ULNRC-06628, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Errata

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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Errata
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/2021
From: Wink R
Ameren Missouri, Union Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21007A376 (15)


AIII8I8fl Callaway Plant MISSOURI January 7, 2020 ULNRC-06622 u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-000 1 4OCFR19O 10 CFR 50 Appendix I 10CFR 72.44(d)(2)

Ladies and Gentlemen:




1. Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-061 1 1, 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated April 22, 2014 (ADAMS Accession No. ML14115A323)
2. Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-06217, 2014 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated April 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML15120A491 &


3. Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-06301, 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated April 29, 2016 (ADAMS Accession No. ML16120A614)
4. Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-06367, 2016 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated April 29, 2017 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML17117A652 &

ML17121A075) 5 Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-0643 1, 2017 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated May 1, 2018 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML18121A296 &


6. Ameren Missouri Letter ULNRC-06503, 201$ Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, dated April 29, 2019 (ADAMS Accession No. ML19120A141)

References 1 through 6 transmitted to the NRC the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports (AREORS) for the Callaway Plant in accordance with Technical Specification (IS) 5.6.2, consistent with the objectives outlined in the plants Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and in 83 15 County Road 459 : Steednian, N1J 65077 : J\.rrieren4issouri.corri

ULNRC-06628 January 7, 2020 Page2of4 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and W.C. During a recent review ofthese AREORS performed as a corrective action in accordance with the plants corrective action program, errors were found in some of the descriptions, locations and collection frequencies for environmental samples that had been collected in accordance with the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program that is described in IS 5 .5 1 In response to the identified errors, errata for each of the referenced AREOR submittals have been identified and are provided in the enclosure to this letter.

This letter does not contain new commitments. If there are any questions, please contact Vince D.

Miller at (314) 225-1558.


%r& Di%

oger C. Wink Manager, Regulatory Affairs JPK/mlp Enclosure

- s - -


January 7, 2020 Page 3 of 4 cc: Mr. Scott A. Morris Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region lv 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 Senior Resident Inspector Callaway Resident Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8201 NRC Road Steedman, MO 65077 Mr. M. Chawla Project Manager, Callaway Plant Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O8B1A Washington, DC 20555-0001


January 7, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Index and send hardcopy to QA File A160.0761 Hardcopy:

Certrec Corporation 6 100 Western Place, Suite 1050 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (Certrec receives ALL attachments as long as they are non-safeguards and may be publicly disclosed.)

Electronic distribution for the following can be made via Responses and Reports ULNRC Distribution:

F. M. Diya B. L. Cox F. J. Bianco S. P. Banker R. C. Wink V. D. Miller T. B. Elwood F. I. Beckfield M. Kohlbusch Ms. Melissa Friel, REP Manager (SEMA)

NSRB Secretary STARS Regulatory Affairs Mr. Jay Silberg (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP)

Ms. Katie Jo Wheeler (DNR)

2013-2018 Callaway AREOR Combined Errata Year Page Section/Table Description of correction affected number number 2013 25 Table 5.2 The Unit 2 pond sampling ceased in 2013. Strike reference to Unit 2 pond in rows 5 and 6, column Sample Type. See CR 202001969.

2013 16 Table 5.1 Strike Unit 2 pond from table. See CR 202001969.

2013 25 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations U1MW-936, U1MW-937A, U1MW-937B, U 1MW-937C, U1MW-937D, U1MW-937E, U1MW-937F, U1MW-938, U1MW-939R, U1MW-940, U1MW-941, and U1MW-GWS. See CR 202001969.

2013 25 Table 5.2 Strike Semiannually in row 6, column Collection Frequency and replace with Quarterly. See CR 202001969.

2014 17 Table 5.2 The Unit 2 pond sampling ceased in 2013. Strike reference to Unit 2 pond in rows 5 and 6, column Sample Type. See CR 202001969.

2014 17 Table 5.2 Add footnote to indicate Well water-potable Quarterly sampling ceased and Monthly sampling began in August 2014. See CR 202001969.

