ML20085M780 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 05/16/1995 |
From: | Cash J GEORGIA POWER CO. |
To: | |
References | |
OLA-3-S-033, OLA-3-S-33, NUDOCS 9506290336 | |
Download: ML20085M780 (31) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:, _ 50 'I W Y 25 .OM.3 gg q,5 S - 33 --- w - -- Staff Exh.11-33 n n e w r T r n '-
- [901 vhkIke afnlIr:MiiiaT l
g# ( 9 j 4 NUCLEAR OPERATIONS ' g,,,,,,n g, Is l re M JUN -6 R2:20' 1 ,1 COrg Power - e.s. ~ - lg' una H nFFICE OF SECRETARY ' - Dh A@M
- l 00CKETlHG & bt Kvict..,,,,
P ?. J 010 BRANCH st DIESEL GENERAT) OPERABILITY TEST a m g . ff 1.0 PURPOSE Thissurveiklana ure s e,to demonstrate the 1.1 This operability:of the Eme'rgency;Dieselt. Generators. procedure should notp h!used;for maintenance troubleshooting or testing A l This surveillance sat es_ ese echnica? l Specification Requirementsi i '.S.I.l.2.a ? .L.2'i' ' E i s}pgf.7, l - Q f' g.,-i.3, 1..S.1.1.2.g j ip IA %... j i 1.3 The frequency of thi given by Technical Specification Tablef4IS-l?f,.,p g?. q.;./ UWi b. ~ 2.0 APPLICABILITY r [ NW,' j [ 2.1 This surveillance pp Leabl *in' Mod?s 1, 2, 3 and 4. Portions of)this:/surve llanc$,$1% ?ild*D/e are applicable t l 2.2 [pl-g,. and 6. l PRECAUTIONS!ANDkIYITAEONS I ~ 3.I Shkft Suhe N o#hihSS lienotified 3.I Th-Unit r i=.ediately'if a subsystem'or component calfunctions or test data indicate a during a surveillance test.f, potential! problem l ";j.%:.,y lh..lygyf,., r.. -r. n.. ,q. e
- <1,
? 'o f Diesel l Generator is 7000 kW. The rated espacity' permitted to exceed this limit 3.2 Load should not be during testing. The Diesel Generator should not be operated at isss than 301 load (2100,kW) for prolonged t' ' pericds of.tica., DuringDieselGenerator..oad' test [ng',foadoinexcess l 3.3 of 7000 kW or momentarf' variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidita theh,, test?c,j., ...w ^ - 7 9506290336 950516 ._,..} PDR ADOCK 05000424 3;. 9 3,W G PDR F EXHIBIT EXHIBIT B U.
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009 C Nb dd.' : g
D O e e a i 3-
- ' No "T
~ A.
- AlnC g~AiWT'j Arms 7
, vv g ora ano Sb 91 S 31 e'0
- 3 GO CA4 031071:1 Jouwel p 0.MG039 Jupt <h d
03d' :li4Vjl / Ens !0 30:;nu 0'q ul, TE H fjf N*3M0fy.yfQcnwa. N. 9 '
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N0Ih055VkDO $'bO$ & &jGih ')E$)t,}{ll(l,i ) j I
l l 9M&?5ht"W?F ""m at w p'gvisios.,. nog so. VEGP 14980-1 ~ { r g. k,, ;.,..., g, 2 of 31 'I + 0 y,7 ; 4 I I 2.4 If during a Diese ne.gstart il To Start alarm in but the engine ~ keeps;runniH &.the support i comes systems will operate! ifathe.' engine was shut down. j To reset these systems h6? START;pushbutton must. be pressed. This willys op]ttie1 Keep Sarm Pumps, turn of f the Keep k' arm Heaters 71stopithe Crankcase Fans and place the alarms in iervice tha),'are bypassed when shut t down. 4 3.5 Once initiated, ese encreter;s tdown signals remain in effecti oi. 9,0;s es, onds the Diesel Generator)willionly(] g During this period, f an emergency start signal. Tospreve'nt the depletion of starting air,waitunti14the{loTilredIstoppinglightisOFF (approximately 90;seE6Eds Jafter normal stop before attempting to start [thEdiesel - => e D. ' 3,q _ - 2 attempts Nin M dint hh,s7 from bona fide } 3.6 All start o start signals, shallib Aloggediin the USS and/or the f e_ log entry chall include the Control Room logbook]. 0llowing information. "t I 2 a. Start time, W((,.g 4 y$*.
- ?
l 4 sh: * (:$-@h'. b. Reason for start Success or failure: of, the.. start attempt. c. t c'. 7 M;*#W. l 3.7 The Emergency Diese nerators 'shall'not be used for 1 peaking service. 1,75 l .i M,'; '8
- Diese, erator surve hall be initiated i
enly from the Control'oRoomance, tests,' yg i ,aM i, 3.9 During surveillance cest ng. .one Diesel Generator shall be paralleled;a time power source.
- 5 N7S' i f.i M
i 3.10 The Diesel Generr. tor las een~,alignedIfor standby per 13145-1, " Diesel Generators'l and a. current copy of 11145-1, " Diesel Genere w Aligpment"and 11146-1, " Diesel Generator Fuel ^ d Transfer. System Alignment" h;,f 3.11 If any unusual grid distur aricea'5ccur.'while the Diesel Generator is operating start thi'. Fault Recorder in the control Room and notif the'Sys' tem Engineer for an evaluation of the prob em gt '##.)- Te s t ing o f a Die s,$ {q;^el Generator l or; troubleshooting w 3.12 should be performe;following' major maintenance, first engine ~run (i.e., d.using' 13145-1,." Diesel etc.) Generators"; If necessary itesting for operability should follow using this procedure. Y !.SiSEENiR$iBiElia
k . a1 l ,., g, s. j* FL<CCE DuaE NO REVISloN.- pAgg No, ' g..
- h'
, 3 of 31 VEGP 14930-1 17,.. - i _, - ' g j
i sf-3.13 A cylinder coisture ec 11 not e perforced if in an action statement Te hnical pe.cification 1 l or 4 4.O PREREQ'JISITF,3 OR 'INITI CONDITIONS I[ .V 4.1 The USS shall ensdre thiilsurveillance ) 3.g <<- - >r; w. i test does not affect theritssts 4' l presently in progress jeopard ii plant operation prio.'j grantin approval to perform h rveillanc J.
- est.
1 USS APPROVAL l 4.2 OSTAIN the folloN es q;ipment_ 'f Y l a. Two stop watches e a
- 4. =
l No. I serial'num er '-^- No. 2 serial-EE MM M .e w.. w % g.. ter size ot. b. A clear contaLne larger. ices;.. e r-j e.3 NOT!FY the Syste'm, pera orjan, l p'" Unit 2 Control Roo the Diesel i Generator Test.. j ~ i l 4.4 The NSCW System s; erv ce l provide cooling water o{the'.Diese Generator Jacket Wate, Heat Exchangers.g ' h N-4::{. _w .?gG.. s m. .i b'!v. ,, ['-Q. p thi ~'
- ?$
- u. -
- f. '.
