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Results of 2000 Hour Test at 385 Bhp/Cyl on 38TD8-1/8 OP Engine,Rept #R-5.08-0236
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/1994
From: Cooper J, Miller T
Shared Package
ML20211D112 List:
NUDOCS 9709290062
Download: ML20211D161 (8)


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h. ENGINEERING REPORT 8'"' 1 8' 8 Y 1

'Y, sa oevienen meess 35-734133 seemer BG&E Remanufactured Spare 8AN September 13, 1994 Emergency Diesel Ganset ,,

n J. Cooper

,,,,, Results of 2000 Hr. Test at 385 bhp /cyl. on frna 38TD8-1/8 0.P. Engine, Report #R-5.08-0236 arreoveo (9/13/94) er g g , ,p FILE: R-5.08-0476, R-5.08-0236, R-5.08-0515, R-5.08-0530 [

ENCIASURES: APPENDIXES A - D FIGURES 1 - 33 OBJECTIVE The purposu of this report is to present the results of the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> test of the subject genset including the disassembly and inspection following the test.


'the purpose of this test was to prove the capability to oparate the genset at 3300 kilowatts for 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br />. This test was to be run in accordance with procedure 10560978. The engine used for this test was m Baltimore Gas & Electric engine built as a 38TD8-1/8 Opposed Piston engine with S/N 38D885002TDSM12 whose original rating was 300 hp/cyl.  !

BACKGROUND The engine was converted from turbo-blower parallel arrangement to turbo-blower series in order to increase the rating from 300 bhp /cyl to 350 bhp /cyl continuous and 385 bhp /cyl for 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br />. A 200 hour0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> test at 3600 kw was run prior to the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> test. After the 200 hour0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> test, the engine was inspected which included removal and disassembly of all pistons. During the reassembly, all main and rod bearings were replaced on the upper crankline, the rod bearings and selected main bearings were changed on the lower crankline, and the piston rings were replaced on all the pistons. The results of the 200 hour0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> test were discussed in a Qualification Report dated 1/25/94 and filed under 35-734133.

CONCLUSIONS The engine operated for 2012 hours0.0233 days <br />0.559 hours <br />0.00333 weeks <br />7.65566e-4 months <br /> at the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> contract rating of 3300 kw. The test was completed with failures of the injection pump erosion sleeves due to cavitational erosion. These failures necessi-tated two shutdowns of the engine due to low exhaust temperatures. The erosion sleeve failure was not found af ter the first shutdown. The second shutdown would not hava happened if the' problem was found after the first shutdown. A new injection pump design is being investigated to eliminate this problem.

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's The power components did not show distress which can be related to the increased loading. Broken Piston Rings were found in Cylinders 8 dnd 12 which evidence shows are the result of installation errors. Increased wear was found as a result of the increased loading, but was well within the condemnable limits of the parts.

9709290062 970925 PDR ADOCK 05000302 P PDR _

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h ENGINEE1HNG REPORT su m 2 # 8 E 2

$7$$*$* "vunca 35-734133 s

sesscr DGT.E Romanufactured Spare DATE September 13, 1994 Emergency Diesel Genset man > J. Cooper at 385 bhp /cyl. on er E ** Results of 2000 30TD0-1/0 0.P. nr. TestReport 8R-5.08-0236 Engine, annoyza (9/13/94) rr ,g


some conditions were found with other engine parts, such as air start check valve bodies, an air start valve, injection nos:zles, camshafts and flex pump drive gears. These were replaced to bring the engine to an

'as-new" condition. The condition of these parts were not severe enough to affect the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> rating.

Some distress was seen in the torsional damper parts. This distress does not affect the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> rating, but the damper and its parts should be inspected after running 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> at 3300 kw in lieu of 8700 hours0.101 days <br />2.417 hours <br />0.0144 weeks <br />0.00331 months <br /> as would be expected at a lower load of 3000 kw.

