ML20154G864 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek |
Issue date: | 09/16/1988 |
From: | Correia R, Finkel A, Hawkins F, Hopkins P, Hunter D, Moore R, Paul Prescott, Scott Sparks, Weiss S NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION I), NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION II), NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION IV), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20154G849 | List: |
References | |
50-482-88-200, NUDOCS 8809210095 | |
Download: ML20154G864 (26) | |
See also: IR 05000482/1988200
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Enclosure 3
Report No. 50-482/88-200 Docket No. 50-482 License No. NPF-42
Licensee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation
Post Office Box 411
Burlington, Kansas 66839
Facility. Wolf Creek Generating Station .
Inspection At: Wolf Creek, Burlington, Xansas, June 6-17, 1988
Inspectors- *
Richard P. Correia, Senior Operations Engineer
(Date) i
Perry C. Hopkins, Res'ident Inspector
/ (Dite)
Region !!
Randolph L. Moore, Reactor Inspector
/ (Date)
Region II
b, 9 88
Scott E. Sparks, Reactor Inspector / (Date) c
Region II
Dorwin R. Hunter, Senior Reactor Inspector
Region IV
d 9; CfS$
Allen E'. Finkel, Reactdr Inspector / (Date7
, Y & Si
Peter J. Prescott, Qudlity Operations ' Engineer / (Date)
Reviewed by: I (
CDTikins, Chief, Qu111ty Operations Section /(Dite)
i NRR ,
Approved by: . 7/(!80
5. H. Weiss, Chter, Quality Assurance Branch /(Da%J
ggj92h$ch b .$
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Areas Inspected
This special, announced Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) team inspection was
the seventh in a series of NRC Headqttarters-directed Quality Yerification
Function Inspections (QVFIs). The inspection was performed to assess the line
organization's support and contribution to plent quality and the quality
verification organization's ability to identify, solve, and prevent the occur-
renct 4 safety-significant deficiencies in the functional areas of plant
a, is and maintenance. Another area that was evaluated during the QVFI
he effectiveness of management in ensuring that identified quality
j- t .. fencies were responded to promptly and completely.
l Results
Within the functional areas of operations and maintenance, six potential
enforcement findings (pEFs) were identified: (1) six examnles of not taking
appropriate corrective actions to prevent recurrence of plant system and
l component deficiencies, (2) not having procedures and instructions appropriate
for the bearing removal activities on a component cooling water pump,
(3) not obtaining and performing evaluations of applicable service information
letters from the emergancy diesel generator vendor, (4) not verifying that four
seismic and vibration control supports were installed on the emergency diesel
generator turbocharger cooling water piping as specified by the vendor's design
drawing, (5) not posting a fire watch after a fire barrier a penetration
was determined to be unqualifier', and (6) not declaring a loop of the Essential
Service Water System inoperable when it '.4s determined it did not meet its :
specified design requirements. 7
In addition, two observations were identified: (1) a lack of a feedback
mechanism for maintenance personnel to report problems and recomendations to ,
procedure write n , and (2) a lack of an adequate methodology to calibrate the
resistance temperature detectors for the reactor coolant system.
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This special, announced NRC team inspection at Wolf Creek Generating Station
(WCGS) sas performed to evaluate the acceptability of the line and quality
verification organizations' activities and management's support of these
activities. The inspection was the seventh in a series of NRC headquarters-
directed inspections performed.under the guidance of NRC Inspection Manual
Temporary Instruction 2515/78, "Inspection of Quality Verification Functions."
The inspection consists of personnel interviews, direct observation of in-
process activities, and review of work documents.
Quality Verification Function Inspections (QVFIs) are not intended to verify
licensee compliance to administrative controls; they are intended to verify the
technical adequacy of safety-related activities. However, if deficiencies are
tvund in these activities, the underlying procedures and adminictrati';e con-
trols are reviewed. The intent of these inspections is to improve plant opera-
tional safety through inspection processes that are focused on activities that
affect plant safety and reliability.
The QVFI at Wolf Creek focused on plant operations and maintenance of plant
systems ud components. The inspectors reviewed selective samples in these and
closely associated areas to identify safety-significant problems to be used as
the vehicles for evaluating the effectiveness of quality achievement and
verification. The results of this review are discussed below and the
inspectors' more significant findings are categorized as potential enforcement
tind!ngs and observations.
Potential enforcement findings are apparent violations of regulatory require-
ments that will be further evaluated by NRC Region IV management for possible
enforcement action. Observations are items that may not violate any regulatory
requirements and may not violate plant procedures, but that appear to be less
than optimum. Observations are being referred to NRC Region IV and NRC
Headquarters Staff and may require inspectors to perform followup reviews
during subsequent inspections.
2.1 Control Roon and Operations Activities
2.1.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors observed control room and other eractions activities,
interviewed control room personnel, and reviewed rertinent documents related to
operations activities. The inspectors observed control room decorum, control
rocm shif t turnover during dayshift and backshift, main turbine valve cycling,
mainte,ance and testing of the reactor trip breakers, a valkdown of the auxili-
ary feedwster system, and a transient involving a loss of automatic feedwater
control and the subsequent recovery in the control room. The team inspected
other plant areas to verify operability of equipment, control of igniti.
sources and combustible materials, proper condition of fire detection L.
extinguishing equipment, adequacy of maintenance activities, and adequat.
of selected surveillances.
Control room shift turnovers were orderly and briefings of individual operators
were adequate. The NRC inspectors observed that the oncoming shift conducted
another briefing for all operators after the off-going shift had left the -
control room. During these briefings (generally less than 5 minutes in dura-
tion), the operators discussed scheduled surveillance testing and general plant
status information. During the QVFI, the plant experienced a loss of automatic
feedwater control that led to a system transiant. The operators quickly
assessed the plant condition and responded to avoid a reactor trip on a low
steam generator water level. The NRC inspectors observed that during the shift
turnover briefing
attentive after the
to the briefing transient, incoming
information. shift operators
The licensee's were very(QA)
Quality Assurance
organization has audited this area several times and has not identified any
problems with the adequacy and effectiveness of shift turnovers.
The NRC inspectors noted on several occasions that the operations manager and
plant manager were in the control room observing shift turnover activities,
other plant evolutions, and the shift supervisor's activities durinq differ-
ent evolutions. At most times, an additional senior reactor operator (SRO) was
available during the day chift. There also was good administrative-clerical
support for the supervisors and operating staff. These support personnel
appeared to remove some of the administrative burdens from the control room
Management appeared to support quality operations and responded well to
operators' recommendations concerning the use of operator aids in the control
room. For example, a suggested operator aid, which consisted of a magnetized
plastic card inscribed with the technical specification requirement and limit-
ing condition of operation (LCO), was used on the engineered safety features
actuation system bypass panel. This magnetized cara covered the bypass key
lock. When a system channel had to be bypassed, the operator aid had to be
removed before inserting the key. The card then was placed in front of the
control room operator to serve as a constant reminder of the condition that had
to be monitored.
Managecent also has provided opportunity for operators to part'cipate in a
.ollege training program. These personnel are . ant to a local university to
gain college credit towards meeting qualification requirements for a shift .
' technical advisor (STA) position. There were times when several SR0s on the
l same shift had the qualifications of an STA, which provided extra crs of
i technical expertise to evaluate specific plant problems. The NRC .mpectors
l observed that this program appeared to create higher morale and lower person-
nel turnover.
lne NRC inspectors observed plant operator surveillance activities of technical
l specification requirements for safety-related systems and components. The
inspectors also observed the licensee's GA overview of these operator surveil-
lance activities. The QA personnel who were observed provided effective identi-
fication of problem areas during their overview. The NRC inspectors observed
portions of 22 selected surveillance tests aru all aspects of several other
tests. Qualified personnel performed the tests and properly calibrated required
test instrumentation, and the resulting data met the requirements of the Tech-
nical Specifications. When discrepancies were identified, they were rectified
and the systems were properly returned to service. QA personnel were present
while NRC inspectors observed surveillance tests.
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The NRC inspectors watched tag out and equipment restoration on several
occasions.. The tag out and restoration processes, including briefings, were
well understood bv all operators who were involved. The NRC inspectors .
observed that QA personnel regularly reported and followed up on fintiings
in these areas.
