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Rev 2 to Procedure 1040-001-015, Borated Water Storage Tank
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/02/1983
Shared Package
ML17150A231 List:
1040-001-015, 1040-1-15, IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, NUDOCS 8312200234
Download: ML20083A264 (113)


__. _

CALCULATION / PROBLEM COVER SHEET Calculation / Problem No: 1040-001-015 V Titie: Borated Water Storage Tank 2.12 Client: Toledo Edison Company Project: Davis-Besse Unit 1 Job No: 1040-001-671 I & E Bulletin 79-OlB Equipment Qualification Design input /Reforences:

Design Inputs are outlined in the Cover Report.

Assumptions; ri:

Assumptions are outlined in the Cover Report.


) kethods are outlined in the Cover Report. .

%J Remarks:

EDS Nuclear Report No. 02-1040-1076. ,,

s REV. NO. REVISION ' APPROVED DATE 0 0T GL S.(QCf y I0'2'$f 2 Ge4wAc M~wont EcwswNC ll)kb>mbd&c0 ///2l23


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p Sheet of

Pacility: Davis-Besse Unit 1 MASTER LIST Index No: 212M-001 Docket: 50-346 HARSH ENVIRONMENT Rev.: 2 BORATED WATER STORAGE TANK Prepared by: Date: 4/ / h)

Checked by: Arm 22d Date: ///.J//>

! l l l l

I l LOCATION l l l l l Inside l Outside l l Worksheet i I Plant l l I Primary l Primary l Index No. I Rev. LID Number l Generic Name l l I l l l I Containment I Containment _l REMARKS I l I l l l 2 IBEllA I Motor Control Center  !

l l 2 lCDEllA I Rm. 209 i See 2.21 I

I Disconnect Switch Cabinet l l Rm. 304 i See 2.21 1

l l l l l l 1 1

! l I I I I I I l l I I l I I I I I I I '

I I I l l 1 1 I l l I l I I I I i I  : 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i I i l i I i l I I I I i i l I i l l l I I I I I I I I

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l l I I I I I I I I I l

FIcilik Davis-Bezza Unit 1 MASTE,.c4IST Ind2x ND: 2124-002 Dockst: 50-346 NON-HARSH ENVIRONMENT Rev.s 2 BORATED WATER STORAGE TANK

, Prepared by: N. L

Date: // / )

Checked by: A=Js4J Date: ///>-//>

l l l l l

' l LOCATION I l 1 l l l Inside l i Outside 1 l l Worksheet I i Plant l l Primary l Primary l l l Index No. I Rev. IID Number l Generic Name I Containment I Containment i REMARKS l I I l l I I I I l 1 0 IBF11B l Motor Control Center l l Rm. 405 l I l l 0 IC5716 I Engineering Safety Feature Panel l l Rm. 505 l l l l 0 lCDFilB l Disconnect Switch Cabinet l l Rm. 405 i I

. I I O l EVDH07A I Terminal Block Box l l Bwst. Yard l l l l l 0 lEVDH07B l Terminal Block Box l l Bwst. Yard 1 I l l 0 l MVDH07A l V.tive Motor Operator l l Bwst. Yard i I i

l 1 0 lMVDH07B l Valve Motor Operator l l Bwst. Yard l l l I I l i I I I I I i 1 1 I I I I I I I I i l I I i l 1 -

1 I I

' I l l l l l l l l i l i I I l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l i l l I I I I I I I I l l l l l l 1 l l l l l l l 1

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)  %

FecilityiNvia-Dessa Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 SYSTkN COHPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-025A Prarpared by: _M Date Rev.: 2 Qucked by: ggp&g ll ( !_83 Date llf2./8J 1.

%e test 120*F in subjected 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39 7 .

then at 109'Faincooldown 22 seconds. to 200*F and 24.7 psia which wass. maintained for 15 anddayWe 39.7 psia for valve motor operato 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />, pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions inn 6e. 7 We .

minutesThetemperature andpressure in t I

Based on the above, that which would result from the postulated is felt that the test : subjected the valve motor oper can bewould concluded that the the postulated valve motor Since remain operator would the valve motor operator functional du i remained functional during the test , it which result from HEIB. r ng and after exposure to the harsh environment (Reference C-Annulus)

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Facility' f w jig-Be:Se Unit 1 .


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N s. - j's .Indes Noi: _216N-026 Prepared by: [ "

-% - M, ;Rev.: 2 5I

_ Det : / i Checked by: M ffe D 2_'_dDate

//AS//3 ' d -

,3*- "*

I Il m IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll _ s. 1 l ENVIRONMENT ' I I l DOCUMENTATION REF. I i .' ll Parameter1 i Specification I Qualification l$pecificationloualificati oni_l Qualification i Outstanding l 11 lSyctcc: Containment llOperating i

1. I Nethod i Items


l 1 l Isolation llTime 30 Seconds ! '16 Days l- K l l l

! ~ I M i 11

-l I 'l V-24C I Simultaneous l None l' iPlant ID No. NV507!1 1 I- 1 l Test 1 I l

ll l l I Note 1 I I llTemperaturel l l _I l Component: Valve Motor 109.0 1 250 0 l l I


iI (*F) l l 1 C-Annulus l M-28 l Simultaneous l l

Operator ll_ l Mone l I

l l 1 V-24C l Test l ll I I I 1

I I I l Manufacturer: Limitorque lBPressure l 15.32 l l I

.I I$(PSIAI 1 39.7 i C-Annulus i 8

l l i M-28 lModel Number: SMB-000-5 !I l l 1 V-24C I Simultaneous l None l IO/N: 370756E 1 7 1 Test l ll l l l l IS/N: 188844 11 Relative i I I 1

I l i 100.0 1 100,0 I I IFuncticn: Operates Con- ll Humidity i l A I M-28 l Simultaneous i I l I I None l tainment Vacuum Reliefil (%) l l V-24C l Test l

Valve Penetration ll l l l i l l i IAccuracy: Spec: N/A ll I  ;

1 1

I l l l I l Demon: N/A ll Chemical l l l l I N/A I N/A I l l flSpray i N/A I N/A I l

lSarvica: Containment I I N/A I None l 11 I I I I I i i l

vacuum Relief ll

  • I 1 I I l

Valve ll l I l l I

lLocaticn: Annulus l l l l llRadiation 11.7 x 100 RADS 12.0 x 107 l l il RADS l CAL-44 l l 11 I l i M-28 ISequential Testi

'lFlood Level EleV: N/A ll i

l I None I 1

l V-24C I I lAbova Flood Level: N/A Il Aging l 40 Years l l .I l 0  ! 40 Years l i l 11 I I I I CAL-93 ISequential Testl lNeEded for:

0 ll_ l I I None 1 I I Analysis i 0 Hot Shutdown I.X _l ll I I I I


) l l I i l ISubme rgencel N/A l l

) Cold Shutdown l l I N/A I N/A l l ll 1 l N/A l N/A

) 1 l l Mone l lI I l l I I 1 I I I I I I

Fzctlityr -Desse Lktit 1 SYSTEM COtPONENT EV( 7 0N WORKSHEET Index No 6H-026A Dock t s 34G Rev.: 2 NOTES J

Prcpared by: N Date Il j (! b3 Oneck;d bys fy;Q_[ Date U { t l21


1. De test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psim for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120*F in 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. De valve motor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250 *F and 39.7 psia for 2.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, then a cooldown to 200*F and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days. We temperature in the containment annulus peaks ct 109*F in 22 seconds. %e pressure in the containment annulus neaks at 15.32 psia in 5 seconds. he temperature and pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes.

l Based on the above, it .ts felt that the test subjuted the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than that which would result fross the postulated HEIR. Since the valve motor operar.or remained functional during the test, it een be concluded that the valve motor operator would remain functional during and af ter exposure to the harsh environment which would result from the postulated Hela. (Reference C-Annulus) b 9

p /~T

( ) s V Ficility: \ [vis-B2cce Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Indes No.: 216R-027 Prcpared by: N bQn d Rev.: 2 Checkcd by:

Date: If l!82 M h 6 L _ /_ Date: _s//>/S} ,


__ ! )

l 11 Parameteri i Specification i Qualification ISpecificationlOualiticationiI Qualification Method l Outstanding l lSystsm: Containment i I i Items l Iloperating l I l Isolation 30 seconds l 16 Days K I I I llTime l l 1 l M-28 l Simultaneous ! None l l l 7

ll l l V-24C i Test

) IPltnt ID No. MV50740 ll l l l l Note 1 l l l l l l l llTemperaturel 109.0 1 l l I

! l Component: Valve Motor l 250.0 i C-Annulus ! M-28 I ll '( *F ) i l Operator ll i l l V-24C i Simultaneous l None l l l l l Test i '

l l l I Il i I 1 l i I IMinufacturer: Limitorque llPressure i 15.32 I I I l

i 1 39.7 l C-Annulus I I ll(PSIAl l l l M-28 l Simultaneous l None l Modal Number: SMB-000-5 ll l l V-24C I l l Test l i

IO/N: 370756E ll l 1

l l l l

lS/H: 188845 l l l l llRelative l 100.0 l 100.0 l l l IFunction: Operates Con- 1IHumidity l A I M-28 l l

l l l l Simultaneous I None l thinment Vacuum Relieffi (t) l l l V-24C l Test I 1

Valve Penetration ll l l l l l l

lAccuracy: Spec: N/A  !! l l l l 1 l

l I  ! l I Demon: N/A ll Chemical l N/A  ! l I l N/A l N/A l ll Spray i I N/A I N/A 1

IServica: I I l None l Containment ll l I I l l l l l l

Vacuum helief ll l l l l Valve il I 1

I I I l

l Location: Annulus i i I l liRadiation 11.7 x 106 RADS 12.0 x 107 i i l RADS l CAL-44 i l ll 1

.I l M-28 ISequential Testl IFlcod Level Elev: N/A ll l None l l I V-24C l l t

1Abovo Flo3d Level: N/A IIAging l 40 Years l l l l

l l 40 Years i I CAL-93 l l INerded for:

11 l l I l ISequential Testi None l l l. I l l l Analysis l Hot Shutdown l_X l ll l

! I I l I l l l l l llSubmergencel N/A l l l l Cold Shutdown l l l N/A l N/A l l ll l l N/A l N/A l None l l l l ll 1 l l I I l l I l I

Facility: #is-Besse Unit 1 SYSTD4 CTtPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Docket: 50-346 Inder No.: 216H-027A


Re v. : 2 Prepared by: thte b Onecked by:,* M ffA g h _ [ _ Date i t / 2. / P 3 1.

The test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 ps8 a for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120'F in 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. We valve motor operator was then exposed to a second trenaient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />, l

then a cooldown to 200*F and 24 7 psia which was maintained f6r 15 days. We temperature in the containment annulus peaks

.st 109'F in 22 seconds. he pressure in the containment annulus peaks at 15.32 psia in 5 seconds, he temperature and pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes.

Based on the above, it is felt that the test subjected the valve a:otor operator to an overall more severe environment than that whien would result f rom the postulated HELB. Since the valve motor oper& tor remained functional during the test, it can be concluded that the valve motor operator would rcmain functional. during and after exposure to the harsh environment which would result from the postulated HEIB. (Reference C-Annulus) l l




rccility: . _-

L; sis-Becca Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Prcp3 red by: Index No.: 216H-023 Checked by: Date: #

Rev.: 2 h fl_ . /' pate: f/////J I



!I ll_ Parameter l I DOCUMENTATION REF. l l lSysts=: Containment il i Specification II Qualification ISpecificationlQualificati on!_l Qualification i Outstanding i floperating i l Method 1 Items li Isolation 30 Seconds i 16 Days l l I I llTime i i K l M-28 l t I

lPIKnt ID No. I l_ i I I V-24C l Simultaneous l None I MV50750 ll l

l i i Test i I l I Note 1 _l I

'IC:mponsnt: Valve Motor IITemperaturel 109.0 1 l l 1

1 250.0 1 l Operator ll ('F) l l l C-Annulus l M-28 I I l i l_ l l

l l V-24C l Simultaneous l None l 11 l l Test i 1 l I

'lMtnufacturer: Limitorque llPressure l l l l il 1 15.3* I 39.7 1 l ll(PSIA) l l l C-Annulus 1 M-28 1


l Modal Number: SMB-000-5 ll l i Simultaneous i None llO/N: 370756E 1_ l 1 V-24C l I Test
138846 ll l l t i

I i

llRelative i 100.0 l

l I 1 I l

!!1 Function: Operates Con- IIHumidity 100.0 1 A i l i

  • I l M-28 I I tainment Vacuum Relieffl_ (4) l l l V-24C i Simultaneous l None i Valve Penetration il 1 Accuracy: Spec: l I

I i l Test l l N/A l l l 3

ll l l l l Demon: N/A l l llChemical l N/A l 1 I i llSpray l N/A l l Snrvice: l N/A I N/A l l Containment ll l

l l N/A l 1

l l None l Vacuum Relief ll_ l l l l

Valve l l l l ll 1. t Location: Annulus 1 l I I i llRadiation l1.7 x 106 RADS l2.0 x 107 l l l l l ll_ l RADS l CAL-44 l

_l Flood Level Elev: N/A ll I l

l M-28 ISequential Testi l

l 1 V-24C done i Rbova Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l l l l 40 Years l 40 Years l l l ll l Netd:d for: ll l

l l

I l CAL-93 Isequential Testi 1

i Hot Shutdown

____ l l None l l X l ll 1

I l Analysis I l 1 I

1 (


____ l 1 Cold Shutdown l l N/A l N/A l l _l ll l i N/A l l l N/A I l l l_ _ l l l N/A l None i l l I l I I l I I


Facility J' %J d u lo-Desco Unit 1 Dock't 50-346 SYSTD4 CUMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.s 216H-028A


hv. : 2 l Prsparad by: __ N Date IIIfSJ Checked by g,-4f, ,e Date nlgfgy 1.

ha testin subjected 120'F 1. 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, follend by a cooldown to i

then a cooldown to 200*F and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days.He valve motor operator was then expo ,

et 109'F in 22 seconds. We pressure in the containment annulus peaks at 15.32 psia in 5 seconds.he temperature in the containment annulu he temperature and prassure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes.

kr.edwhich that on the above, would it is result feltthe from thatpostulated the test subjected HEIA. the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment th an Since the valve motor o;wrator remained functional during the test, it which would result from the postulated Hela.can be concluded that the valve motor operator would tenain functional during and af (Reference C-Annelus) l s'


I racility avis-Besse Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-029 Rev.: 2 Pr.epared by: Date: .I Checked 'uy: O)KM Date: II'l/f? __

l ll l


l ll Parameter l Specification l Qualification DOCUMENTATION REP.

ISpecificationlOualification! l Qualification l Outstanding i i 1

Il l Method i Items l l ISystem: Containment l l l iloperating l I 30 Seconds l 16 Days I K I M-20 I l I

I Isolation llTime l I i l Simultaneous l None 1 l l V-24C 1 Test l ll l 1 l l Plant ID No. MV30760 ll 1 I I Note 1 l l l l l 1

llTemperaturel 1 l 109.0 250.0 l l IComponent: Valve Motor ll (*F) l 1

l C-Annulus i M-28 l Simultaneous i None l l l l Operator ll l 1 V-24C l Test l l l l 1 l l ll l l l l l I l IManufacturer: Limitorque llPressure i 15.32 l 39.7 1 1 I i l C-Annulus M-28 i 1 ll(PSIA) l l l l

l Simultaneous i None l IModel Number: SMD-000-5 ll l V-24C I Test l I l l IO/N: 370756E l i i l ll l l i l

lS/N: 188847 ll Relative i 100.0 l l l l fFunction: Operates Con- IIHumidity l 100.0 l A l M-28 l

I l l l Simultaneous l None l I tainment Vacuum Reliefll (%) t V-24C l Test l l i I I

l Valve Penetration ll l l l 1 l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l 1 l l l l l l Demon: N/A ll Chemical l N/A l N/A 1 l l l l llSpray I N/A l N/A I N/A l None i l l l

l Service: Containment il l I l l l l l Vacuum Relief I l I ll l l l l l l l l Valve ll l l l 1 l Location: Annulus l l l l1 Radiation 11.7 x 106 RADS 12.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-44 i M-28 l l l l ISequential Testl None l ll l V-24C IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l 1 i l  ! l l

lAbove Flood Level: N/A llAging I 40 Years i 40 Years  !

l l 1 l l I l CAL-93 lsequential Testl None ll l l i lNeeded for: ll l 1 l 1 l Analysis l l l Hot Shutdown l l l l l X l ll l l l l l l l lSubme rgence l l l l N/A I N/A l N/A I l Cold shutdown l l ll l N/A l N/A l None l l l l l l l Il l l l l I I l I



F:cility: w vis-Becco Unit 1


Dockst: 50 1646 SYSTDI COMPONENT kVAIEATION WORKSHEET Indes No.: 2_16H-029A may. 2 MOTES Prerpered by:

Checked by:

Date II [ MI

,Q,44 / Date pfg]fy 1.

1hs test 120*F in subjected 1 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. the valve motor operator to a transient of 250'F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to then a cooldown to 200*r and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days.The valve motor operator was then expose at 109"F in 22 seconds. The pressure in the containment annulus peaks at 15 32 psia in 5 seconds.'the temposature in the containmeset annulu pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6 7 minutes. The temperature and Based that on the which above, would resultit from is feltthe that the test subjected postulated HEIA. the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than Since the valve motor operator remained functional during the test, it l can bewould which concluded resultth,xt fromthe thevalve motor operator postulated Hela. would remain functional during and af ter exposure to the harsh environment (Reference C-Annulus) l l


_- q'

n Fccility: La JS-B232s Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 n


O IndIX N6. : 216H-030 2

Prepared by: Date: k t1 Chscksd by: St%)#d Date: fI I il i I l l ENVIRONMENT l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification i Outstanding i IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll l ll Parameter l Specification l Qualification lSpecificationlOualificationi Method l Items l l ll 1 I I I l l t ISysten: Containment ll Operating I 30 seconds l 16 Days l K I M-28 i Simultaneous l None l l Isolation llTime l l l l V-24C i Test l l l Il I I l l Note 1 I l l lPltnt ID No. MV50770 ll l l l l l l l l  !! Temperature! 109.0 l 250.0 i C-Annulus l M-28 l Simultaneous l None l l Component: Valve Motor ll (*F) l l l l V-24C l Test l l Operator ll l l l 1 I l l l

l 1 11 l 1 1 l 1 l l i

l Manufacturer: Limitorque llPressure l 15.32 l 39.7 i C-Annulus l M-28 l Simultaneous l None I l ll(PSIA) l l l l V-24C l Test l l l Modal Number: SMB-000-5 ll l l I I l l 1 IO/N: ?70756E ll l l 1 l l l l lS/N: 188848 ll Relative i 100.0 l 100.0 l A l M-28 l Simultaneous l None l l Function: Operates Con- liilumidity l l l l V-24C l Test l l l teinment Vacuum Relief ll (t) l l l l l 1 l l Valve Penetration ll l l l l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l l l l l l l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l None l l Demon: N/A ll Chemical l l l l llSpray l l l l 1 l l l

Containment l lSarvice: ll l l l l l 1 l Vacuum Relief ll l l l I l I l Valve l l l l l l l l ll 6 7 CAL-44 M-28 l Sequential Testl None l l Location: Annulus ll Radiation 11.7 x 10 RADS 12.0 x 10 RADS l l I l l I v-24C l l l I ll l

lFlord Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l l l l Above Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l 40 Years l I l CAL-93 ISequential Testl None l l 1 l l  ! Analysis l l l ll l l I l INIeded for: ll l 1 l Hot Shutdown l l l l l Ixi ll l l l 8 llSubmergencel N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l None l l l l l l l l f Cold Shutdown l l ll l l l l l l 1 1 ll

Pscilitys vj-Becse thit 1 SYSThM COMPONENT EVQ.ON WORKSHEET Index Mokw 16H-030A Dockst: 50-346 mov.: 2 prgpared by: N Date N l!

Chsclied by:M/2*ef f$_d/ Date /If Z/81

1. We test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120*F in 1 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. De valve snotor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br />, then a cooldown to '200*F and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days. We temperature in the contaisument annulus peaks et 199'F in 22 seconds. We pressure in the containment annulus peaks at 15.32 psia in 5 seconds. Se temperature and pressure in the contaisument annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes. ,

Dased on the above, it is felt that the test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall wre severe envirosument than

! that which would result from the postulated HEIA. Since the valve anotor operator remained functional during the test, it ccn be concluded that the valve snotor operator would remain fur.ctional during and af ter exposure to the harsh environment which would result from the postulated HEIA. ( Anference C-Annulus) i 4


\ t \


t J / \v Facility: Tdvis-Bene Unit 1 Dockat: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-031 Prcp3 red by: Date: _N [ , Rev.: __ 2 Chickad by: _ %K 6 Date: _ l(Il/S i

11 IEQUIPMENT OCSCRIPTION 1 l ENVIkONMENT I I l I ' ll Parameter l Specification l DOCUMENTATION REF. I ISystsm: Containment il i Qualification ISpecificationioualificationil Qualification Method l Outstanding l ilOperating I i i l Items l l i 30 Seconds l 16 Days l i Isolation I(Time l K I M-28 l l l l l l Simultaneous l None l ll I l V-24C l Test lPitnt ID No. MV50780 ll l l l l Note 1 I l l l I l l I l llTemperaturel 109.0 l l j IComp nent: Valve Motor l 250.0 i C-Annulus l l l l ll (*F) l I l M-28 i Simultaneous l None Operator il I l l V-24C l l i I Test i i i I Il I l l i lMenufacturer: Limitorque llPressure l 15.32 l l I I i 1 ll(PSIA) 1 39.7 i C-Annulus l M-28 I I l Modal Number: SMB-000-5 ll l l l l V-24C i Simultaneous i None l l l Test i IO/N: 370756E ll l 1 l l l l l lS/N: 188849 IIRelative l l l l 1 IFunction: Operates Con- IIHumidity 1 100.0 l 100.0 l l l l A l M-28 I tainment Vacuum Reliefil_ (%) l l l l Simultaneous i None l l l I l V-24C l Test i Valve Penetration il l l l lAccurccy: Spec: N/A l l l l ll 1 l l l l l 1 1 Demon: N/A ll Chemical l N/A l l l l i l N/A 1 IISpray I l N/A I N/A l N/A l ISarvice: Containment 11 l l l l None I l t l l 1 Vacuum Relief Il 1 1 l i l l I l Valve il i l l 1 l 17.ocation: Annulus I l l l1 Radiation 11.7 x 106 RADS 12.0 x 107 i I ._ l I RADS I CAL-44 I i 11 1 l M-28 l Sequential Testi

   ! Flood Level Elev: N/A ((                              [

I __ _ l l V-24 C l None l l 1Above Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l l l 1 1 I l 40 Years l l l 11 I I l CAL-93 ISequential Testi lNesded for: ll l I l l None l l l Analysis [ Hot Shutdown lX l l1 l l l l l l 1 l l l l I ISubme rgence l N/A l l l Cold Shutdown l l N/A I N/A l l l l_ ll l l N/A l N/A l None 0 l l _!! I I l l~ l I I l i l I

D F.acilitytvvia-Be300 Unit 1 J

                                                                                                   \                                    ~

Docksts 50-346 CYSTDI COMPONMrf EVALOATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-031A ney.: - Prepared by: 2 Chtcked bya Date __ N / ! M c4/',ECg,{ bete // / 'L/ 31 1. l The 120*F test subjected in 1.5 hours. the valve motor operater to a transient of 250'F and 39.7 psia for 30 then a cooldown to 700*F and 24 7 psia which was maintained for 15 days.T7mpaia ct 109*F in 22 ceconds.

                                                                                                                        .       valve   motor for 22  hours,operator wa pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 The                             minutes.The temperature andpressure    (

I in t Based on the above, that which would result from t.he postulated is ft;lt that the test subjected the valve motorere operator to an overall mere sev environment than which would result from the postulated HEIA.can be concluded that the valve motor operator would e harsh environment it remain (Reference C-Annulus) l l l t O

n, } (m) v (. / b Fccility: LJvis-Bsc22 Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-032 Prepared by: Rev.: 2 _ Date: Il I Chscksd by: . 4Tfeehal Date: . k'/ 2/f7 i il IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION I ll ENVIRONMENT l l l I; Parameter i Specification l I DOCUMENTATIr N REP. 1 Gualification lSpecificationlOualificationtl Qualification l Outstanding l I lSystsm: Containment

                                            'l                     i                        I                                                                            Method              l     Items llOperating i                                                              l                     l                                                                      l 30 Seconds i             16 Days                                                            l                         l I             Isolation                                                                                       l       K                  M-28                                                              l ll Time               l                        l I

l Simultaneous l None l l l ll l l V-24C I Test l l Plant ID No. MV50790  !! I l t i Note 1 l l l I I l l llTemperaturel 109.0 250.0 I I I l Component: Valve Motor ll ('F) l l 1 l C-ianulus l M-28 l Simultaneous l None l l Operator l l V-24C i  ! ll l l I Test i l l l I


Il i l lMinufacturer: Lir.itorque llPressure I I I 1 l I 15.32 35.7 i i I ll(PSIA) 1 l C-Annulus l M-28 i i l l Simultaneous l Hone lModD1 Nuscer: SMB-000-5 l i V-24C l ll I I l Test l lO/N: 370756E ll l l l l l lS/N: 188850 l l 1 l llRelative i 100.0 l l l Function: Operates Con- IlHumidity  ! 100.0. l A i M-28 l l l i I l l l Simultaneous i None l tainment Vacuum Reliefll (t) I ) V-24C l Test l l I l Valve Penetration ll l i I lAccutacy: Spec: N/A ll l 1 l l l 1 1 l l l 1 Demon: N/A ilchemical l N/A l l l l llSpray 1 N/A I N/A I N/A l l i l N/A None ISarvice: Containment ll l I I I I l l l 1 l l i Vacuum Relief ll l l l l l Valve l t l il l l l I l ILocation: Annulus llRadiation 11.7 x 106 RADS 12.0 x 107 I l l I l l RADS l CAL-44 l ll l i M-28 ISequential Testl l None IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll l 1 1 V-24C i I l 1 l I IAbove Flood Level: N/A IIAging l 40 Years l 40 Years l l l l l l I l CAL-93 Il l l Sequential Testi None INasdad for: ll I i i i Analysis l 1 tiot Shutdown 1 __l I l l l l xi 11 I l I l l 1 l llSubmergencel N/A l l l I Cold Shutdown l__,1 l N/A I N/A l N/A l l ll l l l I N/A l None l ll l l 1 1 I l l I I I I

Frcility s' '..e-inesse Unit 1 SYST38 COMPUHtVf E .rION WORKSHEET Ibck.t 20-346 Index as . 216N-032A Rev.:' 2 Prepa red by: H% Date ul<lsi " *

  • Chscked bys A M E_ J f Date Itl2lE5 1.
      %e 120*F  testinsubjected 1.5 hours.the valve motor operator to a transient of - 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to he valve smotor cperator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*F and 39.7 pole for 22 hours, then a cooldown to 200*F and 24.7 pela which was maintained for 15 days. he temperature in the containment annulus peaks at 109'F in 22 seconds. he pressure in the containment annulus peaks at 15.32 psia in 5 seconds. he temperature end pressure in the containment annulus return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes.

