IR 05000498/1985016

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Insp Rept 50-498/85-16 on 850909-13.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Const Activities, Including Site Tour & QA Programs & Procedures for Receipt, Storage,Installation & Maint of Electrical Equipment
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1985
From: Bess J, Constable G, Ireland R
Shared Package
ML20133P719 List:
50-498-85-16, NUDOCS 8511010161
Download: ML20133P734 (4)




NRC Inspection Report: 50-498/85-16 Construction Permit: CPPR-128 Docket: 50-498 Licensee: Houston Lighting and Power Company (HL&P)

P. O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001

Facility Name: South Texas Project (STP), Unit 1 Inspection At: South Texas Project, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: September 9-13, 1985 Inspector : h.f.Sg) J/fg/g5 E.' Bess, Reactor Inspector, Engineering Section Date '



Approved: . 1, J_



G. ~ L. Constable, Chief, Reactor Project Section C Date '

b A0/Jih5 R. E. Ireland, Chief E'ngineering Section Date / ~

Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted September 9-13, 1985 (Report 50-498/85-16)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of construction activities including site tour; review of QA programs and procedures for the receipt, storage, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment and component The inspection involved 40 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: Within the two areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie PDR ADOCK 05000498 G PDR I

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~2-DETAILS Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Personnel

  • Bohner, Project Quality Asserance (QA) Supervisor
  • T. Jordan, Project QA Manager
  • L. Dolan, Project Compliance
  • Chapin, Electrical Engineer
  • F. Karpinski, Construction Supervisor Other Personnel Bechtel Power Corporation
  • L. Hurst, Project QA Manager
  • J. Beers, Site Project Engineer
  • J. Gatewood, Project QA Engineer Ebasco Service In *R. Peck, QA Site Supervisor The NRC inspector also interviewed other licensee and contractor employees during the course of the inspectio i
  • Denotes those attending the exit intervie . Site Tour The NRC inspector toured the reactor building, control room, fuel

! building, and auxiliary building for Unit 1 to observe construction in l progress and to inspect housekeeping.

No violations or deviations were identifie . QA Programs and Procedures - Electrical Equipment and Components The purpose of this inspection was to determine whether appropriate and



adequate QA procedures exist to assure compliance with NRC requirements and licensee commitments for the performance of the following activities pertaining to electrical equipment and components: receipt, storage, j installation and maintenance.



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-3-l Receipt Inspection and Storage The NRC inspector examined the licensee's QA procedures for receipt


. inspection and storage of electrical equipment and components. The i procedures examined and the licensee's adherence to these procedures appeared to meet NRC requirements and licensee commitment The procedures examined are listed below:

j * Receiving Inspection - WPP/QCI-4.0 Rev. 10, 4/30/85

* Nonconforming Material Parts and Components - WPP/QCI-5.0
Rev. 14, 8/26/85 f
  • Storage Control of Permanent Plant Items - WPP/QCI-12 Rev.16, 8/16/85

. * Storage and Housekeeping - WPP/QCI-13 Rev. 8, 8/16/85

! * General Instruction for Housekeeping During Construction, CSP-12 Rev. 1, 7/22/85 l The examined procedures and documents provide for adequate inspection

of electrical components and equipment upon receipt to assure that l the electrical equipment and components are undamaged, are in confor-

! mance with purchase specifications, and that specified inspection

! reports are prepared. The examined procedures also assure special j handling and onsite storage requirements. Adherence to the proce-i dures will assure that receipt inspection and storage requirements including environmental protection and segregation of nonconforming material are met. No violations or deviation were identified.

1 B. Installation and Maintenance



The NRC inspector examined the licensee's QA procedures pertaining to l the Installation and Maintenance of electrical components and equip-


ment. The procedures examined and the licensee's adherence to these

procedures appeared to meet NRC requirements and licensee commitments.

The procedures examined are listed below:



Installation of Permanent Electrical and Mechanical Plant s

Equipment - CSP-2 Rev. 4, 5/14/85



Caring'and Maintenance of Permanent Plant Items CMI Rev. 6, i



  • Rigging of Equipment - WPP/QCI-15 Rev. 6, 5/21/85

! * EE580 Cable and Raceway Tracking, 5/21/85 i

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  • Measuring and Test Equipment Control - ASP-23 Rev. 2, 7/31/85
  • Material Control - ASP-5 Rev. 8, 6/24/85
  • Configuration Control Package Design Change Package - ASP-17

! Rev.-1, 4/18/85 i

  • Nonconformances - ASP-33 Rev. 8, 7/24/85 l l


  • Notice of Procedure Changes - WPP/QCI 2.3 Rev. 7, 3/5/85 i

e Control, Review and Processing of Quality Records - WPP/QCI-60  ;

Rev. 9, 8/16/85 '


j * Maintenance of Material and Equipment - WPP/QCI-28 Rev. 10,

5/21/85 l * Safety and Non-Safety Related Cable Pulling - CSP-19 Rev. 4,



* Cable Terminations and Splices - CSP-8 Rev.1, 2/14/85


  • Document Control - ASP-6 Rev. 7, 4/17/85
  • Corrective Action - ASP-16 Rev. 3, 1/01/85
  • Indoctrination and Training - ASP-34 Rev. 4, 7/29/85

! * Qualification and Training of Site Personnel - WPP/QCI-8 Rev.10,

{ 5/24/85 '


! * Field Change Notice - WPP/QCI-20.1 Rev. 5, 5/21/85

} * Fi eld Change Request - WPP/QCI-20 Rev. 15, 8/20/85 i

! The NRC inspector verified that procedures covering handling, instal-l 1ation and maintenance requirements have been establishe Procedures


pertaining to the protection, preservation of internal cleanliness i and maintenance of components after installation appeared to meet NRC ,

requirement !

, No violations or deviations were identifie l l Exit Interview



The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1)

and Mr. C. Johnson, the NRC Senior Resident Inspector, on September 13, 1985, i

and summarized the scope and finding of the inspection.



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