7 Vi: ~ SM a' 5.; 8 e [: ,y 'r> Q' ..x 'i ' ,.< -:. w m e. -..g
u y ?:, g,g. A T m.m f. Ni-INITIAI.S t 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS h.y
DATE IME ~. MODE Aidh j P*7' Diesel Generator', Behn C . ~m J. NOT Once be' gun procedu$at ppropr portions f h~ r r should.b compl edji possible. nd thTJs,ystem subsystem.or ,mponen g returned to servicefor committed,t ~ "'a ir required.'T 1 . 2Q$ ..c '~; 5.2 DIESEL GENERATOR START r.: 36I ' TE '1C. e a, a.
- He Prior to, perform ng;the s ix..Jgr :W;'
s I nonth surveillance;+thei k ,se diesel should remain in.:) ,-3. i standby for,several; hours to W! allow temperatures fj ". h l scabili=e.' w 4. ' 5.2.1 If this test is b ng er c=e :a s' I the six-menth (184 day giurveillance ~ per Technical. Specification . ?.. VERIFY the' Diesel g Generator has been shutdown for.:,more d N5E a .im(FI&- 7 than 4 hours.
- 5'
.M.. *h. O,TE 75 N 5 Uhile the~ Diesel!Cenerator. g' y'& is in operation] check for-' rubbing or; excessive tN /;ifl vibration ofismall, di@ameter m i tubing supporting-Diesel. [' i Generator,~o erationt(e ? -f., I fuel linesf in'strument 4 tubing, or-nitrumenta:.r i.' tubing. h ~ 5.1.2 STATION an operatos Diess jf Generator Building to monitor 2the' Diesel Generator operationfand maintaing6. headset or radio communication ~with . E the Control Room throughout thi. 4 "j,. duration of the test ,.7., .d$ [{E' ','.
- .(
i .g 4non aveq,.o REYWoN VECP 14980-1 (..( ($. ,J'f;'. QE W l ..%5of31 ll ,f., INITIALS i UTION y The cy me sture:phec M:.3 shall.not 6 piirformed:if thistestki irforme d a an i" action item Te~chnic'al i. Specificati 18:111 w 5.1.3 If L hasnotbeen rme the preceding 4' hour PERFORM Cylinder Moisture,Che~c ~ 1314 [.' " Diesel Generator 3. 'A. 5.1.4 RECORD the Diesel'Cener or pre-s tartu - "DieselGeneratorJperafj118859d readings on SectionyAT6f ,c .n.Lo '5't. p-5.1.5 RECORD the Engine Hours on Data'.Shect. 5.1.6 Tr.STtheannunc[I g a t 1 6. .ilarepanelatPDG24(PDG4)(s.;Are* and"/ERIF. V i that all annunci6 tor ht '[
- rrerable, r'-
j is' per orm 5.1.'
- f this test regular ronthly, surveillance LIGN
') l star:ing air systemfas~ follows
- ~
, 'g 3.1 1 If the month if Januar Apr 1, July' (( I l or ocrober, UNLOCKtand1CLOSEfthDAir V i Start Receiver 1 Dischar ~ Isolation - 6. 7: i 1-2403-U4-765(722) T. w u f4, 437* , A2$ 5,1 7 J I f the month is Febr~uary May," August 94 or November, UNLOCK,and,CLOSE the AirP'#~c Start Receiver 2 Discharge < Isolation T a t- !-2403-U4-769(729) p.' RECORD the valve,V .Wa s ; c o s e d,s,on ,7, y 5.! 7.J Dara Sheet 1. If bothTvalves;werei' E Botgalves' en i left open, RECORD on Data Sheet 1. .T (;, Im s T:!:.. 8 ' lll Y' g k,tj d I' .I--
m-e mwrc,w d of 31 'F P 14480-1 I H 4 .. ~. - .c.r j-p.,. ',f';.' ,. ',j. ; w INITIALS
- f. e r
~ 5. s'w v. ?:. ,-g-The Turb,o. e Oil' Byp' ass Walv4Dkoul' Or fid be]opene i (Step'5711811 inutes and(sho;prio to dissel car uld b promptly 16'sid Stird lil2) retir Ste ' 5) throughg501?J s.aculd performodfaxp itious
- e..
Exceas pre 10b ' Esti'ohlipa result lnloi eciim~ulati the ex aust piligYandian exhaust fir on engine +s art j.h 5.1.8 OPEN the Turbo Lu e r ce nypass valve 1-2403 U 30 131). ,J M'Y)- 5.1.9 PLACE the DSL c 9 "SW .m. M tch to A-B.,' Ls.f kkh/ 5.L.10 When starting th eneratorg- -s a. g 7-TIME the foll;ovin~ , Y'. The time from dcIress 05 01 ~ 3 Cenerator START ;?ushbuttorfitantil' ~ g. voltar,n reaches 40255t 4330 vol s. pg 5.1 1 0..' The time fromdo)ressn g D: c ol< nenerator START ;?ushbuttoniunti1H 'i.! requency reache 58i "6 Hz (y,; r NOTES ? g Whilo} .ie s o b[engin'o 'i '7 n. nearting theLoperator in n-the Diesel Room'should)
- i listen for thdrIscape o i
from the S arting:Airk Manifold' Vent vorif E-manifold. van en an unobstructed i 'e b. When t enerator ntarted;, n'
- . 2-Generator, Trouble: Alarm may i4.
annunciatefduettotaispuriou cenornter Fie13 Ground'rola f actuationMThis7.ish al orma ~ f-startup alar and, rein 5.1.11 At Panel QEAB. AEPRESS 'DIESE c GENERATOR START Pushbu ton J .,. ' ':e~',.'.,8,. :..., '..e [* ', : /:, 4 N', 5 #. h '. ,$ h k
- s'
- I I q
....,v ... _ ~ _ ' .. as m
s::%_. a_ ~ P 14980-1 )7of31 .[ INITIALS I' jg(; 5.1.12 CLOSE the Turbo f Bypass Valve 1-240 30(13 5.1.13 RECORD the ti frequency on Da a h. RECORDtheDih 5.1.14 and frequency on a 5.1.15 If the Generato oun r flag is visible the ERFORM lia following at Generat str ~ Pan
- e. :U "T.,...
