained in classification process (e.g.,

Control Room Supervisor, Emergency Advisor Operations, EOF Manager,). This individual SHALL not be the EC or involved in the notification process. Reviewer SHALL initial "Independently Verified By" box to acknowledge agreement the message content is correct.

(4) Acting EC SHALL initial "EC Approved By" box when peer review is completed to authorize verbal notification transmission. This is not required for follow-up notifications.


(5) SC SHALL enter time Recall System is initiated or enter N/A if no pager message is to be sent with this notification. The interval between this time and declaration time (item 9 below) must be 10 minutes or less.


  • Communicators SHALL enter time they start to read verbal message. The interval between this time and declaration time (item 9 below) must be 15 minutes or less. Blue Phone notification should be completed first, as notification of this single agency is typically faster than notification of multiple agencies via the Yellow Phone. If difficulties are encountered with the Blue Phone, immediately begin notification process on Yellow Phone to meet 15 minute requirement.



  • The box for a Drill or an Emergency SHALL be checked.


  • The box for current classification level SHALL be checked. The second column of boxes should be checked as follows:
  • "has been declared at" for each new or changed classification;
  • "is in progress since" each time a verbal notification is initiated but the classification remains the same;
  • "has been closed out" any time the emergency is being closed out in accordance with S0123 VIII 1 or S0123 VIII 10.5. This would be the last verbal notification given to state and local agencies.


  • The time EC declares emergency or reclassifies event. IF only a change in PAR, time stays the same as current event declaration.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4

Verbal Notification Form and Key Points [Form EP(123) 11]



  • Enter Event Code that consists of the Event Category (A, C, E, E-H, F, H, S), Emergency Class (U = NOUE, A=Alert, S=SAE and G=GE), event subcategory (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the Emergency Action Level (1, 2, 3, etc.).


  • Enter wind direction in degrees from (use 10 meter 15-minute average Met Data, weather page, CFMS or RAD DOSE V) and the wind speed in mph. The wind direction from is used to determine affected PAZ(s).


  • Check box labeled:
  • "is as follows:" if PAR change is being made to coincide with an event classification change, if there is NO change in PAR in this notification, or ifthere is NO PAR required;
  • "was upgraded at" and enter time PAR upgrade was made on the following line when there is an upgrade in PAR but classification has not changed; and
  • select appropriate boxes to indicate the PAR.


  • Check the following radioactive release box that is correct:

"There has not been a radioactive release associated with this event" if there is not an increase in measurable quantities of radioactive material related to event which are in a pathway to the environment, or already in the environment (as measured by field monitoring);

"There is a radioactive release associated with this event" if there is an increase in measurable quantities of radioactive material related to event which are in a pathway to the environment, or already in the environment (as measured by field monitoring);

"There was a radioactive release associated with this event" if there was an increase in measurable quantities of radioactive material related to the event which were in a pathway to the environment, or already in the environment (as measured by field monitoring), but this release was stopped.

(14) If event requires EOF activation, then check "SONGS is activating the EOF."

If event requires EOF activation and EOF has been activated, then check "SONGS has activated the EOF."

If event requires Alt EOF activation, then check "SONGS is activating the Alt EOF."

If event requires Alt EOF activation and Alt EOF has been activated, then check "SONGS has activated the Alt EOF."

If the EOF or Alt EOF is not required to be activated or the ERO are told to go the SONGS Staging Areas, then check "SONGS has not activated the EOF, Alt EOF."

(15) Communicator should enter time when verbal message was completed (before roll call is initiated).


(16) Record number of current printed message as indicated at the top of associated verbal message form.

(17) Read this line in verbal message only if previous printed message is superseded by a PAR change, reclassification of event or start/stop of a radiological release. Enter the number of voided printed message.

(18) Enter time Yellow Phone printed message is faxed to CAL OES and all YPS stations.

