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Affidavit of Rc Iotti & Jc Finneran Re Corrections & Clarifications to Affidavits Supporting Motions for Summary Disposition of Pipe Support Design Allegations. Supporting Documentation Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1985
From: Finneran J, Iotti R
Shared Package
ML20205H327 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8511150126
Download: ML20205H407 (137)



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'85 NOV 13 A9:55 CFFICE 07 sg a . ._ November 12, 1985 00CKEImc4yggyg BRANCH


) Docket Nos. 50-445 and TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC ) 50-446 COMPANY, ET AL. ) .

) (Application for (Comanche Peak Steam Electric ) Operating Licenses)

-Station, Units 1 and 2) )





DISPOSITION OF PIPE SUPPORT DESIGN ALLEGATIONS (Iotti) I am Vice President of Advanced Technology for Ebasco Services, Inc. I was retained by Texas Utilities Electric Company to oversee the assessment of allegations concerning the design of piping and supports at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station in accordance with Applicants' Plan to Respond to Memorandum and Order (Quality A'ssurance for Design), filed February 3, 1984. A statement of my educational and professional qualifications was transmitted with Applicants' letter of May 16, 1984, to the Licensing Board in this proceeding.

(Finneran) I am Project Discipline Supervisor-Pipe Support Engineering at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. In this position, I oversee the design work of all pipe support design 8511150126 851112 PDR ADOCK 05000445

'G PDR u

organizations for Comanche Peak. A statement of my educational and professicnal qualifications was received into evidence as Applicants' Exhibit 142B.

PURPOSE OF AFFIDAVIT This affidavit sets forth corrections to and clarifications of the affidavits filed in this proceeding in support of Applicants' motions for summary disposition addressing pipe support design allegations.2 These corrections were requested by the Board to assist it in resolving Applicants' January 7, 1985, motion for reconsideration of the December 18, 1984, Memorandum (Reopening Discovery; Misleading Statement). We have reviewed, for accuracy and completeness, each of the technical affidavits supporting the motions for summary disposition.3

-1/ The following discussion is sponsored by both Mr.

Finneran and Dr. Iotti.

-2/ Applicants recently withdrew these motions from

-further consideration in this proceeding. The Board initially accepted this withdrawal and ruled that it will not act on the motions. (See Memorandum and Order (Applicants' Motion for Modification), October 2, 1985.) (At the Board's request, the parties recently briefed the question of the evidentiary status of such withdrawn motions.) Applicants nonetheless file these corrections and clarifications pursuant to the Board's original request. Indeed, the Board indicated in its October 2 Memorandum and Order that it "still expect (ed] Applicants to fulfill their obligation to correct our record. If necessary, they should explain the reason for the incomplete or misleading affidavits." (See also Memorandum and Order (Status of Pending Motions), October 29, 1985, at 1.)

3/ We did not review the affidavits supporting the Trootnote 3 continued on next page)

.. o We have also endeavored to clarify portions of the affidavits as to which questions were raised by the Staff or CASE during the numerous conference calls and meetings that were held to discuss the motions. In reviewing these corrections and clarifications it should be recognized that we have been forthright with CASE and the Staff throughout the process of reviewing Applicants' motions, providing additional information and correcting or clarifying aspects of the affidavits when the need to do so arose. Indeed, we previously provided substantial information to clarify. aspects of the motions in response to Staff and CASE questions. In fact, a large portion of this affidavit consists of material, or expansion of material, previously transmitted to CASE and the Staff. This information, as well as other relevant information, was transmitted to the Staff and CASE (the Board was copied on these letters) by letters dated June 28, July 11 and 16, August 4, 7, 20, 22 and 31, September 24, November 6 and 21 (Footnote 3 continued from previous page) motions for summary disposition concerning quality assurance for design process, or safety factors, filed July 3, 1984, and May 20, 1984, respectively. The information presented in those affidavits was not derived from tests ar.d analyses performed for the express purpose of-addressing the issues in this proceeding. Applicants considered those tests and analyses, and the conclusions drawn therefrom, to be the focus of the Board's inquiry. Accordingly, the corrections and clarifications presented herein concern only the affidavits which addressed and relied upon those tests and analyses.

o .

(transmitted to CASE on 12/3), December 3, 1984 and March 28, 1985.4 Further, there has been disagreement among Applicants, the NRC Staff, CASE and Cygna with regard to conclusions which could be drawn from-the available data, and even with respect to the standards that should be applied to reach those conclusions. At times there simply were not clearly established standards or guidance to apply to a specific situation, particularly where certain practices had heretofore been accepted on the basis of engineering judgment and/or experience. Consequently, in conducting the review for this affidavit we have carefully considered the opinions of CASE and the Staff in areas where there has been disagreement. We remain satisfied that the conclusions and opinions expressed in our affidavits were reasonable, and at most subject to differing professional opinions which would be expected in any highly technical field.

In some limited instances, as will be explained later, we have concluded that there is a valid basis for taking a different approach than that taken in our affidavits, or at least for pursuing further the topic at issue. The ongoing Stone & Webs'ter

-4/ We reference that information herein where it appears important to the understanding of the motions.

Further, to the extent any actual corrections to the affidavits may have been made in those transmittals (or during the meetings or conference calls) and those corrections were not previously transmitted dormally to the Board and parties we have also includod those corrections herein. -

review will address all such questions. In a few cases, we have performed some additional analyses in these areas. Based on these limited analyses we have no reason to conclude that the supports in question would be unable to perform their intended functions. However, further review will be required before final conclusions may be drawn. This review will be performed in the

' context of the Stone & Webster reevaluation.

Finally, we note that had the summary disposition process been pursued further, including possible hearings, we would have responded to the parties' questions, with additional analyses if necessary, in the context of the motions and supporting affidavits. We are confident that had the expressed differences between the parties remained confined to the topics addressed in the motions, the differences could have been resolved through that process. However, we recognize that other issues regarding the adequacy of the piping systems, and by definition the supports associated therewith, were raised subsequent to the filing of the motions which could have affected the analyses of the supports presented in the affidavits (e.g., by changes in loads, or direction and degree of' piping movements). (See draft Staff letter presented in February 26, 1985, meeting, regarding need to include assessment of mass participation and mass point spacing effects.) For these reasons the ultimate determination regarding the adequacy of piping and supports at Comanche Peak is best resolved in the context of the comprehensive Stone & Webster review, where all outstanding issues can be addressed cumulatively.

AFFIDAVIT REVIEW PROCESS In preparing these corrections and clarifications we sought to provide not just technical corrections or clarifications but to reassess the positions taken in our motions in view of all presently available information. In some instances we have examined additional analyses performed in the context of the CPRT to ascertain whether there were outstanding considerations that could yet affect our conclusions regarding the opinions expressed in-the affidavits. We have endeavored to perform as thorough a review as possible to assist the Board in its deliberations.

Our review consisted primarily of four parts. First, we examined the affidavits and motions themselves. We sought to

identify any statements which in view of information we now are awata of are either incorrect or require clarification. Second, we examined the calculations and data relied upon in the affidavits. If in checking those calculations, or assessing the data, we identified information which was incorrect, no matter how insignificant it may be to the ultimate conclusions, we included it in this affidavit. Third, we reviewed the transcripts of the meetings and phone conferences between Applicants, Staff and CASE during the eight month period such discussions took place. Again, if those discussions indicated

- there were corrections that needed to be made they are included herein. .If clarification regarding matters important to the ultimate conclusions set forth in those affidavits were suggested, we included such clarifications herein. Finally, we 4

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also requested that persons who had provided information on which we relied in the affidavits recheck that information.

CORRECTIONS TO AND CLARIFICATIONS OF AFFIDAVITS STABILITY OF PIPE SUPPORTS Affidavit of John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding5 Stability of Pipe Supports (June 17, 1984)

Affidavit at 2-7 6

Applicants set forth-in this portion of the affidavit their definition of the term " stability" in the context of piping and support design. The NRC Staff subsequently presented a separate definition of stability, expressed by Mr. Terao at a meeting between Applicants, Staff and CASE, as follows:

Now, the definition that we proposed during the last meeting was that instability would be the ability of a pipe support'to shift or move to an unqualified position. In this respect, we aren't saying that it is necessarily a

' safety concern to the extent that we are not implying necessarily results in an unstable piping system or other collapsed mode failure, but we are saying that if the support does not have a positive controlled clamping mechanism to assure that.the support cannot slide or rotate along the pipes, then we have

-difficulty accepting the analysis for that support because of the uncertainties involved in that design. (Transcript of August 23, 1984, Meeting, pages 7-8.)

-5/ The following corrections / clarifications are sponsored by either or both Mr. Finneran or Dr. Iotti, consistent with their respective sponsorships of the original affidavits.

-6/ As used herein, the term " affidavit" refers to the affidavit for which corrections / clarifications are being submitted.

Applicants are committed in the support review effort by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation to assure that no support can exhibit the above mode of instability which is of concern to the NRC Staff. In this regard we modify our position set forth in the affidavit.

Affidavit at page 7 Mr. Finneran stated, as follows:

Dr. Chen [NRC SIT) is correct that stability of piping systems is not explicitly addressed in piping analyses. However, one must also

' recognize that it is not necessary to do so because through the normal design process the piping designers achieve a system which will stay within specified deflection limits and, thus, will be incapable of the type of instability illustrated in Figure 1(c).

The NRC Staff has indicated its disagreement with this position (see Transcript of March 23, 1985, meeting between the NRC Staff, CASE, and TUGCO, at 33-36). The Staff stated that piping engineers should assure system stability by reviewing the piping and support configurations. The Stone & Webster review will address this issue.

Affidavit at page 11 With respect to the following statement:

Mr. *Walsh has not alleged that he spoke to anyone, let alone a supervisor, regarding instability.

This statement is not correct. As Mr. Walsh stated at page 18 of CASE's October 15, 1984, answer to Applicants' motion, he

had alleged that he mentioned to an " engineer from Grinnell" that a particular support was unstable (Tr. 3107/19-22). I did not recall at the time I prepared my affidavit that he had so alleged. I note, however, that Mr. Walsh and Mr. Doyle never approached TUGCO supervisors (Mr. Harrison and myself) regarding any of their concerns, including stability.

Affidavit at page 18 With respect to the following statement regarding single strut U-bolt supports with a thermal gap:

We have identified 15 of these types of supports in Unit 1 and common areas.

In verifying that number I identified one additional mainsteam support (original design) in that category. The support was, however, redesigned before initial installation.

The above number should be changed, therefore, to 16, 14 of which are mainsteam supports. The number of supports modified during initial installation should be changed, therefore, from three to four.I

-7/ As part of Applicants' effort to obtain data regarding supports both installed in the plant, or designed but never installed, a comprehensive manual review of all support drawings (and revisions) was performed. This review involved approximately 18,000 support drawings (often involving several pages of views and details for each support), and associated revisions. The review was performed to identify supports with characteristics being addressed by Applicants, as ultimately set forth in the affidavits. Despite this comprehensive effort, there were some supports that were not identified. Applicants conducted additional reviews of support drawings which resulted in the (Footnote 7 continued on next page)


4 4

Affidavit at 18 Regarding the modifications to these supports, it was stated:

The modification consisted of snugging the U-bolts or adding supplementary structural steel

' that would prevent the rotation of the U-bolt clamp assembly.

Both the NRC Staff and Cygna have expressed concerns with the modifications using supplemental structural steel (" bumper" supports). Applicants have decided that the most efficient means of resolving those concerns is to modify the supports by removing the bumpers and assuring that the U-bolts are all sufficiently I- torqued. Tnose modifications are presently being performed. The broader issue of cinched U-bolts will be addressed in the Stone &

Webster review.

Affidavit at pages 19-21 In this portion of the affidavit Category III supports, i.e.,

" Double Strutted Frames", are discussed. It is more precise to label these supports " Multiple Strutted Frames." In addition, because Applicants consider these frames to be stable, we offered no count as to the number of such supports. There are l- approximately 50 of these supports. Both the Staff and CASE received drawings for these supports. Because the Staff l

(Footnote.7 continued from previous page) identification of a'few additional supports for the respective issues. We include these additional supports in this affidavit, and discuss the possible

, implications thereof. Stone & Webster will, of course, independently examine existing supports in their review.

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4 expressed a concern regarding sone of these supports in the i February 26, 1985, meeting, Applicants are conducting further review of these supports.

Affidavit at page 21 Change "about 380" to 392.

Affidavit at page 22 In the fourth line, the number 15 should be changed to 16, in accordance with the discussion above. Similarly, the number 27 in line five should be 28. This number does not include the approximately 50 multiple strutted frames, nor the cinched U-bolt supports (Category IV supports) which Applicants have not considered to be unstable supports. Further, this number does not include U-bolt trapeze supports as to which Cygna and the Staff have raised questions regarding stability. These concerns will be addressed in the Stone & Webster review.

Affidavit at page 23 The number 27 in line seven should be 28, as explained previously. Similarly, the number 13 in line 14 should be 14.

Affidavit at page 26 The number 27 in line 5 should be 28.

Conclusion Applicants agree with the NRC Staff's assessment that there is not necessarily a safety concern regarding the stability of

-the various supports discussed in the affidavit. However, in view of the concern expressed by the Staff regarding the level of assurance that should be provided regarding these supports, Applicants agree that further assessment of the supports is appropriate. Accordingly, Stone & Webster will conduct such an assessment in their review.

U-BOLTS ACTING AS TWO-WAY RESTRAINTS Affidavit of R.C. Iotti and J.C. Finneran, Jr.

Regarding U-Bolts Used as One-Way Restraints Acting as Two-Way Restraints (May 23, 1984)

Affidavit at pages 3-4 On page 3, line 4, we state, as follows:

"In tl:e design of U-bolt supports on rigid frames, a 1/16-inch gap was designed into each U-bolt restraint."

This statement is factually correct. As Applicants stated in their reply to NRC questions (see Applicants' reply to the NRC dated September 24, 1984, p. 30), however, the referenced gap is designed in the direction of restraint. With this gap, a lateral gap will result between the pipe and the U-bolt as a result of normal manufacturing of the U-bolt. To provide further clar.tication, for standard size U-bolts, and pipe sizes in excess of 5 inches. Exhibit 1 of the affidavit illustrated that at the midplane of the pipe the overall gap (diametral gap) is

1/8-inch and hence the gap on either side of the pipe will be 1/16-inch (assuming no fabrication or installation tolerances).

For pipes which are less than 6-inch diameter, however, the diametral gap will only be 1/16 inch, resulting in a gap of only 1/32 inch on both sides of the pipe.

In view of the above, and consistent with our commitment to replace U-bol'ts where the lateral thermal movement was computed to be in excess of 1/16", i.e., where such movement could exceed the lateral gap between the U-bolt and the pipe (see affidavit at 4), it would have been appropriate for Gibbs & Hill to have also rerun analyses for pipe sizes less than 6 inches where the pipe thermal movement exceeded 1/32," rather than for the 1/16" movement they actually used. Further, consistent with our original commitment, U-bolts in 3 and 4-inch lines where the thermal movement exceeded 1/32" should also have been candidates for removal. With this cA. rification, the remainder of Pages 3 and 4 of the Affidavit require no correction.8 In addition, in the June 20, 1984, meeting with the NRC Mr.