PDG1 (PDG3):} a n. RESET the DG1 enerator Field Ground 'relafjf1 gby, I'f. placing ths,Cenerator;Fiol l~ Ground Relay 2Tes Switch to' ) ~ 9; RESET positicn' DEPRESSh1 asst y b. Pu s hbu t,t on. 5.1.16 LOCK OPEN the [ ece var k.I Discharge Isolati as lo P-; in Step 5.1.7 5.1.17 If the Diesel Nener I paralleled to that4160 01 2; PROCEED to Subsectio 7h
- 18 If the Diesel Cenerato
~ gy,, -/ - shut down, ir=e dia t ROCEED.lo Subsection 5.3., e.w ;.~. .vn. -) ' T, ei, l g,' i v. l g p .N' I Jj 'n.. e j'.;.;, \\
- q
' t.. r }.f.b .' * ' '. T ' , I, h, ~~ ~.c.....
l j 'EP 14980-1 e . 8 of 31 i l f M', . INITIALS 5.2 DIESEL GENERATOR-LOADIN '/" AUTION ,'c.. [ Ifkh ese., enerator U.' bein '6 p i. t a.t t. finJt Para le11modeW averhifg! t'trans ? the LOCAL-REMOTE Swit'c 1-HS-4516 451-n1PDG N to LOCAL t i "a / governor a 1 4 regulator so ?~ i mode., A f T' i o p'df .a If thi test o:per orm l the 6 month rveillanch; %~ i then the Diesel 4 Generator M. chould notebe llowed;to l idle priory ~arallelijig
- e. l l
and loading i 'g,_ l 95 i \\y 5.2.1 'T this test is not: per orme j-six month surveillance) thenilDLEkth diesel for 5-10 minute ntil i temperatures stabilize g !V 2 5.2.2 E::SURE the Diesel' enera r (lB ~: SYNC MODE SELECTOR Swit~c TS-DG1At (DG18) is in AUTO } r . CAUTION l M l j g __e s '. :. _. ='
- m. ;
i Never p ace two sync-swi i to the ON. esit ontatsthe - 'hi,.. same tice' blevii T: fuse an. - may result T'@ l v: u 5.2.3 PLACE the breaker: BA0319 6 Sychronization.cwitch Mggg {;'. s :' Momentarily PLACE. h!1HS: 414B " [B-eeDS: GEN 5.2.4 UNIT / PARALLEL Switc ~ (HS-44523) to PARALLEL"aYdiOBSERVE O the red DSL GEN lA(1B)$ DROOP MODE 1 .i light is on. 6
- (
e. ~ btg. . ^ :;f M:;g
- ..., - '...,, L.. ;. J.
- 3 g..:
GP 14980-1 of 31 - 4 (.g. . ;' ' f 4 i I [,. ' /g. _ - ' py,, j It* e b !sfi i INITIALS , -J, f:or .fw 14 i 5.2.5 OBSERVE 4160V Bus,1 02 BA03)* i E voltage on the QEAB. RUNNING, Voltmeter .s 4 i via BUS 1AA02 NORM,;INCM'VMiSWj(BUpi BAO L l l NORM INCM VM SW)4and dim elTGen~erator 'c j IA(IB) voltage on'th EABLINCOMING i Voltmeter via DSL DS 'fp' i GEN 1B MV SW)' - C 5.2.6 VERIFY that th'e S co
- .77 rotating and that_tth S
c ran 4,. Lights are brightTa h 6McIlick i position and darka h 12Fo fcl6'c 2 i position and that?th C ERMISSIVE j red light comds oninea h1 cloc [? position. 5.2.7 ADJUST generator-vo tag sinecessar 5: ( to slightly ldad'thelbu olta e'2 Q i (Generator voltagellest han e, j above the lowest ph'a~ us
- age
,c,. r l .,i r 'thile cope - q; 5.2.5 ADJUST the generator nti h 1 Syne Scope needleyi r tTt iig sl 9. the clockwise-(FAST)Ldirec{io 4 in t ri-. { (8 to 10 seconds 1rotat Wn s 5.2.9 If this surveilla'nce or as an actiongitieE(7mont as the'rsgu ly C performed of 7
- test, Technical Specificatio 31871
[ PERFORM Step 5.2.11 an RK Step 1 Ej:. ir 5.2.12 as N/A.- Awa s. 5.2.10 If this surveillance ng s performed as the six!hionthj(1 ,y. test per Technical:Spscificatibn-jt PERFORM.Ste 12?1 an .c - l .v.A RM S t e p 5. 2 !11. a s :N (,;. Y 5.2. 1 PARALLEL the Diese enera bus.
- p, 5.2.I1.I b* hen the Syne Scopo nee rene es
'~ the 11 o' clock posi ion ~ DEPRESSkn 1 HOI.D the Diesel Censrato A(lB)#.AUT ' ~ '2 ' SYNC PEP. MISSIVE Pushbution PB-DGlA g l (Pb-DG1B). .N f ?,. i k* hen the DGIA (DGlB (OUTPUT BRKR '" l1 i 1 AA0219 (1BA0319)teloses1% RELEASE Y l Auto Sync Permissive Pu'shbutton: v. ,T
- p-l l. ~; '.
~I '. ;;:,'l... %.y. 6 n..
., m.: {10of31 V GP 14980-1 k.: l 3 c. INITIALS l 3. 3, TE i' To o x-mont ..f~ load cu.hs ^ieliGen rators M' test,ttst lisisedt. greiIirlt 6100jkE e 6 0. s'e con d del,osindth Diesel entrat6 ut m Breaki ) 5.2.12 Parallel the~D ese ./ bus. p D when parallel'i enerator TIME the intervaliff 16si6$the N. Diesel Generaterlout Breakerunti load exceeds 6100kW O When the Syne; cope nee reac es '?. l the 11 o'c1'ock!posi DEFRESSjan HOLD the DieseltGen'driter A(IB); AUTO 9... SYNC PEP.MISSIVEaPushbUtto DG1A 'M h 1Y' i (PB-DG1B). i l l __J- When the DGIA.(DG1 UT BRK 1AA0219 (IAB0319)1 'sKRELEASE n Auto Sync Permisi:.' Gsh'autton 3 RAISE generator ,oa 1 700 KW RECORD the timejreq re to. Lse Diesel Generator-los beva 6100kW on X,9 Data Sheet 1. -l,, g$@jf'7,i NOTES -. o n c. When per orm i six-month ist th Generator v; should;b fe oad d in -;j f a[at increcen p' 1000.kWId 50 SyARj' wit i 3 '4Ymin wesn loa
- d chan is l
3 b. As ti generator tage Pf-adjustedP (th'e't f* be mainta lfd;,kVARfshould' positite~ fan no moreithin~ half
- f. th e >. k d..
load ( : Synchroni:ationSw,5AA62f9(1BA0319 PLACEthebreshb 'E 5.2.13 ite FF ( . :/- W. ..v g _ v.., t -h d _i_ [ 'e ' ~5 r-
__ _enere w..~ g VECP 14980-1 11 of 31 j i 2~ 7. INITIALS l 5.2.14 /DJUST gen rato 000kW 2; I 5.2.15 ADJUST genera nta generator kVAR 50 OUT. g" +: 5.2.16 RF. CORD the t E Generator lo de'd 00kW r.$ i Data Sheet 1 'l... 5.2.17 When the Diese een C loaded for.30 2':' 11885-C, " Dis [m niitMIt{ITIATE enTrato rat ?f! Log." ( . g, 5 y f N N-1 ISu see Transfe P sti ~ an [' '5.5 KA1 mpresi6Q st /- mayib le t'ai 'during t Diese ~ Gen t'o caded un if,desiiad 5.2.18 'a'h il e th e di e s e ' EXAMINE the followin and NOT roblems: ?.; aum e-n Y Generator Sii rushaIs Generator 8 ear n ., [.. 'il .Tacket Watt Lube Oil S:[rstem x-i a +r. l , J F Fuel Oil Sys':em t f." Diesel engi ..J.
- piping, 1 Combustion'di manifolds. ",^ One valve at each nd bot '92 - lbi. i . !l.7 ex.