Based on the above, that which would result it isfrom felt that the test subjected the postulated the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than HEIA. Since the valve motor operator remained fiinctional during the test, it can be concluded that which would result from the postulated Hela. the valve motor operator would remain function;al during and after exposure to the harsh environment (Reference C-Annulus) l l l

                            >                                                                         (f%)                                                                           \v'l F1cility:

Dockst: C]kJvic-Saara Unit 1 50-J46 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-033 Rev.: 2 Prcpared by: Chicktd by: Q 9(et*$LAA

                                            .           Date:          !     O Date: _1QL/h l

ll l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l l l l_ ENVIRONMENT I l l ( l DOCUMENTATION REP. I ll Parameter l Specification f Qualification ISpecificationlOualificationil Qualification l Outstanding l ll 1 Method i Items l ISystcm: Containment 1 I I

                                             !! Operating i               1 Year              i   1.1 Years          i         P I                           i                     i l          Isolation            llTime                  l                                                                     l    M-24           i Simultaneous l                 None l                                                                                 l                       l                                                                                         l ll                      l I    V-24A         l       Test                l IPIEnt 19 No.                                                                     1                       l                                                                                         l_

MVMUO2A l Note 1 I ll l l l l i l lITemperature! l l 283.0 1 329.0 1 - l l Component: Valve Motor ll (*F) l l H, X i M-24 l Simultaneous i None l l l l Operator ll l 1 V-24A l Test l I l 1 1 l 11 1 I I 1 I IMinufacturer: Limitorque ll Pressure 52.0 I l 1 I l l 1 l 104.7 l G, X M-24 ll(PSIA) l l l l l Simultaneous l None i l Modal NumSer: SMB-00-10 ll l l V-24A l Test l l l  ! lO/N: 360193A ll l 1 I I l l l lS/N: 150028 llRelative 100.0 l t l I l l 100.0 l A M-24 l  ! lPunction: Operates Valve llHumidity l I l l Simultaneous. I None l l MUO2A l l V-24A l f l. (t) l Test l l l l 1 11 I l l t l l IAccuracy: Spec: N/A ll l Boric Acid 1 i i i i l l Boric Acid l l M-24 Demon: N/A Il Chemical l 1800 ppm l 1800 ppm I l l i lISpray l A l V-24A I pH 5.0 l pH 5.0 l l Simultaneous l None i ISarvice: Letdown Cooler ll l l CAL-40 i Test, I t I l l No. 1 Outlet l' I l l Note 2 l Analysis l l 1 Valve ll l I l 1 1 l l l Location: Containment llRadiation 11.7 x 107 RADS 12.0 x 108 RADS l l l l l l ( CAL-44 l M-25 ISequential Testl ll l l l None 1 lPlood Level Elev: 572'-2*ll i

                                                                                                                                   !         V-24A     l                          l I                                                                                                                  l lAbovo Flood Level: Yes IlAging                          l         40 Years      i          40 Years I                    l                   l                          l                     1 I                                                                                                         i             I      l        CAL-93    ISequential Testi il                   i                                                                                                                               None       l lNerdad for:                         ll                  l 1                       l                    l                   l          Analysis        l

_ l l l Hot Shutdown lX l ll l I l l l l l l l l llSubmergencel 572'-2* I 578'-0* l 1 1 l Cold Shutdown fxl ll l l l l B l M-10 l N/A I None l 1 1 l Il _l I I i 1 l l I i


'                                                                              \

i Fccility: Devia-Becse Unit 1


Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVA1AAAYION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-033A Ptspared by: N% Date ___ u bin

                                                                                                                                                      ""'"                                          Rev.:          2 j                                     Onccked bys', ,44.%~.c f h                                                      Date    il / 2./ Pf~

' i

1.  !

1he test subjected the valve motor operator to I hour at 329'F and 104 7 psia , ! hours at 287'F and 54 7 psia, then 19 hours at 256*F and 34 7 psia, and 250*F and 29 7, then 2 hours at 312*F and 84.7 pois, t

pressure inside containment peak at 283*F and 52.0 pala in 17 and 50 seconds, respectively psia for 6 days. The temperature and j 214 7'F and 32.32 psia; at 3 hours the conditions are 204*F and 29 4t> pelas at 5 h .

At 1 hour the conditions are l psias and at 24 hours the conditions are 143'F and 18 03 psia. ours the conditions are 193.2*F and 27 08 She containment returns to ambient conditions in 7 days. ' Based on this information, i { more o* vere environment than that which would result from a postulated can be concluded tha i operable throughout the test and functional af ter the test, it can be concluded that thSince the valve motor operator reasined functional H, and X), during and af exposure to the accident environment which would result from the valve motor operator will remain-e postulated LOCA. (Reference G, 2. CAL-40 qualifies ccmponents tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5 . d t P i I 1 a i  ! 2 ] i

.i i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [

l I i  ! 1 i

FCcility: 'L Jis-Socc3 Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-034 Rev.: 2 Prep 3 red by: N- Date: //'/ ChIcked by: h #~l # Date: ///VP) I il

;          l EQUIPMENT DESCRI?fION                                                                                                                        i                                      I ll                                         ENVIRONMENT                                                                                               I                   I l                                                                                                                                              I   DOCUMENTATION REF.

ll Parameter l Specification I il I Qu&lification lSpecificationloualificationil Qualification Method l 1Outstanding Items l ISyctsm: Containment I i 1 i 1 Iloperating l 15 Seconds l 17 Years 1 1 l i K l Note 1 1 Isolation 'llTime l l l l Analysis l None l l l l l ll l I I l i l Plant ID No. SV1542 ll l I I I l l l l 1 IITemperaturel 221.0 l Exempt l l l lCemponent: Solenoid Valvell I C-314 i Note 1 N/A ' (*F) l l l l l None l I l l ll l I l 1 l i lMtnufteturer: ASCO ll 1 1 I I I l I l l llPressure i 19.76 I Exempt i C-314 l l IModal Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l i Note 1 l N/A l None l l i l I 18 l l I I l lPunction: Isolates ll l l I I I I I 1 Containment ll Relative l 100.0 1 l l l l i l Exempt i A 1 Nute 1 llHumidity l l l N/A I None l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll (%) l 1 l l l l l 1 1 Demon: N/A l l ll l l l l I l l II l l l l i l ISarvice: Core Flooding llChemical l N/A I l l l I N/A l N/A

,     I                                        Tanks to Waste llSpray                                 l                      l l       N/A      l           N/A         l       None        (

l l 1 Gas Isolation Valvell l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l 1 l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.Il l l I I l l l l l CAL-80 l Rm. 314 llRadiatidn 11.0 x 106 l l I RADS l1.2 x 106 RADS l T 1 Note 2 l ll l l l Analysis i None i IFlood Level Elev: N/A II I I l 1 1 I I I

'   1Above Flood Level: N/A IIAging                                                                 l        40 Years       l        17 Years I                I                       I                   l I                                                                                                                                              l           I        l       CAL-80 ll                                  l                       l         Note 3      l 1        Analysis      l         None       l lNerdad fort                                                ll                                 l                       l l       Note 2   l                       l                    l I Hot Shutdown                                                                                                                                l                    I                f

' l X l ll l l I l I l llSubmergencel N/A I N/A 1 l 1 l l Cold Shutdown l l ll l N/A l N/A l N/A l None l l l I l l 1 ll l 1 ( l I I I l I

N Dockat: (q) Fccility: 'w Jis-Besse 50-346 Unit i SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET () h Index No.: 216H-034A Rev.: _. 2 Prep red by: _ u., Date: // f3 ChickId by: M Date: (//A/D t i 1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CF1542 (the air-operated core flooding tanks waste gas isolation valve) . The cnly safety-related function performed by this valve is the leolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident. The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the hersh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of the solenoid would cause CF1542 to move to (or more likely remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade other safety-related functions because it merely isolates the core flooding tank vent lines from the waste gas system. This isolation is a normal operating condition because CF1542 is only opened when venting the tanks. Tha air-operated valve's position indicating lights .are powered by a 120 v.a.c. assential instrument bus. These lights are op rated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switchec. , centrol circuit, its failure cannot affect the operation of these devices.Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. l because valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator l l

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.

3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. w

I Facility: % 3vis-Besca Unit 1 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET pocket: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-0348 Rev.: 2 Prtpared by: - Date: " 3 Checked by: M# Date: ///A/#) l Plant I.D. No.: SV1542 Component: l Solenoid Valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO Nodel No.: HT8320A108 I I l l l l THIN 4AL AGING l RADIATION l i Parts List l Materials List l Qualification l Keference ! Qualification i i i I l Reference l I Body & End Cap l Brass l Not Sensitive l l 1 , l Spring, Disc' l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l Spring, Core l CAL-80 i Not Affected l CAL-80 i Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive  ! CAL-80 i Not Affected l l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l CAL-80 l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected j i Core Tube i Stainless Steel l CAL-80 l i Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Ccre &'Plugnut l Stainless Steel I Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Shading coil I Copper I Not Sensitive  ! CAL-80 i Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 i Not Affected l l Gasket, Body l BUNA-N i CAL-80 l 1 Ditte l 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 1 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l BUNA-N I 40 Years 0 104*F l CAL-80 l l Disc Holder i Acetal l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Core Guide 1 17 Years 9 104'F l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Acetal l 17 Years 9 104*F I H Coll:

  • l l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap l 40 Years 9 140'F 1 CAL-80 1 2.0 x 107 RADS I CAL-80 l i Fiberglass I l Varnish i l l l l Silicone i l l l Lead Wire Insulation i Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l 1 l l l Braid l l I i l l Magnet Wire Insulation! Enamel l l l 1 1 l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l l Insulation l Iso-Mica l l l I i l l Epoxy l l l l l l Insulation l l
                                      ! Silicone Resin                        i                                             I l                                                                                                                                          l                           l              l l Mica                                 l                                              l                 1                          l               l l                                  I                                       I                                             l                 l l                                   1 l               l I                                              l                1 1                                   I                                                                                                                                  l               1 I                                              I                I                           I               I M&terial & Parts List 


V-3A, 7-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

i Ftcility: Y dis-Besaa Unit 1 %_/ Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEN CONPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-035 hev.: 2 Prgptred by: (A4M # Chicksd by: Late: 3

                          & L f2 - y                   l! ate: t//)//)


)         l                                                                                                          DOCUMENTATION REF.

I ll Parameter i Specification I Qualification lSpecificationlQualification!l Qualification Method l Outstanding I i 11 l Items l ISystim: ContainmerJ. ll Operating l I I I 15 Seconds l l 17 Years I I

!        I            Isclation                                                                                  l      K           l  Note 2 ll Time               l                       l l   Analysis            l     None          i I        I                                                                                                       l                  l                  l ll_                   l                        l                                                                                   l                   1 l       lPIKnt ID No. SV1544                                                                                    I                  l                  l ll                     l                       l                                                                                    l                   l l                                                                                                      1                  l l l Tempe ratu rel             218.0           l     Exempt l                       l                    l
;       1 Component: Solenoid Valvell                                                                           1   C-303          i   Note 1                   N/A

('F) l l l 1 I None l l l l Il I l l l INinufacturer: ASCO _ l l I ll l l l l I l llPressure l 17.16 I Exempt l 1 1 I INod21 Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l C-303 l Note i l N/A l l l l None l 1 ll l l l l l i l l Function: Isolates ll 1 I I I I 1 Containment 1 I l ilRelative i 100.0 l l I Exempt I A l l llHumidity I Note 1 i N/A l Mone IAccuracy: Spec: I l l I i N/A ll (%) I l l I l i Demon: N/A i I I ll l I l I 1 l l l il i I l l I lSarvice: Core Flooding i! Chemical l N/A I I I l i i l N/A l N/A Tank 1 Fill Line llSpray l l l N/A l N/A l None I l Isolation Valve ll 1 1 l l l l l l I l l ll l l l 1 ILocation: Auxiliary l I I I I l l

     )                   Rm. 303                                                                           l                  l       CAL-80     l ll Radiation 11 16><106 RADS 11 2 x 106 RADS l                                T l                    l
,l                                        ll_                 l                                                               I       Note 2     1         Analysis       i         None l                                                                                                       l
' IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll                                   l                       l 1                 1                   l                        l                   i lAbova Flood Level: N/A ll Aging                                                                       l                 l                   l l         40 Years      l        17 Years    l l                    l i i
                                         ! !-                l I      I        CAL-80    l          Analysis      i          None lNitdtd for:

( Note 3 l l Note 2 I ll l l I l l l Hot Shutdown l_X_ l ll l l l l l l 1 l l llSubmergencel l l N/A l N/A N/A l l

   ! Cold Shutdown i               l     ll                 l                       l l                  I           N/A    l             N/A        l           None    l l                                                                                                     l                  l                  l

_ li l l l l l i I I l


Fccility: 'L.41s-OGcco Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Inder No.: 216H-035A Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Date: h # 3 Chicksd by: Msn [ Date: _///J//3 1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CF1544 (the air-operated core flooding tank A Tha only safety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of coola ntfillaccident. line isolation valve). Tha solenoid harsh valve is exempt steam environment due tofrom qualification a high energy linebecause break. it does not perform an essential safety relatedunction

                                                                                                                               -         f        in the likely remain in) its fail-N fe closed position.                                Failure of the solenoid would cause CF1544 to move to (or more because it merely isolates the core flooding tank fill line from the high pressure injectionnitrogen aupply.                                                                                                                                  pumps and/or the    ,

This isolation is a normal operating condition because CF1544 is only opened when filling the tank . l I ! The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. . These lights are control circuit, its failure cannot affect the operation of these-devices.Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. because valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator

2. Materials evaluation conducttid.

Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation. 3. Materials snd/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedul e o st assure that associated component will maintain functional operability ist harsh environments.

Freilitys' vic-BeCa UAlt 1 COMPONENT MATERii_J EVALUATION SHEET Index L as 216H-0357 Docket: 50-346 F.e v. : 2 Prepared by: _ Date: [I !83 Ch cked by: # Date: /@/O I Plant I.D. No.: SV1544 Component: Solenoid valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: HT8320A108 l l 3 l l l THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l l Parts List i Materials List l Qualification i Reference ! Qualification l Reference l I I I l l l l l Body & End Cap i Brass l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 i Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Spring, Disc l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Spring, Core l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Core Tube l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Core 6 Plugnut i Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l .Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Shading coil l Copper l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l l Gasket, Body i BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104*F i CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Disc l BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l , I Dixc Holder l Acetal l 17 Years 9 104'F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 EADS l CAL-80 l l l Core Guide j Acetal l 17 Years 9 104*F i CAL-80 l 1.2 x 10 6 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Class 14 Coll:

  • l l 40 Years 9 140*F l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l l

Outerwrap l Fiberglass l l l l l l Varnish l Silicone l l l l l l Lead Wire Insulation i Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Braid l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l l l Insulation l Ico-Mica I l l l l Epoxy l l l l l l l 1 Insulation i Silicone Resin l l l l l l Mica l l l l l l 1 l l l 1 l i I l l l 1 i l l l l l l 1 l Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

Ftcility: Dockat: c') (LJic-Be2se 50-346 Unit 1 C SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET v Index No.: 216N-036 Rev.: 2 Ptsp:: red by: - Date: O 33 ChickId by: MA ? Date: s//A//2 l ll l l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l l ll ENVIRONMENT l l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification i Outstanding l ll Parameter i Specification l Qualification ispecificationloualificationi Method l Items 1 ll l I I I I l ISy::tta: Containment I Iloperating l 15 Seconds l 17 Years i K l Note 2 I i Analysis l None l l Isolation ll Time l l l l l 1 l ll I I l i I IPlant ID No. SV1545 ll 1 1 I 1 l l l i 1 l l lITemperaturel 221.0 i Exempt  ! C-314 l Note 1 lCcmponent: Solenoid Valvell (*F) i N/A I None l l l I I l 1 l l l Il l I l l { lMtnufteturer: ASCO I I l  ; ll l l l l l l l IIPressure l 19.76 l Exempt I c-314 l Note 1 l lModel Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l 1 N/A I None l l l l l l 11 l l 1 I I I l Function: Isolates ll l l l I I I Containment l l l ll Relative i 100.0 l FJempt l A I Note 1 l l l llHumidity l l N/A I None l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: l l N/A l l Demon: N/A l( (1) I L _ l I I l l ll l 1 l l l l l !l ll l I I l lS2rvice: Core Flooding ll Chemical i N/A l N/A l N/A I I I i i Tanks Sample ll Spray I N/A l N/A l None l l l l l l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l l l l l l l ll l l I I

Auxiliary Bldg.ll I I l l l 1 CAL-80 6 l l l l Rm. 314 ll Radiation 11.0 x 10 RADS (1.2 x 106 l RADS l T l Note 2 l Analysis i None l ll l 'l l I I IPlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l I l l 1 l l lAbova Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l 17 Years l I l CAL-80 l l l l Analysis l None ll l l Note 3 l l Note 2 l I

lNicdsd for: l l ll I l l 1 l l Hot Shutdown IX l ll l l l l l 1 I l l l llSubmergencel N/A l N/A l N/A 1 Cold Shutdown l 1 N/A I N/A I None l l ll l l l l l l I l ll l l l l 1 I I

N fh F cility: e) 1 vic-8200'd Unit 1

                                                                        -)                                                          (")

Dock t: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-036A Pr p: red by: Rev.: 2 Checked by: M- A - J Date: b f 3 Date: f//A//7 1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CF1545 (the air-operated cor only safety-related function performed by cF1545 is the isolation of containment during a losse floodingThe tanks sample of coolant accident. The solenoid valve is exempt f rom qualification because it does not perform an h:rsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. essential safety-related function in the likely remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Failure of the solenoid would cause CP1545 to move to (or more This isolation is a normal operating condition because CP1545 a ng tank and/or is system. the sampling only openedit when draining or sampling the tanks. l Tha air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v a c l op3 rated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. csntrol circuit, . . . essential iristrument bus. These lights are because valve position indication will be unaffected.its failure cannot Solenoid affect failure themislead will not operation of these device the operator 2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached

3. evaluation.

Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maint enance and replacement schedules to casure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments . s

e~w O k Frcility:Evis-Becca Unit 1 U COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET U i Docket: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-0368 Rev.: 2 _ Prcpared by: - (M Date: #  !

                                                                                                     # N Ch:cked by:

M'L2 Date: t

             !                                 Plant I.D. No.:                             SV1545                              Component:                    Solenoid Valve                                            l l                                Manufacturer:                                 ASCO                               Model No.:                      HT8320A108                                             l l

l l l l THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l Parts List l i Matyrials List l Qualification i l 1 Reference ! Qualification l Reference I i l Body a, End Cap l Brass l I I l l Not Sensitive  ! CAL-80 l Not Affected l Spring, Disc l Stoinless Steel l CAL-80 l l Not Sensitive l Spring, Core i Stainless Steel l CAL-80 l Not Affected i CAL-80 l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly i Metallic l Not Sensitive

                                                                                                                                                                   )   Not Affected               l  CAL-80         l l Core Tube                                                                                                                         l  CAL-80            l   Not Affected              l  CAL-80          l l Stainless Steel                    l   Not Sensitive l Core & Plugnut                                                                                                                    i  CAL-80            l   Not Affected                    CAL-80' 1 Stainless Steel                     l   Not Sensitioe          l CAL-80 l                 l l Shading Coil                                                     l Copper                                                                              i   Not Affected              l CAL-80          l l Gmaket, Body                                                      l BUNA-N l   Not Sensitive          I CAL-80             1   Not Affected              l CAL-80          l i Dice l   40 Years 9 104*F       l CAL-80            l    1.5 x 107 RADS            l CAL-80 l BUNA-N                              1   40 Years 9 104*F       l CAL-80 t

l Disc Holder i Acetal l 1.5 .e 107 RADS I CAL-80 l l Care Guide I 17 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS I CAL-80 l Acetal l l Class H Coll:

  • i 17 Years 9 104'F l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Outerwrap l 40 Years 9 140*F i CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l Fiberglass l l l Varnish 1 l l l l Silicone  ! l i 1 Lcad Wire Ins.slation i Silicone Rubber, Glass l l 1 1 l l l l t Braid l l l Mtgnet wire Insulation! Enamel l l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l Insulation l l l l Iso-Mica l i l l l l Epoxy l l

l 1 l l Insulation l Silicone Resin l l l l l Mica l l l l i I i l I i i l i l 1 I l i l l l l l l 1 j i I l l Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manuf acturer's recor.mendations.


Frcility: Luso-Becse Unit 1 SYSTEN COMPONENT k,..;LUATION WORKSHEET Index CUn 216H-037 Dock;ts 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prepar d by: . Date: ^ I3 Chicksd by: M} A_ 4 Date: ///i/f$ l Il l l l l ENVIRONNENT I DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding I lECUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll I ll Parameter l Specification f Qualification l Specification l Qualification! Method i Items l I l 1 1 I I I I il ISystso: Containment floperating i 15 Seconds i 30 Days l K l J-18 l Simultaneous l Hone l I Isolation ll Time l l l l l Test l l ll I I I I I t I 1 l l l l l l l Plant ID No. SV1719A ll l l ll Temperature! 283.0 1 346.0 l H, X l J-18 l Simultaneous A None i l Component: Solenoid Valt, tl l ('F) l l l l l Test t l I I I I I I l l ll l l 1 l l lNtnufccturer: ASCO ll l l l ll Pressure 1 52.0 l 124.7 i G, X l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l Nodal Number: NP8320A185 Ell (PSIA)  ! I I l l Test l l l ll l l l l l I l l l l l Function: Isolates ll l l l l l l Containment ll Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A I J-18 i Simultaneous l None l llHumidity l l l l l Test l l l l J l l l l l 1 l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll (t) $ ll Demon: N/A ll  ! l l l l J-18 l l l l l l l ll l Boric Acid l Boric Acid l lStevice: Containment Vent ll Chemical i 1800 ppm 1 1800 ppm I A l CAL-40 l Simultaneous l None 1 i l Header IsolationllSpray l pH 5.0 l pH 5.0 'l l Note 1 l Test l l Valve l l l l l l l l ll l I I I I l 1 l 11 J-18 l l l ILocation: Containment il l I l l i l Rm. 220 llRadiation 7 l1.7 x 10 RADS l2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-44 1 J-41 l Sequential Testl None l l I I i l j l ll l l 1 l l IFlood Level blev: 572'-2*ll l l l l l ISequential Teatl None l lAiv.sve Flood Level: Yes llAging i 40 Years l 22 Years l I l J-18 l l l Note 2 I I J-41 l l l l ll l l l l l lNesdsd for: ll l l l l l l l l Hot Shutdown l X l ll l l l ' l llSubmergencol 572' - 2" l 578* - 6' l B l J-12 1 N/A l None . l l l l l l l l l Cold Shutdown l ll 1 l l l l 1 I l l ll

Facility: '-4s-Besse Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPOHENTN( LOATION WORKSHEET It.dex Nbr. . 216H-037A Dceket: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Date. // / J3 Checked by: h A_A / Date: ///M/] _

1. CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value,of 5.

I 2. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to l assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. l l s l 1, l

Facility: avis-Besse Unit 1 SYSTEM ODMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Docket: 50-346 Index ho.: 216H-038 Rev.: 2 Frepared by: k*. Date: / 3 Checked by: h W Date: t//J /@ l 11 1 i ' l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRONMENT I DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding i l 11 Parameter i Specification I Qualification ISpecificationloualificationi Methed i Items  ! I ll l 1 I i l l 1 ISystem: Containment liOperating l 15 Seconds l 17 Years i K l Note 2 l Analysis l None 1 l l Isolation llTime I i l i 1 I l l l ll l ' I I I I i l Plant ID No. SV1719B ll l l l l l 1 l I llTemperaturel 198.0 i Exempt l C-236 l Note 1 l N/A j None l l lCompanent: Solenoid Valvell (*F) l l l l l l l I Il l I I I I I I IManufacturer: ASCO i ll 1 l l l l l l l llPressure l 15.51 l Exempt l C-236 l Note 1 l N/A I None l l lModel Number: HT8320A106 ll(PSIA) l i i I I l l  ! l ll I I l 8 I l l l l Function: Isolates ll l l l l l l l 1 Containment llRelative i 100.0 i Exempt l A I Note 1 l N/A None l i l llHumidity l l l l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll (%) l l l l l l l l Demon: N/A ll l 8 i l l l l l Il l l 1 l 1 l l l Service: Containment Ilchemical I N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A 1 None l l Vent Header ll Spray l l l l l l l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l I l 3 l ll 3 I I I  ! I l ILocation: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l l l l CAL-80 l l l l Rm. 236 llRadiation l 7.1 x 105 RADS l1.2 x 106 RAPS I T l Note 2,4 l Analysis l None I

 !                                ll               I                     l                l             i                     I                    I             l IFlood Level Elev:         N/A ll                 l                     l                l             l                    l                    l             l lAbove Flood Level: N/A IIAging                   l       40 Years      i     17 Years   l       I     l    CAL-80           l     Analysis      !     None    l l                                ll               l                     l      Note 3    l             l    Note 2           l                    l            l INeeded for:                    ll               I                     l                l             l                     l                    l             l l       Hot Shutdcwn     IX l   ll               l                      l               l             l                     l                    l             l l                               llSubmergencel               N/A        l         N/A   l      N/A                    N/A l                     l        N/A         l     None    l l       Cold Shutdown l      l  il               l                     l                l             l                     l                    l             l l                               ll               l                     l                l             l                     l                    l             I

m-- 1 p ~. ,


Ficility: T. jig-CSCO3 Unit 1


SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION tiORKSHEET Dockst: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-038A Rev.: 2 Prspired by:

  • Date: N O Chickcd by: MX mf Date: t//4/p) 1.