Finneran stated (Tr. p. 238, lines 5 and 11-12) that a 1/16" gap

-8/ It is important to note, however, that the presence of a smaller gap (i.e., 1/32 instead of 1/16-inch) has no effect on the analyses performed for the Affidavit anH reported in Tables 2 through 4, in which Applicants assumed no gap for any of the supports employing U-bolts listed in Table 1. (Applicants note that in their September 24, 1984, answer to Staff questions we provided Tables B3 through B5, replacing Tables 2 through 4 of the Affidavit, in which we added the effects of the U-bolts in the thermal analysis of the piping.)

is shown all around the pipe. To clarify, this is correct for the particular drawing being discussed. Such an all-around gap of that dimension may not exist in supports where a gap is indicated only at the top of the U-bolt.

Affidavit at page 4 We~have identified one additional support where the thermal movement at the location of the U-bolt exceeds 1/16". Thus, the statement at the end of the first complete paragraph is no longer correct. This support is CC-1-068-002-533R. Accordingly, statements in the third paragraph on page 6 and the full paragraph on page 7 to the effect that no thermal movements exceed 1/16 inch should be modified to reflect this exception.

This support will be evaluated in the Stone & Webster review.

Affidavit at page 6 (third paragraph)

When a gap size of 1/32-inch is assumed for 3 and 4-inch lines, the total number of supports in Table 1 which have total lateral (thermal + seismic) displacements in excess of the nominal lateral gap (i.e., 1/32-inch or 1/16 inch depending on pipe size) is 20, rather than 8. However, this change does not affect the conclusions in the Affidavit.

The twelve additional supports from Table 1 are:

AF-1-098-022-S63R AF-1-098-700-S33R AF-1-100-005-S43A AF-1-100-025-S53R AF-1-101-003-SS3R BR-X-162-700-A53R

. s ,

CC-1-005-001-A73R CC-X-031-002-A43R CS-1-076-005-A42R CS-1-155-020-S42R CS-1-251-022-S53R SF-X-024-702-A43R In addition, two supports recently identified would also have total movements which exceed their respective gaps, bringing the total to 22. These supports are CC1-068-002-S33R and DO-1-067-725-S43R.

Affidavit at page 6 and Table 1 Applicants have also identified, subsequent to filing the affidavit, some additional restraints intended to act as one-way restraints, which could act as two-way restraints. The total number of such restraints is, therefore, 76 rather than 70. The following restraints should be added to Table 1.9 AF-1-097-027-S33R .005 .0022 .0072 4 2 7/8" CC-1-068-002-S33R .191 .1144 .3054 18 4' 1 3/4" CS-1-074-045-S42R .008 .0186 .0266 3 l' 3 1/2" DO-1--067-725-S43R .006 .059 .065 8 4' 1 7/16" RH-1-058-001-S22R + .011 .0021 .0131 10 10" SF-X-033-009-F55R 0 .0046 .0046 10 2' 2"

-9/ For completeness, we are also listing the following support which has a U-bolt on a rigid frame. However, this support has a 1/2" clearance on both sides and, therefore, would not act as a two-way restraint.

CS-1-076-005-A42R + .039 .0015 .0405 4 3"

Support CC-1-068-002-S33R exhibits an overall displacement larger than any presented in Table 1 of the Affidavit. This support clearly would not be bound by the analyses performed in our Affidavit. We have not evaluated the consequences of the lateral restraining action of any of the additional supports because Stone & Webster will evaluate all of these supports as part of their complete piping and support reanalysis.

Affidavit at page 7 (line 11)

The statement that "in reality, of course, there will be some gap in the lateral direction, etc., . . " should be qualified.

Applicants have since noted at least one instance where no lateral gap was found. (See Transcript of August 23, 1984, meeting between NRC and Applicants, at 58, lines 17-18.) This fact, however, only indicates that the modelling assumptions in the affidavit reflect, at worst, actual conditions (rather than a conservative assumption) regarding this particular condition.

Affidavit at page 7 (line 23)

With the identification of the lateral displacement of support CC-1-068-002-S33R, support CC-X-013-012-A43R no longer has the largest displacement.

Affidavit at 7 (line 5)

When a gap of 1/32-inch is assumed for 3 and 4-inch lines, the number of U-bolts which impose lateral restraining action on-

  • 1 * .

1 the thermal movement of the pipe is 5, rather than none as stated 4

in the affidavit. None of these five supports (CC-X-031-022, CC-X-34-005, CC-1-076-005, and CC-1-251-022 from Table 1 and the additional CC-1-068-002-S33R) was included in the reanalyses performed for the affidavit or prior analyses performed to assess the effect of two-way restraint action (i.e., Tables 5 through 10 of the' Affidavit). Thus, we-cannot present any canclusions I regarding their possible effect. These supports will be ,


reanalyzed, however, as part of the Stone & Webster reanalyses,

i .

This correction is also applicable to a statement by Dr. Iotti at i the June 20, 1984, meeting with the NRC Staff (Tr. 236) that-the gap would not close on account of the thermal expansion effects alone. This would not be true for the above-5 supports when a i

3 1/32" gap is assumed.

1 Affidavit at page 9 (last paragraph) i- It is evident from results obtained in the analyses presented l in the affidavit that some lateral loads are not much smaller

) than the rated load. They are, nevertheless, small enough that adequate margins of safety exist. Even with a normal load equal f

4 to the rated load, the safety factor as determined by ITT i Grinnell would range from 2.78 (emergency) to 3.70 (normal / upset). Further, even if allowance is made for the fact that actual material properties employed in the ITTG tests are l

higher than minimum material properties, the safety factors would j still be in excess of 3.0 for normal / upset and 2.2 for emergency.-


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It should be noted that the U-bolts in the field had material properties greater than the minimum and comparable to the material used in the tests by ITTG (see Affidavit of Robert C.

Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding Board Request for Information Concerning A36 and A307 Steel, December 5, 1985, Figure 1).

Affidavit at page 12 (lines 11-12)

Add: ". . . is very conservative in that it could be true if i the 1/32 or 1/16-inch clearance . . .

Affidavit at pages 12-15 To clarify, the allowable loads discussed are Section NF allowable loads, derived by load rating.

Affidavit at page 17 Note that the 1/16-inch gap is correct here, because the pipe diameter is 6 inches.

Figures A-13, 14, 15 and A-29, 30, 31 These figures should only be read for load because, upon further review the scale of the abscissa (strain) turned out to be incorrect. The figures in the affidavit should not be used to l

l determine the stiffness of the U-bolt in this normal direction.

i The stiffness of the U-bolt in the normal direction was subsequently developed by ITTG and was provided in Applicants' September 24, 1984, letter to the Staff and CASE.

1 i

Conclusion As noted above, an additional group of supports which could ,

act as two way restraints has been identified after the affidavit was filed. Of those, only one exhibits an overall displacement (seismic plus thermal) which would not be bounded by the analyses performed in the affidavit. With the possible exception of that support we believe all conclusions presented in the Affidavit


remain valid. We have not evaluated that support because Stone &

Webster will conduct a complete reevaluation of the systems on which all of the supports in question appear.


Regarding Consideration of Friction Forces in the Design of Pipe Supports With Small Thermal Movements (May 16, 1984)

Affidavit at Table 1 Transpose the values .59 and .50 in " Bolt Inter." column for support SIl-029-055-S32R.


. Affidavit of John C. Finneran, Jr.

in Support of Applicants' Reply to

CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition Regarding Friction Forces (September 19, 1984)

Affidavit at pages 4-5 It was stated in discussing the calculation of a weld stress that "when friction and the normal load are combined the stress ratio actually drops from the .775 calculated for friction alone

I 4- to .46." That' conclusion is premised on an assumption that the 1

column would bearing on the base plate, permitting i subtraction of th2 compression force on.the weld from the tension

, force. Both CASE and the NRC Staff have questioned the validity i of this assumption (see CASE's October _1, 1984, Answer to Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion (at 3, c ,~ 4-5) and Meeting of January 15, 1985 (Tr. at 65-67)). (See also calculation on page 8 of affidavit, utilizing same assumption.)


To clarify, the above assumption is not Applicants' normal design practice. In this situation, however, the assumption is reasonable'for' assessing friction effects on this category of i

- ' supports (i.e., short, stiff members loaded in compression, and lateral friction loads). The following conditions support the assumption-of bearing: (1) the base plate should be flat,10 (2) the column was a small member and the normal fabrication process is to saw cut;the end, leaving it plar (3) 4 the structure was a simple structure which would have had no real fit up problems,ll and (4) even assuming the presence of a fit up I

. gap it is extremely difficult to make a fillet weld when a gap is i

present and not have some'of the weld filler material spill into i

the gap, which effectively develops some bearing surface, i


--10/- From Section XVII-2473 of the NF Code it is evident j

that the baseplate would not be excluded from qualifying as a finished to bear surface.

j --11/

CASE correctly points out (October 1, 1984, Answer at

5) that a maximum fit up gap of 1/16" is the permitted

! tolerance. For the reasons discussed above, however, the assumption of no fit up gap in this situation was considered reasonable, t


i .

Applicants previously explained (at the January 15, 1985 Meeting) why this was a reasonable assumption. Applicants also explained that this assumption was not the normal design practice, but a special case for the specific analysis in the

.. Affidavit. This assumption allowed Applicants to subtract the compression stress on the weld caused by C (at point A in Fig. 1) from the' tension stresses caused by F. The combined compression stresses at point B were neglected because it was assumed they 4 would be transmitted in bearing.

Conclusion Applicants would not change the ultimate conclusions presented in the Affidavit regarding the appropriateness of the 1/16" deflection criterion to assess friction effects.

Nonetheless, Stone & Webster will reassess the supports for friction regardless of pipe movement.

SECTION PROPERTIES Affidavit of J.C. Finneran and R.C. Iotti Regarding CASE's Allegation Involving Section Property Values'(May 18, 1984)

Affidavit of John C. Finneran Jr. Regarding Information Related to Section Property Values

[In Support of Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition Regarding Section Property Values] (November 12, 1984)

Applicants have no corrections to either affidavit. However, we note that there have been questions raised by the Staff regarding the assessment of flare bevel welds on tube steel 4

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connections. Stone & Webster will address those questions in their review.

Conclusion Applicants would not change the conclusions presented in these Affidavits.

AWS v. ASME CODE PROVISIONS Affidavit of J.C. Finneran, R.C. Iotti and J.D. Stevenson Regarding Allegations Involving AWS vs. ASME Code Provisions (May 15, 1985)_

- Affidavit at 4 Applicants stated, as follows:

a While the ASME Code does not have explicit requirements governing this area, compensatory requirements have provided assurance of acceptable load carrying capacity.

To clarify the use of the term " explicit," as Applicants indicated in the June 8 and 20, 1984, meetings with the NRC Staff, Paragraph XVII-2452.4 of the.ASME Code provides guidance for calculating the effective throats of skewed fillet welds..

However, the ASME Code does not contain the explicit factors (set forth in table form) in the AWS Code (Appendix B to AWS) which may be used to account directly for effective throats of skewed fillet welds. In this regard, the ASME Code does not contain the explicit guidance that the AWS Code does on this subject.

To clarify the use of the term " compensatory requirements,"

Applicants' statement is directed at the requirements governing

-basemetal through thickness set forth in the 1974 ASME Code. (It should be noted that portions of Applicants' original affidavit were devoted to a general comparison of the AWS and ASME Codes, irrespective of Applicants' particular practices. Applicants used the term " compensatory" in their affidavit to reflect the fact that the through-thickness requirement in the ASME Code provides,'in effect (although not by express intention), an additional measure of conservatism with respect to assessments of skewed fillet welds. It should be recognized that neither

< Applicants nor the ASME relied on this measure to compensate for inadequate assessments of skewed fillet welds.) As Mr. Terao noted in the June 8 and 20, 1984, meetings, those " compensatory" requirements were deleted in the 1978 Winter Addenda. However, as Applicants indicated at those meetings, the large majority of Applicants' designs were accomplished prior to deletion of the l

" compensatory" through thickness requirement from our design criteria. In fact, we incorporated that portion of the 1978 Code Addenda in our design criteria in 1982. As evidenced by Attachment 1 to Applicants' original affidavit, following deletion of that provision Applicants were assessing skewed


fillet welds in a manner that satisfied both ASME and AWS provisions concerning effective throat assessment. Thus, the

" compensatory" measures were unnecessary.

l Applicants agree that proper consideration should be given to effective throats of skewed fillet welds. We believe we have done so. Although engineers may not always actually calculate

e the effective throat of each skewed fillet weld in the weld pattern being evaluated, e.g., a conservative and simplified design approach was often used for efficiency,12 Applicants' practices were appropriate to satisfy Code weld stress requirements.

Applicants note that consideration of effective throats of skewad fillet welds will also be addressed in the Stone and Webster review.

Affidavit at 6 Applicants discussed here Attachment 2 to the Affidavit, which was a summary of 13 skewed fillet weld joints designed prior to 1982. In our review for this affidavit, we determined that values of weld stress for 4 supports in that sample should be corrected.

Cc-2-139-710-A63R 4808 PSI /18 KSI = 27%

CC-2-019-713-A43S 7737 PSI /18 KSI = 43%

BR-X-001-720-A53A 5266 PSI /18 KSI = 29%

CC-1-140-707-E63R 5064 PSI /18 KSI = 28%

These changes do not alter' Applicants' conclusions regarding this sample.


For example, the engineer may ignore the existence of an obtuse fillet weld altogether in calculating weld stresses.

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Affidavit at 8 Applicants stated, as follows:

It should be noted that AWS punching shear analysis requirements were. introduced to deal with large tubular structures (e.g., offshore platform supports) with relatively large flange width to flange thickness ratios.

These conditions do not apply to relatively small tubular members used in pipe supports at CPSES. Accordingly, punching shear is not a significant problem at CPSES.

To clarify the second sentence, it should be noted that CPSES pipe supports do not use tubular members that have as high a flange width to flange thickness ratio as those that can exist in offshore platform supports. For example, offshore platforms utilizing the highest ratio for tube steel listed in the 7th Edition of AISC would have tube steels with flange width-to thickness ratios equal to 64. In contrast, the maximum value we have identified in pipe supports at CPSES is 16.

Applicants note that the effects of punching shear on CPSES supports will be included in the Stone & Webster review.

< With regard to the web crippling issue addressed on pages 9-11 of Applicants' affidavit, the NRC Staff has asked for additional evidence that the web crippling effects have been appropriately considered at CPSES. This issue will also be addressed in the Stone & Webster review program.


In a review conducted to provide the NRC Staff more information regarding the issue of punching shear, Applicants identified one support which had a local i stress condition which exceeded the AWS local failure allowable. The support has been modified to correct the overstress condition. The Staff and CASE were (Footnote 13 continued on next page)

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Conclusion v.

'I With the modification to the support noted above (to assure that AWS local failure allowable was not exceeded) Applicants' conclusions in the original affidavit remain unchanged.


Affidavit of R.C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr.