The NRC inspectors also watched operators pwform a cycling test of the main
turbine valves in accordance with Procedure STS AC-001, Revision 5. This
surveillance-test demonstrates the operability of the turbine overspeed pro-
tection system as required by Technical Specifications. The operators compe-
tently perforaed the test, and they adhered closely to the procedure. The test
was satisfactorily completed without any irregularities or component mal-
The NRC inspectors performed an auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system walkdown with a
reactor operator using Procedure CKL AL-120, Revision 10, "Auxiliary Feedwater
Normal Lineup," and piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) drawir.g M12AL01(Q),
Revision 0. The NRC inspectors determined that the actual system configuration
agreed with the P&ID drawing and that the operator appeared knnwledgeable
of valve locations and proper valve positions. The valves were found to be
free of corrosion, locked if required, and positioned in agreement with the
P&ID and the procedure. During the walkdown, the NRC 1:. pectors identified
(AL-V035) that contained a small packing leak. The reactor operator noted all
deficiencies and they were corrected after being discussed with plant management.
During the AFW
turbine-driven AFWwalkdown,(the
set point on noted that theshutdown
the auxiliary position of the
panel did not agree with required TDAFWP set point noted in Procedure CXL
AL-120. The required speed set point was 3850 rpm, while the actual control
set point was 5750 rpm. The inspectors discussed this discrepancy with cogni-
zant instrumentation and control (I&C) personnel, who explained that the TDAFWP
shutduwn parel controller output signal to the pump is 3850 rpm, regardless of
the higher set point. 1&C personnel also provided, as a verification of this
condition, the results of the testing of the TDAFWP controller conducted on
j October 23, 1987, in accordarce with Prucedure INC L-1000, Revision 2. The
NRC inspectors discussed the TDAFWP speed set point with several operations
personnel and determined that operator knowledge of equipment operation was
i Meeptable.
2.1.2 Results Sumary
The NkC inspectors observed during multiple dayshifts and backshifts that
control room operators conducted themselves in a professional manner.
- Operators appeared to be attentive, were knowledgeable of plant status, and
performed testing correctly with close adherence to procedures. The NRC
inspectors verified that QA personnel did observe performance of severel
i operational and maintenance work activities. The NRC inspectors' observations
I relating to the shift turnover briefings emphasize the need for operator atten-
tiveness at all times.
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2.2 Quality Assurance and Control Activities
2.2.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors observed 0A activities, interviewed QA personnel, and l
reviewed applicable QA aud) ind surveillance reports in the operations area. 1
Specifically, the inspectors abserved quality control (QC) (a part of Quality
Department at Wolf Creek) involvement in maintenance and testing of reacto"
trip breakers and QA personnel performing a followup surveillance. The NRC
inspectors also reviewed audits and surveillance reports that involved opera- l
tions activities, as well as those covering general work control.
QA personnel audited noimal, backshift, and weekend activities and surveyed
operations activities. The NRC in @cctors observed that QA personnel were
knowledgeable and competent in the V audits and curveillances and maintained
an adequate mixture of direct QA uservation of operational activities and
review of documentation.
The NRC inspectors reviewed audit reports that spanned approximately 2 years.
The quality of the reports and types of observations had recently improved,
covering more of the actual performance of the activity rather than verifying
strict compliance to procedures. An essential elements book was written and
implemented by the QA department to ensure tnat the essential elements of test
procedures were critically analyzed by a QA auditor during his or her verifica-
tion activities.
The NRC inspectors observed that during the performance of maintenance on the
reactor trip breakers (Work Request 50762-88), QC personnel were present and
verified the completion of several in-process inspection hold points. In addi- '
tion, the NRC inspectors acccmaanied a QA inspector during a followup sur-
veillance of plant equipment, )oth safety related and nonsafety related, and of
general plant conditions. This surveillance was performed to verify that
corrective actions for deficiencies identified in QA audit TE53359 S-1627,
"Control of Plant Equipment," had been implemented.
During the followup surveillance, the licensee's QA inspector identified
several unacceptable conditions, including one that involved the storage of
safety-related snubbers in the auxiliary building. More specifically, approxi-
mately nine mechanical snubbers had been functionally tested in early May 1988
and three had failed. Although all nine of the snubbers were appropriately
tagged, the licensee did not segregate the failed snubbers from the snubbers
that passed testing. In addition, all nine snubbers were stacked together 19
an area not designated for storage. When the NRC inspector questioned the
acceptability and adequacy of this condition, licensee management had the
snubbers moved to a proper storage area used for safety-related equipment. The
licensee's QA inspector also identified a leaking valve on the second stage
feedwater reheater drain tank. This valve, AFV 944, is a level switch isola-
tion valve, and it contained a body-to-bonnet steam leak. The QA inspector
reported this condition and subsequently the valve was repaired with furmanite
to stop the leak. It was apparent to the NRC inspectors that the QA inspector
was knowledgeable of proper plant conditions and of the need to promptly report
result, to management.
The NRC inspectors also reviewed approximately 10 recent QA audit and sur-
veillance reports. One of these reports, QA Audit TE50140 K-192, "Corrective
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Actions," identified 0-rings in the solenoid oserators of post-accident
sampling system containment isolation valves tut were not environmentally
qualified (EQ). Licensee personnel discovered the 0-rings that were not EQ in
November 1987 during the implementation of a plant modification request
(PMR1844). This moJification involved changing valve solenoid springs in
several valves. During the implementation of PMR 1844, a maintenance crew
mistakenly disassembled the solenoid operator of a valve (GS-HV-013) not
requiring modification. The crew realized t!.eir error, and they also identi-
fied that the solenoid operator contained EPR-type 0-rings that were not EQ for
that specific application. Corrective work requests were written to inspect
the solenoid operators and to replace the EPR 0-rings that were not EQ with
EQ grafoil 0-rings, as necessary. The following valves were inspected: con-
tainment hydrogen control valves GS-HV-4, GS-HV-C GS-HV-9, SS-HV-13, GS-HV-14,
and GS-HV-10; nuclear sampling valves SJ-HV 3, SJ-HV-4, SJ-HV-5, and SJ-HV-128;
and steam generator blowdown valves BM-HV-35, BM-HV-06. BM-HV-37, and BM-HV-?a,
The QA organization issued a defect / deficiency report (D/DR 87-132) after
discovering that the 0-rings in the valves were not EQ. The QA organization
also issued a quality plant deviation (QPD) and a programmatic deficiency
report (PDR OP87-111) to address the disassembly of the wrong solenoid operator
during implementation of PMR 1844. An engineering evaluation (87-SJ-10) was
performed to determine the effect of having the 0-rings that were not EQ in the
valves. The results of the engineering evaluation showed that moisture or
water that might intrude into the solenoid operator if an 0-ring that was not
EQ failed would not affect the valve's pressure retaining function; however,
moisture could cause the valve to remain in the failed-closed position upon
receipt of a containment isolation signal and not allow the valve to reopen to
operate the post-accident sampling system. All of the work requests for the
affected valves had been completed at the time of the engineering evaluation.
It could not be determined how many of the 14 valves in question had contained
0-rings that were not EQ because the 0-rings in all valves were changed and the
licensee did not docu'nent which of the valves had the 0-rings that were not EQ.
The NRC inspectors determined that the valves were originally delivered with
EPR 0-rings that were not EQ, but were subsequentl
Package (OCP) CS-90-W, Field Change Work Request (y modified by Design Change
work permits CWP BM-212-E, CWP-GS-651 and work request WR698-85. At the time of
the QVFI, it was unclear whether the 0-rings had actually been replaced during
implementation of the work permits and request or whether additional work on
solenoid operator 0-rings had been performed on the valves after the original
issuance of the CWPs and WR. However, it is apparent that during the time when
FJ 603A-02 was issued and CWP BM-212-E, CWP-GS-651 and WR 698-85 were all com-
pleted by January 21, 1985, the maintenance organi::ation did not adequately
accomplish the specified activities and the QC organization failed to verify,
during their reviews and inspections, that the proper EQ 0-rings had been
installed. The licensee's actions to ensure that the deficient valve operators
had EQ 0-rings installed corrected the immediate problem. However, the NRC
inspectors detemined that the licensee had not investigated the underlying
cause which permitted installation of 0-rings that were not EQ to remain
installed in the solenoid operators. This failure to determine the
underlying cause of the conditiN is considered a potential enforcement finding
(Item No. 88-200-1a). This issue is also addressed in NRC RIV Inspection
Report 50-482/88-19 and will be followed up by Region IV.