This solenoid valve controls the air supply to RC1719B (the air-operated containment vent header isolation valve). The only cifety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of containment during a loss'of coolant accident. The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essen;ial safety-related function in the harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of the solenoid would catise RC1719B to move to (or more likely remain in) its fail-safe cloaed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade othet safety-related functions because it merely isolatas the containment vent header from the gaseous radwaste system. The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control bscausecircuit, its failure valve position cannot affect indication will bethe operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator unaffected. 2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/ot thermal aging summarised on attached eraluation. 3. Materials and/or components sensitive to therr.a1 aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. 4. Radiation value is 40 day background dose plus the one day iccident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate containment in 15 seconds following a 1,0CA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or nislead the operator. l 1



Facilityb~javie-Bseso Unit 1 f%)k Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: glGH-0388 Rev.: 2 Prgpared by: - Date: [/ !/ [$ 3 Chicked by: MM Date: N/A-/#7 l Plant I.D. No.: SV1719B Component: Solenoid Valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: _ HT8320A108 i I l l I i l THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l Parts List l l Materials List l i Qualification l Reference l OJalificatior l i l Reference l l B3dy & End Cap l Brass I i i I l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l l Spring, Disc l Not Affected l CAL-80 l Stainless Steel i Not Sensitive l ) i Spring, Core I CAL-80 1 Not Affected l CAL-80 ' l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l i SDI . Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l Not Sensitive i CAL-80 i Not Affected i CAL-80 I l Core Tube l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Core & Plugnut l CAL-80 i l Shsding coil i Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 i Hot Affected l CAL-80 l l Copper Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Gasket, Body i BUNA-N l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Disc l 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS I BUNA-N 1 40 Years e 10$'F l CAL-80 l I Disc Holder l Acetal l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Core Guide l 17 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 1.2 x 106 l Acetal i 17 Years e 104*F l RADS l CAL-80 l l Class il Coil:

  • l l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l t outerwrap i Fiberglass 1 40 Years e 140*F l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l l CAL-80 l l Varnish l l l Silicone l l I i l Lead Wire Insulation i Silicono Rubber, Glass l ) l l

l l l l Braid l l l l Magnet Wire Insulationi Enamel l l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l Insulation l l l Iso-Mica l l l l l l l Epoxy l l l l Insulation l l i Silicone Resin l l l l l l l Mica l l l l l l l I l l l I I l l l l l I 1 1 I I l l 1 l l Msterial & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~d FIcility:                            i s-Basse Unit 1                                     SYSTEN CONPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Dockst:                            50-346                                                                                                                                                  Index No.: 2168-039_

Red. : 2 _

          -Ptsp3 red by:                                  h                 Date:           k    f,   .3 Ch:cksd by:                             hAJ                    Date: st/yjg                                                                                                                                                   .

l ll l l lEQUIPNENT DESCRIPTION l l ll ENVIRONNENT l l ll Parameter i Specification ) Qualification (X)CUNENTATION REF. I Qualification i Outstanding I l TSpecificationlOualificationi Nethod l Items- l ll l 1 l System: Containment 1 I I l iIOperating l 15 Seconds l 24 Hours l K l' V-3H i Isolation -ll Time l Engineering i None I i I l l 1- l Experience I l ll l l l 1 IPlant ID No. SV1773A ll l l 1 l l l l 1 l llTemperaturel 283.0 1 l l Comp:nent: Solenoid 1 346.0 l H, X l V-3H l Engineering i ll (*F) -l l None l l l l Experience l Valve ll l l l l l l l I ll 1 l l l l lNInufacturer: ASCO lIPressure l 52.0 l 54.7 G, X 1 l , I i l l V-3H l Engineering l l ll(PSIA) l l Notes 2 & 3 l l Kate 1 l _iNsdal Number: HTX8316C45vil l Experience l l l l I 1 I l ll l I l 1 l l I l l ll Relative i 100.0 1 100.0 l A l V-3H I ! l Function: Isolates ll Humidity l l l l Engineering l None I l Containment l l Experience i fl (t) l I I I l l ll 11 I l i l 1 l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l Boric Acid l I I i l I l Demn: N/A i l l ll Chemical i 1800 ppm l Notes 2 & 3 i A I l l llSpray l tt/A l N/A l Note 1 l i pH 5.0 l l lSarvice: Reactor Coolant il l I i l l i l i l i Drain Tank Header!! l l i l l l l l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l cal-80 l l ILocation: Containment ll Radiation 11.7 x 197 RADS 11.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-44 l 1 i

       !                                          Rm. 220                                                                                                           l       Note 5    l        Analysic         l      None         l           !

Il I l Notes 2 a 3 l l l l l lPlood Level Elev: 572'-2"l1 l l l l l lAbova Flood Level: No ll Aging l 40 Years l 9 Tears  ! I CAL-80 l l

                                                                                                                                                                   !                 l         Analysis        l        None l                                                        11                   l                                                                                                                                              l            l l         Note 6               I                      I        Note 5   I lNasdad tor:                                             ll                  l                        l                               l I                   l l

l Hot Shutdown IX l ll l l l l l l 1 l l ll Submergence l 572'- 2" l l l 566'-3* 1 B l J-13 l Cold Shutdown l l N/A l None ~l l ll l JNotes 2, 3& 4l l l 1_ lI l l l I l l i I l

Facility; Docket: 9s-DesseUnit1 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVA9ATION WORKSHEET . Index No.: 216H-03?A_ Rev.: 2 Prepared by: . Date // / Checka4 by: had Date ///.s/O

1. This component is scheduled for replacement during the first refueling outage subsequent to component on-site availability.
2. This solenoid valve controls the air supp'y to RC1773A (an air-operated reactor coolant drain tank header isolation vslve).

The only safety-related function performed oy this valve is the isolation of containmant during a loss of coolant accident.

3. During a loss of coolant accident, an SPAS signal de-energi:es the solenoide causing closure of RC1773A within 15 seconds of the initiation of SPAS incident level 2. The solenoid wculd become submerged no sooner than 10.9 minut?9 post-LOCA (see CAL-49). This is a worst-case value based on a postulated DBA LOCA. For smaller LOCAs, component submergence will occur further into the accident, if it occurs at all. This time margin is adequate because the SFAS initiation that causes the closure of RC177?A also starts the high pressure injection, contalwent spray, and low pressure injection / decay heat pumps.

l It is through the operation of these cumps that the containment flood elevation is reached as they discharge the borated water storage tank supply into the reactor coolant system and containment. Since this flooding must be preceeded by the closure of RC1773A by a constant time margin, this margin is sufficient.

4. Failure of the solenoid tdue to submergence, radiation, or the harsh steam environment) would cause RC1773A to move to its fail-safe closed position. This action will not be detrimental to plant safety because it performa the desired function of isolating the reactor coolant drain tank header from the reaccor coolant drain tank to maintain conteinment isolation. I EC1773B, located outside containment and downctream from RC1773A, also isolates the reactor coolant drain tank header during I a LOCA.

The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered oy a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control circuit, its f ailure cannot af fect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator because valve position indication will be unaffected.

5. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached esaluation.
6. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance snd replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

m s Fccility avis-81329 Unit 1 COMPONENT MATERIhi.S EVALUATION SHEET Ind2x N3.: 216H-0398 Docket: 50-346 Rev.: 2 _ ! Ptspared by: f Date: [# / ChIcked b}* h Date: 446/JPh 4 4 i Plant I.D. No.: SV1773A Component: Solenoid Valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO i4odel Fo. : HTX8316C45V l 1 l l 1 1 THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l l Parts List t Materials List l Qualification l Ppference l l I Qualificatior. l Reference l l l l l Core Tube l l , i Stainless Steel i Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l i l Core & Piccnut l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l I j 1 Screws l Steel I Not Sensitive l l Not Affectisd Pilot, Body l l ] l l Brass l Not Sensitive ' l l Not Affected ( l 1 Body & Bonnet l Brass i Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l ! l Disc, Spring l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l  ! Not Affected I l l Disc Holder l Metallic I Not Sensitive l l Not Affected } l

l Core Spring l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected I l i 1 Sol. Base Sub-Assembly i Metallic l Not censitive l j l Shtding coil l Not Affected l l l Copper l Not sensitive l l Not Affected i l l l Gaskets 1. Viton l 40 Years 6 265'F l CAL-80 l 3.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Diec l Viton j 40 Yeries e 265'F l CAL-GO 3.0 x 107 j l Diahragm Assemblies l Viton, Brass l RADS l CAL-80 l l 40 Years 9 265'F  ! CAL-80 l 3.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-93 l -

l Bottom Plug l Acetal (Delrin) 9 Years 9 120*F l l OL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal 9 Years 9 120*F I Class H Coil:

  • l  ! CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l l 40 Years 9 140*F l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-89 1 l Outerwrap l Fiberglass l  !

,1 l l l l Varnish l Silicone l l l l l i l Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass i l l I i 1 l l Braid l l l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation i Enamel l l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l j l Insulation l Iso-Mica l l l l l

 ; I                                l Epoxy                        l                         l             l                         l              l
! Innulation l Silicone Resin l
 '                                                                                           l             l                         {              l l                                l Mica                         l l     ,_

l l l l MEterials & Parts List Refer':nce: V-3A, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A Coil is schedaled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. n..


l f<acility: is-Besse Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONtM EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index Nr.: 216H-039 Docket: 50-346 Rev.: _ 2 Prepared by: Date: ((// J l Checked by: MAfd Date: ll/1/f1 l ll l l l l ENVIRONMENT l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll I ll Parameter i specification l Qualification l Specification lQualificationi Method l Items l ll l l l l l l l l l l l System: Containment lloperating l 15 Seconds l 1.1 Years l K l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l Isolation ll Time l l l l Note 3 l Test l l l l l 11 I I I I l l l 1 l l Plant ID No. SV1773A ll l l l l l l l llTemperaturel 283.0 l 346.0 l H, X l J-18 l Simultr.neous l None l l l Component: Solenoid iI ('F) l l l l l l l Test l l ll j Valve ll l l l l ll l l l l l l 1 l l l Manufacturer: ASCO ll Pressure l 52.0 l 124.7 l G, X l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l ll(PSIA) l l l l l Test l l l l l l l I l lModel Number: NP8320A185 Ell l Note 1 l l i l l l l l ll l ll Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A 4 J-18 i Simultattrous l None l , l Test l l l IFunction: Isolates llHumidity i l l l l 4 l Containment ll (%) l l l l l 1 l l l 1 i l I ll l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l Boric Acid l Boric Acid l l J-18 l Simultaneous l l l Demon: N/A ll Chemical l 1800 ppm i 1800 ppm l A l CAL-40 l Test, l None l llSpray l pH 5.0 l pH 5.0 l l Note 2 i Analysis l l l l l l l j l Service: Reactor Coolant ll l l l l l l Drain Tank Header ll l l l l l IsolaticN Valve ll l l l l J-18 l l l l 7 7 CAL-44 J-41 None l l Location: Containment llRadiation l1.7 x 10 RADS l2.0 x 10 RADS l l l Sequential Testl l l l I Rm. 220 ll l l l l l IFlood Level Elev: 572'-2"ll l l l l l l lAbove Flood I-evel: No ll Aging l 40 Years l 22 Years l 7 l J-41 l Sequential Testl None l l l Note 4 l l l l l l ll l l l l l ,1 lEieeded f or: ll l l l Hot Shutdown Ixl ll l l l l l l llSubmergencel 572'-2" l 566'-3" l B l J-13 l N/A l None l l l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l Note 5 l l l l l 1 ll l l l l l. I l

\. Faci 2ity: es-BesseUnit1 Docket: 50-346 eTIONWORKSHEET SYSTEM COMPONENT EV.e.J Rev.: e Index No.: 216H-039A 2 ~

                             .                                      NOTEC Prepared by:

Checked by:

                          ""'S h h Date g/A//3 Date  ff /!PJ
1. ThJs component replaces HTX8316C45V in accordance with FCR 79-311. l
2. CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5.
3. The solenoid valve test consisted of the following: Exposure to steam at 346*F and 124.7 psia for 3 hours, followed by a l cooldown to 140*F. A second transient followed with 3 hours at 346*F and 124.7 psia, followed by a cooldown to 320*F and j 89.7 psia which lasted for 3 hours, followed by 3-1/2 days exporure to 250*P and 29.7 psia, followed by exposure to 200*F and 14.7 psia for the duration of the test (26 days). (Reference J-18)

The temperature in Containment peaks at 283*F in 17.0 seconds. The pressure in containment peaks at 52 psia in 50 seconds. The conditions in Containment return to ambient in 7 days. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory test subjected the solenoid valve to an overall more severe environment than that which would result from the postulated LOCA. Since the solenoid valve remained operable throughout the test and functional after the test, it can be concluded that the soleroid valve will remain functional during and af ter exposure to the accident environment which would re sult from the postulated LOCA. (Reference J-18, C-602)

4. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.
5. During a loss of coolant accident, an SFAS signal de-energizes the solenoid, causing closure of RC1773A within 15 seconds cf the initiation of SFAS incident level 2. The solenoid would become submerged no sooner than 10.9 minutes post-LOCA (see CAL-49). This is a worst-case value based on a postulated DBA LOCA. For cmaller LOCAs, component submergence will occur further into the accident, if it occurs at all. This time margin is adequate because the SFAS initiation that c tuses the closure of RC1773A also starts the high pressure injection, containment spray, and low pressure injection / decay heat pumps.

It is through the operation of these pumps that the containment flood elevation is reached as they discharge the borated water storage tank supply into the reactor coolant system and containment. Since this flooding must be preceeded by the closure of RC1773A by a constant time margin, this margin is sufficient.

                            %                                                                             0%

F cility: 'biv)is-Brasa Unit 1 (-)  % Dockst: 50-346 SYSTFM COMPONENT EVALUATION FORKSHEET Inder No.: _216H-040 Rev.: 2 Prspared by: Checked by: _ M r; 9 _AP Date: // 73 Date: a//A//1 I ll IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l Il ENVIRONMENT l l I I DOCUMENTATION REF. i l ll Parameter1i Specification _l Qualification lSpecificatienIQualificationil Qualificaticn 11 Method i IOutstanding I ISystem: Containment I I Items l l IOperati:19 15 Seconds I I 17 Years 1 l I I I Isolation llTime i K l Note 2 I i l l Analysis i None ( I I l l , ll 1 l l l l Plant ID No. SV2010 l l  ! I( l I l 1 i l I I l ' llTemperaturel 221.0 i Exempt l l l l l l Component: Solenoid Valvel1 l C-314 l Note 1 l ('F) l l N/A l None 'l l ll l l l i 1 l IMinufacturer: ASCO 1 I l l ll l l i l l l l I llPressure i ,19.76 l Exempt 1 l l l IModal Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l l C-314 l Note 1 l I l N/A l None i l 11 I l I I l IFunction: Isolates ll l l

                                                                                               )                           i                    I                      l                                 i l                                                                                                                  l                                                                                                     I Containment        llRelative              i         100.0                                                              l                     l l                                                                                      1       Exempt              l           A l                     l iIHumidity             l I      Note 1         l          N/A                    l        None lAccuracy: Spec:                                                                       l                           1                                                                                                     i N/A    ll     (1)             I I                     l                                  i I                                                                                      l                                                                                                                                 I Demon: N/A       ll                     l 1                     I                     l                                  l I                                                                                     l                            l                    I i

il i l l I l ISarvice: Containment lichemical l N/A I I l l ( Service Air llSpray l N/A l N/A l N/A 1 I l I N/A I None I Isolation Valve !! l l l l l l 1 1 l 1 l l Il i 1 l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l l I _I I 4 I l Rm. 314 l I

                                         !l Radiation          (1.0 x 106 RADS l1.2 x 106                                                   l         CAL-80      l                                  l I

ll RADS l T l Note 2 i Analysis l l l l None i IPlood Level Elev: N/A ll l 1 l i I l l lAbova Flood Level: N/A IIAging l 40 Years l l l I i 17 Years l I I CAL-80 l l ll l l Analysis  ! None IHasdad for: i Note 3 l l Note 2 l ll l l l l i Hot Shutdown I l l i X l 11 l l l l i l 1 llSubmergencel l l l N/A I N/A l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l I N/A l N/A I N/A l Hone l 1 1 1 ll l l l l l l l l I l l

I FKcility: \%.v/is-Bess @ Unit 1


SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Docket: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-040A Rev.: 2 PtspEred by: ,

  • Date: // / S -

Chscked by: J#h Date: (//J./p1


l I 1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to SA2010 (the air-operated containment service air isolation valve). safety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident. The only l The solenoid valve is exempt f rom qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the harsh likely steam remainenvironment due toclosed in) its fail-safe a high position. energy line break. Failure of the solenoid would cause SA2010 to move to (or moro l it merely isolates service air from containment. Closure of SA2010 will not degrade other safety-related functions because i equipment located inside contanment. Service air is not needed for the operation of any safety-related The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. control circuit, its failure cannot affect the operation of these devices.Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. because valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator

2. Materials evalaation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging suramarized on attached evaluation.

3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

O (O

                    \   /                                                             'x                                                              p).s

Ficilityi'~Bivis-Ossoa Unit 1 Docket: 50-J46 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: 216H-040B Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Chicked by:


Date: // / h ad Date: ///g/) l l l Plant I.D. No.: SV2010 Component:  ! Solenoid Valve l Manufacturer: ASCO _ l Model No.: HT8320A108 l l l l 1 l THERMAL AGING ! l RADIATION I Parts List l I E:sterials List l Qualification l l l Reference l Odalification l Reference l l l Body & End Cap 1 Brass l l l l l Spring, Disc 1 Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive 1 CAL-80 Not Affected l CAL-80 l 1 Spring, Core i Stainless Steel l Not Affected l CAL-00 l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly i Metallic l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l l Core Tube  ! CAL-80 i l Stainless Steel i Not Sensitive l CAL-Se Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Core & Plugnut i Stainless Steel i No: Affected l CAL-80 l l Shxding coil l Copper l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 i Nct Affected i Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l l Gasket, Body l CAL-80 i Not Affected l BUNA-N I 40 Years 9 104*F i CAL-80 l i Disc l BUNA-N l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 t l Disc Holder l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 l Acetal l 17 Years 9 104*F RADS I CAL-80 l 1 Cote Guide l Acetal l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l i 17 Years 9 104*F l Clacs H Coil:

  • l l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap l 40 Years 9 140*F i CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 l Fiberglass l RADS l CAL-80 l l Varnish l Silicone l l l l l l l

Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l 1 l Braid l l 1 l l l Magnet Wire Insulation! Enamel l ' l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l 1 l l I Insulation I I l Iso-Mica i I I l I l l Epoxy -l l l l l l 1 Insulation i Silicone Resin l l l l l Mica l 1 l l 1 1 l l l l l l l 1 l I I l l l I l l l I l 1 l l Naterial & Parts List


V- 3 A, V-38, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is r.cheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations .

r Fccility: (n hv)i3-B232aUnit1 (j -


Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM C)MPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-041 Pr;ptred by: Rev.: 2 Date: ([3 3 s /' Ch2ckid by: M dAJL s/ Date: ///J//) ' l Il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Il i I ENVIRC$ MENT 1 1 fl. Parameter ! I I Specification l DOCUMENTATION REF. { l Qualification l Spec {ficationlOt.alificati_on tl Qualification 1 Outstanding l , ll l Me t h-:,0 ISystem: Containment 1 l Items l IlOpersting l 15 Seconds i 17 Years I I l I  ! Isolation iITime  ! I l K l Note 2 i Analysis I l i l I l Mone Il l I l l l IPlant ID No. SV2011 I l l ll 1 I l l ! l l I llTemperaturel 221.0 Exempt l l __ l l i l tCcapcnent: Solenoid ValvelI ('F) l l I C-314 l Note 1 l ) l l l l N/A l None ll l l l l I l l lMinufteturer: ASCO Il l I I l l l l l l  ! llPressurat i 19.76 I l l l Exempt l C-314 l ' IModel Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l I l Note 1 i N/A l l l l None l ll I l l l lPunction: Isolates l l 1 l ll 1 l I l l Containment l l l llRelative i 100.0 l  ! l l Exempt l l l litumidity l l A l Note 1 l N/A l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A Il_. (t) l l l l None 1 l l l l Demon: N/A l l l ll l l 1 1 l l I ll l l t l ISarvice: Containment Ilchemical i 1 I I l l ' l Instrument Air N/A l N/A I I llSpray l l l N/A l N/A l N/A I l l None 1 Isolation Valve il l l l l l l l ll l l l I l I lLocaticn: Auxiliary i i i l I l 1 Rm. 314 l l I I ll Radiation 11.0 x 106 RADS II.e x 106 l CAL-80 l l RADS 1 T i l Il i I Note 2- 1 Analysis lPlood Level Elev: N/A ll l I l I l l None l 1 i IAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging i 40 Years l l l l I l 17 Years i I l l ll l l CAL-80 Analysis lNesdtd for: ll. I l Note 3 f l Note 2 l l None i l Hot Shutdown I l l ill I I l 0 ll l l l I lISubmergencel l l i N/A l N/A l 0 Cold Shutdown l __l il i l N/A l N/A l l O_ l l I N/A l None ll_ 1 l l 1 I I l l 2

                                                                                                                                                                          .I                                                 I                          l


               \    )

FIcility: Lovis-Basso Unit 1


SYSTEM COMPONENY'udALUATION WORKSHEET G Ind2x ND.: 216H-041A Doc':s t : 50-346 kav.: 2 Prepared by: Date: N/ 13 Chicksd by: ,,4$PpfgeId h d Date: ////-//') i

1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to IA2011 (the air-operated containment instrument air isolation valve). The only safety-related function performed by IA2011 is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident.

The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it do's e not perform an easential safety-related function in the harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause IA2011 to move to (or remain in) its feil-safe closed position. Closure of IA2011 will isolate instrument air from the following safety-related solenoid valves causing them to move to their fail-safe positions:

a. SV1719A. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to RC1719A (an air-operated containment vent header isolation valve). Upon loss of air, RC1719A will move to its fail-safe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade other safety-related functions because it merely isolates the cocainment vent header from the gaseous radwaste system.


b. SV1733A. This solenoid valve controlm the air supply to RC1773A (an air-operated coolant drain tank header isolation l valve). Upon loss of air, RC1773A will move to its fail-safe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade l l

other safety-related functions because it merely isolates the reactor coolant drain tank header from the reactor coolant l drain tank.

c. SV22SB. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to RC229B (an air-operated pressurizer quenck tank outlet isolation valve). Upon loss of air, RC299B will move to its fail-sefe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade other safety-related functions because it merely isolates the pressurizer quench tank from the quench tank circulation pump.
d. SV235B. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to ES2353 (an air-operated pressurizer quenck tark sample isolation valve). Upon loss of air, SS235B will move ta (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade other safety-related functions because SS235B is only opened when sampling primary coolant from the quench tank.
e. SV5006. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CV5006 (an air-operated containment purge inlet isolation valve). Upon loss of air, CV5006 will move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Closure of this valve will not degrade other rafety-related functions because it mately isolates the containment purge inlet line from containment. This isolation is a normal operating condition becaean SV5005 is only opened when purging the containment atmosphere. The containment purge system is not needed to mitigate high energy line break accidents.

r#~w O iteility: 'we/vis-Bazoo Unit 1

                                             \o                                                                   V Docket:                                30-346                                     SYSTEM COMPONENT EVSLUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: _216H-0418 Paiptred by:                                                                                                                                                         Rev.:         2 d3 Date:    //

Checked by: #3J. # i Date: ///p//$

f. SV5007.

valve). This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CV5007 (an air-operated co t i Upon loss of air, CV5007 will move to (or remain in) n a nment purge inlet isolation not degrade other safety-related functionn because it merely isolates the containmits fail-safe containment. Closure closed of thisposition. valve will atmosphere. This isolation ic a normal operating condition because SV5007 is only op ent purge inlet line from The containment purge system is not needed to mitigate high energy line brened when purging the containment

g. SV6831A. eak accidents.

isolation valve).This solenoid valve controls the air supply to DF6831A (an air-operat e dd 1 isolatepump coolant thesealdemineralized injection. water supply line from the mp reactor coolant standpipe. puUpon Closure of thisloss valveofwill air, DW6831 coolant pumps are not needed to mitigate accidents. Loss of water or the seals will not degrade safety-related functions beca se tire reactor The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. cparated control circuit, by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. essential instrument bus. These 113 hts are its failure cannot affect the operation of these devices.Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. b3cause valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the oterator 2. Materials evaluation conducted. /

3. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attach d e evaluation.

Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will he replaced as . assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environmentsper maintenance and replacem . I

[" {  ;

                                                                                                  )                                                             %J Freility:    avis-32csa Unit 1                        COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Docket:     50-346                                                                                                                          ?ndex No.: 216H-041C Rev.:                  2 Prcpared by:

Ch;cked by:

                              . u       .o    Date: // / 33 M rd s/A g Date: t//s-//$

l Plant I.D. No.: SV20ll Component: _ Solenoid Valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: HT8320A108 i i I l l l l THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l I l Parts List i Materials List l Qualification __ l l l Reference l Qualification l Reference l l l Body E End Cap i Brass l l 1 l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Spring, Disc I Stainleso Steel l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Spring, Core l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 1 Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Stainless Steel i Sol. Base Sub-Assembly i Metallic l Not Sensitive 1 CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80  !

                                                                                       !   Not  Sensitive           l    CAL-80 l    Core Tube                                                                                                                  l   Not  Affected                l CAL-80        l l   Stainless  Steel                           l   Not  Se Mitive                CAL-80 l

l Core & Plugnat l Stainless Steel l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Shiding coil l Copper l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-60 l l Not Sensitive I CAL-80 l Not Affected l Gesket, Body l BUNA-N l CAL-80 l l Disc I 4D Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l BUNA-N l 40 Years e 104*? l l Dice Holder l Acetal l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Core Guide l 17 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS I CAL-80 l Acetal l l 17 Y. ears e 104*F l CAL-80 1.2 x.106 l H Coll:

  • 1 40 Years e 140*F l RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap I Fiberglass 1 l CAL-80 1 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-8G l l l 1 l Varnish l Silicono l l I l l Lead Wire Insulation i Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l 1  ! l l Braid l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulationi l l Enamel l l

l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l 1 Inmilation l Iso-Mica l l l l l l l 6 l Epoxy ,l l l l l Insulation l Silicone Resin l l I ( l l l l Mica l l 1  ! l l l I l l l ) l l l  ? l I l l I I 1 I I I _l Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replac? ment in accordance wiU manufacturer's recommendations.

{"'N Ficitity: 'Mvis-Barre Unit 1 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSilEET Dockit:- Index No.: 216H-042 Rev.: 2 PrGpared by:. ChIcked by: Date: // 3 _ M _ fl / Date: // 4 4% I ll l l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRONMENT l l l l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding i l ll Parameter l Specification 1 Qualification ISpecificationloualificationi Method l Items l 11 l  ! l System: Containment l l l iIOperating i 15 Seconds I l i 30 Days l K J-18 l Isolation llTime i I l i Simultaneous l None l l l l Test l 11 1 8 l l I I l IPlant IC No. SV2298 ll l l I I .I l l l l llTemperature! 283.0 l l l 346.0 l H, X J-18 lCrmponent: Solenoid Valvell (*F) l l l l l Simultaneous l None l 1 l l Test l l ll 1 -l i l I I l Manufacturer: ASCO ll l l i l 1 l l l ll Pressure i 52.0 l 124.7 i G, X l l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None lM:dal Number: NP8316A75E ll(PSIA) l l l I j i l l Test i ll l l l i l F':nction : Isolates ll l l l 1 I l_ l l ) Containment l l i1 Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A 4 l l l J-88 l Simultaneous l Nona l ll Humidity l l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A 11 (1) l i 1 i Test l l l l 1 l Demon: N/A ll l 1 l 1 l l l 1 l l l ll l Boric Acid l Boric Acid l J-18 lSarvice: Pressurizer ll Chemical l 1800 ppm i 1800 ppm A l l l l l Quench Tank Outlet ll Spray I l CAL-40 l Simultaneous l None l I pH 5.0 l pH 5.0 l l Note 1 Test, l Isolation Valve ll l l l 1 l l Analyals I l l l ll 1 l l I I I l Location: Containment ll l l l I I I l Rm. 220 7 l J-18 l l l l ll Radiation 11.7 x 10 RADS 12.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-44 l J-41 15equential Testl None ll l l 1 1 I IFlood Level Elev: 572'-2'll l l l I l i lAbove Flood Level: No I i l l l! Aging l 40 Years l 22 Years l I I J-18 l l Analysis l None i ll l l Note 3 lNeedad for: l l J-41 l l l ll  ? I I 1 I l Het Shutdown IX l l l ll l l l 1 l 8 llSubmergencel 572' - 2* I 566' - 3" i B l l l J-13 i N/A l Cold Shutdown I i ll l l Note 2 l l l None l l l l 1 ll_,__ l l l l l l I

Facility: ' b is-Basso Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONE h VALUATION WORKSHEET Inda2 N3.: 216H-042A Dockst: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prspared by: . O Date: // / 3 Chzcksd by: _M-A. M Date: t//J.//2

1. CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pft boric acid spray to a pH value of 5.
2. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to RC2298 (an air-operated pressurizer quench tank outlet isolation valve). The only safety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident.


3. During this accident, an SFAS signal de-energizes the solenoid, causing closure of RC229B within 15 secondo of the j initiation of *?AS incident level 2. The solenoid would become submerged no sooner than 10.9 minutes post-LOCA (see j CAL-49). This is a worst-case value based on a postulated DBA LOCA. For smaller LOCAs, component submergence will occur I further into the accident, if it occurs at all. This time raargin is adequate because the SFAS initiation that causes the closure of RC299B also starts the high presuure injection, containment spray, and low pressure injection / decay heat pumps.

It is through the operation of these pamps that the contafnment flood elevation is reached as they discharge the borated , water storage tank supply into the reactor coolant system and containment. Since this flooding must be preceeded by the closure of RC2298 by a constant time margin, this margin is sufficient. l 4. Failure of the solenoid (due to submergence) would cause RC2298 to move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. This action will not be detrimental to plant safety because it performa the desired function of isolating the pressurizer l quench tank f rom the quench tank circulation pump. RC229A, located outside containment and downstream from RC2298, also isolates the pressurizer quench tank during a LOCA. i The air-operated valve's position indicating lic,iits are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is p&rt of a separate 125 v.d.c. control circuit, its failure cannot affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator because valve position indication will be unaffected.

3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

m {%

                                                                          \                                                   s racility: b /is-u ssa Unit 1                           SYSTEM COMPONENT'a.4ALUATION WORKSHEET                        Indsx id.: 216H-043
 , Dockst:      50-346                                                                                                  Rev.:        2 Prepared by:           _                Date: //      h3 Chtcked by:     M IL--                  Date: t//A/#3 l                             ll                                                l                         l                  l           l i

lEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIPONMENT l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding l , I ll Parameter l Specification l Qualification ISpecificatioalQualificationl Method l Items l l ll l l 1 l l l 1 lSystsm: Containment ll Operating l 15 Seconds l 17 Years l K l Note 2 l Analysis l None l l Isolation ll Time l l l l 1 l l l ll 1 l l l l l l l Plant ID No. SV232 ll l l l l l l l l llTemperatural 198.0 l Exempt I C-236 l Note 1 l N/A l None I i lComptnent: Solenoid Valve ll (*F) I l l l l l l

I ll t i I l l l l 3 lMenufacturer
ASCO ll l l l l l l l l ll Pressure i 15.51 l Exempt l C-236 i Note 1 i N/A I None l lModel Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l l l l l l l
,  l                             ll              l                I                I             l           l                  I           l i

l Function: Isolates ll l l l l l l l l Containment ll Relative i 100.0 l Exempt l A l Note 1 i N/A l None l j l ll Humidity l l l l l l l IAccuracy: Spec: N/A (%) ll l l l l l l l . l Demon: N/A ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l , ISarvice: Pressurizer ll Chemical l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l None I f l Quench Tank Inlet ll Spray l l l l l l l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l l l l I ll l 1 I i l 1 l . l Location: Auxiliary. Bldg.ll l l l l CAL-60 l l l 5 6 l Rm. 236 ll Radiation l7.1 x 10 RADS l1.2 x 10 RADS l T l Note 2,4 l Analysis l None l I Il l l l l l l I lPlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l l l l lAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l 17 Years l I l CAL-80 l Analysis l None l l ll l l Note 3 l l Note 2 l l l lNaedad for: ll l l l l l l l l Hot Shutdown IX l ll l l l 1 l l l ] l llSubmergencel N/A l N/A ) N/A l N/A l N/A l None l l Cold Shutdown l l ll t l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l 4 e-

                                                                                                                         ,m ALUATION WORKSHEET                          Ind;x 'L-(j 216H-043A Pccility:     3 21e-12r:2 Unit 1                    SYSTEM COMPONE Rev.:        2 Dockst:       50-346 Prcp3 red byr
  • Date: // ,/J3 Ch;ckrd by: _ M Q [ Date: ///4[f3 ,
1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to RC232 (the air-operated pressurizer quench teak inlet isolation valve). The only safety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of conti. ment during a loss of coolant accident.

The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the harsh steam environment due to a high enargy line break. Failure of the solenoid would cause RC232 to move to (or more likely remain in) its fail-safe closed pocition. Closure of RC232 will not degrade other safety-related functions because it will merelf isolate the tank from the quench tank cooler. l l The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valse's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control circuit, its failure cannot affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator i I because valve position indication will be unaffected.

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.
3. MEterials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component wili maintain functional operability in harsh environments.
4. Radiation value is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or aislead the operatcr.

m h N 'N Pccilit V Davis-Bates Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: 216H-043B Rev.: 2 Prgpared by: I* , Date: b / I3 Checked by: M Lfh_-F Date: /

                                                                 /'/A//f l                Plant I.D. No.:               SV20ll Componert:

l Manufacturer: ASCO Sole:Mid Valve l l Model N..: HT8320A108 l l l 1 l THERMAL AG'ING l l Parts 7,ist 1 MDIATION l Materials List I Qualification l 1 l Reference ! Qualification l Body & End Cap l Brass l 1 I l Reference l l Spring, Disc l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 I I

                                               ) Stainless Steel                      i    Not Sensitf're 1   Not Affected               l CAL-80            l I Spring, Core l    Stainless Steel                                                   l CAL-80           1   Not Affected l      Sol. Base Sub-Ascembly i Metallic                                      l   Not Sensitive             l CAL-80                                          l CAL-86             I

( Core Tube l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l CAL-80 l i Stainless Steel l CAL-80 i Not Affected l Core & Plugnut l Not Se.'sttive i CAL-80 l CAL-80 1 I Shading coil l Stainless Steel I Not Sensitive l Not Affected l CAL-80 l I Copper l CAL-80 1 Not Affected l Gasket, Body i Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l BUNA-N l l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Disc I BUNA-N 40 Years e 104'F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l l l Disc Holder 1 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l i Acetal 17 Years e 104*F 1 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAT.-84 l Core Guide l Acetal 1 CAL-60 .! 1.2 x 106 RADS l l Class H Coll:

  • l 17 Years 6 104*F l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l l 1.2 x 106 RADS I CAL-80 l Outerwrap i Fiberglass l 40 Years e 140*F I CAL-80 2.0 x 107 RADS l

l Varnish l l 1 l CAL-80 l l Silicone l i 1 I l 1 Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone nubber, Glass l l l 1 l l Braid l l l l l Magnet Wire Insul*tioni Enamel l l l l l Insulation l l l Nomex l l I Insulation l l l I iso-Mica l l l l 1 1 l Epoxy l l l l l l Insulation l l Silicone Resin l l l l l l Mica l l l l l l 1 1 l I l l 1 l i l I 1 l l 1 I l I l 1 I I I i Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

Facility: Daw s-Basse Unit 1 O O SYSTEM COMPONENT Lee.LUhTION WORKSHEET O Indix N'b.: ,216H-044 2 Dockr,t : 50-346 Rei. Prepcrsd by: *r Dater // 73 Checksd by: M:Rf Dater ///5/f3 l ll l 1 l l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRCNMENT 'I DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding l l l l Parameter I Specification , Qua?ification Specif icationl Qualification! Method l Items l l ll 1 l l l 1 l l lSysts=: Containment l l Operating l 35 Seconds l 17 Years l K l Note 2 l Analysis l Nono l

.l                                                     Isolation                                     ll Time          l                 l                 l                    l              l                 l              l ll l                                                                                                                   l                 l                                                     l                                l l Plant ID No. SV235A                                                                              ll               l                 l                 l                                   4                                l l                                                                                                  l lTenperature l         221.0     l        Exempt   l         C-314     l    Note 1     l      N/A        l      None    l l Couponent : Solenoid Valvell                                                                            ("F)      l                 1                 l                   l               l                 l              l l                                                                                                  ll               l                 l                  l                   l                l                              l lMLnuf teturer: ASCO                                                                               ll               l                 1                 l                    l              1                 l              l l                                                                                                  l l Pressure     l       19.76     l        Exempt   l         C-314      l   Note 1     l      N/A        l      None    l l                                l              l ltiodel Number: HT8320A108 ll(PSIA.)                                                                                l                 l                 l                                   l l                                                                                                  ll               l                 l                   l                  l              l                                l
, l Function:                                                               Isolates                 ll               l                 l                 l                    l              l                                 l l                                                             Containment                          l l Relative     l       100.0     l        Exempt    l           A       l   Note 1     l      N/A        l      None    l l                                                                                                  ll Humidity      l                 l                 l                    l              l                 l              l l Accuracy: Spect                                                                            N/A   ll    (% )                         l                  l                   l                                l              l l                                                                       Demon: N/A                 ll                                 l                 l                    l              l                 l              l l                                                                                                  ll               l                 l              '

l l l l l lSarvice: Pressurizer ll Chemical l N/A l '4/ A l N/A l N/A E N/A l None l ll Quench Tank Sanplellspray l l l l l l l i l Isolation Valve ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l - l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l l l l CAL-80 l l l Rm. 314 ll Radiation l1.0 x 106 RADS l1.2 x 106 RADS l T l Note 2 l Analysia l None l , !l ll l i ^ l 1 l l l Flood Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l l l l l Above Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l 17 Years l I l Note 2 l Analysis l None l . l ll l l Note 3 l l l l l ll I lHasded for l l l l

l Hot Shutdown lX l ll l l l l l l l ll l l Subme rgence l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l None, l

, l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l

[ \ ( ( IndIxNo).:216H-044A Fccility: D N s-B2329 Unit i SYSTEM CG4PONENTMALUATION WORKSHEET Re v. : 2 Dochst 50-346 Prepared by: Dates N/ 3 Chec%5d by: h3_1 J Date: (//A//J l

1. This solenoid valve controls the air styply to SS235A (the air-operated pressurizer quench tank sample isolation valve).

The orCy safety-related functf on performed by SS235A is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident. The solenoid valve in exempt f rom qualification because it does not perfor.a an essential saf ety-related f rnction in the harsh steam environment due to a high ene rgy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause SS235A to move to (or more likely remain in) its f ail-saf e closed position. Closure of SS235A will not degrade other saf ety-r61ated f unctions because it will inerely isolate the quench tank f rom the sanpling system. This isolation is a normal operating condition because j SS235A is only opened when sanpling primary coolant f rom the quench tank. l The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control circuit, its f ailure can not affect the operation of these devices. Soler.oid-f ailure will not r islead the operator l because valve position indication will be unaff ected. l

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.


3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedulea to i essure that associated component will maintain f cctional cperability in harsh environments.


N s ( ) ' Fteility: Davis-Besse Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 COMPChENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Indev No.: _216H-044B Rev.: 2 Prepared by: - Date O / [3 Checked by: M_ fb__d Dater ff/hs l Plant I.D. No.: SV235A Component : Solenoid Valve l

         !                 Manuf acturer:               ASCO                                           Model No.:                       HT8320A108                                                            l l

l l l l THERMAL AGING l RAD.IATICH l l Parts List l Materials List j l Qualification l Ref erence l Cualification l 1 I l Reference l l Body & End Cap l Brass l i l l Not Sensitive CAL-80 l Sp ring, Disc l Stainless Steel l l Not Affected l CAL-80 l Not Sensitive l l CAL-80 ! l Sp ring, Core l Stainless Steel l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l I l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic Not Affected l CAL-80 l Not Sensitive l l Core Tube l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 I Stainless Steel j Not Sensitive CAL-80 l l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l l Not Affected l CAL-80 l l Shading Coil l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l Copper l Not Sensitive l l G2ket, Body BUNA-N l CAL-90 l Not Affec'ted l CAL-80 l l l Disc l BUNA-N l 40 Years @ 104*F l CAL-80  ! 1.5 x 10# RADS l CAL-80 l l Disc Holder l 40 Years @ 104*F l CAL-80 1.5 x 107 l Acetal l 17 Years @ 104*F l RADS l CAL-80 l l Core Guide l Acetal l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Cltss H Coll:

  • l 17 Years @ 104*F { CAL-80 1.2 x 106 l l 40 Yeare @ 140*F l RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap l Fiberglass l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Varnish l l l Filicone l l l l l l Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l l l Braid l l )

l l l Mrgnet Nim Insulationi Enamel l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l Insulation l l l l Iso-Mica l j l l l l EI mxy l l l l Insulation l l l l Silicone Resin l l l l l l l Mica l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I l l I l l l l Material & Parts List Reference V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled f or replacement in accordance with manuf acturer's recommendations.

Facility : Davis-Bessa Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index hb.* 21fH-045 Rev.: 2 Dockst: 50-346 Prepared by:  !.

  • Dater // ,[ 3 Checksd bys h ~ I M Dater ///s.//2 l l 1 l l ll l Qualification l Outstanding l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRCNMEfff l DOCUMENTATICH REF.

l ll Parameter l Specification I Qualification Sp,ecif ication Qualification Method items l ' i > l ll l n i V-3H Enginee ring l None lSystsm: Containment l l Operating l 35 Seconds l 24 Hours l K l l l Isolation ll Time l l l l l Expe rience l l l l ll l l l l l l l Plant ID No. SV235B ll l l l H, X l V-3H l l Enginee ring l None l l l l lTeg erature l 283.0 l 300.0 l l l Cog onent: Solenoid ll (*F) l l l l l Expe rience l l l l l Valve ll l l l l ll 1 l l V-3H l Engiree ring l l Note 1 lMtnuf acturer: ASCO ll Pressure l 52.0 l 54.7 l G, X l l ' Note 2 l l Experience l l l ll(PSIA) l l l l l l l l Modal Number: HTX8316C45Vll l l ll l l l V-3H Enginee ring l None l l l l Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A l l ll Humidity l l l l Expe rience l l l Function: Isolates l l l Containment ll (%) l l l l I 1 ll 1 l l 1 l l Accuracy : Spect N/A ll l Boric Acid l l l l l Note 1 l Demon: N/A ll Chemical l 1800 ppm l Note 2 l A l N/A l N/A l l l l l Sp ray l pH 5.0 l l l l l l l l l l lSarvice: Pressurizer ll l l l l l l l j Quench Tank Saglel l 1 l l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l CAL-80 l l l None ll Radiation l1.7 x 10 7 RADS l1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-44 l Note *3 l Analysis l l l Location: Containment l l l l Rm. 315 ll Note 2 l l l 1 l l Flood Level Elev: 572'-2"ll 9 Years I l CAL-80 l Analysis l Nona l l Above Flood Level Yes ll Aging l 40 Years l l l Note 3 l l l ll l ' l l l l l l ll l I f lNasdad fors l l Hot Shutdown lX l ll l l l W/A l None l l l l Subme rgence l 572'- 2" l 578' l B l J-15 l l l l l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l


s Facility: D3vic-BeI32 Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM CQ4PONENT EVALUATICH WORKSHEW Index No.: 216H-045A-

                   #                                                                                                                    Re v.         2 Prepared by:
  • Date // /f3 Checks bys Ms -% / Date ///A-) }$ ,
l. _

This co@onent is scheduled for replacement during the first ref ueling outage subsequent to c 2 omponent on-site availability. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to SS235B (an air gerated pressurizer quench tank sanple isolation valve). The only safety-related f unction performed by this valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of c oolant accident. Failure of the solenoid would cause SS235 to move to (or more likely to remain it) its f all-safe closed position. This pressurizer quench tank f rom the wampling system. action will not degrade other safety-related e components b isolation valve located outside containment and downstream of SS235B.SS235B is closed during normal plant geration, as is SS235A, a seco SS235B will also isolate containment during a LOCA. The air-cperated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrum ent operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) awitches. control circuit, bus. These lights are its f ailure cannot affect the operation of these devicesSince .the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. because valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the gerator , i 3. Msterials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation . l I 1 l p

O o u O Facility: Davis-Besse Unit 1 Docket 50-346 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: _216H-04,58 Rev.: 2 Prepared by:

  • Chsched bya Date: /' 3 hA m g Dater ///en//3 l Plant I.D. No. : SV235B Component :

l Manufacturer Solenoid valve ASCO l l Model No. : HTX8316C45V l l l l 1 l TEERMAL AGING l Parts List l RADIATICH l Materials List l l l Qualification l Reference l l Core Tube l l Qualification ' Reference l I l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l l l l l Screws l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Steel l l Not Affected l Pilot, Body l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Body & Bonnet l Brass l Not Sensitive l l l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l l Disc, Sp ring l Stainless Steel l l l Not Affected l l Disc Holder l Metallic l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Cora Spring l Not Sensitive l l l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l l Not Affected l l l Shtding coil l Ccpper l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l Gaskets l Not Sensitive l l l l Viton l l Not Affected l l l l Disc l Viton 40 Years @ 265'F l CAL-80 l 3.0 x 107 RADS l Dighragm Assemblies l 40 Years 9 265'F l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l Viton, Brass l 3.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l Eottom Plug l 40 Years @ 265"F l CAL-80 3.0 x 107 RADS l I Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal (Delrin) l 9 Years 9 120*F l CAL-80 l l CAL-80 l l Acetal 9 Years 9 120*F l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l Class H Coll:

  • l l l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-e0 l

l Oute r.srap j Fiberglass l 40 Years 9140*F l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l l Varnish l l CAL-80 l l Silicone l l l l l l Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, . Glass I l l l l l l l Braid l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l l l l Insulation l l l l Nomex l l l l Insulation l Iso-Mic a l l l l l l I l Epoxy l l l l l l Insulation l Silicone Resin l l l l l l l Mica l l l 1 l l l l \ Materials & Parts List Reference V-3A, V-3 F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manuf acturer's recommendationn.

v O Frcility: L <la-Basce Unit 1 J S! STEN CONPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET O Dockst: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-04'i Rev.: 2 Prepared by: 1 r ^ _ Date: //

     -Chicksd by: fINov [}uld                      Date: sh /kT I                             il 1

lEQUIP;1ENT DESCRIPTION l l l Il ENVIRONNENT l 7 DOCUNENTATION REF. l Qualification i Outstanding l ll Parameter i Specification l Qualification l Specification lQualificationi Nethod l Items l l Il l l 1 l ISystes:: Containment 1 I IlOperating l 35 Seconds l 1.1 Years l K I l Isolation llTime l l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None I l l Note 3 l Test l I . ll l I I I l , I l Plant ID No. SV2358 ll l l l I I ) 1 l

l. IlTemperaturel 283.0 l 346.0 i H, X l l  !

lCempanent: Solenoid ll (*F) l I l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l l l Test l Valve ll l l l l l l l l l l ll 1 I I I i INanufacturer: ASCO IiPressure 1 52.0 l 124.7 l G, X 1 I l J-18 i Simultaneous l None I ll(PSIA) I l i I Test I  ; I l l l Nodal Number: NP8316A75E il l l i I I I I l Note 1 ll l l 1 l l l l l lIRelative l 100.0 1 100.0 l A l Function': Isolates llHumidity l l l J-18 ' Simultaneous l Nore l l l l Test l Containment il (8) i l l I I I I I I I ll l 1 i i I l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l Boric Acid l Boric Acid l l l l J-18 l Simultaneous l l Demon: N/A Il Chemical 1800 ppa l l l 1800 ppm l A i CAL-40 1 Test, None l ll Spray pH 5.0 l l I l pH 5.0 l l Note 2 Analysia lSarvice: Pressurizer ll l l l l l l l ,l Quench Tank Samplell l l l l l I I l l Isolation Valve ll l l l l J-18 l l l ,ILocation: Containment iIRadiation 11.7 x 107 RADS 12.0 x 107 RADS I CAL-44 l 1 ll Rm. 315 l J-41 l Sequential Testl None i ll l l 1 I I ll Flood Level Elev: 572'-2*ll 1 i l l I l lAbov'e Flood Level: Yes ll Aging l 40 Years l 22 Years l I l J-18 1 l l I l Analysis l None l 1 ll l l Note 4 l J-41 l INetdtd for.: ll l l l l l l l l Hot Shutdown l l l iX l ll l l l l l l l l l lSubme rgence l 572' - 2" _ 1 587' - 0" l 8 l .t-15 N/A None l Cold Shutdown i l ll l l l 1 l l I 1 I I I il I l l I I l l

m ii iii---- s#N> & IMAGE EVALUATION ((g% f I g$Q 4/,7if>k/

?        /    TEST TARGET (MT-3)                                 ,

M9'$ '44 1'0 FM M a cu y=

                           "m j,l    {!  llOE I.8 1.25     1.4   1.6 4                 150mm
  • 4 6" >
 #%                                     /                    4%

+?'v>N o 1 $ # , 4>Wh u

                                                 <+4*+             1 w                         _              .