Ragarding Use of Generic Stiffnesses Instead of Actual Stiffnesses in Picing Analysis (May 21, 1984)

Applicants provide below one correction to the affidavit. We also clarify a portion of the affidavit. We note that additional information providing clarification was transmitted by letters to the NRC dated July 16 and September 24, 1984. Stone & Webster will_ address the issue of generic stiffness and its impact on the plant piping and support adequacy.

Affidavit at 5 Applicants stated, as follows:

The accuracy of the stiffness calculations was verified by testing four actual supports . . .

Five supports were actually tested. However, definitive test results for the fifth support were not available at the time the affidavit was filed. Consequently, results of that test were not included in the affidavit. The results of the test for the fifth (Footnote 13 continued from previous page) informed of this support by letter of July 16, 1984, -

r Attachment at 1-3. .

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support are consistent with those obtained for the other four supports. The results of the fifth test, and its history, were provided in Applicants' third partial response to CASE's fifth set of interrogatories re: credibility, filed July 1, 1985 (Question 13).

l Affidavit at 17 Applicants maintain that the use of generic support stiffnesses in piping stress analyses is an acceptable methodology for predicting piping and support loads. There are, of course, varying degrees of precision in generic stiffness assumptions. The analyses relied on in the affidavit indicate that the original generic stiffness assumptions were adequate.

However, subsequent analyses of other piping systems, performed in response to NRC questions after the affidavit was filed, indicate that some supports could experience, when actual stiffnesses:are assumed, load increases which could cause the support to exceed allowable loads. This does not mean that those supports would be incapable of performing their intended functions. Nonetheless, to assess conclusively the adequacy of support designs, Stone & Webster will address this issue in its review.

Conclusion As noted, the conclusions in the affidavit were valid for the analyses reviewed and relied on therein. However, in view of l


l 4

subsequent analyses (also mentioned above), we conclude that further-review of the issue, such as is now being performed by Stone & Webster, is appropriate.

EFFECTS OF GAPS Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding the Effects of Gaps on Structural Behavior Under Seismic Loading Conditions-(May 18, 1984)

On page 6 and 7 of our original affidavit Applicants discussed the term " oversized" in the context of page 5-58 of the i

8th Edition of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction (Attachment C to our original affidavit). The AISC table on this page, as referenced at the top of page 7 of our affidavit is a table of In reading

" maximum sizes" of Standard and Oversized holes.

4 Applicants' statements regarding " oversized" holes, one should understand that any hole greater than the " standard" size hole would be " oversized" in the terminology of the AISC Manual, and ,

the " maximum oversized" holes allowed would be those in the Table. Thus, using the AISC terms the holes Applicants use for 1" and greater anchor bolts would be " oversized," although they are less than the maximum oversize hole AISC lists in the table.

Further, as we pointed out in our october 26, 1984, Reply to CASE's Answer to the motion for summary disposition (pages 5 and 6), this section of the AISC Code actually addresses steel to steel connections. This is apparent from paragraph, 4

which specifically states that for the connectionr. discussed in

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4 the affidavit, i .e., holes in baseplates for anchor bolts in concrete foundations (" column bases" in AISC terminology), even holes larger than those listed in the table may be used.

Thus, on page 7 of the affidavit, to be precise, anywhere the term " oversized" appears it should read " maximum oversized".

Also on page 7, line 17, the phrase "it is 3/16" smaller" should be revised to read "it is 1/8" to 3/16" smaller."

Affidavit at page 8-11 To clarify, the characteristics of the examples given on pages 8-11 were clarified in a letter dated, July 11, 1984, to the NRC Staff, Attachment at pages 1-3.

. Further, for a 1" Richmond with a high strength bolt, and a gap of 1/8 inch, the safety factor based on displaceme.nt would be about 1.8 (i.e. . 22/.125), rather than 2.7 as reported in the affidavit.

Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. In Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition Regarding Effects of Gaps (October 26, 1984)

Applicants have no corrections to this affidavit.

Conclusion None of the conclusions set forth in the affidavits are affected by the above clarification.

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OBE v. SSE CONDITIONS Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti Regarding Alleged Errors Made in Determining-Damping Factors for OBE and SSE Loading Conditions (May 16, 1984)

Affidavit ~at 3, answer 4 Information received subsequent to filing the affidavit indicates.that-in some initial and intermediate stress problem calculations,-i.e., calculations performed prior to final record calculations, Applicants did not employ Regulatory Guide 1.61 damping values. The affidavit could be read to suggest that even for these analyses Applicants used Regulatory Guide 1.61 values.

We clarify this matter below.

Certain initial and intermediate stress calculations for smaller than 12" piping performed by Westinghouse employed

. damping factors different than those specified by Regulatory Guide 1.61. Westinghouse has informed Applicants that all such instances were superseded by final as-built analyses, where spectra associated with the appropriate damping values are used.

' In addition, a few problems analyzed by Gibbs & Hill, consisting of.a mix of large and small diameter piping, have employed'a single damping value. In some instances the chosen value is that' corresponding to the large piping, which is not the most conservative approach that could be taken when following the e

provisions of Regulatory Guide 1.61, although it may still be acceptable depending on the particular piping problem.14 (See 14/ Cygna has reviewed these instances and found them to ,

be acceptable. See Cygna Phase 3 Report, Observation 2 Record, Appendix G, Item PI-00-03.


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Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion Regarding Alleged Errors Made in Determining Damping Factors for OBE and SSE Loading Conditions, dated September 21, 1984, pages 7 and 8, and accompanying Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti at pages 5 and 6).

Regarding the different damping values employed by Westinghouse, at Applicants' request Westinghouse conducted a historical review of the stress problems within their scope of .

work. This inquiry was made because the NRC informed Applicants, subsequent to the filing of our affidavit, that there was an apparent discrepancy between the input data provided by Applicants for problem 1-41 (attached to affidavit) and that presumably reviewed by the SIT for the same problem. They stated that their records indicated that the input data they observed was dated March 29, 1981. (Applicants had been unable to determine in their review for the affidavit how the SIT concluded (SIT Report at 48) that 2 and 4 percent damping had been employed in that analysis, either for the OBE and SSE spectra, or as damping parameters for coupling closely spaced modes.) In view of the Staff's position, Applicants requested that Westinghouse review further the analyses associated with that stress problem.


The images of the inputs for the March 29, 1981 analysis are attached as Attachment A. The inputs of interest are: (1) the

" shock card" values of the parameters employed for coupling of closely-spaced mode combinations, i.e., for OBE, earthquake duration of t=30 seconds and damping parameter equal to 0.01; for

t -.

! SSE,. earthquake duration t=40 seconds and damping parameter equal to 0.02, and (2) the-response spectra'for the analyses, which correspond to:1 and 2 percent damping for OBE and SSE, respectively. .(A copy of the pertinent spectra for this analysis ,

-is also'provided as Attachment B).

By comparing the spectra listed in the images of the inputs j for the Westinghouse analyses (Attachment A) against the pertinent Gibbs & Hill response spectra (Attachment B), one can verify that.the response spectra used in the March 29, 1981,

! ' analysis are indeed the 1 and 2 percent damping spectra of OBE I and SSE, respectively. . Note that the Westinghouse 1 and 2 I percent-damping spectra for problem 1-41 are envelope spectra developed from the Gibbs & Hill response spectra of the

-containment building and the reactor building internal-l structures.15 The input for-this analysis differs in two principal respects from that in the analysis submitted with Applicants' motion for

. summary disposition. (That analysis was provided because it was the only analysis for this stress problem from which we could postulate a reason for the Staff's representation in the SIT 15/ To assist in understanding how the envelope spectra


were developed, we enclose copies of Westinghouse calculation sheets which develop the envelope spectra (Attachment C). Note that for the calculation l_

performed in March, 1981, Gibbs & Hill's unrefined response spectra were made available to Westinghouse as curves. (The refined response spectra used in the more recent calculations submitted with the affidavit in support of the motion for summary disposition were

!. in digitized form.)


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I Report that Applicants employed damping parameters of 2 and 4 percent for problem 1-41.) First, in the analysis submitted with-our motion, the damping parameters for coupling of closely-spaced I

modes were 2 and 4 percent for OBE and SSE, respectively (also, SSE earthquake duration was 30, rather than 40 seconds). Because we provided with our motion output sheets.rather than mirror I images of the input, we are also attaching (as Attachment C) the

-mirror images, plus copies of the Westinghouse calculations that-generated the' envelope spectra for the stress runs, and the Second, the pertinent Gibbs & Hill refined, digitized spectra.

floor response spectra were refined subsequent to the March 29, 1981, analysis and, thus, the refined spectra were utilized in the analysis included with our motion. In sum, from a review of problem 1-41 data we have been unable to determine the basis for the SIT's conclusion that Applicants employed 2 and 4 percent n

damping values for the seismic analysis of stress problem 1-41.

4 To shed further light on the question, we asked Westinghouse

$ to' identify instances in which it may have utilized, in any l

piping seismic analysis, damping factors other than those specified in Regulatory Guide 1.61. Based on discussions with their own personnel, Westinghouse informed us that they did find some instances where damping factors other than those specified

. in the Regulatory Guide were used. These cases had previously been corrected. (There are also the stress problems for which higher damping factors were justified by topical report, as discussed in Applicants' motion for summary disposition.) We summarize the results of the Westinghouse review below.

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o .

For Class 1 auxiliary lines larger than or equal to 12-


1) diameter, which are physically and analytically coupled to the reactor coolant loop  !

("RCL"), there have been numerous instances where response spectra associated with the higher damping factors justified by WCAP-7921-AR, the topical report discussed in the Affidavit (at-6), were included in developing the envelope response spectra-(these cases addressed spectra at elevations corresponding to those of the RCL supports). The envelope spectra in these.

. cases still contained spectra for elevations corresponding to those of the auxiliary line supports, which are based on Regulatory Guide 1.61 damping values.

With the exception of the qualification of stress problem 1-26A, specifically concerning both the

' qualification of valve 1-8701A and the fatigue evaluation of the piping components, this practice was discontinued and the Regulatory Guide 1.61 damping values were used in the final as-built reconciliation calculations initiated in July, 1983.

2) For non-class 1 lines within the Westinghouse scope, higher damping factors (2 and 4, rather than 2'and 3 percent) were used in the analysis of service water system stress problems 1-68A, 1-67S, 2-67S, 1-685, 2-68S, 1-68W, 2-68W, 1-67W, and 2-67W. These lines are 24 and 30 inch lines. This was identified and corrected in May, 1984, when spectra addressing the appropriate Regulatory Guide 1.61 damping values were applied. All design inputs to Texas Utilities were retransmitted and piping.and supports qualification was demonstrated for the revised seismic input definition.
3) For smaller than 12-inch diameter-piping, there were isolated occasions, all since superseded by final as-built analyses, where spectra associated with damping factors different from those specified in Regulatory Guide 1.61 were used. Westinghouse informed us that these isolated occasions (involving the use of 2 and 4 percent damping)'were for the analyses of the accumulator lines (stress problems 1-16A, 1-16B, 1-17C and 1-17D), all performed prior to July 1983). For these analyses, spectra associated with the higher damping factors of the topical report, exclusively at elevations corresponding to those of the RCL supports, were included in the development'of the envelope spectra. The final as-built analyE?s were performed with Regulatory Guide 1.61 spectra.

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In view of the above, it is conceivable that the SIi saw the 2 and 4 percent damping values used in problems other than problem 1-41. However, we can not confirm that those values were used in connection with problem 1-41.

Affidavit at 6, answer 6 It is clear from the preceding that Westinghouse did employ higher damping values than specified by Regulatory Guide 1.61 for stress problems of piping attached to the reactor coolant loop (although not in final record analyses). Applicants hereby modify the statement made on page 6 of the affidavit to reflect that fact.

Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti In Support of Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion Regarding Alleged Errors Made in Determining Damping 1984)

Factors for OBE and SSE Loading Conditions (September 21, Affidavit at page 5 To clarify the statement made in the last paragraph of that page: When the analyst made the decision to analyze a piping stress problem comprised of both small and large diameter piping in " coupled" fashion the analyst should have employed the lowest of the damping factors applicable to the two pipe sizes, in strict accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.61. Such practice would always be conservative. In the instances at issue here the analysts employed the damping value corresponding to the Hence, the preponderant portion of the system being analyzed.


o .

affidavit should have stated "the analyst normally employed" instead of "will normally employ". While this is not necessarily incorrect, depending on the piping problem it may result in a response which is not approprir.*.e, or at least less conservative than using the other approaches.16 Conclusion The conclusions presented in the original affidavit are correct. Specifically, the final analyses of piping systems at Comanche Peak were performed with damping parameters consistent with those recommended by Regulatory Guide 1.61. For those few instances in which mixed size piping was analyzed without decoupling, the most conservative choice of damping parameter may not have been employed. However, Cygna has found those instances to be acceptable.

1 DIFFERENTIAL DISPLACEMENT OF LARGE FRAME SUPPORTS Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding Differential Displacement of Large Frame Pipe Supports (June 22, 1984)

Affidavit at pages 3-5 and Attachment 1 Applicants discussed here "four identical" supports in the service water yard tunnel. To assure there is no 16/ As noted previously, Cygna has reviewed these instances and found them to be acceptable. See Cygna Phase 3 Report, Observation Record, Appendix G, Item PI-10-03.

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misunderstanding, we note that the supports were not identical to the point that every detail on the support drawing was exactly the same on each of the four supports. However, the supports had identical configurations. Thus, the analysis discussed at the bottom of page 4 appropriately evaluated the four supports.

Further, there is one additional wall to wall support not identified in our earlier review. That changes the number 26 at the bottom of page 5 of our Affidavit to 27. Also, on page 6, first line, change 26 to 27, and change 4 to a (the support had a small span (3') and negligible movements). Finally, on Attachment 1, add the following under the ITT supports.

Support Number Remarks CC1-155-013-S43A Small span (3') and negligible seismic motions.

Affidavit of John C. Finneran, Jr. In Support of Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition Regarding Differential Displacement of Large-Framed, Wall-to-Wall and Floor-to-Ceiling Pipe Supports (October 1, 1984)

There are no corrections to this affidavit.

Conclusion None of the conclusions set forth in the affidavits are affected by the above clarification and addition. We note that as with other support design issues, Stone and Webster will reassess this issue as part of their review.


. UPPER LATERAL RESTRAINT Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti Regarding Upper Lateral Restraint Beam (May 20, 1984)

Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti In Support.of Applicants' Reply to CASE's Answer to Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition Regarding the Upper Lateral Restraint Beam (October 26, 1984)

Affidavit; Answer 1 (page 2), Answer 7 (page 16)

At the time the affidavit was prepated, the concern regarding the upper lateral restraint anchor bolt embedments had not been identified. (See Applicants' letter to Licensing Board, February 21, 1985.) Accordingly, the conclusions presented in the affidavit must be viewed from the perspective that the anchorage embedments were assumed to have been constructed as designed.

This concern is being addressed by the CPRT.

Affidavit at 2 In describing the results of finite element analyses performed for this affidavit, the following conclusion was reached:

The results of these analyses confirm that the design of the restraint and the concrete walls which would be affected by the assumed accident conditions is adequate to withstand the postulated loads which are pertinent to this analysis.