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2.2.2 Results Sumary l
The NRC inspectors detennined that QA activities generally were conducted in a
performance-oriented manner by qualified individuals.
2.3 Operations Training
2.3.1 Inspaction Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed licensed, non-licensed, and craft training
practices. The NRC inspectors' interviews with instructors indicated that the
instructors were competent and professionally trained. Instructor performance
is evaluated by the manager of training as well as by seer, self, technical
peer, and supervisory personnel. Each instructor had )een appropriately
certified for the activities he or she was performing. There currently are
four positions for licensed instructors, two were filled by qualified contract
personnel, and two were vacant. The training staff and the instructional staff
appeared to be dedicated, professionally competent, and responsive to student
concerns and needs.
2.3.2 Results Sumury
The NRC inspectors were concerned that two vacancies in positions for licensed
instructors exists in the licensee's training department. This issue was
discussed with licensee management to emphasize the importance of training and
the need for a fully staffed training department.
3.1 Maintenance Activities
3.1.1 Inspection Results '
The NRC inspectors observed maintenance activities on a pressurizer code safety
valve and a component cooling pump and evaluated the engineering support
activities for maintenance on a pressurizer spray valve. The inspectors
reviewed the following attributes of each maintenance activity: quality of
instructions and worker training, familiarity of worker with the task and with ~
tools and equipment, listing of task precautions, adherence to procedures, and
QC involvement in the activity. Pressurizer Spray Valve
The NRC inspectors reviewed engineering calculations generated by Nuclear Plant
Engineering personnel in support of the encapsulation of a pressurizer spray
valve packing box. The encapsulation was necessary to control a reactor cool-
ant leak from the packing box assembly. The NRC inspectors determined that the
calculations were detailed and accurate. Engineering personnel performed a
thorough analysis that demonstrated good support of this maintenance activity. Pressurizer Code Safety Valve
The NRC inspectors watched the maintenance technician set up and clean the
components on a pressurizer code safety valve in preparation for disassembly
and rework. The work was well organized and managed. The NRC inspectors also
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reviewed the applicable maintenance procedure to be used for this activity and
determined that the detail, references, precautions, tool requiremer. s, and
other important data were adequate. - Component Cooling Water Pump Disassembly
The disassembly of the component cooling water (CCW) pump was a relatively com-
plex task that relied hea/ily on skill-of-the-craft. The work instruction con-
sisted of six general steps on the work request form and a reference to an
attached photocopy of a section of the pump vendor's manual. The procedure
used for disassembly was also photocopied from the pump vendor's manual.
During the work to remove the pump's bearing, the NRC inspectors observed that
the maintenance technician w6s using a bearing puller on the bearing while
heating the bearing housing with a gas flame torch. The technician involved
was knowledgeable of the process, but not of potential effects that heating
might have on the material characteristics of the bearing and pump shaft. No
method was .specified, nor was a contact thormometer on hand to determine the
temperature of the heated parts. The NRC inspectors noted that the instruction
to remove the bearing simply stated "remove the bearing." The work instruction
did not include a caution statement addressing the potentir' damage to the pump
shaft or bearing, heating instructions, expected temperature for bearing
release, or maximum temperature recomendations.
QC inspectors were not present during this activity because it was not con-
sidered a detailed step requiring a QC hold point. Apparently, the Quality
organization responsible for procedural reviews determined that this bearing
removal did not require additional details and that skill-of-the-craft was
The NRC inspectors discussed the lack of temperature limits and a heating
process description and control with the procedure writing group in Maintenance
Engineering. In response, the engineering supervisor stopped maintenance
activities until the pump vendor could be consulted. Following consultation
with the vendor, a bearing surface temperature limit of 750'F was specified, an
expected bearing release temperature of 300' to 500'F was established, and
heating process instructions were provided in a revision to the work request.
The revision also indicated methods for monitoring bearing and shaft
This CCW pump bearing removal activity indicated a weakness in the work process
with regard to the appropriatness and adequacy of crocedures and work instructions
and is considered a potential enforcement finding '(Item No. 88-200-2).
Additionally, the assumptiun that skill-of-the-craft was sufficient for this
i activity was not prudent and demonstrated poor comunication between procedure
writers and task performers (Observation Item No. 88-200-3).
3.1.2 Results Su mary
The NRC inspectors concluded that general maintenance technician performance
was good, QC presence during performance was adequate, mairtenance craft
knowledge and experience levels were adequate, but work instructions,
especially with regard to limitations and precautions, were weak.
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The NRC inspectors determined that the probable causes of the v:ork instruction
weaknesses were the informality of work inst uctions, unfamiliarity of pro-
cedure writers with the task to be performed, inadequate attention to detail, .
and a lack of feedback from maintenance personnel to cognizant enginesrs on
problems they encounter and recomendations to improve the instructions.
3.2 Control Building Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System
3.2.1 Inspection Results
From 1985 until now, the control room ventilation isolation signal (CRVIS)
system has been activated 72 times as a result of spurious signals from the
chlorine monitor system, and radiation detectors and other components in the
HVAC system. More specifically, 28 of the CRVIS actuations have been attributed
to malfunctions of the chlorine; monitor system and the remaining 44 to problems
with the radiation detection system, electrical circuit breakers and dampers
within the HVAC system. The following sections detail the inspector's review
of the three opparent contributors to the CRVIS actuations. HVAC Breakers
The NRC inspectors reviewed records pertaining to problems with the control
building HVAC circuit breakers. In early 1985, the licensee's Maintenance
Engineering organization identified nuisance tripping of the HU-B100-0501 ITE
b/eakers at their respective motor control centers (MCC). An engineering
evaluation request (EER 85-GK-08) was prepared by Maintenance engineering
on July 2ti, 1985. The resulting engineering evaluation, complated on
November 27, 1985, stated that new breakers would be ordered with a specified
instantaneous trip setting.
The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee had received the breakers
ordered by engineering, but had never installed them in the designa+ed system.
Since the maintenance organization was not notified that the brea; vs had been
received, their work request records indicated that this item was open because
the parts were not available. The NRC inspectors determined that of the two
breakers ordered for this system, one was in the warehouse and the other had
been used in another system and not installed into the appropriate MCC as
specified in engineering disposition REDA 0-E-1324-GK. It appeared that no
one was tracking this item to ensure that the replacement breakers were
installed as directed by engineering. This failure to take the specified
corrective actions regarding the HVAC electrical system breakers malfunctions
is considered a potential enforcement finding (Item No. 88-200-lb). In
response to this issue, the licensee has committed to evaluate the existing
engineering evaluation request tracking system.
The inspectors reviewed records pertaining to problems with the control build-
ing HVAC dampers. The records indk:ated that during routine work, maintenance
engineering personnel found that the HVAC dampers were not aligned as required
by the design drawing. Although Maintenance Engineering determined that the
observed misalignment was the cause of the damper failures, it was not evident
whether Maintenance Engineering considered the cause of the misalignment during
the investigation of the damper problem. Additionally, the investigation into
the cause of the failures did not consider whether the multiple CRVIS actuations
' '
also were contributing to the damper problem. These failures to fully
investigate the underlying causes of the multiple HVAC damper ftilures is
considered a potential enforcement finding (Item No. 88-200-1c). . Control Room Habitability System Chlorine Monitors !
The NRC inspectors reviewed the specification for the replacement chlorine
detector monitors that are part of the control room habitability systein and
verified that the site-suecific technical requirements for the monitors were
defined within the specification criteria. The NRC inspectors also reviewed
the engineering design calculations to ensure that the technical specification
requirements were considered when evaluating the new design criteria.
The chlorine monitors are essential elements of the control room habitability
systems. These habitability systems permit access to and occupancy of the
control room during normal plant operations as well as during and following
emergency conditions. They also are designed to enable the plant operators to
achieve and maintain the plant in a safe shutdown condition following a design-
As discussed previously, the chlorine monitors have caused 28 actuations of the
control room ventilation isolation signal system (CRVIS) since 1985. Eighteen
of these actuations were due to paper tape problems, seven were due to signal
spikes from the chlorine monitors, and three were attributed to causes such as
manual actuation and personnel errors. Operations personnel currently are
required to survey the chlorine monitors twice per shift to look for indica-
tions of a possible malfunction.