                                                    ///'dgjYg #gg, g(.3

\\\g7[pf . h TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 p4, Y lI /

                  !  1.0           EEn En S      L22 mm D ll!!!N l,l 1.8 l

1.25 1.4 g 4- 150mm - 4 6" t

    +%                                          ++            s


#.   ,   e)+zz>z
                                                     +),<g3 (f

oh ff f s

Fccility: bJio-Bacea Unit 1 SYSTDI COMPONENT EVMATION WORKSHEET IndIx No.: 21"H-045A Dockst 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prrpared by: Date Nl Ch;cksd by: , Af_m__d / Date p////J

1. This component replaces HTX8316C45V in accordance with FCR 79-311.

I 2 CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5.

3. The solenoid valve test consisted of the following: Exposure to steam at 346*F and 124.7 psia for 3 hours, followed by a cooldown to 140*F. A second transient followed with 3 hours at 346*F and 124.7 psia, followed by a cooldown to 320*F and 89.7 psia which lasted for 3 hours, followed by 3-1/2 days exposure to 250*F and 29.7 psia, followed by exposure to 200*F and 14.7 psia for the duration of the test (26 days). (Reference J-18)

The temperature in Containment peaks at 283*F in 17.0 seconds. The pressure in containment peaks at 52 psia in 50 seconds. The conditions in Containment return to ambient in 7 days. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory test subjected the solenoid valve to an overall more covere environment than that which would result from the postulated LOCA. Since the solenoid valve remained operable throughout the test and functional after the test, it can be concluded that the solenoid valve will remain functional during and af ter exposure to the accident environment which would result from the postulated LOCA. (Reference J-18, C-602) 4 Msterials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to

;                    a:sure that t.ssociated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

I 1 s l

_ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ' ' Ftcility: Davis-Besse Unit 1 Dock?.t: 50-346 SYSTEM CCMPONENT EVALUATION NCRKSHEET Prepared by: Index No. _216H-046 Rev. : Checksd by: _ M f]~ d ? Dater Date: J/1/ 33 2 s//enf /3 . l lI l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll_ l l ENVIRCNMENT l l ll Parameter l Specification l DOCUMENTATION REF. l l lI_ l l Qualification lS ecification! Qualification lI Qualification l Outstanding l l Systems Containment l Method i 10perating l 15 Seconds I l Items ] l Isolation llTime l 17 Years l K l l l l l l Note 2 ll l l l Analysis l l l None l l Plant ID No. SV236 ll l l l l l l 1 \ l lTenperature l l l l t lConponent: Solenoid Valve ll 198.0 l Exempt l l l l (*F) l l l C-236 l Note 1 l l ll l l l l N/A l None l lManuf acturer: ASCO ll l l l l

        \                                                                                 l                               l                                                        l                       l                                                              l l Modal Number l l Pressure                        l           15.51                                             l                         l 1

l l Exempt l l HT8320A108 ll(PSIA) l l l C-236 l Note 1 l l ll l l l I N/A l None l l Function: Isolates ll 1 l l l l l l l Containment ll Relative l l 1 I

      \                                                                                l              100.0             l          Exempt                                       l                       l                                                               l IAccuracy: Spec t                            ll Humidity                          l                                                             l             A           l        Note 1                                           l                             l N/A       ll                                                                   l                             l                                                  l              N/A              l l                                                                                 l                                                                                       l                                                                     None             l Demon        N/A       ll _ (% )                                     ~

l l l l 1 l l l ll l l l l l l l lServics: Containment ll Chemical l l l l l l l l N2 Header N/A l N/A l l l Spray l l N/A l l l l l N/A 1 Isolation Valve ll l l l l l N/A l None l l Location: ll 1 l l l l l Auxiliary Bldg.ll l J l l l l l Rm. 236 L l l l ll Radiation l7.1 x 105 RADS l1.2 x 106 l CAL-80 l l l l- l RADS l T l Note 2,4 l l l l Flood Level Elev: N/A ll l Analysis l None l l l l Abova Flood Level N/A ll Aging l s 1 l l l l 40 Years l 17 Yea rs l l 'INaedad for: ll l I I l CAL-80 l l ll l Note 3

  • l l Analysis l None l Note 2 ]

9 Hot Shutdown lX l ll l l I l l l l Subme rgencel l l 1 Cold Shutdown N/A l l-l ll l l N/A l N/A l N/A l l ll l l 1 l l l l N/A l None l l l l l l l 1

   . _ _ _ _ _ _ _                  - _ - ____.           _,- _ _ _ _ _ -__ _ =                            .. _     _ _ _ . .

( k FEcility: Davis-Besse Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Prepared by: - Index No.: _216H-046Al Checked by: AA /2 . M__ Dates Date: _i [ 3 Re v. : _ 2 jg /4L / # 3 l i 1. This solenoid valve controls the air styply to NN236 ( function perfor.ned by NN236 is the isolation of co tcontafnment i nitrogen header isolation valve) , i . The only safety-related

  • The solenoid valve is exengt f rom qualification b n a nment during a loss -of coolant accident.

j likely remain in) harsh steam environment due to a high energy line breakecause ite does not perform a its f ail-safe closed position. . unction in the it will merely isolate the nitrogen styply f rom theClosure of NN236 will not degrade othere safetyFailure 1 i to (or more {' pressurizer querch tank. -related couponents because The air gerated valve's position indicating light control circuit,cperated by the valve's position indicating es. (limit) switchs are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential in I because valve position indication will be unaffectedits on of these devices.Since f ailure the cansolenoid not affect valve irtha partoperati of a separate v.d.c. 125The i i Solenoid f ailure will not mislead the operator r 2. i Materials evaluation conducted. i

3. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal agi Msterials and/or components siensitive to thermal a i ng sununarized on attached evaluation.

!4 assure that associated 7 opponent will maintain f unctional opg ng will be replaced as per mainter.ance erability in harsh environments. u es to j Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plusthe containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. one oay accident dose. mislead the operator. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related fThis valve is t i unctions or 4 i i i . 6

g p Fccility: Davis-Bacao Unit 1 a n-t Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET ' Index No.: 216H-0468 Prepared by: 4 Rev.: 2 i Chicked by: Cates // 3 M 4 _ _F Dater ///A//1 I l 4 Plant I.D. No.: SV236 i Component: l Manuf acture r ASCO Solenoid Valve l l Model No.: HT8320A108 l l l l l l 4 l Parts List THERMAL AGING l l Materials List RADIATICN l l l l Qualification Reference l Body & End Cap l Brass l Qualification l Reference l , l Sp ring, Disc l Not Scnsitive 1 l l Spring, Core l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l Not Affected l CAL-80 l Stainless Steel l CAL-80 l Not Affected l ! l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l C %-80 l j l Core Tube l Not Affected l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 i CAL-80 l

l Ccre & Plugnut l Not Sensitive l Not affected l CAL-80 l l Stainless Steel l CAL-80 l Not Affected  ;
l Shading coil l Copper l Not Sensitive l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l Gasket, Body l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l CAL-80 l i

l Disc l BUNA-N l l CAL-80 l Not Affected l BUNA-N 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l Disc Holder l l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-8C l Core Guide l Acetal ] 40 Yea rs 9 104 *F l CAT,-80 l 1.5 r 107 RADS l l Acetal 17 Years @ 104*F l CAL-90 l CAL-M l

l Class H Coll:
  • l 17 Yea rs 9 104 *F l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS

! l Outerwrcp l Fiberglass l 40 Years @ 140*F l CAL-80 l CAL-80 l i l Varnish l l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Silicone l l l l i ] l Load Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l l l Braid l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l ' l Insulation l Iso-Mica

  • l l l l l

ll 1l l Epoxy l l l l l l l Insulation l l l Silicone Resin l l l l l Mica l l l l l l l l l l ' 'l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ' l l l l Material & Parts List References V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A i

  • Coil is scheduled f or replacement in accordance with manuf acturer' s recommendations.

n Frcility: t M)viG-On00 Unit 1 ('J Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM CCMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Pr6 pared by: Index No.: _216H-047 Chicked by: 4. / Date: _/l//[d? kev. : 2 A))u%x4M tt _ Date: j//r / $ f_, i 11 lEQUIPNENT DESCRIPTION l l_ I l_ ENVIRONMENT I l I l DOCUMENTATION REP. l l System: Containment _11_ Parameter ll l I Specification l i Qualification ISpecificationl0ualificationi] Method Qualificat l I Isolation lloperating i 15 Seconds l 1 Day l l l i Iters l l llTime l i K I Note 3 l l

'!                                                                                                                                I      Note 2                                                                       l      Analysis I l_                              l                                                           l                                                                                              l      None lPltnt ID No. SV5005                                                                                                I                                                       l l                                                                     i l                                                    ll                              I                                                            I                          I                                                                  l                             l i                                                                                   I llTemperaturel                            282.0                                              i                         l                                                                    I l
'            l Component: Solenoid Valvell                                      ('F)                                            i       Exempt                l      C-601 l

l I l l_ { l l 1 Note 1 l N/A l l l i None, I l Manufacturer: ASCO l l l ll l I_ l l l l ' l ll Pressure i 17.0 l l l l i Exempt l

           !IModal      Number: HT8316C44MOll(PSIA)                                            l l

l C-601 i Note 1 l l l l_ l l N/A l l l None l l Function: Isolates il l l I l l i l I l ' Containment i1 Relative l l I I l l 100.0 i Exempt l l I l Accuracy: Spec: llHumidity l  ! A l Note 1 l l N/A l l I N/A l ll_ (l) l l I None l Demon: N/A I l I ll l l l l l l I 11 l I ll Service: Containment l l l 3 i Purge Inlet llChemical i N/A l I I I ll Spray l N/A I I I l N/A l I l l N/A I Isolation valve ll l l l l N/A l None l l l ll_ l l l l l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l i I l l l ) i 1 Rm. 601 ll Radiation l 1 I l l1. 86 x 10 R ADS 11.2 x 106 RADS l l CAL-80 l I ll _ T l lPlcod Level Elev: N/A ll l Note 2 l l J-41 l Analysis l l l l l None l IAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l i 40 Years l l i CAL-80 l l l 11 i 17 Years l l l INerdad for: I I Note 4 I I Note 3 l Analysis _l l l_ l l l J-41 l None l i Hot Shutdown l11 Il l ( I l I l l


{ l llSubmergencel l l l I il Cold Shutdown l l N/A l N/A l ll I N/A l II l l I N/A l l lI l l N/A l None ! l l l  ! I l l l I l l )

t C') Facility: h vis-Bassa Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT BVALUATION WORKSHEET i Prgpared by: __ Index No.: _216H-047A Checked by: 6 9 h)v M f Date: Dates _ff[!MI y/)/n Re v. 2 i


I This solenoid valve controls the air supply to CV5005 (the air cafety-related function performed by this valve is the isolation of containm-operated containment purge inlet isolatio q ent during a loss of coolant accident. The only The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does ! harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break not perform an essential safety-related function in the likely remain in) its fail-safe closed position. . it merely isolates tha containment purge inlet line Closure ofent. from containm CV5005 will not degrade other safety-relat ore ons ber;ause mitigate high energy line break accidents.becauseere. CV5005 is only This isolation is aopened when purging normal operating condition the con The containment purge system is not needed to t The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered b

operated control by the circuit, valve's position indicating (limit) switches .

y a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are t because valve position indication will be unaffected.its failure can . not affect the operation of .these . . Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator devi 2 Radiation value specified is the total integrated dose presen t

3 at one day post-LOCA.

s Materials evaluation conducted. i 4. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging sumanari { Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will b zed on attached evaluation. assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harshe replaced as per maintenance and re environments. l ) i i i l i I

 !                                                                                                                                                   +


O Ftcility3cavis-B2033 Unit 1 V


Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATERIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: 216H-047B Prepared by: .// &cs A -- Rev.: 2#

                                                                                             ./      Date:    //

Chicked by: j)](w (J-ms fA Date: // h H 2 i Plant I.D. No.: SV5005 Component: { l Manufacturer: Solenoid Valve I ASCO Model No.: HT8316C44MO I I 1 l l i l THERMAL AGING 1 l RADIATION Parts List l Materials List l l Qualification 1 I i Reference l Qualification I Manual Operator Assemblyl Brass I . I l i Reference l ! l Screws l Steel I Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l _l ! ) Pilot, Body i Not Sensitive l 1 I l Brass l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l l l Eody & Bonnet l Brass l l Not Affected 4 i Not Sensitive l _l l Disc Spring l Not Affected i i Disc Holder l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l l l Metallic l Not Sersitive

                                                                                                                                                              !                 I     Not Affected                          l                 l l       l Core Spring i Stainless Steel                     l    Not Sensitive l                  l     Not Affected                         l                 l

) l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l l Not Affected l Not Sensitive l l i Shading Coil 1 Copper l l Not Affected l Not Sensitive l l ! l Caskets l BUNA-N l l Not Affected l 40 Years 9 104*F l 1 4 1 Dice l BUNA-N l CAL-60 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l Diaphragm Assemblies I 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l l BUNA-N, Brass l CAL-80 1 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l Bottom Plug 1 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l l Acetal 1 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-60 l Pilot Seat Cartridge l 17 Years 9 104'F l CAL-80 1.2 x 106 RADS l l Acetal 17 Years 9 104'F 1 l CAL-80 l I Class H Coil:

  • l l

l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap l Fiberglass l 40 Years 9 140'F l CAL-80 2.0 x 108 RADS l Vctnish l l 1 l CAL-80 l l Silicone l l l l l L2ad Wire Insulation l l i Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l I Braid l l l l l i i Msgnet Wire Insulation i Enamel l l l l I l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l 1 Insulation l Iso-Mica l 1 ! l l l I I Epoxy l l l l l l Insulation l I l l Silicone Resin I l l

  • l l l Mica ) l 1

l l l I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A, ROC-3E, ROC-3G

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - --- - ~ ' ' - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                        ',                                                                                              "N                                                                                                      "Ni t

O Ftcility: Dockst:

                                                           \d)ia-3222aUnit1 50-346                                                              SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: _216H-048 Rev.:                 2 Prepared by:

Chicksd by: Date: __ /Mb d /A/ M tk Date: h h/i 3 l ll l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l ll ENVIRONMENT l l l I DOCUMENTATION REF. 1 I ll Parameterl i Specification l Qualification lSpecificationlQualificationi] Qualification ll Method i l Outstanding i ISyctem: Containment t i Items l 4 floperating l 15 Seconds i 30 Days l K 1 I I I I Isolation llTime l J-I F 1 l l l l Simultaneous l None 1 1 1 Test ll I l l l l Plant ID No. SV5006 ll l I I l l l l 1 l l llYemperaturel 283.0 l 346.0 l l l IC mponent: Solenoid Valvell l H, X l J-18 ('F) l l l l Simultaneous l None l 1 ll I l l Test I I l l l Manufacturer: ASCO ll l I I I l 1 l l ll Pressure l l 52.0 4 1 l 124.7 l 1 l G, X l J-18 lModel Number: NP8316A75E ll(PSIA) l l l Simultaneous l None l 1 l 1 ll l l Test l l i l 1 1 I 11 l I I l IFunction: Isolates llRelative l 100.0 I l l l I Containment 1 100.0 l A J-18 l ll Humidity l l I J Simultaneous l None i 1 l l (t) i l Test i IAccuracy: Spec: ll I I I i N/A ll l l I I 1 l ___l 1 Demon: N/A ll l Boric Acid i Boric Acid l l l l l llchemical l 1800 ppm 1800 ppm l l l l lStrvice: Containment ilSpray I pH 5.0 l l A l J-18 l Simultaneous l Hone l pH 5.0 l l t l Purge Inlet ll l l CAL-40 l Test, I l l l l l Isolation Valve Il l l l l Note 1 l Analysis I l ll l 1 l l 1 l I ILocation: Containment ll Radiation 11.7 x 107 RADS 12.0 x 107 RADS l l J-18 l l 1 i Rm. 407 CAL-44 1 J-41 l Sequential Test l

                                                                            ]l                                l                          l                                                                                                                        None           l 1 IFlcod Level Elev: 572'-2"ll                                                                                 t                          i 1

I l l l l IAbove Flood Level: Yes ll Aging l l i I 40 Years l- 22 Years l l 1 i il l Note 2 I l J-41 l Sequential Testi None I i lNatdsd for: ll l l ) l l l 1 t l Hot Shutdown IX l ll l 1 1 l l l l l l l llSubmergencel 572'-2* l 603'-0* l l 1 i Cold Shutdown l I ll l l l B l J-16 l N/A l None I iI l l ll 1 l l I I l ! I I I l 2 s

1 .

b Wie-BDesa Unit 1

Docket: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-048A Rev.: 2 Prcpared by: Ch2cked by:

                            .j   ,A    Date:  _ _ /t ///2
                     \ Ilt4r// d 6    .Date:     ff[7 /J 4

, m 4 I 1. CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5. I 2. ) Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. , k i i J 1 1


s L i 4

  • i i

j I -

n n V ' s F:cility b d vio-Basca Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 Prtpared by: SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Chrcked by: . . Date: 8 Index No.: 216H-049 M )tJ // w b C Rev.: _ 2 I Date: _ // /7 h3 ll IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION I (_ l_ _ _ l i ENVIRONMENT 1 I l l 1 ISystem: Containment _llll Parameter ilOperating i 15 Seconds l l Specification 1 i Oualification DOCUMENTATION REF. ISpecificationf oualificat ~l l Isolation ll Time l 30 Days I l Method i Items l l K l I I I l_ . I l J-18 1


IPlant ID No. SV5007 I l 1 11 l 1 I I ( l l Simultaneous l None l Test l l Component: llTemperaturel 283.0 l l 1 l l l Solenoid Valvell (*F) l 1 346.0 l H, X 1 1 I __ I Il l l J-18 I i IManufacturer: ASCO 11 l I l l l Simultaneous i None 4 l l I l Test l llPressure l l l IModal Number: 1 52.0 l I l l NP8316A75E ll(PSIA) 1 124.7 l I l i G, X 1 __1 i i I l_ l l J-18 l l l l ll Simultaneous l 11 I l None

' IFunction:                                                                     Isolates                                            l                                                                               l                                                                              Test                                                     !

llRelative l l i l I 100.0 I I i l Containment llHumidity 1 100.0 I l l l A I __l l I J-18 I ' I Accuracy: Spec: N/V ll_ (t) I l l i Simultaneous i i l ll


I l None l I Test

I Demon
N/A II l I l

l I llChemical I Boric Acid i Boric Adid l l l l ISarvice: Containment l 1800 ppm l l _I {l Purge Outlet flSpray 1 pH 5.0 l l 1800 ppm pH 5.0 I A l l J-18 l l l l l ll l l l l Isolation Valve ll_ l l l l CAL-40 1 l Simultaneous l None l Test, i $(Location: ll l l l 1 Note 1 l Analysis I jl Containment 1 l l Rm. 410 llRadiation 11.7 x 107 RADS l2.0 x 107 l l_ l l J-18 I 1 l lPlood Level Elev: 572'-2*ll l 1 RADS l CAL-44 l i l _I J-41 I I I l Sequential Testl

'll Abova Flood Level: Yes                                                                        ll Aging                     1                  40 Years i

l l l None I l l l

;lNesdtd for:                                                                                     Il l                                                       22 Years             l                      I                                          l                                                                __l

_ ll l l Note 2 I J-41 l l l Hot Shutdown 111 ll l l 1 l Sequential Testl None l l I l l l i l l Cold Shutdown _ llsubmergencel 572'-2* l l l 1 l_l 11 l I 606'-0* l B l l l _l _I l_ l 1 l l J-16 i l l I l N/A l Hone l l l l l I l I ', l W t

1 bI 4 d Ficility: 'cevis-Basse Unit 1

,     Docket:              50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WCRKSHEET Ptspared by:              ,                                                                                   Index No.: 216H-049A_

Rev.: I Chacked by: _ _e Date: _ [ / $7 2 i a s ) )/lo/Jwsftl.

                                  ,                 " ate: _ /f /7 /y 2 k

4 1. CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spr ay to a pH value of 5. 2. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will b assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in he replaced as per maintenance and repla arsh environments. i 1 l J I i i i i l i i

A (9 FCcility: h Jio-22223 Unit 1 U


Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION ' WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-050 Prgpared by: -- Rev.: 2 Chicksd by:

                                                                                                    -       Date: /
                                                          ,/_) }}(#{,hGk/                                   Date: IN) th 5 I

II IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll I l_ ENVIRONMENT I I I I ll Parameter l DOCUMENTATION REF. I ISystsm: Containment ll I Specification Ii Qualification lSpecificationloualificationil Qualification _ Method i Outetanding i I I Items l floperating i 15 Seconds I I I l 40 Years i I Isolation llTime l l K l J-18 i Sequential l l l l None l j 11 1 l l Test, ' IPlant ID No. SV5008 I l l l ll l l Analysis i l l 1 l iITemperaturel N/A 1 I l (Colponent: Solenoid Valvell ('F) I l N/A l Note 1 l N/A


l __l 1 i i l N/A I None l ll l l l IMtnufacturer: ASCO l I l ll l I I l l l l I llPressure i N/A I l l __l l Modal Number: NPS316A75E ll(PSIA) N/A l Note 1 l l l I l N/A I N/A l I l l None l ll I l IFunction: Isolates ll I l i I I l l l I I Containment llRelative l l _I l l N/A l N/A l l llHumidity l I Note 1 i N/A I N/A l IAccuracy: Spec: N/A ll (t) l l l l I None i l l l 1 Demon: N/A ll l 1 l l 1 1 l t l II i l l I I I ISarvice: Containment I l llChemical I N/A l i 1 l Purge Outlet flSpray N/A l Note 1 l l i I t N/A l N/A l None l 1 Isolation Valve ll l l I I l l l 11 l l l 1 l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l

                                                                                                                                            !                         I                        I                    I l                       l I                                            Rm. 427                                                                           l                          l                                                                           I                        I ll Radiation 13.12 x 105 EADSl2.0 x 107 I         J-18       l

,1 RADS l T l l II I l J-41 lSequen',ial Testi IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll I l None l l l I l I I IAbova Flood Level: N/A llAging l 40 Years 1 l l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .I l                                                                                                                               l          40 Years       l              I         I l                    'l lNerdad for:

ll 1 I I J-41 ISequential Testl None i ll l l I I

l Hot Shutdown lX l ll 1 l l l I I il 1 l l llSubmergencel N/A 1 l l

!! Cold Shutdown I i ll l l N/A I N/A I N/A l N/A l 1 i 1. 1 l l None l II l l l i I l l I I I i I

i i . Facility: % #is-Basse Unit i i a Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Inder No.: 2_169-050A Rev.: 2 l Prepared by: Chscked by: 1

                          , L lA (V(b fM Date:  /I!/!N Date*  // /L /r- ?

j . t i i 1. i The only harsh environment seen is increased radiation due to recirculated fluids, i 1 i i s v i 4 I I 1 1 i 1 e


I l i a . . . . .

