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Rev 10 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/1984
Shared Package
ML20094K051 List:
PROC-840806, NUDOCS 8408140535
Download: ML20094K060 (12)


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REVISION 10 INSTRUCTION SHEET Remove . Insert (front /back) (front /back)

Effective Page Listing Rev. 9 Effective Page Listing Rev.10 Dates of Revisions Dates of Revision 21/22 21/22 23/24 23/24 25/26 25/26 Table 2.3 Table 2.3 Sheet 1 of 3 Sheet 1 of 3 Sheet 2 of 3 Sheet 2 of 3 Sheet 3 of 3 Sheet 3 of 3 f

8408140535 B40806 PDR ADOCK 05000327 P PDR

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-REVISION'10 Pagel >



TOlithrough C TOC 2 Revision 10

>1othrough12- '

Revision 6'

'3 - . Revision 9

!4 Original

'S Revision 3' 6~ Revision 4 7 .

Revision-8 8 through 9- .

Revision 5 11 0 Original 11 . .

Revision 5 12-throuth 13 Revision 9 14' Revision 7 15 Re' vision-9

-15a - Revision 9

16. Revision 19 16a. RevisionL8-Revision 4


Table.l.1 (2 pages)

Tabic 11.2 (2 pages) Original Table 11.3 (8 pages) Revision 4

~ Table?1.4 . Revision 9 Table ~1.4A (removed.from document) Revision 9

. Table 1.5' Revision'4 Tables 1.6 and 1.7 Revision 5~

Table l.8 .

Original' Figores 1.1 and 1.2 Original Figure 1.3 Revisien 3

17. Origine.

18- Revision 2 19 Revision 7 20 Revision 6 21 Revision 9 22 Revision 10 23 Revision 7 24 through 25 Revision 10 26 through 29 Revision 8 Table'2.1 (3 pages) Revision 7 Table 2.2 Revision 5 Table 2.3 (3 pages) Revision 101 Table 2.4 a-c Revision 5 H30 ' Revisio'n 8 Table'3.1-1 (4 pages) Revision 4

Table 3.1-2 Revision 8

, Table 3.1-3 Revision 4

' Table 3.2-1 (3 pages) Revision 4 Figure 3.1-1 through 3.1-2 . Revision 4 Figure 3.1-3 Revision 8

' Figure 3.1-4 through 3.1-5 Revision 4 Figure 3.1-6 through 3.1-7 Revision 8 1

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'Sequoyah Nuclear PlantL Offsite: Dose Calculation Manual 4 Datesiof Revisions.

L original-! ODCM

. Revision'1,' ' 2/29/80*-


Revision 2 4/15/80** -'

Revision 3 -10/7/80**

- 11/3/80, 2/10/81

' Revision 14-4/8/81'and 6/4/81**

11/22/82 (10/22/81, Revision.5 11/28/81 and 4/29/82*f Revi~s ion ~6 10/21/82**

Revision 7- 1/20/83**

Revision 8' - 3/23/83**

Revision-9 12/16/83**-

Revision 10 3/7/84**


J i <

l i


  • Low Power' license for Sequoyah unit 1
    • RARC Meeting date

, I

. o

b. During any calendar year to $ 3 mrem to the total body and to i 10 aren to any organ.

.To ensure compliance, cumulative dose calculations will be performed at least unce per month according to the following methodology.

2.3.2 Monthly Analysis Principal radionuclides will be used to conservatively estimate the monthly contribution to the cumulative dose. If the projected dose exceeds the above limits, the methodology in Section 2.3.3 will be-implemented.

3 The 11 nuclides (listed below) contribute more than 95 percent of the dose to the total body and the three most critical organs for each pathway. The critical organs considered for fish ingestion are the 9 gastrointestinal tract (GIT), bone, and liver. The critical organs for water ingestion are the GIT, bone, and thyroid.

7 H-3 Co-58 Sr-90 Cs-134 P-32 Co-60 Nb-95 Cs-137 Fe-55 Sr-89 I-131 A conservative calculation of the monthly dose will he done according to the following procedure. First, the monthly operating report containing the release data will be obtained and the activities released of each of the above eleven radionuclides will be noted. This information will then be used in the following. calculations. 3 Water Ingestion The dose to an individual from ingestion of water is described by the following equation.

11 D= 5 j .

(DCF)q I g), rem (2.11) ici Revision 9 L

yy=":, .


  • f-~ . .

L. .c t -

S ,

>where:- ,

' th

.D3 = dose for the j organ from eleven . radionuclides, rem

-j' : = the, organ of . interest(bone GI tract and total body).

.95' .= conservative correction factor,.considering only eleven _

radionuclides.- ,

DCF ~ critical ingestion dose commitment th g3 = organ of adult or child from the it { actor for therem radionuclide j /pCi,

.see attached ~as Table 2.1.

th I)=monthlyactivityingestedofghe~i g radionuclide by the critical age grout for'the j t organ, pCi.

I g) ir described by I g=Ag g3 V

(30) ,pCi (2.12)

Fd (7. 34 x - 10 "')


h Ag = activity released of i radionuclide during the month,


Vg ) = maximum individual's water consumption rate corresponding to the. age group selected for the critical DCF above (Adult: 2000 mL/d, Child: 1400mL/d;RegulatorhGuide1.109) 30 = days per month F = average river flow at Chickamauga Dam for the month (cubic feet per second) d = fraction of river flow available for dilution (1/S) 7.34x1030 = conversion from cubic feet per second to milliliters per month.

Considering the conversion factor f rom rem to mrem ( x 103 ), the dose equation then becomes:

11 D): 2.15 x 10'0 (V x DCF)g) x A g, mrem. (2.13) 10 F

i=1 llevision 10 22

a. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ___ - _ _ _

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_ }% _

y+ 7 s

-:223.2.2- Fish Ingestio'n-The- dose to an' individual from ' the ' consumption 'of fish is dggeribed b'y '

Equation 2.11. In.this case the activity ingested ~of the.i radionuclide-(11j):is described by.

1 ,-A-Bf t

-M g3 ,;;pCi (2.14)

.Fd (7.34x1010)

-where: .