It should be noted that the engine parts accumulated 2462 hours0.0285 days <br />0.684 hours <br />0.00407 weeks <br />9.36791e-4 months <br /> of operation at which 2219 hours0.0257 days <br />0.616 hours <br />0.00367 weeks <br />8.443295e-4 months <br /> were at increased loads. No wear or distress of engine parts was observed that would cause a reduction in

,,' the contract load carrying cape. city with the possible exception of the injection pump erosion sleeves.

(v) The data from the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> test and the inspection show that the test was successfv11y completed with respect to the engine power components with the exception of the injection pumps. The engine has a new 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> rating of 3300 kw contingent upon the succonsful testing of the new injection pump design. The engine has a new 200 hour0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> rating of 3600 kw with no limitations.

DISCUSSION The Test The endurance test at the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> rating was commenced on February 2, 1994. The test engine was loaded to a minimum of 4656 bhp at 900 rpm.

This load is the horsepower required to generate 3300 kw at a 0.8 lagging power factor.

The testing was uneventful until February 25, 1994 hours0.0231 days <br />0.554 hours <br />0.0033 weeks <br />7.58717e-4 months <br /> into the test) when a 40 psi drop in firing pre (approximately 550 ssures (from 1360 to 1320 pol) was r.oted for cylinder 12. Within six days this firing pressure had fallen another 60 psi from 1320 to 1260. By March 15 (1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> into the test), the firing pressure had in11en another 100 poi to 1160 psi ao shown in Figure 1. It was believed that the piston rings

! had broken in cylinder $12. Firing pressures in the eleven remaining l cylinders stayed at or near their nornal values during this time.

l l

,_ on March 29, 1994 (the 1313 Lour mark), the operators noted that the

/ s engine was under stress. Thin stress was described as a 1000 kw loss of

() load, 6 psi in air receiver pressure and reduced exhaust temperatures in cylinders one through four. The engine was shut down and the problems were inventigated. The results of the investigation are covered in an Engineering Report written by J. Cooper, dated 3/31/94, and filed under

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@nN. [,0* N 35-734133 susa:ct BG&E Remanufactured Spare DAN September 13, 1994 Emergency Diesel Conset ,,

Results 01 2000 Hr. Test at 385 bhp /cyl. on er J. Cooper E 3BTD8-1/8 0.P. Engine, Report fR-5.08-0236 arreoyza ,

p ,

(9/13/94) er pjgg R-5. 08-4306 and R-5. 08-0006. During this time, the #12 lowerdiston and rings were replaced, although this was not the cause of the forced shutdown.

On April 15, 1994, twenty-four hours af ter the engine was restarted the operators again noted cooling of exhaust temperatures in cylinders one through four and a loss in load. An investigation began as discussed in the Engineering Report written by J. Cooper, dated 4/25/0', and filed under R-5.08-4306. The investigation showed that the injection pump orosion sleeves were breaking due to cavitational erosion during the injection pump stroke.

The test was uneventfully continued from the hour mark 1313 until 2012 hours0.0233 days <br />0.559 hours <br />0.00333 weeks <br />7.65566e-4 months <br /> on June 9, 1994. During the last 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br />, the engine was shut down at 1542 and 1765 hour0.0204 days <br />0.49 hours <br />0.00292 weeks <br />6.715825e-4 months <br /> meter to inspect the condition of the

! injection pump erosion sleeve degradation on six injection pumps for cylinders 1, 2 and 3. The results of these inspections are discussed y under the section titled inspection.

The performance results of testing are included an Appendix A.

Appendix A, Item 2 shows a graph of Average Exhaust and Preturbine Temperatures vs. Air Receivar Temperatures. Note that the Actual Averages follow the Predicted Averages very well. As seen in Appendix A, Items 2-6; engine performance was good during the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> test.

Lube oil consumption throughout the test is charted in Appendix A. The average ' lube oil consumption during the 2000 hour0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> test was 5173 hp-br/ gal. Instantaneous lube oil consumption is graphed in Appendix A, Item 7. Lube oil consumption was consid~ered to be within the normal limits throughout the 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br />.

