ULNRC-05893, Callaway, Unit 1, Enclosure 10 to ULNRC-05893 - Revised Environmental Report Table 2.3-2

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Callaway, Unit 1, Enclosure 10 to ULNRC-05893 - Revised Environmental Report Table 2.3-2
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2012
Ameren Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12271A431 (1)


Table 2.3-2. Summary of Metals and Strontium Groundwater Quality Data (May 2007 to February 2008) Parameter MDNR Groundwater Criteria a Wildwood Lot Owner's Potable Well (s) Shallow Monitoring Wells MW-1D Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Arsenic 50 ND ND ND 13.1 66.1 25.6 ND ND ND Barium 2,000 ND ND ND 72.6 1,520 306.3 Beryllium 4 ND ND ND 1.3 18.7 4.9 ND ND ND Chromium, total b 100 ND ND ND 5 26.5 55 ND ND ND Iron 300 57.7 469 214.4 751 216,000 21,677 167 223 195 Lead 15 5.4 5.4 5.4 7 96.8 34.4 Manganese 50 ND ND ND 8.9 4,040 382.3 5.4 8.2 6.8 Mercury 2 ND ND ND 0.2 0.2 0.2 ND ND ND Nickel 100 ND ND ND 6 1,050 167 ND ND ND Selenium 50 ND ND ND 18.5 20.5 19.5 ND ND ND Zinc 5,000 ND ND ND 66.2 623 178.5 ND ND ND Strontium-90 Not established ND ND ND 1.34 1.34 1.34 ND ND ND Note:

a = Groundwater criteria from MDNR 2009a 10 CSR 20-7 Table A b = Groundwater criteria is for chromium III (shown for illustration only) All units in micrograms per liter (µg/L) except for strontium-90 which is picocuries per liter (pCi/L) ND = Parameter not detected above the method detection limit