A activity released'of i th radionuclide during'the .

g = month, pCi

.B g = ef fe'ctive fish concentration factor for the i th radionuclide

pC1/a, see attached as Table'2.2. .

pCi/mL M gd. '

= amount of fish'ea' ten monthly by maximum individual corresponding to age group selected for the critical- .

DCF above (Adult: 1750g, Chil'd: 575g; Regulatory .


F '= average river flow at Chickamauga Dam for month (cubic feet per second) 3 d = fraction of river flow availab1'e for dilution (1/5) f 7.34x10'" = convers1on from cubic -feet per second to m11Iiliters  ;

per month.

The dose equation then becomes A 11 5

Dj = 7.17x10'*



(=g l

By (M DCF)ij, mrem (2.15)

Considering the conversion factor from rem to mrem. Recreation .

The total body dose to an individual via the shoreline recreation pathway 'Is described by the following equation. For this calculation.

  • the total dose is estimated based on a calculation for Co-58, co-60, Cs-134 and Cs-137. These four nuclides are expected to contribute ,

over 95 percent of the recreatior, dose.

7 4

D= 1 [(RDCF)g a

(,g 67), mrem (2.16) 8760 [

i=1 1

Revision 7 -

L Y-


'5 'g f 5 Q- _ ,

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10 . .

D iWheie--

'.D '

.i D = dose to the, total body from plant releases, mrem t.

1 1

0*95 =. conservative correction factor for considering only 4 radionuclides- ,

' - i RDCF g ..=' shoreline recreation ~ dose commitment factor'for the i th J '

! radionuclide (arem/yr per lpCi/cm2 ). See attached table '

2.3. (Note

For Cs-137, ~ the dose commitment factor for

-its daughter, Ba-137m, is assumed.)

f,g = concentration th of i radionuclide in shoreline sediment 2

(pC1/cm ), as described by the following equation (based-on equaticn A-5 in Regulatory Guide 1.109).

&g = 100 RHL g +C f W [1 - exp-(-A g t)} (2.17)

.Where: .

100 = transfer constant defined in Regulatory Guide 1.109 RHLg = radiological half-life of the i th radioisotope,' days, from table 2.1 C

I concentration of i th radionuclide in the Tennessee River, pCi/mt. Cg = Ag /(F d

  • 7.34x10M)

A activity released of i th radionuclide g = during the month, pCi F = average river flow at' Chickamauga Dam for the month, cubic feet per second '

d = fraction of river flow available for dilution (1/5) 7.34x1010 = conversion from cubic feat per second to milli-liters per month.

W = shoreline width factor (0.3 for a lake shore, per tchie A-2 of Regulatory Guide 1.109)

A 0 g = = decay constant of the 1 radionuclide 0.693/RHL g L = buildup time in sediment, assumed 15 years, per Regulatory Guide 1.109 67 = assumed monthly exposure time for maximum individual, h m-500 5 (s 10 h/ week) 0.4 (fractional exposure for 4 yr worst quarter) + 3 (months / quarter) '

-8760 = conversion from year to hours.

0.1 = conversion factor, m2 . ml/cm2 .. I 10 Revision 10 24 c_ - - -_ _-___-_ ______ - ---__-__ -- _-_-_-_-__ _ _-_ _ -_- ___ _ _ _ ___.- ______-__ .__ _ _ __-_ _ _ - _ _ _

e oJ Dl l o 1...

9. ~

. The' dose' equation then-becomes ,

D= (2.18)' 10 (0.00692 ACo-60 + 0.00012 ACo-58 + 0.00206 Aca-134 +

0.00342 ACs-137) '

-2.3.'2.4 Monthly Summary Calendar quarter doses are first. estimated by summing the doses calcu--

lated for each month in that quarter. Calendar year doses are first estimated by summing the doses calculated for each month in that year.

However, if the annual doses determined in this manner exceed or approach the specification limits, doses calculated for previous quarters with the methodology of section 2.3.3 will be used instead of those quarterly doses estimated by summing monthly results. An annual check will be made to ,

c ensure that the monthly dose estimates account for at least 95 percent of the dose calculated by the method described in Section 2.3.3. If less ,

than 95 percent of the dose has been estimated, either a new list'of

. principal isotopes will be prepared or a new correction factor will be used. The latter option will not be used if less than 90 percent of the total dose is predicted. Dose Projections In accordance with specification, dose projections will be performed. This will be done by averaging the calculated dose for the most recent month and the calculated dose for the previous month and assigning that average dose as the projection for the current month.

  • 2.3.3 Quarterly and Annual Analysis A complete analysis utilizing the total ectimated liquid releases for each calendar quarter will be performed and reported as required in section 6.9 of the technical specifications. This analysis will replace values calculated using section 2.3.2 methodology and will also include an approximation of population doses. Individual Doses The iose to the j th organ of the maximum individual from m nuclides, D), is described by 5 m 7

D j= D ij k ' '*" (2*I9) lt k=1 1 = - .1 m 2 5


[(IDCF)q x19) + [(RDCF)Uk *b ik T

k 0 (2.20) i =1 k'= 1 k=3 4 3

i Revision 10 ,

25 i, a- , ,



. i. , .< c~ -

wharat' th p; ' -D ij k


dosetotpgj organ.from-the ith radionuclide, via=the k -exposure pathway.. rem.

J. =

the organ.of interest.(bone, GI tract, thyroid, liver, total body, and skin.)

k' = exposure -pathway -of interest: (1) water ingestion, (2) fish ingestion, (3) shoreline recreation, (4) above-water recreation,.(5) in-water recreation.


(IDCF)13 = the iingesggon dose commitment organ from radionuclide, rem /pCi. factor for the j For the combination'of pathways considered and the nuclide mix expected, the y maximum exposed individual will be. an adult or child.

Table 2.1 is a list of ingestion dose factors for the two age groups.

I lk=theactiv{gyingestedofthei evia the k th radionuclide, exposure pathway, pCi.

111 : CV gn (2.21)

For the fish pathway li2 = C B ggM- (2.22) concentration of the i th C1= radionuclide in the Tennessee River, pCi/mL 5 Cg = A1 /(Fgd) (2.23)

A1 = activity released of i th radionuclide during the release period, pCi. .