Enter "N/A" IF ENF was superseded by a new verbal messacle.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 1 Page 3 of 4

Verbal Notification Form and Key Points [Form EP(l 23) 11 ] I Attachment I VERBAL NOTIFICATION FORM COLOR CODE:

Red Box: must contain information (or note of explanation when not used due to 15 minute clock reset, drill terminated, etc.) NO BLANKS Red Bracket: must check at least one box (multiple choices are allowed for PARs)

Green Box: initials of Independent Verifier and Approver of PI data inside the BIG Green Box Big Green Box: Independent Verifier and Approver are responsible for Data Accuracy (Approval Obtained in Green Boxes located at the top of the VNF).

Black Text: direction or clarifying notes to the Form user.

Blue Text: verbal message text that is read aloud on the phone per approved menu selections Magenta Text: If Magenta Text is required to be read based on conditions, then read the conditional verbal message text aloud on the phone.

Bold Text: 1. Major Section Titles 2. YPS stations that are staffed 24/7 REFERENCE USE Attachment 1 Page 4 of 4

Emergency Recall Activation I Attachment 2 SECTION A LOCATE applicable Scenario ID Number in the list below.

SEE Section F for displayed pager message for the Security Initiating Conditions (IC) scenarios.

SECURITY Scenario ID Number NRC Threat Advisory Level V - no Site Specific Threat: ..................................................... .. 9 Notification Of Unusual Event Security .................................................................................. 19 Alert Security ................... ........ ............................. ..................... 29 Site Area Emergency Security ............................ ..... . ................ 39 G eneral E m ergency S ecurity ................................................................................................. 49 NON SECURITY Scenario ID Number Notification Of Unusual Event Non-Security - no response required ...................................... 17 Notification Of Unusual Event Non-Security - response required .......................................... 18 A le rt No n-S e c u rity ........................................................................................................................ 28 Site Area Emergency Non-Security ................................................................................. 38 G eneral Em ergency Non-Security .................. ........................ .......................................... 48 REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 1 of 7

Emergency Recall Activation I Attachment Attachment 2 2

Emergency Recall Activation Section B ENTER Required Scenario ID Number per Step 1 to activate a Scenario ENTER Required Scenario ID Number per Step 2 to stop a Scenario.

1. ENTER SCENARIO ID NUMBER to be activated (See Section A)
2. ENTER SCENARIO ID NUMBER to be stopped (See Section A)
3. DIAL 83747 using a touch-tone telephone.
4. ENTER your Activation Password then press "#" key.
5. FOLLOW system prompts to activate or stop selected scenario.

CAUTION Do NOT enter more than one valid Scenario ID Number.

6. RECORD time recall was initiated on VNF, Step 1.0.
7. To transmit additional instructions, DEVELOP AND SEND message using Section C.
8. IF recall system fails, THEN ACTIVATE pagers using Intranet Method in Section D.
9. IF recall system and Intranet are both unavailable, THEN ACTIVATE pagers using Telephone Method in Section E.

10, CONTACT Emergency Services at 86655 to verify recall activation page went out with correct information, as time permits.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 2 of 7

Emergency Recall Activation Attachment 2 Section C Modified Message: IF recalled, ERO needs to be redirected to another facility, provided with additional information or instructions, OR other recall ERO notification is required, THEN CREATE AND SEND a modified message as follows:

1. CREATE AND RECORD message here:

"This is [1 a Drill [1 an Emer-gency This is I1 a Drill [1 an Emergency"

2. DIAL 83747 using a touch-tone telephone.
3. ENTER your activation Password then press the # key.
4. FOLLOW the system prompts to activate Scenario ID Number 4.
5. FOLLOW the system prompts to record the voice message.
6. FOLLOW the system prompts to end the call.
7. LOG the time the modified message was initiated in your logbook.
8. CONTACT Emergency Services at 86655 to verify recall activation page went out with correct information, as time permits.
9. IF recall system fails, THEN activate pagers using intranet method in Section D.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 3 of 7

Emergency Recall Activation I Attachment 2 Section D Intranet Method: IF Intranet Method is the method that is to be used, THEN USE this method to transmit an alphanumeric text message to Group Pagers as follows:

1. Open the Edison International Portal.
2. Type "" in the Address bar.
3. Click on WMG Failsafe Group/Employee Search Interface.
4. Notify ERO minimum staff as follows:
a. type "SONGS ERO MIN STAFF" in the "Search For" box.