1 O 4 m, - 3 V P 14980-1 12 of 31 n i INITIALS -{' l l T 'I' a. A gener tor 'n i i adjue :ad enerator tag dhouldib. djd's ted C s f eoncurren atoimai r th{a(posi ive) 't { ,kVAR 6ud al i and- 'mor o d i ,r, b. l un1 didj nerame' 4 approxima': 1 i 500;kVAR t 3 nute f-i betwe's /if he l 5.2.19 When the Didse ter las seen i loaded to greater 80 for .?" l at least I hour g;;; 7y 'to.9 b. ) RECORD the t ~ uco i less than 6800 DataiSh
- q. y.
g. i 5.2.'9.2 REDUCE Diese. enerator p.7 - 100-200 kW and VAR l S.2.19.3 TRIP the DG1 PUT ? { 1AA0219 (1BA0319 ,i' IDLE the Diese is for 4-5 minutes I 5.2.20 SHUT DOWN th' ese enerato Y Subsection 5.3 A .h l I r.5 3*. i.c.. l 8 .. a j y:.: h, i i + i 4 i e
s P 14980-1 ,13 of 31 i .,s ,,7. ;.. i e l I 7- $. ~.. INITI A1.S 5.3 DIESEL GENERATOR'SHUTD0 [ AUTION 6 tun. If an.SI signa. ,rece ve during'angin coastdown ti monitor (lub Die'ipressbre il and trip lth sel Generato iffp'ressure,falf 'l below th r: set in 30 psi .[' 5..).1 At Panel QEAB, DEPRES DIESE: 6 (;ENERATOR 1 A(1 B). STO sh utton' f 1-HS-4571B (4572B) h ~ q 5.3.2 RECORD the time i; W , encrator. 7.. was shut down on,Dat heet 1.p' vla.ic,y.! ..\\.5f;C 5.J.3 At 480V AC MCC INBI 1NBO) VERITY;?.I the Generator Space'Heate is ig GJ,ti,, energized. 7 5.3.4 VERIFY the Jacket Wate sep-arm' l._ Pump starts. 'i ~ 3.3.5 VERIFY the Lube 0 ee arm. um J:' senrts. a r7 5 c.. 5.3.6 After approximate:.. nu es ?? VERIFY the red stopping light at 7 Panel PDG2 (PDG4) is of
- g. (
i ) jid..:?;f? ~ u 98.c c.. v'~ ^E tj%} )';p; 1 i Wh.: .V:- l ~ [(Yf.'. i i ) { ry y,- a i u y; ?* l .1 ,QQ
- i p\\ eM.w.Qfyyiz:
? I e ..; $.'I.N. diA.jNf hh(hf.i,,.---
' ~ -=: _ pqr:s AftH$lON. pag g gg, VEGP 14980-1 W '. ;.- [-.'%.9.[ g. 14 of 31 { -r ' M"t!lMt WiGa.;ry .,,-d.@f'. E .1. 4<_.,, p p gp INITIALS >. h@ ! 44 ,. T ! e. .y. =gy l -r i 5.3.7 Tf after approximate inutesh,. eth e~'O i red STOPPING light is.NOT 'off;4f.-32.~Sy. RESET (-? as follous: ~W"$ w.d. w - . nq tMN b.:t W .m N(. I ound',on!i'Ms.': the :^j? i ~ front of the' ngine; auxiliary skid. e'. c. PLACE'the pushbut HS-88 (4689),:DG1A (DG15)fRUN/STOP;iin. approxima tely,'10'; p'o sition. fbrM*'*7 the PUSH-TO-STOP. i seconds 4 (y PLACEthepushbutton1,ptd, /d(Wi!Qm . m> g-: -HS-4688 r,l b. (4689), DG1A (DG1B)<RUN/STOP, in: the PULL-TO-RUN position, .. p. *j a y. v.. c. VERIFY the red STOPPING ligst is off, and the blue UNIT AVAILABLE . pj W y;6 light is ON. g '. A r... u ? engine hours on'9%':y. Data 5.:.8 RECORD the -[>'.) ALIGN the Diesel Generator, Building Q;,l 5.3.9 FVAC System for automatici,operatjion.q~ I r er 13325-1, " Auxiliary' Fee dwater.;c c..'.' l 6 Pumphouse And Diese1~Generatore. t.P.ei,c& ' Buf iding HVAC Systems'.'. ggi 1
- M A t,,
w t:. 1 4 e ' gYhfS:... O y, k b tw .~-*m- [k ( Ggl?..;ta-..- v t. :... ' ' W .jg; n.,,f-;. 1 4 ipg
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- /,)2 n' 4 *,9 * *[f/2 /.,',
.J.' s 7.,,r1 o *;. - e-:MM-3' 4
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$M Nikhb ,t (, ' ' l a,
1 1 j C- +: " ". c:E VIStoN g, PAGg No. VEGP 14080-1 Sph'[j,,,,t ~
- . ~. ~ -
15 of 31 .~ 'T.',.'~- INITIALS l @ -n ;, : l NOTEffF*'. w Accumulated waEer must be drained from *.he Fuel 0 DayTankpertechnical.4.1 Specification + 5.3.10 If this test was performed. as. a e regular monthly surveillance testjd S:-i... or. If the Diesel Generator was.T i.t! 1:. - operated for a period of fene hour "" ' d., or greater. SAMPLE the Diesel. '~ Cenerator Diesel Fuel Oil.(DFO).".' Day Tank for water: ..}((,;.,,,,~" 5.3.10.] ORTAIM a clear container'one litet size or ex,. i .t: 5.3.10.? DRAIh a small amount of. fuel oili into the container from the Day 1 Tank Drain 1-2403-U4-035(036). +. EKA.v!NE the sample for water on the l i bottom of the container. 5.'.10.4 !f water detected REPEAT the ! sample uruil no water is found. J. 3 i 5 ;.!0.5 CLOSE. LOCK and CAP the Day Tank j Drain valve 1-2403-U4-035(036). r DIESEL CENERATOR FUEL OIL TRANSFER c?.C EM TEST i NOTE t This section of the procedure will verify the operability of the Diesel Generator : Fuel 011 Transfer Pumps. 1 i 5.4.1 START th DF0 STOR TANK PUMP-1 (-3), 1-HS-9044(9045). 5.'.? VERIFY the pump starts and transfers fuel oil to the DF0 Day Tank. 5.4.3 STOP the DF0 STOR TANK PUMP-1 (-3), 1-HS-9044(9045). i. S.4.4 START the DF0 ST0k TANK PUMP-2 (-4), 1-HS-9046(9047). 7 d ~ s.- e. *g. g* I
- .ifys t y..-'
1 ~ ~ ~ "E CL'ON PAGE NO. j gM.%,,,,:,.,...j,..,,,'. 1 8 3... 7,7, d,,'. 16 of 31 EGP 14480-1 i INITIALS i ~ i 5. .5 VER:FY the pump starts and transfers fuel oil to the DF0 Day, Tank. 5.'.6 STOP the DF0 STOR TANK PUMP-2 (-4), 1-HS-9046(9047). ,@!d/..' .,,p.3,..-.. 5.5 DIESEL CENERATOR AIR START COMPRESSOR TEST .4.. .1 CAUTIONS':e .l W4itVR/. j Only one Air Compressor "i' a. should be tested at a time. ) -e b. At least one air starti receiver must be pressurized to greater ~ than 210 psig at all times. ~ NOTE.. i these instructions are i written for the Train A Air Compressors. The Train B components are indicated by parentheses. l l 5.5 1 NOTIFY the Control Room that QEAB j' annunciator ALB35F02 DG1A LOW PRESS l STARTING AIR (ALB38F02 DG13 LOW PRESS STARTING AIR) will energir.e in the following step. j l 3. 5..' CRACK-OPEN ene Air Start Receiver 1 a i Drain, 1-2403-X4-762(723), and slowly 1 j REDUCE air receiver pressure to f i 145-155 psig. i I CAUTION 1 If the Air Compressor feils to start automatically do not reduce air receiver pressure j below 210 psig. I 5.5.3 VERIFY the Air Start C mpressor, 1-2/,03-04-001-C01 (OOT '01) starts
- oma *.icallv! when th ! e 7.3 receiver is between 2t$ ' ' 235 psig, 4
ssure i 0 4 ? t l 4 i e 4
- 8. s h *
, '., lY,...e'I'...'l, . p.:. ' '., ... e
- e.,
e, . );,., 0 '*4e, . - [.' e.'. _- e
- M '$'s.Edn23te..*.44;r;.
