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TSD-14-014, Rev. 1 - End State Surface Areas Volumes and Source Terms of Ancillary Structures
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Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/2015
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17129A311 List: ... further results
Download: ML17129A324 (70)


ZionSolutions, LLC. Technical Support Document ZION SOLUTIONSuc TSD 14-014 End S tate Surface Areas, Volumes, and Source Terms of Ancillary Buildings Revision 1 Page 1 of70 Page 2 of 70 Table 36Table 37Table 38Figure 21Figure 27

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......................................................................................... 45 Figure 27 - Top View Unit 1 Flow Splitters from B-46 ......................................................................... 47 Figure 28 - 532' 6" Sump Behind Common Intake Splitter .................................................................... 50

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................................................ 64 Figure 35 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Overhead View .......................................................... 67 Figure 36 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Side View................................................................... 68 Figure 37 - Cask Pit Walls Floor Foot Print ........................................................................................... 69

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Figure 21 Page 37 of 70 Figure 21 - Overhead View of Crib House and Forebay Showing Flow Splitter Interior Walls shows the hollowed out structure that will be used to calculate the surface area, concrete volume and void space of the overall shell with no interior floors or walls. Then the interior floor and wall surface areas, concrete volumes will be calculated and added to the shell totals. The concrete volumes below the water table will be subtracted from the void space.

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Page 46 of 70 The surface areas and concrete volumes of the interior walls and floors will be added to the values. The surface area parameters and calculated surface areas of the internal walls and floors are provided in Table 36, concrete volumes are in Ta ble 37. The calculation described below resulted in an additional 73,812.5 square feet above the 74,705 square feet calculated for the area with no interior walls. This is a factor of 1.99 higher than the hollowed out structure. As seen in , the basket wall behind the stop log guide is 25 feet tall from the 588 foot to the 565 foot elevation. Figure 21 and of the forebay. This equals a 3,933 square foot surface area for each side or 7,866 square feet total.

Fourteen feet is below the 570 foot elevation water table and the wall is 2 feet thick creating a void space of 4,788 cubic feet that will have to be subtracted from the overall void space volume if the wall remains in the end state. The overall concrete volume is 7,866 cubic feet of concrete. As seen in , there are also Circulating Water Pump intake flow splitters that have surface areas and volumes that need to be calculated if they remain in the end state. As seen in Error! Reference source not found.

there is a common splitter between Units 1 and 2 and each unit has three channels that are the same for Unit 1 and Unit 2. The details of the Unit 1 channel and flow splitter layout are provided in Figure 27.

Page 47 of 70 Figure 27 - Top View Unit 1 Flow Splitters from B-46 The portions of the splitter walls past on the Forebay side (East Side) of the Stop Logs extend from to the 565 foot elevation or 28 feet. As seen in the case of the Common splitter on the right of the figure, it extends 20 feet past the stop log guide resulting in a side surface area of 560 square feet per side. The top is 7 feet wide resulting in a surface area of 140 square feet and a concrete volume of 3920 cubic feet that must be subtracted from the void space below the

water table.

Page 48 of 70 There is a center flow splitter in each of the three channels whose height is at the 565 foot elevation. There are three per unit or 6 total. Each splitter is 13 feet long and 28 feet high equaling a surface area of 364 square feet per side or 4,368 square feet for all 12 sides. Each center flow splitter is 3 feet wide resulting in a top surface area of 39 square feet which is 234 square feet for all 6 center flow splitters. The concrete volume is 1,092 cubic feet per center flow splitter or 6,552 square feet for all 6. This volume is subtracted from the volume below the water table. feet high per side this equals 446.54 square feet per side or 3,572 square feet for both units.

Drawing B-46 and B-47 show the tunnel flow splitters to be 3 feet thick for 47.84 square feet per top portion that is past the stop locks equaling 191.38 square feet for both units. This equals 1,339.63 cubic feet per channel flow splitter or 5,358.5 for all four. This volume will be subtracted from the overall void space if they are left in place. The portions of the common and channel flow splitters inboard of the stop logs (West) to the Circ Water Pump tunnel intake at the slanted wall extend to the 588 foot elevation or 51 feet high. The