2014 17 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations U1MW-936, U1MW-937A, U1MW-937B, U1MW-937C, U1MW-937D, U1MW-937E, U1MW-937F, U1MW-938, U1MW-939R, U1MW-940, U1MW-941, and U1MW-GWS. See CR 202001969.

2014 17 Table 5.2 Strike Semiannually in row 6, column Collection Frequency and replace with Quarterly. See CR 202001969.

2015 17 Table 5.2 Footnote needed to indicate Well water-potable Monthly sampling ceased in March 2015 and Quarterly sampling resumed.

2015 17 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations U1MW-936, U1MW-937A, U1MW-937B, U 1MW-937C, U1MW-937D, U1MW-937E, U1MW-937F, U1MW-938, U1MW-939R, U1MW-940, U1MW-941, and U1MW-GWS. See CR 202001969.

2015 17 Table 5.2 Strike Semiannually in row 6, column Collection Frequency and replace with Quarterly. See CR 202001969.

2016 16 Table 5.2 Strike Monthly in row 8, column Collection Frequency for Well water-potable. Replace with Quarterly. Monthly sampling ceased in March 2015. See CR 202001969.

2016 16 Table 5.2 Both UHS and Unit 2 ponds sampling ceased. Strike reference to both ponds in row 5, column Sample Type. Strike row 6 completely. See CR 202001969.

2016 16 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations Ui MW-936, Ui MW-9378, Ui MW-937D, Ui MW-939R, Ui MW-940, Ui MW-941, and U1MW-GWS.

2017 16 Table 5.2 Strike Monthly in row 8, column Collection Frequency for Well water-potable. Replace with Quarterly. Monthly sampling ceased in March 2015. See CR 202001969.

1 of 2

2013-2018 Callaway AREOR Combined Errata Year Page Section/Table Description of correction affected number number 2017 16 Table 5.2 Both UHS and Unit 2 ponds sampling ceased. Strike reference to both ponds in row 5, column Sample Type. Strike row 6 completely. See CR 202001969.

2017 16 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations Ui MW-936, Ui MW-9378, Ui MW-937D, Ui MW-939R, Ui MW-940, Ui MW-941, and U1MW-GWS.

201$ 16 Table 5.2 Title has wrong monitoring period. Strike 2016 and replace with 2018 2018 16 Table 5.2 Strike Monthly in row 8, column Collection Frequency for Well water-potable. Replace with Quarterly. Monthly sampling ceased in March 2015. See CR 202001969.

201$ 16 Table 5.2 Both UHS and Unit 2 ponds sampling ceased. Strike reference to both ponds in row 5, column Sample Type. Strike row 6 completely. See CR 202001969.

2018 16 Table 5.2 Collection frequency for power block non-potable groundwater wells is monthly. Add footnote Collection Frequency to read the following:

Monthly for locations Ui MW-936, Ui MW-9378, Ui MW-937D, Ui MW-939R, Ui MW-940, Ui MW-941, and U1MW-GWS.

2018 4 Section 3.2 The fourth paragraph, first sentence is not consistent with the description of the sampling frequencies for milk and should read Milk samples are collected semi-monthly when animals are on pasture and monthly the rest of the year. See CR 202001843.

2018 5 Section 3.3(3) The narrative is not consistent with the missed samples for the reporting period. The paragraph should read as follows:

Edible broadleaf vegetation, collected at thefour area gardens was available for harvest May through October 201 8 with the following exceptions: Samples were not available at locations V-9, V-il, V-12, and V-16 in April due to the gardens not yet producing. Gardens at locations V-9, V-il, V-12, and V-iC were not producing in May. No sample was available at location V-9 for the 8/14/18 collection. No sample was available for location V-il for the 7/9/18 or the 8/14/18 collection. No vegetables were available at location V-16 for the 8/14/18 or the 10/9/18 collections. Location V-1$ (Ward residence) was dropped from the program in 201$ due to poor performance 2 of 2