Fg : total river flow at location f during period, ml..

A = location of interest (for dose to the maximum individual the first down-river exposure point is used. For.the population dose, various down-river locations are used to account for the total exposed population. Table 2.4a gives the river location of public water supplies; tables 2.4b and 2.4c give the boundaries of the various reaches in which conce'itrations are calculated for the fish and recreation pathways.)

d = Chickamauga fraction of river flow available for dilution (1/5 above Dam, 1 below the dam).

V = average rate of water consumption per Regulatory Guide 1.109.

For maximum individual:

Adult -

2000 mL/d Child - 1400 mL/d 8 Revision 8

, g sausa s.s Recrection Dose Fcetorso Sheet 1 cf 3

.......***........... 5eInnIac e................. eeeeee==eeeeeeee**** 5H0AELINg seeecesseseeeooooo

.uCLICE ..................

sche EnateinfaCro C1

/TEsa TE4 75 uCI/et) .............. eeeeeeee (MaEM/fEst PER UCI/5004t! CENTIMETER) .soseaceeo liver SKIM 8vNE GI

~ TNTro!D 78 'L!vtR SKIN y

  1. ~I 23'~~~~lE.00E C5~~C.CCE+00 ~

C-14 O'.CCE+00 'O.0Ci+00' O.00E*00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+0'0~~0. 0 0 E + 0'O ' O.E0"E300~~0.00E*00


0.GCE*0J C.00!+00 0.00E+03 C.0CE+03 G.00E*CC 0.0CE+C0 ha-22 3.14E+C7 2.*9E+07 2.3Ct+C7 2.67E*07 2.27e+07 0.00E+00 3.16E+07 C.uSE*00 0.CLE+00 0.00!+0C 0.00E+00 C.0GE+00. 0.0CE+CO...___

  • i ma-24 5.66t*07 5.92E.07 6.22E+07 5.37c+CT 4.tCt+GT 6.1st+J7 2.76E*0s 2.19E+36 2.01E+06 2.33E+06 1.99E+06 2.76E+06

! P-32 3.9eE+L6 4.1GE+06 4.2LE+06 3.76E+06 3.33E+C6. 4.29E+06 .

i 0.CCE*0J 0.00E+00 0.0CE+00

_C4-51____ 3.43E+C5 3.C7E+J5 J.30E+05 3.79E+05 3.C9t+05C.CCE*00 0.00E+0C 0.00E+00 0.uCE+00 0.0CE+JO 0.00E+00 0.COE+C0 C.00E*00 0.0CE+00 1.16t+C7 s.57E+06 7.35E+C6 9.665+ds d.26t+0e 4.56E+05. .5.45E+04 .3.03E+D4. 3.39E+04- 3.61E+G4_.3.1CEt04__4.69E+04 aN-54 M4-56 2.33E*07 2.14E+07 1.52E+C7 2.07E+47 1.d1E+07 2.54E+07 1.24E+07 1.04E+06 7.696+05 6.60E+05 8.69E+05 7.42E+05 FE-55 3.16E+C1 3.4TE+01 6.94t*C0 1.6tt+02 1.47c-01 1.31E+06 1.69E+06 1.44E+06 1.66E*06 1.45E+06 1.11E+06 2.05E+06 F E -5 9 1.64E+CT 1.33E+07 1.23E+C7 1.45&+07 3.161+03 2.71E+01 2.9st+01 5.96E+00 1.44E+02 1.26E-01 2.71E+C3 ._

CC-57 2.71E+C6 9. DOE *05 1.e9E+06 1.48E+06 1.23E*07 1.76E+07 1.36E+06 1.15E+06 1.02E+06 1.20E+C6 1.02E+06 1.46E+06 1.13E+06 1.75E+06 2.32E+05 1.0ZE+05 1.76E+05 1.55E+C5 1.17E+05 1.94E+05

.CC-56 ._ 1.3SE*07_ 1.33E+J7 4.7EE+06 1.13E*07 9.e5E*06 1.43E+07 CC-60 3.46E*07 3.02E+J7 2.73E+07 3.11E+07 2.62E+07 1.25E+06. 9.36E+05 mI-63 3.67t+07 3.0CE+05 2.54E+06 2.E3E+06 2.46E+C6 2.23E+06 .1.03E+06_6.E2E+05. 1.30E+C6. ___.

0.COE+JO C.00!+00 0.0CE*CC 0.0CE+u0 0.CCE+CC 0.00E+00 2.14E+06 3.00E+C6 sI e5 7.a5i*06 E.a6E*0o 6.5CE*C6 6.9.E+06 5.34E+06 7.95E+06 0.00i+00 0.0CE+C0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.CCE+C0 0.0CE+C0 Cu-64 2.63E+C6 2.20E*:6 _1.55E*06 2.23E*06 1.92E+0e 6.18E+05 5.52E+05 5.22t+05 5.60E+05 4.71E+C5 6.41E+05 2k-65 7.99E+0s 6.47E+06 5.5EE+06 6.96E+06 5.9CE+C6 2.07t+06 2.71E*05 2.11E+05 1.TdE+05 .2.14E+05 1.84E+G5 2.59E+C5 a.67E+06 6.75E+05 5.42E+35 4.71E405 5.a8E+05 4.9EE+05 7.40E+05 . _ .


a5-74 _9.55f+01__6.*9E+C1. 6.G9E+01 _2 12E+G1 e.CCE+C1 8.51E+01 1.7JE*05 1.30E*05 1.4CE*05 1.4CE+03 .9.40E+30. 6.39E+CC _6.0CE+LO_7,01E+0C_ 5.?CE+00 _E.38E+C0