- .1 h e 's -
A L y:SloN p.m. (.- rpGE ho. (.. 7,.18.g p..,,, %,a ,J - 17 of 31 VEGP 14980-1
- )
=4 a s i INITIALS i .: Wi - t 5.5.4 If the Air Compressor fails to start uutcmatic.lly. .,j%;., * ;n.j. - ) .. o 1 M,.;., 1.s \\ a. CLOSE the Air Receiver .1 2 Drain 1-2403-X4 762(723),.,*. -[4 i l .gg ,, '_ z s b. INITIATE maintenance on the ' compressortocorrect,the,.yy).; d prob 1em. ,3:sp r..e,-.; - l ..d s%LS.'. _, S.5.5 NOTIFY the Control Room that QEAB arnunciator ALB35F06 DGlA SWITCH NOT I AUTO ( ALB38F06 DGlB SWITCH NOT IN At!TC) wi11 energize in the following i step. u 5.5.6 PLACE the Control Switch for tho' Air Compressor 1 1-2403-C4-001-C01(002-C01) in OFF. 5.5 ~ b'h e n t h e Air Start Receiver Pressure j han been reduced to 145-155 psig, 4 CI.osE 1-2403-X4-762(723). " 5.A ".TA/T the Aii-Compressor by J 3 placing the Control Switch in AUTO. '.o RECORD the Air Compressor start s time on Data Sheet 1. 4 6 ",.4.'- VERIFY the Air Compressor stops - ) l .iutomatically when air receiver, pressure is between 245 and 255 psig. 1 I f 5. 's. : RECORD the time the Air Compressor stops on Data Sheet 1. l 4 5.5.12 NOTIFY the Control Room that QEAB annunciator ALB35F02 DG1A LOW PRESS j STARTING AIR (ALD38F02 DGlB LOW PRESS STARTING AIR) will energize in 'he following step. ',. 5.11 CRACK-OPEN the Air Start Receiver ' nriin 1-2403-X4-772(728) and '; lowly REDUCE air receiver pressure to 45-155 psig. i l 4 . A pf. r ifwp e....... j.
k -e f 2 18 of 31 'E ;P 14980-1 i v,...
- ...,*..,-x*. i f,.-
q l
- ->= -
?j i L.'f? ". -.'s INITIALS l ~ ;tT.-j
- },
- .pgg ;c'..i IftheAirCompressorfa. ils
~ to start automatically do not reduce tir recoiver pressure beloV 210 psig. V. 'tR'$ 'c-Air Start Com ressor l: 5.5.!' VERIFY the 1-2403-G4-001-C02(002-CO ) starts automatically when thetair receiver pressure is between 215 and 235.psig...' 4.k si. 5.5.13 If th* Air Compressor f ils to start automatically: pgf-ne g,, CLOSE the Air Rece'iver - .i. Drain 1-2403-X4-772(728), L%: b. TNITIATE maintenance on the: compressor to correct the problem.
- p.,
- UTIFY the Control Room that QEAB
.innuncintor ALB35F06 DG1A SWITCH NOT !N AUTO (ALR38F06 DG1B SWITCH t/0T 1; AliTO) will: energize in the step. pp?., v. 5.5.'/ 1' LACE the Con' trol Switch for the Ai r Con. pressor 2, 1-2.03-C4-001-C02(002-C02) in OFF. 5.'>. S 'a'h e n the Air Start Receiver Pressure h,i s been reduiced to 145-155 psig, n.o g r, S.5.19 START the Air Compressor 2 by placing the Control Switch in AUTO. S.JO RECORD the Air Compressor stat't time on Data pheet 1.,, '. s..' l VERIFY the Ai.r Compressor stops I i i automntien11y'when air receiver pressure is b,etween 245 and 255 psig, l 5. 'i...' RECORD the time the Air Compressor stops m. Da ta Sheet 1.. - 4 s 9% l
- * -M M%. VE P 14980-1 9 l 19 of 31 f4M.[TII.g4$$k ~f@M. > l
- f INITIA1.S ir-[.
- a..
jf'IS s02.. R. .:.2. '? 5.6 SY:. TEM RESTORATION 1 I o 'C l 5.6.1 i'ERFORM Checklist 1 Diese Generator.'-i DieselGeneratorwhich.was; tested.'[cjy@%.. Standby Mode Status Che kf for!.the.c.. :' I l l a s.. > RFCORD DF0 Storage TanP; eve
- 1. j;j2.f J l
5. 6..' l 1-1.1-9024(9025) on DataiSheet 'ic 9% i 5.e.1 RECORD DFO Day Tank leva. ( f-l l-1.I-9018(9019) on Data ~ s e,,.MO:P.f' 2~. l s. 6. :. RECORD Air Start Receive . pressure,!f i-Pi-9060(4061) onDataSest1.g. 'ML" i s. [ 5. t. REroRD Air Start Receiver ~.2 i 1-PI-9064(4065) onDataSheet1..j Zb. i s.' 1mEP.5.NDENT VFRIFICATION Sc.' I s ndepeidently VERIFY LOCKED OPEN the Air S' art-Receiver Discharge Isolation whir 5 was mened in Step 5.1.16. i .ac t. d s.' Independe .'ERITYCLOSED14';,. 1 ?401-U4-1
- 11) which was 'cloced f
- ,; y.;
- u, j.N ' ' '
in Step 5.1.1/. i ..o'ependear ty VERITY LOCKED CLOSED s. l rhe DFn Day Tank Drain Valve. which was close)d l.' <. 0.4 - l'4 - 0 3 5 ( 0 3 6 ) f i t. Step .fi. ' 8.i s a Independent 1v VERITY CLOSED the Air Se vre Weeetve'r 1 Drain i 1.'40.1-x4-762(723) which was closed l in St.p 5.5.7. t l 'edependent.y VERIFY CLOSED the Air
- t neceiver 2 Drain J
1-2401.x4-772(728) which was closed to Step 5.5.18. i 8 .'e ti.'.pendentiv VERIFY OPEN the
- 1. 0. Keep-Wa'rm, Pump 1-PI-19145(19152) 1.' 4 0 3 -X 4 - 7 9 8 ( 7 9 7 ) which was
,,perated in Step 5.1.4.; a i t I e m. .j.Nk :.