The NRC inspectors reviewed a recent engineering study that had been conducted
to provide solutions to prevent further malfunction of the control room chlor-
ine monitoring system. This study indicated that the major problems with the
chlorine monitors were tape failures, electrical failuras, spurious spikes with
tape failures, and failures of lamps. The licensee recently issued a work
order to remove a WISA puma from its present location in the chlorine monitor
unit to a remote location )ecause the licensee believed that WISA pump vibra-
tions may have been contributing to the problems. The results of this modifi-
cation will not be known until sufficient operating time has elapsed.
l The licensee also plans to replace the 7040 MDA model monitor with a commercial
l grade Delta chlorine detector system during the next outage scheduled for the
- lest quarter of 1988. The Delta system is to be dedicated and qualified during
l the third quarter of 1988. In addition, the licensee has ordered a Sensidyne
chlorine detector system to back up the Delta chlorine detector system. The
NRC inspectors determined that the licensee's activities to replace the present
MDA chlorine monitor system with Delta and Sensidyne systems were positive
actions to resolve the problem.
The liceqsee has experienced a large number of CRVIS actuations resulting from
the cMorine monitoring system malfunctions without aggressively pursuing
resolution of the problem until recently. Because of the large number of
CRVIS actuations attributed to chlorine monitor malfunctions since 1985 and the
, apparent slowness with which the licensee has taken action to correct the
l problem, this matter is considered a potential enforcement finding (item No.
I 88-200-1d).
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3.2.2 Results Summary
On the basis of the above, the licensee's program for determining the under- -
lying causes of plant system and component failures and malfunctions needs
strengthening. The fragmentation of responsibility for implementing the WCGS
corrective action program appears to be contributing to the program's weakness.
With the exception of maintenance technicians, no single organization has been
given the responsibility to technically analyze failures and malfunctions to
determine their underlying causes. Additionally, the licensee's investiga-
tions of component failures and malfunctions do not always consider their
effect on interrelated systems.
Without adequate cause evaluation information, thorough analysis of failures
and malfunctions cannot be made and the trending programs become merely failure
frequency indicators. Trending information should be used to increase the
reliability of plant systems through early detection of repetitive component
3.3 Maintenance Measuring and Test Equipment
3.3.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed the QA activities associated with measuring and
testequipment(M&TE). The inspectors selected a review sample of M&TE used on
various maintenance activities to determine the adequacy of the out-of-tolerance
evaluations, of the historical documentation of M&TE use (use-history), and of
the QA corrective action process. Additionally, the inspectors reviewed 10
randomly-selected out-of-tolerance evaluations to verify timeliness and tech-
nical adequacy.
The NRC inspectors determined that, with one exception, out-of-tolerance
evaluations were performed in a timely manner and were technically adequate.
That exception, an evaluation for micrometer No. WC-6710, indicated that past
usage of the lost instrument was acceptable because the previous two annual
calibrations were within acceptable tolerances. In this case, better assurance
of the microreter's accuracy during previous use would have been provided by a
remeasurement of affected activities to verify if the previously taken meaure-
ments were within expected ranges. The inspectors considered the micrometer
example to be isolated.
3.3.2. Results Summary
The NRC inspectors determined that the measuring and test equipment program
adequately supports ongoing maintenance activities.
3.4 Fire Protection System
3.4.1 Inspection Results
The licensee has experienced a high instance of alarms activating as a result
of the malfunction of a specific type of microswitch u:;ed in the fire protec-
tion system. These microswitches are installed on various outdoor valves that
are located above and below ground. The Maintenance Engineering organization
issued EER 87-FR-06 on May 8, 1987, which stated that the present micro-
switches, Type PV IS-B, are routinely found corroded and are being used in
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applications for which they were not designed. The NRC inspectors reviewed 16
recent work requests associated with microswitch failures and found that the
microswitches continue to be misapplied. At the time of this inspection, the-
licensee had not taken action to stop using the microswitches in applications
for which they were not designed. This failure to take actions to resolve the
apparent misap
ment finding (plicaton of the microswitches is considered a potential enforce-
3.4.2 Results Summary
The NRC inspectors determined that the fire protection system was adequate.
However, the inspectors were concerned that the control room alarms that
resulted from the malfunctioning microswitches may desensitize the operatnrs
to an actual fire protection system actuation.
3.5 Emergency Diesel Generator Vendor Service Information Letters
3.5.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed several service information letters (SIls) to
determine whether proper evaluation and implementation of any necessary
component inspections and modifications had been performed by the licensee.
These SIls were issued by the emergency diesel generator (EDG) vendor, Colt
Industries, to convey vital service information to its customers.
During an interview, licensee personnel told the NRC inspectors that Colt SIls
are considered vendor technical information, which is to be reviewed and evalu-
ated under Wolf Creek's Industry Technical Information Program (ITIP). The
ITIP was established in response to NRC Generic Letter 83-28, Section 2.2.2.
However, when the NRC inspectors asked to review the evaluation of Colt SILs
conducted under the ITIP, licensee personnel gave the NRC inspectors an inter-
office memorandum (No. AD 87-0373) dated November 9, 1987, which stated that no
Colt SILs had been transmitted to ITIP personnel for their review and evalua-
tion because of miscommunications between the vendor (Colt), the plant's
architect-engineer (Bechtel), and licensee personnel. The memorandum also
requested that Colt be contacted to determine which SILs were applicable to
Wolf Creek and to send them for immediate review by ITIP personnel.
Colt determined that there were five SILs that pertained to the EDGs supplied
to the licensee. Licensee personnel stated that they had received the SIls from .
Colt in January 1988. However, at the time of this inspection, the NRC inspec-
tors found no formal review or evaluation of the five SILs had been performed
by the licensee. Further, the inspectors determined that the licensee had not
received three other SILs that pertained to the Wolf Creek EDGs. This failure
to obtain all relevant Colt Sils, review them to determine their applicability
to WCGS, and evaluate their relevance to the Wolf Creek EDGs is considered to ,
be a potential enforcement finding (Item No. 88-200-4). Subsequent to this
finding, the licensee issued Programmatic Deficiency Report OP-88-12a and
issued an engineering evaluaticn request to determine if additional Colt SIls,
which were applicable to Wolf Creek, existed and had not been received by
ITIP personnel.
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The NRC inspectors reviewed Colt SIL, Issue 7 (December 16,1985), entitled
"Intercooler Spacer Bar," to determine if information therein pertained to
the Wolf Creek EDGs. This SIL, which had not been received by the licensee, .
addressed a potential problem associated.with the spacer bar supporting the
side-mounted turbocharger intercoolers and noted that the spacer bar mounting
bolts should be periodically checked for tightness.
The NRC inspectors performed a field walkdown of the A and B EDG intercooler
supports and associated cooling water piping. During the walkdown, the inspec-
tors noted that all four turbocharger cooling water piping lines were missing a
seismic and vibration control pipe support that was required to be installed by
vendor's design drawings. In response to this observation, the licensee con-
tacted the vendor (Colt Industries) to determine if the turbocharger cooling
pipe could perform its intended function without the seismic and vibration
control supports and whether the turbocharger cooling pipe would experience
cracking or the flange bolts would loosen as a result of excessive vibration.
The vendor referred the licensee to Colt Industries' Engineering Report No.
M-018-0367-02, "Seismic Calculations.for Skid Mounted Piping." A table in this
report indicated that the support bracket would be required for the turbo-
charger cooling piping in a seismic event if the length of the piping was
greater than 60.7 inches. The licensee measured the subject piping and found
that it was 56 inches in length; thus concluding that the turbocharger cooling
pipe could perform its intended function during a seismic event without the
support bracket. The licensee gave the NRC inspectors a draft copy of their
engineering seismic calculation, which also indicated that the pipe did not
require the support to withstand seismic loading.