Lube oil analyses were taken each week throughout the test. The purpose of the analyses was to trend metal content to detect wear of power parts. As seen in Appendix B, the wear metals did not rise significantly during the test. Webroke did note however that the carbon content rose when the piston rings at or near 350 hours. The viscosity of the oil stayed constant throughout the test and did not show lube oil breakdown or thinning.

l The Inenection With the exception of the injection pump erosion sleeve checks at 1542 and 1765 hours0.0204 days <br />0.49 hours <br />0.00292 weeks <br />6.715825e-4 months <br />, all inspections and parts replacements discussed in this n section of the report took place following the completion of the 2000 l !


l hour test.

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b 35-714133 l suusar BG4E Romanufactured spare masE September 13,1994 <

Emergency Diesel Genset ,,,,,,,

Results OE 2000 Nr. Test at 355 bhp /cyl. on er

  • 00Per - )

E 38TD8-1/8 0.P. Engine, Report $k-5.08-0236 asesom (9/13/94) 8' g t yjf 'u INJECTION PUMPS Wear of the erosion sleeves was seen to have started 200 hours0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> after their replacement as shown in Figure 2. The degradation progressed as -

seen in Figure 3 at 400 plus hours and showed further progression at 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br /> as seen in Figure 4. Injection from oylinders 5 osite t control side ) contained erosion a eaves  ;

which had cra(ckedOcs) -

and5.9 Control (Figure side in The chart ( Appendix C, shows the condition of all erosion slee)ves. i' The injection pump plungers showed erosion as well. The erosion was seen as a donut in the middle of the plunger head, and a donut or  !

partial donut..near the helix angle with a line attacking and '

perpendicular to the helix edge. Figures 6 and 7 show the " worst case  ;

and the best case' respectively. The plungers were replaced in 14 of t

the 24 injection pumps due to helix erosion.

slight erosion seen as a frosted radiusing of the port holes was seen on i

the injection pump barrel. A small it was seen in the 97 OCs barrel.

This was oriented roughly 20* around a barrel periphery and roughly one centimeter up the barrel from the port hole as seen in Figure 8.

Turning the plunger the same amount as it would be turned at rack 8 ,

showed?).that this pit was on the vertical edge of the helix low and (see Figure >

This would be the low pressure area during the stroke of the  ;

pump making -it more susceptible to cavitation. In this case, the ~

mechanics of cavitation caused erosion la the plunger and barrel instead of the erosion sleeve. .

INJECTION N088LE8 All oftest pop theinspection.

-nossles exhibited a poor spray pattern and leaked during a Cleaning the tip needle a couple of times did not rectify the problem on all tips except one. This required changing 23 out cf 24 tips. An inspection of the needles showed that cavitation was taking place on the corner between the tip seat and adjoining shoulder.

l The ly poor erosion spray' caused pattern by cavitation and ti results in aThis leaky seat and consequent-occurrence in diesel nossles,p leakage. cavitation is a comanon

. load. and is a- function of engine hours and The s operating a Maintenance Manual calla for nossles to be checked every . 2160 hours0.025 days <br />0.6 hours <br />0.00357 weeks <br />8.2188e-4 months <br />. This engine ran in excess of 2300 hours0.0266 days <br />0.639 hours <br />0.0038 weeks <br />8.7515e-4 months <br />. .

Therefore, this cavitation is not considered abnormal. In any case, the  !

engine performance did not suffer as shown by the graphs in Appendix A.

PISTON ' ASSEMBLIES AND PIS' TON RINGS O- The #2 lower piston was found to,have a - broken oil drain ring ' (See Figure 10). The prcximity (not near the ring gap or the back - 180* from i

.the ring gap) and.the type of break (a piece broken out of one small area) identified this as a piston installation error.