In the course of the CPRT review of Gibbs & Hill calculations regarding the upper lateral restraint two questions were raised concerning the assumptions and method of analysis employed in assessing the adequacy of the anchorage of the upper lateral beam

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subjected to the tension load which would occur during the initial phase of the LOCA (before the beam expands thermally).

One particular calculation utilize results of the finite element analysis performed in support of the affidavit to draw conclusions regarding the adequacy of the anchorages. I have reviewed the questioned calculations and concur that further analyses should be performed.17 Consequently, the conclusion stated above, 1.e. that the design is adequate, may not be accurate. I note, however, that the conclusion is correct for those analyses performed specifically to address CASE's concern with thermal expansion -- the two analyses performed to assess long term LOCA and MSLB effects, i.e., when the maximum thermal load on the beam and concrete walls occur. These analyses are not applicable to the LOCA scenario prior to beam expansion when the anchorage is subjected to a pull-out load. The questioned calculation is pertinent to that scenario.

A reanalysis for this case is in progress for the CPRT. I have not reviewed that reanalysis. I cannot estimate what effect it might have on the conclusions presented in the affidavit.

17/ I had not personally checked each and every calculation used in preparing data for the finite element analyses and in processing the results. This calculation is one which I did not check.


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Affidavit, Answer 3 (page 4); Reply Affidavit at page 9 (first paragraph)

In a-meeting on November 13, 1984, the NRC Staff raised certain questions regarding the accuracy of the NASTRAN program relied-on in the affidavits in predicting cracking of concrete at high tensile strengths. (Tr. at 5-32.) Applicants responded to those questions by letter to the Staff dated November 21, 1984.

Applicants explained at that time that the concern regarding the NASTRAN program does not affect the validity of the conclusions presented in the affidavit.

Affidavit at page 5, Answer 4 The reanalyses now being performed under the CPRT may' affect the accuracy of the statement that "significant reductions in mechanical loads" may be taken. This cannot be determined until that reanalysis is completed.

Affidavit at page 6 The ongoing analyses for the CPRT, depending on the assumptions employed therein, may affect the analysis discussed in this portion of the affidavit as it related to the differential-pressure across the walls. Until this analysis is completed I cannot comment on whether there will be, or if so what, an effect on the analysis performed by the affidavit.

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Affidavit at 6, 8 and 10 At page 6, "all mechanical loads reduce to zero in less than 0.5 seconds.'" See my comments on Affidavit at 5, answer 4 above. .

These comments also apply to page 8 " Actual peak mechanical loads occur at 0.2 seconds and are zero at 0.5 seconds and hence . . .

and page 10 "all mechanical loads are reduced to zero within 0.5 seconds," and "(i.e., steam line break reaction loads) are negligible at the time of peak temperature."

Affidavit at 9 and 14 To cl'arify, a 1 psi differential pressure across the wall is strictly speaking not conservative with regard to thermal expansion load on the. beam and concrete since it relieves a negligible portion of the load by causing the wall to expand outwardly a negligible amount. It is, however, conservative with regard to the overall assessment of the concrete wall itself.

Affidavit at 12

. . . calculated stresses in the concrete and . . . well below the conservatively established allowable for mechanical loads." This statement may also be affected by the ongoing CPRT analyses. See discussion regarding Affidavit at 2.

Affidavit at 13 "The reaction loads from the breaks assumed in the present analyses exist for less than 0.5 seconds . . .

. See discussion regarding Affidavit at page 5, answer 4.

l Table 1 The data following may change as a result of the questions raised regarding the assessment of the upper lateral anchorages

! under LOCA Peak Pressure (first column):

l (i) maximum strain in rebar - 0.00076 (ii) displacement at reactor wall end upper = .005 In addition, the values of the other items in the Table may also be affected by the CPRT analysis (see discussion regarding l

Affidavit at 5-6).

Affidavit at page 16, answer 7 For clarification, this conclusion remains correct because it applies to those cases when the upper and lower lateral beams thrust against the wall, i.e., place the wall in compression locally.

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Affidavit in Support of Applicants' Reply t

to CASE's Answer to Applicants' motion for Summary Disposition Regarding The Upper Lateral Restraint Beam (October 26, 1984) (" Reply Affidavit")

Affidavit at 3 The discussion regarding accident scenarios and environmental conditions associated with the LOCA scenario prior to beam thermal expansion may be affected by the CPRT analysis (see discussion with respect to original affidavit at 6).

i Affidavit at 4 Although shear stresses of the bolts (and the beams) were checked, the method of analysis and assumptions utilized in assessing the adequacy of the upper lateral beam anchorage under i pull out load have been questioned and will be reassessed under CPRT. (See discusaion of original affidavit at 2.) The i conclusions drawn from the original analyses could, therefore, be altered.

Affidavit at pages 7 and 10 The statement " . . . . mechanical loads have decreased to insignificance by . . . " may be affected by the ongoing analyses (see discussion regarding original affidavit at page 5, answer 4).


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Affidavit at page 9 I ". . the method of analyses employed correctly accounts for the fact that there is no tensile resistance." The analysis referred to here utilized the NASTRAN program (see discussion of original affidavit Answer 3 (page 4)).

Affidavit at page 10/-11 The statement in the answer at the bottom of page 10 remains accurate even if mechanical long term loads may have changed.

Those changes have not occurred as a result of another break as stated by CASE. That statement is made in specific reply to items 5 and 6 of the Affidavit of CASE Witnesses Jack Doyle and Mark Walsh (page 13).

Conclusion The conclusions set forth in both affidavits on the upper lateral restraint remain valid with respect to the loading condition of specific concern in CASE's allegation, namely the effects of thermal expansion of the beam following an accident.

However, for the reasons mentioned above, the design of the anchorages, as installed, warrants further assessment for those environmental and mechanical conditions which result in a pull-out load at the anchorages.

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  • I CINCHED U-BOLTS i Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding Cinching Down of U-Bolts (June 22, 1984)

General There are 392 U-bolt supports on single struts or snubbers on Unit 1 and common piping. At various places in the affidavit this number is referred to as approximately 380.

Affidavit at page 5, footnote 3 and page 6 (lines 3-4)

Applicants discussed the relationship between A36 and A307 steels in a response to the Board's inquiry, dated December 5, 1984, accompanied by the " Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr., Regarding Board Request for Information Concerning A36 and A307 Steel". Further information regarding the relationship between A36 and A307 steels was provided in the

" Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran Regarding the Licensing Board's December 18, 1984, Memorandum (Reopening Discovery; Misleading Statement)," dated January 7, 1985. As Applicants demonstrated in those affidavits, A36 and A307 steels I

are not necessarily "similar," although in certain applications the steels are, in effect, equivalent because of limitations imposed by specification and design requirements.

c .



In view of this information, Applicants revise footnote 3 to read:

Even though the Board refers to A307 material, the designation of the U-bolt material is SA-36.

and the third line of page 6 to read

the use of SA-36 U-bolts where SA307 bolts are prohibited . . .

Affidavit at page 10

In response to Board questions regarding the randomness and representativeness of the sample taken by Applicants to determine the range of torques which exist in the field, Applicants submitted several responses to the Board's inquiries

, (1) Applicants' Response to Board Request for Information

[ Regarding Cinching Down of U-bolts, October 23, 1984 (2) Applicants' Response to Board Request for Raw Data 7

Regarding Cinching Down U-bolts, November 9, 1984 (3) Applicants' Reply to CASE's Motion Concerning Information Regarding Cinched Down U-Bolts, November 19, 1984 and (4) Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr.,

Regarding the Licensing Board's December 18, 1984 Memorandum, in support of Applicants' Motion for Reconsideration of Licensing Board's Memorandum (Reopening Discovery; Misleading Statement), January 7, 1985 Applicants provided further clarification regarding these questions in a meeting with the NRC Staff on April 22, 1985.

l Applicants provide these references to clarify the intent of

! their statements in the affidavit concerning this topic.

Applicants have not changed their position regarding the l representativeness or randomness of the torque sample.


Applicants note that NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement determined that Applicants' characterization of these samples as random and representative was not a material false statement within the meaning of Section 186 of the Atomic Energy Act.

(See July 19, 1985, Memorandum from Taylor (Director, I&E) to Noonan (Director, comanche Peak Task Force), Enclosure 5 to soard Notification No.85-077 (August 20, 1985).)

Affidavit at page 14, line 2 Revise to read " values of K vary between .22 and 0.4 for Af#idavit at page 34, line 15 In light of the definition of stability employed by the NRC Staff, i.e., motion of support into a position not analyzed or analyzable, and Applicants' decision to apply that standard in subsequent analyses, the conclusion "thus behaving stably"-

would no longer be consistent with use of the Staff's definition.

Therefore, the conclusion should be modified to reflect that fact.

Affidavit at page 35, line 6 Revise to read: " Typical levels to which U-bolts . . ."

Applicants evaluated the torque values for each support based on a general theoretical model verified against th'e tests and finite element analyses described in the affidavit. The precise

values were calculated subcequent to filing the affidavit. Stone and Webster will also review these calculations as part of its assessment of the adequacy of U-bolt support designs.

Affidavit at page 37, lines 9-10 The minimum torque required for stability, i.e., 25 ft. Ib.,

refers strictly to the 4-inch specimen which was tested and analyzed.

Other 4-inch lines will have possible different values of minimum torque depending on the pipe schedule, pressure, temperature and maximum externally applied load. We add this comment for clarification, because the torque required for stability will be (has in fact already been) established for each individual cinched down U-bolt on a single strut or snubber on Unit 1 and common piping.18 Likewise, if the minimum torque computed for any bolt were to exceed or ae very close to a value that would cause unacceptable U-bolt / pipe / cross-piece stresses, that support would be a candidate for modification.

As we committed to do in the original affidavit, Applicants have identified the torques required to assure stability for each U-bolt on single struts or snubbers. Stone & Webster will review this work as part of their review. Consequently, further efforts by Applicants to address this matter will be in the context of that effort.


Stone & Webster will also review these analyses, and modify the same if deemed necessary.

Affidavit at page 40, last paragraph The first sentence of this paragraph should be revised to s


In summary, we conclude that in general torque applications to the U-bolt pipe assemblies can potentially result in high but acceptable local pipe stresses and can further result in high stresses on the U-bolt. In some instances pipe stresses, calculated on an elastic bases, may be unacceptably high even for torque values comparable to those required

! for stability. In such instances, the supports would be candidates for modification.

Applicants make these revisions because the analyses of individual supports performed subsequent to filing, and in ,

> accordance with the commitment in the Affidavit, indicated that for a small number of supports (on large pipes with relatively thin schedule walls) the pipe stresses may exceed Applicants' 19 at torques predicted to be necessary for acceptance criteria stability. This condition will be further addressed in the context of the Stone & Webster review.

Page 42, line 2 Add the words " stresses have been noted in the test."

I 19/ As described in the affidavit, at Attachment 3,Section VII.

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[ I b

Page 42, and of first paragraph For clarification, this statement should be revised to read, l as follows:

l "Different crosspieces are used in different supports. Sometimes the crosspiece consists of tube steel with or without shim plates. In some instances elastic analysis of supports given in Exhibit 1 have indicated high crosspiece stresses at the line of contact between a shimless tube steel and the pipe and/or at the nut surface when a sufficiently large washer is not used. For these instances, candidate modifications of installing shim plates and/or washers are possible. Proceeding with such modifications will, however, be dependent on Stone & Webster review of these supports."

Table r, page 59 The allowable stress for the 32" MS should read "29.13 ksi."

Table I, page 60 and Attachment 3, page 59 This table should_be revised as follows:

Eq. 9 Eq. 9 Eq. 12 Eq. 12 Allow. Allow.

4" Sch. 160 35.1 29.0 10" Sch. 40s 59.9 Same as 14.3 Same as 10" Sch. 80 37.6 Affid. 17.1 Affid.

32" MS 31.3 15.95 These changes are prompted by the fact the during initial  !

preparation of Table I, outside surface secondary circumferential J

stresses were subtracted inadvertently from the inside surface total circumferential stresses. These changes do not alter any conclusions in the affidavit.

Page 66, End of first paragraph For clarification, we note that when developing the torque for each individual support upper bound pipe mechanical moment stresses were employed to simplify the torque calculations.

However, the actual pipe mechanical moment stresses at the location of each support were known and available for use. Thus, when the conservative method described in the affidavit yielded an unacceptable pipe stress because of excessive conservatism, actual pipe moment stresses were employed.

Page 74, line 1 Revise, as follows: "For other sizes, schedules, materials, operating temperatures and pressures, torque values . . . .)

Attachment 1, page 66 Leg 2 (Gauges S4, 511), after creep test and cooldown should read 3516 lb., not 5316 lbs.

l l Conclusion l

The conclusions set forth in the affidavit remain valid. The cinching of U-bolts is a viable means of assuring the stability of the class of supports characterized as U-bolts on single

struts and snubbers. The torque value to be applied depends on each particular support configuration and load experienced by the support. As a result of the additional analyses performed pursuant to our commitment in the Affidavit, we have determined that in relatively few instances the torque required for stability, when combined with other effects, will produce high stresses in the pipe and/or support. These supports will be candidates for modification pending Stone & Webster's assessment of this issue.

AXIAL RESTRAINTS Affidavit of Robert C. Iotti and John C. Finneran, Jr. Regarding Consideration of Force Distribution in Axial Restraints (July 9, 1984)

Affidavit at page 4 Line 11 should be revised to read:

" technique could be very conservative . . .

Subsequent to filing the affidavit Appl. cants determined that under certain geometric conditions of the piping system, axial and rotational displacements are correlated. In these instances, the analyses which account for the rotational constraint may not be conservative, but realistic.

Affidavit at page 4 (lines 12-15) and page 3 (line 21)

In the course of discussions with the Staff and Cygna, the analyses performed for this affidavit were reexamined. This

i .

L x

reexamination indicated that the rotations associated with these supports do not produce self-limiting loads in that loads f '

continue to increase as the applied rotations increase, although l

the rotations are, in fact, limited by the limits of the

! rotation itself (see also Affidavit pages 6-7). Accordingly, we no longer consider application of the ASME Code provisions l

'concerning~self-limiting-loads, as was done in the Affidavit, to be appropriate. Therefore, we have assessed the implications of l

not applying code provisions applicable to self-limiting loads, i.e., use of stress allowables equal to three times the normal

allowable, in the analyses of these restraints. We now conclude that~although modelling the restraints in question as purely axial restraints (i.e., no rotational constraint) is adequate for assessing pipe global stresses, such modelling may not be adequate to assess the adequacy of the support itself or the local stress conditions in the trunnions at their interface with the pipe (i.e., weld to pipe and trunnion stresses).20 Affidavit at pages 6-8 In view of the above reassessment of the application of NF-

' 3231 in this context, the statement on page 8, at the end of first paragraph, is no longer applicable. When normal Code 20/ In the course of the above reexamination, we came to understand-that Cygna's view as quoted in our affidavit (at 3 and 4) was also limited to the pipe global stresses, and was not meant to extend to the support itself or the local stresses.

s { g ' '_

allowables'are applied, 12 out of 114 double trunnion supports exceed allowables. For Type 1 restraints (see Fig. 1 of s

affidavit) no suppo'rts were found to exceed allowables.