Enclosure to ULNRC-061 11 Page3l of 106 Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (January 1 through December 31, 2013)

Sample Type Media -

Collection Frequency Required Analyses Code Direct radiation 1DM Quarterly Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE)

Airborne iodine AID Weekly 1311 Air particulate APT Weekly PGE5 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H S ri w t rex tUHS PGEand3H. lfcontaminatedwith and Unit SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Surfacewater (UHS an4 SWA Semiannually Quarterly PGE and 3H PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) WWA Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Bottom sediment 2 AQS Semiannually PGE Sludge pond sediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and 1311 monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and 1311 Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion I

Samples required by ODCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The grazing season is defined as April 1 5- December 1 5, but will vary according to weather conditions.

4 The growing season is defined as the months April 1 November 1 but will vary according to weather conditions.

5 Pnncipal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as 54Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 95Zr/Nb, 34Cs, 137Cs, 140Ba/La and other gamma-emitting nuclides that may be identified dunng the gamma spectroscopy analysis.

6 Hard to Detect (HTD) nuclides are defined as 895r, 905r, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239/240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243I244Cm.

7 Monthly for locations UI MW-936, UI MW-937A, Ul MW-937B, Ul MW-937C, UI MW-937D, UI MW-937E, Ul MW-937F, UI MW-938, UI MW-939R, UI MW-940, UI MW-941 and UI MW-GWS.


Enclosure to ULNRC-061 11 Page 22 of 106 Table 5.1. Sampling Locations, Wells and Ponds (non-potable water).

Location Distance! Sample Code Direction Description Types 2 U2 MW-12 0.5 mi. ENE Groundwater Monitoring Well WWA U2 MW-16 2.9 mi. SSE Groundwater Monitoring Well WWA UHS Inside OCA UHS Pond SWA Unit 2 Pond Inside OCA Unit2 Pond SWA POND 01 0.6 mi. W Fishing Pond SWA POND 02 0.7 mi. SW Fishing Pond SWA Outfall 010 0.6 mi. NE Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Outfall 01 1 1.0 mi. ENE Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Outfall 012 0.5 mi. S Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Outfall 013 0.5 mi. S Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Outfall 014 0.6 mi. NNW Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Outfall 015 0.7 mi. N Stormwater Run-Off Pond SWA Sludge Lagoon #4 0.8 mi. SSE On service Sewage Sludge Lagoon SWA I

Distances are measured from the midpoint of the two reactors as described in Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Sec.

2 AlO = Air Iodine, APT = Air Particulate, AQF = Fish, AQS = Sediment, FPL = Leafy Green Vegetables, FC = Food Crops, 1DM = TLD, MLK = Milk, SQL = Soil, SWA = Surface Water, DWA = Drinking Water, WWA = Ground Water.

3 Control Location.

4 The fish collection area for location A is between 0.6 and 3.0 river miles upstream of the plant discharge on the north bank. Location C is sampled between the discharge area and 1 .5 miles downstream of the discharge, on the north bank. The expanded collection areas provide sufficient habitat to collect the required number of species.


Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (Janua I through December 31, 2014)

Sample Type Media .

Collection Frequency -

Required Analyses Code Direct radiation 1DM Quarterly Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE)

Airborne iodine MO Weekly Air particulate APT Weekly PGE5 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H 11acewater(except UHS PGE and 3H. If contaminated with I p SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD6 nuclides.

Surfacewater (UHS an4 SWA Semiannually Quarterly PGE and 3H 7 PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) WWA Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

8 PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Monthly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE 2

Bottom sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Sludge pond sediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and i monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and 131i Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion 1

Samples required by ODCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The grazing season is defined as April 1 5- December 1 5, but will vary according to weather conditions.

4 The growing season is defined as the months April 1 November 1 but will vary according to weather conditions.

5 Principal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as 54Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 95ZrINb, 134Cs, 137Cs, 140Ba/La and other gamma-emitting nuclides that may be identified during the gamma spectroscopy analysis.