side for the common flow splitter and top surface area of 255.5 square feet. The concrete volume of the common flow splitter west of the stop logs is 13 ,030.50 cubic feet or which 10,731 cubic feet is below the water table. The two channel splitters per unit are 3 feet thick and extend the same distances and elevations on the west side of the stop log to the circulating pump intake tunnel, also equaling 1.861.5 feet per side or 14, 892 square feet for all 8 sides for both units. The channel splitters are 3 feet thick equaling a total top surface area of 438 square feet for all four. The volume of each is 5584.5 cubic feet or 22338 cubic feet for all four of which 18,648 is below the water table. As seen in , the slanted a 27 foot drop. The base of the triangle is 13 feet across as determined by dimensions on drawing B-53. The hypotenuse is 29.97 feet. The straight 8.25 feet long. The surface area of the straight portion of each channel is 221.67 square feet per side with each of the 6 tunnel total have an interior and exterior surface this is 2,660 square feet for both units. Each slanted portion of the channel has a surface area of 759.16

square feet for a total of 8,517.3 square feet for all 12 sides of both units. Each wall is 2 feet thick resulting making the volume of the concrete 29.97 puss 8.75 or 38.72 feet by 25.33 feet by 2 feet minus 49.38 square feet by 2 feet for the opening which equals 1862.88 cubic feet per tunnel or 11,177.3 cubic feet for all six tunnels. Nine feet of the wall is above the water table making the length below the water table 29.72 feet resulting in 9,626.42 cubic feet below the water table. The side walls and the back walls of the Service Pump areas also have surface areas requiring calculation. As seen in , the sides of the Service Pump housing have rectangular section 13 feet deep by 8.75 feet or 113.75 square feet per side which is 1365 square feet for all 12 side areas. The concrete volume is an extra 2 feet wide on the front and 4 feet wide on the back. The four tunnel flow splitting walls are three feet thick. The rectangular side walls are 3 feet thick for a concrete volume of 840 cubic feet per wall or 3360 cubic feet for all four for both units. The Common splitter wall rectangular portion is 13 by 8.75 by 7 feet thick or 367.5 cubic feet of Page 49 of 70 concrete. Since the 8.volume is in the water table. As seen in It has a 13 foot base, making the surface area 1/2 26 by 13 feet or 169 square feet which is 2,028 for all twelve sides. The concrete volume of the two channel sides is 1/2 of 19 feet by 26 feet by 3 feet thick or 741 cubic feet for one and 2964 cubic feet for all four. Since only three inches is above the water table it can all be considered below the water table. The Common splitter has the same dimensions but with a 7 foot thickness equaling a concrete volume of 1,729 cubic feet which is subtract ed from the void space below the water table. The back wall of each service pumide and from the 588 from elevation to 3.33 square feet for each tunnel area resulting in 4,940 square feet for all 6 channel areas. 329.33 cubic feet per channel resulting in 19,760 cubic feet for all 7 channels. The amount below the water table is 23.5 by 25.33 by 4 feet for 6 channels or 14,288 cubic feet. The outer wall concrete volumes were included in the volume calculated for the shell. The Circul. As seen in Figure 27 , use is 15.40 feet resulting in a surface area of 192.51 square feet per side or 2310.07 square feet for all 12. The floor with a or 15.71 feet by 14 feet each. This equals 219.92 feet per floor surface which is 2369 square feet for all 12 floors and walls. The walls are 2 feet thick with the centers filled with sand. The concrete volume of each wall is 15.4 feet by 12.5 feet by 2 feet or 385.01 cubic feet per wall which is 4620.13 cubic feet for all 12 walls. There are two triangle shaped sand filled areas for each unit that This results in a void space sand volume of 4 ,491.67 cubic feet for all four areas. The cubic feet. There is also a rectangular portion of each intake tunnel which is where the pump veins are. There afor all 12. The side walls are also 2 feet thick with rest of the volume being filled with sand. The side walls are 381.25 cubic feet each or 4575 cubic feet for all 12. The back walls are 2 feet thick on the interior surface of the cubicles as shown on B-56 Section TT. They have sump areas on the back side that range in bottom elevations from 556 to 532 bottom floor elevations. The interior walls of the circ water pump intake tunnelsquare feet for all 6. At two feet thick this equals 1875 cubic feet of concrete for all 6. has already been calculated as part of the floor slab. The ceiling is a slab with 6 holes for the Circ Water Pumps . Each opening or 25.5 square feet per ceiling which is 152.97 square feet for all 6 ceilings.

The concrete floor of the tunnels run under is 171 feet wide by 29.25 feet wide with 6 circulating water pump shaft openings with an average rad 6 or 8.5 Page 50 of 70 feet thick. This is 39,634.48 cubic feet when the cone shaped opening volume of the 6 pumps is subtracted. As seen in B-44 and feet long equaling 1860.75 square feet when the hatches are subtracted. The surface area on the Figure 28 - 532' 6" Sump Behind Common Intake Splitter openings or 3271.5 cubic feet. Six of the sump areas ar2 inside minus the 3 foot by 3 foot hatch opening for 141 square feet each or 846 square feet for all 6.