'Information relevant to.these conclusions was presented to.the NRC in our letter of September 24, 1984.

To define the implication of our reassessment of NF-3231, we performed an elasto' plastic analysis of one of the 12 supports noted above, one which exhibited one of the highest load increases, to determine the capability of the support to accept the' increased load. The particular support analyzed is FN 018-706-C72K.. The analysis demonstrates that the ductility of the' support distributes the load and that the support is capable i ;l ' of accepting the load.

However, we have not performed similar analyses for the remaining eleven supports, for two reasons.

First, the type of analyses required are sophisticated and only-

- n3

l. applicable on an individual support basis. Thus, it is difficulttoextractgeneralorboundingconclusions,;hence individual analyses of each support would be required. Second, Stone & Webster will reanalyze all of thess supports as part of their review, and will make their own modelling assumptions

, regarding. rotational constraints when performing those analyses.

Thus, further elasto-plastic analyses would not be warranted.

d Affidavit at Page 9, Conclusion s

T)v As previously noted, as a result of our reassessment of


applicable allowables, some supports are stressed beyond those allowables.- I

o .

Affidavit at page 10, last paragraph For clarity, Applicants note that of the twenty-nine supports surveyed, six had only two lugs rather than four lug arrangements. Further, five supports are Unit 2 supports.

Affidavit at page 11, top of page Revise to read, as follows: "In this instance, the deviation was 3/32 inch on one side of the support. In nine other instances, the deviation on one side was 1/16 inch".

Affidavit at page 11, second paragraph Revise to read as follows: "More importantly, we found that in most instances (17 of 29) at least the two closest lugs on ,

either side of the frame are equidistant from the frame, and that when this is not the case, the maximum deviation between the closest and the next closest lug on any one side of the frame is not greater than 1/32 of an inch."

Affidavit at page 11 and page 15-16 To clarify, the elasto plastic analysis conducted for the lugs is not the approach used to design the lugs, nor is it done to defend an existing design. It was done to demonstrate that the standard industry practice of designing lugs by assuming less than full engagement of the lugs, i.e., two of four, or one of two, is an appropriate assumption. That practice inherently

assumes imperfect alignment of the lugs within some tolerance, and relies on the ductility of the material to bring other lugs into play. Obviously, without adequate controls on tolerances the practice would be invalid. Our review demonstrated that at CPSES the tolerance control is satisfactory.

We provide this clarification because the NRC has criticized the use of such sophisticated analyses. Apparently, some misunderstood the purpose for which such analyses were performed. To reiterate, the analyses were done only to demonstrate that the assumptions regarding the lugs are premised on sound engineering principles resulting in a valid industry practice.

Conclusion As discussed above, the position in the affidavit concerning applicable allowables for these axial restraints has been modified. Thus, the overall conclusion presented on page 16 of the affidavit concerning the adequacy of Applicants' design practice should be modified. Specifically, we determined that 12 of 114 double trunnion supports may be overstressed, i.e.

exceed the allowables, when the supports are reassessed accordingly. This does not mean, however, that the supports would not be capable of performing their intended functions.

All these supports will be reexamined by Stone & Webster. None of the above changes affect the conclusion in the affidavit concerning lugs.

RICHMOND INSERTS Affidavit of John C. Tinneran, Jr., Robert C. Iotti and R. Peter Deubler Regarding Design of Richmond Inserts and Their Application to Support Design (June 1, 1984)

Affidavit at Page 25, lines 4 to 20_

Stone & Webster will be reanalyzing these supports as part-of their review effort. They will either accept the present formulatica of the interaction formula or replace it with their own. Accordingly, there is no need to revise this section of the affidavit, except as outlined below.

Affidavit at page 25, lines 6 to 13 In reviewing further the finite element analyses performed for this affidavit, set forth in Attachment E3 of the affidavit, it was noted that the bending stresses predicted by those analyses are the same as those predicted by simple flexure manual calculations. This means that the increase of the interaction ratio by a factor of 1.33, as was done in the affidavit, is inappropriate in that the finite element analyses and the manual method produced the same result. Thus, the manual method is not overly conservative. Accordingly, the interaction ratio factor used to judge the acceptability of the Otherwise, the support is to connection should not exceed 1.33.

be a candidate for further evaluation or modification. As stated above, the actual factor used and the form of the .

Interaction equation will be roriewed by Stone & Webster.

Affidavit at nages 34-40 In response to the NRC Staff's questions at the January 15, 1985, meeting we have reviewed the discussion of the moments in the Affidavit (pages 34-40) and offer the following clarification. First, the first six lines on page 34 should be revised to read, "For pure axial loads, i.e., loads applied to the tube steel between Richmond Inserts in the y direction, the bolt elongation is sufficient to cause loss of contact with the washer, and thus-there is no prying action. Accordingly, the release of the moment about the z axis is the correct way to model the joint". Further, beginning at line 7 of page 34 and continuing to line 15 on page 37, Applicants are discussing the mutual effects of Mx and Mz acting together. Table E is simply a tabulation of loading conditions with varying values for Mx (torsional load) and Mz (FEM). Table F is provided to show that there is no prying action from the Mz moment even in the presence of all the Mx moment loading conditions listed in Table E. In addition, commencing with the words " Analyses indicated" in line 15 on page 37 and continuing through the end of page 38, the discussion concerns only the Mz moment.

Finally, we note that the first two paragraphs on page 39 and Table 2 are a discussion of the Mx moment only. This correction was previously provided to all parties by letter dated August 31, 1984.

b w Affidavit at page 38 - Table G In our verification effort for this affidavit, we determined the the last column in this table should be revised to read 56.22 rather than 42.16. The remainder of the Table remains unchanged. Accordingly, the statement "at least a factor of two," immediately after the Table, should be revised to "about a factor of two".

Table 1, Part A

' We have attached a revised Table 1, Part A (Attachment D).

Verification of the calculations which were the basis for-Table 1 (see page 23 of the affidavit) revealed errors in the table.

They have been corrected in the attached. None of the corrections caused an interaction to go from less than one to greater than one, nor did they change any support from one that required further evaluation (designated as FE in the table) to one that does not require further evaluation. Two supports whose interactions were between 1.0 and 1.75 were affected by the corrections, but in both cases the interactions actually went down. None of these corrections affects the conclusions presented in the affidavit. However, six supports with interaction ratios between 1.33 and 1.75 should be designated as FE. Supports which we designated as FE in Table 1 have been modified to reduce their interaction ratio to less than one (see Section H of the September 24, 1984, letter to the NRC Staff).

Table 1, Part B We have attached a revised Table 1, Part B (Attachment E).

The original Table 1, Part B reported a moment term for each support. This term was not clearly defined in that sometimes it was the moment at the centerline of the tube steel and sometimes it was the moment at the face of the concrete. We have revised the table to consistently make this term the moment at the face of the concrete.

Page 35, Table 3 The second entry under the column " FEM" should be 20,000, and not 25,000.

Conclusion The conclusions regarding the capabilities of Richmond Insert supports set forth in the affidavit remain valid. The change of the interaction ratio value to determine the supports that are candidate for further evaluation from 1.75 to 1.33 adds six more supports to the list of candidates for further evaluation. Stone & Webster will review all supports at issue here.

LOCAL DISPLACEMENTS AND STRESSES s Affidavit of John C. Finneran, Jr.

Regarding Consideration of Local Displacements and Stresses (June 18, 1984)

Affidavit at page 4 Applicants state here that we had identified only one box frame with zero clearance on a piping run with a maximum water temperature more than 200 F. We subsequently identified one more frame on piping with water temperature in excess of 200 F.

The temperature is 243 F. We identified this support to both the NRC and CASE in our letter of December 3, 1984.

Affidavit at page 6 One page 6 Applicants make the following statement regarding their analysis of the support from page IV-17 of CASE's Proposed Findings of Fact.

"By taking this conservative approach we have also effectively bounded the remaining supports on low temperature lines."

The NRC requested further justification for this statement in our meeting of August 8, 1985. Applicants calculated the resultant force for all the remaining box frames and presented the results to the NRC and CASE [by letter dated December 3, 1984.) The results of those calculations indicate that the above statement was not accurate. We determined in calculating the loads for the remaining supports that some would experience higher loads than the support originally believed to be bounding. The loads on these supports were, however, still

acceptable. Regardless, the acceptability of these frames and the resultant stresses will be reevaluated as part of the Stone

& Webster review.

Attachments A, B, C, D& E to original affidavit In our meetings with the NRC on August 8 and 9, 1984, several questions were asked about assumptions made in these calculations. In letters to both the NRC and CASE dated September 24, 1984, and December 3, 1984, Applicants provided answers to those questions and, where appropriate, revisions to some of the original calculations (which confirmed the acceptability of those supports). Regardless, the issue of radial thermal expansion for these type supports will be reassessed by Stone & Webster.

Conclusion None of the ultimate conclusions in the affidavit regarding the adequacy of these supports are changed by the above corrections / clarifications. l I


  1. hT State of Texas County of Somervell-gohn Fn ra J, f'

" Robert C'. Iotti*

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1985.

SCW bw u

/ Bill H o%es My commission expires March 28, 1988.

6 4


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b Attachment A f.

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i o == _ 1 n == Gibbs S Hill.Inc. O , , - ~ .

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                                            &.121sasim incomehonal:428813/234475 7~0     SH Ou)      .50 y(dC g                C$

A c~ co"s=w 086 $ SS& SPdeTLA January 10, 1983 _Mh r ,

                           ,             GTN                .63173
  .                                  .                                                                                                       JAN201983
                           ! Texas Utilities, Generating Company tg L                      .,'
                                       , Post Office Box 1002                                                                               gygg g.,,
                                         ' Glen' Rose, Texas                                    76043                                    STRucMAl, sgudts
. i -
              , i, . Attention:                                                      .Mr. J. B. George Vice President / Project General Manager s

Gentlemen: -

                                                                                                                                               ,               ed
            ',.-                                        'J. , . .                        TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY 4 .,..:
         ' . - .'u                               .              ..              .

G&H PROJECT No. 2323

                                                     ,s                            TRANSMITTAL OF REFINED RESPONSE SPECTRA
                                                              .                  , FOR _ REACTOR. BUILDING INTERNAL STRUCTURE ig                 .;

[.- .- .FRB-8R,'12/82 .

                                -                   ' . .g.-
                                                   . , .         7. -
                                                                              , asn.ancs:              GTT-9193 (11/10/82)
                  ';                      Attached h'erewith, please find Refined Response Spectra Book,
                           ',' FRB-8R, dated December, 1982.                                                    This is the sixth transmittal
c. in accordance.with the pro 3ected schedule of the referenced telex., .
                                                                          .           .s                                  o lN                                       The refined Response Spectra for the Reactor Building Containment
                                   - will be issued during the week of January 17, 1983.

If there are any. questions, please contact E.J. Bond at

                                      . (212)760-5500 d-                    -
                                                                                       .                                    Very truly yours, O                         ]   Kd ]~         F a

g GIBBS & HILL, Inc.

      .                                            a1,              e        m               ua           --

p t. I

                                          .REBa/EJBo/WT:hl                                                            (h Robert I

Project ManagerE. Ballard q . g. l letter

         , . .'; .h      .

CC: APMS (B&R Site) OL 1A

                      ..                                 .H. Harrison                           (TUSI Site) lL 1A.                                                    '
            ?                     .                          o ' "i- s hn an                    (TUSI Site)1L 1A 6 Gah                                    (W-Site)1L 1A R.M. Kissinger(TUSI Site)1L 1A

_R P D n w1ene it.Nt C ) 1 f, 1&

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S E RC OR Bi:: _ J :: \G Is E95:_ S 31 C' LRE f . CCy \C'E " erd

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                                                     . CPSES - REFINED RESPONSE SPECTRA U                                                                                    FOR REACTOR BUILDING INTERNAL STRUCTURE i     ..

Presented herewith are the refined floor response spectra

      **                     for the R.B. Internal Structure (references 2 and 3) based on existing                 response spectra (reference 1) and developed primarily for as-built piping analysis. These response
.* spectra have been refined based upon improved curve smoothing techniques by use of computer, instead of by hand.

Therefore, undue hand smoothing and digitizing have been

      .-                     eliminated. Also,                               improved interpolation has been used at lumped masses based on time history responses. The results are plotted in terms of accelerations versus frequencies for e                       ease of use; The results are presented in figures 125-B through 136-B and 101-8 through 112-B which are summarized in Table nos.2 and e-
3. Also the digitized values of the same spectra are included at the end of the book.
    ;*                       Each figure refers to a specific floor of the building, and contains three curves labeled Ax, Ay and As, which represon't vi                       the spectral accelerations                                         in the           x, y and s orthogonal directions respectively due                                       to the combined effect of three l

i OI simultaneous earthquakes at note that Ax and As are in the north-south in directions respectively the specified % damping. Please while Ay is

                                                                                                                         =d the*ha east-west vertical
    "                         direction based upon the plant's general coordinate system.

f* spectra presented in this report include the coupling All

                            effects of non-syssetric structure. The curves shown are for
         -                    the most critical                                  location of the floor, considering the l

i i s. combined effect of translation a.nd rotation. e-


1. "Instructure Response Spectra for Internal Structure of
    .-                        R.B," Gibbs & Hill                   report no. FRB-6R, August 1976.
2. "TUSI - Refined Respons's Spectra for R.B. Internal
    -                         Structure," calculation book no. FRB-3C, Rev. O                                                                                   ,
3. "TUSI - Computer output for R.B. Internal Structure,'

computer output file no. FMI-1P Set 6, Rev. O. s. I / /

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_ A\~ \ I - G :: 3 3S & JECEVSE9 '82 i. s - , - . - - - - ry- - .i S Gibbs S Hill. Inc. ) 11 Pom maza New Wwn. New Yort 10001 212 Teien. m 4438 Domeshe:127636/968694 tritemahorial: 428813/234475 A Cravo Cornoarty g January 18, 1983 I . Oy GTN - 63 341 .D,Y[) ' I ~ s Texas Utilities Generating Ccmpany [J FE80 31983  ! Post office Box 1002 d, ) Glen Rose, Texas 76043 2m ~ COMANCHE PEAM Attention: Mr. J.S . C-eorge STRUCTURAL SERVICES Vice Pres:. dent / Project General Manager h .z : Gentlemen: TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY COMANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATION G&H PROJECT NO. 2323 TRANSMITTAL OF REFINED RESPONSE SPECTRA N FOR CON *AINE NT BUILDING. FRB -7R . 12/92 -m. REITRENCE: GTT-9193 (11/10/82) Attached herewith, please find Refined Response Spectra Bcok, FRS-7R, dated December, 1982. This is the seventh transmittal in accordance the projected schedule of the referenced telex. If there are any questions, please contact E.J. Bond at I (212)760-5500. Very truly yours, GISBS & HILL, I5c. ,n . f}rt Y Ro E. Ballard i Project Manager j g un j' p. RE3a/EJBo/WT:hl 1 letter \ CC: ARMS (B&R Site) OL 1A H. Harrison (TUSI Site)1L 1A G. Erishnan (TUSI Site)lL 1A C. GM Q. (TUSI Site)lL 1A .. . Kissinger (TUSI Site)lL 1A A.T. Parker (WNES , Pitts) 3L 1A ws' Orov5 = - . / , /I