6 Hard to Detect (HTD) nuclides are defined as 89Sr, 90Sr, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239I240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243/244Cm.

7 Monthly for locations Ui MW-936, UI MW-937A, UI MW-937B, UI MW-937C, UI MW-937D, UI MW-937E, UI MW-937F, UI MW-938, UI MW-939R, UI MW-940, Ul MW-941 and Ul MW-GWS.

8 Quarterly sampling ceased and Monthly sampling began in August 2014.


Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (January 1 through December 31, 2015)

Sample Type Collection Frequency Required Analyses Direct radiation 1DM Quarterly Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE)

Airborne iodine AlO Weekly 1311 Air particulate APT Weekly PGE5 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H S rf e w ater e x ce p t UHS PGE and 3H. If contaminated with SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant p onci, origin, analyze for HTD6 nuclides.

Surface water (UHS pond) SWA Semiannually Quarterly PGE and 3H PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) A/WA Quarterly7 gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Monthly8 gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE 2

Bottom sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Sludge pond sediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and 1311 monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and l Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion 1

Samples required by QDCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The grazing season is defined as April 1 5- December 1 5, but will vary according to weather conditions.

4 The growing season is defined as the months April 1- November 1 but will vary according to weather conditions.

5 Principal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as 54Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 95Zr/Nb, 134Cs, 37Cs, 140Ba/La and other gamma- emitting nuclides that may be identified during the gamma spectroscopy analysis.

6 Hard to Detect (HTD) nuclides are defined as 89Sr, 90Sr, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239/240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243I244Cm.

7 Monthly for locations UI MW-936, UI MW-937A, UI MW-937B, UI MW-937C, UI MW-937D, Ul MW-937E, UI MW-937F, Ul MW-938, UI MW-939R, UIMW-940, UIMW-941, and U1MW-GWS.

8 Monthly sampling ceased in March 2015 and Quarterly sampling resumed.


Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (January 1 through December 31 , 2016)

Sample Type r:a Collection Frequency Required Analyses Direct radiation 1DM Quarterly Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE)

Airborne iodine AlO Weekly 1311 Air particulate APT Weekly PGE5 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H Surface water PGE and 3H. II contaminated with SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant p Sj origin, analyze for HID6 nuclides.

Suriacewator (UHS and Semiannually PGE and 3H PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) WWA Quarterly7 gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Monthly Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Bottom sediment 2 AQS Semiannually PGE Sludgepondsediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and 1311 monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and 1311 Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion 1 Samples required by QDCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The grazing season is defined as April 1 5- December 1 5, but will vary according to weather conditions.

4 The growing season is defined as the months April 1 November 1 but will vary according to weather conditions.

5 Principal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as 54Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 95ZrINb, 134Cs, 137Cs, 140Ba/La and other gamma- emitting nuclides that may be identified during the gamma spectroscopy analysis.

6 Hard to Detect (HID) nuclides are defined as 89Sr, 90Sr, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239I240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243I2Cm.

7 Monthly for locations UI MW-936, UI MW-9378, Ui MW-937D, UI MW-939R, Ul MW-940, UI MW-94I and UI MW-GWS.


Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (January 1 through December 31, 2017)

Sample Type l:: Collection Frequency Required Analyses Direct radiation 1DM Quarterly Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE)

Airborne iodine AID Weekly Air particulate APT Weekly PGE4 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H Surface water (except UHS PGE and 3H. If contaminated with SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant

&-Uflut 2 ponds) (onsite ponds) origin, analyze for HTD5 nuclides.

Surtacewatcr(UHSanU Scmiannualty PGEand3H PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) WWA Quarterly6 gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Monthly Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HID nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Bottom 2 AQS PGE Semiannually Sludge pond sediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and 131l monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and 1311 Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and, 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion 1 Samples required by QDCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The growing season is defined as the months April 1 November 1 but will vary according to weather conditions.