P"* ~* PAGE NO. HE vlSION,, i "1.e:1-1 t. 9 8 0 - 1 20 of 31 ..n......
- ;h-ELV1,J
- ,%
', M,3 # 1 INITI?g , v.... j 5. inlependently VERIFY CLOSED the# i
- 1. 0 Keep-Warm Pur::p 1-PI-19145 (t9152) l ihio t 1-2403-X4-796(795) which was operatedin. Step 5.1.4."N.
.i t .14R .f.. 5.7.X Inilependently VERITY OPEN the*.t .'.W. Keep-Warm Pump 1-PI-19124(19134) Ko. t 1-2403-X4-812(811).which was I operated in :tep 5.1.4' 4 kilbgj l Inc epenriv VERITY CLOSE.the 5g. -.F
- l
'i.. i .f. k. Keep'-Warm Pump 1-PI-19124(19134) Roe.r 1-2403-X4-810(809).which was onerated in Step 5.1.4Mg ;.c,,,,i, ..f,.... y A f:U E AMCE CRITERIA y' ,f
- o The Dicr.el Generator s'tarco and' votruge and frequency are between
.025 to 4330 volts and 58.8 co 61.2
- h. rt ? within 11.4 seconds.
( Diesel Generntor c,erates a I lhe p e
- o.o' of 680d to 7000 kW for at least i
- 4 n inuteu.
Modes 1, 2, 3 or 4 only. -c. i If this text was performed as the recularly scheduled 6 rrenth .u vellinnee, the Diesel Generator loaded to g eater than 6100 kW 1 as , i f h ! ri 60 mieCondS. l e. ,u l e a s t. one DF0 Day Tank Transfer Puer utnrted and transferred fuel to the DF0 Day Tank. The DFO Day Tank contains greater i' than 650 gn11ons of fuel, 52% on 1-1.I-9018 (9019), lhe DFO Storage Tank contains EUcater e. e, than 68,000 Iga 11ons of fuel, 763 on 1-1.1 9024 (9025). 4 j F.' The presnure in at least one air .. t a r t receiver is at least 210 psig. 6.s li the Diesel was operated for 60 minores or more, the DF0 Day Tank snmpted for water, and all water was I removed. l l b m Oe me. .. e R.d..
i ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ HEvlSloN PAGL N0 .. g].,,.9,y3.18,*.. 21 of 3, "Fr:l' 1AnFO-1 F: VALUATION AND REVIEN ~ '.t. 7 I TFF.T l'kOCEDURE I 1 Survei1" mee [",) Monthly,[ ] Semi-annual ( ) !:ot h
- Jh i
! l Other,(explai Q ~'- l 's. - - e.- i l 7 ? Pir.ults obtained throu h performance of this procedure Acceptance Criter a of Section 6.0 meet
- ..agrg... e m i lNo " ~ "~[l-l 1 Yes
[ , y, - j NOTIFY the.USS of the~. test resultu. REFER to Technical S;>ec i fi ca t fon 3. 8.1.1 or 3. 8.1!. 2. i If no was checked and the failure was due to a Diesel i (:enerator fault. EVALUATE the reason for the failure per Table 1. i i I 1 NOTIf'Y rhe Diesel Generator System Engineer of the Diese1 Generator start. Provide the following, informations A copy of Completion Sheet 1, .4 Acopyofthecep$eted11885-C,"DieselGenerater b. Operating Log". ;. If ary parameter recorded on ll885-C was out of ranr.e. TNITTATP. maintenance to investigate and repnir ns necessary. If either Air Compressor fails to .i.
- t n r t automatically at the correct pressure, or h.
Fails to rnise air receiver pressure from 150 to l 250 psig in is hour or les's I 1:4 ! I I ATI: ninintenance to repair the Air Compressor. l I l l l I l I i 1 l '.. i.. - ' %W.b: f . e 1. '..,u -...*.
s mc:. t c.r.L.... 54E vtSioN PAGEhe j VEGP 14980-1 .. 8 M .,e. 22 of 31 i -~ 4 7..' Corre n t. s (include any abnormal conditions and corrective actions taken): "bh.$,' i .. 4%_ ..t K :p nw L'SS not i f12d of Tese completion and Results' -'- i:..... ? 1 e, 4.s p-g... j j (/jInitialr, Date Time j .3 -,v. i
- 1..,i t C..n p i..,.. d ny:
/ / 1 i Signatura,. Duce W i-- i / /
- np4 rv! unrv Riv!tw.
Signature Dnte ~ T line - -p, b.0 REFERENCES 3:. f (**, ' s 3.1 FSAR .5, '. W F. Technical Specification 3/' 6.1 Techr.ical Specification 3/ H.1 J FSAP S.3..l.3 l
- i
? ? FSAR L c ) 5 FSAh 5.1.6 FSAR 1 S.1 - FFAR F.1.8 FSAR A. :. t' FSAR 1.9.108 lRegGuide. 108 { o.' PROCEDURES a..' 1 13145-1, " Diesel Generators" 8.2 ? 00404-C, I"SurveillanceTestTrackingProgram" 8.2.J l1885-C, " Diesel Generator Operating 1.og" 8.2.4 13175-1, " Auxiliary Teedwater Pumphouse And Diesel Generator Building HVAC Syr.tems" i 8.2.5 54169-1, " Diesel Generator Miscellaneous Trending And Evaluation" . t *Y$.'. '.N \\ s. '..
.. 675 7 9':'/ g,g %.
- --- mct wu 1 8 f b ',;i, <
23 of 31 "EcP 14980-1 M m r y-
- .. c,
. 'I ' 8.3 P51D's 4'S l - @;th . i L.3.1 IX4vBl?0-1 Diesel Generator - Train A 4a. ). : S.3.2 IX4DB170-2 Diesel Generator - Train B 8.4 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS N-
- .,Q' y.
- . u. i( -
8.4.1 1X3D-AA-K01A Diesel Generator Relay And Metering Dia g ra m s... ;.. . 4AO. ;. Swg r 1 AA02 T. ;.t.~,:.'.l: 8. r. 2 IX3D-AA-D02A Swgr1AA02.Pffp:.i a #2.i" .';.strd, Igr. f.2 8.4.3 1X3D-AA-D02B
- ,...P ~..
8.4.4 123n-AA-D03A Swgr 1BA03...b k mg.. 3 -{' S wg r 1 B A 0 3 '.y. ".. f. '(. P.3 IX3D-AA-D03B R. '; ELD'r.NTARY DI AGRAMS ?i.' 1 8.5.:
- X3D-MA-D02G Breaker: 1AA02-19 e
i F.5.2 IX3D-BA-003D Breaker 1BA03-19 5i. 6 !.0CIC.)!AGRAMS 'W- ?.6.1 IX5DNt07-1 Diesel Fuel Oil System ?.6. 'X5DN107-2 Diesel Generator Engine -. c., 8.6.3 IX5DN10/-3 Diesel Cencrator Excitation
- ,ju.