Click in the "Click here to page" link for SONGS ERO MIN STAFF. A new window will appear.

c. Type your email address in the "From" box.
d. Type an appropriate subject or leave blank in the "Subject" box.
e. Type an appropriate message in the "Message" box (see examples below):

(1) "A(n) (NOUE, Alert SAE, GE) was declared at San Onofre at (hh:mm). This event is due to: Release, , Seismic Event, etc.

Report to ERFs)"

(2) "Disregard inadvertent pager activation, no response is required."

(3) "Report staging area and wait further instructions."

(4) "Report to the EOF/E-50."

f. Click on "Send" box. A window confirmation will appear.

(continued on next page)

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 4 of 7

Emergency Recall Activation I Attachment 2 Emerenc Recll ctivtio AttchmntI

g. Click on "Click here to send another message" link.
h. Type "SONGS ERO CRAFT" in the "Search For" box.
i. Click in the "Click here to page" link for SONGS ERO CRAFT. A new window will appear.
j. Type in your email address in the "From" box.
k. Type an appropriate subject or leave blank in the "Subject" box.

I. Type an appropriate message in the "Message" box (see examples below):

(1) A(n) (NOUE, Alert, SAE, GE) was declared at San Onofre at (hh:mm). This event is due to: Release, Seismic Event, etc.

Report to OSC)"

(2) "Disregard inadvertent pager activation, no response is required."

(3) "Report to staging area and wait further instructions."

(4) "Report to the EOF/E-50."

m. Click on "Send" box. A window confirmation will appear.
n. Close the window.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 5 of 7

Emergency Recall Activation I Attachment 2 Section E Telephone Method: IF the Telephone Method is the method to be used, THEN ACTIVATE Group Pagers with a numeric message as follows:

1. Notify the ERO Minimum Staff by:
a. DIAL 9-1-626-651-0723 from a phone with access to outside phone lines.
b. WHEN connected to pager vendor as indicated by a series of three (3) beeps, THEN ENTER 911911911 followed by the pound (#) key.
c. WAIT for confirmation beeps, then hang up.
d. DIAL 9-1-626-651-0164 from a phone with access to outside phone lines.
e. WHEN connected to pager vendor as indicated by a series of three (3) beeps, THEN ENTER 911911911 followed by the (#) key.
f. WAIT for confirmation beeps, then hang up.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 6 of 7

Emerenc Recll ctivtio Attchmnt Emergency Recall Activation i Attachment 2 SECTION F Security Recall System Scenario Messages:

Notification Of Unusual Event HU4.1, HU4.2 or HU4.3 A Notification of Unusual Event based on security events has been declared at SONGS.

ERO personnel report to a staging area.

Alert HA4.1 or HA4.2 An ALERT based on security events has been declared at SONGS. ERO personnel report to a staging area.

Site Area Emergency HS4.1 A Site Area Emergency based on security events has been declared at SONGS. ERO personnel report to a staging area.

General Emergency HG1 or HG1.2 A General Emergency based on security events has been declared at SONGS. ERO personnel report to a staging area.

NRC Threat Advisory Level 5 - No Site-Specific Threat PRECAUTIONARY - NRC Threat Advisory Level 5 has been issued. All On-Duty Minimum Staff ERO personnel report to Emergency Response Facilities in Building E-50.

REFERENCE USE Attachment 2 Page 7 of 7

Event Notification Form & Key Points Attachment 3



Date: Message No.