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(LOOR RESPollSE SPICIRA bOR 1/2SSE; COMPONENI AM 3 DAMPONG = 0.08 1000.50 FEET AT ELEVATION No. Of SPECTRA = 1 flGURE No. 1830-B DIRECil0N I DAMPlNG VALUE = 0.010 OtGREE Of FREEDOM = 1 NUMBER of GRIDS = 27 0.36095 BROADENED SPECTRUM TOR NODE =ll30 1.0228 0.24749 4 1.0714 0.9000 0.20576 2 -0.9783 0.23937 3 8 3.4000 0.52445 5 1.1842 0.40088 7 1.2500 0.47306 l* 5 1.1250 0.39835 6 1.7300 1.56610 12 2.0000 5.02801 1.5300 0.81136 to 1.6800 1.28083 II 16 3.8009 4.33000 9 3.0000 4.66597 IS 3.4000 4.66597 13 2.3384 5.02801 14 19 7.7920 2.22986 20 8.0763 2.22986 4.2308 2.38100 18 7.5497 2.38264 24 13.7500 1.03280 17 22 18.2820 1.35330 23 11.8535 1.20659 28 8.9100 1.35330 0.43242 27 39.5000 0.40524 25 15.8273 0.70505 26 27.5000  ; I SET No. = 3 lust-REflNIO Rf SPONSE SPICIRA f 0R CONI AINMENT SLDG. f&00R RtSPONSE SPECIRA IOR 1/2SSE; COMPONENI AM ; DAMPING = 0.0% AT ELEVAT104 950.58 FEET No. Of SPECIRA = 1 flGURE NO. 1931-8 DIRECil0N 1 DAMPONG VALUE = 0.080 0(GREE Of FREfDOM = l NUMBER Of GRIDS = 27 0.32299 BROAD (NfD SPECIRUM 90R N00E=Il38 l.0228 0.22079 4 1.0714 , 0.9000 0.18793 2 0.9783 0.28542 3 0.40203 8 1.4000 0.44514 } 5 6 1.1891 0.34778 7 1.2500 3.87497 5 1.1250 0.34771 1.02504 13 3.7300 1.24922 12 2.0000 g 9 l.5300 0.68362 to 1.6800 3.6666 3.59091 16 4.2308 2.04400 3.0000 3.59091 15 1.81553 13 2.3384 3.87497 14 19 7.8577 1.81553 20 8.0761 2.04372 18 7.8572 1.88685 24 13.7500 0.87193 17 7.5497 1.08493 23 11.8535 0.96997 8.9166 1.08493 22 II.2820 0.31334 21 26 27.5000 0.35255 27 39.5000 25 15.8273 0.59236 I SE1 NO. = 4 IUSI-REllNED RESPONSE SPl~CIRA IOR CONIAINM(Nf 8LDG. f.100R RLSPONSE SPECIRA 40R 1/2SSE; COMPONENT AM ; DAMPING = 0.01 AT ELEVAT10N 905.75 FEET NO. Of SPECIRA = 1 ficuRE No. 1932-8 DIRECil0N I DAMPI NG VAL UE = 0.010 DECREE of IRfEDOM = 1 NUMBER Of GRIDS = 26 0.28890 BROADINID SPECIRUM TOR NODE =ll32 1.0228 0.19642 4 1.0784 0.17192 2 0.9783 0.19391 3 0.33824 8 l.4000 0.37393 I 0.9000 1.1998 0.30225 7 1.2500 2.83958 5 1.1250 0.30225 6 1.7300 0.96466 12 2.0000 0.56893 10 1.6800 0.79535 Il 2.62547 16 4.2308 1.73940 9 1.5300 3.0000 2.62547 15 3.6666 8.44347 l 13 2.3384 2.83951 14 39 7.8742 1.44347 20 8.0763 e 1.73943 18 7.8572 1.48217 0.72808 24 15.8273 0.49188 17 7.5497 II.2820 0.84428 23 13.7$00 i 23 8.9249 0.84428 22 0.23545 27.5000 0.28137 26 39.5000 l 25 I ' SET No. = 5 l IUSI-RE f lNED RESPONSE SPICIRA f 0R CONI AINMENT StDG, DAMPING =-0.01 ,) I j fl00R RLSPONSE SPECIRA IOR l/2SSE; COMPONENT AM 3 AT ELEVATION' 860.00 FEET No. Of SPECTRA = u IICURE No. 1833-8 DIRECil0N I , DAMPING VALUE = 0.030 DIGREE of FREEDOM = 1 NUMBER of GRIDS = 26 1.0784 0.25454 BROADENID SPICIRUM IOR N00E=ll332 1.0228 0.17236 4 ' 0.15559 0.9783 0.17197 3 0.27387 8 1.2857 0.27377 1 0.9000 6 1.2165 0.25586 7 1.2500 3.0000 3.64025 5 1.1250 0.25586 8.78281 13 3.3584 1.78281 12 0.67430 le 2.0000 4.42902 16 7.857 1.14 9 8.7000 44 3.9285 1.42902 15 7.5497 20 g48.2820 Q7.7032l 13 3.6666 8.64025 _l.06379 19 8.1378 0.70328 1.06379 la 8.0763 24 27 3000 ~ 6:2098 47 7.8937 0.68305 22 13,7500 0.58 tilt 23 15.6273 ~' O.)679E3 gu 21 13.6897 26 39.6000 0.16710 IO 25 36.3036 0.17562 f i a ~ - . . . . _ . - - a f .v! ./ . DfCRf E of fitf f DON = 2 NUM8(H of GR10S = 24 DAMPING VAIDE = 0.050 SHOADINID SP1CIRUM ION N00f=ll32 1.0714 0.16082 4 1.2905 0.16082 . 1.0000 0.10543 2 3.0233 0.10543 3 0.24433 1 0,88178 6 1.3537 0.23715 7 1.4062 0.24433 8 1.5576 5 3.3235 2.0000 3.98187 12 4.1195 1.01088 9 8.6078 0.26889 to I.6667 0.32361 il 6.9398 2.93527 13 5.1049 2.17295 14 5.4714 2.46070 IS 6.7522 2.46070 16 2.93527 38 10.6383 2.72358 19 11.0603 2.38553 20 11.6897 2.38553 IT 8.4818 23 27.5000 0.39164 24 39.5000 0.34036 28 13.0482 1.27590 22 15.0273 1.27590 I ,y. -- S[i 800. = 12 IUSI-REflNfD HESPONSE SPICIRA f0R CONIAINHEIII 8tDG. ) ILOOM RESPONSE SPECIRA 10R t/2SSE; COMPONENI AY ; DAMPING 4 0.01 No. Of SPECTRA = 1 flGORE NO. 1833-8 DlHECT10N 2 ATELEVAT10Nz;{660.00#ELT DIGREE Of IRifDOH = 2 puMBE R '0F -CRIDS = 23 DAMPlNG VAlUE =- 0.010 DHOADINED SPICIHUN IDH N00C=ll33 3.0238- 0.10485 4 1.0714 0.15792 0.9000 0.10359 2 0.9783 0.10415 3 1.4062 0.23237 1 6 1.3235 0.17572 7 l.3637 0.22840 8 5 1.2946 0.45792 1.6667, 0,28251 12 2.0000 0.80256 9 0.23237 10 1,6071.. 0.23834 11 - 2.26258 Ch.7500 __ 'O.9267?s 15 '4.1270 0.92674. 16 5.4748 13 1.5607 ____lIDB w3.5154 14 12.7266 1.06226 17 6.6869 r.2625 18 (0.7041 2.027343 19 110.0000 ~ ~ 2.0273% ? 20 24 15.0273 1.06226 22 f).5000^- 0.29595 23 39:5000 ---- - - 0.e547 3 I SEI NO. = 13 IUSt-RiflNID RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR CONIAINHfMT BtDG. fl00H RESPONSE SPECIRA 10R 1/2SSE; COMPONENI AY ; DAMPING = 0.08 NO,lDi SPECIRA = flCURE No. 1834-8 DIRiciloN 2 AT EffVAil0N 805.50 fffT -1 2 NUMBER Of GRIDS = 22 DAMPlNG VALUE = 0.010 HMOADINf D SPECTRUM IOR N0Dfall34 DECREE of IRifDON = 4 1.0784 0.35599 0.80867 2 0.9783 0.10325 3 1.0247 0.10323 l 0.9000 0.16945 1.3637 0.21929 8 1.6325 0.21980 5 1.3009 0.15599 6 1.3235 7 4.1401 0.83080 0.59509 10 3.5237 0.59509 il 3.7500 0.83010 12 9 2.0000 S.02667 15 7.5568 1.20307 16 10.6383 1.20307 13 5.4711 2.02667 14 6.6869 13.6000 0.81478 0.86519 18 11.6897 0.82918 19 13.7571 0.88471 20 17 11.2820 0.18002 21 27.5000 0.18711 22 39.5000 l SLI No. = I4 IUSI-HfilNID HISPONSE SPICIHA IDH CONIAINHtNI 8tDG. ftOOH HISPONSE SPfCIHA 90H I/255t; COHPONENI AY ; DAMPlNG = 0.01 No. Of SPICIRA = 1 flCUHL No. Il35-H DIRICilON 2 AT ELEVATION 783.58 fitt 2 NUNSfA Of GR8DS a 30 DAMPlNG VAlu[ = 0.010 DHOADINip SPIClHUM IOR NOD [=ll35 DIGHtE of fMffDON = 1.0714 0.15446 2 0.9783 0.10233 3 1.0253 0.10233 4 1 0.9000 0.10092 1.3637 0.25282 8 1.6896 0.28282 5 1.1047 0.15446 6 8.3235 0.86465 7 1.9129 0.34693 1.8000 0.30913 II. l.8750 0.34629 12 9 8.7308 0.25166 to 2,4411 0.38320 16 2.5000 0.40716 13 2.0962 0.34693 14 2.1429 0.38320 35 20 3.5102 0.54540 18 2.8825 0.48615 19 3.0000 0.54140 57 2.6882 0.40716 0.78051 23 5.4718 1.86960 24 6.6869 3.86960 21 3.7500 0.7805I 22 4.1603 28 14.0000 0.71858 0.87368 26 10.6383 0.87368 27 12.2958 0.71858 25 7.9538 0.14938 , 29 27.5000 0.15316 30 39.5000 Sti NO. = 16 IUSI-HfflNID RESPONSE SPECIMA IDH CONIAINMINI BtDG. ft00M RESPONSE SPECIRA f0H 1/2SSt; COMPONENI A2 ; DAMPlNG = 0.01 No Of SPECTRA = I IICURL NO. Il30-H DIRiciloN 3 AI [LEVATION 1000.50 f((I NDHofM Of CRIDS = 16 DAMPING VAluE = 0.080 DHOADtNED SPIC 1 HUN 10H N00 fall 30 DfGHf E of fitf f 00H a 3 4 1.7300 l.56904 2 l.2500 0.47396 3 1.5200 0.88200 1 0.9000 0.20441 3.0000 4.68086 8 3.4200 4.68086 2.0000 5.02959 6 2.3179 5.02959 7 9.6983 l.50687 5 4.2308 2.16243 Il 5.5000 2.16243 42 9 3.8009 4.19000 10 27.5000 0.42352 16 39.5000 0.48320 11.8535 1.50687 14 13.7500 1.02779 15 09 13 1 -4' " ~~ - - _ , , / ~ ./ , SET NO. = 17 TUSI-NfflNfD RESPONSE SPEC 1RA IOR CONIAINMfMI 8tDG. (LOOR RLSPollSE SPECIRA IOR t/2SSE; COMPoll(NI AZ ; DAMPillG = 0.08 950.58 FEET No. Of SPECTRA = 1 ( flGURE No. 1131-8 OIRECil04 3 Al ELEVAllou t NUM8ER of GNIOS = 24 DAMPING VALUE = 0.010 DiGHEE Of IREEDOM = 3 4 1.0714 0.32481 0.22168 BROAOINED SPECIRUM FOR N00E=ll31 0.21600 1.0228 0.9000 0.18725 2 0.9783 3 0.40279 8- I.3235 0.44705 l 1 6 1.1898 0.34878 7 1.2500 3.87595 5 1.1250 0.34875 2.0000 3.87595 82 2.3379 9 1.5200 0.68408 to 1.1000 1.25882 Il 16 4.5000 1.94357 3.4200 3.60205 'l5 3.8009 3.26000 13 3.0000 3.60205 14 19 7.8572 1.34530 20 9.6983 1.29424 l 5.5000 1.94357 18 6.1484 1.34110 24 39.5000 0.33739 {

17 22 13.7500 0.86727 23 27.5000 0.34560


  • DfGREE Of fMffDOM a 3 pHOADINED SPICIHUM 10H NODEall32 1.0228 0.19750 4 4.0714 0.29031 0.17185 2 0.9783 0.19442 3 1.3235 0.37579 l 0.9000 6 1.1997 0.30329 7 1.2500 0.33889 8 5 1.1250 0.30329 2,0000 2.83993 12 2.3379 2.83993 1.5200 0.56923 10 1.7700 0.96697 Il 16 3.9285 1.72903 9

3.6666 2.63389 15 3.8009 1.91106 13 3.0000 2.63389 14 19 5.5000 1.74728 20 6.1882 1.19362 4.4915 1.72903 18 4.5000 8.74728 24 39.5000 0.26931 17 22 13.7500 0.72313 23 27.5000 0.27562 21 18.8535 1.47133 k I ' SCI No. = 19 l 8(DC. . I tuSI-Rif lNE D RESPONSE SPECIRA FOR CONI Al4 HEME,A* O ING = 0.01 1 ruar' 60.00 TEET NO. Of SPECIRA = 1 l fl00R HISPONSE SPfCIRA IIGURE NO. 1833-R 50R DIR1/2SStl CTION COMPONENT 3 ) A NUMB (M Of GRID 19' DAMPING VAfDE = 0.010 - pHOADINED SPICTHUM IOR NODE =ll33 ilGHEE l of IMEEDOM = 3 4 1.0714 0.25583 0.9183 0.37240 3 1.0228 0.87285 0.9000 0.15614 2 1.2500 0.27370 8 1.2857 .0.27314 , i 1 0.25695 6 1.2174 0.25695 7 379 f.78261..7 5 l.1250 2.0000 1.78267 12 s2 l (1 g535 1.6200 0.56255 . 11 9 1.3235 0.10308 to 1.54728 15 6.2182 1.04593 16 .04597]) I 4.5000 1.54728 14 5.5000 0.20108 il 27.5000 0.20883 19 39.5000  !