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EfGREERDfG REFCET ""r s er 8 "sY s seneen 35-734133

,,,,,, SG&E Ramanufactured Spare 088s September 13,1994 Emergency Diesel Genset ,,,,,,,,

mesults or zooo ar. Test at 355 Dhp/cyl. on __,sv J. Per E 30TD8-1/8 O.P. Engine, Report iR-5.00-0236 asseovus


-(9/13/94) 8' d, % ,

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The first and second compression rings of t!.e 98 lower piston were broken as seen in Figure 11. The third ring and the remainder of the second ring were extremely worn. Almost half of the first rin missing, while the other half was intact although extremely worn. g This was evidence suggest that the ring broke first at the back due to stresses from opening tho' ring too far when installing the ring on the piston.

The ports caught part of the ring causing it to break up. The second ring was broken very. near the ring gap. This implies that the. ring caught a burr on the ports raised by the broken first ring. The extreme wear of the remaining rings i was caused by the lack of oil on the cylinder walls due to hot blowby gases pushing it away and burning it off; and by the roughened surface (scuff) of the liner wall which occurs

, when blowby increases sises of parts and consequently clearances shrink.

This piston also showed slight signs of scuffing. A scuff is a common result of broken rings.

O The piston ring gaps on all remaining rings increased by as aut*

inches as shown in Appendix D, Item 1. The piston rings wer-


. aced although the wear was well within the condemnable limits.

The piston assemblies were disassembled. All parts were dimensionally and visually inspected. No parts showed significant wear dimensionally as can be seen in Appendix D, Items 2 through 9. Visual distress was seen on cylinders 68 and 912 lower pistons. The distress on the 012 piston is a result of running a new piston in a scuffed liner. This scuff was - addressed in the Engineering Report dated 3/31/94. The distress on the te piston is the result of recent piston ring breakage.

These two pistons were replaced during reassembly. All other parts were reused.

CYLINDER LINERS The cylinder liners were visually and dimensionally inspected, scuffing was found in cylinder liners is and #12 which necessitated replacement of the liners. As seen in - Appendix D, ' Items 10-19; all undistressed liner bores were within the condemnable limits of 8.145.

wear was .004 in the exhaust port area. This wear is overThe highest run time of the engine. the entire MAIN AND CONNECTING ROD BEARING 8 Poplacement of all main and connecting rod bearings was required.

The crush and freespread of most bearings was below the limit called for by blueprint specification. The loss of crush and freespread is not O considered detrimental-to operation if it occurs while the bearings are installed. ' Installing bearings which have lost crush and freespread can lead to assembly errors and a possible bearing failure. If the bearing shell does not snap into the _ cap or saddle during installation, then the loss of freespread has occurred.

O -

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"sammi 35-734133 sage , BG&E Romanufactured spare mass September 13,1994 Emergency Diesel _Genset m easse n J. Cooper mas Results of 2000 30TD8-1/4 0.P. Nr. TestReport Engine, at 385#R-5.08-023 bhp /cyl. o.n apssons (9/13/94) N db.

. UPPER CRANKSHAFT Aluminua ed transferred from two of the bearings to their corresponding l journals. Aluminum was found on the #13 main (thrust) bearing journal i as seen in Figure 12 and #5 connecti rod journal as seen in Figure 13. ,

This aluminum transfer is caused by opor crankshaft journal surface '

finishes. The poor finish also a octs the bearing as noted by scratches in Figures 14 and 15. This condition is not considered a  !

failure. The poor finish was a result of a poor finishing operation  !

'that took place during the pre-2000 hour inspection.


TORSIONAL DAMPERS The upper torsional damper was found to have a worn 6th order pin as 4

seen in Figure 16. This wear was denoted by a flat spot on one side of the pin.. Tests showed that the case hardness was within specifications.

Nine of sixteen upper damper spider bushing showed fretting on the 0.D.

as seen in Figure 17. Two more had flat spots on the I.D. All upper i damper spider bushings were replaced' as ws 1 as the worn pin.

  • I Dimensional inspection of the bushings and the remaining pins did not '

show in-service over11mits.