Emergency Classification:

(1) El A Notification of Unusual Event (2) 1:1 has been declared El An Alert [] is in progress

[] A Site Area Emergency 1] has been closed out El A General Emergency Timei (3) Unit(s): (4) Event Code; (5)

(DeclaratronReclass#rcation.'Cose-outi Meteorological Data:

Wind Direction (From) )___ Degrees at _ mph.. (Use CFMS Weather Page or Raddose-69 Protective Action Recommendations:

There (7) El Is a need for protective action beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB).

El Is not a need for protective action beyond the EAB.

Recommended Action: ... (Multiple ctloice allowed.) (Reference S0123-V18I-10.3)

E None El Evacuate State Beach within PAZ 1 immediately adjacent to SONGS (8) [] ShelterPAZ(s) ] 1 [ 333 [34 1 35 El EvacuatePAZ(s) [31 [12 [I3 [14 []5 El IngestKIPAZ(s) []1 []2 []3 [34 []5 Release Information: (9)

E There has not been a radioactive release to the environment associated With this event.

(Planned radioactivereleases per an approved Liquid or Gaseous Release Permrt remain witlin Federallyapproved operating limits')

E There was an event-related release that has been stopped.

E There is an ongoing event-related radioactive release to the environment.

The release is:

El above Federally approved operating limits.

El below Federally approved operating limits.

The event-related radiation dose:

E is measurable at the Exclusion Area Boundary.

E is not measurable at the Exclusion Area Boundary.

The release:

El is land El was to the El atrm*sphere. (Mulliple cLhoice allowed)

El ocean.

FACSIMILE INFORMATION USE Attachment 3 Page 1 of 5

Event Notification Form & Key Points I Attachment 3 EVENT NOTIFICATION FORM(Continued)

This is 0l a Drill. EL an Emergency. Message No.

Dose Rate Projections/Measurements: ...(use when informaiion is availabla and EOF ODAC is not staffed.)

EXpected Projected Dose Calculated Plume Field Measured Release Duration: (hrs) (Mrem) Arival T ime Dose Rate Calculation Time: (mrarr) at time TEDE Exclusion Area Boundary Thyroid CDE TEDE 1 Mile Thyroid CDE TEDE 2 Miles Thyroid C DE TEDE 5 Miles Thyroid CDE TEDE 10 Miles Thyroid CDE TEDE: Total Effective Dose Equivalent CDE: Committed Dose Equivalent Current Plant Conditions: (11)

Prognosis of Emergency: (12)

Emergency Response Actions Underway Onsite: (13)

Request for Offsite Support: (14)


FACSIMILE INFORMATION USE Attachment 3 Page 2 of 5

Event Notification Form & Key Points I Attchmnt Attachment 3 ey Pint

& Noifictio Even For EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (matched to the verbal information)

(1) Emergency Action Level: Enter appropriate emergency class.

(2) Status of Emergency: Check appropriate block.

(3) Time: Enter time event was actually declared, reclassified, or closed out.

(4) Unit: Enter affected unit(s) based on the following criteria:

  • "2" ifevent category is A, C, F, H or S and it affects Unit 2 only 0 "3" ifevent category is A, C, F, H or S and it affects Unit 3 only 0 "ISFSI" if event category is E-H 0 "2 and 3" if event category is A or H and it is common to Unit 2 and Unit 3, but does not affect the ISFSI.

= "2, 3 and ISFSI" if event category is H and it affects the entire site or is common to Unit 2, Unit 3 and ISFSI (5) Event Code: Write as shown in S0123-VIII-1 (e.g., HAI.l).


(6) Wind: Enter the From wind direction in degrees and the speed in miles per hour (use 10 meter 15 minute average Met Data, weather page, CFMS or RAD DOSE V).

PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS: (matched to the verbal information)

(7) Protective Action Recommendations: (Check appropriate box)

(a) Enter "is" for PAR necessary beyond the site boundary. Remember, this is for Edison-recommended offsite PARs only.