, il 13.7500____ 0.57603'%s 18 l

SE1 NO. = 20 IUSt-Rff lNf D HESPONSE SPf CIRA # 0R CONI AINHLNI 8tDC. i ILOOR HLSPONSE SPECIRA BOR 1/2SSE; COMPON(NI AZ ; DAMPING Al ELEVATION= 0.08 805.50 FEET No. Of SPECTRA = l flCURE NO. 1134-8 DIRECil0N 3 I NUMBER Of CRIOS = 23 OAMPlNG VALUE = 0.010 , DfGHEE of IR[fDOM = 3 0.14619 4 1.0714 0.21488 DROADfNfD SPECIRUM FOR N00fstl342 0.9783 0.14619 3 1.0246 0.32547 i 1 0.9000 0.13t44 0.23677 7 8.3637 0.31232 8 1.4062 1.3194 0.21418 6 8.3235 0.43657 12 8.9129 0.57833 1 5 10 1.6667 0.33028 la 3.7308 4.8000 1.30968 l 9 1.660I 0.32547 0.64445 15 4.0909 0.64445 16 2.0932 0.57813 14 2.1429 0.89657 20 13.7500 0.45088 i 13 6.0472 0.89657 19 10.8000 IF 5.5000 1.30968 la 0.14206 23 39.5000 0.12647 25 15.8273 0.36407 22 27.5000 1 SET NO. = 28 a IUSl-HillNfD RISPONSt SPICIRA 90H CONIAINHINI B4DG. NO. Of SP(CIRA = 1 ILOOH RLSPONSE SPIC 1HA SOH l/2SSt; COMPONINI AZ ; DAMPING Al ELEVAll0N= 0.01 783.58 (EET IIGURE No. 1835-8 DlHfCil0N 3 DAMPlNG VAIUC e 0.010 DI GHE E Of I Hf ( DOM = 3 NUNHfR Of GRIDS = 20 -1.0714 0.20319 BROADINLD SPECIHuM IOR N00 tall 352 1.0254 0.13558 4 0.12981 0.9783 0.13558 3 0.29969 8- 1.7068 0.29969 1 0.9000 6 1.3637 0.28930 7 1.4062 4.0909 0.59939 0.20319 i 5 1.3248 3.7500 0.47743 12 0.32871 10 1.9129 0.44447 il 0.79130 86 10.8000 0.80850 . 9 1.7308 1.89533 15 5.9841 0.09718 tu j 4.8000 1.19533 14 5.5000 27.5000 0.11131 20 39.5000 13 0.38443 18 15.8273 0.30625. 19 L'\ \ Il 13.7500 ' .w .n. ,, , - .- .- --n-- - .. - _ . . __ a p 4.l s . B f Geo@c@c  : - C@eNM*=c e = N = O-= NMN cea sc4 m - NN=mesm NcP=MSNe4 C N == @4 p.m ww4 = 6'@ M @ =C MCN e @ ~ m **

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N 2 E = c @ M m= = 3=.=. ===NN C == == N N s=== S = == N N N ===.#. g s= == N wi C ===== = = = = a. n-, n . _ - , - , -- c. sjh * ) 0.20286 3 1.0714 0.26314 4 1.2262 0.26314 1 0.9000 0.19073 2 l.0228 0.37821 8 8.4629 0.37828 5 1.2500 0.27725 6 8.2909 0.27725 7 l.3637 12 2.0000 1.42259. I 0.40076 10 1.6071 0.45809 il I.6667 0.53063 9 8.5000 1.12259 IS 4.0909 1.79225 16 5.1049 3.23238 s 13 2.3379 1.12259 14 3.4616 2.95000 20 10.6383 2.88482 I 3.48145 6.5671 3.48845 19 8.4818 0.60738 17 5.3731 la 1.72736 23 15.0273 1.12736 24. 27.5000 5* 21 13.6897 2.45544 22 12.9664 25 39.5000 0.55641  ! i SET NO. = 12 IUSI-RiflNtp RESPONSE SPfCIRA IDH CONIAINMENI SLDG. ' ft00N RISPONSE SPICIRA f0R SSE; COMPONENT AY

  • DAMPfilG - FEET 110. Of SPECIMA = 1 fICURE NO. 1109-8 DIR[CilON AT E i 2 NUM8(R Of GMTiiS = 27 DAMPillG VAtJE = 0.020 DHOADINED SPECINUM IDH NODEntt09 DfCHIE Of IRffDON = 0.25829 4 1.2305 0.25829 0.18762 2 1.0228 0.19989 3 1.0714 1 0.9000 3.3637 0.36562 8 1.4883 0.36562 5 1.2500 0.26908 6 1.2922 0.26908 7 2,0000 0.93529 1.6078 0.41030 Il _l.6467 0.47091 12 9 1.5000 0.37094 10 ~4.0909 '1.54461 13 %_1 3141 '3 14 31 4616 0.97823 w 35 sJLJ100_- . 2.75768 l.4377) 7 16 20 3.3731" 3.25 2.5196f) % 18 4 R1hl. 2.5196f5 19 5.1049 17 s4 7600 ~~ 0.91129' 3.21082 22 O .ZG41' 2.161963 23 410.6383 2.18496' 24 12.5646 4.44701 28 6.5678 O.47132 27

~ 39.5000 ~ - 0.42896 25 15.0273 1.44701 26 27.5000 I SEI NO. = 13 IUSB-Hf f lN[D RESPONSE SPECINA TOR CONI AIMMENI 8tDG. fl00H ktSPONSF SPECIMA IOR SSf; COMPONENT AY ; DAMPING = 0.02 805.50 f ff f NO. Of SPECIHA = 1 flCUHE NO. tilo-B DIRECliON 2 AT ELEVATION 2 NUM8(R Of CRIDS = 34 DAMPlNG VAlu[ = 0.020 ' DROADINf D SPICIRUM 10H NODf allio htCHIE Of IREEDON = 0.25555 4 1.2401 0.2$555 0.18401 2 8.0228 0.19662 3 1.0714 0.35268 I 0.9000 0.26053 3.3637 0.35268 8 1.5680< 5 1.2500 0.26053 6 f.2937 7 2.0000 0.72553 12 2.1322 0.72553 8.6071 0.36005 to 1.6667 0.40803 Il 3.0000 0.86793 l 9 2.3684 0.78563 35 2.8525 0.81288 16 13 2.1429 0.73405 14 3.7500 1.29651 20 4.0909 1.34762 3.3281 0.86793 IS 3.4616 0.90474 19 24 5.3731 2.88859 il 22 5.0378 2.14883 23 5.1049 2.29563 21 4.7000 2.18813 27 10.6383 1.34928 28 11.2820 1.12976 6.5674 2.88859 26 7.9783 1.34923 l.12010 25 38 12.2958 l.12030 32 85.0273 29 11.6897 1.11718 30 12.2846 l.88798 27.5000 0.33369 34 39.5000 0.32622 33 1 SEI NO. = 14 luSI-ItffINtp HESPONSE SPLCIHA IOR CONIAINM(MT 8tDG. ft00H RLSPONSE SPICIRA l0H SSl; COMPONENI AY ; DAMPING = 0.02 AT ELEVATION 783.58 FEET No Of SPECIMA = 1 IICURL No. Illi-B OBRfC110N 2 NUH8f R Of CRIDS = 32 DAMPlNG VAI GE = 0.020 OtCHit of IRitDON = 2 0.25308 DHOAIMNip SPICIHL*H IDH N00Eallin 3.0714 0.25308 4 1.2496 0.18266 2 1.0228 0.19414 3 1.3637 0.34859 1 0.9000 1.2933 0.25328 7 1.3235 0.29286 8 5 1.2500 0.25321 6 0.34210 11 1.8000 0.47319 12 1.8750 0.50576 9 1.6656 0.34159 to 1.6667 0.54282 16 2.8825 0.71784 0.50576 14 2.1429 0.54282 15 2.3249 1.22362 13 2.0573 0.78381 19 3.4696 0.84899 20 3.7500 IF 3.0000 0.78381 is 3.2475 1.90495 24 5.1049 2.15054 l.23390 22 4.7000 1.90495 23 5.0083 10.6383 1.01303 21 4.0909 6.5671 2.68380 27 8.1427 l.08303 28 25 5.3731 2.68380 26 27.5000 0.27965 32 39.5000 0.27538 52.2951 0.98738 30 15.0273 0.98738 38 29 I Sil No. = 16 IUSI-HfflNfD HISPONSI SPECIHA 80H CONIAINHINI BLDC. fl00M HISPONSF SPICIRA 10H SSl; COMPONINI Al ; DAMPING = 0.02 Ai ft[VAll0N 1000.50 ftti NO. Of SPECIHA = l IBCUHf NO. Il06-p DikiCI10N 3 DAMPING VABUE = 0.020 DICHEE Of fHitDOM = 3 NUMBER Of GRIDS = 28 0.66049 b DHOAntNiD SPECIHUN IDH NODfal106 1.0714 0.58027 4 1.1250 2 1.0228 0.44536 3 8 8.7200 2.47303 t/

1 0.9000 0.360/8 6 1.3500 0.90050 7 1.5000 1.32766

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p m 3 s= c @ m P**= a ====N 2 .e > = - 3 == - N N -2. 3 - == N N - ta= ==.=N == = . - - - . , , , - - ,, -,. -. . . - _ _ _ _ , - ,, - ,_- _n.. - -- . . - . - - , . . . - , i Attachment D e \ = - TABLE 1 l'of 5 , PART A SUPPORT 'IUBE STEEL ECCENTRICITY BOLT SIZE INSERT BOLT 1%RK PD. SIZE INTERACTION INTERACTION . AF-1-006-010-S33R 8 x 4 x 3/8" 1 3/4" 1" .51 2.45 EE OC-1-008-013-S33K 8 x 4 x 1/2" 7/16" 1" 1.53 4.32 EE CC-1-197-005-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .21 .924 CI'-1-197-014-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 13/2" .196 .3876 CC-1-197-019-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/8 11/2" .32 .53 CC-1-197-020-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .143 .309 CC-1-197-034-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/16 1 1/2" .19 .89 CC-1-204-003-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .239 .673 T-1-205-016-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .26 .779 CC-1-206-001-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .259 .779 OC-1-207-014-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .029 .171 OC-1-207-021-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .1 .38 OC-1-212-001-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/8 1 1/2" .12 .70 OC-1-215-032-C53R ~4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .07 .30 CC-1-215-033-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .04 .17 OC-1-217-003-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .21 .43 CC-1-217-012-C53S 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/8" 11/2" .10 .995 OC-1-218-009-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .15 .33 OC-1-218-010-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .011 .07 OC-1-218-012-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/8" 1 1/2" .17 .37 OC-1-218-013-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .223 1.74 OC-1-218-014-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" 0.17 .38 OC-1-226-004-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .31 .61 CC-1-226-005-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .13 .42 T-1-227-003-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .26 .56 CC-1-231-002-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .015 .06 OC-1-233-001-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/4" l 1/2" .084 .7 . OC-1-233-004-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 13/2" .073 .27 CC-1-234-016-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .12 .45 OC-1-237-001-C53R OC-1-235-001-C53R 0 13/2" .17 .41 OC-1-237-004-C53R CC-1-233-001-C53R - - - 1/4 13/2" .03 .30 OC-1-239-005-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" l OC-1-239-008-C53R CC-1-233-001-C53R - - - FE - Raguires Further Evaluation ~ - - - _ - . - _ - .__.- . TABLE 1 2 ef 5 PART A S SUPPORT TUBE SPEEL ECCENTRICITY BOLT SIZE INSERT.- BOLT MARK NO. SIZE INrERACTION INTERACTION OC-1-242-002-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/8" 1 1/2" .03 .32 - OC-1-242-003-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2" 1 1/2 .02- .32 OC-1-245-010-C53R 4 x'4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2 .10. .38 OC-1-245-018-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2 .03 .16 OC-1-249-003-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2 .26 .35 OC-1-249-700-C53R 3 x 6 x 5/16" 0 1 1/2" .12 .48 OC-1-255-007-C53R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 3/8 1 1/2" .37 1.17 OC-1-271-008-C53R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 -1 1/2" .26 .81 OC-1-272-008-C53K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .024' .176 T-2-040-401-A33K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/16 1" .27 .52 OC-2-040-405-E33R 6 x 4 x 1/2" 0 1" .54 1.723 OC-2-048-402-A33R 6 x 6 x 1/2" 0 1" .52 .70 OC-2-048-403-A33R 6 x 6 x 1/2" 0 1" .08 .52 CC-2-048-408-A33K 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1" .29 1.17 OC-2-105-406-E23R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1" .06 .43 OC-2-107-403-E23S 4 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1" .23 .58 G-1-001-003-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .008 .058 G-1-001-Oll-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 13/2" .16 .44 G 001-012-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 'O 1 1/2" .36 .61 G-1-001-024-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .15 .45 G-1-001-027-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 13/2" .15 .386 CS-1-001-035-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .24 .67 CS-1-012-003-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .11 .39 CS-1-077-004-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 13/2" .0315 .1498 G-1-077-005-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/16" 1 1/2" .03 .30 G-1-077-006-C42R 4 x 4 x 1/4" O l 1/2" .05 .31 G-1-078-003-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .20 .93 G-1-078-018-C42K 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .048 .43 G-1-079-006-C42R 6 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .062 .6 - G-1-079-007-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .24 . 67 G .1-079-020-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .13 .51 i - G-1-079-037-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/4 13/2" .09 .64 CS-2-033-408-A42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .037 .073 1" .06 .31 I G-2-085-402-A42S 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/8 Cr-1-018-005-S22R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1" .17 .39 Cr-1-038-003-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .037 .15 CT-1-038-402-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .037 .15 FE - Requires Further Evaluation m . TABLE 1 ' 3'of 5 PART A ., SUPPORT 'IUBE STEEL EOCENTRICITY BOLT SIZE IN$ERT BOLT MARK bO. SIZE INTERACTION INTERACTION - i Cr-1-038-415-C62R 6 x.6 x 3/8" 1". 1" .07 .83

  • CP-1-038-430-C62K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/4 11/2" .25 .59 CP-1-038-431-CS2R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .053 .18 CT-1-039-008-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .07~ .21
Cr-1-039-020-C42R 4 x 4 x 1/2" 1/2 1 1/2" .112 .81 l Cr-1-039-402-C42S 5 x 5 x 3/8" 13/16 11/2" .02 .17
CP-1-039-405-C42S 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .2 .144 CP-1-039-407-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .19 .31 i CF-1-039-413-C42A 10 x 6 x 1/2" 0 1" 1.4 3.03 FE Cr-1-039-415-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" . 24 .93
Cr-1-039-424-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1". .28 .69 i Cr-1-039-432-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/8 11/2" .09 .086 ,

l Cr-1-039-433-C42K 4 x 4 x 1/4" 0 1 1/2" .358 .506

CP-1-039-434-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .209 .477
CP-1-039-435-C42K CP-1-039-402-C42S - - - -

i Cr-1-039-436-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/16" 1 1/2" .07 .58 Cr-1-039-445-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1" .21 .82 Cr-1-039-447-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1" .351 .99 CP-1-051-406-C72K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2" 11/2" .024 .285 Cr-1-053-408-C62R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" 2.13 3.88 FE Cr-1-053-418-C62R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" 1.48 4.12 FE Cr-1-054-401-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/4 1" .17 1.26

Cr-1-054-404-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2 1 1/2"- .083 .616
Cr-1-054-406-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1 13/32 1 1/2" .04 .3 l CP-1-054-409-C42K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .26 .364 4

Cr-1-054-413-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1/2 1 1/2" .09 .86 Cr-1-054-420-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1" 1 1/2" .17 1,49 ~ Cr-1-054-424-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1" .54 .61 -