Cracks were found in the 3rd order weights of the lower torsional damper shown in Figure 18. The' cracking, found by wet magnailuming, were found to be outside of the limits set by Engineering Instruction 2408FM7. The cracking' is believed to be a result of the presence of non-metallic inclusions in the base material. .

From the conditions seen during this inspection, there is a concern that at a load of 185 bhp / 1., the damper is being run near its design limit. It would be practice to inspect the damper every 2000-2200 '

hours' at 385 bhp /cyl for wear. If wear la evident, the parts should be -

i replaced. __

GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FLEX PUMP DRIVE Pitting of the gear teeth was soon on the Fles Drive Gear in Figure 19.

Pitting v.s also seen on the Governor-Drive and the Lube oil Pump Drive Gears. The backlashes of -all gears were within specification. The l d' rive gear flex action, due to its spring loaded coupling to the crankshaft, could cause the drive gear to turn with a rapidly fluctuating angular velocity. The pump driven gears tend to turn at a i constant angular velocity. The differences in angular velocities l- creates a varying gear mesh and results in gear pitting. Gear pitting can be minimized by ensuring gear lineup and tooth contact is correct.

O seen

,comu meneta ENGDEERING REPORT "r 7 or a Paar no. 7 7d*'" u#

s mesa 35-734133

,,,,,, BGGE Romanufactured Spare Dats September 13,1994 Emergency Diesel Genset ,,

,y J. Cooper I Results o1 2000 Hr. Test at 385 bhp /cyl. on n"as 38TD8-1/8 0.P. Engine, Report #R-5.08-0236 .

(9/13/94) appeavs{o er VERTICAL DRIVES f

The wear plates and two bushings were worn in the vertical drive center section. Replacement of these items is normal as they are considered to be. wear items. One of the bushings that was replaced showed fretting.

This was found to be a bushing that was manufactured before the bore size was increased. A new bushing will have less tendency to fret due to increased clearances.

  • CAMSHAFTS '8 Upon visual inspection of the camshaf ts, two lobes showed signs of distress. The #10 CS lobe showed wear as seen in Figure 20. This wear extends across the lobe on the pumping ramp. The hardness was 48 Rockwell C in the damaged area and 58 to 61 on the rest of the lobe.

The drawing calls for 60 to 65 Rockwell C. The 98 OCS lobe showed a O' line of wear along the pumping ramp of the lobe as seen in Figure 21.

The hardness of the lobe was 58 to 61 Rockwell C. The worn camshaft sections were replaced.

Typically, wear across the cam lobe sea.ns that lobe or tappet roller hardness is incorrect. Near along the cam lobe means that the tappet -

cam lobe alignment is incorrect. Tappet alignment is to be performed according to Fairbanks Horse Engineering Instruction 2207FM3 to ensure that the tappet roller runs true to the cam lobe.

TAPPET ROILERS Visual inspection showed two tappet rollers with signs of distress. The 610 CS roller and the fil OCS roller displayed wear across the roller as seen in Figure 22. The hardness of the rollers was 47 and 54 Rockwell C, respectively. The blueprint hardness is 59 Rockwell C minimum.

AIR START DISTRIBUTOR The air start valve for the 67 cylinder in the air start distributor was flattened about .025' on the tappet end. A hardness check at the worn tip resulted in a Rockwell C hardness of 64. At a spot on the lapped surface 3/8' away from the tip, the hardness was 55 HRC and on the small cross section of the shaft the hardness was 49. The drawing calls for a hardness of 47-59 Rockwell C. Presumably, the valve must have been stuck in the guide by a burr or a tangled spring and rode the cam. The 3 increased contact strasses due to the riding action work hardened the


valve ?s it was flattening it. Due to the large ratio of cam to valve contact area, the cam had not worn.

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ENGDEERDeG REPORT se a er a so, a l 7ms"ess"a',' E 35-734133 y BG&E Romanufactured Spare ,

aam September 13,1994 Emergency Diesel Genset --

nesults or 4999 ar. rest at ius nap /cyt. on g, .7. Cooper

  • l u'"na" 30TD8-1/8 0.P. Engine, Report #R-5.08-0236 '

(9/13/94) asserv e I @ .