S 6. <- 1:5DN107-4 Diesel Generator Engine Auxiliaries e.6.5 IX5DN107-5 Diesel Generator Engine Auxiliaries '- ~ TFCHNICAL MANUALS 8 ' AX4AM01-509 Diesel Engine ' technical Manual + i 7 AX4AK01-563 Diesel Generator A'snociated Publications Manual Vol 1 8.7 ! AX4AK01-564 Diesel Generator Associated Publications Manual Vol 2 t %. . 4.s END OF PROCEDURE TEXT
- 3 8
e - G5bG; ....... ' : ~ .t'-
j Mf.P y's &.i ll u - ~.~ ~~ U l u t vision '/ W PAGE No f f ,13:.p,f,;i~ 24 of 31 VEUP 1:.980-1 ~-- TABLk1 1 . +. i D:ESE'. GEMERATOR VALID TEST AND FAILURE EVALUATION CRITERIA . <.9 s .' ph..; '/alid tests and failures (pe Re;ulatory Guide 1.108, Section C.P.e and Technical Specification shall be based on the folloving, criteria: dr..,.. l 1. All start attempts (automatic,' including those from bonn 'ide signals, or manual) that result in a failure to start. except as noted in (2) below,: should lie considered valid tests and failures. Unsnecessful start and load attempts that can definitely be attributed to operating error; to spurious operation of a trip thae is bypassed in the emergency operating mode, to malfunctii.n of equipment that is not operative in the ve,ergency operating mode (e.g., synchronizing circuitry) or is not part of the defined Diesel Generator unit design 'mu l d not be considered valid tests or failures. I 1. % ce..stu' .;t a r t s, including those initiated by bona fide <ienals. Jellowed by successful loading (sequential or i j -.a nua ! ) to at least 50% of continuous rating nnd continued i i c eration ror at least one hour should be considered valid I u c c e.% f u l testn. (Failures occurring after one hour are i mt considered valid failures.) are terminated intentionally withour ,acecusful starts that l loading. a r. defined in (3) above,.should not be considered i ..ilid tests. or failures. S u c e e :,, rul starts followed by an unsuccessful loading atrenp! should be considered valid tests and failurer., i .:...p+ .i. noted in (2) above. j s i l 6. T ts that are terminated intentionally before completion au i der:ned in (3) above beenuse of an alarmed abnornal I condition that ultimately have resulted in Diesel I cenerator damage or failure should be considered valid tests .o d f ailure: Tests performed in the process of troubleshooting should not he considered valid tests. Tests that are performed to zerify correction of the problem should be considered valid t en s and successes of failures, as appropriate. t crant ine and venting procedures that lead to the discovery o. ci.nditione (e.g., excessive water or oil in a cylinder) that would have resulted in the failure of the Diesel Gene ra ' m unit during test or during response to a bona fide - i nn.. I should be considered a valid test and failure. i , = - ~. -,,, n,- ,n-,
l AEvistoN,g.
- g. 4 f.,..
PAGE NO ~ i t 'J E c t' 14980-1 .: 18,, 25 of 31 .= a Sheet 1 of : i 1 L DATA SHEET 1 ) DIESEL GENERATOR SURVEILLANCE DATA i I t'. i. I 'r.. :,fE*'S*. h': Mo d.e s l Dt: or it. r t e.< t Date: .-e-4 ~~ t l ... ~. 4 5 fe:id. \\ Diese 1 Generator Startup *-r5Stw:. ~..
- C.d 5.1 Encine llours at Startup.tfyv.,
.s. ' 'i a. m" '~. & 5.1.5 ~. s If*1d l
- - se.,
3 5.1 3 Air Start Receiver Valve Closed: - l& >.1.1i Time to voltage: i v Ime t. o frequency: v '2 '.'o ! t a g e - A-B ' V. B-C C-A i ,?z l .'requency: H i l l ! 5. ' DieselGeneratorLoadinh l l '. .5 Diese1 Generator Loading' Time seconds f t: nonth surveillance only) l :.. Time ! r'ad exceeded 6800kW: l 5.
- o.:
Time Inad reduced to less than 6800kW: 1 l i 1 !51 Diesel Generator Shutdown i 5.'..' Diesel Shutdown Time l 5. '. 4 Diesel Engine Hours at Shutdown l 1 5.5.9 Ai r Corapressor 1 start time 5.5.!! Air Compressor I stop time 1
- 5. 5. :0 Air Compressor 2 start time
. 5..'.' Air Conpressor 2 stop time .i l b'.. ....? 4;...-
~ d h co s a.n.... AEvtSioN l' PAGE NO. l -.'.y/c. r* .~ 18....g s>.' $.. "? 26 of 31 VECP 14980-1 +.*-+:'- .-f0. MG...M C..t,!.: Sheet 2 of 2 DATA SHEET 1:."..' s r-:.;;yA,... p DIESEL GENERATOR SURVEILLANCE DATA '.s :t.w.... ~.:q;.. a ,s- .m. - 5.6 System Restoration Uy,% I ' .M- ." ~ ~ 5.6.2 DF0 Storage Tank Level 'Y -~ 1-I.I-9024(9025) -..w ;..... ..d ; d" '5#4.u::
- 7. b..
5.6.3 DF0 Day Tank Level: 1-I.!-9018(9019) %.".*I... e 8. ......;..s, - '- Receiver 1 Pres sure%**j~} psig g s*r.s 5.6.~, Air Start
- .9 r "
1-PI-9060(9061) ..s ~.-(m..a s .r ,1,.. 5.0.5 Air Start Receiver 2 Pressures.- psig 1-P'-9064(9065) .( s y .a. enimp N ee - . 4.
- :;\\
...R .,s ...-e
- ,*g;;
I .y. p/ M : E:- i $ k. 1
- .V I
.A.' s q d e s. i s e
- I
-R: ..w. e Q'M .M u. \\ ,.i'.s h. .t.
~;4f3N;gtm4:r.,.1 L-.,:.... AEvaSlo;; (.; PAGE No. ] "is *** .c ,E. J.'+. 27 of 31 "EGP 14980-1 ' 7.. I,S T ~ c w... d.g47;. yy..1 -, l
- Sheet 1 of 1 COMPLETION. SHEET 1 iy.
l,-, ~4 DIESEL CENERATOR SYSTEM. ENGINEER!.- To: .. g ;;; u :.. 7 y. UNIT SHIFT SUPERVISOR.(UNIT 1). y.s FRO."- .W, e +.. r. .a Diesel Generator Testedi "'[) N,DGI A ?f.h.i i i- [ ] DG1B ..: \\... -...: c. Start Date: / / /- c., Shutdown Date: / / ..y~ ,i.. ;.v. :. Start Time: 21 1 r:ishutdown Time: 7 Y. W $ i.:.:t.1 - Start Engine Hours: Shutdown' Engine Hours: s'1,$y. ~.,.... - Start preceded by turbocharger prelubrication:- [ ] Yes [ ]No o;.n..-- Reason for start: ... ge ' ' g9. [ 1 Surveillance Test ype [ ] Other: .h Y ] -c1 Feaso1 for trip or failure to start: ... ~. . r-a1 [ ] Equipment failure [ ] Trip signal [ ] Alarn Response
- i
--.v.v. - r ) other: o..-. i m. s. ~ '$.::WRT i (If Known) D.U Cif known) '..3: arv conifitions that would have resulted in Diesel Generator
- ai;ure to st art -
i co ec.t<: Con.ple t eC By : Date Time Reviewed By: Date Time Diesel Generator Start EvaluationY E' ~ s i i Successful Start [ ] Valid Test 1 [ ] 'Jalid Fail are [ l'Non-Valid Test a. [ ] Non-Valid Failure } Unit Shift Supervisor J Cop: pent to / Die.ket General System Engineer sntic werk uate i .. J.,: a.m:.., .u. :... :....