O F&cility: Divls-Besse Unit 1 Dockat: 50-346 O SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET O Index No.: 216M-051_ Rev.: 2 , Preparsd by: , Dater / Checkad by: J uc/Ana/A Date: 4// /4 % 4 1 ll I i 1 l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRCNMENT l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding l l t j l l l Parameter Specification Qualification Ibecification Qualification Method l Items l , j l ll l '

l Systect
Containment l l Operating l 15 Seconds l 30 Days K 1 l

!l Isolation ll Time l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l l l l l Test l l ll ll l 1 l l ^ l Plant ID No. SV6831A ll l l l l l l j l l lTepperature l 283.0' l 346.0 H, X l l Component : Solenoid Valvell (*F) l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l l l l l _ Test l l l ll l l l l l l l ' lManuf acturer: ASCO ll l l  ! l l l l l l l Pressure l 52.0 l 124.7 G, X l Modal Number: NP8316A75E l l (PSIA) l l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l i l l l Test l l ) l ll l l l l l Isolates ll l l 1 l ll Function:Contai'nment 1 ll Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 A l r l ll Humidity l l l J-18 l Simultaneous l None l l l l l Test l

,   l Accuracy: Spect     N/A         ll           (%)          !                   l                          l                                l                        !

l l l Demon N/A ll l l l l l ll l l Boric Acid l l Boric Acid l l l l l I Lemineralizer ll Chemical l 1800 ppm l 1800 ppm ,l A  ! J-18 l Simultaneous l None flSarvice: l Water to Ctat. l l Sp ray l pH 5.0 l pH 5.0 l l CAL-40 l Test, l l l }l Isolation valve ll l l l l Note 1 l Analysis l l 4 l ll l l 1 l l Containment ll l l l CAL-80 fl l Location: Rm. 316 ll Radiation l1.7 x 107 RADS l2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-44 l J-41 l l Sequential Test l l None l l il ll l l l l l ! l Flood Level Elev: 572'-2"ll , l l l l l I lAbove Floed Level Yes ll Aging l 40 Years l 2 2 Years l I CAL-80 Analysis I l l l None l l ll l l Note 3 l l J-41 l l l lNaaded fors ll l l l l l l , l Hot Shutdown lX l ll l l l l l ' l l ll llSubmergencel 572'-2" l 585' l B l Note 2 l N/A l None l jl Cold shutdown l l ll l l l l l l l

 )l                                  ll                      l                    l                        l                     l            l                      l              I      ,

i 4 i _, . _ _

N Ind2x ko.: 21CH-051A e . Fccility: Divis-Bassa Unit 1 SYSTEM CCMPCNENT EV%%:ATION WORKSHEET Dockst: 50-346 Rev. : 2 Prepared by: _ , - - - - .j Date /4// J Checksd by: )J))frv(he{ Date /f/,' /t 7 s y

1. CAL-40 qualifies conponents tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5.
2. Room 316 is located on level 585', which is above the flood lovel.
3. Materials and/or conponents sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain f unctional operability in harsh environments.

s r\ { l Fccility: % Jis-Basse Unit 1 '% )  %/ Docket: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: _216H-052 Prepared by: ' Rev. : 2 Chicked by: hi)/lzv;%syLfA Date: /8 !8)

  • Date:

a I2 /VJ l

                                     ,         il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION            ll                                                                            l s

l_ ENVIRONMENT l l I ~l l ll_. Parameter l DOCUMENTATION REF. ' ll l Specification lf Qualification lSpecificationlOualification!l Qualification Method l Outstanding I ISystem: Containment iIOperating l I l l Items l i l 15 Seconds  ;' 17 Years i I I Isolation llTime l l K l Note 2 i Analysis I . I l l l None I ll l I 1 l lPIsnt ID No. SV6831B ll l l l 1 l

      'l                                                                                        l                         l                                                                        I llTemperaturel                  192.0             l 1                     l l

l Component: Solenoid Valvell Exempt I C-208 l l l (*F) l l l Note 1 l N/A 4 l l l None 1 ll l I 1 lMinufacturer: ASCO l l l ll l l 1 l l l l llPressure i 16.25 l Exempt l l l l C-208 l i i lludal Number: HTX8316C45Vil(PSIA) l l i Note 1 l N/A l l l None 1 il i 1 l l Function: Isolates ll 1 I I I l l l i Containment l i l llRelative i 100.0 i Exempt l l l l I ll Humidity i A l Note 1 l IAccuracy: Spec: l l i N/A l None N/A l l_ (t) l l I I l l 1 Demon: N/A l l l ll l I l l l l l 11 I 1 i l l l lSarvice: Demineralized lichemical i N/A l l l l i l l N/A Water to ContainmentilSpray l l N/A l N/A l N/A 1 l l None l Isolation Valve ll l l l l I I 1 l l l l Il I l l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll i 1 I I I l l l Rm. 208 i l I I llRadiation i 7.1 x 105 RADS l1.2 x 106 RADS l T i i l I I ll l l CAL-80 l Analysis IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l Note 2,4 l None  ! l l l lAbova Plood Level: N/A lIAging l 40 Years 1 l l l l il l 17 Years l I l l ll l l CAL-80 l Analysis lNasdtd for: ll l

                                                                                         !            Note 3      l                    l           Note 2.4 l           None      I l

l Hot Shutdown l_X l ll 1 l l l l 7i l l I l l lSubmergencel l l l N/A l l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l N/A l N/A l N/A I N/A l l l l l l None l ll l l l l l l l l l l 1 J


           /n   t                                                                                                  /    \

(  ! FCcility: (L ~a)c-Berco Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONEN ATION WORKSHEET Index L-w/ 21fH-052A Dockst 50-346 Rev.: 2 PrIpared by: N Date: M2 Ch;ck:d by: .pdff c h ] Date: y/J//)

1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to DW6831B (the air-operated demineralized water to containment isolation valve). The only safety-related function performed by DW6831B is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant cccident.

The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause DW6831B to move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Closure of DW6831B merely isolates the demineralized water supply line f rom the reactor coolant pump standpipe. This water is utilized for the reactor coolant pump seal injection. Loss of the water or the seals will not degrade other aafety-related functions because the reactor coolant pumps are not needed to mitigate accidents. The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control circuit, its failure can not affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator because valve position indication will be unaffected.

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.
3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. "
4. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or misicad the operator.

Fccility w avis-82ssa Unit 1 COMPONENT MATEa._,J EVALUATION SHEET Ind2x b 3 216H-0528 Dockat: 50-346 R*v.: 2 Prepared by: 1 J' s Date: /#$7 Ch;cked by: 7 9 //( dv&-u fA Date: &M43 } l Plant I.D. No.: SV6831B Component: Solenoid valve l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: HTX8316C45V l l l l l 1 THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l l Parts List i Materials List  ! Qualification l Reference ! Qualification l Reference l l l l l l l l l Core Tube l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Screws l Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Pilot, Body l Brass 1 Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Eody & Bonnet l Bras? I Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Disc, Spring I Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Disc Holder l Metallic l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Core Spring l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly l Metallic l Not Sensitive l i Not Affected l l l Shading Coil l Copper l 'Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Gaskets l Viton l 40 Years 9 265'F l. CAL-80 l 8.0 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Disc l Viton l 40 Years 9 265'F l CAL-80 l 8.0 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Diahraga Assemblies l Viton, Brass l 40 Years 9 265'F l CAL-80 l 8.0 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Bottom Plug l Acetal (Delrin) l 17 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 1 l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal l 17 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Class H Coll:

  • l l 40 Years G 140*F l l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l I outerwrap l Fiberglass l l l l l l Varnish l Silicone l l l l l l Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l l l l Braid l l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l l l l l l Insulation l Nomex l l l l l

! Insulation l Iso-Mica l l l l l l l Epoxy l l l l l l Insulation l Silicone Resin l l l l l l l Mica l l l l l Materials & Parts List


V-3A, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

z, g

                         '\N)vis-B23*aUnit1 FIcility:                                                                                              <J Docket:     50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET
Ptspared by
Inder No.: _216H-053 Chscked by: ,,

Date: _ ll Rev.: lO/rvlhM/// Date: _ff /2 [\3 2 l Il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll i l_ i ENVIRONMENT l ll_ Parameter i Specification l I DOCUMENTATION REF. I i ~l 11 ISystem: Containment I Qualification ISpecificationloualificationll Qualification l Outstanding i I lloperating l 30 Seconds I I Method i Items Isolation llTime l 17 Years i I I l 1 l K Note 2 I I I. i l 1 l Analysis I IP3 ant ID No. SVMUO3 I l l None l Il I l 1 i I l l I l llTemperaturel 192.0 l l I l l Component: Solenoid Valve!I ("F) 1 Exempt l _I 1 l l C-208 l Note 1 1 1 l l Il

  • l l N/A l None INanufacturer: ASCO ll I

I l l l l I l l l I ! ll Pressure l 16.25 l l I i Exempt l l Modal Number: FT8344-A5 ll(PSIA) l { l i C-238 l l Il l

                                                                                                                                                                       )       Note 1                  l             N/A                                                   l l

IFunction: Isolates 1 I l I l None l l ll 1 l l Containment l l l l ilRelative i 100.0 l l I 1 l ll Humidity l Exempt i A l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A l l Note 1 l l l il__ (t) l 1 l l 1 N/A l None i 1 Demon: N/A ll 1 I l l 1 l l l ll l l l 1 l l l l lISarvice: Reactor Coolant ll Chemical l N/A l l l Letdown llSpray l N/A l l l I l l N/A l N/A l l , I Isolation valve ll 1 1 I l N/A l None I l l - l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll 11 l i l l l l l 1 l i l Rm. 208 l I I l ) I ll Radiation 17.1 x 105 RADSil.2 x 106 ll_ l l l I l l RADS l T l IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll l 1 l CAL-80 l Analysis l l i l None 1Above Flood Level: N/A (IAging l l No t e +'* . 4 l l 'l i 40 Years l l 1 l ,lNacdad for: ll l 17 Years  ! I l l l Note 3 l CAL-80 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,            l

_ l l_ l l Analysis l i l Hot Shutdown 111 l l Note 2 l None l ji ll l l l l l l l _ l lSubmergencel 1 l ,I Cold shutdown l_l ll N/A l N/A l l _l il_ l 1 N/A l N/A l l ll 1 l I N/A l l I None l 1 l l I l l l I l

Facility: (J)0-D20&2 Unit 1 N SYSTEM COMPONENFuYALUATION WORKSHEET Dockst: 50-246 IndEx No.: 210H-053A Rev.: 2 Prepared by: N Date (( / ) Chacked by: , A ff d g, Dater g/J//) 7 < , l. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to MUO3 (the air-operated reactor coolant. letdown isolation valve). The only safety-related function performed by MUO3 is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant accident. This solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the h2rsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause MUO3 to move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Closure of MUO3 will not degrade other safety-related functions because it merely isolates the letdown coolers from the make-up and purification system. If it is necessary to reraove coolant from the primary system, the pressurizer sample and vent lines can be used. The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are pc,wered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control becaucecircuit, its failure valve position indicationcan not will affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator be unaffected. 2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation. 3. Materials and/or componenta sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments. 4. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or misicad the operator.

l b

                      \ )                                                               ~'

Ftcilityi'-Javis-Bacte Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATERI ALS EVALUATION SHEET Index Ho.: 216H-053B Rev.: 2 Prcpared by: Chicked by: m

                            .Jh US-ut/h(
                                                ,,   Date:    [ k Date:   /f // /A -7 i         l                  Plant I.D. No.:           SVMUO3                                 Component:                  Solenoid Valve l                   Manufacturer:              ASCO                                                                                                                      l Model No.:                    FT6344-A5 l                                                                                                                                                                       l j         l                                   l                                                                                                                                   I l          THERMAL AGING                        I          RADIATION l            Parts List                                                                                                                                                 l l        Materials List               !    Qualification l                                   l                                                                   l Reference l         Qualification           I Reference l l    GEsket, Shaft                                                        l l Lead Copper                                                      l                1 l    U-cups                         l BUNA-N l   Not Sensitive            1 l   Not Affected 1                 I l

l G2skets l 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l l BUNA-N l CAL-80 l l Discs l BUNA-4 l 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 1.5 x 107 RADS l Shaft, Main 1 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 1 l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l l Brass 't Not Sensitive I CAL-80 I 1 Insert l Brass 1 I Not Affected l 1 Spring, Core l Not Sensitive l l l Spring, Disc l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Piston l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l l l Brass l l Not Affected l l Screw I Steel l Not Sensitive I i Not Affected l l Not Sensitive i l l Body l Brass I i Not Affected l l Not Sensitive l l Ssst i Brass  ! I Not Affected l l Nut l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l

                                                                               !                                                                           I                 l l Core Tube                         l Stainless Steel Not Sensitive          l                  l     Not Affected          l l Core & Plugnut                                                        l     Not Sensitive                                   Hot Affected l

l Shading coil l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive 1 l l l l Copper l Not Sensitive 1 l Not Affected  ! l~ l Intert l Plastic (Acetal) i l l Not Affected l l I Pilot Seat Cartridge 17 Years e(0-4 *F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l Acetal l 17 Years e 104 'F l CAL-80 1 I Class F Coil: l l l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 t l Bobbin l Polysulfone 1 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 i 40 Yearse 220*F I I Encapsulant i Epoxy $ CAL-80 l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel I 40 Years e 147*F l CAL-80 l l l l l l Greater than  : CAL-80 l l l 40 Years e 122*F l l Inner Layer Insulation l Nomex l l l l l 1 Greater than l CAL-80 l l 1 l l 40 Years e 122*F l l 1 Lead Wire Insulation l Cross-Linked Polyethylene 1 40 Years e 122*F J , CAL-80 l l l l l 1 l l i i l i Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3F, V-3G, CAT-3A, ROC-3A, ROC-38, ROC-3F

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommanda&inne

O Facility: b liG-Batta Unit 1 C,m ('3 kJ Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: _216H-054 Rev.: 2 Prcpared by: b Date: N Checksd by: g/h6k,l2isg Date: n////3 I ll l i lEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Il ENVIRONMENT I l l 1 l DOCUMENTATION REF. I ll Parameter i Specification l Qualification ISpecificationlocalificationil Qualification il i Method l Outstending l l Items I I i ISystsm: Containment I l Iloperating i 45 Seconds l Note 3 l K i 1 1 Isolation llTime l l N/A l N/A l Note 1 l l l l l l ll l I l l l Plant ID No. SVMU38 I I ll l I I l i _l l llTemperaturel 192.0 Note 3 C-208 , l l l 1 lCcmponent: Solenoid Valvell 1 i l N/A (*F) l i I l N/A l Note 1 l 1 l I Il l l l l lMinufacturer: ASCO ll l 1 I l I l l l l llPressure l l l 16.25 l Note 3 l C-208 l l l Modal Number: HTX831655 ll(PSIA) i N/A l N/A l Note 1 l l l l 1 l 1 Il I I l l IFunction: Isolates ll l l 1 l l l l t 1 Containment .llRelative l 100.0 1 , I l l Note 3 l A l N/A l

,                      I                                                                                                                     ll Humidity          l                         l l          N/A               l        Note 1                     1 l Accuracy: Spec:                                                                                              N/A    ll     (%)           l l                    l                      l                            l                                   l 1                                                                                                                                                                                             l                    l l                                         Demon: N/A                                                                                                                                                             I                      l                            l ll                  l                          l                                                                                                                                  l l                                                                                                                                                                                           l                   l                      l ll                   l                         l                                                                                             l                                    1 1

ISarvice: Reactor Coolant llChemical l N/A l N/A I I I l l Pump Seal Return ll Spray l N/A I N/A l N/A i None l l l l 1 Isolation Valve ll l l l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l Location : Auxiliary Bldg.ll l l l l l l l Rm. 208 l CAL-80 1 ll Radiation 17,1 x 10 5R ADS l1.2 x 106 RADS I l l l l I T l Note 4 l Analysis il i I l None l l Flood Level Elev: N/A ll l l I I l l I lAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging i 40 Years l 17 Years l 1 l l l ( l  ! I I CAL-80 11 l l Analysis l None lNetdsd for: l Note 5 l l Note 4 I s l l l ll I l

!l                                Hot Shutdown                                                                       Ixl                   ll                 l l                    l                     l                            l l                     l                                                                                                            l l                                                                                                                            llSubmergencel                                                                          l                      l                            l N/A        l             N/A    l            N/A                                                                                              1 l                   Cold Shutdown                                                                      l                 l   ll l             N/A      l             N/A            l             None                  l l                         l
!I                                                                                                                                        ll                 l l                   l                      l                            l l                     l                    l l

I l l

e m j Dockst: Pccility: L <te-0asso Unit 1 50-346 C) V SYSTEM COMPONENT EVAWATION WORKSHEET N Index Ho.: _216H-054A i Ptsptred by: N Date:  ! I Rev.: 2 chseksd by: #Ak(a d _ Date: N// /A i 4 1. 4 This component is scheduled for replacement during the first refueling outage sub

2. Tha radiation cpecification value is a 40 sequent to component on-site availability.


3. year operating dose plus the accident dose present at one day post-LOCA.

This solenoid valve). valve controls the air supply to MU38 (the air-operated reactor cool nove to its fail-safe closed position. Failure of the solenoid in the harsh steam conditions resulting from a high eant pum required. I Adequate time is allotted for room cooldown so that MU38 can be operated manner ually if 4 Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached

5. evaluation.

Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per i assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environmentsmaintenance and replacement sch i i s n ) I i = i I

Facility: w sis-Basca Unit 1 CONPONENT NATERI V EVALUATION SHEET Ind3x !QC165-054B * , D:ckat: 50-346 Rav.: 2 l Prepared by: NM M7fubj Date: Id( h.3 Date: n/>//f Chicked by: } l Plant I.D. No.: SVMU38 Component: Solenoid Valve l 1 Nanufacturer: ASCO Nodel No.: HTXB31655 l , I I i l l l THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l fl Parts List l Materials List l Qualification l Reference ! Qualification l Reference'l I l 1 l l l' I l Gaskets l BUNA-N I 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Body l Brass i Not Sensitive l i Not Affected l I j l Bonnet l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l j i Adapter l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l j l Rataining Rings l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l , l Screw l Brass i Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l t i Spring, Disc l Stainless Steel i Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l l Spring, Core l Netallic l Not Sensitive l l .Not Affected l l 4 l Sol. Base Sub-Assembly i Metallic l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l ! l Insert  ! Acetal (Deltin) l 17 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l ) l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal l 17 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l Disc l BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104'F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Diaphragm Assemblies l BUNA-N, Brass l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Core Tube l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l

l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l, Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Shading Coil I Copper l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l 4 l Class H Coil
  • l l 40 Years 9 140*F l CAL-80 l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Outerwrap l Fiberglass l l l l l l Varnish l Silicone l l l l l

) l Lead Wire Insulation l Silicone Rubber, Glass l l l l l j l l Braid l l l l l l l Nagnet Wire Insulation! Enamel l l l l 8 j i Insulation l Nomex l l l l l

I Insulation l Iso-Mica l l l l l

! l l Epoxy l l l l l l l Insulation l Silicone Resin l l l l l

l l Mica l l l l l Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3B, V-3F, CAT-3A, ROC-3A ,

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.


                                     . . - ~

f3 f^ h Fccility:(6svis-BacssUnit1 ) Y Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Prepared by: Index No.: _216H-054 Chicked by: y \/iu/h, M(. Date: jf J Rev.: 2 Date: _ 4 // /-{3 Il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l l_ l_ ENVIRONMENT i l _ll_ 11 Parameter l Specification l I DOCUMENTATION REF. 1 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~l ISystsm: Containment                                                                                                        l                                Qualification ISpecificationl0ualificationi_l                                           Qualification            l Outstanding l I

Isolation ilOperating i 45 Seconds 1 1 I Method i Items llTime l 1.1 Years i l l 1 l K l i ll l J-18 i iPlant ID No. SvMU38 ll 1 I 1 i Note 2 l Simultaneous I l None i 1 l I Test i l I I ll Temperature l 192.0 l I I llCmponeit: Solenoid Valvell 1 346.0 l l I (*F) l i C-208 I l l l_ l J-18 l l Manufacturer: ASCO l i l l i Simultaneous i None I1 I l Test l l l I i ll Pressure l l l i l Modal Number: l 16.25 l l I 1 NP8316_ E ll(PSIA) I 124.1 i C-208 l l l Note 1 ll l l l J-18 l l l 1 l l Simultaneous l l None l 11 l Test (Function: Isolates (IRelative l l 1 l l l l i 100.0 1 i l Containment ll Humidity l 100.0 l l l l l A l l l l J-18 I lAccurKcy: Spec: N/A 11 (t) i I l l Simultaneous l None 1 I ll l l l Test i l l Demon: N/A ll l l i l l t 1 l i I ll Chemical I N/A l l ISarvice: Reactor Coolant flSpray l l 1 N/A l N/A l l l Pump Seal Returnll l l N/A l l 1 l l N/A 1 l ) None ILocation: Isolation valve 1l l l l I l l Auxiliary Bldg.ll l I I l l l l Rm. 208 l I l I l l ll Radiation 11.97 x 106 RADSl2.0 x 107 l l J-18 l I I l l_ l RADS i T lPlood Level Elev: N/A ll I l J-41 l l lAbova Flood Level: l l l (Sequential Testl None l N/A flAging l 40 Years l l l l l l l 40 Years l l lNasdsd for: ll l l I l l l J-18 l I Hot Shutdown _,,,_,_ l l_ l l l 1 J-41 ISequential Testl None l_ x__ l ll l l l 1 I l l l 1 l lSubme rgence l l I 3 Cold Shutdown N/A l l ) l_l 1l l l N/A I N/A 1 l _I l I N/A l Il_ l l I N/A l i l None l I 1 I l I l I _I

[ t


Fccility: we'is-Becca Unit 1

                                                                           \                                                   '

Dockst 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT' EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-054A Rev.: 2 Prcp. red by: N Date: _ [f!/ f 23 Check d by: Mh_ Date: ///d/f3 i

1. This component replaces HTX831655 in accordance with FCR 82-125.

I i 2. The solenoid cooldown valve test consisted of the following: Exposure to steam at 346*F and 124.7 psia for 3 hours, followed by a to 140*F. i A second transient followed with 3 hours at 346*F and 124.7 piia, followed by a cooldown to 320*F and 89.7 psia which lasted for 3 hours, cnd 14.7 psia for the duration followed of the by days). test (25 3-1/2 days exposure to 250*F and 29.7 psia, followed by exposure to 200*F (Reference J-18) The temperature in Room 208 peaks at 192*F in 7 seconds. The pressure in Room 208 peaks at 16.3 psia in 1.5 seconds. The conditions in Room 208 return to ambient in 20 minutes. Eased on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory test subjected the solenoid valve to an overall more severe environment than that which would result from the postulated LOCA. Since the solenoid valve remained operable throughout the test and functional af ter the test, and af ter exposure to the accident environment which would result from the postulated canJ-18, (Reference be concluded C-208) that the 4 e e . ... i e i I i t i l

Docket: O FCcility: savis-Bac29 Unit 1 50-346 u SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET

'                                                                                                                                                                                 Index No.: 2168-055 Prepared by:             71 '; _                                                                                                                                    Rev.:                    2 Ch2cked by:                               Date: _ /f#83                                                                                                                              _

i _ 8-hb.[hfM [_ Da te : ?,'/>/J3 , I il IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll_ i i ENVIRONMENT l I I l _ll DOCUMENTATION REF. I ISystem: Containment Il _ Parameter i I Specification I Qualification ISpecificationlQualification!l Qualification Method l Outstanding i floperating l 1 l i Items l 17 Seconds l l l Isolation i 17 Years l l ll Time l K l Note 2 l Analysis _l l l l l None Il I l I l 1 l l Plant ID No. SVMU66A ll l l l l l

1 l l l llTemperaturel l l l lCcmponent
Solenoid ValvelI 192.0 l Exempt l l

(*F) l i C-208 i Note 1 l I I l N/A I None II I l l l lMinufacturer: ASCO I 1 l t ll l l I I i 1 l llPressure i 16.25 l l l l l IModal Number: FT8344-A5 ll(PSIA) Exempt l C-208 l l 1 l l l Note 1 l N/A l ll I l l None i l IFunction: Isolates ll l I l i I l l l Containment l I I llRelative l 100.0 l Exempt l l l _I l A l lAccuracy: Spec: linumidity l l I Note 1 1 N/A l None l N/A f l. (t) l 1 l l l

       .                                                                                I                                                                                                   l Demon: N/A       ll                 l I                     i                      i                                                      l l                                                                               1 l                                                                          I ll                 l                                                                         l                                                                             l 1                                                                      l                             1

[ ISarvice: Reactor Coolant lichemical l N/A l 1 I I l IPu2p (2-1) Seal InjectionflSpray N/A l N/A l I I l N/A l N/A lleolation Valve ll l l l l l None l l 1 } l 11 l l l I l l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll I I I I l l l Rm. 208 l l

                                                                                                                                                         .I I

l l1 Radiation l 7.1 x 105 RADSil.2 x 106 RADS l l CAL-80 l _I T I i 11 1 l Note 2,4 l IFlord Level Elev: N/A ll l I l l Analysis i None l 4 l I lAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging I 40 Years l l CAL-80 I I l i l 17 Years l lNatdtd for: ll l l Note 3 1 I l Note 2 l Analysis l I ll. l l None I I l J-41 l l Hot Shutdown l X l ll l I l l I l t I i I llSubmergencel N/A I I I l Cold Shutdown l l ll l l N/A l N/A l N/A I I l l l I N/A l None l ll l l 1 I l l l l l I l

i Fccility: k ~ Dockst

                                         /lo-:: case Unit 1 50-346                                                 SYSTDI COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-055A Prcpared by:                           N       f_k                Date: _          /    3                                                                           Rev.:                   2 Chicked by: AA /l d                                                Dater ///J//)
  • i
This solenoid valve controls the air supply to an air-operated reactor ___

j only safety-related function performed by the isolation valve is the isolationcoolant pump seal injection isolation accident. The valve. of containment during a loss of coolant The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does htrsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. not perform an essential safety-related function in the to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. reactor coolant pump seals. are not needed to mitigate accidents. This closure results in the isolation of the seal rom This action will not degrade other safety-related functions becaus injection the occurred (20 minutes). In addition, the solenoid valves can be manually operated after roe the reactor coolant pump ! om cooldown has i The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered b I operated control circuit, by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. y a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are because valve position indication will be unaffected.its failureSolenoid can notfailure affect willthe not operation mislead the of

                                                                                                                                                                                           . .these operator         dev I

l 4 1 1 2. 1 Materials evaluation conducted.

3. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on i Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be r attached evaluation.

! assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsheplaced as per maintenance and replacement sch i4. environments. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. . mislead the operator. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions orT 1 i 1 J

Facility: wvis-Becce Unit 1 COMPONENT MATERIlhi EVALUATION SHEET Ind:x DA ( 2165-0551 Dockst: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prep Date: / l Ch cked by: y Ab /du pf Date: //2 /S} I Plant I.D. No.: SVMU66A Component: Solenoid Valve l l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: FT8344-A5 i fI l l l l THERMAL AGJNG l RADIATION l l l Parts List i Materials List i OJalification l Reference l Qualification l Reference l ! l l l 1 l l l , i Gisket, Shaft l Lead Copper l Not Sensf.tive l l Not Affected l l

l U-cups l BUNA-N l 40 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-8G l l l Caskets l BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l ,

j l Discs l BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l I Shaft, Main l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Intert l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l 4 l Spring, Core l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Spring, Disc l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l I l Piston l Brass l Not Sensitive l i Not Aff ected I i t

l Screw l Steel l Not Sensitive- l l Not Affected l l i l Body l Brass I Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l l Stat l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l 1 l Nut l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l

l Core Tube l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Rffected l l l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l

l Shading coil l Copper l Not Sensitive l i Not Affected I l l l Intert l Plastic (Acetal) l 17 Years e 104 *F i CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal l 17 Years e 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 1 I

l Class F Coil: l l l l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 I l l Bobbin l Polysulfone 1 40 Yearse 220*F l CAL-80 l l l j l Encapsulant l Epoxy l 40 Years e 147*F l CAL-80 l l l J l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l Greater than l CAL-80 l l l ) l I l 40 Years e 122*F l l l l 1 l Inner Layer Insulationi Nomex l Greater than l CAL-80 l l l j l l l 40 Years e 122*F l l l l ) l Lead Wire Insulation l Cross-Linked Polyethylene 1 40 Years e 122*F l CAL-80 l l l 1 l l l l l l l Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3F, V-3G, CAT-3A, ROC-3A, ROC-3B, ROC-3F 3

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.


J"W ,- r t \ Frcility: i iG-Be:C2 Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUA'110N WORKSHEET IndexNY.: 216H-056 Dockst: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: [ , Date: /r 8) CheckId by: -d2(c/ % a #d Date: / 'h /b i l ll l 1 l l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION l ENVIRONMENT ll I DOCUMENTATION REF. i Qualification l Outstanding l l Il Parameter i specification l Qualification ISpecificationlQualificationi Method l Items I l ll l l t i I I l lSy;tsm: Containment ll Operating l 17 Seconds l 17 Years I K l Note 2 l Analysis l Hone l l Isolation llTime l l l l l 1 l l Il I l l I l l l Plint ID No. SVMU66B ll l l l l l I l 1 l 192.0 llTemperaturel i Exempt I C-208 i Note 1 1 N/A l None l lCcmp:nent: Solenoid Valvell (*F) l l l l l 1 11 l l l l l l I I I lMinufacturer: ASCO ll l l l l l l l l ll Pressure l 16.25 i Exempt l C-208 l Note 1 i N/A None l l l Mod 1 Humber: FT8344-A5 ll(PSIA) l l l l l l l 1 ll l l l l l l l Function: Isolates l ll l l l l l l l l Containment llRelative l 100.0 1 Exempt l A l Note 1 l N/A I None l l ll Humidity 1 l l l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll (t) l I I I l 1 l l Demon: N/A ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l t i I I IS;rvice: Reactor Coolant llChemical l N/A N/A l l N/A l N/A l N/A None l lPurp (2-2) Seal InjectioniISpray l l l l l I l l lIcolction Valve ll l l l l l l 1 l Il 1 l l l l l 1 ILoc: tion: Au'tilla ry Bldg. l l l l l l CAL-80 l l l I Rm. 208 5 6 ll Radiation 17.1 x 10 RADSil.2 x 10 RADS l T l Note 2.4 l Analysis l None l l ll_ l l l l I i l Flood Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l CAL-80 l 1 l l 1Abova Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years l 17 Years l I l Note 2 l Analysis l None l l ll l l Note 3 l l J-41 l l l lNe;d:d for: ll l 1 l l 1 l l l Hot Shutdown l X l ll l l l l l l l 1 ll Submergence l N/A I N/A l N/A N/A l l N/A l None l l Cold Shutdown i l ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l I

f% Fccility: U sic-02cs2 Unit 1 Docksts 50-346 SYSTDI COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSIGET Index No.: 216H-056A Rev.: 2 Prepared by:  ! b Checkrd by: Mwh_ _ Dates Dater v/J//J l. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to an air-operated reactor coolant pump seal injection isolation va lve. The only safety-related accident. function performed by the isolation valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant The harshsolenoid valve is exempt steam environmertt due tofrom qualification a high energy linebecause break. it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. Failure of this solenoid would cause the isolation valve to move rcactor coolant pump seals. This closure results in the isolation of the seal injection line from the are not needed to mitigate accidents.This action will not degrade other safety-related functions because the reactor coolant pusps occurred (20 minutes). In addition, the solenoid valves can be manually operated af ter room cooldown has The air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switche:s. . control circuit, its failure can not affect the operation of these devices.Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. because valve position indication will be unaffected. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator l 1 2 MEterials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.

l. Materials and/or corponents sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedul azzure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.
4. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate

) ' containment mislead in 15 seconds following a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or the operator.

g \


3 (s) Fccility'Y'D*;vic-B2sca Unit 1 J l Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATPJtIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: 216H-0568 Rev.: 2 4 Prepared by: 7-T 83 _, i Date: _ / Checked by: _ })1/ M / u M d Date: f,// M T l Plant I.D. No.: SVMU668 Component: l Manufacturer: Solenoid Valve l ASCO l Model No.: FT8344-A5 l l l l l THERMAL AGING l Parts List l RA?.,I ATION l Materials List  ! Qualification l I I i Reference ! Qualification l G:sket, Shaft  ! Lead Copper I l l l Reference l l U-cups l BUNA-N l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected 1 l l 40 Years 9 104*F l l l Gaskets l BUNA-N I CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l Discs l 40 Years 9 104*F i CAL-80 l CAL-80 l l BUNA-N 1 1.5 x 107 RADS I CAL-80 l l Shaft, Main i Brass

                                                                                                                                            !        40 Years 9 104*F            l CAL-80           l    1.5 x 107 RADS             ! CAL-80 l     Insert                                                   l Brass l       Not Sensitive               l                 l     Not Affected l

l Not Lensitive l l l Spring, Core l l Spring, Disc i Stainless Steel i Hot Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Stainless Steel l Not Aff ected l l Piston l Brass l Hot Sensitive l l Not Affected l j i Not Sensitive l l l Screw l Steel l l Not Affected l Cody i Hot Sensitive l l l Brass l l Not Affected l 1 l Ssat i Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l Not Sensitive l l l Nut l l+ l Brass i Not Sensitive Not Affected I l l Core Tube l Stainless Steel l l Not Affected l l Core & Plugnut l Not Sensitive l , 1 Sh: ding coil l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l l Net Affected l l l l Copper l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l l Intert l Not Affected l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Plastic (Acetal) l 17 Years 9104 *F l CAL-80 l l l l Acetal l l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l

1 Class F Coll
l 17 Years 9 104 *F l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 l l

l Bobbin i Polysulfone 1 l 2.0 x 107 l Encapsulant 1 40 Years 9 220*F l CAL-80 RADS l CAL-80 I l Epoxy l l 40 Years 9 147'F 1 l i- l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l CAL-80 l l l Greater than l CAL-80 1 l l l l l 40 Years 9 122*F l l Inner Layer Insulationi Not:ex l l l l l l l Greater than i CAL-80 l l l l 1 40 Years 9 122*F l l l l Lead Wire Insulation l Cross-Linked Polyethylene 1 40 Years 9 122*F l l ' i l CAL-80 l l I I l ! I l I i Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3P, V-3G, CAT-3A, ROC-3A, ROC-38, ROC-3F 1

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's r am==a ad * * ~ -


n m


Facility: w via.-B:ss2 Unit 1 ws - Docket: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Prepared by: ( Index No.: _216H-057 Checked by: Z v f Date: . /8[/ Rev.: __ 2 k )/h@ WeIf{ Date: g /> (N3 I ll 3 lEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll I l_ ENVIRONM2NT l ll_ Parameter l I l L DOCUMENTATION REF. l ISystem: Containment il I Specification I Qualification (Specificat iontoualificati onil Qualification 1 Outstanding I , I Isolation Iloperating l 17 Seconds li 17 Yeurs l l l Method i Items I I llTime l i K l Note 2 1 1 11_ l Note 2 l l Analysis l None 1 I l IPlint ID No. SVM066C ll I I l l ! I l l i 1 l i IITemperaturel 192.0 I I I I I IComponent: Solenoid ValvelI (*F) l Exempt I C-208 l l I l l i Note 1 i l f l._ l l N/A l None i IMinufacturer: ASCO i l I 1 ll l I I l l 1 I l ll Pressure i 16.25 I I I I l Exempt l IIModal Number: FT8344-A5 ll(PSIA) C-208 l I l l i Note 1 i l ll_ I l l N/A l Hoae (Function: Isolates I l l 1 ll 1 I I t 1 Containment IIRelative l l I l l i 100.0 l Exempt l l _I IAccuracy: Spec: llHumidity l i A l Note 1 l l N/A ll __ (t) l l i N/A I { l l None { ) Demon: N/A I I l i ll l i l 1 11 l l 1 I l 1 I

Reactor Coolant Il Chemical i

I i i 1 l i IPurp (1-1) Seal InjectionllSpray N/A I N/A i i l N/A i i IItolation Valve il l l l N/A I N/A l None I 4 l l l l l l ll l l l l l l Location: Auxiliary Bldg.ll l l 1 l l I l I I l Rm. 208 5 l I I ll Radiation 17.1 x 10 RADSil.2 x 106 l CAL-80 l l ll I RADS l T l

> IFlood Level Elev:                                                                           I                                                      l            Note 2,4 (                  Analysis 1

N/A ll l I I l None l j IAbova Flood Level: N/A iIAging l l l l CAL-80 I I I [l 40 Years i 17 Years l ll  ! I l l INstd:d for: 11. 1 i Note 3 l I Note 2 i Analysis I None I il Hot Shut.down IX l ll I

  • l l J-41 l l 1

l l 1 I I l _ ll Submergence! N/A l l I I l Cold Shutdown l l ll I N/A l N/A l I l i I l N/A _lI_ l 1 l { N/A l None i l 1 l I l l l l I l i

A Fccility: 2 2-Be222 Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONEli's b ALUATION WORKSHEET Ind x No.s 21"H-057A Dockst: 50-346 Re v. : 2 Prepared by: N Dates l[ b Ch cksd by: ,Mcfh Dates j//A//J

1. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to an air-operated reactor coolant pump seal injection isolation valve. The I

only accident. safety-related function performed by the isolation valve is the isolation of contairument during a loss of coolant The solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause the isolation valve to move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. This clostare results in the isolation of the seal injection line f rom the reactor coolant pump seals. This action will not degrade other safety-related functions because the reactor coolant pumps are not needed to mitigate accidents. In addition, the solenoid valves can be manually operated after room cooldown has occurred (20 minutes). Tha air-operated valve's position indicating lights are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switche:s. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 125 v.d.c. control becausecircuit, its failure valve position can notwill indication affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator be unaffected. i

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.

I 3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.

4. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate containment in 15 seconds follewing a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or

] mislead the operator. i B i 1 4 wa



Docket: 50-346 Index No.: 216H-0578 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: , 7 Date: /d 8J Ch cked by: /,/? /E2

                                                                       ?)A42 % d K-                                              Date:

I l Plant I.D. No.: SVMU66C Component: Solenoid Valve l l l Manufacturer: ASCO Model No.: FT8344-A5 4 I [ I I I I THERMAL AGING l RADIATION l 1 Parts List l Materials List l l 1 Qualification i Reference ! Qualification l Reference l l 1 l Gtsket, Shaft i Lead Copper 1 I l l Not Sensitive l l l U-cups l BUNA-N Not Affected l l I l Gsskets l 40' Years 9 104*F 1 CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l BUNA-N l 40 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l l Discs l BUNA-N i CAL-80 1 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Shaft, Main l 4 0 Years 9 104*F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 i l Brass I bot Sensitive I l Insert l l Not Affected l l Brass i l l Spring, Core Fot Sensitive l i Not Affected l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Spring, Disc l Stainless Steel l l I Not Sensitive l l l Piston 1 3rass Not Affected l l ) l Not Sensitive 1 l l Screw I Steel Not Affected l l l Not Sensitive 1 l l Body l Brass Not Affected l l l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l Stat l Brass l l l Not Sensitive l l l Nut i Brass Not Affected i l l Not Sensitive l l l Core Tube Not Affected i I i Stainless Steel I Not Sensitive  ! ! I Core & Plugnut I Not Affected l l l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive 1 l Shtding coil l Copper l Not Affected I l l Not Sensitive l I Intert Not Affected l i Plastic (Acetal) l 17 Years 9 104 'F l CAL-E0 l 1.2 x 106 RADS l l l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Acetal l CAL-80 l l Class F Coil: l 17 Years 9 Hn.*F l CAL-80 1 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 I I l I Bobbin i Polysulfone l l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l Encapsulant l 40 Yearst 220*F i CAL-80 t i l Epoxy l 40 Years 9 147'F I ! l Magnet Wire Insulation! Enamel l CAL-80 l l  ! l Greater than l CAL-80 l j l l l 8 I Inner Layer Insulation l Nomex l 40 Years 9 122*F l l l , l 4 l Greater than l CAL-80 l l i I 1 1 40 Years 9 122*F l l i l Lead Wire Insulation l Cross-Linked Polyethylene l 43 Years 9 122*F l CAL-80 l l l l l l l l l 1 I l 4 j Material & Parts List


V-3A, V-3F, V-3G, CAT-3A, ROC-3A, ROC-3B, ROC-3F

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, i

A Facility: N J io-Bsate Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-058 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Chicked by:

                                                                                                      ,    s       -~AJ q 7 V)( u / h 4 EIT Date: _//[/kJ Date: ///> f5 M l                                                                                ll 2

l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll i l ENVIRONMENT I l l l ll Parameter l Specification DOCUMENTATION REF. l l I Qualification lSpecificationlOualification!l Qualification Method l Outstanding i l System: Containment ll i I i Items ] ll Operating i 17 Seconds i 17 Years l l l I Isolation I K l Note 2 l ll Time i I Note 2 l Analysis l None l I l l il I l l I l l Plant ID No. SVMU66D ll l I l I I l l l l llTemperaturel 192.0 l Exempt 1 l l l IComponent: Solenoid Valvell (*P) I C-208 i Note 1 1 N/A l l l l l None l Il l l l l l l l Manufacturer: ASCO ll l 1 I l i l l I 1 IIPressure i 16.25 l Exempt 1 l l l lModel Number: PT8344-A5 ll(PSIA) I C-208 i Note 1 l N/A l l l l None 1 l 1 l 11 I I l l , IFunction: Isolates ll l l l I l l l 1 1 Containment l l llRelative i 100.0 l Exempt l l l I 1 A I Note 1 llHumidity l l l N/A l None l , 1 Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll (t) l l l l l l i i l l Demon: N/A ll l l l l l l iI l 1 l I I l l l I lSarvice: Reactor Coolant iIChemical l N/A l N/A l l l l lPurp (1-2) Seal InjectionllSpray l l I N/A l N/A l N/A l None lIt'olation Valve l l ' 1 I ll l l l l l l l ll 1 l l l ILocation: Auxiliary l l 1 I I l i I l Rm. 208 l l CAL-80 I ll Radiation i 7.11105 RADS l1.2 x 106 RADS l T l Note 2.4 l l l

                                                                                                                  !!                        I                                I l          Analysis        l        None      l IFlcod Level Elev:                                                                   N/A ll                          l                                 l I                   l                  l                         l                   l

$ IAbova Flood Level: N/A llAging l 40 Years 1 17 Years 1 l CAL-80 l l l I l I Note 2 ll l l Note 3 l i Analysis l None  ! INosdad for: ll l

                                                                                                                                                                                                    )                   l         J-41     l                          l 1                                                                                                             1 l Hot Shutdown                                                                     l X l    ll                       l 1                   I                  l                         l                   l l

I llSubmergencel 1 l l N/A I N/A l l l Cold Shutdown I l ll l l l N/A l N/A l N/A l None l l l l ll I 1 l l l l l l l l 4

l ' s Fccility: L uc-Besse Unit 1

50-346 n

SYSTEM COdPONENi*.,dLUATION WORKSHEET O Ind;x 6.n 21fH -058A Re v. : 2 Prsparad by: N Dates j Checked bya h /J. / Date _ g /A //f t t

l. This solenoid valve controls the air supply to an air-operated reactor coolant pump seal injection -isolation valve. The enly safety-related function performed by the isolation valve is the isolation of containment during a loss of coolant j sccident.

I ! Tha solenoid valve is exempt from qualification because it does not perform an essential safety-related function in the

harsh steam environment due to a high energy line break. Failure of this solenoid would cause the isolation valve to move to (or remain in) its fail-safe closed position. This closure results in the isolation of the seal injection line from the reactor coolant pump seals. This action will not degrade other safety-related functions because the reactor coolant pumps are not needed to mitigate accidents. In addition, the solenoid valves can be manually operated after room cooldown has occurred (20 minutes).

i Tha air-operated valve's position indicating liahts are powered by a 120 v.a.c. essential instrument bus. These lights are { operated by the valve's position indicating (limit) switches. Since the solenoid valve is part of a separate 12F v.d.c. ,

control circuit, its failure can not affect the operation of these devices. Solenoid failure will not mislead the operator  !

i because valve position indication will be unaffected. i 1 l l

2. Materials evaluation conducted. Materials sensitive to radiation and/or thermal aging summarized on attached evaluation.

j '

3. Materials and/or components sensitive to thermal aging will be replaced as per maintenance and replacement schedules to assure that associated component will maintain functional operability in harsh environments.


4. Radiation valve is 40 day background dose plus the one day accident dose. This valve is required to function to isolate
 !        containment in 15 seconds following a LOCA. Subsequent failure will not degrade other safety-related functions or mislead the operator.

i I i

h Ptcility: Dtvic-Bezoa Unit 1 Docket: 50-346 COMPONENT MATE. RIALS EVALUATION SHEET Index No.: 216H-0588 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Chsched by: Al ApfLN(ftA Dater // ) Date: /r [p / E 3 , l Plant I.D. No.: SVMU66D Component : Solenoid valve l Manuf acturer l ASCO _ Model No. FT8344-A5 l l 3 l l l l THERMAL AGING l l RADIATIGt

,                             Parts List                   l                    Materials List                                                                                                                                    l l      Qualification 1

l l l l Reference l Qualification l Reference l l Gasket, Shaft l Lead Copper l l l U-ctp s l BUNA-N l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l 40 Years 9104 *F l I l Geskets l BUNA-N l l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l ! l Discs BUNA-N l 40 Years 0 104'F l CAL-80 l 1.5 x 107 RADS l )l Shif t, Main l l 40 Years 9104*F CAL-80 l CAL-80 l I l Brass l Not Sensitive l l 1.5 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l l Sp ring, Core Inie rt l Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Stainless Steel l l Not Affected Not Sensitive l l l Sp ring, Disc l Stainless Steel l l l Not Affected l Not Sensitive l l l Piston l Brass l l Not Affected Not Sensitive l l l Screw l Steel l l l Not Affected l l Eody  ! Brass l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l Not Sensitive l l l Saat l Brass l l Not Affected l Not Sensitive l l l Nut l Brass l l Not Affected l Core Tube l Nct Sensitive l l l 1 l Core & Plugnut l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l Not Affected l l [l Shtding coil l Stainless Steel l Not Sensitive l l Not Affected l l l Ccpper l Hot Sensitive l l Not Affected l 1l Insert l Not Affected l !l Pilot Seat Cartridge l Plastic (Acetal) l 17 Years 9104 *F CAL-80 l l l l Acetal l l 1.2 x 106 RADS l CAL-80 !l Class F Coll: l l 17 Years 0104 'F l CAL-80 l 1.2 x 100 RADS l CAL-80 l 5l Bobbin l Polysulfone l l l 2.0 x 107 RADS l CAL-80 l l !l l 40 Years 9 220*F CAL-80 Encapsulant l I!poxy l 40 Years @ 147'F l l l l l Magnet Wire Insulation l Enamel l CAL-90 l l il l l Greater than l CAL-80 l l l 40 Years 9 122*F l l ll Inner Layer Insulation l Nomex l l l il l l Greater than l CAL-80 l l l 40 Years @ 122*F l l

l l Lead Wire Insulation l Cross-Linked Polyethylene l 40 Years 0 122*F l l l l l l CAL-80 l l l l l I '

I l Material & Parts List Ref erence: V-3A, V-3F, V-3G, CAT-3A, ROC- 3 A, ROC-3B, ROC-3F

  • Coil is scheduled for replacement in accordanca wi*h - - * , - * - ' - - - - -
  • f%

(m) Ftcility: L AO-Bessa Unit 1 b%) SYSTEM COMPONid' EVALUATION WORKSHEET ( ) IndBx id.i 216H-059 Dockst: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: Date: Il /!83 Ch:cksd by: 549pt h 4d d Date: u/3/n l ll l l l 1

l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRONMENT l DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding l l ll Parameter l Specification l Qualification lSpecificationlOualificationi Method i Itear I l ll l l l l l l l 1

lSy2tsm: Containment ll Operating l 1 Year l 1 1 Years l F l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l i l Isolation ll Time l l l l Note 1 l Test l l l ll I l l I l l l lPltnt ID No. MV06110 ll l l l l l l l l llTemperaturel 192.0 l 250.0 l C-208 l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l l Component: Valve Motor iI (*F) l l l l l Test l l l Operator ll l l l l l l l l ll l 1 l l l l l l Manufacturer: LimitorquellPressure i 16.25 l 39.7 l C-208 l M-28, V-24C 1 Simultaneous i None l l ll(PSIA) l l l l l Test l l lM:dal Number: SMB-000 ll l l 1 l l l l lO/N: 370174A ll l l l l l l l lS/N: 168785 ll Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l l Function: Steam Generator llHumidity l l l l l Test l l l Drain Valve ll (%) l l l l l , l _l l lI l l l l I I l I l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l l l l l l l < l Demon: N/A llchemical i N/A l N/A l N/A I N/A l N/A l None l l ll Spray l l l l l l l lSarvice: Steam Generatorl!  ! l l l l l l l Drain Valve ll l l l l l ) l i l ll l l l 1 l l l lLochtion: Aux. Bldg. ll Radiation l1.97 x 10 6RADSl2.0 x 10 7RADS l T I M-28, V-24C l Sequential Testi None l l Rm. 208 ll 1 l l l l l l IFlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l l l l l l lAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging l 40 Years I 40 Years l I l CAL-93 l Sequential Testl None l l ll l l l l l Analysis l l lNiedsd for: ll l l l l l l l l Hot Shutdown l X l II l l l l l l l l llSubmergencel N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A l None l l Cold Shutdown l X l ll l l l l l l l l_ ll l l 1 l l l l

                                                                                                                                                      %                                                  s
Facility: b # c-Berse Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVh'ATION WORKSHEET Inder No.: 210H-059A

! Dockat: 50-346 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: N Date I l!83 . Ch:cksd by: Ag,gg ,Date ,g A I

                                                                                                                          -                                                                                         t
1. The test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120 *F in 1.5 hours. The ' valve motor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*F and 39.7 pois for 22 hours,
then a cooldown to 200*F and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days. The temperature in Room 208 peaks at 192*F in 7.1 i

I seconds. The pressure in Roosi 208 peaks at 16.25 psia in 1.55 seconds. The temperature and pressure in Room 208 return to ambient conditions in 20 minutes. Based on the above, it is felt that the test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than that which would result from the postulated HEIA. Since the valve motor operator remained functional during the test, it een be concluded that the valve motor operator would remain functienal during and after exposure to the harsh environment which would result fromi the postulated HEIA. ( Reference C- 208) P 1 4 ] I l 1 i e 3

FEcility: Ns-B2sas Unit 1 (o fD O 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPOl(ENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-060 Prepared by: l Rev.: 2 Chicked by: Date: _fl M >rd,w,64 _ [ Date: ///A//> l ll l EQUIPMENT DESCTtIPTION ll I l ENVIRONMENT I I l l ll Parameter i Specification ) DOCUMENTATION REF. I il i Qualification lSpecificationlQualificatiorall Qualification Method l Outstanding i ISystem: Containment ll Operating i I I I l Items i i 1 Year i 1.1 Years l I l Isolation llTime P 1 l l l l l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l 11 1 I l Note 1 1 Test l IPlKnt ID No. MV0611A 11 1 l I I l l I

  • llTemperaturel l I 192.0 250.0 6 l l Component: Valve Motor ll ( *F) l 1

i C-208 i M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l l l l Operator l l None l ll l l l Test 1 l 1 l l ll 1 I l i iMtnufacturer: LimitorquellPressure i 16.25 l l l t l l ll(PSIA) 1 39.7 l C-208 1 I l l l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None IModal Number: SMB-000 ll 1 l l 1 Test l IO/N: 392414A 1 I i I ll l I l IS/N: 230160 ll Relative l l l l l I 100.0 1 100.0 l l Function: Steam Generator ll Humidity l A 1 i l l l I M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l 1 Drain Valve ll (1) I 1 l l l Test  ! ll I l l l l IAccuracy: Spec: N/A ll I I l l l l ' l I l Demon: N/A 1 l I Itchamical 1 N/A l l I llSpray l N/A l N/A l l l l l N/A I N/A l None ISarvice: Steam ceneratoril l l i I l i l 1 l 1 Drain Valve lI l l I l i I I ll _ l i 1 I (Location: Aux. Bldg. l 1 _l l llRadiation 11.97 x 106 RADSl2.0 x 10 3 1 4 I I l Rm. 208 ll 1 RADS 1 T I M-28, V-24C l Sequential Testl _l lPlood Level Elev: N/A ll l l None l l l l 1 1 lAbove Flood Level: N/A ll Aging i 40 Years l l l l l l 40 Years l I CAL-93 l l lNasdtd for: ll 1 l l l Isequential test] None l