(b) If no PAR, then enter "is not" and skip directly to Release Information Section (9) on the bottom of ENF.

(8) Recommended Action: (Can be multiple choice) Enter appropriate PAR in accordance with S01 23-VI 11-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations.

INFORMATION USE Attachment 3 Page 3 of 5

Event Notification Form & Key Points I Attachment 3 Even ey Pint

& Noifictio For Attchmnt (9) Release Information:

Release Definition: There is an increase in measurable quantities of radioactive material related to event which are in a pathway to the environment, or already in the environment (as measured by field monitoring).

Measurable at the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) Definition: Dose above background measured either by field monitoring teams at the EAB or by the Pressurized Ion Chambers surrounding the site (ask RP Leader). If there is no information confirming the release is measurable at the EAB, then check the box "is not".

Federally Approved Operating Limits

a. If the following Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors are reading:

2(3)RE7870 > 4.0 E5 pCi/sec OR Sum of 2RE7865 and 3RE7865 > 4.0 E5 pCi/sec OR 2(3)RE7874A1 or 2(3)RE7874B1 = Valid reading above background with a release to atmosphere from an affected Steam Generator.

Then check the box "above" Federally Approved Operating Limits.

b. If an Unmonitored release is detectable at the EAB, then check the box, "above" Federally Approved Operating Limits.
c. If a Notification of Unusual Event is declared in accordance with SO123-VIII-1, Initiating Condition (IC) AU1 then check the box, "above" Federally Approved Operating Limits.
d. If there is no information confirming an unmonitored release, then check the box, "below" Federally Approved Operating Limits as specified in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

If there is no event-related radioactive release in progress, then check the first box. ("There has not been.

If an event-related radioactive release did occur but was stopped, then check the second box.

("There was .... )

If an event-related radioactive release is ongoing, then check the third box. ("There is ......

If release is gaseous, then check Atmosphere box.

If release is liquid and is on land, then check the Land Box If release is liquid and is going into the Ocean then check the Ocean Box.

INFORMATION USE Attachment 3 Page 4 of 5

Event Notification Form & Key Points I Attachment 3 (10) DOSE RATE PROJECTIONSIMEASUREMENTS:

This information should be completed when the information is available and Offsite Dose Assessment Center, ODAC, is not staffed. Otherwise, dose rate information should be provided to the ODAC Leader who will disseminate it to the agencies.


(11) Current Plant Conditions:

Describe briefly current plant conditions that form the basis for the emergency classification and or PAR. If an increase in classification, an upgrade in PAR, a start or stop of radiological release occurred within 15 minutes of the previous classification or PAR, and verbal notification was only provided for the second condition, include information about previous classification, PARs, or radiological release. Include time when radiological release started/stopped on this section. Also, if there are other significant plant updates for any Unit and it is not related to the current Emergency, it should be described in this section.

(12) Prognosis of Emergency:

Describe briefly trends in current plant conditions.

(13) Emergency Response Actions Underway Onsite:

Describe briefly current mitigating activities such as activation of emergency response facilities, repair or surveillance team activities.

(14) Request for Offsite Support:

Describe briefly request for support required from Offsite Agencies or enter none.

(15) PREPARED BY: Initialed by the EAN or leave blank if completed by Shift Manager.

(16) APPROVED BY: Initialed by the EC as authorization to send the message.

INFORMATION USE Attachment 3 Page 5 of 5

Summary of Changes Attachment 4 Author: C J SCHMITT/L SISCHO

,NN,.O r~der, .,  : . . ... * .. - .,*,,

Xý, .* . ' . . .. .,  : ; . . .. , o. .. - ' tep ;'"S ectio n ,,"

.- orOther. Descri ion of change Reviewer. J50.59 Rihiiient or' pto o hag -itedecin 202704315 Correct Step numbering on EP(123) 11 form Att 1 Delete NOTE regarding recalling of Minimum and Non- Att 2, Section D Minimum Staff during an Emergency. NOTE Revise methodology of performing the recall to current process. Att 2, Section D Step 1.