Even though the available engineering data did not support installation of the
supports for seismic reasons, Colt urged the licensee to install the four
missing supports to ensure that vibrations from the operating diesel engine
would not cause degradation of engine components. In addition, Colt
recommended that the licensee visually inspect the pipes for cracking and a
loss of jacket cooling water and perform a torque inspection for all associated
pipe flange bolts.
The licensee took imediate actions to fabricate and install the four pipe
supports and performed the inspections recommended by Colt. During those
inspections, quality control inspectors found that the turbocharger cooling
piping on the A EDG contained a weld defect. This item was referred to
engineering for further evaluation. In addition, when it was determined
the two of the flange bolts were torqued below minimum requirements, a work
request was issued to retorque all of the affected pipe flange bolts for both
emergency diesel engines. Before the conclusion of the inspection, the
licensee further comitted to perform nondestructive examinations on all four
turbocharger cooling water pipes and a vibration test and analysis to determine
if there were any additional adverse effects on the cooling pipe caused by
operating the EDGs without the supports.
At the time the EDGs were originally constructed at Wolf Creek, the turbocharger
cooling water piping vibration supports were not installed as required by
the vendor's design drawing. During the installation work, licensee personnel
who were res)onsible for verifying that the EDGs were properly constructed did
, not ensure t1at the supports had been installed. This failure to verify that
the as-built configuration of tne EDGs was consistent with the Colt design
drawing is a potential enforpement finding (Item No. 88-200-5).
- '
3.5.2 Results Sumary
The NRC inspectors identified several instances where the licensee did not -
obtain and evaluate all the applicable EDG vendor information (SILs). In part,
this contributed to the four missing pipe supports for the cooling water piping
lines not being discovered by the licensee. Although the supports were not
necessary for seismic support, the vendor did recommend that they be added for
vibration reasons. QC inspections of the EDGs during this inspection did
reveal that excessive EDG operational vibrations had caused the pipe flange
bolts to loosen to the point wht:re they did not meet torque requirements.
These issues point to the need for additional attention to detail in the area
of vendor interface.
3.6. Diesel Generator Jacket Water Pressure Transmitters
3.6.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors performed a walkdown of the A and B EDGs and their associated
support systems. During the walkdown, the NRC inspectors noticed plant modifi-
cation reauest (PMR) Tag No. 20315, dated April 11, 1986, adjacent to the
jacket water pressure indicator gauge on the local control panel for the A EDG.
The information on the tag indicated that a pulse in the gauge's serising line
was causing a false indication on the pressure gauge. The NRC inspectors
went to the local control panel for the B EDG to determine if the same con-
dition existed. They saw two information tags located next to pressure gauges
for the jacket cooling water and the jacket water intercooler. Both informa-
tion tags indicated that there was a sensing line pulsation problem and that
the lines were valved out to isolate the system and stop spurious alarms in the
control room during system testing. The NRC inspectors asked a plant operator
if it was possible that the sensing line for the indicator gauge on the A EDG
was isolated even though there was no indication of such on the PMR tag. The
operator stated that the PMR tag did not serve that purpose and that the line
for the A EDG should not be isolated. However, when the NRC inspectors and the
operator examined the line, they found it had been valved out and isolated. In
response, the operator notified the SR0 on duty and replaced the PMR tag with
one containing the correct line configuration information. Because the
licensee took immediate action to correct the problem and because the line was
used for indication of system operating parameters, the inspectors have con-
sidered this issue adequately resolved.
The NRC inspectors interviewed cognizant instrumentation and control (I&C)
personnel to determine why the false indication conditions existed and what had
been done to correct the problem. Previously, a temporary modification was
implemented to install pressure damping devices in the sensing line. The
dempers alleviated the problem until they became clogged with impurities from
the jacket cooling water. Subsequentl The
licensee then initiated EER 87-KJ-01 (y, the dampers were removed. June 9, 1987) to
The EER contained information indicating that the problems with the pressure
transmitters resulted from pressure pulsations in the jacket water sensing line
side of the transmitter. In the disposition of the EER, Plant Engineering
recommended remounting the pressure transmitters and placing dampers or
similar flow restriction devices adjacent to the transmitter where the trans-
mitter sensing line ties into the pressure portion of the system. This
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modification, when implemented, will shorten the length of line between the
transmitter and damper and reduce the amount of impurities that could clog the
dampers. I&C personnel stated that, although this modification is planned, the
problem is still ongoing. The licensee has not to date considered the cause
of the pulsations ar.d the effect of the proposed corrective actions. This
failure to aggressively pursue the cause and take action to stop the sensing
line pulsations that have existed since 1986 is considered a potential enforce-
mentfinding(ItemNo. 88-200-1f).
3.6.2 Results Summery
The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee had not adequately addressed
the malfunctions in the jacket water pressure sensing line and instruments of
the EDGs. Since initial discovery of the problem in April 1986 to the time of
the QVFI, the licensee has not aggressively pursued the cause o.f the pulsations
in the system nor have they implemented timely, effective corrective actions to
ensure accurate and reliable system performance. Disregard of this instrument's
inability to perform its intended function is not an attribute of prudent, safe
operation of the EDG system.
The NRC inspectors reviewed the activities of Wolf Creek's independent safety
review groups to determine their effectiveness and contribution to the plant's
safe and reliable operation.
4.1 Pla It Safety Review Comittee (PSRC)
4.1.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspators reviewed the minutes of six PSRC meetings (306, 316, 317,
319, 320, and 322), interviewed selected personnel with regard to the PSRC
activities, and attended a PSRC meeting (No. 322) on June 14, 1988.
The PSRC function is specified by Procedure ADM 01-002, Revision 16, "Plant
Safety Review Committee." The procedure implements the requirements of Tech-
nical Specification 6.5.1, "Plant S. fety Review Comittee (PSRC)." The
PSRC reetings were conducted routinely at weekly intervals, which is more
frequently than required by the Technical Specifications. Additional meetings-
were scheduled when deemed appropriate. The QA manager, or a designated
alternate, normally attends the scheduled PSRC meetings, even though the QA
manager is not a member. -
The NRC inspectors determined that all but two of the selected PSRC members
had the experience and equivalent training normally required to take an exami-
nation for a senior reactor operator's license at Wolf Creek. The two PSRC
members with less exte.nsive training were the Manager of Maintenance and
Modifications and the Manager of Plant Support. The inspectors discussed
upgrading the training of these two managers with the licensee.
The NRC inspectors reviewed the materials discussed during the PSRC meeting
(322) conducted on June 14, 1988. During the meeting, plant modification
request PMR 02577, Revision 0, "Penetration Roundary Change," was reviewed,
l The PMR had been processed in response to corrective work request (VR 00688-88)
dated February 9,1988. The WR was written to ducument that the top 6 inches
- '
of Radflex material was missing from penetration OP 142S1099 located on eleva-
tion 2026' of the auxiliary building. The shift supervisor declared the
p netration operable on February 9, 1988. The initial review of the degraced.
condition of the sealant was completed on February 18, 1988, and resulted in
a "use-as-is" disposition of the WR. The basis for the use-as-is disposition
was that there was enough Radflex material remaining to allow sufficient fire
rating but not enough for a radiation barrier. As a result, the design of the
penetration seal was revised from an RB-9 type (Radflex) to an M-9 (fire seal).
The followup engineering disposition regarding the condition of the penetra-
tion was completed on May 3, 1988, and concluded that the floor at elevation
2026' separates fire area boundaries and requires a 3-hour fire-rated penetra-
tion seal. Because of the uncertainty of the current consistency of the
Radflex material in penetration OP 142S1099, engineering could not establish
that the penetration would meet these fire qualification testing requirements.
WCGS's Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), Section 9.5, Table 9.5.1-3,
requires that all fire barriers and their penetrations separating safety-
related areas from those that are not safety related or separating portfans
of redundant systems important'to safe shutdown shall be operable at all times.
Should one or more be found to be inoperable, a continuous fire watch on one
side of the affected barrier or an hourly fire watch patrol must be estab-
lished within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. The inspectors discussed the May 3 engineering evalua-
tion and the degraded condition of the fire seal with the licensee. On June 14,
1988, the licensee issued Fire Protection Impairment Control Permit No.88-244
to establish a firewatch. In effect, a fire watch should have been established
within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> from the time the fire seal was determined not to meet fire
qualification testing requirements. This failure to implement the required
fire watch between May 3 and June 14, 1988, is considered a potential enforce-
ment finding (Iter No. 88-200-6).
