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Forwards News Clips Re Petition to California Supreme Court Requesting Reopening of Plant Site Issue Before State of CA Puc.Rw Smith Memo Will Include Justices Views at Hearing
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 02/05/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220425
Download: ML20234E533 (3)


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Joe L " rd, Wees Seevise Reseek pahemmary 3,' iM4 Divisies of Feb11s '=" - ^1 % 4 Aedmay L. Sometensk, Ameisteet to the Manager fee Publis Infommetten, SAR f Hung annona . cag3pagggA guyama CeWRT ft:RL5 $ O- )0[

Atteshed are Clipe en the petition as the Califeenata supreme Court regnesties respesieg of the todage Eey seems bedess the State tehtas 1seesseema Commissimas and 1stsar to Editor.

a. v. aesth, Complianos Besiae V. is w =,a @ te 1ms Eurablith ta Ceglienee en seen of the vasens of the Jeettaes ,_


  • at the hearing. He espeet later to have a % and =111 ameused a sammary, in detait, if the court deals with time subject of fadseal ,E: .-*- in the field of easleer safety.

Arteshmente: -

As stated ces Emmeld Prise, RSS, 4 , w/ attache.

(Rabert Legenotgie SLEE . 4,_._w/ attache.

F. E. Pitteen, BGB, Elt, w/etteshe.

J. B. Lymes, 991, 4, w/ettaehe.

R. W. Smith, Comp 1. V., 845, w/attaehe.

& h eQ? To ,



\ SOWERWICKint, Q92pg;g5e52227 I'DPU 3 pf:2, FIRESTOB5-665 PDR j


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,ytclas rec!cun fo snoit hcihw rebraH dna daeH aged o .seuq ni noitcicsiutj detpme

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_The EMega Bay nuclear ,~

powce plant controversy -jnpreme Cogyf was taken under submis.

sion y e s t e r d a y by the "

.IIerirs Pleur California Supreme Court The State Supreme Court hfter morning long oral heard arguments yesterday ar;;uments.

on the controversial nuclear Opponents of Paci!ic Gas power plant that Pacific Gas <.

had Elcetric Co 's proposed

.%3.mi! Hon phmt asked the and . Electric Co. wants to build on Bodega Head.

court to ordcr the California Oppone.nts of the plant had Public Utilitics Commission petitioned the court to order

, to gr:mt them ar.other hear. ~

. he on the issue of safety. the S t a t e Public Utilities Denjamin Drey fus, attor. Commission to re open hear.

my for the Northern Califor., ings on the company's appli.

.ia Anociatit.n to Preserve cation to build the plant. The Dodega l! cad and 11 arbor, commission' authorized ' the plcnt in November;1962, con-contended that the PUC tingent on the approval of u rongtully denicd Ids organi.

zation a rehe;. ring last Aug- I the Atomic Energy Commis-ust on ;; rounds the Atomic i sion as to its safety.

Energy Commission has pre. The Northern California empted jurisdiction in ques- o Association to Preserve Eo.

tions of nuc! car safety. dega Head and Harbor which

,lohn Morrissey, attorney charges that the plant would foc PG&E. and Richard E. be too near the San Andreas Tettic, chief counsel for the smd the Supreme Court had fault, asked the PUC,for an-PUC. argued that cren if the no authority to extend that other hearing last summer, commission had jurisdiction saying it had new evidence of time. danger from earthquake. The on the safety issue, a rehear.

ing co u 1 d n o t h a y e been Dreyius insisted that PUC petition for re-hearing was granted bceause the petition authorization of the Bodega denied 41.

w as iiled too late. project was only an interim. Denjamin Dreyfus, attor-  !

order and that the commis. ney for the association' chal-Mornssey said the court sion retams jurisdiction until lenged two points by the bcked jurisd:etion to consid- PUC before the high court..

the final order as filed.

er the case. lic said the State ' He said that since the orig-l.egishiture had set a definite Ilis anociation claims the inal PUC order -was an in- i time within v.hich a petition plant would be built no near = terim' one, the co;nmission's  !

might be hied for the tc. to .the San Andreas carth- l statute of limitations for re-hearm:: of a Pl'C decision. (luake fault as to constitute questing a rehearing did not a ma. lor hatard.

apply. Second!y, he said the PUC was wrong in claiming that the AEC h.d prc<mpted

. the field of :di;.; on the

- ' safety ' factor it.c nuclear plants.

Opposing Dr e y I u s were .

. Richard E. Tuttle, chief coun. 'l sel for the PUC, and John C. 'i Morrissey, chief PG!.:E attor.

ney. The case was taken= un. .

der submissions gl

.) . )

s 1

i j


  • W'li.-.1x, ?).c/Lq Plant at Bodega Editor-l read the statements about the P. G. & E. nuclear power plant at . Bodega by David E.

Pesonen of the Northern Califor.

nia Association to preserve Bodega Head and Harbor in The Chronicle January 30.

As an electrical engineer, licensed in the State of California, as a lover and preserver of the beauty and history of our State, I would like to make the following comments:

The nuclear plant at Bodega will be absolutely safe, if built, be-cause it can be built only with the ,

consent of the Atomic Energy  !

Commission. I think it is self.

evident that they have available the finest geological as well as other eng;neering talent . .

Anyone -vho . . . d r i v e s to Bodega Bay nd Head will see that ,

the plant and environment as -

planned by P. G. & E. will add  ;

physical beauty to Bodega Head.

  • We must also remember that the products of the minds that God has given to certain members of mankind are also His works.and have a great beauty in themselves.

I think Mr. Pesonen could do a tremendous service in preserving the beauty of Bodega Bay and Head if he could get the area cleaned . . . so that it would not look like a badly kept garbage dump, as it now does.


San Francisco.

l I