_ a5-7s 3.31E*04 e.aE!*04 7.C4E*04 6.33E+04 1.10E+05 1.6CE+05 1.36E+06 1.1CE+06 1.16E+06 1.12E+06 64-33 1.12E*C5 8.o4f*06 7.24E+C4 a.61E+04 7.59E*04 8.12E*34 5.73E+04 6.c2E+05 5.4EE*;5 5.7aE+C5 .5.60E+05 9.40E+05 1.33E+06 4.7CE+05 6.65E+C5 sa-34 2.46i+07 2.42i+07 2.59E+J7 .2.2EE+07 2.03E*07 .2.69E+07 1.06E+35 1.07E+G4 8.29E+03 6.95E+03 8.45E+03 7.2CE+03 1.02E+C4 as-85 2.a6E*C5 2.11E+~5 1.81E+C5 2.39E+C5 2.C4!+05 1.50E*06 1.73E+06 1.79E+06_ 1.65E+06._1.46E+06_

__sa-33p 3.071+05 2.55E+04 1.8dE+04 1.61E+04 2.13E604 1.82E+04 1.96E+C6 _ _ , _

1.22E+C2__1.22E+C2_ 9.46E+02 .3.71E+01 1.13E+04 *.33E+02 2.74E+04 r ta-854 . . _3.21E+06 3.242*C2 1.3e!+Co 1.97t+06 1.93E+06 1.5CE+06 2.30E+0e 1.1EE+02 .5.97!+01. 9.65E+02. 1.12!+01__1.23E+C4_

t as-35 3.34t*04 2.59f*04 2.1'E+C4 2.62i+04 3.30E*05 1.39E*05 2.02E+05 1.99E+05 1.54E+C5 2.39E+05 28-86 1.29E*GS 1.04E*0s 3.73E+05 1.12E*06 2.2eE+C4 3.14E+04 3.22E+03 2.49E+03 2.09E+03. 2.53E+03 2.1EE+03 39-55 d.995+C6 9.1s!*06 s.1CE+06 3.32E+06 7.32E+C4 9.5CE+05 1.42E+0e 1.10E*05 8.79E+04 7.40E+04 9.50E+04 8.065+04 3.03E+03 .

as-59 2.n9i+C7 2.675+G7 2.41E+07 2.61C+07 2.27E+07 9.9CE+06 e.77E+05 6.32E+05 5.97E+05. 6.24E+05 5.49E+05 1.2CE+05 3.17E+07 7.46E+05 c

_ 5 4-8 9___ 1.3d E *03 . 1.41 E +03 ,1.1 EE *C3 _.1.5 E E ?O3_ .1 3 5 2 + 03 _ 2.05 E *03 2.27E+C6 2.06E+06 1.85E+06 2.04E+06 1.77E+06 2.49E+C6

[ 34-9J 1.e6E+02 1.24E+02__1.04E+02 _1 40Et02__1.19E+02__1 31E+02_,

i Sa-91 0.00E+00 9.71E*06 C.00E+6C 7.32E*C6 0.CCE*CC~d.17E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0CE+00 0.00E+00 1.64d+07 1.e5E+C7 o.32E+06 6.9eE*06 8.56E+C5 6.43E+05 5.56E+05 ~7.15E+05- 6 13E+05 9.13E*C5 Sa-92 1.59E+07 1.7CE+07 1.43E*07 1.04E+07 ~

7-90 1.1Ci+C3 2.90E-01 1.11E-01 1.3 2E +so , 2.77i-02 1.93E+07 1.30E+0i 1.35E+0e 1.28E+06 1.37E+C6 1.15E+C6 '1.55E+06 l T-91 4.99i+04 4.25E*04 3.77E+04 4.43E+C4 3.75E+C4 1.06E+01 7.97E-01 2.17E-01 7.6EE-02 9.65E-01 ,1.91E-C2 .7.57E+00 T-917 5.33E+04 4.12E*u3 3.51E+03 3.11E+03 3.66E+03 3.1CE*03 4.41E+03 7.83E*06 _6.C2E*06._5.0Ett06 2.a0t+C6 2.49E+C6 _6.211+06 _5.34E+06 _7.53E+06 T-92 3.51E*Cs 7.45E+05 T-93 3.02E+C6 1.30E+0s 3.10!+06 9.91E+05 1.1CE+06 2.576+04 3.72E*06 5.74E+05. 4.53E+05._5.93EtC5__5.1 Cit 05_ 7.2CE+C5.

3.02E*05 2.39E+05 2.12E+05 2.59E+05 --

! 24-95 1.C4r+07 7.7Es+C6' 6.E4E4C6 'd.5eE+D6 7.32E+06 9.42E*G5 1.33E+06 1.1CE+05 d.91E+04 '8.17E+04 9.13E+04 2.2GE+05 3.19E+C5 2a-97 1.0EE+J7 7.77E+04 1.1CE+05 2.57s+C4 1.67E*06 2.165*06 1.EeE+06 2.62E+06 9.5&E+05 7.13E+05 6.0BE+C5 7.84E+05 6.71E+C5 9.82E+05 AE-95 1.0!E+C7 d.01c*0e 2.23E+G5 1.74E+05

_ % 6 - 9 5 5_ _ _ 1.17E*;6 2.C4!+0e ~ 6.6 4E +36 's.3 7E*C6 7.59E+0E 1.12E+07 9.52E+05 7.31E+05~1.50E+05 1.88E+05 ~ 1.60!+05 2.27E+C5 3.5&E+c5__7.C4E?65__7.59E*L5 6.24E+05' 6.C9E+G5 6.92E+05' 1.02E+C6 43-97 9.4Ct*C6 7.11E+06 6.C3E+C6 7.ofE+c6 e.52t+0e 9.43E+Jo5.90E+CS _9.51E+05 1.22E+G5 45-97* 5.ocE+04__7.17E+04_ 6.05E+04__5.9EE+C4 1.23E+C5 d.77E+05 0.63E+05 1.032*;7 7.o7E*Ce 6.54E+Ce 5 62E+05 7.10E+05

  1. 0-99 2.41i+Ce 1.632+*e 1.521*06 1.67E+Co 7.22E+06 4.4 i+0e 1.GtE*07 9.42E*C5 7.03E+05 5.99E+05 7.73E+05 6.0EE*05 8.79E+C5!*05 9.74E+C5 TC-99 1.57E*06 2.34E+36 2.27E+05 1.51E+05 1.43E+05 L.0Ju+CO. C.COE+.0 1.75E+C5 1.47E+35 2.21E+C5 7C-96n 2.74E+C4 1.03E+0s 0.CCL+CC C.GCE+00 0.0CC+0C 0.00E+00 1.69E*C6 1.55E+0e 1.1:E+0E 1.83E+G6 0.00E+00 0.0C!+0C 0.00E+00. 0.00E+00 _C.00E+0C ,C.0CE+CO.