 '                                                                                        ll                                               1                                                                       l                    l           Analysis l

' l Hot Shutdown l_X l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l lSubme rgence l N/A l l , I Cold Shutdown l N/A l N/A l l l X l Il l l N/A l

.I                                                                                                                                                                   l                        l                                                        N/A            l              None               I

(! I i l l I 1 1 1 l I I I

n i 'ccility: EL~>G9cco Unit 1 ockat: n 50-346 SYSTEM CDMIONENT EVMuiON WORKSHEET


Indes No # 216H-060A p.,,, 2

                'repersd by:_                                                          Date        I b      _
                 'hecksd by: , & , % Q f ~ Date ///c2/E3 1                                                                           -
                      .I, Tha test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 air.utes, followed by a cooldown to                            '

120'r in 1.5 hours. The valve motor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 22 hours, thin a cooldown to 200'r and 24.7 psia which was maintaf.ned for 15 days. The temperature in Room 208 peaks at 192*F in 7.1 sectnds. The pressure in Roomi 208 peaks at 16.25 psia in 1.55 seconds. The temperature and pressure in Room 208 return to ambient conditions in 20 minutes. Based on the above, it is felt that the test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than that which would result from the postulated HEIA. Since the valve motor operator remained functional during the test, it

con be concluded that the valve motor operator would remain functional during and after exposur's to the harsh environment which would result from the postulated HEIa. ( Reference C-208) i l l i

e 'l i l 4 t l l ) l l

q i acility:\d12-3o202 Unit 1

             >ocks t :

(~'s 50-346 O V SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-061 Rev.: 2 Prepared by: ' Date: Chgeked by: I( 54ff82 M M f_ Date: _ /6W/> I il lEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION i ll ENVIRONMENT I I l I I ll Parameter l Specification DOCUMENTATION REF. I il i I Qualification lSpecificationlQualification!I Qualification Method l lOutstanding i ISystem: Containment I I Items 1 iloperating ! I I l Year 1 1.1 Years I I l l P Isolation llTime l I l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l Ncne l , I l l Note 1 ' ll l l Test l l l l Plant ID No. MV06030 ll l I l l I

>                                                                                                                                                                                            l                                     l 1

llTemperaturel 198.0 250.0 l l l l l Component: Valve Motor ll ('F) I 1 1 C-236 i M-28, V-24C I simultaneous i None { l Operator l I l l l Test ! 1 ll l l l i i ll l 1 1 l l l l Manufacturer: LimitorquellPressure l 15.51 l l l l l l 39.7 I C-236 1 ll(PSIA) l l l i M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l None l lModel Number: SMB-000 ll l l l Test l 1 l IO/N: 370174A 11 1 I I I I IS/N: 168784 ll Relative i 100.0 I I l l I l 100.0 l A l 1 l Function: Steam GeneratorllHumidity l l I M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous ! None l

;      i                                                                                                           Drain Valve ll . (t)                                                                                         1                  l                    l
l l Test l l I l il I l 1 l l j IAccuracy
Spec: N/A ll l l 1 1 I 1

l I 1 Demon: N/A ll Chemical l N/A 1 l l l I l N/A l N/A l flSpray l 1 N/A l N/A I None l l ISarvice: Steam ceneratorli i i i 1 l l l l < I 1 Drain Valve ll l l l l l l I 1 1 Il l I l l l Location: Aux. Bldg. lIRadiation 11.97 x 106 RADSl2.0 x 107 I I I ( I Rm. 236 RADS l T l

'                                                                                                                                              ll                l                      l I M-28, V-24C l Sequential Test l                     None      l l Flood Level Elev:                                                                                                                   N/A  ll                l l                  l                   l                       l 1                                                                                                                       l lAbove Flood Level: N/A llAging                                                                                                                              l        40 Years      l                     40 Years l                  l                   l                       l                  l
; I                                                                                                                                                                                                                           l                           CAL-93
'                                                                                                                                             ll                l I      l                   Isequential Testl                  None INatdtd for:                                                                                                                               ll                l l                                    1                  1                   I         Analysis       l t

l Hot Shutdown 1 l l I IX l ll l l l l l ! l l l llSubmergencel N/A l l I l I N/A I N/A l Cold Shutdown l X l l! l l l N/A I N/A I None i i l 1 l l 4 ll l l l l l l l 1  ! 1 2

9 f' (v )) \w.,)

                .111ty:   Dav e-2 0 m Unit 1                                                                                 SYSTD4 COMPONENT EVAI/JATION WORKSHEET ek;t:      50-346                                                                                                                                    Index No.: 216ft-061A p,,, , ,       q cp; red by*    N                                           ,Date                                     Il(!8.$

ccked by: MrflM ' , Date pp/fr, L The test subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120'F in 1.5 hours. The valve motor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*F and 39.7 psia for 22 hours, thin a cooldown to 200*F and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days. The temperature in Room 236 peaks at 198'r in 19.0 cec:nds. The pressure in Ibom 236 peaks at 15.51 psia in 1.60 seconds. The temperature and Room 236 return to ambient conditions in 6.7 minutes. Based on the above, it la felt that the test subjected the valve motor operator to an overal) more severe environment than th:t which would result from the postulated HELB. Since the valve motor operator remained functional during the test, it can be concluded that the valve motor operator would remain functional during and af ter exposure to the harsh environment which would result from the postulated HELB. (Beference C-236)

FCcility: L,do-BscEs Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION NORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-062 Preptred by: Rev.: 2 Chick 1d by: Date: Nf $ _M422. -d Date: g/J//) a l " ll IEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll 1 ENVIRONMENT I l i l l ll Parameter l Specification DOCUMENTATION REF. i Qualification ISpecificationlOualification]l Qualification l Outstanding I t I I Systs53: Containment ll l l Method l Items lIOperating l l l l 1 Year l 1.1 Years l 1 l l Isolation llTime F 1 l l l l l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous i None l 11 I l Note 1 1 Test i iPltnt ID No. MV0603A ll l I J l i i l l t I I llTemperaturel 198.0 l l lCorponent: Valve Motor lI l 250.0 l C-23G l l il Operator ('F) l l l I M-28, V-24C 1 Simultaneous l None l ll l l l Test I l l l l 11 l l l

  • IMitnufacturer: LimitorquelIPressure i 15.51 l l I I l l II ll(PSIA) 1 39.7 i C-236 I i
. IModal Number: SMB-000 l                                      l                             l i M-28, V-24C I Simultaneous l                          Mone          i lI                  I                                                                                         l                     l        Test lO/N: 392414A                                                                                                                                       I                             l                                                                    l                    l ll                 l                                                                                          l                     I lS/N: 230161                                                                             ll Relative                                               l                             l                    l I                    I i                       100.0          l              100.0                                                     l                         l IFunction: Steam GeneratorilHumidity                                                                                                                                             l          A                                                                               l i                                                                                                            l                                     l                                                   l M-28, V-24C l Simultaneous l                           None Drain Valve ll (t)                                                                                                                                                                                               l 4

l l I 1 l Test l 1 11 l l I 1 l

,lAccuracy: Spec:                                                                   N/A      ll                 l I                             I                    I                     I l                    l l                                                                                                                                                  1                                                                                                  I                     I Demon: N/A                               ll Chemical        l                         N/A l                    l                     l
 -l                                                                                                                                                    l                N/A                                                                               l                    l llSpray            i                                      I l          N/A       l           N/A       l            N/A i

l I None

l lSsrvice: Steam Generatoril i l l 1 1

1 l 1 Drain Valve ll l l I I l l ll l l 1 l l l l Location: Aux. Bldg. IIRadiation 11.97 x 106 RADSl2.0 x 107 1 I l l 1 l l 1 Rm. 236 RADS I T

lFlood Level Elev
N/A ll ll 1 l l I M-28, V-24C ISequential Testl None i

[ l l l 1 'IAbova Flood Level: N/A ll Aging i 40 Years i I l i l 1 'I 40 Years l I I CAL-93 I lNiedrd for: il I l l ISequential Testl None I ll l l I Analysis l Hot Shutdown 1 l i I i X l ll l l l 9 l l l llSubmergencel N/A l 1 l l l 0 Cold shutdown I. X l N/A l N/A I l ll l l N/A l N/A l None D l l 1 11 I I l l I I l I I I )

n .

                                                                       \  ?                                                    )
llity: Day b-w;CcG Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUA~J WORKSHEET Index No.3 5 6N-062A
kat: 50-346 Rev.: 2 tpar:gd by. NM Date 11/t l O tcked by: A.gfL f qDete g/)//)
   . The tsat subjected the valve motor operator to a transient of 250*r and 39.7 psia for 30 minutes, followed by a cooldown to 120'r in 1.5 hours.' The valve motor operator was then exposed to a second transient of 250*r and 39.7 psia for 22 hours, thin o cooldown to 200*r and 24.7 psia which was maintained for 15 days. The temperature in Room 236 peaks at 198'r in 19.0 cecends. The pressure in Room 236 peaks at 15.51 psia in 1.60 seconds. The temperature and pressure in Room 236 return to ambicnt conditions in 6.7 minutes.

Baccd on the above, it is felt that the test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than thtt which would result from the postulated HEIa. Since the valve motor operator rer.nined functional during the test, it 1 c:n be concluded that the valve motor operator would remain functional during and after exposure to the harsh environment i which would result f rom the postulated HEIa. ( Reference C-236) , i, t 1 I e i - a o i n,

FCcility; g

                         'L vis-82aza Unit i

b N Dockst: 50-346 SY3 TEM COMPONSNT EVALUATION WORKSHEET PrGpared by: Index No.: _216H-063 Ch;ck::d by: Date: MI Rev.: _ 2 M/W W d/ Date: //h//7 4 1_ . Il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll l I ENVIRONMENT I I ll_ Parameter l Specification ] 1 DOCUMENTATION REF. I I ISystsm: Containment 11 1 I Qualification (SpecificationlQualificationii Qualification l Outstanding i 1 lloperating i 1 Year I I Method 1 Items Isolation l lTJ ms l 1.1 Years l P 1 I 1 i l l l M-24, V-24A I Simultaneous I

11. I l 1 None iPlant ID No. MVCF02A i l Note 1 l Test l  ;

l ll l 1 I i l l I l i remperature! 283.0 l l I lCcmponent: Valve Motor it ('F) l 1 329.0 i H, X 1 l _I I Operator l l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l i 11. I l l l None 1 l Test l 11 1 1 I  ! I l Manufacturer: LimitorquellPressure i 1 I l I l 52.0 104.7 I I i ll(PSIA) l 1 I G, X I I l Modal Number: SMB-000 11 I l 1 M-24, V-24A I Simultaneous l I l None i IO/N: 364187A 11 I I l Test l lS/N: 158233 llRelative I l I I l l IFunction: i 100.0 l 1 1 Core Flooding flHumidity l 100.0 l A l l l I I M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l Tank Sample Linell_ (t) l l l l None I l l 1 Test i 11 1 l i

 ,IAccur&cy: Spec:                  N/A 1

I I I i l I Demon: N/A ll l Boric Acid l Boric Acid I I _1 llChemical i 1800 ppm l I I ll llSpray i 1800 ppm 1 A 1 M-24, V-24A I Simultaneous l I pH 5.0 l CAL-40 I lService: Core Flooding 11 l pH 5.0 l 1 Test, 1 None

 ,1 Tank Sample Line                                             l l                                                       i           Note 2          l            Analysis                                          i I                                      l l_                   l                                                           [                         l                                                            l                              l 11 1

l i l l l l l Location: Containment 1 l

 'l                                       ilRadiation 11.7 x 107 RADS 12.0 x 108                                             1 I                           I l                             1 ll                   I                                                    IADS I CAL-44                                                                                  I                             I lFlocd Level Elev: 572'-2"l1                                 l I

I I l M-25, V-24A ISequential Testl Hone lAbova Flood Level: Yes llAging l l l l l l l 40 Years l 40 Years l l I il l I l

 ]NEsded for:                                                 I I                             I l             CAL-93        ISequential Testi                                              l Il                  I                                                                                      i                                                                            None          i
 ) Hot Shutdown               l_X l     ll l                             l                                                      1              Analysis        I l                              l l                             1                                                             l

____ llSubmergencel 572' - 2' l l l l Cold Shutdown l_ X l l 578' - 1 1/2" l l ll l B l M-3 l l 11 l l ' i N/A l None I 1 I l I I l l I I I

g cility: Davas-Becoe Unit 1 D U r eckst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPOffENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-063A eparad by: M Rev.: 2 I 'ecked by: Date Il f !8.$ _ gyr,,ggy ' Date p/,f/3 l.Tha test subjected the valve siotor operator to I hour at 329'r and 104 7 psi _ houro at 287'r and 54.7 psia, then 19 hours at 256 *r and 34 7 psia a, then 2 hours at 312*r and 84.7 psia, then 2 i

                                                                       , and 250 *r and 29.7 psia for 6 days. The tesiperature and 218'r and 32.7 psias at 3 hours the conditions are 213                              *r and At31I hour
                                                                                  , respectively.        7 psiaprec:ure the conditions areinside end at 24 hours the conditions are 143*r and 17 psia.

The containment returns to ambient conditions in 7 dayss at Bassd on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory utest s bj core severe environment than that which would result frosi a postulated Incaected the valve motor operator tc an overall optreble throughout the test and functional af ter the test, . Since the valve aiotor operator rerained functional H, Cnd X) during and af ter exposure to the accident environment which u wo ldit can be concluded that the valve sootor op

,                                                                                  result from the postulated IDCs. (Reference C, a   2 CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray               to a* pH val ue of 5.

i 4 4 il i t 1 i

' Fccility: Levis-Broze Unit 1 Dockot 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-064 Prtparcd by: N tAke Date: l l 3 Rev.: 2 Ch cksd by: J4WhM_ Date: ///A/n . I il l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION i ll ENVIRONMENT I I i I DOCUMENTATION REF. I l ll Parameter l Specification l Qualification ISpecificationlQualificationil Qualification l Outstanding l 11 Method I trer , ISystc3: Containment flOperating i 1 I I I I I I 1 Year l 1.1 Yea:s i F I I Isolation llTime i l I M-24, V-24A I Simultaneous l None i l l l Note 1 I 11 1 I Test l I lPltnt ID No. MVCF02B 11 l I l l l l I l I IlTemperaturel 283.0 l 329.0 I l l l ICompon:nt: Valve Motor ll (*F) l l H, X l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None i Ope rator l l l i il l l l Test I I i l l il i i l IM:nufacturer: LimitorquellPressure I I I i 52.0 I I 1 1 104.7 i C, X I I ll(PSIA) l l l l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None l ' l Modal Number: SMB-000 ll l l l Test l IO/N: 364187A 1 1 I I ll l I I lS/N: 158234 l l l llRelative l l i 100.0 l 100.0 l l IFunction: Core Flooding IIHumidity l l 1 A l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l Hone i l Tank Sample Linell l (1) l l l l Test l l .I l il i 1 l I IAccuracy: Spec: N/A I I I i l l ll 1 Boric Acid i Boric Acid I I i Demon: N/A llchemical i 1800 ppm i l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l l 1800 ppm i A I llSpray I pH 5.0 I CAL-40 l Test, i None l pH 5.0 l lStrvica: Core Flooding ll l l I l Note 2 l Analysis l l l Tank Sample Linell l l l l l 1 I l l 1 I ll l l I l ILocation: Containment l l l i llRadiation 11.7 x 107 RADS 12.0 x 108 RADS l CAL-44 l l 11 I I 1 M-25, V-24A ISequential Testl None I I lFlcod Level Elev: 572'-2*ll i 1 l l 1 IAbova Flood Level: Yes llAging i 40 Years i 40 Years l l l l 1 2 il l CAL-93 11 l I l ISequential Testl None

]Netdsd for:                        ll                l l                      l                l                     l         Analysis I

l l l Hot Shutdown l X_ l _ ll l 1 I I I l l I llSubmergencel 572' - 2' l 578' - S' l l 1 l Cold Shutdown l X l ll l l 1 B l M-4 l N/A l None l l 1 ll l l l 1 l l I l l l



racility: D b ss-Beneo Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET J Docke t 50-346 In%x No.: 216H-064A Rev.: 2 i Prepersd by:

hecked by:
                     $                Dete    iI f[83 A ,,p , g g        Date  gj;A
!       The test subjected the valve motor operator to I hour at 329'r and 104.7 psia, then 2 hours at 312'r and 84.7 paia, then 2 hours at 287'r and 54.7 psia, then 19 hours at 256*r and 34.7 psia, and 250*r and 29.7 psia f or 6 days. The temperature and preissure inside containment peak at 283*r and 52.0 psia in 17 and 50 seconds, respectively. At I hour t.he conditions are i

218'r and 32.7 pslag at 3 hours the conditions are 213 *r and 31.7 psla; at 5 hours the conditions are 195'r and 27.7 psia; i cnd at 24 hours the conditions are 143*r and 17 psia. The containment returns to ambient conditions in 7 days. Bared on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall more severe environment than that which would result from a postulated IOCA. Since the valve motor operator remained operable throughout the test and functional af ter the test, it can be concluded that the valve motor operator will remain functional during and after exposure to the accident environment which would result from the postulated IDCA. (Reference H, and I) G, 2 CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5. i l i 4 h

                 /     )

['^ t ( < YCcility: LdC-Bma Unit 1 SYSTEM COMPONE v EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-065 Dockst: 50-346 Rev.: _ 2 Prcp rcd by: N Date: l M3 Check;d by: ,MrW/ Date: t/ /.8//7 l 1l l l 1 I l EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ll ENVIRONMENT I DOCUMENTATION REF. l Qualification l Outstanding I l ll Parameter i Specification i Qualification (Specification l Qualification! Method i Items l I 11 l l l l l 1 l lSyttcJ: Containment ll Operating l 1 Year l 1.1 Years l F l M-24, V-24A l Sicultaneous l None l l Isolation llTime l l l l Note 1 1 Test l l l ll l l l l l l l lPltnt ID No. MVCF05A ll l l l l l l l l ll Temperature! 283.0 l 329.0 l H, X l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None l l Component: Valve Motor ll (*F) l l l l l Test l l 1 Operator ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l 1 I I I lM;.nufacturer: LimitorquellPressure 1 52.0 l 104.7 l G, X l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None i l ll(PSIA) l l l l l Test l l l Modal Number: SMB-000 ll l l l l l l l lO/N: 364187A ll l l l l l l l lS/N: 158235 ll Relative l 100.0 l 100.0 l A l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous 1 None l IFunction: Vent Piping llHumidity l l l l l Test l l l froa Core Flooding Tank ll (t) l l l l l l l l 11 l l 1 l l 1 l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A ll l Boric Acid l Botic Acid l l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l l l Demon: N/A IIChemical l 1800 ppm i 1800 ppm l A l CAL-40 l Test, l None l l ll Spray l pH 5.0 I pH 5.0 l Note 2 l l Analysis l l lS2rvice: Vent Piping ll l l l l l 1 l 1 from Core Flooding Tank ll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l i l l Location: Containment llRadiation ll.7 x 107 RADS l2.0 x 108 R ADS l CAL-44 l M-25, V-24A l Sequential Testl None l l ll 1 l l I l l I lFlcod Level Elev: 572'-2*ll l l l l l l l lAbova Flood Level: Yes ll Aging l 40 Years l 40 Years l I l CAL-93 Isequential Testl None l 1 ll l l 1 l l Analysis l l lN;rdId for: ll l l l l l l l l Hot Shutdown i X i ll l l l l l l l l l lSubme rgencel 572' - 2* l 598' - 10* l B i M-15 i N/A I None l l Cold Shutdown IX l ll l l l l l l l l ll l l 1 l l l I

A .. p ' ceility: A( s Beacs Unit 1 ( SYSTEM COMPONENT EVA$Ls/. ION WORKSHEET Index No ockat: 50-343 216H-065A

                           ,                                                                                          Rev.:        2 NOTES
' reparcd by:       N                  Date    N !(!d f heckcd bys gjk[J                   Date M/s/)]

Tha test subjected the valve motor operator to I hour at 329'r and 104.7 psia, then 2 hours at 312*F and 84.7 psia, ' hen t 2 hours at 287'r and 54.7 psia, then 19 hours at 256 *F and 34.7 psie, and 250 *r and 29.7 psia for 6 days. The temperature and praesure inside containment peak at 283*F and 52.0 psia in 17 and 50 seconds, respectively. At I hour the conditions are 218'F cnd at and 32.7 the 24 hours psias at 3 hours conditions arethe conditions 143*F and 17 cre 213 *F an'd 31.7 psia; at 5 hours the conditions are 195*F and 27.7 psias psia. The containment returns to ambient conditions in 7 days. Basad on this information, it can be concluded that the laboratory test subjected the valve motor operator to an overall .i

'     cacre severe environment than that which would result from a postulated IDCA.       Since the valve motcr operator remained i

opsrable throughout the test and functional after the test, it "can be concluded that the valve motor operator will remain f unctional during and after exposure to the accident er.vironment which would result from the postulated IDCA. (Reference H, cnd X) G, { ). CAI,-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5. l i .l i i 1,

m 'N ('%) f

                                                                                                                                                                                     \ s--

Pccility: hus/is-BiasG Unit 1 Dockst: 50-346 SYSTEM COMPONENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-066 Preptred by: Ch;cktd by: NM Date: Jr/r/PJ Rev.: 2

                          ,546fu,fM Date: J//J-/d I



I 11 _ Patameter I i SpecificationI 1 Qualification ISpecificationlQualification)l Qualification Method i Outstanding i lSyztcm: Containment llOperating i I I i Items l l 1 Year l 1.1 Years I I Isolation llTime l l l P l M-24, V-24A I Simultaneous i l I l None II. I l 1 Note 1 l Test l l Plant ID No. MVCF05B ll I l

                                                                                                                                                                                       !                      l 1

l t i 1 llTemperature! l l l IComponent: Valve Motor ll (*F) 283.0 l 323.0 l l l H, X l l Operator l l l l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None l 11 I i l 1 Test l l l i l Il I l l l l l Manufacturer: Limitorquell Pressure ' 1 52.0 i I I l l ll(PSIA) l 104.7 i G, X I i lModel Number: SMB-000 l l l l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l None ' il 1 l i Test { lO/N: 364187A l l l l lS/N: 158236 11 i l 1 _ l l ll Relative I 100.0 130.0 l I I l IFunction: Vent Piping flHumidity l l A i l l l l M-24, V-24A 1 Simultaneous l Nonc j 1 from Core Flooding Tank ll (t) l l l l I l Test l ll l l l l l l Accuracy: Spec: N/A l 1 I l 1 l Demon: N/A il 1 Boric Acid l Boric Acid l i l l l lichemical l 1800 ppm i 1800 ppm l M-24, V-24A l Simultaneous l llSpray I pH 5.0 l A l CAL-40 l Test, l

'IStrvice: Vent Piping                ll                l l         pH 5.0          l                   l       Note 2       l          Analysis 1         None        l l l from Core Flooding Tank ll                                                    l                          l                                                                     1                      I l                                                                      l                    l 1                                                                             l                         I                                                                    l                      l ll                 1                                                                      I                    l l Location: Containment                                                      l                                                                                               l 1

flRadiation l1.7 x 107 RADS l2.0 x 108 RADSl l CAL-44 I I I l l 11 l l l M-25, V-24A ISequential Testl None i

!l Flood Level Elev: 572'-2"ll                         l                        l l                   l                    I                            l
!lAbova Flood Level: Yes ll Aging                      i           40 Years l                   l                    l l

ll i l 40 Years l I l CAL-93 l l lNrsdtd for: Il I l ISequential Test l None l ll t l I Analysis l H0t Shutdown (_ X l ll l I l l l l l

;l                                                                             l                         l                                                                    l                      l llSubmergencel                                                                           l                    l
-1           Cold Shutdown   lj(,1  ll 572' - 2"    l           598' - 11"    l             B     l            H-33 l                      l l

l  ! i N/A l None ll l l 1 l l l l l 1 l 1 I l

___. _ __ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ' 3 tcility 4D s-C;c00 Unit 1 h ockst 50-346 SYSTEM COMPCNENT EVALUATION WORKSHEET Index No.: 216H-066A reparGd by h, c5 Rev.s 7 -

            ' heck;d byt                                                                                                Date _ // /                          3
                                                                       ,gpfj                                            Date y/gp//s Th2 test subjected the valve motor operator to I hour at 329'F and 104.7 peia, then 2 hours at 312*F and 84 psia,                                                                                             .

7 then 2 hours at 287'F and 54.7 psia, then 19 hours at 256*F and 34.7 psia, and 250 *F and 29.7 psia for The6 temperature days and prcasure inside containment peak at 203*F and 52.0 psia in 17 and 50 seconds, resper-tively. . 218'F At I hourare the195' conditions are cnd at and 24 hours 32.7 the psia; at 3 hours conditions arethe 143*F conditions are 213*F and 31.7 palar at 5 hours the conditions and 17 pala. F and 27.7 psias The containment returns to ambient conditions in 7 days. cdre severe environment than that which would result from a postulated IDCA.orBared on this infor to an overall op rabia throughout the test and functional after the test, Since the valve motor operator remained functional during and af ter exposure to the accident environment which would result from the (Reference H, and X) . postulated G, IOC CAL-40 qualifies components tested in a high pH boric acid spray to a pH value of 5 i

                                                                                                                                                                                                              - _ _ - _                   _   - . _ _ - _}}