4 Principal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, °Co, 65Zn, Zr/Nb, 134Cs, 137Cs, 1405a/La and other gamma- emitting nuclides that may be identified during the gamma spectroscopy analysis.

5 Hard to Detect (HTD) nuclides are defined as 89Sr, 90Sr, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239/°Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 2PCm.

6 Monthly for locations UI MW-936, Ui MW-9378, Ul MW-937D, UI MW-939R, UI MW-940, Ul MW-941 and UI MW-GWS.


2018 Table 5.2. Collection Frequencies and Required Analyses (Janua ry 1 through December 31 , 2046)

Sample Type

Airborne iodine AlO Weekly 1311 Air particulate APT Weekly PGE4 each sample Surface water (river) SWA Monthly composite PGE and 3H fe2 water (except UHS PGE and 3H. If contaminated with n pon a) (onsite ponds) SWA Semiannually gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD5 nuclides.

Surfacewater (UHS and semiannually PGE and-H PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Groundwater (not potable) WVVA Quarterly 6 gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HID nuclides.

PGE and 3H. If contaminated with Well water-potable DWA Monthly Quarterly gamma emitting nuclides of plant origin, analyze for HTD nuclides.

Shoreline sediment AQS Semiannually PGE Bottom 2 AQS Semiannually PGE Sludge pond sediment SQL Annually PGE Soil SQL Annually PGE Semimonthly when Milk animal MLK animals are on pasture, PGE and 1311 monthly other times Leafy green vegetables FPL Monthly when available PGE and 1311 Inedible crops FC At time of harvest PGE and 3H Fish AQF Semiannually PGE on edible portion 1

Samples required by ODCM unless specified otherwise.

2 Required by NPDES permit.

3 The growing season is defined as the months April 1- November 1 but will vary

, according to weather conditions.

4 Principal Gamma Emitters (PGE) are defined as Mn, 59Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 95Zr/Nb, and other gamma- emitting nuclides that may be identified during the gamma 1Cs, 137Cs, 140Ba/La spectroscopy analysis.

5 Hard to Detect (HID) nuclides are defined as 89Sr, °Sr, 55Fe, 63Ni, 237Np, 238Pu, 239P40Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243PCm.

6 Monthly for locations UI MW-936, UI MW-9378, UI MW-937D, UI MW-939R, UI MW-940, Ul MW-941, and U1MW-GWS 16

3.2 Program Description The sampling and analysis schedules for the environmental radiolo gical monitoring program at the Callaway Energy Center are summarized in. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 and briefly reviewed below. Table 5.1 identifies sampling locations and specifies as to type (indicator or control) and its distance, and direction relative to the reactor site. The types of samples collect ed at each location, required analyses and the frequency of collections are presented in Table 5.2.

To monitor the air environment, airborne particulate and airborne iodine samples are collected by continuous pumping, at six locations. The airborne particulates are collect ed on glass fiber filters and the airborne iodine through activated charcoal cartridges. Both filters and cartridges are exchanged weekly. Airborne particulates are analyzed for gamm a-emitting isotopes. Charcoal cartridges are analyzed for iodine-i 31.

The ingestion pathway is monitored by sampling of milk (if availab le), fish and green leafy vegetation.

semi-monthly Milk samples are collected monthlyWhen animals are on pasture and monthly the rest of the year.

There were no milk indicator stations identified by the Land Use Censu s for the subject year. The control station continued to be collected. Samples are analyzed for iodine

-i 31 and gamma-emitting isotopes.

Monthly during the growing season, edible green leafy vegetation is collect ed from both indicator and control locations. Vegetation samples typically consist of mustar d greens, turnip greens, cabbage, lettuce, collards, radish greens, swiss chard, broccoli and poke.

Other edible broad leaf vegetation is collected if primary varieties are not available. The sample s are analyzed for iodine-I 31 and other gamma-emitting isotopes.