8r l

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sight of the twelve air start check valve bodies were found to be worn upon disassembly. This wear occur /ed in the ' balance piston" bore and was noted by grooving. The bores of the bodies were found to .004 to  :

.013' out of round. Two valve stems were found with runout over the

==w1=n= of .002", but these stems corresponded to the valve bodies that were the least out of round. These two valve stems were replaced. The Balance Pistons were not found to have encessive runout or be out of round. 8 EKHAUST MaptIFOLDS The flanges of the exhaust manifolds were checked for flatness. Warped manifold - exhaust extension flanges were found on all the exhaust manifolds. The range of warpage was from .006 .060 inches.

O manifold flanges were renachined to a flatness tolerance of .005*. On any flange where the groove depth dropped below .095 inches the groove was recut. -

The ,

All flanges of the exhaust extensions were found to be flat witih .005*.

All manifold - belt flanges on the manifolds were found to be flat '

within .005*.

IN GENERAL Much has been said in this report of parts that have ' conditions".

Figures 23 inclusive are some of the photographs which were available to show acceptable engine parts.

Note how little the piston rings wore in 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> in Figure 23, or the excellent appearance of the piston pin and bushings in Figure 24.

Figures 25,and.26 are photos of turbine blades as viewed through the turbocharger exhaust casings. Figures 27 and 28 are of the nossle rings.

Note how little carbon has collected in these areas.

Figures 29 through 33 are photos of upper and lower rod and main bearings.

Overheating cannotMoticebehow seenclean and free of deep scratches they are.

on them. ,

4 cc T. Miller-G. Gutoski ,

P. Danyluk O E. Kasel N. Blythe

.T. stevenson 2


ATTACllMENT11 UPDATE OF COMMITMENTS M ADE IN TSCRN 210 in FPC's letter dated June 14,1997 (3F0697-10), FPC provided the NRC with Technical Specification Change Request Notice (TSCRN) 210. That letter contained the following commitments. Those commitments completed have been marked accordingly.

1. Calculations

- Ily September 15, 1997 FPC will confirm to the NRC that the expected maximum steady state accident loads on the EDGs are bounded by the lower limit of the EDG refueling interval surveillance test.

Due: &ptember 15.1997 Status: Complete

- The remainder of the calculations will be completed prior to implementation of the license amendment resulting from TSCRN 210.

Due: Prior to implementation of the license amendment resultine from TSCRN 210

- lly September 15, 1997 FPC will confirm that the calculations involving EFW block valve cycling and Control Complex Cooling are complete and their conclusions support TSCRN 210.

Due: kptember 15.1997 Status: Complete

2. Modificatkun Prior to NRC approval of the license amendment resulting from TSCRN 210, FPC will confirm that the modifications do not involve an unreviewed safety question, and that no changes were made in the proposed modifications which would alter the proposed Technical Specifications or llases.

Due: kptember 15.1997 Status: Complete

3. Procedures Prior to NRC approval of the ibnse amendment resulting from TSCRN 210, FPC will confirm that the necessary procedure enanges do not involve an unreviewed safety question, and that no changes were made to the proposed procedures which would alter the proposed Technical Specifications or Bases.

Due: September 15.1997 Status: Complets

- Page 1 -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3F0997 30 Attachment II  :

Page 2

4. FSAR FPC will complete and submit FSAR Revision 24 prior to restart to address these changes associated with the SHLOCA solution sets.  :

i Due: Prior to restart Status: In procress .

5. I M P-7 FPC also will have available Auxiliary Feedwater k;np 7 (FWP-7) which will be powered by a dedicated diesel generator installed during the current outage. The use, maintenance, atxt testing of FWP-7 will be controlled by plant procedures that will be approved prior to CR-3 restart to ensure that availability and re' lability is appropriately addressed commensurate with its importance.

