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Insp Rept 70-0371/85-13 on 850903-06.No Noncompliance Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Facility Operations,Internal Controls & Physical Inventory
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 10/17/1985
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20138L175 List:
70-0371-85-13, 70-371-85-13, NUDOCS 8510310217
Download: ML20138L195 (3)


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.U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I Report No. 70-371/85-13 Docket No.70-371 License No. SNM-368 Safeguards Group: I Licensee: UNC Naval Products Division of UNC Resources, Inc.

67 Sandy Desert Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Facility Name: UNC Naval Products Inspection At: Uncasville, Connecticut Inspection Conducted: September 3-6, 1985 Date of Last Material Control and Accounting Inspection

  • July 22-26, 1985 Type of Inspection: Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspectors: , 47 , // /7 A.gliaRatta,Saf uards Auditor ' Aati /

Approved by: .

e  ; [p- /d-/7-##

f.Safeguards R. Keimif Chief date

/ Sectio DRSS Inspection Summary: Routine, Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspection on September 3-6,1985 (Report No. 70-371/85-13)

Areas Inspected: Facility operations, internal controls and physical -

inventory. The inspection involved 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> by a NRC region-based inspector. I Results: The licensee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas  !

examined during the inspection.

E4 'i88si!%8A PDR


1. Persons Contacted
  • T. Collopy, Manager, Nuclear Material Control
  • N. Grenon, Supervisor, Nuclear Material Control J. Cacciapouti, Internal Control Custodian C. Pavelski, Internal Control Custodian i

The inspector also interviewed other licensee personnel involved in the control and accounting of special nuclear material (SNM).

present at exit interview i
2. 30703 - Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph
1) at the conclusion of the inspection on September 6. 1985 and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. time during this inspection was written material provided to the f

licensee by the inspector. '

3. 92713 - Independent Inspection Effort Independent inspection effort was conducted by observing that visitors l were searched with a metal detector and an explosives detector prior to entry into the protected area, as required. -


4, 85205 - Facility Operations and Internal Controls ,

The inspector reviewed the licensee's Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan (FNMCP) and procedures related to shipping and receiving, and the Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE /NRC Form-741) which documented SNM receipts and shipments for the period January 1,1984 -

December 31, 1984. ,

  • All SNM receipts and shipments were accurately accounted for and the shipper's and receiver's measurement data were documented on DOE /NRC Form 741. The licensee was scheduling receipts and all shipper-receiver differences for the period under review were evaluated for statistical significance and investigated and reconciled, as required.

The licensee was in the process of revising its Shipping / Receiving Procedure, No. NMM-SR-1 dated 7-22-77, to reflect current practices.

5. 85211 - Physical Inventory i

The inspector audited the records of the physical inventory taken on May 17, 1985 for accuracy and assurance that all items were accounted for on the inventory. ,


3 The licensee's supporting records of the physical inventory consisted of pre 11sted sheets completed by the inventory and the handwritten schedules which compared the book values and inventory values within contracts for SNM quantities. The book values were obtained from ending contract balances in the general ledger and computer listing, and the physical inventory values were obtained from the summary sheet of the inventory schedules.

The inspector independently totaled prelisted inventory sheet totals for Material Balance Areas 1 thru 6 and traced these totals to the summary sheet of the inventory schedules. No significant differences were identified.

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