au-103 , 2.83E+05 1.07E+05 1.74E+05 1.6CE+C5 1.21E+C5 1.93E+05 . __

au-105 7.0 5 E + C6_

1.15E+C7 5.44E +46 _4 5 7 E *Q t __) .51 E* 06_ 4.7 5 E *06_ e.6C E +066.51E+05 5 2 5 E tus _3 41 E + C 5 ._1 a.32E+0a 7.34E+C6 9.16t+L6 7.79s+06 1.14E+07 1.Cbt+D6 7.73E+05 6.86E+C5 8.57E+05 3 2 E tC 5__4 5 8 E tD 5_ _6. 3 7 E t Q 5 au-106 7.29E+05 1.06E+06

. an103g 0.00!+C0 0.00!+00 0.0CE*00 0.00c+00 0.0Ci+00 3.73E*03 4. BEE +02 1.27E+C3 2.o2E*03 3.9dE+02 1.27E+04 0.00E+a0 0.00E+JO 0.0CE+00 0.00E+00 0.COE+00. 0.00E+00 0.0"E+C3 2n-1C5 1.35E*CS 7.362+C5 a.3&E*05 9.392+05 7.e4E*05 1.74E+03 2.1CE+02 5.66E+02 1.36!+03 1.63E+02 6.42E+03 an305 o.12E+L5 2.12E*LS 3.75E+05 3.42t*05 2.51E*L5 4.51E*05 1.12E+06 1.35E+05 7.59E+04 7.05E+C4 8.41E+C4_ 9.43E+04_ 7.67E+04 1.13E+C5 2.30E+04 4.10E+C4

_8 9-10 6 ,__ 4.11E+C4 2.6eE+04 7.39E+04

_ 20110m a;-111

2. 6 3.d7E+079 d *C6_2.3 2.975+07 CE +0 2.eEE+C7 s _.1.
3. 2 9 S e E +E0 ?+Cs__2.41E 2.79E*07 +06 4.03E+07 . 2.0 7t +0 6 __2.9 3E+06 ___2.31 E + 05_ 2 16 E +03__1. 3 4 E 3.41E+06 2.61E+06 2.35E+06 2.88E+06 ._1,14EtG5__2.76Et05 t 0 4.03E+05 2.32!*05 2.31E+05 2.53E*05 2.31t+05 2.45E+06 3.55E+06 58-322 s.0aE*04 6.27i+C4 a.53E+04 6.31t+04 5.2tt+04 7.73E+04 3.39E+05 4.03E+C4 2.3st+04 2.51E+04 2.c3E+C4 2 31E+04 3.39E+C4 53-124 2.s1E+07 2.2EE+47 2.CTE+C7 2.29E*07 1. VEE +07 6.J3E*05 5.31E+G5 5.57E+05 5.35E+05 58-147 1.u1E+C7 7.39t+0c o.47E+C6 e.03E+06 2.71E+07 2.1LE+0? 1.d6!+C6 1.69E+06 1.90E+C6 4.4eE+05 6.54E+05 1.6'E+06 2.25E+05 TE125* 1.eFE+C5 2.35E+;& a.6bE*0e 9.91E+06 9.52E+C5 6.94E+05 6.09E+05 7.55E+05 6.43E+05 .

t.7&E+C5 1.35E+05 4.71E*04 3.39E+0e 4.t2E+04 9.0tt+03 2.32E+04 2 50!*04 8.73!*C3 9.31E+C5 6.29E+04

1 Tchle 2.3 (Continued) Sheet 2 d 3 O

..................... 5 1 ,1 s ..................

.................. Emsgr/ TEAR ped UCI/NL) .............. .................... 5nCR Eu1NE ..................

muCL :E s;nE CI inra:20 To LtwER (HREM/ TEAR PER UCI/5004RE CENTIMETER) 511m a u'.E GI THYROID .T8 L!vtR .. **..*.****


  • TE-127 7.64t*64 5.176+34 4.9:E+c4 5.77E+ut TE127p 4.53E+04 c.57E+G4 7.74E+J3 5.1CE+03 4.92E+03 5.69E+03 6.91E+04 1. 3 32
  • G 4 3.45E*;4 3.blE*04 4.77E+03 6.80E+03 TE-129 1.26i+04 9.39E+04 1.31E*04 2.542+03 6.60E+03 TE12pm 5.4SE+05 4.12E+05 5.5t!*05 6.69E+c5 5.6CE+C5 8.33E+C5 a.52E+04 5.d7E+04 7.21E+G3 2.44E+03 1.86t+04 . .

4.72E*05 J.23E*05 2.94E+05 5.43E+04 6.50E+34 5.37E*04 8.28E+04

+E-131 a.79E+06 3.7tt+05 3.02s+C5 5.05E*05 4.59E+04 3.09E+C4 2.92E+04 3.71E+04

+.21E*;6 4.37E+C6 4.99E*C6 4.13E+06 6.11E+06 2.SEE+04 5.38E+C4 TE131* 6.49E*35 3.94E+05 4.16E+05 4.71E+05 3.88E+C5 5.73E+C5 TE-132 2.L6E*07_ 1.53E+c7 1.39E+37 1.7CE+C7 1.45E*07 2.12E+0T 1.54E+06 1 35E+36 f.23E+G6

+.27E+Co 1.92E*J6 2.54i+0e 2.6JE*J6 2.G4E+0c 3.32:+C6 1.51E+C6 _1.2 set 06__1.59E+C6 Z-129 2.25E+05 4.d4E+C4 1.19E+;5 4.55E+65 1.9aE+35 2.68E+C5 2.E3E+05 2.12 E

  • 05 3.6CE+C5 1.15E+05 4.75E+C4 2.49E+05 5.J2E+04 1.072+04 2.67E+C4 2.57E+04 1.03E+04 5.70E+C4 l I-130 3. die +C7 2.33E*C7 2.J:E*;7 2.5CE+.7 2.14E*07 3.0$E+C7 Z-131 6.2tf+6 3.93E+06 3.92E+;$ 2.54E+36 2 17E+36 1.86E+G6 2.32E*G6 1.99E+06 2.86E+C6 4.54E+06 3.77t+C6 5.47t+0L 6.15E+05
-132 3.231*C7 2.45E+07 2.16t+:7 2.stE*07 2 29E+07 3 57E+05 3.33E+05 4.49E+C5 3.72E+05 5.41E+C5

_ Z-133 3.32E+37 2.91E+36 2.20E*G6 1.93E*06 2.41E+06 2.06E+06 2.99E+C6 ._.