4.1.2 Results Summary
The NRC inspectors determined that, with the exception that a required fire:
watch for an unqualified penetration fire barrier was not established, the PSRC
function was established and functioning as required by Technical Spucifica-
4.2 Nuclear Safety Review Committee (NSRC)
4.2.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed the minutes of NSRC meetings conducted in 1987 and
1988 and interviewed selected personnel with regard tr NSRC activities.
The NSRC function is specified by Policy No. II.13.0, Revision 3, "Nuclear
Smfety Review Committee Charter." The policy implements the requirements of
Technical Specification 6.5.2. Document reviews and discussions revealed that
the meetings were scheduled and conducted more frequently than required--
generally three or four times per year. NSRC meetings are routinels conducted
at the site training center and include a scheduled plant tour. Also, the
members can independently review specific areas of plant operations, such as
operations, chemistry, and health physics. The requirements of NSRC audits is
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addressed in detail, including overall responsibility, planning and implemen-
tation, audit reports, and resolution of findings. The audits and audit
results are maintained in an action item list, as reflected in the NSRC meetirig
minutes. l
4.2.2 Results Sumary
The NRC ins]ectors determined that the NSRC consisted of technically capable
personnel w1o fulfill the requirements of the Technical Specifications. The
NSRC has provided upper management with technically sound recomendations
concerning plant safety and reliability and are functioning as an effective
quality verification organization.
4.3 Nuclear Swfety Engineering (NSE)
4.3.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed selected NSE reviews and evaluations to determine
the effectiveness of NSE as an independent quality verification organization.
The NSE function is specified by Procedure KP-750, Revision 0, "Statement of
Responsibilities Nuclear Safety Engineering." The procedure implements
Item I.B.1.2 of NRC N, REG-0737 Technical Specification 6.2.3, USAR Chapter, and outlines actions in response to NRC Generic Letter 83-028. NSE
performs surveillances of plant activities in accordance with the requirements
of Procedure KP-751, Revision 0, "Surveillance of WCGS Activities by Nuclear
Safety Engineering." The procedure provided definition, responsibilitiss, and
the scope of'the surveillance activitier for NSE.
The NSE also reviews almost all operational information concerning other
comercial nuclear power facilities. It routinely receives all reactor trip
data and is required to complete the independent review of all unscheduled
reactor trips before reactor restart if the trip was complicated by other
plant perturbations.
Recently, the NSRC requested NSE to investigate a 4-percent indicated decrease
in total reactor coolant system,(RCS) flow. NSE determined that an analysis
of the calibration data for the RCS narrow-range resistance temperature detec-
tors (RTDs), which were used to establish core enthalpy rise, was required
because an increase of 1.5 to 2.0'F had been identified. The review of the
RTD calibration data taken during the 1987 outage was compared to the data
taken during initial startup in 1985. The comparison indicated (1) a much
wider variation between the hot leg RTDs (but not exhibited between the cold
leg RTDs) and (2) a disparity between the hot leg and cold leg RTDs. The wider
variation exhibited by the hot leg RTDs and the disparity between the hot and
cold leg RTDs indicated that the hot leg RTDs output signals had drifted
ture gradients than(and
the resultant
cold leg RTDs,
thermalpossibly)as a result of
stress experienced bythethesteep tempera-
hot leg RTDs
following a reactor trip (a large number of which occurred during the first and
second year of plant operation).
The licensee had implemented a number of actions to attempt to reduce the RTD
errors, including the Westinghouse error analysis methodology. These actions
resulted in a reduction in the RTD errors and an increase in the indicated
(calculated) RCS flow. However, the NRC inspectors were concerned that the
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routine use of the Westinghouse error analysis methodology (cross-calibration
of RTDs and development of correction factors) and the utilization of RTD
vendor supplied resistance (R) versus temperature (T) curves may not be con- .
servative, in that the RTDs at Wolf Creek (or any other ft cility which uses
such methodology) may never be calibrated to a known standard to ensure generic
senser drift does not occur during the 40-year lifetime of the plant. Wolf .
Creek does not use the RTDs installed in thermowells to calibrate, under !
controlled conditions, the RTDs in the protection system (imersion-type RTDs).
These system RTDs have not been checked to a known standard, directly or
indirectly, since initial installation.
Items 7 and 8 ("Overtemperature Delta T" and "Overpower Delta T," respectively)
in Technical Specification 3/4.3.1, "Reactor Trip System Instrumentation,"
Table 4.3-1, specify that a channnel calibration is to be performed at least
once every 18 months. Technical Specification 1.5, "Channel Calibration,"
specifies in part that a channel calibration shall be adjusted, as necessary,
such that the channel responds within the required range and accuracy to known
values of input and shall encompass the entire channel including the sensors.
The methodology used to calibrate the RTDs does not include checking the
accuracy of the RTDs to known values of input (temperaturo). Shifts in the RTD
calibration curveRTD
out-of-tolerance mayoutput
not bevalues
detected in a timely
(Observation manner,
Item No. which ma88-200-7)y
. The NRC result in
inspectors discussed this matter with the licensee; it vill require further
NRC NRR staff review.
4.3.2 Results Sumary
The NRC inspectors determined that the NSE appeared to be an effective, tech-
nically-oriented organization. The NSE has provided management with extensive
and accurate assessments of plant issues, such as the RTD cross calibration
issue and the problems with the control room chlorine monitors.
5.1 Inspection Results
The ITIP function is specified by Procedure KGP-1311, Revision 1, "Industry
Technical Information Program." The ITIP implements the licensee's response to
items addressed in NRC NUREG-0737, Item I.C.5, "Procedures for Feedback of
Operating Experience to Plant Staff."
The NRC inspectors reviewed evaluations of twelve ITIP items received by the
licensee, as well as selected monthly status reports, a recent QA audit report,
the most recent effectiveness review report, and Procedure KGP-1311. The
inspectors held discussions with selected licensee personnel wi6 h regard to
ITIP activities.
The NRC inspectors' review of the completed ITIP evaluations indicated that the
timeliness of the reviews had improved dramatically over the past 3 months.
The timeliness issue was previously identified in QA Audit Report TE:50140-K202,
dated March 23, 1988. The report specifically identified the lack of timeli-
ness of the initial evaluations, a significant backlog of items requiring
reviews, and the need to complete programatic changes expeditiously. The
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evaluation review times have recently decreased from months to days. Discuss-
ions revealed that che licensee was applying additional effort to decrease the
ITIP backlog and other programatic improvements have been completed. -
5.2 Results Sumary
The NRC ins)ectors determined that weaknesses noted by the licensee's QA organization
regarding t1e timeliness of reviews have recently improved. However, the
importance of evaluating industry information on plant equipment and components
in a timely way is necessary for reliable and safe operations. Section 3.5 of
this report provides details of the ramifications when the ITIP fails to
fulfill its required function. Other ITIP functions were implemented in
accordance with applicable WCGS procedures.
The NRC inspectors reviewed the effectiveness of the licensee's quality verifi-
cation organizations through the corrective actions associated with four
specific activities: (1) emergency service water pipe wall thinning, (2)
leakage, and sp(4)y valve replacement
containment packing box, (3) reactor vessel head 0-ring
cooler A repair.
6.1 Emergency Service Water (ESW) Pipe Wall Thinning
6.1.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed documents and interviewed licensee personnel with
regard to pipe wall thinning experienced in portions of the ESW system in 1985
during normal system operations. Pipe wall thinning appeared to be caused by
erosion / corrosion from combinations of elevated flow rates through throttled
butterfly valves and the configuration of the ESW system.
With the exception of several short outages resulting from equipment malfunc-
tions, the unit operated continuously until the comencement of the refueling
outage in September 1987. The NRC inspectors reviewed a number cf specific
activities related to the corrective actions associated with pipe wall thinning.