VT.G P 14980-1 .Nk.
- 1. e w. u'..
28 of 31 i a . ~. Il. Sheet 1 of 4 ' ?> n u/;. -.~' -.. ~ ~ l CHECf IST 1 .W i DIESEL GENERATOR STANDBY MODE STATUS CHECK INITIALS i ENGINE CO." TROL PANEL - PDG2(PDG4) i4b. ;, ' STATUS
- .e
...? No unexpected 1. A.1 annunciator windows 'I ~ y:ffi.f.L's_ alams. ,9 2. Con:rel Ait Pressure .A, F, t. ' f. e 58-62 psig l 1-PI-19174 (19175) . L~ ~'s. :. p.. 3. l' NIT AVAILABLE Light ~ ~ O N,'..".. - ^ ?.s_., f f.--
- r j 4 The rino e oup 1e Se1eetor:
.,.3p. y :;r.:'i' ' y,, yg....... a. Lubricating oil In if
- 142-170*F b.
Lubricating oil out 142-170*F '~ c .' a c k e : Water In 142-170*F d .facket Water Out . ;e. 142-170*F 'b., 5. POWER AVAILABLE Lifhts: a. A ON
- ?.f.i;.
b. R J,. ON g1..... i c. C jf-- ON i .Av 6. FTC??:NG licht W. . OFF .p 3.I ,w 'e e % g-a - i:. - i' ., h. 4 I l a 0 L a F 1 r .1'. ..* ~. '.
- a.. ' ;. * +.... '..
r s 8 -bI
a iPAGE NO aEviS60N ppa a.- 18
- g'/ Li.'
29 of 31 YEGP 14980-1 t'r.
- s -
1 . d. h.. e' Sheet 2 of 4 CHECKLIST 1- ..z. ."4<.- INITIALS IV I ' 7':ER.ATOR CONTROL PANEL - PDG1(PDG3 R.. STATUS -yc.. 1. Uni:/ Parallel Switch 1-HS-4414'A(4452A) Center .i.e. A f t er Unit -P.f yWq. ..e rn a n..... 2. Lecc.1/ Remote Switch 1-HS-4516(4517)I Y.i REMOTE l p. 3. Lockout Relayc:
- 7. ',.,.. -
t. a. 186A jJ' {.~,'.,g'g.j RESET a..,..: b. 1868 ~ RESET 3. c. I86C .+1v,. :..'.. ., RESET J.. Voltage Regulator l' - AUTO . yg> c Automatic Voltage Regulator Light,0N ~' q b. Manual Unl: age Regulator, Light OFF w t 'p' MCTCR CONTRO* CF.NTER INBI(INBO) 1. Ai: After Cocler Fan No. 1 AUTO 4 .fUTO k'., 2. Air Compressor No. 1 { .. --s. i ~.3 ' AUTO lJ. Air After Cooler Fan No. 2 9;. I w'- I.. Air Ccm; ressor No. 2 .l-AUTO 5. Jarke: Wa t er Circulating Pur::p AUTO 4 6. Jacke: Water Heater . AUTO Lube Oil Circulatir.g Pump , AUTO 1 e IAUTO 3. Lube 011 Heater 9. Generator Space Heater AUTO m. 4;* 4* kje$ s- -o. &$.e e - f. .,.',,o =g a t .u. e s g,, 4e...
.r. HE vtSioN j, -i...,.. PAGE No VEGP 14980-1 'e 18 p, /- 30 of 31 t M. sw.. l
- ~%$l[2?T Sheet 3 ef 4 CHECKLIST 1
'I' J .w.... tiW.. INITIALS IV DIESEL GENERATOR SKID Y. 'l '.. :.' STATUS 3.- N g. i 1. Governor Settings l . f. E 295'; Y,.h:- c <A; g Speed Droop b+' * %wp;r'. Lq:.. A r., 2. 6 ~ 'pl:B: 2.6 L;. ;.. M. MAX FUEL Lead Limit A /Z14.34 Speed ..",B :~ 212. 2 n.- d'.'M. Above Oil Level i '4. centerline g p.~, of s:.ri sight glass 2. Overroeed Trip Air Press S. a3 .58-62 psig (located under r';ht bank turbocharger)', ,$[r.. b. J,. MAX STATIC 1" 3. Lube Oil Level - Dipstick . 3.. s ?.. Jacket k'ater Keep-Warm Pressure ' ((' }l5-35psig 1 - P : - 191 '. t19134)
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5. Lube Oil Keep 'a rm Pre s sure ?D;.-l2;?rI,w. ~ 25-50 psig ,W.:.~sil' !.. '.-P:-19145 (19152) ..1e. .m. 6 Run / S :op Swi t c h 1 -HS-4 6 88 (4 689) '. - J,.. ' PULL-TO-RUN Centerline of Generator Bearing 011 Level ' ""T'.' sight glass s - or above e Turhecharger Bearings a. Right Bank Sight Glass ',7 Flowing b. Left Bank Sight Class ^I'
. a... +/ ; v i.. 1 - 1. Int..kc Filter .] a. Screens Unobstructed b. Oil Level Sight Glass l Half Full Exhaust Silencer No Combustibles in Room .. e.
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$$n *iAA 4 E VISION .g. q PAGE NO t iny;i.18 ld,,,,,. VECP 14980-1 ei' 31 of 31 p +E+ - Sheet 4 of 4 CHECKLIST 1 i i ..:~ r. s ~ .-:* ' INITIAL.S IV ELECTRICsL C0f;TR01. PANEL QEAB - MAIN'Yf x STATUS I"75hTROL FOO!i ' [j, .. 3 1 JSL CEN 1A(lB1 UNIT / PARAL';E w is h NORMAL 1 t. I. ' " : AFTER UNIT 1-HS-4414h(4452B) - i 3)J ~ ?.
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i. SYNC MODE LELECTOR Switch 1-TS-DG1A eE',t a.Q$Wik $.^" i. Dr:l A t lu: lit) OtrTPUT BRKR L-HS-1AA0219 AUTO t iliAri l! 9 ) .9v L $%.O CONTROL BLDC_LVL A .. ! 6 L;V Ar %'CR 1AA02(lBA03) 1. l)!ESEI. CENERATOR BRKR CONT SELECT _ %'I T Cll 1-HS-1AA0219B(1BA0319B),, N..',- CONT RM t.,fr,,:C i t Q':: \\ l .ib'd
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