1-134 s.96E+C6 _6.90!+36 .5.591+36 7.13E+uo o.16E+06 J.69E+06 8.44E*J5 6.49E+35 3.o7E*C7 2.6.E*L7 2.69E*07 I-135 2.19i+07 1.95E+07 1.75E*07 3.11t+07 2.65E+07 3.39E*J7 3.22E+Go 2.46E+06 5.54E+05 _t.75E+05 .5.79E+05__8.17E+C5.

2.15E+06 2.71E*06 2.32E+06 3.40E+06 1.96t+07 1.6?E+07 2.33E+07 1.7aE+C6 1 572+66 1.41E+06 1.59E+36 1.35E+06 1.S9E+06 st133= 6.35E+05 2.3EE*05 3.55E*05 3.71E+05 2.61E+05 at-133 s.52E+05 2.53E+C5 5.27E+05 d.09E+04 2.31E+04 4.65E+04 4.77E+04 3.05E+04


4.84E+;5 4.24E*05 2 74E+05 5.73E*05 1.11E*C5 7.71E+04 RE135= 6.61E+C6 4.94E+06 4.15E+06 3.175+04 6.2SE+04 5.572+04 3.39E+04 S.27E+04 5.C4E+06 4.33E+C6 6.0$E+06 6.21E+55 4.75E+05 4.01E+05 mE-135 4.54t*;6 2.25E+C6- 2.76E+06 3.C2i+06 2.40E*06 4.57E+05 4.17t+05 5.93E+05 C5-134 3.63E+C6 4.59E+35 2.22E+C7 1.o7E+07 1.43E+07 1.31E+37 1.55E+07 2.26E+L7 2.29E+35 2.79E+05 3.04E+05 _2.41E+05_ 3.67E+C5 C5-135 3.00E*C0 C.00E*03 0.COE+0; C.G0E*00 2.04E+Co 1.54E+06 1.32E+06 1.07E+06 1.43E+06 2.08E+C6 C5-136 3.1CE+07 1.262+37 2.03E+;7 2.55E+07 2.15E'07 3.21E+07 0.00E*CC O.3CE+00 C.0CE+30 0.0CE*00 0.00E+C0 0.03E+GO 0.0CE+00 0.0CE+00 C5-137 3.CCE*03 0.C3E+03 C.CCE+00 0.eCE+00 0 0JE+CC 0.00E+00 2.771+D6 2.0CE*06 1.81E*C6 2.26E+C6 1.91E+06 2.d5E+C6 05-133 3.29E+07 3.C3E+07 2.66E+;7 2.95E+07 2.56E+07 3.46t+07 C.33E+00 0.0CE+DO 0.00E+00 0.CCE+03 0.0CE+00 0.0CE+00 i 2.62E*C6 2.37E+06 2.23E+06 2.35E+C6 2.02E+C6 2.74E+C6

. 334-139 413 7M _ _ 6.5 6 E *C6__6.*5 E+ 6_ 5.4 t E ?C6__6. 9 2E+ 06 . 5.9 3 E +06. 8.5 9 E + 0 e _ S .U1 E + 0 e.U2Et05 5

l 7.49E+C5 3.44t*J5 4.73E+05 4. toe +35 3.cCE+05 5.55E+05 5.12E+G5_ 6.4 7E t35._3.5 4 E t05__8.04 E* 05 _a __

sa-14; 4.295+C6 1.cCE+C6 1.4tt*36 1.73E*J6 1.46E+06 2.10E+06 7.61E+G4 3 3EE+04 4.75E+C4 4.67E+04 3.575+C4 5.62:504 es-141 1.31E+;7 8.90i+06 8.96E+;6 1.02d+07 8.49t+06 1.22E+37 2.29E+35 1 56E+05 1.46t+05 1.71E+05 1,42E+05 31-1+2 1.51E+C7 1.11E*J7 1.C2E+37 1.24E+07 1.G4E*07 1.54E+07 1.21E+C6 7.97i+05 8.15E+05 9.26E+C5 7.70E*05 2.13E+C5 1.12E+C6 La-160 3.20E+C7 2.91E+07 2.73E+C7 2.eLi+37 2.4eE+07 3.51E+07 1.34E+06 9.3E!+05 9.03E+05 1.13E+06 9.17E+05 1.36E+06 La-142 3.74E+C7 3.!0E*;7_ 3.72E+J7 3.4 7t+ 07 3.1CE*07 .4.10E+07 2.6CE+06 2.32E+06 2.1tE+36 2.32i+36 1.9EE+06 2.67E+C6 _

CE-141 1.59f*C6 5.94E+C5 9.70E+C5 9.01E+05 6.75E*05 1.09E+06 2.75E+J6 2.73E+36 2.64E+0? 2.53E+06 2.52E+C6_ 3.0CE+C6 C6-143 4.54:+;6 2.64E+;s 2.79E+C6 3.22i+06 2.e0E+06 1.69E+G5 6.2CE+04 1.02E+05 9.52E+04 7.07E+34 -