WorkRequest(WR) 00653-87 was issued on February 13, 1987,
fact that the ESW piping below valve EFV-058 (throttled butterfly valvedocumenting)the
less than the specified minimum pipe wall thickness of 0.328 inches in numerous
locations. The WR noted that the system was operable and the condition not
reportable per 10 CFR 50.72. The WR was forwarded to Nuclear Plant Engineering
(NPE for evaluation and an engineering disposition was provided on February 19,
1987, specifying that repair of the minimum wall for pipe spool piece 1-EF05-
S-005/142 should be re) aired per instructions in Plant Modification Request
(PMR) 1903. PMR 1903 1ad been used to repair train "B" of the ESW system
during the 1986 refueling outage. The weld overlay repair of the ESW piping
was subsequently performed during June 26 to July 1, 1987. The required
system leak test was performed on July 1,1987.
1987, the Nuclear Safety Engineering (NSE) group performed a surveil-
In May(SSR
lance 87-045) of selected activities associated with the ESW pipe minimum
wall thickness deficiency. A draft report of SSR 87-04S was provided to the
plant manager on May 14, 1987. In the draft, NSE noted that no justification
for continued operation had been provided regarding the thin-wall ESW system
piping in that the engineering evaluation request (EER) only addressed the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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final weld overlay repair condition. The NSRC chairman, made aware of the
issue by the NSE, also pursued the questionable condition of train A of the ESW
system. Independent calculations were also performed by the licensee's .
engineering staff that confirmed that the ESW did not meet all its design
requirements. Wolf Creek Updated Safety Analysis Report 0 SAR) S.ction states that the ESW piping and valves are designed to the require-
ments of ASME Section III, Class 3. Section of the USAR states
that the ESW is safety-related, is required to function following a Design
Basis Earthquake (DBA), and is required to achieve and rLaintain the plant in a
safe shutdown condition.
The report of SSR 87-045, dated June 4, 1987, identified three concerns regard-
ing the handling of minimum wall work requests, including (1) the operability
determination made by the shift supervisor, (2) availability of information to
operations, and (3) a defined program for handling pipe erosion. Their report
also stated that the current safety evaluation covers only the permanent repair
and not the justification for the continued operability of the component during
the interim period.
The NSRC, aware of the EWS wall thinning issue in May 1987 as a result of NSE
involvement, held discussions with plant management, including the Chief
Executive Officer (CE0), on June 2,1987. The NSRC Chairman was intimately
involved in the oral and written communications regardin
by the NSE surveillance (SSR 87-045, dated June 4,performed 1987)g the concerns raised
in mid-May
1 1987. On June 18 1987, the NSRC chairman established a special review group
(two consultants),to evaluate the ESW wall thinning matter. The issue was
discussed in detail in NSRC meeting 87-02, conducted on June 24 and 25,1987,
and specific recommendations were proviue; to the licensee's CEO by letter on
July 10, 1987 for consideration. The recommendations included the following:
(1) Further encourage and formalize the communications process between project
personnel in the area of nonconformance report (NCR) disposition and
(2) Require a study and documentation of the lessons learned as a result of
this occurrence with ESW pipe wall thinning from February 1987 until the
repair is completed. Additionally, the CEO was provided a copy of the NSE
surveillance report of SSR 87-045, which could not be closed because
corrective actions have not been completed.
The licensee's CEO provided a draft letter on the subject to the three vice
presidents (engineering, quality, and nuclear operations) on July 28, 1987.
The draft letter addressed three matters regarding the "detert:Ination of
operability," including (1) the operations group responsibilities, (2) NPE
evaluations of nonconforming conditions, and (3) provision of the NPE evalu-
a+. ion to operations for reassessment.
Subsequently, plant Administrative Procedure ADM 08-212 and Engineering
Procedure KPN-314 were revised to provide an erosion / corrosion program and
here the system design
is adverselyofaffected.
operations Operations by engineering
Order w(0P)87-110 was issued on
July 29, 1987, to instruct that all thin-wall piping problems would be docu-
mented by an NCR in accordance with the procedure. To enhance connunications
betwcen operations and engineering, engineering now attends work planning
reetings. Licensee personnel stated that they will, in the future, request
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temporary relief from ASME Section XI requirements from the NRC, when required, '
and provide technical justification for continued operation for each relief
request. NPE had responded to the NSE surveillance report (SSR 87-045) on .
February 2, 1988. Nuclear Operations had not responded at the time of this
The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee's actions were inappropriate
immediately following the discovery of the degraded ESW piping on February 13,
1987. The engineering disposition completed on February 19, 1987, stated that
the degraded ESW pipe downstream of valve EFV 058 required repairs because it
did not meet ASME requirements and, therefore, may not be capable of performing
its specified safety functions. At this time, the licensee did not declare the
system inoperable and allowed it to remain inservice until repairs were begun
on June 26, 1987. Wolf Creek Technical Specification Limiting Condition for
Operation (LCO) 3.7.4 requires at least two independent ESW loops be operable.
In addition, with only one ESW loop operable, the inoperable ESW loop must be
restored to operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or the reactor must be in at least
hot standby within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in cold shutdown within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
The licensee's failure to declare the ESW system inoperable and meet the
re'quirements of LC0 3.7.4 is considered a potential enforcement finding (Item
No. 88-200-8). This issue was previously discussed in Region IV Inspection
Report 87-15, dated July 22, 1987.
6.1.2 Results Sumary
The lack of timeliness and thoroughness of the operational response to the ESW
pipe wall thinning and the apparent lack of coordination between the plant
operations staff and the various technical support groups is considered a
significant weakness in the licensee's operability determination process.
This recurrance of a problem with ESW pipe wall thinning should have triggered
an immediate response by the licensee to declare the system inoperable and
procede with expeditious repairs to assure safe and reliable system operation.
6.2 Pressurizer Spray Valve Replacement Packing 3ox '
6.2.1 Ir.spection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed the documented work activities associated with the
replacement of the pressurizer spray valve packing box. The work was completed
on December 29, 1987, in accordance with work request WR 00101-87, dated
January 1,1987, and ASME Section XI Plan No. RR-87-074, dated September 21,
The NRC inspectors reviewed documents and interviewed licensee personnel with
regard to the work completion review by the licensee for the pressurizer spray
valve packing box replacement on March 18, 1988. The ap3ropriate component
qualific& tion documentation, which was supposed to have )een part of the pro-
curement package from Wes inghouse, had not been received. As a result, the
licensee could not ensure that the assembly of the pressurizer spray valve
packing box met ASME Section XI requirements. The missing documents were the
required ASME Code Data Report, Certified Material Test Reports (CMTRs), and
nondestructive examination (NDEP reports. Even so, the plant was restarted in
late December 1987 with the ASME pressure boundary component of undetermired
quality installed in the reactor coolant system. Engineering analyses did wt
determine that the the component was acceptable and ASME Section XI relief .ws
__. - _ ._
.? .
not.obtained until late May 1988 (WR 1285-88, dated March 17, 1988 completed on
May 24, 1988; and PMR 02535, dated April 25,1988).
The licensee initiated a Programmatic Deficiency Report (PDR MM 88-07, dated
April 18, 1988) documenting a deficiency with the pressurizer spray valve pack-
ing box. The Manager of Purchasing and Material Services was given the assign-
ment to coordinate and collect documentation of the completed actions in
response to the PDR. The PDR addressed the WCGS program and Westinghouse
procedure requirements and the immediate corrective actions to investigate the
apparent Westinghouse error in omitting the appropriate component qualification
documentation. In addition, a review of all ASME Code Section III documenta-
tion packages that had been received prior to installing an ASME Section III
boundary item was to be performed and the spare spray valve packir.g box
assembly procured at the same time as the installed component was to be
rejected. The cause of the issue was to be determined and corrective actions
to prevent its recurrence were to be performed. The NRC inspectors determined
that all but two of the actions were completed. The rescheduled completion
date for the open items was September 1, 1988.
The overall corrective actions included the review of other repair-replacement
work packages to ensure that no other nonconforming safety-related equipment
had been installed. This review revealed that 17 issues required comment
resolution. However, none of these issues were deemed by the licensee to
impact safety-related equipment operability.
The licensee plans to replace the nonconforming valve packing box assembly
during the next outage of sufficient duration and proper plant conditions to
permit replacement. The NRC inspectors concluded that the licensee's overall
corrective actions for this issue appeared to be extensive and acceptable.