Due: Prior to restart Status: . FWP-7 Diesel Generator power supply installed and tested. Procedures are beine developed. -

6. Permanent Modifications Prior to the beginning of Cycle 12, FPC will implement the permanent actions to address EDG capacity limitations. Presently, the two primary options under consideration are to (1) modify the existing EDGs, further increasing their capacity or (2) install a diesel-driven emergency feedwater pump. Included with either of these options is the removal of the automatic Emergency Feedwater Initiation and Control System trip of the motor i driven EFW pump.

Due: Prhr_1.0 the beginnine of Cycle 12 Status: In planninc 7.- Interim Technica_I Snecification Measures Prior to the beginning of Cycle 12, an additional TSCRN will be submitted to reflect the resolution of the EDG capacity limitations and to remove the interim measures proposed by TSCRN 210.

Due: 12 months prior to the becinnine of Cycle 12 Stitus: Beine tracksd e . - . . , . - - , . . , . . - r , ...-.~~..-.-.---..~--r.- .m .-- y-..

. U.S. Nuclect Regulatory Commission  !

t 3F0997_30 -

Atuctunent H  :

Page 3 i 8.. Engineerine Evaluation of Decay lleat Removal in Mode 4 ,

An engineerinF evaluation is being performed on issues concerning decay heat removal l In Mode 4. This evaluation does not affect the SBLOCA analyses as presented in this {

submittal.  ;

Due: Prior to restart  :

Status: In pronress  ;


9. EDG Testing $

t FPC will successfully complete testing in accordance with its written EDG test plan and obtain vendor certification to demonstrate that the Emergency Diesel Generators are qualified to perform at their new service ratings specified by TSCRN 210.

Due: Prior to enterine Mode 4 from the forced outane initiated on September 2.1226 Status: In proeress ,

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ASV---------------Auxiliary Steam Valve BG&E -------------Baltimore Gas & Electric '

CFM ----------Cubic Feet per Minute CFR---------Code of Federal Regulations l

CR-3 ------------- -Crystal River Unit 3 t CREVS -----------Control Room Emergency Ventilation System CT--------------Current Transformer DC Electrical-----Direct Current Electrical DilR --------------Decay lleat Removal

EFW -.------ ---Emergency Feedwater EOP------------ Emergency Operating Procedure gs ---.--.----- .------ Engincered Sareguards FMEA------Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FWP------------Auxiliary Feedwater Pump j ip----.. . - -.----- llorsepower llPI-------------liigh Pressure injection IEEE----------------institute of Electronle and Electrical Engineers ISCM ----------- Inadequate Subcooling Margin kW ------------.---- kilowatts LOCA -------------Loss of Coolant Accident LOOP-------------less of Offsite Power r LPI-------------Low Pressure Injection M AR------------ -----Modification Approval Record MOV -------------Motor Operated Valve MSIV -----------------Main Steam Isolation Valve M UV ---------------Makeup Valve NPSil------------Net Positive Suction llead OA ---------------Operator Action OTSG------------Once Through Steam Generator psig --------- pounds per square inch gauge PORY --------------Pilot Operated Relief Valve ppO-- ..-----. -----. Primary Plant Operator PSV ----------------Pressurizer Safety Valve RB Reactor Building RBCU -- -----------Reactor Building Cooling Units

- Page 1 -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3IW)7 30 Attachment 1 Page 2 RHIC------------ Reactor Building isolation and Cooling RCP---------- ----Reactor Coolant Pump RCS--------------- Reactor Coolant System RPM ---------------Revolutions per Minute Rwp.------... -.-. Nuclear Services Seaweter Pump SAG--------------CR 3 Safety Assessment Group SHI OCA-----------Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident .

i SCM ----------------Subcooling Margin SPDS ------ ---~ ~;afety Parameter Display System  !

SWP ----------- -- Nuclear Services Closed Cycle Cooling Pump l

. TSCRN-----------Technical Specification Clange Request Notice USQ ----------------Unreviewed Safety Question l

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