4.03E*L6 1.16E+C5 CE-144 4.1EE*:5 1.42E+C5 2.51E+35 2.2eE+J5 1.63E+35 2.d1E*05 4.66E+05 2.61E+05 2.83E+05 3.24E+05 2.57E+05 4.07E+05 72-163 4.64E+G4 1.55E+04 2.7sE+04 2.50E+04 1.76E+04 3.18E+C4 1.26E-L1 9.3dE-32 6.CCE-C2 1.03E-01 4.33E-02 l 78-1 4 4.402-05 6.24c'L5 3.74E+;5 3.97i+05 3.30E+05 1.30E-31 1.15E-02 8.6CE-03 7.33E-03 9.45E-03 8.09E-C3 1.19E-32 1.42E*J5 4.75E*35 3.4eE+G4 3.24E*04 2.57E+C4 3.13E+C4 2.72E+04 __

P a 144 a _ 3.32E+C4 _7.19 E + 0 +_ 6.55E+04. 3.23E+04_.1.25E*Q5 2.25E+04 5.33E+33__1.15E+04__1.,12E+04 _),17E+03__2.06E+04 3.71E+04

40-147 2.33E*;6 f.34E+36 1.44E+C6 1.37E+Go 1.25E+06 1.95E+06 i 7a-147 7.661*01 2.7st+01 4.92E+31 4.26E*01 3.23E+01 4.93E+31 2.47E+05 1.35E+05 1.50E+05 1.62E+C5 1.27E+05 2.03E+C5 i 74-149 1.9&E+C5 1.12E+05 1.13E+C5 1.39E+C5 1.13E*35 1.09i+05 d.17!+00 1.95!+04 2.92E+03 5.115+C0 .4.43E+33 3.36E+33 5.175+00 5*-147 1.11E*04 1.22E+C4 1.33E+C6s 1.12E+C4 1.67E+C4 _

Im-151 0.COE+C0 0.03E*03 0.CCE+20 0.00E+03 0.CCc+CC 0.00E+C0 1.o94+31 2.20:+GO 5.stE+;3 1.33E+G1 1.61E+0C 6.76E+01 C.CCE*03 3.0CE+00 0.00E+00 0.COE+03' O.0CE+03 0.0CE+00 l in-133 1 25E*C6 3.391+w5 7.215+;5 e.33t+05 4.25i+C5 8.C85+05 7.6;E+03 1.04E+00 2.56E+00 6.24E+03 7.22E-G1 3.55E+C1 2u-155 1.35i+C6 +.28t*G5 7.9ti+35 6.81E+c5 4.7EE*05 5.21E*05 1.575+05. 4.71E+04 5.7i!+C4 7.33E+04 5.07E+04 1.04E*05 _____

l  ?12-132 2.42E+05 1.93E*05 1.E;E?;5 2.04E+06 1.ost+C5 2.44E+05 1.54t*G5 4.82E+04 -8.93E+04 7.73E+C4 5.35E+C4 9.49E+C4 i

4 m-137 7.25E*0s 5.09E+L6 4.57E*06 5.55E+Ce 4.68i+C6 1.94E+36 1.41E+06_ 1.45E+C6 1.63E+06._1.35E+C6 1.96t+C6 3.69E*L4 9.75E+03 1.71E*;4 1.76E*J4 9. tee +03 6.21E+G6 6.99E+35 4.64E+C5 4.39E+05 5.30E+05 .

l -

78-21; 4.45E+C5 6.52E+05

f.98-212 3.27E+04 5.31E+03 1.46E+03 2.42E+03 3.05E+C3 l 2.59E*06 1.26E*36 1. 72 E +; 6 1.73E+06 1.36E+06 2.13E+06 2.99E+35 1.43E+04 l 3" CE-214 4.29E+C6 2.39E+06 1.29E+05 1.78E+05 1.83E+05 "1.4CE+05 1 2SE+03 ~ 2.25E+05
o!-212 2.59E* 6 2. LEE +56 2.6 5 E ?fs__2.

1.89E*05 9 5 Et 06__2.39 2.22E+06 E + 0 2.69E*;$

1.90E+06 E _3.3 5 E* 0 6 __ 4.32E*05_ 2.35E+35__2.66Eto$__2.96t+01__2,39E+05___3 41E?05 l ;- 61-214 2.10E*G7 1.39E+07 1.69E+C7 1.37E*G7 1.o22*07 2.23E*07 2.25E*35 1.73E*05 1.61E+C5 1.92E+C5 1.63E+05 2.3tE+C5 73-212 0.00E*;3 1.71E+J6 1.51E+36 1.35E+C6 1.51E+06 1.31E+06 1.31E+C6 C.C3E+50 0.03E*00 0.0CE+00 0.0CE+CC 1.54E*03 1.14E+C3 9.75E*:2 1.27E+33 1.aiE*33 0.00E+C0 C.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.DCE+00 C.03E+CC 0.0CE+C0 0.0CE+C0 ,_,73-214 00-216 0.03E*;0 1.62E*J3 1.39E+32 1.03E+32 .S.34E+01 C.00E+C3 C.CCE+C3 0.00c+03 u.30E*00 0.00E*C0 1.15E+32 .9.85E+C1_ 1.46E+C2

_FG-238 J.COE*C0 C.LCE+03_G.CCE+0: _0.0Ci+00 0.00E*0C O.00E+03 0.0CE+03 0.DCE+03 C.COE+03 0.03E+C0 0.0CE+00 0.00E+CC ___

C.CCE*03 0.0CE+33 0.DCE+00, 3.COEtCO._.C,0CE?p0_ 0.30EtCC __ ___


Tcbla 2.3 (Continued) Sheet 3 ef 3

.. ..........e....** 5oInnIaG e....e***e...eese. eeee**eseee******o *~ 5 n C a E L I N E ****************** * *

.................. (stEastEsa Pts UCI/mt> ......... **** ******** (H4Ex/ FEAR Pts UCI/53U4af CENTIME 7E8) **********

eVCLI E 3:sE GE ints:13 TS LIvte SEIN 80t4 E CI TMyto!D T8 LIVER SKIN * *

~ 4 G41 22f 1.S71+ 5 s.92E*J4 1.13E+35 1.21E*C5 9.45E+04 1.45E*05 C4-226 1.90E*u4 9.04E+03 1.15E+C4 1.22E+04 9.58E+03 1.41E+04 .