6.2.2 Results Summary .
The licensee's failure to ensure that the spray valve packing box conformed to
ASME requirements before plant startup has been addressed in NRC Inspection-
Report 50-482/88-15. The licensee's actions taken once the deficiency was
identified were both timely and effective and should ensure that repetition
will not occur.
6.3 Reactor Vessel Head 0-Ring Leakage
6.3.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed the documented activities associated with the
reactor vessel head 0-ring leakage event of December 26, 1987, through Janaury 21,
Leakage from the inner reactor vessel (RV) head 0-ring occurred on December 26,
1987, during plant startup after the scheduled refueling outage. The inner
0-ring leakoff path was isolated and the leakage system aligned to monitor the
outer 0-ring. Subsequently, additional leakage was detected when the leakoff
temperature from the outer 0-ring increased between January 19 and 21, 1988.
The reactor was cooled down and the RV head removed on January 26, 1988.
Between January 26 and February 2,1988, the RV head 0-ring seating area was
inspected and cleaned. The licencee determined that the RCS level was at too
,e '
high a level during the previous RV head placement, allowing water to overflow
into the 0-ring channel and eventually leak into the leakage indication system.
On February 2,1988, the licensee commenced installation of the new 0-rings ,
with the RCS cool nt level between 12 and 39 inches below the RV flange level.
The RV head wat at and the RV studs imediately installed and torqued while
the RCS water letel was held at 39 inches below the RV flange. Subsequent RV
head 0-ring performance has been satisfactory.
The NRC inspectors determined by document review and interviews that corrective
actions associated with this event were extensive and included specific program
and procedure improvements. Further, the installation of a new RV water level
indication system during the next refueling outage was scheduled and should
improve the control of the RCS water level during outages.
6.3.2 Results Summary
The licensee's inattention to detail during the installation of the RV head
0-rings during the 1987 refueling outage resulted in a forced plant shutdown
as a result of leakage of reactor coolant past the 0-rings. The licensee's
maintenance staff did not provide quality workmanship and the quality verifi-
cation personnel involved did not identify the deficiencies, which would have
prevented the forced shutdown. (Reference NRC Inspection Report 50-482/88-04)
In addition, the removal and replacement of RV head 0-rings resulted in many
additional staff-rem exposure hours, which is a concern to the ALARA commitment
(as low as reasonably achievable). The additional stress placed on plant
personnel as well as systems and components as a result of the shutdown and
followup activities also is significant from a safety standpoint.
The NRC inspectors determined that the overall corrective actions taken by the
licensee regarding this matter appeared to be acceptable. These actions should
provide improved cleanliness controls associated with the RV head, adequately
inspected RV 0-rings, and an enhanced RCS water level indication system. The
RCS new water level indication system also will provide better control of the
RCS water level. ,
6.4 Containment Cooler A Repair
6.4.1 Inspection Results
The NRC inspectors reviewed documented work activity associated with the repair
of the A containment cooler to assess the work planning and the quality
assurance / quality control (QA/QC) involvement and conducted selected interviews
to provide an adequate understanding of the work plan and associated activities.
The A containment cooler leak was identified and a work request (WR 04105-87)
initiated on October 165 1987. The licensee conducted a substantial amount of
planning, repair selections, engineering, repair work, and testing during
October 20 to December 22, 1987. The repaired cooler was tested on December 1,
1987, the cooler support reinspected on December 14, 1987, and the cooler was
returned to service on December 15, 1987. The insulation was replaced on
December 18, 1987. The final maintenance review was performed by December 22,
1987, and the final quality review was complete on February 7,1988.
Subsequent review by the licensee in April 1988 of the completed work package
revealed two deficiencies: (1) no certified material test report from a
,e* .
qualified vendor was available for the brazing material used to repair the
formed without a qualified brazing procedure and a procedure qualificatior. -
record for the base metal and thickness required. The specific deficiencies
were brought to the attention of engineering and the subsequent engineering
dispositions concluded that the items were acceptable. Programmatic deficiency
reports were v.-itten on May 26, 1988 (PDR OP 88-095, improper brazing
material), and April 29, 1988 (PDR OP 88-094, improper brazing procedure),
specifying corrective actions wt h completion verified as of May 27, 1988.
The corrective actions regarding the issuing of improper brazing material
appeared to be satisfactory. However, the NRC inspectors noted that the weld
data sheet (ADM08-300, Exhibit A) was initialed and dated by the weld engineer,
without realizing that the incorrect brazing procedure was specified. The weld
engineer routinely uses a desk-top procedure and checklist that are not part
of the applicable administrative procedure. The NRC inspectors discussed the
use of uncontrolled desk-top procedures and simple checklists with licensee
Additionally, the quality control review required to signify agreement with
specified brazing requirements was initialed and dated on the weld data sheet
withcut ensuring the correct brazing procedure was specified. After the
inspectors discussed.this matter with the licensee, an additional PDR was
written on June 14, 1988 (PDR QC-88-011, QPS review of WR04105-87 failed to
identify the wrong brazing procedure was to be used in the field). The PDR
noted that a memorandum was written to all QC quality plant support personnel
reminding them what type of review is required by Procedure QP 12.1, paragraph
7.1.2, and that QF 12.1 is to be revised to enhance review process to clearly
state what documen,ts are to be reviewed.
6.4.2 Results Summary
The NRC inspectors determined that the corrective actions taken by the licensee
regarding the cooler repair appeared to be adequate. However, the NRC inspec-
tors concluded that the final maintenance and QC review to determine technical
adequacy and completeness of the package should have been completed before the
shift supervisor restored the system to service.
The NRC inspectors held meetings with licensee supervisory and management per-
sonnel periodically during the course of the inspection to discuss the status
of tne inspection. The NRC inspectors met with the licensee's representatives
. (19cluded in the list in Appendix A to this report) on June 17, 1988, to summar-
ize the inspection scope and findings end the to discuss the observations and
potential enforcement findings. Although proprietary material was reviewed
during the inspection, no proprietary material is contained in this report.
, ,e 6 .
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operatir$g Corporation Personnel
- B. D. Withers, President
- F. T. Rhodes, Vice President Nuclear Operations
- R. M. Grant, Vice President Quality
- J. A. Bailey, Vice President Engineering and Technical Services
- C. D. Boyer, Plant Manager
- C. E. Parry, Manager-Quality Assurance
- G. W. Reeves, Manager-Quality Contr?1
- W. M. Lindsay, Manager-Quality Eva'.sation
- R. H. Belote, Manager-Nuclear Safety Engineering
- J. M. Pippin, Manager-Nuclear Plant Engineering
- A. A. Freitag, Manager-Nuclear Plant Engineer-W.C.
- R. W. Holloway, Manager-Maintenance and Modification
- M. G. Williams, Manager-Plant Support
- 0. L. Maynard, Manager-Licensing
- S. Wideman, Licensing
- K. Peterson, Supervisor-Licensing
- J. A. Zell, Manager-Training
- C. W. Fowler, Manager-ISC
- R. J. Potter, Manager-Material / Supplier Quality
- W. B. Wood, General Counsel
- J. L. Houghton, Supervisor Operations
- M. L. Johnson, Nuclear Coordinator-KG&E
- W. B. Norton, Supervisor Reactor Engineering
- L. Payne, Supervisor Quality Plant Support
- R. E. Gimple, Supervisor Materials Quality
- C. G. Patrick, Supervisor Quality Systems
- C. J. Hoch, Quality Assurance Technician
R. S. Benedict, Manager Plant Inspection
R. S. Robinson, Supervisor, I&C Maintenance
W. G. Eales, Jr., Manager Electrical Systems Engineering
N. Hoadley, Lead Engineer, Nuclear Plant Engineering
A. Clason, Manager Engineering Support
T. Deddens. Outage Manager
L. Stevens, Lead Engineer Nuclear Plant Engineering
Other licensee employees contacted included operators, engineers, auditors,
technicians, mechanics, and office personnel.
NRC Personnel
- F. C. Hawkins, Chief, Quality Operations Section, NRR
- P. W. O'Connor, Project Manager, NRR
- J. Jaudon, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety, RIV
- B. Bartlett, Wolf Creek Senior Resident Inspector, RIV
M. E. Skow, Wolf Creek Resident Inspector, RIV
- B. Little, Callaway Senior Resident Inspector, RIII
- Denote those attending the exit meeting on June 17, 1988