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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-94B,consisting of Transcript Re Intervenor Exhibit 94B Tape 32,dtd 900404,TR 46-49
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/1995
OLA-3-I-MOS-94B, NUDOCS 9512280226
Download: ML20099L400 (8)


- - . . . . . . -.. _ . . - _ . _ . - . --

a l .T- NDSB A ' 9'/0 00CKETED '

USHRC 1 INT. EX. 94/Y 6 /D 6'a irs '<v .

2 TAPE 32 .

'95 0CT 2) P5:12  !

. 3 Date: 4-4-90 4 , Location: John Aufdenkampe's office.

5 0FFICE OF SECr2T/sa.f 6 0 0 C K E'Ij"W l y R i iC E ,

7 SEGMENT #2 t ".

8 TR. 46-49 '

9 10 11 MOSBAUGH: What did you say about this stuff here?

12 AUFDENKAMPE: What stuff?

13 ' = 0, 070. "00 r."'" : ]

[r"; AUFDENKAMPE -)- 'Ihe 006 14 number's a combined Unit 1 and Unit 2 number. What, but what I 15 don't understand.

3 16 WILLIAMS: 1990.

17 AUFDENKAMPE: Yeah, but --


19 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, silly me. Why didn't we put 1990 on 20 here?

21 WILLIAMS: Because it looks really shitty.

'- 22 AUFDENYJWPE : Really, really shitty.

23 WILLIAMS: I mean like - .  !

I i 1

24 AUFDENKAMPE: Does George know?


08. Yes he does, I tol'd him. l

! l 26 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, you didn't give him '87 data. Where 27 did he get this shit from?

28 WILLIAMS: From me. I gave it to him. That's what l 29 I gave him.

30 AUFDENKAMPE: Ooohh.. Yeah I see now. Oooohh.  ;

1 31 MOSBAUGH: Do we have, I mean do we have good '87 l l

32 data?  !


9512280226 951006 in the rnatter of Georale Poww Co et eL Vootle UnHe 1 & 2 PDR ADOCK 050004 4 O Staff Mtwvenor O Othw Gd Ap%plicant elved O Rejected Reporter CD '

O Den identifie/(

lo /4rwrewee

. i 1 AUFDENKAMPE: Yes. I 2 WILLIAMS: Yeah, but its' only for a half year.

3 MOSBAUGH: Post commercial, we didn't tabulate it--

4 INPO didn't require it, right, till commercial.

5 WILLIAMS: Not till commercia L. Actually it doesn' *.,

6 they don't require it until a year after commercial declaration.


8 WILLIAMS: Yeah. He's not seeing the for t for the m .mem a.a<..,we 9 trees. instand of calline me and directing He needsi'ir.eadib1:}

'\ ,W4euwe tche ? La %s : )

10 I '=0, Orc: 'irrr " ir ' = ' - did me to do work, which is why* w % 11 that yesterda [ 43 bejn 12 AUFDENKAMPE: Well, I went over there and on 13 his desk and left. 14 MOSBAUGH: So what's the '90 numbers? 15 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, they're terrible 16 [ laughter] 17 MOSBAUGH: So why are they so terrible and these are 18 all so good? i 19 AUFDENKAMPE: Because we had three f ailures in ' 90, not l 20 counting what occurred since that, during the event. There were 21 four failures in '90. 22 MOSBAUGH: These are--these aren't, these aren't the 23 unavailability numbers? 24 AUFDENKAMPE: Yes. Those are the unavailability 25 numbers. 26 MOSBAUGH: Well, how's that related to the f ailures? 2 i i A l e

l i 1 AUFDENKAMPE: The failures, the failures are used in r 1

4. .

2 calculating the unavailability. l 1 Luh 3 MOSBAUGH: I mean, but doesn't the unavailability

 ,                                                                                                                                                                                                           4     :

- 4 include LCO time? f

!                                                         5                               AUFDENKAMPE:                                 It includes out of service time.

i i 6 MOSBAUGH: Right.

j. 7 'AUFDENKAMPE: I don't know how -- when we do the  :

4 / *Lh, a-5  ; 8 unavailability number, we do failures as well as,4out of service j 9 time, right? 10 WILLIAMS: Yes.  ! 11 MOSBAUGH: How do you -- 12 AUFDENKAMPE: Is there a weighing factor? l i 13 WILLIAMS: No. - ! 14 MOSBAUGH: How do you compute it? ! 15 WILLIAMS: Its the time it wasn't in service

16 (inaudible).

,! 17 MOSBAUGH: Well, hold it. If it failed, how do you 18 know what that time is? 19 WILLIAMS: Which? That it would not have served its 20 function? , 4 21 MOSBAUGH: Yeah.  ; 22 WILLIAMS: You take the time to the last successful i j 23 start.and divide it by two. 24 MOSBAUGH: Yeah, okay. So what about -- i 25 AUFDENKAMPE: So when you get a failure, you 26 automatically get two weeks. t 3 i l l i 1