Alvarado Delete NOTE regarding recalling of Minimum and Non- Sischo DNA Att 2 Section E Minimum Staff during an emergency and delete notification of Seward NOTE and Non-Minimum Staff Step 2 Betterment Update Procedure Owner Cover Page Comments Update Cal EMA to CAL OES NOTE 1 at Step 6.2.2, Step; Att 1 Keypoint 18 INFORMATION USE Attachment 4 Page 1 of 1







SO123-VIII-0.100 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Report and Analysis Summary 10 CFR 50.54(q)(iv)(5)

Document Number: SOI 23-VIII-40.200 Revision 8


Raddose-V Dose Assessment SONGS Nuclear Notification (NN) #: 202632147 and 202624875 Section and Change Description Analysis Summary Change 1 Change 1 Revise step to use the current date and time This improves operation of the Raddose-V computer code. Updates for the reactor trip versus a default value. to the software defaults resulted in software lockup when using the default date and time under certain conditions.

Change 2 Removed note in step 6.1.11 referring to the time Change 2 entered for reactor trip when there is a release Note is no longer applicable due to Change 1.

without reactor trip.

Change 3 Change 3 Moved note from step 6.1.12 to step 6.1.11 referring Relocated information regarding date and time consistent with to the restart of DACS. Reworded this note to ensure Change 1. Also, incorporated improvement in computer code DACS is restarted when a new reactor trip time or operation for the control/slave mode when logging off.

radiological release time is inputted, and for all operators in control or slave mode to log off prior to restart DACS.

Change 4 Change 4 Reworded note prior to step 6.8.1 to clarify how to This change improves operation of the Raddose-V computer code.

reset the control/slave mode when shutting down the Provides additional information on resetting the modes of operation system. to prevent software lockup.

Summary Assessment The changes to S01 23-VIII-40.200 "Raddose-V Dose Assessment", Revision 8 each provide direction to the operators of the dose assessment computer to enhance the functioning of the software. The revisions to the procedure improve the ability of the SONGS Emergency Response Organization to assess and accurately calculate the impact of radiological releases in a timely manner.

This assessment determines that the changes do not decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Refer to SO123-XV-109.1, Processing Procedures and Instructions for the types of allowed editorial corrections.

EP(123)26 RevO 09/12 Page 1 of 1


SO123-VIII-0.100 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Report and Analysis Summary 10 CFR 50.54(q)(iv)(5)

Document Number: SO123-VIII-0.202, Rev 12


Assignment of Emergency Response Personnel SONGS Nuclear Notification (NN) #: 202645301, 202662213, 202431538, 202606788.

Section and Change Description _*Analysis Summary Change 1 Change 1 Editorial changes were made throughout this procedure. Editorial changes are defined in SO123-XV-109.1, Attachment 5, and do not cause a Reduction in Effectiveness to the SONGS Emergency Plan.

Change 2 Add information and clarity throughout the procedure Change 2 These changes add information for clarity and improved task performance, Change 3 and therefore these changes do not cause a reduction in effectiveness to Remove duplicative or incorrect information throughout the the SONGS Emergency Plan.

procedure Change 3 Change 4 These changes remove duplicate or incorrect information contained in the , updated requirements for respirator procedure. Procedural information is corrected and not lost, and therefore qualification of Emergency Response Personnel these changes do not cause a reduction in effectiveness to the SONGS Emergency Plan.

Change 4 Attachment was revised to reflect current emergency response position assignments, and to change percent of chemistry technicians SCBA requirement to 25%.

The closest applicable references are:

10CFR50.47 b (11) means for controlling radiological exposures, in an emergency, are established for emergency workers. The means for controlling radiological exposures shall include exposure guidelines consistent with EPA Emergency Worker and Lifesaving Activity Protective Action Guides.