Cr-1-054-429-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/8 1 1/2" .0975 .51 Cr-1-054-430-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/8" 1" 2.78 8.41 FE Cr-1-054-431-C42A 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1/2" 1"- .55 3.39 FE I / CP-1-054-438-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1" .23 .63

. CP-1-054-442-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .03 .219 Cr-1-ll7-403-C62R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/8" l 1/2" .11 .80 , FE - Requires Further Evaluation l ~; _. .__ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ o-TABLE 1 - 4 of 5 ,- . PART A. , SUPPORT 'IUBE STEEL fry'PMfRICITY BOLT SIZE INSERT IDLT MARK m. SIZE INTERACTION INTERACTION Cr-1-ll7-404-C62R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1/8" 1 1/2" .05 .22 CP-1-117-405-C62K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .077 .394 CP-1-ll7-410-C62K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2" 1 1/2" .07 .52' CF-1-124-412-C72K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .026 . 21 - IM-1-097-018-C62R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0" 1" 1.39 7.93 EE E-1-002-004-C72K 6 x 6 x 1/2" 0 11/2" .34 .44 E-1-002-005-C72K 6 x 6 x 1/2" 3/4" 'l 1/2" 2.22 6.36 EE E-1-002-006-C72K 8 x 8 x 1/2" 0 11/2" .47 .38-E-1-002-013-C72K 8 x 8 x 1/2" 0 11/2" 1.27 3.0 EE E-1-073-007-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .145 .434

E-1-074-001-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/8" 11/2" .16 .43
E 074-002 <52S 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .196 .29
E 074-003-CS2K E 74-002-C52S - - - -

E 074-010-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .072 .33 E-1-074-012-C52K 4 x 4 x 1/2" 0 1 1/2" .28 .52 E-1-150-002-C52S 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/16" 1 1/2"~ .15 .5 E-1-150-004-C52S 4 x 4 x 3/8" .1/2" 1 1/2" .19 1.48 E-1-150-025-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .095 .354 E 150-029-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/16" 1 1/2" .05 .4 E 150-044-C52R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .16 .68 E-1-150-045-C52K 6 x 6 x 3/8" 3/4" 1" .187 1.56 E-1-150-058-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .18 .53 E-1-150-059-C52K E 151-043-C52K - - - - E-1-150-064-C52K E 150-024-C52K 0 11/2" .65 .275 E 151-002-C52R 6 x 6 x 1/2" 1/8" 1 1/2" .37 1.11-i E 151-005-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 5/16" 1 1/2" .27 1.15 E 151-008-C52R E 150-010-C52S 0 1" .34 .39 E 151-018-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .23 .67 . E 151-019-C52R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .34 .95 E 151-038-C52R 5 x 5 x 1/2" 0 1 1/2" .18 .74 i E 151-043-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2" 11/2" .23 .66 E 345-005-C52K 4 x 4 x 3/8" 3/8" 1 1/2" .07 .71 E 416-005-S33R 6 x 6 x 1/2" 11/16" 1" .64 3.42 EE BC-1-008-002-C41S 4 x 4 x 1/2" 3/8" 1 1/2" 0.26 0.78 RC-1-018-020-C71R 6 x 6 x 1/2" 0 11/2" .079 .31 RC-1-018-021-C71R 4 x 4 x 1/2" 0 1 1/2" 0.19 0.56-RC-1-075-044-C51K 6 x 6 x 1/2" 3/16" 1 1/2" .22 1.09 1 1/2" .6 1.66 l RC-1-075-052-C61R l 6 x 6'x 3/8" 0 EE - Requires Further Evaluation TABLE 1 5 of 5 - PART A SUPPORT 'IUBE SPEEL ECCEtERICITY BOLT SIZE INSERT IOLT MARK NO. SIZE INTERACTION IIEERACfION RC-1-087-004-C81K 6 x 6 x 3/8" _0- 11/2" .11 .57 RC-1-088-006-C81K BC-1-087-001-C81S 0 11/2" .2 -. 62 RC-1-162-004-C81K 6 x 4 x 1/2" 0 1 1/2" .21 .67 BC-1-164-001-C81K 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .1426 .412 RH-1-005-007-C42R 4 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .023 .14 . RH-1-005-013-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1 3/8" 11/2" .07 .94 RH-1-006-010-C42K 6 x 4 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .37 .77 SI-1-051-012-C42K 6 x 4 x 3/8" 1/2" 11/2" .20 .95 SI-1-087-009-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 1 1 1/2"- 0.34 1.02 SI-1-095-017-C42R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" .46 1.22 SI-1-102-007-C41R 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 11/2" .38 1.24 SI-1-103-008-C42K 6 x 6 x 3/8" 0 1 1/2" 1.6 4.77 FE ? SI-2-178-714-A32R 4 x 4 x 1/4" 0 1" ' .26 .61 FE - Requires Further Evaluation . 4 4 4 I / a b Attachment E e a: TABLE 1 1 of 5 PART B SUPPORT REV. TENSION SHEAR ENENT MARK NO. (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP IN) AF-1-006-010-S33R 2 1.398 .694 '- OC-1-008-013-S33K 5 8.633 .46 1.021 OC-1-197-005-C52R 3 .113 .889 11.911 CC-1-197-014-C42R 3 6.0 .444 4.0 CC-1-197-019-C52R 2 2.0 .246 4.0 CC-1-197-020-C52R 3 2.0 .246 4.0 CC-1-197-034-C52R 3 1.0 1.0 4.0 OC-1-204-003-C53R 5 2.0 1.0 8.0 CC-1-205-016-C53R 4 2.0 2.0 2.0 T-1-206-001-C53R 5 2.0 2.0. 2.0 OC-1-207-014-C53R 4 - .243 2.189 OC-1-207-021-C53R 4 1.0 1.0 4.0 OC-1-212-001-C53R 3 2.0 .247 2.0 T-1-215-032-C53R 5 - .256 4.0 CC-1-215-033-C53K 3 .25 0 2.5 OC-1-217-003-C53K 2 1.0 .5 4.0 OC-1-217-012-C53S 1 - .319 5.583

CC-1-218-009-C53K 2 1.0 .5 4.0 .

CC-1-218-010-C53K 4 - .144 .335 OC-1-218-012-C53K 2 6.0 .02- 2.0 CC-1-218-013-C53K 2 - 1.0 7.98

CC-1-218-014-C53K 2 1.0 1.0 4.0 OC-1-226-004-C53R 2 1.0 .5 8.0 CC-1-226-005-C53R 3 -

.487 5.511 OC-1-227-003-C53R 3 6.0 .17 4.0 OC-1-231-002-C53R 3 .235 - .883 OC-1-233-001-C53R 2 .651 .337 2.321 OC-1-233-004-C53R 6 .4 - 4.0 CC-1-234-016-C53R 4 - .879 5.264 OC-1-237-001-C53R CX'-1-235-001-C53R 2.917 .765 2.16 OC-1-237-004-C53R OC-1-233-001-C53R - - - CC-1-239-005-C53R . 3 l .22 - 1.87 CC-1-239-008-C53R CC-1-233-001-C53R - - -

  • TABLE 1 2 cf 5 PART B #

SUPPORT R 7. TENSION SHEAR KDENT 1%RK NO. (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP IN) OC-1-242-002-C53R 3 .273 .273 .956 OC-1-242-003-C53R 3 0- .338 1.01 OC-1-245-010-C53R 2 1.0 1.0 4.0 OC-1-245-018-C53R 2 .204 .373 .714 OC-1-249-003-C53R 1 6.0 - 4.0 OC-1-249-700-C53R 1 1.408 .817 4.496 OC-1-255-007-C53R 2 .433 1.59 6.3.6 CC-1-271-008-C53R 1 1.0 1.0 10.0 OC-1-272-008-C53K 2 - .15 2.332 CC-2-040-401-A33K 2 0.33 .073 2.655 OC-2-040-405-E33R 1 .266 1.3 7.35 CC-2-048-402-A33R 2 3.0 - 5.0 CC-2-048-403-A33R 2 - .493 1.972 CC-2-048-408-A33K 5 .04 .678 6.778 OC-2-105-406-E23R 4 - .395 1.58 OC-2-107-403-E23S 2 1.0 - 5.0 G-1-001-003-C42K 6 .076 .127 .67 G-1-001-Oll-C42R 6 .50 1.0 2.0 G-1-001-012-C42R 6 6.0 1.0 6.0 G-1-001-024-C42K 3 1.0 1.0 2.0 G-1-001-027-C42K 3 2.0 1.0 4.0 G-1-001-035-C42R 5 2.0 1.005 8.0 G-1-012-003-C42R 2 .356 - 5.696 G-1-077-004-C42R 3 .626 - 2.2 G-1-077-005-C42R 3 .474 - 1.6 G-1-077-006-C42R 3 .287 .114 4.64 G-1-078-003-C42R 4 - 1.591 11.0 4.112 1.028 G-1-078-018-C42K 3 - - G-1-079-006-C42R 4 .5 .05 3.0 G-1-079-007-C42R 6 2.0 1.005 8.0 CS-1-079-020-C42R 4 1.0 .50 4.5 G-1-079-037-C42K 3 .975 0.0 3.862 G-2-033-408-A42R 4 .98 .086 .667 G-2-085-402-A42S 3 .782 0 0 CP-1-018-005-S22R 2 .186 0 3.314 Cr-1-038-003-C52R 4 .50 .50 - - CT-1-038-402-C52R l 4 l l .5 .50 - O V TABLE 1 3 of 5 PART B SUPPORT REV. 'IENSION SHEAR MOMENT MARK NO. (KIPS) (KIPS) (KL IN) Cr-1-038-415-C62R 5 - 0.149 0.745 CF-1-038-430-C62K 3 6.0 .035 2.0 Cr-1-038-431-C52R 3 .8 .4 2.0 Cr-1-039-008-C42R 4 1.0 - 3.0 Cr-1-039-020-C42R 2 1.394 .25 4.52 . Cr-1-039-402-C42S 4 .37 0 .674 Cr-1-039-405-C42S 4 2.0 - 2.0 Cr-1-039-407-C42R 4 4.0 - 4.0 Cr-1-039-413-C42A 4 1.441 .55 22.0 Cr-1-039-415-C42R 4 2.0 2.0 4.0 CP-1-039-424-C42R 3 .144 .425 2.676 CT-1-039-432-C42K 3 3.0 .20 2.0 CP-1-039-433-C42K 5 6.0 .180 6.0 Cr-1-039-434-C42R 3 2.0 .48 6.0 CP-1-039-435-C42K CT-1-039-402-C42S - - - Cr-1-039-436-C42R 1 .515 .44 1.76 Cr-1-039-445-C42R 3 .102 .72 2.458 CT-1-039-447-C42R 3 - 1.0 1.5 CT-1-051-406-C72K 4 0.451 .031 1.2 CP-1-053-408-C62R 3 1.82 2.479 9.249 Cr-1-053-418-C62R 3 3.0 1.72 46.068 CP-1-054-401-C42R 3 - .304 2.27 Cr-1-054-404-C42R 2 .50 - 2.0 CT-1-054-406-C42R 4 .383 0 1.186 Cr-1-054-409-C42K 3 6.0 .187 4.0 1 Cr-1-054-413-C42R 1 .1 .152 4.76 Cr-1-054-420-C42R 3 1.5 1.025 3.0 Cr-1-054-424-C42R 2 .523 - 4.7 CT-1-054-429-C42R 2 3.323 - .786 Cr-1-054-430-C42R 1 6.581 .274 9.889 Cr-1-054-431-C42A 3 .227 .407 5.236 Cr-1-054-438-C42R 2 - .5 2.0 Cr-1-054-442-C42R 2 - .5 1.0 .370 1.482 4.627 l- Cr-1-ll7-403-C62R l 3 4 . TABLE 1 4 of 5 PART B 3 SUPPORT REV. TENSION SHEAR 30 MENT MARK ED. (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP IN) CP-1-ll7-404-C62R 2 .429 0 2.014 CP-1-ll7-405-C62K 5 .225 .04 5.55 CP-1-ll7-410-C62K 2 2.0 - 2.0 CP-1-124-412-C72K 4 - .687 2.06 FW-1-097-018-C62R 3 1.46 1.95 36.941 E 002-004-C72K 9 12.16 1.0 2.3 E-1-002-005-C72K 7 19.374 2.372 9.805 E-1-002-006-C72K 7 4.069 .455 3.556 E-1-002-013-C72K 9 23.975 4.08 3.295 E 073-007-C50K 4 2.75 0 4.0 E-1-074-001-C52K 4 2.128 .757 2.172 E 074-002-CS2S 5 2.0 - 4.0 E-1-074-003-C52K E 074-002-C52S - - - E-1-074-010-CS2K 2 .031 .372 4.253 E-1-074-012-C52K 3 1.0 1.0 6.0 E 150-002-C52S 2 . 477 .09 6.824 E-1-150-004-C52S 3 .246 .839 8.461 E-1-150-025-C52K 5~ .5 - 4.0 E-1-150-029-C52K 8 .8 .2 2.2 E-1-150-044-C52K 5 1.0 1.0 4.0 E-1-150-045-C52K 4 - .274 2.532 E-1-150-058-C52K 3 2.0 1.0 5.0 1 E-1-150-059-C52K E-1-151-043-C52K - - - E-1-150-064-C52K 4 6.0 .059 2.0 E-1-151-002-CS2R 5 6.0 .605 5.0 E 151-005-C52R 4 3.0 1.3 5.62 E-1-151-008-C52R 6 .186 .318 4.364 E-1-151-018-C52R 6 2.0 1.0 8.0 , E 151-019-C52R 4 1.0 .2 13.0 E-1-151.-038-C52R 4 - .71 7.174 E-1-151-043-C52K 2 .014 1.64 6.614 . E-1-345-005-C52K 4 - .27 3.309 E 416-005-S33R 3 .812 - 5.027 BC-1-008-002-C41S 3 1.939 2.169 5.899 RC-1-018-020-C71R 6 1.497 .742 2.968 RC-1-018-021-C71R 4 1.373 1.308 6.0 RC-1-075-044-C51K 4 2.25 .334 7.821 RC-1-075-052-C61R 3 .998 2.291 10.212 g .'~ 3m , d 'IABLE 1 5_of 5 PARP B  !! . SUPPORT REV. TENSION SHEAR E MENE , 'FARK NO. (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP IN) RC-1-087-004-C81K 8 0.048 0.549 7.412-RC-1-088-006-C81K 4 .327 .68 7.808 BC-1-162-004-C81K 5. - 0.977 3.907 BC-1-164-001-C81K 6 1.83 .082 5.49 RH-1-005-007-C42R ~2 - .18 1.81 RH-1-005-013-C42R 1 0.0 .05 5.1 RH-1-006-010-C42K 3 1.961 1.124 7.54 SI-1-051-012-C42K 3 1.497 1.655 1.50 SI-1-087-009-C42R 3 2.67 1.543 7.96 'SI-1-095-017-C42R 7 2.855 3.678 '16.687. SI-1-102-007-C41R 7 - .798 13.59 SI-1-103-008-C42K 5 3.933 10.63 -7.51 SI-2-178-714-A32R 2 .664 .227 3.193 e /}}