i l 1 MOSBAUGH: Yeah. Well, if you're on a monthly cycle, 2 you get two weeks of out of service time. 3 WILLIAMS: Yes, and that's true. 4 MOSBAUGH: When did we have failures? 5 WILLIAM 3: When did we have failurer? 6 AUFDENKAMPE: '89, we didn't have any. 7 WILLIAMS: In '89 -- 8 MOSBAUGH: No failures in '897 9 WILLIAMS: That's true. In '88, we had -- 10 MOSBAUGH: On both units? 11 AUFDENKAMPE: Yes. 12 MOSBAUGH: It was on both units here? 13 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, I'm sorry. We did have one load run 14 failure in '89. h t soc, A n s a ta ha w skru/el 4* M % fe: 15 WILLIAMS: f"11, .:: ':n:t 'inzudibl:)/in July --[Q:ll,**ms:ery es See a.+t d 16 little extra -- inaudibic' ct th; time. 17 AUFDENYJU4PE: So we've had one, two, three, four 18 problems in '907 (pause) -- Where's the NRC report? Did she finish 19 it last night? 20 WILLIAMS: (Inaudible.) It was a load run failure, a,.s t. s,a bs n i+ k ls ~4s -fa.Kt 21 not a start failure. Load run failure -- (inaudible). 22 AUFDENKAMPE: Well, one is a f ailure too -- (inaudible) .

                           $tHu'GAlre03 4               23              (INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION)

A rJewl'e.mge s h\s.Wn'Juj pff } lesf ne*SH* 24 Although.,S,Tekg.,y.ny,,,,Qce. IY quesd really the 4"!LL!??L: me W dela is b- '"-- me 25 appropriat i f -- " y ' to take immediate corrective 26 action. I just won't get involved in this. That was on the way 4 i

f 1 out. .(Inaudible.) . i P r 3 r 4 5

                . . ~ _ . . , . _ _ _ .           _ . _ _ . _ _ . .      ..           . _ , _ _ . _ .     . . _ - . .                               _

I d 1 SEGMENT #3 2 TR. 50

     -3 4

5 WILLIAMS: True (INAUDIBLE]. So that's why I didn't 6 give him 1990 numbers, and I told him that, and we discussed, we 7 discussed this Sunday how bad it looked, for 1990, for both uni *s. 8 MOSBAUGH: So what's the number for 1990. . i 9 AUFDENKAMPE: .08 10 WILLIAMS: .08 11 MOSBAUGH: .08 12 AUFDENKAMPE: We are probably in -- 13 MOSBAUGH: Is that pro rata or how did -- 14 WILLIAMS: That's for January and February.  ; den hWed on A&c_44.J. lwsed "A PDfLANTL\WPDOCS\TLP\ LICENSE. PRO \ TAPES.!NT\32 2-EX.94 6

      .                                                                                                               j 06-23-1995 10:56        205 877 7149                     SOS VOoTLE PROJECT                          D.07
,                                                                                                                     l 4

i Insert "A" Transcribed section l

'                                                                                                                     f ALM            So eight percent of the tirne? Is that the manning?                                   l Williams       '!1:st No ALM            Yeah No that's pmnded fbr the year then                                               i
'                               No that'sjust January and Febniary Williams                                                                                             l ALM            No hold h if we had - No, no that must be pso ruted for the year, isn't it.

- JOA You have to know what's~ involved in the al 1 don ! ALM I understand except you had those start failures you end up with these two ) weak chunks-right

Williams You got, you got one - that's a plant number. You got one diesel that is i uh I JOA What's the formula?

Williams You got one diesel that's 28.28. ! RM Ye 4 Williams The SSPI is strictly an arithmetical average of the four, of the four, diesel

!                                SSPI's JOA            Yeah but I, is it is the diesel SSPI uh hours hours (inaudible -talkover)
Williams Hours out of service divided by hours required. And the plant SSPI is j SSPI diesel 1 plus SSPI diesel 2 divided by four. And, and you get one l I

bad player, which that one's a bed player diesel 2A was point 28 and it l drags the other one down,boosuse diesel 2B is point 002 very low. . point .l i 001I point (inaudible) . ALM OK, but that's, that's before we event took into account the event. I Williams That's true, that's February, we haven't even hit March, l ALM Right . Williams Marchis going to be worse.

ALM Ohycah Williarns There is only probably one saving grace in Mamh wa= we may be able l

to not count the hours out of service for the other diesel that was not i required to be operable at the time.

ALM If the formula was set up that way.

! Wilitams It is. ALM (inaudible) however divided by required (inaudible) i long pause (apparently reviewing procedure) ! < Telephone call to Alton Rogers to setting up PRB Wae. long pause (apparently caadan!ng to review procedure) ~ Williams (inaudible)(apparently quoting from procedure) component unavailable 4 hours are not cea+M when certain components are electively removed Aom service for planned activities or are out of service for unplanned activitics and the reactor is in a mode that allows components to be i removed from service for unlimited time with out s ming a limiting conditon for operation. ALM um hum OK a

                                                .                                                                                                     l 06-20-1995 10:56       205 677 7149                   SOS VOOTLE PRO.'ECT                      p,0s
                         ,                                                                                                                            1 I

l JOA How about if we use the word surmised lastead of believes. ALM I don't like the word intermittent and I don't liks the word believed. In regulatory con... a ==@ations. Williams You can use spurious. . 1 ALM 1 don'tlike that one eitbar Williams Then they didn't use that one. ALM Intermittent sh intermittent to me raeans you have not done enough lavestigation to find out what the real cause was (laughmg). 1 1 JOA (inaudible) ALM Or your don't, or you don't have or you don't have the management l commitment to go find out. That's when your willing to accept an 1 intermittent answer. l Breakin tape  ; 4 4 )


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