EPA 400, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents Section 1.1 Nuclear Incident Phases and Protective Actions:

"... although the use of simple, ad hoc respiratory protection may be applicable for supplementary protection in some circumstances, this protective action is primarily for use by emergency workers."

Section 2.5 Guidance for Controlling Doses to Workers under Emergency Conditions:

"Some workers performing emergency services will have little or no health physics training, so dose minimization through use of protective equipment cannot always be assumed. However, the use of respiratory protective equipment can reduce dose from inhalation..."

Emergency Plan section

The SONGS Respiratory Protection Program includes provisions governing the use of respiratory protection equipment and administration of the SONGS respiratory protection program, which is responsive to Regulatory Guide 8.15 and NUREG-0041. The provisions of this document and supporting procedures shall apply to all usage of respiratory protection equipment during emergency conditions.

This change maintains an adequate number and percentage of respiratory protection qualified Emergency Response Personnel. The positions removed do not correspond to emergency response personnel in accordance with the Emergency Plan. The means for controlling radiological exposures, in an emergency, are established for emergency workers and include exposure guidelines consistent with EPA. The EP(123) 26 Rev 0 09/12 Page 1 of 2


SO123-VIII-0.100 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Report and Analysis Summary 10 CFR 50.54(q)(iv)(5)

Document Number: S0123-VIII-30.7, Rev 18


Emergency Notifications SONGS Nuclear Notification (NN) #: 202704315 Section and Change Description Analysis Summary Change 1 Change 1 Editorial changes were made throughout this procedure. Editorial changes are defined in S0123-XV-109.1, Attachment 5, and do not cause a Reduction in Effectiveness to the SONGS Emergency Plan.

Change 2 Remove duplicative or incorrect information throughout the Change 2 procedure. These changes remove duplicate or incorrect information contained in the procedure. Procedural information is corrected and not lost, and therefore Change 3 these changes do not cause a reduction in effectiveness to the SONGS , section D, Emergency Recall Activation Emergency Plan.

Intranet Method, changed instructions to use WMG Failsafe Group/Employee Search Interface instead of Edison portal Change 3 group paging. Attachment was revised to change the alternate recall intranet method.

The closest applicable references are:

10CFR50.47 b (5) Procedures have been established ... for notification of emergency personnel by all organizations ...

10CFR50.47 b (6) Provisions exist for prompt communications among principal response organizations to emergency personnel ...

10 CFR50 Appendix E, IV. Content of Emergency Plans C. Activation of Emergency Organization 1 .... The communication steps to be taken to alert or activate emergency personnel under each class of emergency shall be described.

NUREG 0654, E. Notification Methods and Procedures

2. Each organization shall establish procedures for alerting, notifying, and mobilizing emergency response personnel.

NUREG 0654, F. Emergency Communications

1. ... Each organization shall establish reliable primary and backup means of communication for licensees, local, and State response organizations...

Each plan shall include: ...e. provision for alerting or activating emergency personnel in each response organization ...

The intranet method is an alternate backup method that will be used if the Primary Recall System method becomes unavailable. The new instructions are an enhancement since the failsafe method is available when the Edison portal is down. The capability and timeliness of the alternate backup systems to promptly notify and recall ERO personnel during an emergency are maintained.

This assessment determines that the change does not reduce the capability or timeliness to perform emergency recall notifications via the alternate backup method. This change does not reduce the effectiveness of the SONGS Emergency Plan. The Emergency Plans continues to protect the health and safety of the public and SONGS personnel.

PREPARED BY: Lucia Sischo [REVIEWED BY: Dan Cleavenger DATE: 2/13/14 [DATE: 2/13/14 Refer to S0123-XV-109.1, Processing Procedures and Instructions for the types of allowed editorial corrections.

EP(123) 26 Rev0 09/12 Page 1 of 1