Page 51 of 70 . The side walls are 13.88 feet deep. The surface area of each side wall is 12 feet by 13.88 feet or 166.6 square feet per wall or 1,666 square feet for the 10 side walls whose surface areas were not part of the hollowed out shells . Th e wide or 173.54 square feet each. This is 1,041.25 square feet for the 6 front walls. The back walls surface area was already included in the calculation of the hollowed out shells surface area. The volume consists of 8 interior walls, not counting the common sump walls high or 333.2 cubic feet per interior wall or 2665.60 cubic feet for all 8. No credit will be taken for common sump ceiling area is 15floor is 15.8 by 12 feet or 190 square feet. The interior side walls are 17.75 feet by 12 feet or 213 square feet each or 426 square feet total. At two feet thick, this equals 426 cubic feet per wall or 852 cubic feet total. The additional void space below the water table is 958 cubic feet. The common area rectangular sand is 15.25 feet long by 15.83 wide by 9.50 feet deep or 2293.85 cubic feet. As seen in Table 36 the interior concrete was 73,812.5 square feet in addition to the 7.47E+04 square feet in . This increased the estimated surface area to 148,518 square feet by a factor of 1.99. Table 36 - Parameters and Calculated Surface Areas for Interior Walls and Floors Page 52 of 70 As seen in Table 37 the interior concrete increased the estimated concrete volume by a factor of 1.46. Table 37 - Interior Concrete Parameters and Calculated Volumes Page 53 of 70 The void space below the water table decreased by a factor of 0.86 due to the concrete and sand volume below the water table shown in Table 38. Table 38 - Parameters and Calculated Values of Void Space Volume below the Water Table with Interior Structures In Place Page 54 of 70

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Page 66 of 70 Table 53- Equalization Tank Concrete Volumes Table 54Table 54 - Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) Summary of Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space and Concrete Volumes Ta ble 55 - Example of WWTF Abstracted Model Based on Water Table Void Space Page 67 of 70

Figure 35 Figure 35Figure 36 Figure 35 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Overhead ViewTable 56Figure 37 Page 68 of 70 Table 56 - Spent Fuel and Transfer Canal Surface Areas Transfer Canal East and West Walls Transfer Canal North and South Walls Figure 36 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Side View Figure 37 Page 69 of 70 Figure 37 - Cask Pit Walls Floor Foot PrintTable 56Table 57Table 57 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Void Spaces to Water Table Figure 36Table 58Table 58 - Spent Fuel Pool and Transfer Canal Wall and Floor Concrete Volumes Page 70 of 70 Table 59Table 59 - Example of Abstracted Dimension for Spent Fuel Building Model Table 60Table 60 - Summary of Ancillary Building Surface Areas, Water Table Void Space, and Concrete Volumes Structure Total Wall and Floor Surface Area ft 2 below 588' Elevation Total Water Table Void Volume to 579 ft per Item ft 3 Total Water Table Void Volume to 579 ft per Item m 3 Total Concrete Volume per Item ft 3 Unit 1 Containment Liner Only 2.97E+04 230,881 6,538 Unit 2 Containment Liner Only 2.97E+04 230,881 6,538 Auxiliary Building 7.00E+04 1,003,735 28,423 5.20E+05 Turbine Bld, Main Steam Tunnel, Diesel Oil 1.60E+05 922,893 26,133 1.11E+06 Unit 1 Discharge Tunnel 2.62E+04 105,650 2,992 1.16E+05 Unit 2 Discharge Tunnel 2.62E+04 105,650 2,992 1.16E+05 Crib House and Forebay 1.49E+05 923,738 26,157 5.05E+05 Waste Water Treatment Facility 1.21E+04 5,082 144 1.27E+04 Spent Fuel Building 7.78E+03 7,354 208 3.94E+04 Totals 3.81E+05 2.07E+06 5.86E+04 1.90E+06 1. TSD 14-013 Zion Auxiliary Building End Sate Estimated Concrete Volumes, Surface Areas, and Source Terms.

2. TSD 13-005 Unit 1 &2 Reactor Building Estimated End State Concrete and Liner Volumes and Surface Areas.
3. Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 And 2 Asset Sale Agreement, December 11, 2007. None