1.37E*C5 _5.79t+C4 4.19E+c4_ a.21E+o4 a.2eE+06 9.43E+04 1.41E+04 5.94!*33 8.41E+03. 8.45E+C3..E.41E+03 _1.05E+04 as-228 m.53E-05 9.39E-35 1.88E-C5 4.53s-J4 3.Sti-37 8.53E-G3 7.49E-05 3.4EE-05 1.74E-05 4.19E-C4 3.6EE-07 7.89E-03 cC-228 , 1.32E+07_ 9.95E+Js 5.9fE*C6 _1.1C!+07 9.3CE+0c 1.37E+07 1*-228 . 33i+C4 1.54E+04 2.565'C4 2.*1E*C4 1.17E+C6 d.65E+05 7.56t+05 9.64E+G5 .5 14E+05_ 1.23E+C5 1.74C+04 3.33E*J4 4.75E+03 1.67E+33 2.74E+03 2.95E+C3 1.84E+G3 E.8EE*03

_Ta-23C 3.73E*:3__2.56!5J3 _4,78E+03__4.43E*03._3.C7E*3J .1.00E+C4 1.11E+03. 3.53E*02 _5.44E+02__5.92E*02__3.39Et02__3.3dEt03 in-232 3.51E*C3 1.20E*33 2.03E*03 2.21E+33 1.23E+03 a.31E*03 5.9fE+02 1.7:E+32 2.53E+02 6.10E+C2 1.45E+02 5.4&E+33 79-234._,1.9:E*C5. e.33E*:4 1.1CE*C5 9.53!*04 4.63E+04 1.1 E*05 2.14E+C4 6.7CE+03 .1.23E+C4. 1.11E+04_ 7.33E+03._1.94E+C4 P4-234 2.89E*C7 2.07E+C7 1.922*07 2.34t*07 1.95E+37 2.93E+07 2.61E+0e 1.83E*06 1.72E*00 2.10E+06 1.77E*06 2.69E+06 u-234 2.77E+C3_ 3.30E+C2 _1.?8E*C3 _1.SOE+03 s.3dE+02 d.0$E+03 5.71E+32 1.46E+02.1.35E*02 _T.43E+02. 1.00E+02. 7.34E+03__.

u-238 9.a9E.C2 2.47E*D2 3 1.97E*02 5.91E+03 3.32E+02 8.41E+01 7.05E*01 5.46E+02 2.97E+01 6.C6E+*3

    • -23s 7.scs.cs 3.7+a.c. 4.'77.+cs e e t + 0 e.Jes+ce 2 8.02E+02s.4ss+0e s.12E+nA 6.sct+cs 4.sst+35 .4.12E+C5. 5.54E*05 4.69E+C5 .7.45E+C5._. ...47-239 3.4.E*0s 1.44!* s 2.14I+Ca 2.J2i+0S 1.57t*Cc 2.43E*Ja 3.59E+05 1.45E+35 2.22E+05 2.13E+C5 1.62E+C5 2.9CE+C5 PJ-233 9.7sE*C2 2.32i+42 3. tee *C2 1.UCE*J3 1.67E*L2 a.44E+03 4.7FE+02 1.42E*02 Pu-239 1.33E*33 4.51E*C2 7.92i+02 9.42E*02 7.02E+C1 7.97E+C2 2.54E+01 E.55E+C3 .

5.C5E+02 3.37E*33 .2.33E+02 d.55E+01 9.52E+01 3.60E+C2 .5.44E+01 3.32E+03 Pu-240 1.01E*L3 2.35E*Q2 3.34E+C2 .9.9;E+02 1.73E*D2 6.1CE+03 4.65E+02 1.3tE+02 7.17E+01 7.64E+02 2.69E+01 8.14E+C3.__ __.

l 8c-241 0.CCE*C3 C.DCE*J3 0.CCE*33 0.0 CE + 00 C.0Cc*CC 0.03E*00 i _P0-262._ a.251*C2_1.93E*C2 2.d3E*02. 7.96E*02 1.52E+C2 .6.40E+03 0.00E*D3 0.CCE+00 .0.0CE+00 0.COE+00 0.0CE+00' O.0*E+00 3.cdE+02 6.23E+31. 5.31Et01. 6.03E+32 _2.22E*C1 6.41E+C3 s49-241 5.01E*35 1.43E*05 2.47E*C5 2.37E*05 1.42E*C5 3.12E+05 6.4GE+C4 1.61E+34 3.11E+C4 3.16E+34 I

AM-242 3.C5!* 5 1.04E*05 1.95t*C5 1.32E+C5 1.21E+05 1.96E*05 1.79E+04 5.77E+C4-l 3.32E*04 1.11E+04 2.07E+L4 1.80E+C4. 1.29E+04 2.97E+C4... _..

a4-243 1.22E+G6 3.71E*05 6.7CE*05 5.y?E+45 3.9&E*C5 7.28E*C5 1.37E+35 4.1tE*04 7.49E+04 6.79E+C4 4.42E+C4 9.3CE+04 l C=-242 1.C25*:3 2.95E*C2 2.97E+02 1.14E+03 1.56E+C2 9.49E*03 6.CoE+02 2.02E*J2 7.14E+01 T 40-243 2.57E*Cs 1.;&E*J6 1.59E+3a 1.53E+Ca 1.!JE+04 1.85E+0c 9.05E+GZ 2.57E+01 9.3CE+03 _. .-

2.63E+C5 1.GSE+05 1.64t*C5 1.62E*05 1.22E+C5 2.33E+C5

_C4-244_. 6.91E*;2 .2.33E+32__1.25E+32 9.21t+02 5.13E+01 .E.47Et03 5.22E+02 1.741*32 .4.96E+01 8.C7E*02._3.34EtD1__8.15E+C3 ._____

l __ _ _ _.. . _ . . . - -- - -- -- --- - - - - - - - - - -


  • Dose Factors taken from Kocher, D. C., " Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photon ^ ~

r.nd Electron Radiation from Radionuclides Occurring in Routine Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle .

_ _ _ _ Facilities," Health Physics, Volume 38, Number 4, April 1980. , _ , ,, _ _ , , _

9 1

i 3

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