Feed crops (soybeans, sorghum, corn) are collected from locations FC-1 through FC-4. FC-i, FC-2 and FC-3 are located on Ameren property traversed by the discha rge pipeline. The samples are collected at harvest and analyzed for tritium and gamma emitting isotope location, beyond the influence of plant operations. Feed crops are grown s. FC-4 is a control for animal feed and not for human consumption. The soybean field for sample FC-1 is planted by the Missouri State Department of Conservation (MODOC) to provide feed to wildlife living in the Reform Wildlife Conservation Area. MODOC did not plant the field this year and there was no crop to sample.

The waterbome pathway is monitored by sampling surface water, ground water and drinking water, and bottom and shoreline sediments. Water samples are analyzed for tritium and gamma-emitting isotopes, and sediments are analyzed for gamma-emitting isotopes.

The waterborne pathway is also monitored by upstream and downstream semiannual collections of fish. The five most abundant recreational or commercial fish species are collected. Samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting isotopes.

Monthly composite samples of surface water from the Missouri River are collected from one indicator location (502) and from one control location (501). The surface water samples are composites of daily collections by automatic river samplers.

Onsite surface water from nine ponds is analyzed for tritium and gamma

-emitting isotopes. The collection frequencies are semiannually.

To monitor possible sources of ground water contamination due to plant operations, non-potable ground water samples were collected monthty or quarterly from well locations both onsite and along the discharge pipeline. The samples were analyzed fortntium and gamma-emitting isotopes.


3.2 Program Description (continued)

Potable wellwater samples are collected quarterly from the plant drinking water supply, neighboring property owners, and from the town of Portland, MO. The samples were analyzed for tritium and gamma-emitting isotopes.

River bottom sediment is collected semiannually at the plants intake (A) and discharge (C). The samples aretaken from water at least 2 meters deep to prevent influence of bank erosion. Shoreline sediments are collected semiannually in the same area as bottom sediment. These samples are collected within two feet of the edge of the water. The samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting isotopes.

The direct ambient gamma radiation pathway is also considered. This exposure is monitored by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD5) at forty-four locations in and around the Callaway site. The TLDs are placed in 16 sectors around the plant as specified in the ODCM-RECS. Five ofthe TLD stations have neutron monitoring capability and three locations are designated as controls. TLDs are exchanged and analyzed quarterly.

Soil is collected annually from seven indicator locations (F2, PR3, F6, PR7, W2, W3, and W4) and two control locations (M9, WI) to monitor the terrestrial environment. The samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting isotopes.

3.3 Program Execution The program was executed as described in the preceding section with the following exceptions.

(1) Airborne Particulates and Iodine.

The Air sampler station A-I I found not operating 3/28/1 8, samples had lower volume (CR 201801634). Air station A8 was found not running 6/6/18 for about 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> (CR 201802861).

(2) Ground Water:

Water was frozen during the 1/16/18 collection event inside the old blowdown line. The well was dry for the 1/20/I 8 collection event at location UI MW-047 (CR201801736).

(3) Broadleaf Vegetation:

four Edible broadleaf vegetation, collected at the fivearea gardens was available for harvest May through October 201 8 with the following exceptions: Samples were not available at locations V-9,AV-I I, V-I2V-16 in April due to the gardens not yet producing. Gardens at locations V-I I nd V-16,were i15froducing in May. No sample was available at location V-9 for the 8/14/18 collection. Jo E1 an sample was available forlocation V-I I forthe 7/9/18 orthe 8/14/18 collection. No vegetables we available at location V-16 for the 8/14/1 8 or the I 0/9/18 collections. Location V-18 (Ward\

residence) was dropped from the program in 201 8 due to poor performance.

v-9, V-Il, V-12, and V-J (4) Inedible crops:

Inedible crops were not collected at location FC-1 during the 2018 collection due to the field not being planted.

(5) Milk:

Milk sampling was discontinued at location M-9 after the 4124/I 8 sampling event due to the lack of an indicator location. Vegetation sampling is sufficient to comply with the requirements of the ODCM.